Fuzzy Lemon
by Hinokumo     More by this Writer
Vegeta is cooking some surprises for Goku.

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As Goku stepped out of the shower, he was greeted with the delicious aroma of something that was cooking in the kitchen. He sniffed the air, the towel he had been using to scrub his hair momentarily forgotten. "Mmmm...I wonder what Vegita's cooking?" he spoke aloud while quickly finishing drying off and changing into a pair of faded denim jeans and a burgundy, short-sleeved shirt that buttoned up the front. With a minimal amount of fidgeting, he got his tail to go through the whole in his pants. I'm still not used to this, he thought as he buttoned his jeans. His stomach growled in protest and the taller Saiya-jin decided to forget about shoes and just head straight to the kitchen. His usual grin widened just a fraction when he found his mate. The Saiya-jin prince was on his toes, grumbling to himself while simultaneously reaching for something in the cabinet and stirring food on the stove. He was also wearing jeans, though his were tighter than his mate's, and a plain, white t-shirt.

Goku chuckled and reached over Vegita's head. "Here, let me get it."

Vegita growled, but allowed him to pull down the bottle he had been trying to reach. He would have levitated, but that would have meant leaving the stove unattended. "Hn," he grunted in acknowledgement as Goku handed him the container of curry. He gave his mate a quick once over, admiring his attire, before going back to work.

"Whatcha cooking, Vegita? It smells good—I'm starving!" He emphasized this statement by rubbing his washboard abs.

Vegita smirked at him, pretending not to watch the Saiya-jin's hand move over his abdomen. "You're always hungry, Kakarotto. It's a wonder you never starved to death during any of our fights with our enemies." A flicker of movement caught his eye. "I see you still can't control that thing."

Goku gave him a blank look before Vegita pointed behind him, to his tail. He flushed slightly. "Anou...I haven't had one for a long time, Vegita. I...kinda forgot how to." He stuck a hand behind his head.

Vegita chuckled and went back to cooking, Goku silently watching him. The prince mentally sighed. It had been a week. A week since the taller Saiya-jin had somehow re-grown his tail. It had happened during one of their more...extreme sessions of lovemaking. And it had been a full moon that night. He had to suppress a laugh when he remembered how Goku had reacted. He had panicked, practically hiding under the covers and refusing to come out, mumbling about not wanting to transform and step on anyone. Vegita had made sure that the curtains were pulled and, after a considerable amount of coaxing, had calmed his mate. But he refused to let anyone touch the blasted appendage, not even his mate. Vegita did growl softly at that, drawing Goku's attention. He had explained that Goku could control the transformation and had even offered to help him with it, but his mate still refused to step outside at night and he was very protective of his tail, more times than not tucking it into his clothes to hide it from view. Vegita was getting rather tired of it. He did not have his tail back—yet—but he was going to teach his mate a few things about Saiya-jin anatomy—

He startled when Goku suddenly nuzzled him from behind. He had been too absorbed in his thoughts to notice his mate's movement. "Kakarotto."

"Hmm?" he asked while nibbling his ear.

Vegita shivered, then regained control. He pointed to the counter. "You. There. NOW."

Goku pouted.

"I'm going to finish cooking and then we're going to eat it and THEN we can play, so don't give me that look 'cause it's not going to work on me. You know I hate cooking."

With a disappointed sigh, Goku went to sit on the counter, his long legs dangly over the edge, and watched Vegita's every move. Vegita smirked. Oh, yes. This was going to be fun. He stole a quick glance, sizing up his prey. He finished stirring the concoction he'd put together, then turned off the burner and put it to the side. He then moved to stand in front of his mate, between his legs, and pulled his head down for a kiss.

He could feel the taller Saiya-jin sigh into his mouth and wrap his arms around his neck to rest on his shoulders. Vegita nipped at his bottom lip and began unbuttoning the burgundy shirt, anxious to get his hands on the warm flesh underneath. Goku arched into his touch as his hand brushed over a nipple, the sensitive little bud of flesh becoming hard under his ministrations. Vegita growled and licked his way down his mate's throat, loving the purr he could feel vibrating through the skin. He could feel his mate's arousal against his abdomen, the denim doing very little to hide it. Vegita hid a smile against Goku's chest as he slowly brought his hands around his mate, rubbing his back in concentric circles and working his way down. Then, in one swift movement he wrapped both hands around the base of Goku's tail.

"Vegita!" Goku cried out in alarm as his body instinctively froze, fingernails digging into Vegita's back. Vegita simply suckled one of Goku's nipples, his hands perfectly still, but still holding the appendage firmly. He could feel minute tremors wracking his mate's body. He was afraid. The prince would fix that. He gently began to stroke and ruffle the furry appendage.

