by Hinokumo     More by this Writer
Turles come back to take a very special revenge on Goku.
Group Sex

Author's Notes: Lemme see..... THIS IS NOT A G/V!!! Well, not really, anyways:D Syldana and Ran voted for this Seme person, so I guess I should dedicate it to them:D They also helped me decide a title. To Larania for sporking me, and to Zab, who I decided to be nice to and grant her wish for a little extra action with her favorite Saiya-jin. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZAB!

Musaboru = to covet; to indulge in; to deeply desire; to lust insatiably for


The day had started as any other, a routine that was repeated day in and day out, but was far from monotonous. Everyday the last two full-blooded Saiya-jins awoke early, whether at Capsule Corps, Goku on the couch; at Son's house in the mountains, Goku on the couch; and occasionally, each in their own separate dwelling. After a rather large breakfast, they met in the wilderness and for hours on end endeavored to beat the shit out of each other, neither willing to accept defeat or show sign of tiring...which is why they often ended up crashing at whichever house Goku happened to teleport them to first, the taller Saiya-jin usually too tired to repeat the technique after hours of rigorous training.

This morning found Goku newly awakened, fresh, and in the kitchen making coffee and one of the few items of food he could cook. Toast. Lots and lots of toast. Vegita was still upstairs, sleeping in his bed, dawn having yet to break over the valley's horizon. The tall Saiya-jin stopped his humming for a moment, a strange sensation washing over him, a tingling that traveled down his spine with relentless intent. He merely stood still, listening to the sound of butter sizzling and the few morning birds that had begun to sing outside. He almost felt like... Like he was being watched.

He knew the idea was ridiculous, that Vegita would laugh at him, but he had been having these strange feelings for weeks now. No one could spy on a Saiya-jin without him knowing it. His spine tingled again, this time it felt like a warm flush that moved down his back...strange.

"Kakarotto! What the hell are you burning down there?!" Vegita's voice suddenly bellowed from upstairs.

"Aah! The toast! The toast!" he wailed, fanning the burnt substance, his earlier unease completely forgotten. And so began another day.

Dark eyes watched from the shadows.


Later that day, both Saiya-jins returned to Goku's house, the younger man having offered to cook dinner since they had not completely exhausted each other. Vegita had snorted loudly at the very idea of the man trying to cook more than the basics, but had not disagreed. He had moved to sit on the couch, beer in hand, while Goku went about his merry way of destroying the kitchen.

'Hnnn. We'll probably end up going into town to buy more groceries,' the prince thought wryly.

Goku was at the island, preparing to make a salad, when a sudden burning sensation began at his lower back. He gasped almost inaudibly, grasping the counter tightly, bending over. 'What...?'

Then he screamed as white-hot agony tore through his body and he fell to his side, vision going black from the pain. He vaguely heard Vegita's cry of alarm, then hands were gripping his shoulders, shaking him.


Goku blinked up at the prince, the pain suddenly gone. "Vegita? Nnn... What was that?" he asked, standing shakily. Vegita stood back as the other man recovered, annoyance and concern warring on his features. Goku still clung heavily to the counter, as if afraid that he would fall if he did not have something to aid him with his balance. Then he saw it--at the exact moment Goku did. "Eeehh!!??"

The taller Saiya-jin looked over his shoulder in shock at the fuzzy brown-black tail that twitched back and forth behind him. He wriggled his backside slightly, clumsily trying to move the newly re-grown appendage. "Ve-Vegita! Look, I have my--aaaah!"

Vegita had been staring at the other's tail all the while the baka had been trying to control it. Anger welled up within the prince, a burning envy and hate that he had not felt for some time, as he moved toward Goku. How? The baka had lost his tail a long time ago, as had he himself! It should not be able to grow back! And yet, there it was, swishing back and forth, totally oblivious to its owners attempts to command it. He growled loudly. HE should have been the one! Why did the Earth Saiya-jin always find a way to best him!?

