by Johnnyjosh     More by this Writer
A PWP in which almost everyone gets involved eventually.
Graphic Violence Group Sex Abusive

Author’s Notes: “Denotes speaking” //denotes thoughts//


“What an amazing sunrise!” Goku said with childlike awe as he stood in the window and watched the sky turning from black to purple, violet and pink to a beautiful bright blue. “Come on Vegeta, look!” He whirled and grabbed the surly Saiyan by the arm, pulling him away from the table, not to mention his coffee and breakfast, and firmly dragging him in front of the window.

Vegeta’s lip curled into a snarl, and a cutting remark was on his tongue, as he was pulled over to stand beside the other. But just before reaching the window, Vegeta tripped on a chair leg, losing his balance and bumping his face into the taller Saiyan’s broad chest.

“Whoops, sorry Vegeta,” Goku smiled down at him and put one hand on his upper arm, and the wound the other around to Vegeta’s back and turned him to face the window.

“Stop it! Get your hands off me! Kakarott, I’m warning you….” He clenched his fist, preparing to blast the source of his anger clear across the room, when a soft, high pitched yawn was heard from the doorway.

“Ah, hey, Goku! You’re up early, want some breakfast too?” Bulma leaned on the doorframe, dressed in a short, almost see through negligee.

“For heaven’s sake put some clothes on woman!” Vegeta shouted.

“Oh shut up!” Bulma snapped, “You’ll wake Trunks, and what have I told you about firing energy blasts inside the house?” she glared at him angrily.

“Huh? Oh.” Vegeta looked at his hand, which was glowing gold from the energy waiting to be used, and allowed it to disperse harmlessly. Goku turned from the window, leaned against the wall, and tried desperately to hold back from laughing at the look on Vegeta’s face, which managed to be a mix of frustration, anger, sheepishness, and embarrassment all at the same time.

As Vegeta raised his eyes and met Goku’s, he crossed his arms and turned to stare fixedly at the sunrise, his whole face turning a deep shade of crimson. “Well,” Goku said slowly, “Chi-Chi made me a huge breakfast, and packed a great big care package for us to take with us, but since you’re offering…”

“Hey, no problemo!” she chirped. “Just let me get dressed,” she looked pointedly at Vegeta, “and I’ll get right on it. Oh, and I know how much Vegeta eats, so I guess I should make up a package for him too.”

“Thanks Bulma” Goku cast a sidelong glance Vegeta’s way, and smiled again.

//Wonderful, just great!// Vegeta thought, //Now I’m never going to hear the end of this. Instead of training, Kakarott will be teasing me incessantly about this whole episode!//

Goku studied Vegeta’s profile, smirking at the pink patches that repeatedly spread across the other’s cheeks, and contemplating all the ways he could tease him about this over the next couple of days, without getting Vegeta pissed off enough to try to kill him. //You’re cute when you blush.// Goku thought, then started violently as he realized what had just gone through his head. //Oh my god! What am I thinking? I didn’t actually…// he turned and gaped at Vegeta, face red, mouth open and eyes wide with shock, and was intensely grateful as he realized he hadn’t spoken the thought aloud. //I wouldn’t be surprised if he went Super Saiyan and did try to blast me into oblivion if he ever heard me say that!//

Suddenly Vegeta whirled and grabbed the front of Goku’s shirt, “And just what the hell are you staring at?! Huh?!” he all but screamed.

“Hey, hey take it easy Vegeta,” Goku placed his hands on Vegeta’s shoulders and squeezed gently. Feeling the smaller Saiyan jump and stiffen at the touch he thought, //Man, he’s still so skittish when it comes to any kind of touching that doesn’t involve beating the shit out of someone, I’m still amazed he and Bulma actually managed to have a child together.//

“Relax, and stop taking things so personally.” he said.

“Well,” Vegeta snarled, “stop laughing at me then!” he reached up and grabbed Goku’s wrists and lifted his hands off his shoulders, holding and looking at them for a second and thought, //Why did it have to be him of all people? Every time he puts his hands on me, I just want to surrender to him// before spinning around and stalking back to the table to finish his breakfast.

“I wasn’t laughing at you.” Goku said quietly. A glance and a gruff “Hnn” was all he got as a response as Vegeta resumed finishing off the massive helpings of eggs, toast, bacon, pancakes, and home fries that were heaped in front of him.

As Goku turned his attention back to the sunrise, Vegeta watched him surreptitiously, //How is it that he manages to maintain that innocent, childlike quality about him?// Vegeta wondered. //With all the battles he’s been in, the death and destruction he’s witnessed, and yet he still stands there in awe looking at something as simple as a sunrise.// He watched the sunrise from the table, enjoying the silence. As his gaze fell to Goku’s back, a slow-motion replay of his stumble flashed through his mind, he felt again the hard muscles of Goku’s chest against his cheek, and the sound of his heart beating. Then those huge hands, one curled around his bicep, and the other sliding up between his shoulder blades, he could still feel a tingle there. He also felt warmth in his shoulders where Goku had laid his hands and squeezed. He mused //I wonder what it would feel like to have his hands on my….// And promptly sprayed his mouthful of coffee across the table and onto the floor as Goku spun around to look at him, as if he had read his mind. He quickly ducked his head and resumed eating with alarming speed, even for him.

