Are You There?
by Hinokumo     More by this Writer
Goku has some problems in his relationship with Vegeta. Piccolo decides to step in.

Chapter 03
Goku stepped outside of his old home, walking away from it slowly as if in a daze. The night sky above was littered with tiny pinpricks of stars like diamond dust scattered on a sheet of velvet. He looked up to the moonless sky, absently recognizing certain constellations while his brows furrowed in puzzlement.

The reaction he had received had not been the one he had been expecting and dreading. He stopped his trek across the lawn and took in a deep, calming breath of the night air, puffing it out again, letting it carry away his remaining anxiety. Chichi had not even put up a fight when he had told her that he wanted a divorce—which had surprised him greatly. At least until they sat down at the kitchen table and talked. Goku thought back and could not remember a time in their marriage when they had had such an adult conversation before. He laughed to himself, finding the whole situation strange. How do you tell your wife you're in love with someone else, and that someone else is a man?

It was a lot easier than he had thought it would be. Chichi apologized for her mistreatment over the years, explaining that when Goku had died, she had gotten over it and had moved on with her life. Then, when he had returned a year ago, she had not wanted things to go back to the way they had been in the past, and she had taken it out on him.

Goku snorted aloud and wondered why SHE had not asked for a divorce, instead of dragging things out. He sighed. None of that mattered anymore. He looked over to his right and found Piccolo leaning against a huge oak, patiently awaiting his return, and he smiled, heading in that direction.

"Dad, wait!"

Goku turned to see his older son Gohan running out of the house and toward him, waving his hands like mad.

"Gohan, what—oof!" he gasped when his son threw his arms around him, knocking the wind out of him.

"Dad, I'm sorry!" Gohan pulled back, his eyes glistening.

Goku's eyes widened. "For what, son?"

"For being such a dumb ass! I should have come home more, should have sensed how unhappy you both were—"

Goku pulled his son into another hug. "Gohan, it's all right now. This is just one of those things that happen sometimes and there's nothing you could have done to prevent it. I'm sorry things couldn't work out differently, but..."

Gohan stepped back and absently wiped his face. "Yeah, I know—I just didn't want you to go without telling you that." He glanced over at Piccolo.

"Umm, Gohan? How are you with this? Me being with Piccolo, I mean?"

Gohan turned back to his father. "Dad, you know I love you, and I've always looked up to Piccolo—I guess you could say I adopted him as my second father a long time ago." He grinned. "Besides that, it doesn't matter what I think—as long as you're happy." He looked back to the house. "And Goten will understand that, too. Just give him time."

Goku sighed, pulling the bag that held some of his belongings more securely over his shoulder. "All right. Thank you, Gohan. Umm, do you still want to spar with me later this week?"

"Yeah! I'll bring Goten along, too. We'll see how long you can last against the two of us," Gohan promised.

"Hah," Goku laughed. "Well, it's getting late. Good night, Gohan."

"Bye, Dad. Bye, Piccolo-san!" he said while waving to the Namek.

Piccolo smirked and returned the wave with two fingers, then joined Goku in the air, leading the way to their new home.

Goku blinked and looked around, taking in his surroundings. "I didn't know you meant here."

Piccolo looked down at him. "What? You thought I slept in the woods?" he asked with amusement in his voice.

"Well I… I mean, that is...anou," he stammered. "But Dende and Popo live here, too, Piccolo—where will we..." Goku abruptly shut his mouth when he saw the Earth's Kami and his friend approaching; he forced himself not to blush when Piccolo wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Hello, Goku! It's been awhile since I've seen you—how are you?" the young Namek asked.

"I'm fine. You've grown a lot, Dende!"

"Hai .I'm afraid at this rate I'll be as tall as Piccolo shortly," he laughed.

"And what's wrong with that?" Piccolo growled.

Dende waved the hand that was not holding his staff. "Nothing, Piccolo, just teasing. So, why are you and Goku here today?"