A strangled whimper finally broke through his haze of anger and he looked for the source of the sound...and jumped back from Goku with a gasp of alarm. He...he had unknowingly been gripping the other Saiya-jin's tail in his hand, nearly crushing the delicate skeletal structure of the appendage in his blind rage. "Ka-kakarotto?"

The younger man lay on the kitchen floor, curled into a fetal position, long lashes nearly touching pale cheeks as he gasped for air, barely conscious. Kami, what had he done? The prince stumbled backwards, shocked by his own impulsiveness, and fled house.

******* broke through, forcing him fully conscious once again, and he gasped aloud, lying numbly on the floor. He groaned, wanting to get off the cold tiles, but was too afraid to move. Kami, it hurt... He shut his eyes, willing it to go away, taking long, deep breaths of air. Slowly, the pain ebbed away, leaving a blessed numbness in its wake. As he began to drift, he felt strong, gentle arms lift him into the air, holding him in a soft embrace. So warm...

Soft sheets caressed his skin as he was lowered to what he absently hoped was his bed. In the darkness and the warmth of the other's embrace, he felt himself dozing, his body demanding he sleep. Large hands brushed his hair and back in soothing circles and Goku snuggled closer, unconsciously beginning to purr. A deeper rumble answered his own. The delicate caresses continued down his back, to just above his hips, and Goku moaned as a sudden spark of pleasure spread across his body. Another followed, and he was soon bucking his hips, the unaccustomed pleasure overwhelming.

Goku's eyes suddenly snapped open and he saw who was touching him. He let out a panicked gasp. "Turles?!" He then tried to stumble backwards, but was held firmly in the other's grasp. The near-duplicate visage of himself merely smiled down at him, a hunger shining in his eyes that nearly sent the other Saiya-jin into a panic. Too strong--where was Vegita? Wait, no--not stronger!

Goku growled suddenly and began to raise his power. Turles could not harm him if he was a Super Saiya-jin! A split second later, he went completely rigid when the tan Saiya-jin gripped the base of his tail as squeezed ever so slightly, just enough to cause a minimum of pain. Goku gasped. "N-nn-no," he panted, then tried again. He would not be beaten, killed by this maniac simply because he had grown his tail back. They rolled on the bed, Goku fighting to get out of the other's grip, but Turles held fast, not really increasing the pressure on his tail, but a far cry from releasing it. They ended up kneeling before one another a split second before Goku had a revelation and whipped his hands behind the taller, darker version of himself to grip his tail and squeeze.

Turles grunted slightly with pain, and tightened his hands on Goku's tail as well. Goku glared up into his eyes, fear and anger and desperation shining out of his inky depths. Turles grinned at him. "Ah, you always were presumptuous, Kakarotto," he said softly, both men increasing their holds. Turles squeezed harder.

"Haaa," Goku moaned weakly and collapsed against the other man, no longer able to endure the pain that the unaccustomed tail was causing. His arms fell to his sides and he squeezed his eyes shut. The grip on his tail lessened to a more tolerable level, but he knew that if he moved again, he would be punished. He stiffened when he felt and heard a chuckle, and one large hand began to caress his back again. He felt Turles power spike ever so slightly and he could not suppress the shiver that wracked his frame. He was going to die...he was going to die a horrible, painful death, and all because of something he never wanted in the first place! "I-if you want to... to kill me, then fight me, you coward..." he gasped.

Turles laughed again and surprised his captive by laying them back on their sides, facing one another. "Kakarotto, when have I ever wanted to kill you?" he asked in amusement.

Goku glared at him. "The tree--you tried to kill the whole planet!"

Turles' smile faltered. "Yes, I did use the tree, Kakarotto...and at the time, it was the only thing I could do, but you changed that."

Goku stiffened. "What do you mean? I stopped you, yes."

A shake of a head. "No, you don't understand. I was on a mission."

"Yes, to rule the universe at the cost of millions!"

"No, to destroy the universe's greatest enemy, Frieza."

Goku blinked at him. "N-nani?"