Goku watched Vegeta, confusion plain on his face, //Why was he staring at me like that?// he asked himself //and why did he spit his coffee all over and blush like that when I looked at him? It’s like he was thinking something he didn’t want me to know about,// a thought hit him like a hammer blow, //Could it be that he..Nah, not Vegeta, I don’t think he’d ever find another guy attractive.// a sharp pang of disappointment ran through him at this last thought, and he wondered how he was going to get through spending the next few days alone with Vegeta, without him finding out how he really felt about him. //Vegeta and I have a tenuous friendship as it is, what would happen if he knew I wanted to be more than just friends?//

Just then, Bulma breezed into the kitchen and, using the ultra modern appliances her father had installed, made a breakfast the same size as Vegeta’s so quickly that Goku’s jaw dropped and he gaped at her in astonishment, “Wow Bulma, how’d you make all that food so fast?” he immediately sat down and dug in.

“Thank Dad!” She said with a grin, “I could never keep up with Vegeta and Trunks’s eating habits, especially considering there’s two of Trunks here now that future Trunks has decided to stay with us, without all this stuff!” she held her arm out to indicate the complex array of gadgets and machines that filled half of the kitchen.

“Yeah,” Goku said with a sheepish grin, “I should talk to your dad about getting some of this stuff for Chi-Chi, she has a really hard time trying to keep up with me, Gohan and Goten.”

“Well,” Bulma began, he’ll be up in about another half hour or so…”

“No, absolutely not!” Vegeta jumped up and yelled, startling the others, “we don’t have time for this now! Kakarott and I are going out to train, and we’re going now! He can see your dad later, and..” he added with a smirk, “bring some of these things home with him as a present. After all, we all know how pissed off Chi-Chi gets about his almost constant absences.” he crossed his arms and stared at Goku pointedly, his eyes gleaming maliciously.

Goku chose to ignore the comment and continued stuffing food into his face as he mumbled around mouthfuls, “Hey great idea Vegeta, thanks!”

“Hmph, bonehead,” Vegeta muttered quietly, and Goku almost choked on his last sausage trying to stifle a laugh.

Half an hour later, the two Saiyans were finally ready to go, after much prodding, grumbling, complaining and threatening on Vegeta’s part.

“Hey Bulma,” Goku began, “do you think you could go over and see Chi-Chi and try to, you know, …” he fidgeted nervously.

“Keep her company and try to keep her mind off your absence? Sure, no problem Goku.” She said with a warm smile directed at her longtime friend, then glared at Vegeta, “I know just how she feels.”

“What do you want from me?” Vegeta demanded, “Would you rather have a planet to live on, or me playing husband and father of the year?”

“Well,” Bulma mused, seeming to consider it for a moment, as Vegeta crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and raised his head, “I guess that’s a no-brainer, but you aren’t exactly a great husband and father when there’s NO threat to the planet either, like RIGHT NOW!” she shouted.

“Foolish woman! I HAVE to train to INCREASE my power and stay in top fighting form for when there IS a threat!” he shouted back. Just as the two began to take their positions for an all out war, Goku grabbed Vegeta by the arm and pulled him into the air.

“Well look at the time,” he said with a nervous grin, “got your stuff Vegeta? Great let’s go. Bye Bulma!” He waved as he quickly dragged Vegeta and the two rather large care packages off toward the island he and Vegeta had decided to train on.

They arrived on the island by noon, due to Goku’s veering off to look at anything that caught his eye, and his almost merciless teasing of Vegeta which, on several occasions, had caused the irate Saiyan prince to chase after a hysterically laughing Goku and threatening to blast him into the next dimension, which had thrown them countless miles off course at least three times.

After landing and using one of Bulma’s exploding capsule houses, Goku decided it was lunch time, and immediately headed toward the house to get something to eat.

“Oh no you don’t! Time for you to pay for all those stupid remarks Kakarott!” Vegeta went Super Saiyan and fired a huge blast of energy at Goku.

“Wha..? Hey! No fair!” Goku shouted, going Super Saiyan and blocking the attack. “Alright then,” he smirked, “if that’s the way you want to play…”

And the fight was on!



Bulma decided perhaps she should go and see Chi-Chi and the boys this afternoon instead of putting it off. She grabbed Chibi and Mirai Trunks, packed them into the car, and sped off.

Chi-Chi was standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror as she prepared for a nice, hot bath. She glanced up and studied her reflection. //I hate this, being alone so much, dammit! Even when there’s no big battles to be fought, I’m left alone for days on end, I.. I have needs!// she blushed at herself as she pictured how she’d like those needs met. //Vegeta’s no better, I would love to know how Bulma handles it. She always seems happy, content, you never see her showing signs of frustration! How does she do it?// She grabbed her hair and piled it on top of her head, pouting slightly, cocking her hip to one side. She studied her body critically, her breasts, her flat and toned stomach, and tried to picture herself in some of the more risque outfits Bulma paraded around in. Chi-Chi found herself picturing Bulma’s body, her breasts, which could be seen almost completely thanks to some of the skimpy bathing suits she wore, her hips, her high, round butt, her long slender legs…

“Hey, anybody home?!” Chi-Chi jumped three feet into the air and let out a loud squeal, her face turning several shades of red as the object of her rather hentai thoughts walked into the house.

“Hey, Chi-Chi where are you?” Bulma called as she made her way toward the bathroom.

“Uhhh, well, I’m just, ummm” Chi-Chi scrambled down the hall and into the bedroom, trying to find something to put on, when the door swung open to reveal Bulma leaning against the door frame with mischievous smile playing on her face. The short, tight electric blue dress she wore showed off all of the physical attributes Chi-Chi had just been thinking about. Every curve was played up to the hilt, and the dress stopped high up on her thighs, showing off Bulma’s legs to maximum advantage. Chi-Chi couldn’t seem to help herself as she stopped and stared, her eyes roaming every inch of Bulma’s body in a way her hands would never dare.

When she looked up and saw Bulma staring back at her, she squawked and dove back into the bathroom, hiding behind the door, breathing heavily.