"Well—" Goku began.

"Goku is coming to live with me in my quarters. I trust this is not a problem?"

Dende blinked. "Ummm... no, it's not a problem. You know there's plenty of room, Piccolo. But Goku, why are you staying with Piccolo?"

"Eh-heh." For being the Earth's Kami, he certainly did not see everything. "We're mates now, Dende. I'm with Piccolo now." Goku nodded his head in his lover's direction.

Both Dende and Popo's mouths dropped. "What?! Since when?"

"Since now," Piccolo growled. "Now, if you don't mind...?"

Dende coughed and regained some of his composure. "Uh, sure Piccolo. We'll see you two later, then."

Piccolo nodded and began walking toward the main complex, one of Goku's hands in his own.

"Bye!" Goku waved with his free hand as he was practically drug along, leaving the other two to stare at them in their wake.

"I've never seen any of the rooms up here besides the training room, Piccolo," Goku commented cheerily as they walked down the white corridor, passing many doors along the way.

Piccolo smirked. "It's here," he said, stopping before one of the larger wooden doors and pushing them open.

Goku stood in the entrance gaping. "Sugoi..." he breathed. The main room was like a combination den/bedroom; ornately carved shelves held countless books; lush couches and chairs were scattered about along with tall, metal-wrought stands that held large burning candles. The light from a huge window mixed with the candles to illuminate the room, giving it a warm glow. There were two corridors that lead to what appeared to be a kitchen and an atrium before splitting and dividing into other hallways, their destinations a mystery.

Piccolo smiled, watching Goku take in his new surroundings with the innocent curiosity that was a part of the gentle Saiya-jin. It was only one of the many traits that Piccolo found attractive in his new mate. He did not have to wait long before Goku noticed the other side of the room.

"Wow! Your bed is huge!" Goku exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the immense bed, large pillows strewn haphazardly about its surface. He reached out and touched one of the huge bed posts, all four of them rising to the ceiling, intricate carvings decorating the dark wood. "Pretty," he murmured.

"I was just about to say the same thing," Piccolo whispered in his ear. Goku shivered, feeling the larger man's arms encircle his narrow waist.

"Piccolo," he sighed. "I'm not—"

He was silenced when Piccolo tilted his head and captured his mouth with a kiss. Goku moaned and turned within Piccolo's grasp to cling to the front of the other's gi. Heat rose in his cheeks, the thrusting maneuvers of Piccolo's tongue leaving very little to the imagination, his own tongue sliding intimately against his mate's as his shyness abated somewhat. They broke apart, Goku panting and Piccolo breathed, "No, you're right." He slid his thumbs over Goku's cheeks. "You're beautiful—MY bishounen," he growled possessively.

Goku blushed again. "And I'm going to ravage you now," Piccolo growled again, smirking when Goku gasped aloud and tried to retreat, only to run into one of the bedposts. Piccolo chuckled and pounced on his mate, grasping him firmly from behind and pulling his body against his own, placing his thigh between the other's legs as he did so.

"P-piccolo," he panted, grasping the Namek's purple gi even tighter, his arousal becoming instantly hard from his mate's stimulation.

Keeping his thigh in place against Goku's thrusting hips, Piccolo lowered his lips to taste the salty, spicy flavor of the flesh on his mate's neck, tracing his warm tongue over pulse points and feeling the vibrations from the moans that rose in the other's throat. Slowly, he brushed the pale blue gi off of Goku's shoulders and ran his palms over the exquisitely sculpted lines of his arms and chest, lingering on the sensitive pebbles of flesh until he could feel them harden under his touch. Goku arched against him, moaning, as Piccolo lightly scraped his nails over and around his nipples, sending tingling sparks of pleasure streaking down his body.