"Yes, you heard me. I planned to use the fruit to kill the and your planet was at the time, unfortunately, expendable in my eyes. But as I said, you've changed that." He smiled seductively at Goku.

The other man's curiosity was only slightly deterred by that gaze. "How do you mean?"

"Well, you killed Frieza, did you not? And saved your planet, your universe?"

A hesitant, "Hai."

Turles' free hand began caressing the other Saiya-jin's back again, and he leaned in closer. "You want to know how I'm alive, don't you?"

Goku flushed, that warmth spreading up from the base of his spine again. "Hai."

"The fruit, and the spirit bomb combined. I did not die, not completely. I've lain dormant for sometime, the earth and her energy slowly rebuilding me, and through it, I was able to see and hear things... I've been watching you for years, unable to do anything until a few weeks ago, when I was completely healed." Turles subtly threaded his fingers through the fur of the other Saiya-jin's tail, acutely aware of the blush that was spreading across his features.

Goku finally seemed to realize what he was doing to his tail pushed at his chest. "Stop."

Turles answered by wrapping both hands around the base of Goku's tail and stroking it roughly in long, even movements. The paler man moaned, gripping Turles' biceps and arching against him. "This is what I want, Kakarotto," he growled huskily.

"W-what?" he gasped, still struggling, but unable to keep his body from writhing.

"I want you. I want to hear you scream with pleasure and I want to make you come over and over again," Turles confessed with a growl and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"N-no! Why? Ooh!"

Turles began shredding both of their garments with one hand, pressing soft flesh against hard muscle, pleasuring Goku with long caresses. "Because, after all these years of watching you, seeing you fight, and love, and...die...I realized how much I wanted you." He continued to stoke the furry appendage with one hand, and the other scratched around the base of Goku's tail, causing him to moan and buck wildly in his arms. "Agree to stay with me, just this night," he whispered into his ear.

"Nnnn...aaah...can't..." Goku panted, still confused as to the other Saiya-jin's reasoning, but too distracted to dwell deeply on it.

Turles licked the delicate shell of Goku's ear, then whispered, "Very well, but before I go, I will satisfy you."

Goku was about to ask what he was talking about when he was pulled firmly against the larger man's body and his tail was stroked from tip to base in quick, calculating stokes, the dark fur fluffing out. White-hot pleasure streaked directly to his groin, and he screamed, unconsciously pressing even closer to Turles, bucking his hips in wild abandon as he writhed in ecstasy. He felt it building, and he wailed, his cock so hard it hurt, forgetting everything but his need. With one final stroke, he was there, he body bouncing of its own accord, thrashing as he spilt his seed between their naked bodies. "Oh kami! Yes! Yes! Aah!"

Spent, he melted weakly within the darker man's embrace, panting and gasping for breath. Turles nuzzled his hair, hands reverently skimming across his back and down his trembling arms. A wet tongue began exploring the planes of his visage, stroking and tasting spice and salt. Goku could not contain the moan of pleasure that escaped his throat when his doppelganger began a slow, sensual invasion of his mouth, licking and nipping at his lips. He did not even notice that the hand that had held him captive was now buried within the dark strands of his hair, pulling him even closer.

Somewhat reluctantly, Turles pulled away, ebony eyes meeting each other. "Hnnnn," he sighed, a deep rumble that sent shivers down Goku's spine. "You are quite delectable, Kakarotto," he purred. "But since you don't want anything more, this is where I say goodbye." He leaned in once more for a quick kiss, inhaling deeply the intoxicating scent of the younger man, then swiftly rose and walked away.

Goku merely lay there on the bed, stunned, unable to assimilate all that had happened in the last few minutes. He looked down at himself, the milky stain of his pleasure still warm against his stomach and thighs. Kami...simply thinking about it made him swell again. Reacting on instinct alone, he sprang from the bed and out into the hallway. "Turles!?" he called, cringing at the sound of his voice in the silent house. Nothing. He gasped, not knowing why he felt panicked at the thought of the other Saiya-jin leaving, only following his emotions as they carried him down the stairs in a haste borne only of idiots and of superhumans. His tail flicked in agitation, coiling and uncoiling as he reached out, searching for the other's ki...