Bulma stood in the doorway, stunned. She had never seen Chi-Chi naked, although she had to admit she always wondered exactly what was hidden under those long bulky clothes she always wore. She also had to admit with smirk, that she had been pleasantly surprised by what she had seen, as had Chi-Chi, judging from the way the other woman had been undressing her with her eyes. She couldn’t believe that there might actually be a possibility that her friend might share the attraction Bulma had been trying to hide for so long.

“Hey, Chi-Chi,” Bulma called, “when you’re ready to come down, I thought you, me and the boys could go for a walk in the woods, and have a picnic, what do you think? Let the boys get out and play for a few hours, and we could have a little time to ourselves.” the last said with a sly smile playing on Bulma’s lips, unseen by Chi-Chi who was still hiding behind the bathroom door trying to get her breathing and heartbeat back under control.

“Umm, sure.” Chi-Chi said, her voice still unsteady, “I was just about to get into the bathtub, give me about half an hour O.K.?”

Bulma’s eyes flashed, //Need an extra pair of hands in there?// she thought, but instead called out “O.K., I’ll just make sure everything’s packed up and we’ll wait out in the yard.” Images of a naked, soap slicked Chi-Chi filled her head as Bulma slowly slunk down the stairs.

In exactly forty minutes, Chi-Chi was bathed, dressed, and running lightly down the stairs, clad in a light, pink summer dress that clung softly to her curves, and ended a couple of inches above her knees. Pink flats, a couple of bangles on her arms, and simple hoop earrings completed the outfit beautifully. All the boys stopped wrestling around in the yard and stared. Gohan and Goten had never seen their mother dressed in anything but the long, bulky, cumbersome outfits that seemed to cover every inch of skin except her arms and face.

“Wow, Chi-Chi,” Bulma said, her voice slightly husky “you look awesome.” her eyes dropped slowly, taking in every inch of Chi-Chi’s long, slender legs, noticing the well toned calves, creamy thighs, the way that dress seemed to accentuate the curve of her hips and buttocks, the slender waist, the swell of her breasts… Bulma’s eyes slowly drank in the sight of Chi-Chi’s hair, long and flowing freely about her face and shoulders, noticing the full, slightly parted lips made all the more sensual by an application of light pink, shimmery lip gloss, and moving up to those black velvet eyes, the ones she had come so close to drowning in on more than one occasion, the same eyes that were widened in surprise as they stared right back at her. Then Chi-Chi smiled at her, and then let her gaze drop to settle on Bulma’s breasts for a few seconds, before catching the other’s eye and giving her a wink and a devilish smile.

“Come on, let’s go mom!” Goten grabbed his mother’s hand and began pulling her up the hill and onto the trail. Mirai Trunks and Gohan grabbed the picnic baskets, blanket and toys for the two younger boys as Chibi Trunks grabbed Bulma’s hand and said “Yeah mom, come on!”

Bulma smiled and allowed herself to be pulled up the hill, admiring the gentle sway of Chi-Chi’s hips beneath her dress all the way to the picnic sight, eagerly anticipating the time when the boys would be in bed and she would have the dark-haired beauty all to herself. //This might well prove to be the longest afternoon of my entire life// she thought ruefully.


Goku and Vegeta’s sparring grounds, two hours later…..

The two Super Saiyans flew at each other once again, executing kicks and punches so fast that no ordinary human could follow their moves. Goku fired an enormous Kamehameha at Vegeta, but he dodged and suddenly appeared scant inches from Goku’s face! Goku braced himself for a blow, but instead, Vegeta stopped and looked down at his abdomen, which proceeded to issue a horribly loud, fierce growl.

“O.K., now it’s lunchtime.” He said with a smile, before delivering a jab to Goku’s stomach, knocking the wind out of him, and then sprinting back toward the capsule house.

“Come on Kakarott,” he called over his shoulder, “first one back gets his choice of beds, not to mention the food!!” he laughed and flew off.

Goku stared after Vegeta, stunned, “Was he actually playful? Did he just laugh? Hey he did!” he broke into an ear-to-ear grin, “Vegeta laughed! A real, having fun laugh, not just the evil one he has just before he destroys someone. Wow!” Goku chuckled and slowly flew off after Vegeta, but rapidly picked up speed when he remembered the comment made about the food.

Just as he cleared the forest and was approaching the lakeshore where they had set up the house, Goku was blind-sided and sent careening off to the left, landing hard and sliding along the beach. He managed to get an arm under himself and slowly pushed himself up off the sand. He was almost upright when two strong hands gripped him and he found himself lifted into the air.

“Vegeta, what the hell are you doing?” he hissed as the hand on his right side found the sore spot where an elbow had connected with his ribs.

“Oh, I think we should clean a little of the sweat and grime off before we go and eat don’t you?” Goku raised his head and found Vegeta’s face so close to his own that their noses were brushing together. His eyes narrowed and his lips parted. Even as he knew Vegeta probably had something nasty in mind, he couldn’t work up the motivation to defend himself. Suddenly, Vegeta’s hands gave up their hold on his ribs, and his arms snapped around Goku’s waist, their bodies pressed together from chest to groin. Vegeta’s eyes flashed dangerously as he heard Goku’s sharp intake of breath and saw his eyes slide shut, desire etched on his face. //So, it’s just as I suspected, he wants me too.// he shuddered as he pressed his pelvis against Goku’s,//Well, I don’t think I should make it quite that easy.// Goku’s eyes snapped open in surprise as he was suddenly released, and found himself beginning to fall. Just as his reflexes began to kick in, a hand wrapped itself around his ankle, and Goku found himself being swung around rapidly.

