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Murder mystery, neko style.

Written by mi m'o.

It feels so…right sometimes…I'm not quite sure how exactly to describe it….

I know to take such pleasure in pain is a fault of the human spirit…the need to indulge the taboo…a desire for the adrenaline to start running, racing through the system…to feel that rush--that incredible experience after accomplishing the one thing you were always told was wrong.

I killed him.

And I think…

No…I know…

I liked it.

He's not the first. It's just, well…he was the most enjoyable.

I'd done it before--like I said, he wasn't the first, but…


Ningens just don't…struggle as much as they should.

Or I'm just that much stronger than they are.

Heh, probably the latter, ne? That's the way I was raised, after all. 'Survival of the fittest' and all that jazz.

Darwin must hate how his philosophy's been twisted.


Does that make me twisted…?

Do you think so? I mean, have you seen my family? Have you actually taken note of who my parents are?

Father's continuous nagging.

Mother's constant coddling.

Ototo's ceaseless…existence.

I think I liked father better when he was just a memory.

But then…that's all you are now, ne, Father? A mere memory--a hollow reminder of the thing you sought most to have acknowledged, most to aspire to.

The king of the dead.

But…anyhow…if you'd pardon my digression…















Always him.



Your heaven--I'll always be your heaven, ne…?

What? Haven't you ever seen a nail-biter before?

No, the irritation doesn't really bother me at all. It's like a nervous habit.

Well, yeah. Everybody has them, they're the things you do--me? No, I'm not nervous. What do I have to be nervous about?

Hmn? They said what?

Huh. Really. That's not what I was told. I was told there wasn't enough left of the body to make a proper identification.

But then, spontaneous combustion'll do that to a body.

Nani? How do I know if I wasn't there…? Who said I wasn't there? As far as I knew--oh…you meant…yeah, I know. Like I said, I was an easy out. I wasn't even supposed to be here, but as soon as I showed up…well…that's when everything went to shit.

The wire? Yeah. He asked me for some before I left the last time--about four months ago.

Home, why? No, not there. I was already living there. Why should there be two of me in one place--you know, that's supposed to be a scientific impossibility. Yeah, so if I ever got the urge to fuck him--eh? Nani? Doko? Oh, no. By home, I meant my time--my timeline. Yeah, time travel.


What are you snickering at?

Hn. You do not mock the next prince of Saiyans.

Saiyans? Well…this breed of…um…space monkey that my father…

Hn. Never mind. You already don't believe me. I suspected as much.

You know, I could leave at any time. You really can't hold me here--the only thing keeping me here at all is the fact I want to find out who did it as much as everyone else.

Backtrack? Right. So, anyway, yeah, he asked for it about four or five months ago. Seeing as it wasn't entirely essential to my present piece, I let him rummage through it all and take what he needed.

The wire? I used to play piano. It was something of a hobby, but then, like all things leisure based, it took a back seat to more important matters.

No. I didn't ask him what he was going to do with it. I kept it around to repair the bastard--the piano, I mean, when it would snap a--will you let me finish a sentence before--but he said I had the--

DAMMIT! You have NO RIGHT to keep me here! I haven't even….

Fine. Fuck you too. What d'I gotta do to get a straight answer out of someone around here…

Well, like I said, he wasn't my first, but he was certainly the most active participant…

And to think, I was told to stay away from him when I was younger.

But then again, Okaasan used to say, with that careless shake of her head, 'boys will be boys'.

Until they've got you on your knees…and then what have your innocent little angels turned into, ne…?

Can you blame me, though? I mean, honestly, can you point the finger and send me to hell for what I've done? It's not like anyone actually liked the man to begin with, right?

Present company excluded, of course.

Hmn. You know, of everyone, I think I liked talking to you the most, Otousan. After all, you have yet to talk back to me, to tell me I'm doing something wrong…

But then again…being dead'll do that to you….

My jacket? Where'd you get that?

I lost it the last time I was here.

Yes, here--this timeline.

No, I did not wear it to see him--I told you! I'm not even supposed to be here.

Yes, this timeline!