But he was gone. Goku's tail stopped its frantic movements and dropped, hanging limp with disappointment and regret. Turles had survived...and had changed. His confession of desire had been startling, but the more Goku thought about it, the less disconcerting the concept became. Turles had returned to make amends in his own way... And he had pushed him away. Goku sighed and turned to go back to bed, thoroughly convinced it was one of the strangest, and worst nights he had had in awhile.


Goku spun to find Turles standing not five feet from him. How? The tanned Saiya-jin moved to stand within a breath of him, the warmth of their bare flesh feeding off each other, building and rising.

A hot whisper against his lips. "Did you change your mind?"

Goku trembled, heat rising in his cheeks and in his groin, the proximity and musky scent of the other man nearly overwhelming him. He swallowed. "H-hai."

Turles smiled, lust and desire shining brightly from his eyes, and he leaned in, capturing Goku's mouth with his own, pulling the slightly smaller frame against his own. A muffled moan escaped both their throats. This time there were no walls between them, no restrictions, and Turles greedily let both his hands and his tail pet and stroke and tease every inch of flesh he could, determined to create all sorts of noises from his lover. He pushed them against the wall, wrapping Goku's pale thighs around his waist, and ground their hips together in uncontrolled lust, his fingers tightly gripping and massaging his lover's backside. His tail coiled around Goku's once, twice, and tugged ever-so-gently, wringing a howl of pleasure from its owner. Turles smiled against his neck and sought to drive him even more insane.

Gasping for breath, Goku flexed his hips even harder, trying to increase that glorious slick friction. "Turles," he moaned, feeling the hand on his hip slide between his cheeks, brushing tantalizingly against his entrance. A low growl answered his plea, rumbling against his chest, the resulting shivers makes his nipples harden. He spread his legs even more as one, then two digits slowly worked their way inside him, stretching him, absently striking that one spot. Goku's head went back to rest against the wall, his tongue coiling in and out of his mouth as he moaned and gasped in unrepentant ecstasy, bucking in Turles arms.

Turles growled, the lustful sight nearly too much for him. He freed his tail, and while continuing to work the younger man, brought the tip of his tail to Goku's open mouth. Dark, passion-filled eyes looked down at him questioningly for a moment, then the Saiya-jin accepted his offer, taking the tip of Turles' tail in his mouth and sucking gently on the appendage. The larger Saiya-jin gasped and tightened his hold on his lover, pressing their arousals tightly together while watching more of himself being taken into his mouth. "Ka-kakarotto..."

Goku moaned around the tip of Turles' tail, noticing the shiver that wracked his frame. They were both incredibly hard and leaking, and neither would stand up to too much teasing. Turles must have known this as well, because he suddenly snapped his tail away from his mouth and moved it down and behind Goku's back. At first, he was going to question what he was going to do, but then he felt the thick, furry appendage replacing fingers and pushing insistently past the tight rings of muscle. Goku screamed in pleasure and pain, the tail's entrance stretching him completely. For several moments neither moved, Turles allowing him to adjust. Then the tail moved partially out, then thrust deeply into him. "Oh, Kami!" He grasped frantically at his lover as he was stroked again and again from the inside, howling from the overwhelming friction against his prostate. "Yes!"

After about a minute of slow stimulation, Goku was at the brink of no return, words no longer even possible, his language having been reduced to incoherent screams and moans. Turles could take it no longer, quickly removing his tail and using Goku's hips as a brace as he finally thrust into his lover's warm heat. The dark-skinned Saiya-jin snarled with pleasure, biting down on swollen teats as he rode the other man hard, bucking against him with animalistic excitement. Pictures fell from the walls as he continued to pound into his pale double, but neither noticed, Turles spreading creamy thighs even more, thrusting with incredible speed, making sure to brutally strike his lover's pleasure center.