“Damn it! What….!? he shouted, but the question was never completed as he hit the water with an enormous splash. He came up sputtering and coughing to the sound of Vegeta’s laughter coming from the beach. The Saiyan prince struck a most undignified pose, on his knees in the sand, pointing at Goku, and laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face.

“Oh shit!” he wheezed between gulps of air, “Kakarott! You should have seen your face!” he fell over on his side and dissolved into laughter once more. Goku swam in and stalked angrily toward the Vegeta, determined to get revenge, and before he could recover from his laughter, Vegeta felt himself swept up in Goku’s arms, as Goku strode purposefully toward the water.

“Oh no you don’t!” Vegeta growled as he began to struggle violently. Goku dropped Vegeta’s legs, wrapped his arms tightly around him and hauled him up against his chest, trying not to be distracted by the feeling of Vegeta wriggling against him.

“Turnabout’s fair play” he smirked, and leapt into the water with Vegeta still in his arms. As they came back up to the surface, with much more coughing and sputtering, though on Vegeta’s part this time, he reached up and grabbed a handful of Goku’s hair, forcing his head under the water.

“Yes, I suppose it is” he snarled.

“Oh yeah?” Goku immediately reciprocated.

“Yeah!” countered Vegeta, slamming against him and dunking him once again. They dunked each other repeatedly, seeming to get more close body contact with each try. Finally, after several minutes, the two wet, half-drowned Saiyans made their way to the beach, chuckling.

“What are we gonna do about these?” Goku asked.

“About what?” Vegeta turned, to notice Goku’s clothes, which were still dripping wet. “Hmph, mine are practically dry already. Well, take them off.” he said, sounding much more flippant than he felt at the thought of watching him disrobing. Goku’s face went a bright pink, “Well,” Vegeta glared impatiently, “what’s wrong?” //Get on with it already! I want to see this!//

“N-n-nothing,” Goku stammered.

“Oh for heaven’s sake!” he stormed over and, without warning, undid the sash at Goku’s waist, pulled off the orange shirt, then practically ripped off the blue one, trying to not to stare too much at the other’s now naked chest and stomach. Goku backed away so quickly he fell backward onto the sand, and sat there gaping up at Vegeta, crossing his legs and trying to cover up his rapidly forming hard-on as he tried to ignore the sight of the still slightly damp blue outfit, a little tighter than usual, hugging every line of Vegeta’s well toned body.

“Think you can handle it from here?” Vegeta smirked, pulling off his gloves, then his chest armor and dropping them on the mat inside the door on his way into the house.

By the time Goku hung up his clothes to dry and came inside, Vegeta was eagerly rummaging through both of their care packages and placing whatever struck his fancy on the table, which was starting to creak in protest of the rapidly accumulating weight on top of it. As he heard him come in, Vegeta looked up, and was totally unprepared for the sight of Goku dressed in nothing but a pair of white boxer shorts. His eyes quickly but thoroughly took in every inch of his body, then he cursed his outfit, trying to figure out how he was going to hide his rampant erection in the skin tight material. //Wait a minute,// he thought, //why bother? Isn’t this the whole reason I suggested this little ‘training getaway’ in the first place?//

“Hey,” Goku said, eyeing the table suspiciously before stepping closer to Vegeta in case it decided to give under the weight, “save some for me would ya?”.

As Vegeta pulled out an enormous roast, and set it on the table, he snapped

“Of course, what do you think, I’m going to eat all this by myself?” He pulled out a chair for Goku, then placed his hands on his shoulders and pushed him down onto it. “Sit down while I get the utensils.”

As Vegeta turned away, an ominous groaning sound was all the warning to be had as the table suddenly collapsed with a crash. Goku leapt out of his chair and away from the disintegrating table, slamming into Vegeta, knocking him to the floor, and winding up on top of him.

Vegeta lay on the floor, his expression a mix of surprise and pain. //Good lord, Kakarott is heavy!// he winced as his ribs began to throb. Suddenly the fact that he was laying spreadeagle on the floor, with a nearly naked Kakarott on top of him registered in his brain. With a positively evil grin, he hitched one leg over Goku’s hip, and wrapped his arms around the other Saiyan’s neck. Now it was Goku’s turn to be surprised. He gaped down at Vegeta as he felt the other’s arms snake around his neck, his face coming closer, closer… Goku’s lips parted and his eyes slid shut in anticipation. With one fluid motion, Vegeta reversed their positions, straddling Goku’s hips and pinning his arms to the floor. His eyes widened and he moaned softly as Vegeta thrust against him. His cock was straining against his boxers, he was so hard it hurt, and he groaned as he felt that Vegeta was in much the same state.

Vegeta looked down into the other Saiyan’s face, noting the flushed skin, the heavy-lidded eyes, and had to use all his willpower to keep from tearing those flimsy boxers off and taking him right here on the kitchen floor. //I’ll just tease him a little, see how far he lets it go before he tries to do something about it.// He grunted and thrust his pelvis hard against Goku, grinding their erections together which caused Goku to cry out, his hands coming up to grasp Vegeta’s hips as he thrust back. The two men continued bucking against each other, Goku’s back arching off the floor, his head rolling from side to side, moaning Vegeta’s name, and Vegeta let out a strangled groan as his head dropped down to Goku’s chest. They strained against each other, their thrusts getting faster and more intense, their cries getting louder, until a frustrated Goku reached up and began trying to remove Vegeta’s clothing.

Vegeta took Goku’s hands, their fingers intertwining, and gently pinned them back against the floor. //That didn’t take long at all// He thought and smiled.

“Vegeta, please I..” Goku whispered.