Piccolo continued to pet his mate's chest, placing his thumbs over the rosy buds and pressing, while at the same time, nibbling and growling softly into the Saiya-jin's ear. Goku cried out softly, his body moving against Piccolo's of its own accord, begging for more. Keeping his movements slow, Piccolo's hands wandered deliberately downward, tracing warm flesh and muscle, pausing momentarily to tease the dip in his abdomen, talons scraping ever so delicately.

"Piccolo," Goku moaned, his head leaning against the post behind his head, his hands still clinging to Piccolo's gi as the Namek began untying the belt at his waist. He gasped, a sudden wetness causing him to look down to catch Piccolo darting his tongue across his navel. He squirmed, the warm, thick tongue dipping inside, thrusting gently in and out and swirling around it in a very suggestive manner. Goku could not help but pant with raw arousal, and he noticed Piccolo's smirk as his gi pants were lowered from his hips and maneuvered off his frame till he stood gloriously nude before his lover.

"Beautiful," he heard the other whisper reverently and could not prevent the deeper spreading of scarlet across his features.

Piccolo grasped the narrow hips and slid his tongue along the dip of one hip bone, pressing against the sensitive flesh with lips and tongue and teeth, relishing in the panting cries of arousal it caused. He could also see that his mate was painfully aroused already, the heavy erection dark and twitching slightly from his nearby teasing. He glanced up from his kneeling position to look at his lover's face. Goku's body was pressed firmly against the post behind him, hips held firm by Piccolo's strong hands. His face was flushed crimson, his lips open as he panted, eyes dark and dilated with pleasure. Piccolo smiled again before quickly leaning in to scrape his purple tongue just above the base of his erection, and was rewarded with another harsh cry, Goku's hands reaching down to firmly grasp his wrists, his hips automatically attempting to flex.

Piccolo chuckled, but refused to give into Goku's need just yet. He bypassed the throbbing erection completely and continued down the inside of a quivering thigh.

"P-piccolo… hnn..." Goku panted and moved one of his hands toward his aching erection, the need for contact overwhelming his senses. He heard a growl just before both hands were caught at the wrists, kept firmly away from their destination.

"Mine," the Namek growled, on his feet once again.

Goku whimpered slightly and arched his now liberated hips, but was denied again, Piccolo moving his body out of reach. "Patience," he whispered before leaning in again to press his body flush with that of the shorter man's .Goku moaned, his lips parted slightly and Piccolo ran his tongue over the lush lower lip, taking it gently in his teeth, then delving inside the ambrosial warmth of the other's mouth, tongues gliding slickly against each other in silent battle.

With his nails, Piccolo began a slow journey that began at the back of Goku's thighs, up, and over his rounded cheeks, and ended at the sensitive mound of flesh at the base of his lover's spine. Piccolo grinned ferally when Goku screamed, his body arching against him wildly, and he scraped at the same spot again, this time with both hands. He was rewarded again with another desperate cry of pleasure and had to wrap his arms around Goku's waist when the Saiya-jin's legs gave out.

Still keeping one arm around that narrow waist, Piccolo's other hand explored lower, dipping between the curves of the Saiya-jin's buttocks to tease his entrance, circling sensuously over the nerves that surrounded it. Goku groaned again, his back arching to allow him better access. Piccolo traced his tongue along Goku's jaw to his ear, licking the delicate shell and whispering hoarsely, "Son."

"H-hai?" the other breathed breathlessly against him.

The Namek hugged him tightly and Goku gasped, his erection trapped between their bodies. "I love you. You're my mate," he growled into Goku's sable hair.

Goku could hear the uncertainty behind the declaration and he answered the unspoken question. "Hai, Piccolo, as you are mine," he breathed, then leaned forward to suckle the delicate curve of one elven ear. The Namek groaned and Goku could feel minute tremors move the larger frame; it seemed that his lover was fighting for control. Goku smiled a very Saiya-jin smile and redoubled his efforts, nibbling flesh with his teeth and pulling at the garments that separated him from his goal. He gasped when Piccolo suddenly let out a guttural snarl and he was suddenly lifted. The sheets of the bed caressed his naked back as Piccolo gently laid him down, absently knocking extra pillows out of the way as he did so. His arms were then lifted above his head and pressed firmly into the mattress, Piccolo's hands on his wrists. The Namek attacked his mouth with a voracious hunger, tasting him more deeply than before. Goku shuddered beneath him; he could feel his lover's hardened desire pressed against his own through the thin confines of the other's gi and he growled softly, lifting his hips in response.