With a final cry, Goku spasmed uncontrollably within Turles' grasp, his orgasm nearly painful in its intensity as he sprayed both of them with his passion, twitching again and again. He was only vaguely aware of Turles' answering scream, hot warmth exploding and emptying within his body. With a sigh, both bodies sank to the carpeted floor, sweaty limbs and tails entangled as a wave of satiated exhaustion washed over both Saiya-jins. Turles captured his lover's mouth once more, then pulled him against his chest as they both drifted off to dream.


Dawn found the Saiya-jin prince pacing back and forth across the tiled surface of the gravity chamber, a jumble of emotions flickering across his regal features at an alarming rate. Damnit, what was he going to do? After what had happened last night, he felt so...

Vegita snarled suddenly, hours of frustration and fear and anger and doubt finally erupting in the form of pure energy as the Saiya-jin no Ouji screamed to SSJ. Inhuman speed propelled him out of the gravity chamber and into the air, his destination clear in both his mind and his heart, but neither willing to acknowledge it. As he neared the home of the younger Saiya-jin, however, he slowed considerably, dropping out of his golden form. Dread began to dance at the corners of his mind, whispering many possibilities, most of which were unpleasant.

He had not meant to hurt Kakarotto, he reasoned with himself. It had just been such a shock, seeing the Earth-bred Saiya-jin with a tail for the first time... It brought back memories of home, when he had been amongst his own people, free to cause chaos and destruction in any part of the universe he saw fit. But Kakarotto was all that was left of his people, and a third-class at that. A third-class that was the only person that could come close to kicking his ass and that was the closest thing to a friend the prince had ever had.


The word left him as a sigh, a soothing whisper that escaped his lips just as he joined the dawn in breaking over the mountain range that surrounded Son's home. He lifted his chin in resolution. He would not back down from this. With a lithe grace, the prince descended to the doorstep of his old rival, straightened his back, lifted his hand to knock--and nearly fell flat on his face when the door swung open with the first touch of his hand.

"What the?" he mumbled out loud. Why was the door to his house already open? He frowned, stepping inside cautiously. What if he had seriously injured the other man last night and he still lay on the kitchen floor? Vegita's eyes widened in alarm and he made a mad dash for the kitchen, dreading what he would find.

And find something he did. Vegita stood in the doorway, completely frozen, mouth hanging open in shock as he watched Goku being seduced by...himself? The prince gaped at the spectacle before him, Goku pressing his double against the counter, naked flesh moving in a slow, sensuous dance. A low moan of pleasure startled the prince out of his daze and he snarled with embarrassment and disbelief. "Kakarotto! What the hell are you doing?!"

Both figures jumped in surprise and the one against the counter gasped aloud, blushing furiously. "Vegita!"

Vegita gestured wildly. "What--what the fuck are you doing?"

"What does it look like," the other Goku purred and reached to stroke the base of the other's tail, smirking when he gasped and writhed against him.

"K-kakarotto! Stop that! Do you hear me?! I demand that you re-fuse yourself at once!"

"...haaa... N?"

The prince continued his outraged tirade, face red with anger and mortification. "How could you possibly do something I cannot believe you would do something vulgar as to split-form yourself for pleasure!"

"What?" Goku demanded, panting again as Turles ruffled the fur of his tail. "Turles, please stop!"

"Fuck, this is so fucking...what?" the prince stopped and looked more closely at the couple. He had not noticed it before in his panic, but now that he took a closer look, he could see definite differences. Skin color, for one thing. The complexion of the Goku on the counter was paler, his skin a honey-cream, while the other was dark, his flesh a cinnamon tan. "Turles?" he asked with growing anger and suspicion.

"Hnn, what of it, Ouji?" Turles smirked, his tail twisting in lazy circles. He leaned in to lick his mate's chin, all the while keeping one eye on the prince.

Goku could practically see Vegita's hair fluff out in rage and he struggled against his lover to stand. "Vegita, please let me explain!"