“Shh, not yet.” He brought his head down and pressed his lips to Goku’s softly before pulling away and getting off him. He reached down and pulled a dazed and trembling Goku off the floor before turning back to the mess where the table had been, “What do you say we salvage lunch, and then go take a bath?” he looked over his shoulder at Goku, smirking, and raised one eyebrow suggestively. Confusion, disappointment and frustration were evident on Goku’s face.

“Huh? Food, now? But I thought….” he began.

Vegeta’s hands shot up fisted in Goku’s hair, and he was pulled down into a soul-searing kiss, bruising in its intensity. The kiss left no room for compromise. It was pure domination. Vegeta’s lips moved possessively over Goku’s, prying his mouth open and invading the warm, wet recess with his tongue. Goku shivered as Vegeta began sucking and nibbling on his lower lip, and a hand dropped down to fondle him through his boxers. He moaned as he found himself backed against the counter, with Vegeta pressed up against him.

“Better eat now Kakarott,” Vegeta purred, ” you’re going to need all the energy you can get to handle the things I intend to do to you, got it?”

“Uh, sure!” Goku felt a tingling in his loins at the thought of taking a hot bath with his sparring partner and soon-to-be lover. His mind was filled with naughty images of all the things you could do in those big, deep, tubs that came with the capsule houses.


Meanwhile, at the picnic sight, Bulma and Chi-Chi thought it was about time to pack it in for the day.

“Awww, mommmm!” Goten and Chibi Trunks whined in unison, “Come on! Just a little while longer, pleeeeaaassse?”

//Sometimes I swear those boys have a psychic connection.// Chi-Chi thought, getting a little annoyed, but then suddenly a sly, hungry look flashed across her features before she wheeled around and gave Mirai Trunks and Gohan the sweetest smile she could manage, while batting her eyelashes furiously.

Trunks took an involuntary step back, recognizing that look from his mom’s face whenever she wanted something.

“Oh Trunks, Gohan, would you two mind keeping an eye on little Trunks and Goten for a while?”

All four boys turned to stare at each other.

“Sure!” Gohan agreed, “they look like they would enjoy a couple more hours of playtime, and Trunks and I could get in some training.” He realized his mistake and suddenly looked around for a place to hide as both women crossed their arms, their expressions turning hard and angry.

“Is that all guys can think about?” Bulma snapped “Stupid training! Why can’t you men ever give it a rest!”

“That’s right!” Chi-Chi chimed in, “You’d think men would be able to find something to do besides fighting!”

They stopped yelling when they looked over and saw Goten hiding behind Gohan’s leg, and Chibi Trunks doing the same with his older self. Both women turned to each other and sweatdropped,

“Oh well,” Bulma said, “let’s just forget about that for now, and go have some coffee.”

“You’re right.” Chi-Chi sighed, “Don’t forget to bring the boys back by dark Gohan, O.K.?”

“You got it mom!” Gohan smiled, relieved.

“Have fun boys!” Bulma called over her shoulder before checking her watch. They had three to three and a half hours before dark. //Perfect, that should give us more than enough time to take care of our most pressing needs, and we’ll have all night once they’re all in bed! I’ve waited years for this, I’m not wasting any more time.//as they turned a bend in the trail, Bulma reached over and slid her hand up Chi-Chi’s dress, caressing the back of her thigh, before reaching a little higher and pinching her butt. She squealed, giggled, and then spun and grabbed Bulma’s shoulders, planting a firm, noisy kiss on her lips.

“Come on, let’s go, we don’t have all night.” She tried to wriggle free, but Bulma gripped her waist tightly.

“Not yet anyway.” she murmured into Chi-Chi’s ear before pulling the lobe into her mouth and nibbling gently before they broke free, laughed and ran down the trail. The four boys stood staring at each other as they listened to their mothers laughing as they made their way home, they were still shocked that they had told them they could stay out here until dark.

Suddenly Goten whooped with joy and ran up and smacked Chibi Trunks on the back, “Tag! You’re it!” and flew off. Chibi Trunks then punched Mirai Trunks in the gut, a little too close to the groin for the other’s comfort, then laughed and flew off as his older self crumpled to his knees, gasping in pain. Gohan chuckled quietly, then jumped in surprise as Trunks suddenly lunged at him, catching his wrist and flinging him to the ground.

“Now you’re it.” He smirked and flew off.

“I’ll get you, you dirty faker!” Gohan yelled as he flew off after his friends.


As soon as Bulma and Chi-Chi made it in the door, Chi-Chi grabbed Bulma and pushed her gently against the wall, her lips seeking, finding, tasting at long last. //I’ve waited too long for this, I’m not going to wait any more.// she thought. As she gently moved her lips over Bulma’s, her tongue darted out and flicked across her lower lip, seeking entry, which was immediately given. Their tongues danced, neither trying to dominate, just rubbing, taking turns gently exploring each others mouths, running over lips, teeth, inside, and back to twirl around each other once again. Chi-Chi moaned into Bulma’s mouth as she felt her hands sliding up under her dress, gently kneading her buttocks, then dropping down to slide up and stroke her inner thighs. Her legs began to tremble as fingers caressed her through her panties, then slid under the elastic.

“I think we should go to bed now,” she said softly, her voice unsteady.

“Why bother?” Bulma whispered as her lips worked their way down along her jaw, “That couch looks pretty comfy to me.” With that, she gently pushed Chi-Chi back until the arm of the couch hit the back of her thighs. With a squeal, she fell back and landed spreadeagle with Bulma coming down right on top of her.

Bulma slowly pushed up the hem of Chi-Chi’s dress, caressing her thighs lightly as she went, before hooking her fingers into the waistband of her panties sliding them over her buttocks with agonizing slowness. Just as she had them to her knees, Bulma paused to gently run her fingernails over Chi-Chi’s bottom, admiring the soft silky skin, before letting her fingers trail down to trace long, tickling lines down the back of her thighs. Her eyes widened as Bulma’s fingers brushed against her labia, running up and down, before sliding inside her hot slick passage.