Will you shut up! What the hell are you--no, I'm fine. I'll admit to having my father's temper, but gods, why would I…suspect…

I'm a suspect. I told you it would be easy…if you call the kid, he'll veri--missing since when?

Two days…and when was…did you find the body…?

I see…

I'm all alone…

No. I'll…I'll wait. Yes. Yes. I'll be here, I'm not going anywhere…

What was that? What did he just say? No. No, you settle down! I'm not taking this bull anymore! I said I wasn't going anywhere--FUCK YOU! What the hell are you trying to prove? Who the hell is under investiga….

She did…


I can't…

What the hell is going on…? What am I missing…?

Yeah, I know that part. That's why I'm…oh, no…no…

Well where did you find her? What happened?

Parts…? Scattered…I…I…I-I-I…

I'm fine…I'll be…fine….

It's too bad she had to walk in on us, you know. I would have preferred her ignorance, but…well…you know what I mean, 'tousan? She always was so…loud.

Well…she got what she deserved. I know it was wrong of me, but--hey, at least I didn't kill her, too…!

She didn't touch me. She didn't deserve what he did.

I told him to stop.


I told him I didn't want to play like that anymore.

But you sa-said…

I told him I didn't want to be his toy any more.


To be his pet any more.


I didn't like liking it, 'tousan, but…what was I supposed to do? How else was I supposed to react? It's not like he ever gave me the choice, right? It's not like he ever did what I wanted to do. As long as he was satisfied--as long as I was in tears at the foot of the bed, he was content! I didn't want that! I didn't want him like that! I had to, Otousan! I had to tell him--tell him so he'd listen to me!

Otousan! He kept thinking I was you!!

He kept thinking I was…you…

But…I'm not…

And he wouldn't listen to me…he never listened…

But I fixed it so he would, and now…now it's…

Now…I'm all alone….

I know, I know. It's too fantastic to believe, but…it's true. I'm telling you the truth, I swear it.

Dammit! I told you! I didn't kill my father!

Nani? He was…how…how do you know? What did you find? Where--

You're kidding.

You shit me.

Goten? But he's just a kid. Yeah, like, fifteen, I think. Nan…

Father was…what?

He wouldn't do that! He would never do that! He may have been an asshole at times, but he would have never--

What proof? What proof do you think can…

The brat has potential. He needs to be honed.

Good gods…Goten-kun…I never…


I think…I think I need a drink…

Forced into place, his heritage challenged.


No. No, I'd only seen them together once, but I never would have imagined.

My…uh…brother's best friend. Hai. Yeah, they'd hang out all the time, but…nani? No, no I haven't. Last I knew, he was still living with his mother and father--his brother lives over in Thyme Town.

Wait, you…didn't…I mean, were there…you know…pieces…?

Good. Domo. No, I have no idea…

You will wish him well when you see him, won't you, Otousan? I mean, there were times we spent together that I actuallydid really enjoy it…

Hai…Hai Vegeta-sama…harder…

But then, if they had outnumbered the bad ones, well…

And you know what's great about it all…? I won't miss him. I used to think I might have. I used to think I wanted what he had to give, but…I…really didn't.

I didn't know that until I had the chance to try something different.

Tell him I promise to take good care of Trunks-kun. Tell him all my training won't go to waste, and that I'll use all the tools I have to please my…new prince as completely as my last.

But…I guess that would be cruel, ne? Rubbing it in his face like that, I mean.

Dammit! He should have stopped when I had told him to! He should have waited for me to feel better, at least…!

And you know what? I think I finally stopped feeling sorry for myself when he went super Saiyan.

The scent, I think. The blood as his 'princely' flesh was ripped to shreds…

If it's too thin and slick to catch hold of, it really will slice through most anything. I bet you dinnit know that.

It was a shame it had to be so messy, though. I hope Bulma-san will forgive the mess.

When she's released from the hospital, I mean.

Nani? Nanda!? Let go--LET GO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! I told you already! I told you I didn't kill him!

Nani! He what?!

No fucking way! I'm not even supposed to be here!

Fuck you! I refuse to--hey! Wha--let me go! I told you! I TOLD YOU!!