"Ooh!" Goku cried out again, this time in both shock and pleasure, his head jerking back swiftly to slam into the bottom of one of the cabinets. Splinters of wood and white powder went flying in all directions, completely unnoticed by the two Saiya-jins.

Vegita growled again as his mate's hips began to rock, the movement arousing him further. He glanced up at Goku and had to suppress a laugh. The man was coated with what smelled like a thin layer of powdered sugar. His eyes were heavy and his cheeks were flushed with pleasure, his mouth slightly agape as he panted. Vegita moved one hand from Goku's tail to the back of his head, devouring his mouth with another kiss, all the while continuing to stroke his tail.

"Hnnnn...please....oh..." Goku moaned, his body moving of it's own accord as pleasure ran through his body in electrifying waves. He hadn't known it would be like this.... He knew he should have, all their experimentations in bed showing their tail spots to be very erogenous zones, but all he had ever known as a child was that letting people touch his tail hurt. He gasped again as Vegita's hand shifted nearly down to the tip and back. This definitely did not hurt...

Vegita smiled, seeing that his efforts were not going to waste. He quickly unbuttoned his mate's jeans, yanking them down with extreme impatience before leaning down to run his tongue against Goku's stomach, tasting the sweet, white powder mixed with his mate's musky scent. His fingers continued to work the other man's tail, which in turn caused a constant bucking of his hips. Not to mention the noises he was making.

The prince suddenly stepped back and his mate almost fell off the counter in shock. "Vegita?" he panted, confusion showing on his face.

"Kakarotto. Do you wish me to continue?" he asked while removing his own clothes at an alarming rate.

Goku stared at him like he had just stated that Piccolo was pregnant.

Vegita smirked and stood directly before him again, but did not touch him. "Well?" He moved closer, till his stomach made light contact with Goku's throbbing arousal, wringing another gasp.

"Haaa...yes! Vegita...."

Vegita growled and reached for the other Saiya-jin, pulling him off the counter and wrapping his legs around him. He slowly brought both of them to the floor, himself kneeling while Goku straddled his thighs. He teased his mate's tail with his right hand, while his left went between Goku's thighs to tease his entrance. Goku moaned and thrust against both his abdomen and his fingers wantonly, hands clinging to the prince's hair and to his back as he nibbled the taller Saiya-jin's chest with an almost vicious force, leaving red marks in his wake.

Goku gasped as he felt Vegita stretch him, the sensations that were coming from his tail making it difficult to concentrate on anything except the pleasure. He almost didn't feel his mate position him over his erection and enter his tight body until Vegita hit his prostate. At the same time, both of Vegita's hands began to roughly stroke his tail. "Ooh !Kami, yeeeessss! Vegita....more..." he cried out, pulling himself up then back down to meet his lover's thrusts with an animalistic violence.

The prince could hardly breathe, the constant friction of his mate's body around his arousal nearly making his vision go white with pleasure. He moaned with each buck of Goku's body and devoured every incoherent scream of pleasure that came from his mate's mouth. Kami, the Saiya-jin's moans alone were enough to drive one mad.

There was nothing but the constant sounds of their lovemaking and the cool tiles below them, the pleasure they were giving and taking from one another rising in ecstatic waves. Vegita felt himself getting close, his breath coming in short gasps. He reached around with one hand and began to stroke his lover's erection along with his tail, and was rewarded with a loud scream of pleasure as Goku climaxed, his body jerking again and again as he rode out his pleasure. The prince soon followed, burying his own cry of release by sinking his teeth into Goku's shoulder.

With an exhausted sigh, both Saiya-jins collapsed to the kitchen floor, sweaty and sticky after their activities, but both too tired to care. Vegita pulled his mate to his body, stroking the back of his neck and kissing him almost chastely. Goku sighed.

"See, Kakarotto...I told you it would not hurt."

"Is that what that was for?" Goku asked.

"Yes and no. I wanted you to not be afraid of your Saiya-jin nature, but I also wanted take you. Call it payback for that little stunt you pulled last month." Vegita smirked.

Goku chuckled. "Hmmm...good one. Anou—" he paused as his stomach growled, then flushed. "Can we eat now?"

The prince simply stared at him. Goku blinked. "Nani?" he asked as Vegita grinned devilishly.

"Hnnn...in a minute."

Goku started to pout. "But whyiiiiiiiieeeeee! Haaa! Vegita!"

Vegita smirked as he continued to ruffle the fur on his mate's tail. "Well, look what we have here. I do not believe that's your stomach I feel, Kakarotto." He leaned down to claim his mouth again. "We'll eat dessert first, this time, Kakarotto," he purred then began to please his lover again. Yes, he'd get his tail back soon. But until then, he was going to have fun taking advantage of his mate's weakness. Lots of fun, he amended, seeing the flushed expression on Goku's face.



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