She moaned and bucked her hips against the probing finger inside her, silently begging for more. She whimpered as the hand was suddenly taken away, nothing but cool air caressing her flushed skin,

“What are you waiting for?” she ground out, sitting up preparing to drag her lover back down on top of her.

“Just removing a few, umm…..obstacles?” Bulma gave her a feral smile before pulling her dress over her head, leering down at her in nothing but a pair of pale blue high cut panties.

“Oh, good idea.” Chi-Chi grinned back as she flung off her own dress, and Bulma quickly divested both of them of their underwear. Chi-Chi moaned as Bulma resumed exploring her body with her lips and tongue, kissing her way down her neck and running her tongue along her collarbone.

“Ahh, don’t stop, please…” she groaned as Bulma slowly made her way down to her breasts, laving attention on first one hard nipple, then the other, licking, sucking and kissing her breasts until she was writhing and trembling beneath her. She moaned again, her hands tangling in Bulma’s hair as she began firmly suckling on her right breast, and gently kneading the other.

“You’re so beautiful.” Bulma whispered as she moved her mouth to her other breast. Chi-Chi shivered as Bulma’s hand dropped between her legs once again, stroking her labia, stopping just short of touching that oh-so-sensitive nub that would send her over the edge.

“P..please Bulma, touch me.” she whimpered.

Bulma felt her self control slipping at the whispered plea, and her thumb slid up to press against the small bundle of nerves. Chi-Chi cried out at the touch, her hips bucking involuntarily as she reached up and slid her fingers into Bulma’s long hair as she wrapped a leg around her waist. Bulma’s head lowered as she darted her tongue across her lover’s lower lip, then kissing her deeply, exploring, teasing, enjoying the moans her touch drew. She smiled against the other woman’s lips as she felt her beginning to tremble beneath her, muscles tensing, panting, her hands grasping Bulma’s shoulders tightly. Chi-Chi gasped as two fingers thrust into her, probing, seeking, and finally finding her G-spot. She began to thrash and writhe beneath Bulma, breath ragged, eyes squeezed shut, teeth clenched as the talented hands mercilessly pushed her to the edge.

“Uhh.. Bulma” she moaned, voice husky, “oh, god, yes, uhh.. don’t stop, please….BULMA!!” she screamed as waves of pleasure flooded through her body, she wrapped her arms tightly around Bulma, trembling, heart pounding and breathing shakily. They lay there, arms and legs entwined, for several minutes.

Suddenly, Chi-Chi asked “Wait a minute, what about you?”

“Mmmm, what about me?” Bulma asked, looking down at her through hooded eyes.

“Well…” Chi-Chi began with a hungry look in her eyes, “let’s see what we can do to take care of your needs.” She grabbed Bulma’s hips, and flipped her down onto the couch beneath her, resting her hips between Bulma’s parted thighs, “How’s this?”

“Oh, it’s a good start.” Bulma purred, her eyes dark with passion. Chi-Chi’s head swooped down and she caught Bulma’s lips in a searing kiss as her hand slowly traced intricate patterns on her stomach, making her shiver as the long fingernails lightly raked the sensitive skin.

“Mmm…, yeah, oh that feels so good.” Bulma whispered huskily as Chi-Chi’s mouth traveled down the smooth column of her throat, sucking and licking the soft, pale skin. Chi-Chi’s mouth made it’s way down to Bulma’s breasts with torturous slowness, stopping along the way to trace her collarbone with her tongue, then over to nip gently at her shoulder, Bulma gave a frustrated groan, reaching up to gently cup the back of her head and guide her mouth to where she wanted it, but Chi-Chi resisted with an evil sounding chuckle.

“Tell me what you want.” she growled, one hand coming up to squeeze a soft, round breast before gently pinching the hardening nipple, drawing a low moan from her lover.

“Tell me,” she growled again, rolling her hips against her, pinching the nipple a little harder.

“Uhh…” Bulma moaned, her hands running up and down Chi-Chi’s smooth back, “I want you to…” she grabbed the sides of Chi-Chi’s face and gently guided her down to her breasts, her fingers tightening in her hair, “please,” she whispered.

Chi-Chi gave in, more from her own still screaming hormones than her new lover’s pleas, she licked at one tight hard nipple, pinching the other between thumb and forefinger. Bulma cried out sharply, and the sound spurred her on. She drew a nipple into her mouth and sucked hard, gently kneading the other breast, reveling in the gasps and moans elicited from the now trembling woman beneath her. As she moved her mouth to the other breast, her hand slowly, teasingly trailing down her stomach, making it’s way to the junction between Bulma’s thighs, both women shivered in anticipation.

Suddenly, in a move so fast Bulma could barely follow it, Chi-Chi slid her body down the couch, down her body, until her face was level with the thatch of blue hair between Bulma’s parted thighs. Bulma gasped in suprise, her eyes widened, then darkened with desire as she realized what her lover had in mind.

“Yes, please Chi-Chi, I want you to, do it please!” she begged. Chi-Chi smirked, sliding a finger along her labia, teasing, before sliding the finger inside her. Bulma whimpered softly as her lover’s finger probed inside her, searching, and she gasped as it hit her G-spot. Hips bucking, back arching, Bulma moaned, her fingers tangling in Chi-Chi’s hair,

“Oh, God, Chi-Chi…” she gasped as her lover’s head lowered, her tongue and lips now also working to bring her to the edge, until with a keening wail she came, her body writhing, heart pounding, as pleasure seared through her. They lay twined together for several minutes, starting to doze off.