Piccolo broke the kiss to stare down at the lust-filled eyes of his mate, panting from the movements of the body beneath him. He smirked, pressing firmly against Goku's wrists. "Stay," he said. He then proceeded to move off of the bed, lightly scraping his nails down Goku's arms and along his sides as he did so, chuckling softly when his lover squirmed.

In two swift movements, the Namek divested himself of his remaining clothes and returned to the bed, pausing to stare down at Goku. The Saiya-jin's whole body glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration, outlining perfect muscles and smooth, creamy skin that was tinged with the flush of desire. As per Piccolo's wishes, his arms remained above his head, but the hands were clenched into fists, betraying the difficulty in following the command. Piccolo smiled, his hands parting strong thighs to kneel on the bed before his mate, causing a quickening of breath, before leaning forward. He felt the body beneath him tense, every muscles screaming with anticipation, but he deliberately avoided Goku' swollen erection to trace, once again, the sensitive skin at his hip.

Goku groaned in disappointment and shuddered underneath him, the simplest thing such as keeping still was proving to be a very difficult task, especially when his lover was bent on tormenting him. "Please," he gasped between two delicate nips from Piccolo's teeth, his fists pressing back into the mattress.

"Yes," the Namek growled, suddenly grasping the smaller man's hips.

Goku's eyes widened and his back arched when his lover suddenly went down on him, enveloping his entire erection within the hot warmth of his mouth. "Aaaah!" Once, twice, three times he was stroked with tongue and gentle suction. And then, the mouth was gone completely and he twitched from the loss. "Piccolo!" he whined, needy, but as soon as the name left his mouth, it was followed by a loud gasp. Unable to restrain himself, he lifted himself up slightly on his elbows, watching with half-lidded eyes as the Namek teased his entrance with his tongue. He saw Piccolo smirk just before thrusting his purple tongue deep within Goku's body. "Oh, Kami!" he moaned, falling back against the bed as Piccolo intimately stroked his inner walls, occasionally striking that bundle of nerves that sent fire racing across his body. He moaned again, louder, grasping Piccolo's wrists where the Namek held his waist stationary, the rest of his body writhing with pleasure.

Piccolo found it was becoming a challenge to properly hold the Saiya-jin still and torment him at the same time, the moans above him becoming frenzied, along with the death grip that was around his wrists. Twisting his arms, he freed his hands and quickly turned his startled lover, who bucked slightly when the front of his body was pressed against the bed. The Namek then moved his left arm under and over the other's waist, using his alien abilities to wrap around the warm body twice, the hand coming to rest at the base of Goku's spine. He then lifted the panting Saiya-jin's hips and spread his creamy thighs with his right hand.

Goku dug his fingers into the sheets beside his head, gasping for breath and feeling very vulnerable and very aroused by his current position. "Haaa..." he panted when his lover's tongue entered him again, this time striking his prostate with deliberate accuracy. He tossed his head, crying out suddenly when Piccolo's right hand wrapped around his erection, stroking him a few times before coming to rest at the base, effectively preventing him from reaching his orgasm. He screamed into the sheets, unable to keep himself from thrashing in ecstasy when his mate began massaging his tailspot in the same rhythm as his tongue. White flashes of light flashed before his eyes and his body began trembling almost uncontrollably under the double assault, the heat building in his body and his groin, sweat glistening on his skin. Piccolo's hand held him firm, however, holding back his release, but only just. Abruptly, his lover stopped all his torment and simply held Goku still. "Nnnn... hnn—Piccolo?" he managed to gasp. The urgency of his need was abating somewhat, but he was still dangerously close, his erection heavy and weeping within Piccolo's grasp.