Fuck this.

Piss off, asshole. I didn't kill him! I wasn't even anywhere near there when it happened.


Wait…what about the kid--Goten was there! He was there…! He would know! He…he…he did it…Kami-sama…I know who it was--the kid! Goten! Son Goten! He was there! He would have been the only one who--

No! I tell you--what? He was…what?

But I wasn't there! I WAS NOT THERE!!

Fuck the evidence! There is no evidence! I'm telling you, I wasn't even near there!


Where was I? I…I…can't--oh, fuck you! Fuck you all! You wanna know where I was, fine. I was fucking that kid's father, is that better? I spent the entire day wrapped around the fucker--Son Gokuu. You want his address? You wanna know how many kids he has? Where his wife was while we were--yes! Dammit!

Oh, fuck this. I give in. You can't do this, I have an alibi. Call him. I dare you--give his house a call, right now.

Oh, I know he's home. It's dinnertime, after all…

I really should be going, Otousan--it's almost time for dinner, and I promised Trunks-kun I'd order pizza tonight. He likes to eat before it gets dark, and we'll still have to wait for the delivery guy. I think it's a psychological thing, but I wouldn't really be able to explain it--it's kinda twisted, you know?

Be sure to give Vegeta-san that message for me, ne? Tell him his heir is in good hands--the same hand that cared for him for all those years…he knows them. He'll remember.


Oyasumi, Otousan.




It's not true…

It can't be…I mean…I was just with him--just with him…

Come with you? What…I haven't left your side…I've been with you for the past four--no, I…I understand. I do. I know…

…But you can't believe I still…I was with you--how could I have done all this? The blood's still fresh!

What do you mean, 'how do I know'? Can't you smell it? Look at it! It's still…I'm going to be sick…I know I am. I--I can't be here any more. I need air.

Nerves? They're frazzled, why?

But I don't have a headache. I don't even take aspirin.

No, thank you. I'll pass on the pills, but some water would be fine…


I told you, the only person who could have done this is Goten--ess-oh-ehn-gee-oh-tee-ee-ehn. Could I have some more water, please? I suddenly feel rather…whoozy…


Yes. Fifteen, I think--a few years younger than my brother. Oh, excuse me. Uhm…I think he's home schooled. I'm not really sure, though. His mother? I'm…not sure. I would have thought her to be here…

A body? You want me to…identify…but I…I really don't…I think I need to sit down. I'm really not doing too well…yeah, dizzy. Lightheaded. Another cup? Yeah…


Look. I didn't murder my father--and I sure as hell would not have killed my lover! I know he was married! I know. I know. Alright, already! I know! No. She…she didn't know…about us…no…no malice. I doubt she could have done this; she wasn't Saiyan.

Yeah, those monkeys from earlier. Papa was their prince.

Of course you wouldn't see the coronation on television! What are you, daft? That's one of the most…re…ree-dic…stupid things I've ever heard…


I think…today's finally…catching up with me…I really don't feel…welll….

No…I just had four cups…cups…those pills. You put them in the water…didn't you. You did. You just…gave me something with…without my…permish--I don't care if they make you fly! I said no!

No! You calm down! I said I was innocent! What's wrong with you?! Are you deaf! Are you so self-righteous that you can't under…understah…unner…stad….

…no…you calm…dow…

'm…not 'ven s'psta beeee hr…

Konbanwa, Trunks-kun!

Hai! The pizza's on it's way. I decided on delivery tonight, instead of picking it--nani? Bulma-san? No…I haven't heard from her. No. Well, I'm sure she's fine, Trunks. She prob'ly hadda meeting or something to go to all of a sudden.

Oh! That reminds me! Otousan and Ouji-san have, eh…gone on a trip. I don't know when they'll be back, just that after I last talked to 'Tousan, he made it pretty clear that they were leaving--they had things to do…somewhere…he really wasn't that clear….

Yeah, I know ambiguity runs in the family--oh, hey! I bet that's the food! I'm starved! If you want some of this, man, you'd better hurry up, 'cause I'm about to bag it an' tag it…!


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