Suddenly, they heard voices approaching the house.

” I don’t know! I thought I heard a scream!” Mirai Trunks’ voice was coming from the hill.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Chibi Trunks whined, “I bet you’re just sayin’ that so you don’t have to watch us anymore!”

“Yeah, you just don’t wanna let us play anymore!” chimed Goten

“IT’S NOT FAIR!!” Both boys shouted in unison.

“No, wait, Trunks is right,” Gohan tried to soothe the boys tempers, “I thought I heard Bulma’s voice!”

“Calm down!” Mirai Trunks shouted, “I want to check on Mom, and if she’s o.k., we can go right back up there and you can play alright? Mom?” His voice was now coming from the step, “Are you alright?”

“Uhhh…yeah! Just fine Trunks, why?” Bulma’s voice was quavering as she and Chi-Chi desperately struggled to get back into their own clothes. The doorknob began to turn.

“I thought I heard a scream, and I wanted to make sure you were both alright.” Chi-Chi grabbed a hairbrush off the end table and quickly ran it through her hair, Bulma pulled a brush from her purse and did the same. Just as they managed to get themselves straightened up, the door swung open to reveal Gohan and Trunks standing in the doorway wearing almost identical expressions of concern.

“Are you sure everything’s alright?” Trunks asked, his eyes sweeping the interior suspiciously,

“Yes, everything is just fine, uh, Bulma just saw a big spider in the kitchen, but we chased it out.” Chi-Chi stammered, looking at Bulma.

“Oh right, yeah!” She agreed, “Just a big, fat ugly spider!”

“Oh, OWW!” Trunks jumped as Chibi Trunks stomped on his foot.

“We came down here just for some dumb spider?” He glared up imperiously at the larger Trunks, arms crossed and scowling, in an almost flawless imitation of their father.

“Let’s go!” Goten grabbed his arm and they flew off together. Gohan looked at his mother uncertainly.

“It’s alright boys,” Chi-Chi assured them again, “go on back to whatever you were doing.”

“Alright. But just call us if anything else happens.” Trunks said. “Come on, Gohan.”

As soon as the boys flew off, Bulma raced over to the door, slammed it, and leaned against it, her face nearly white with shock.

“I didn’t think they’d hear that!” she gasped.

“I guess it’s like Goku always says, those big Saiyan ears.” Chi-Chi mused, “maybe we’d better wait to continue until they’re all in bed, and then we’ll slip out somewhere.” both women eyed each other slyly, then made their way to the kitchen for coffee, amidst much fondling and kissing.


Back at the island…

Goku leaned back in his chair, an intensely satisfied smile on his face.

“Wow, that was great! I’m stuffed!” He said and let out a rather large belch.

“Yes, it was good.” Vegeta agreed, smirking.

“But if we keep eating like that, we’ll only be here for one day instead of three because we ran out of food.” he continued, watching Goku carefully.

“Huh?!” The front legs of Goku’s chair slammed back down to the floor as he leaned forward suddenly, nearly panic-stricken //No! I wanted these three days alone together with him!// Vegeta flung his head back and laughed at his startled expression.

“Fooled you didn’t I, Kakkarot? One day instead of three?” He vanished from his chair and instantly reappeared behind Goku, his hands massaging his shoulders gently. “No, don’t worry,” he purred into Goku’s ear, ” I wouldn’t let anything interfere with these next few days, I’ve waited too long to get you alone like this.” Vegeta nibbled gently on Goku’s earlobe, his hands sliding over Goku’s shoulders and down to play with his nipples, chuckling softly when they hardened instantly. “Hmm… eager to get started I see.”

Goku’s eyes slid shut and he moaned as Vegeta’s fingertips traced slow, sensual circles on his chest.

“Please Vegeta,” he whispered as he let his head fall back, “I want you.”

“Mmmm, but can you handle me?” Vegeta growled softly as he tipped Goku’s chair back and bent down to kiss a line along Goku’s jaw, before moving down to nip and lick the now hyper- sensitive skin of his throat.

“Uhhh… more.” Goku moaned as Vegeta moved to his shoulders. His eyes snapped open as he suddenly felt Vegeta’s ki increase.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing koi,” Vegeta whispered in his ear, “just moving this into another room.”

“Vegeta!” Goku exclaimed, startled, as Vegeta lifted him out of his chair like he weighed nothing at all.

“What?” Vegeta glanced at him, surprised, then smirked, “What’s wrong Kakarott, never been carried across a threshold before? Bulma told me that this was an Earth custom performed after two people have become mates, or husband and wife as you would call it.” he rolled his eyes, “She said it’s supposed to be romantic.”

“Well no, actually, no-one’s ever wanted or I guess been able to carry me around since I was a baby, or when I was unconscious.” he tentatively reached out and wrapped his arms around Vegeta’s neck, “and it is kind of romantic.” he looked away shyly, his cheeks stained a dark pink.

Vegeta stopped and stared at the man in his arms in amazement, one eyebrow raised and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Then he could stand it no longer. He threw his head back and laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny?” Goku demanded, his face turning from pink to red.

“Just that you can be so coy sometimes, and you certainly are cute when you blush like that Kakarott!” he smiled at him affectionately.

Goku gaped at Vegeta in astonishment, “Hey, that’s just what I thought about you when we were back at Capsule Corp!”

Vegeta kissed him softly.

“Now let’s get to this damn bath, I can’t stand it anymore!” he said loudly, causing Goku to throw back his head and laugh as Vegeta carried him into the bathroom.

Goku’s laughter died down as they entered the large bathroom. The lights were off, and sitting on most of the surfaces of the room were large red pillar candles, giving the room a gentle glow. The bathtub was filled with what looked like, could it be…?

