Only Time
by Hinokumo     More by this Writer
Future Trunks realized the hard way that Vegeta has no feelings for him. Can Goku help him feel better?

The bedroom was quiet and dark, but for the pale shadows that the quarter moon and stars cast with their celestial glow. From the bed, damp eyes stared out the balcony window, seeing nothing but the occasional blurring of the landscape as another tear joined its brethren to soak the pillows and sheets. His crying had reduced itself to occasional sobs after hours of emotional turmoil, but the dull aching pain in his heart had not diminished in the least. Goku was heartbroken.

Had it only been that very afternoon that the person he had given his love and entrusted his soul to had told him he did not want him? Another soft cry escaped the Saiya-jin's throat, but there was no one to hear—he was completely alone. He had left Chichi six months ago, thinking that he had finally found true love with his prince. He thought that finally, he had found someone who would understand him and accept him completely, even after years of rivalry. His wife, Bulma, his sons, and the majority of his friends had been appalled and horrified when they had confessed their involvement. Chichi, Gohan, and Goten had left within the hour, disappearing completely and not saying a word to Goku. Their angry, even hateful, stares had been hard to bear after years of friendship, but being with Vegita had helped.

Or so he had thought. In his naiveté, he had been certain that it was love, but he had just discovered the truth this very afternoon… Vegita had used him. He had simply been a conquest, a 'pretty thing to have, and then toss aside,' he had been told with apathy. He was an idiot.

And he was alone. Totally, and completely alone for the first time in as long as he could remember, and he was afraid. He pulled the sheets closer to his bare torso as another shiver of despair washed over his body, a cold numbness that bled from his heart. Perhaps if he simply lay there long enough, everything would just go away...disappear into an empty void. At least then he would have peace…

The sound of a gentle tapping reached his sensitive ears and Goku stopped breathing for a moment. Who could that be? He trembled. Surely it was, it was not Vegita—the knock was too gentle. He reached out with his senses, trying to distinguish the signature of the ki. It felt...familiar. Powerful, familiar, but different. Who? The repetitive sound came again, more urgent this time. Whoever it was, they were not going to simply go away if he ignored them, so he slowly crawled out of bed, pulling on a pair of cotton pants as he made his way downstairs and to the door. The entire house was dark with eerie shadows undulating across the floors and walls, but Goku ignored them and focused completely on the silhouette beyond the door. The knock was gentler this time, like the person knew that he was approaching. Curiosity overrode apprehension, and he turned the knob and opened the door.

His eyes widened in shock as the figure spoke, his voice deep and rich. "Hello, Goku—it's been awhile."


A gentle smile. "Hai, I came back."

Goku's mouth refused to work. He had forgotten how many years it had been since he had last seen the young man, the boy from the future who had traveled across time to save his life and the lives of everyone on the planet. Mirai Trunks stood before him, not as a boy, but as a man. He had grown in height, nearly equal with Goku's, and appeared to be nearly the same age as the full-blooded Saiya-jin. He was bulkier, more muscular than the teenager from Goku's memory; his lavender hair was long, past his shoulders and held together with a small band; and his skin was darker, the tanned flesh adding contrast to his bright eyes and pale hair. He was dressed all in black, a tight-fitting tank and jeans molding to every curve of muscle. The demi-Saiya-jin was beautiful. Goku swallowed before finally answering. ", why? I mean..."

"I came to see you," came the smooth reply. Trunks reached out a hand and gently wiped away a saline trail left on Goku's cheek. "Goku, may I come in?"

"Ah, hai! Gomen," he stuttered, stepping away from the door and the gentle hand to allow the other man to enter. He felt nervous and warm, and he could smell the scent of musk and honey when Trunks walked by him. He followed him to the den, where he found the purple-haired man sitting on the couch, looking at him.

"Sit here, please. I want to speak with you." He patted the cushion next to him. Once Goku settled, Trunks began his tale. After killing the androids and Cell in his time, he and his mother had tried to help rebuild what was left of the earth, aiding survivors and constructing communities. Things were going well for the human race, but several years later, Bulma had died. Giving what technology and knowledge he could to the people they had helped, Trunks had decided to leave and return to Goku's timeline. There was no one or nothing left for him in his own.

Goku rested a hand on Trunks' shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Trunks. You are welcome to stay here with us—I mean..." He cast his eyes downward.

"Time travel is an interesting educator, Goku—I know what's happened here recently," he confessed.