That was the other thing. The smirk. Kakarotto never wore that kind of smirk. "Kakarotto! Who is this baka yarou?" Fists and jaws clenched.

Goku wiggled off the counter to stand at Turles' side, twisting his hands, but keeping his back straight. "He is my lover, Vegita."

A flash of something flickered across the prince's features. "N-nani? Aikouka?"

"Hai. Last night, after you left..." Goku trailed off at the look of hurt on the prince's face, a look that Turles noticed as well.

"Kakarotto...I..." Suddenly, Vegita shifted his gaze to Turles. "You," he growled, taking a step forward. "Saiya-jin or not, I will kill you for what you've done."

Turles tensed, knowing physically he was no match for the smaller Saiya-jin, and growled lowly in his throat. Both men dropped into defensive positions and prepared for battle.

"No!" Both Saiya-jins blinked when Goku stepped between them, fury blazing from his eyes. Both Turles and Vegita let their eyes wander down the other man's body, greedily taking in every feature before they locked eyes again. Turles relaxed his posture and gave Vegita a lop-sided grin.

Vegita blinked up, realizing that Goku had moved to stand right in front of him, glaring angrily down at the prince. "Vegita," the younger Saiya-jin began, "I won't let you hurt him."

Without thinking, the Saiya-jin prince inhaled deeply, taking in the alluring, spicy scent that seemed to radiate from the other man's flesh. The heat of passion, of anger, seemed to roll off the taller Saiya-jin, warming the prince's own flesh, painting color across his cheeks. Vegita let out a gasp of air that was almost a pant and trembled, fighting with his own body to resist the temptation to reach out and touch him.

"Ouji," Turles said from behind Goku, stepping closer to them. "Perhaps we can reach some sort of understanding?"

Vegita glared at him for a moment, jealously sparking to full flame at seeing the lust for the other Saiya-jin shining brightly in his eyes. "Such as?"

Turles smirked, taking a step closer and snatching the end of Goku's twitching tail. His mate gasped in alarm and arousal and Turles chuckled at the expression on Vegita's face. "You get that side, I get this side?" he suggested with a smirk, running a tan hand down his own chest seductively and playing with Goku's tail with his other hand.

"Nani?!" the other men echoed, eyes wide.

"Ha, don't try to deny it--I know you want each other." Turles was closer now and ran a hand down his lover's back. "I'm not blind. I can see it in the way you look at each other's asses."

"Turles!" Goku gasped, appalled.

"I do not!" Vegita protested a little too loudly.

Turles chuckled, resting his chin on Goku's shoulder. "Please, Ouji--you're still hard from seeing us against the counter. Spandex hides very little, you know." He pointed down to the obvious bulge covered in blue cloth.

Vegita swallowed loudly, his mouth suddenly dry. He looked up at Goku, who was flushed and trembling. Kami, they looked so much alike. "Kakarotto?"


"I'm...I're tail--I didn't mean to hurt you," he said quickly.

Goku's dilated eyes looked warmly at him. "Ah, I know, Vegita."

"Good." With that the prince grabbed the back of Goku's head and pulled him down to capture his lips for the first time, pressing their bodies taunt against one another. Turles was still there, but...

What the hell, he decided.

Goku wrapped his arms tightly around his prince, purring with delight as they waged war with their tongues, their hips gently rocking against one another. He never would have imagined Vegita felt this way about him, but here they were, together, and with his new lover instigating it, no less. He could feel Turles' rumbling purr echo his own and large hands slid down his sides, skimming his hips and kneading his flesh. Turles gave a low, impatient growl and pressed his hardness against his lover's lower back, announcing his eagerness. Goku panted and began clumsily tearing at Vegita's clothing, ripping and pulling at the clingy material.