"Here," the Namek whispered in his ear, just before releasing his waist and lifting him to his knees, turning him to face him. Goku immediately wrapped his arms around the taller man's neck and attacked his mouth, pulling on the other's bottom lip with sharp canines before running his tongue against Piccolo's in a slick, wet dance. He moaned hungrily and rocked against him, almost mindless for want of friction.

Piccolo growled against the Saiya-jin's mouth, lifting his lover by the hips and pressing into his body slowly. Goku threw his head back, panting and moaning, trying to get the Namek to go faster, but Piccolo would not be distracted and he held him firm until he was fully sheathed within the heat of the Saiya-jin's body. He groaned aloud. So hot… He looked down between their bodies to see Goku was practically spurting and he decided to wait a little longer before moving, simply enjoying the heat and the pleasure of being inside his mate.

"Haa… please, move—Piccolo," Goku moaned, leaving a trail of breathless kisses and licks along pointed ears and face and neck, his fingers digging almost painfully into Piccolo's shoulders and back.

The Namek grinned ferally, eyes closed. "In a moment. Be still, Goku," he rumbled, concentrating on his body. Ever so slightly, he began channeling his growth ability to that part of his anatomy that was sheathed in the Saiya-jin's warmth; not two seconds passed before he heard the other gasp aloud and he opened his eyes, halting his body's change. Goku's eyes were huge, staring at him with undisguised shock. Piccolo smirked, then lifted Goku's hips slightly. The results were instant.


When Piccolo lowered the Saiya-jin over his erection again, the man screamed again with pleasure, so loud it almost hurt his sensitive ears. Piccolo growled softly and began a slow, steady rhythm, lifting and impaling his lover again and again, his new size filling his mate completely and causing an incredible amount of friction with only the slightest movement. Goku had wrapped both his arms and his legs around him in a grip so tight it almost hindered the Namek's ability to breathe. With every stroke, some of the Saiya-jin's seed escaped his body, mingling with the sweat from their bodies, slicking both their abdomens. Piccolo growled and groaned into his lover's ears, fighting his instincts to simply pound the smaller man senseless and keeping it very slow; up, pause, down, pause.

His mate was becoming very frustrated, however. "Piccolo!" he snarled/moaned. "Haa! ...yes ...yes! Please!"

Piccolo was just about to comply with Goku's wishes when the Saiya-jin's wandering mouth found one of his antennae and began suckling on it furiously. "Son!!" he bellowed, his body tightening and he suddenly exploded, spilling his seed into the other's warmth as waves of pleasure washed over him, leaving him gasping for breath.

He came back to himself a moment later to find Goku still fighting against the grip he had on the Saiya-jin's hips, whimpering and moaning and pleading for his own release. "Sssh," he soothed. "Goku, ssh—all right." He then wrapped a large hand firmly around his mate's erection and began stroking, his other hand resting on his tailspot.

"Oh! Yess! ...Aaa! Aaah! ...Piccolo!!" Goku screamed hoarsely, his entire body jerking as he rode out wave after wave of his intense orgasm.

Piccolo gently lowered them to the sheets beneath them, holding his mate as his muscles continued to shiver and twitch. He kissed the shorter man's brow, tasting the salt from their exertions, breathing in the man's wild, spicy scent. Finally, Goku stopped shivering and snuggled closer to his body, an exhausted, if not satisfied smile on his face. Piccolo smiled and dipped his head to kiss his mate. "Mine," he murmured for the third time.

Goku hugged him closer. "Yes. Love you, Piccolo," he whispered. He then closed his eyes and began a low, steady purr, lulling himself to sleep.

Piccolo simply lay there and watched his mate sleep, tracing his features gently with one hand. "And I you, Goku." With that, he closed his eyes and joined his love in dreams.



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