"Nani?!" How… What would he think of him and what he had done? Would he hate him, too? Goku felt a panic threatening take control. Please, not another one…

"Goku, you don't understand." Trunks shook his head, then leaned closer. "I didn't come to see them or to judge you in any way. I came to see you, and only you."

"Why?" he asked softly.

Trunks smiled broadly, then leaned in to plant a quick kiss on Goku's lips. "Because I've always wanted to do that. And because I love you."

Goku gasped. "Trunks?"

The other man leaned in again, his breath tickling Goku's flushed cheek and neck. "Yes?"

"Umm...why?" he asked again.

Trunks chuckled, his bright eyes burning into Goku's dark ones. "Because I've loved you even before I first saw you, my mother's stories of your bravery and strength and love the only bright spot in my world after Gohan died. Because from the moment I met you, I knew I could never forget you. Because you are beautiful, both inside and out, and deserve to be loved completely...and just because." The last was spoken as a whisper against Goku's lips before he captured the flustered Saiya-jin's mouth completely, running his fingers through dark sable hair and pulling him closer.

Goku tensed at first, then relaxed against Trunks completely, a soft moan escaping his throat when a wet, slippery tongue began exploring his mouth. He felt like he was floating, the gentle ministrations of the half-Saiya-jin overwhelming his senses and leaving him unusually flush with desire. It had never been like this… Suddenly, Trunks pulled away from him and he had to suppress the urge to groan in disappointment. "T-trunks?" he managed to get out.

Trunks leaned his forehead against the other man's and softly ran his fingers through his hair and across broad shoulders in comforting circles. "Goku. I won't lie to you—I want you. I've waited so long..." He felt the shiver that ran across the Saiya-jin's frame and pulled him into an embrace, burying he face in the wild raven hair, enjoying the spicy scent. Making his decision, he spoke. "But right now, I think you need to get some sleep."

"N?" Goku asked in shock as Trunks picked him up and began carrying him up the stairs. He felt his skin burn with embarrassment when he realized where the other man was taking him, and refused to look him in the eyes. Instead, he found his eyes fixated on the demi-Saiya-jin's neck and the long mane of lavender hair that swayed lazily to and fro. It was so long...he wanted to touch it. The thought was interrupted, though, when Trunks lowered him to his bed and he was suddenly forced to meet blazing blue eyes. Silence stretched between them as they merely looked at each other, Trunks seemingly content with the activity, while Goku fought to find something to say. Finally, Trunks smiled from his position above the bed and brushed Goku's temple.

"Get some sleep, Goku—we'll talk in the morning," he said as he began to rise. He knew the timing was wrong, but he could not help but feel disappointed. He had waited and wanted the man that lay before him ever since he had been a teenager, and finally he had the opportunity to have him, but he had to wait again or risk harming the man he loved. And that was something he would never do. So that meant the couch.

He was stopped, however, when a strong hand grabbed his wrist. He looked down at Goku, who had sat up in the bed and was staring at him intently. "Goku?" he asked.

Goku simply stared at him for a moment, thinking through his instinctive decision once more before answering. "Trunks...stay," he whispered.

Trunks swallowed, desire blossoming in full force once again. He loved the way Goku said his name… "Are you sure?"

In answer, Goku pulled him toward the bed, scooting over and throwing back the covers as he moved. Trunks nodded and clumsily toed off his boots before laying beside the Saiya-jin and pulling his muscular body against his own. Goku's lips met his, and after years of waiting, the demi-Saiya-jin ravished his lover's mouth, wanting to taste and explore every inch of the man. Goku moaned and arched against him, brushing their now obvious arousals against one another. With a growl, Trunks pulled him even closer, hands everywhere, kneading flesh and brushing against swollen nipples, while he licked and nibbled at Goku's lips.

Panting for breath, the Saiya-jin unconsciously flexed his hips, rubbing himself against his futuristic lover's denim-clad thigh. That was when he realized that the other man had on too much clothing and began to pull impatiently at the black tank top, wanting to get to the flesh underneath. He heard a soft chuckle before Trunks stopped attacking his own flesh long enough to help in the removal of his garments, ripping the soft fabric of his shirt and unbuttoning his pants with equal impatience before returning his attention to Goku's neck. Goku felt a growl escape his throat when Trunks gently nipped his skin, his body moving once again in response. Goku managed to get his lover's jeans down to his thighs before he was once again distracted by wandering hands that pressed against the base of his spine. He cried out sharply, bucking against Trunks with wild abandon.