Vegita chuckled and assisted him in the task, just as eager to feel flesh on flesh. He gasped when the taller Saiya-jin snarled and suddenly grabbed him by his backside, lifting him off the ground and thrusting their hips together, hardened lengths pressed painfully between them. Vegita moaned and arched against him, wrapping strong calves around his waist. Insistent fingers danced around his entrance, pressing in to stretch the tight rings and he rocked against them, even as he thrust his tongue into Goku's mouth, the unusual aggressive behavior arousing the prince even further. He barely noticed what Turles was doing until Goku moaned loudly and collapsed to his knees, bringing the other two men with him.

Turles smirked and continued to both stroke his lover's tail and prepare him for the next round. He had been aching to take his mate all morning and the prince's interruption had done little to deter that need. Now it appeared that things would get much more complicated afterwards, but would be twice as pleasurable. He laughed aloud when his mate collapsed to the floor after he found his pleasure spot. Floor was good.

"Haaa...Kakarotto," the prince panted, bucking almost uncontrollably on the floor as Goku's fingers found and continued to strike his prostate. "Now, Kakarotto!"

Goku gasped against his lover's mouth. "H-hai, Vegita." With one smooth motion, he was sheathed in the prince's exquisite warmth and both men moaned loudly with pleasure, simply trembling against one another as they let their bodies adjust. "Turles!" Goku suddenly screamed as he was entered from behind, causing him to arch his back and slam into Vegita again.

"Aaah!" the prince tossed his head back as the darker version of Goku began a series of slow, hard thrusts, each one leaving both of the Saiya-jins beneath him howling with pleasure. Rivulets of perspiration ran down Vegita's body, adding to the smooth, delicious friction between them, his arousal sliding almost painfully against the rock-hard abs of the younger Saiya-jin. Sharp teeth grazed his chest and teased his nipples. Above him, he could see Turles riding his lover with a steady patience, seeming to know exactly what to do to give them both the maximum amount of pleasure. He watched through slanted eyes as dark hands closed around Goku's sable tail once again, wringing a scream of ecstasy from him. Vegita's voice soon joined his as Goku's finger's found and scratched the remaining evidence of his tail, causing him to writhe and buck against him.

Pants and gasps gave way to loud moans and incoherent cries, Turles increasing both the speed and the force with which he pounded his lovers. Goku and Vegita clung to each other desperately, feeling their impending orgasms approaching at an alarming rate, the pleasure rising to the point where it was nearly painful as they waited for the end. Goku's fingers pressed once again to the prince's lower back and it was done. Vegita's back arched, his mouth open in a silent cry as his muscles jerked in the throes of an intense orgasm, emptying again and again between their stomachs. Goku joined him a second later, biting Vegita's shoulder as he rode out his own pleasure, his three-way climax nearly making him black out. Turles finally snarled with feral pleasure and released himself within the warmth of the younger Saiya-jin, thrusting one final time before collapsing with them to the ground.

Sweaty limbs and tails lay exhausted on the cool tiles of the kitchen floor for several minutes before any even tried to move. Finally, Vegita grunted. "Mmpf...I would like to breathe now," he mumbled dryly from underneath the other two.

"Ah! Gomen, Vegita," Goku apologized, rolling both himself and Turles to the side. He gasped softly, Turles' hands pulling him back against the darker man, his body still impaled on his lover's returning erection. "Turles!"

Vegita slid closer to them, lying exhaustedly against Goku's front, and watched as Turles began to take his lover again. He chuckled, wrapping his hands around Goku's arousal and tugging softly, a mew of pleasure escaping his lips. A loud gasp from Goku caught his attention, however. "What?"

"Vegita! Your tail!"

Vegita frowned. "Nani? What are you talking about?"

"This," Goku pointed, grabbing the dark furry appendage and bringing it around within the prince's line of vision, petting the downy fur with relish.

"Haa...mine...Kakarotto!" he cried, Goku's hands taking a much more active role with his tail.

Turles laughed. "So noisy."

And they began again the battle of pleasure.


Saaa, gomen if this didn't turn out exactly right. I hope it did, but I've been so tired lately I can't tell if my game is off or on or about to run me over with a truck. *shrugs* hope you liked anyways:D

^__^ Hinokumo


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