"Hmmmm...mother told me about this," Trunks mumbled against Goku's chest before taking a nipple between his teeth and sucking, his hands tearing at the other man's cotton pants to bare him completely. He pressed again.

"Aaaah!" Goku wailed, he arousal becoming painfully hard under the assault.

Trunks rolled them so that he was on top and Goku spread his legs, allowing him to nestle between the Saiya-jin's thighs. Slowly, he trailed licks and bites down Goku's heaving chest, down to his navel, the whole time slightly rocking against his lover. He thrust his tongue deeply into his navel the same time he teased Goku's tailspot again, the resulting arching of hips allowing Trunks to feel the heavy arousal just below his chin. At this rate, the man would come much too early, he realized. He wanted to be deep inside him when he watched him go over the edge. He growled, then rolled again and pulled a startled Goku against his chest.

Goku looked down at Trunks, fighting for breath. "T-trunks?"

Trunks pulled his head down for a kiss, his other arm firmly around Goku's waist, holding him immobile. "Goku," he began after they surfaced for air. "May I?"

Goku blinked, then moaned when Trunks flexed his hips slightly, rubbing their hardened arousals against each other. "Yes," he gasped out. He licked the two fingers that were placed to his mouth as slowly an as erotically as he could, nearly purring with pleasure when Trunks gave a deep, husky growl in response before removing them and replacing them with his tongue. Keeping one arm around Goku's waist, Trunks slowly began to stretch his lover, pressing gently, then releasing, then pressing in again, loosening the tight ring of muscle.

"Haa," Goku moaned, leaning his head down and grasping Trunks' shoulders tightly, wanted to move desperately from the warm pleasure that spread across his body. He gasped again when that spot deep within him was stroked and he bit down on his lover's shoulder to keep from screaming.

Trunks smiled at his lover's reactions, but was determined to hear him scream his name. After stretching him a bit more, he withdrew his fingers, much to Goku's obvious disappointment, and turned them once again. He grinned down at Goku, grabbing his hips and slowly pressing against his entrance. To his surprise, Goku reached up and pulled him down by his hair, snapping the band that held it in place. Waves of lavender hair fell over them both, draping them in the soft strands.

Goku's eyes widened and he grabbed handfuls of the purple silk, running it through his fingers and rubbing it against his cheek. "It's beautiful, Trunks," he whispered. Then his eyes rolled back into his head as Trunks slipped inside of him, all the way to the hilt.

"G-goku," he panted, leaving butterfly kisses across the man's features while he waited for them both to adjust. Then, he could wait no longer and began thrusting in and out of his lover's body, angling his strokes to rub against that one spot.

"Trunks!" Goku screamed, pulling his lover against him by his hair and clinging to him for dear life, head tossing wildly, mouth open, moaning and gasping with pleasure. "Yes! Aaah!"

Hearing his name in that tone from Goku's mouth was nearly Trunks' end; he growled, almost snarling with the need to hold off his own pleasure until he had made the other man come first. After wanting him for so long, it was very difficult. He felt himself growing closer, and howled, reaching under Goku to press almost viciously against his tailspot. Goku's body arched against him, nearly throwing him off, and there was a split-second pause before a scream of absolute pleasure ripped it's way past Goku vocal cords, every muscle in his body seeming to spasm. It was too much for Trunks, and he broke the flesh of Goku's neck as he gave into his own orgasm, moaning and growling around the bite as his body jerked again and again.

It was several minutes later before either could think enough to form words, and Trunks rolled to the side, pulling Goku against him. Both of their bodies trembled with the aftershocks, sweat and semen leaving them a wet, sticky mess, but neither of them seemed to care as they leisurely kissed one another.

Trunks petted his love's hair and licked salt from his skin. "Goku, I love you. I want you to be mine, forever."

Goku sighed contentedly against his neck, snuggling against the warm body. "Hai, Trunks. I think I love you, too. But aren't you worried about what they will say?"

A huff of air. "Not in the least. I love you, and no one will come between us now that I have you."

"Ah. I only wonder how long it will take them to get used to the idea."

A kiss. "Only time will tell, but I've got more than enough of that to give to you."

Goku grinned mischievously. "Let's see what else you have to give me, then," he said, reaching between them.

Trunks growled lowly. "I hope you don't plan on getting any sleep any time soon."

Goku gasped, then laughed. "Iie...not anymore. Ai shiteru."



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