“Bubble bath? Vegeta, I haven’t had a bubble bath in years but I love them! How did you know?” He began kissing Vegeta eagerly. Vegeta’s knees threatened to buckle as he groaned and surrendered himself to the kiss. He set his lover down gently on the edge of the bathtub and pulled back to look into his eyes. Goku’s body tingled and he trembled slightly at the intense desire he saw in those obsidian eyes, and as he reached up to run a fingertip gently down Vegeta’s cheek, he gazed back at him, letting his lover see the need in his eyes as well. Vegeta reached out and took Goku’s hands, and helped him stand up.

“You’re wearing too many clothes Kakarott.” Vegeta stated as he began kissing and licking Goku’s chest. Goku gasped as his boxers were ripped off.

“Did I hurt you?” Vegeta pulled his head back to look up at him.

“No…oohhh” Goku’s hands fisted in his lover’s hair as Vegeta’s mouth latched onto his nipple, while both of Vegeta’s hands wrapped firmly around Goku’s erection and began stroking him with agonizing slowness.

“Oh God……Vegeta!” he gasped as Vegeta moved back and forth teasing his nipples with his teeth and tongue, moving one hand off his now slightly painful erection to gently cup his balls.

“Hmm?” Vegeta grinned mischievously as he continued to tease him, “what’s wrong koi?” Goku groaned in response. Vegeta chuckled.

Suddenly Goku began to shiver violently. Vegeta stopped and looked up at him, sensing his need.

“Cold Kakarott?” he asked.

“No,” Goku ground out, teeth bared and eyes clenched shut.

“Well, maybe we’ll just put you into that nice hot bath just in case.” Vegeta said, bending down with a smile, an evil smile, a smile that made Goku tense slightly.

“Vegeta…” he began, “Vegeta no!” he flailed his arms, losing his balance as Vegeta hooked his hands behind Goku’s knees and pulled, unceremoniously dumping him into the warm, soapy water.

Goku sat up in the bathtub, wiping the bubbles from his face trying not to get any in his eyes, when he felt a washcloth gently wiping them away. As soon as they were gone he turned to glare balefully up at Vegeta, who was leaning on the edge of the tub, smirking down at him.

“What’s wrong Kakarott?” he teased, “Not afraid of a little bath are we?”

“No!” he snapped. “But if you wanted to play we could have just gone to the lake again.”

“Oh, really? You want to play this way out in the open where anyone could come by and catch us?” Vegeta asked Goku as his hand shot beneath the water and wrapped around his hard length to stroke him again.

Goku’s lips parted and he gasped, his head falling back. He gripped Vegeta’s wrist tightly, trying to stop him, “No, Vegeta don’t, please, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop.” he begged.

“Yes, that’s right, cum for me koi.” Vegeta purred, fighting the grip on his arm to stroke Goku faster, staring down at him, eager to watch him go over the edge. His eyes widened as Goku suddenly looked up at him, his face set in a determined expression.

“You first.” Goku growled as he reached up and grabbed Vegeta under the arms and dragged him into the tub.

“Kakarott!” Vegeta tried to get away but it was too late. With a splash, he wound up sprawled on top of Goku, eyes narrowing as their erections brushed together. Now Goku became the aggressor, claiming the Prince’s lips in a fiery kiss, tongues dueling for supremacy, as he sat him on the edge of the bathtub, and began to pry Vegeta’s blue outfit off, a few inches at a time. Vegeta’s eyes slid closed, his breath coming in short gasps as Goku lovingly kissed and caressed each inch of flesh he revealed, every inch except his manhood, driving Vegeta berserk with need. He looked down in surprise as Goku kneeled in the water in front of him, grasping his erection and brushing it with the tip of his nose before looking up at him hungrily.

“You..you know how to do that?” Vegeta panted.

“Yeah, Chi-Chi tried it a couple of times, she hated it, but…. I think I’ve got a pretty good idea of what to do” he replied, his voice husky.

Vegeta smiled as he thought of the similar problems he had experienced getting oral sex from his wife. But all thoughts immediately flew from his mind save for the coloured spots that danced across his vision as Goku’s tongue flicked over the tip of his member.

“Kakarott do it! Stop teasing me! You’re driving me insane!” Vegeta cried, staring down at Goku, his face flushed with passion.

An evil hentai smile spread slowly over Goku’s face before he opened his lips and shot his head forward , driving Vegeta deep into his throat.

Vegeta bit back a scream as his body began to tremble, his fingers tangling in his lover’s unruly hair.

//Hmm, I wonder how many different sounds I can coax out of him// Goku thought mischievously,//especially when I do this..// he began to hum around Vegeta’s length, drawing a startled gasp.

//Mmm, and what happens when I do this?// he wondered as he sucked hard on his lover’s member, slowly bobbing his head back and forth, his lips traveling from base to tip in torturously slow strokes. He was rewarded with Vegeta growling his name, the fingers tightening in his hair, stopping just short of causing him pain. //Ooh, I like that,// Goku thought, eyes flashing dangerously, //and what sound do you make when I do this?// he grazed his teeth along the sensitive skin.

“Damn you Kakarott! You are such a fucking tease!” Vegeta rasped, fighting hard to maintain some semblance of self-control.

Goku chuckled around him. //Let’s see what kind of sounds you make now.// he began sucking on Vegeta’s member fervently, sliding his lips up and down his length. Vegeta groaned, looking down to watch as his lover took him into his mouth again and again, bringing him rapidly to the edge. Goku felt Vegeta’s muscles tensing, and knew he was almost there. He sped up his strokes and readied himself a split second before Vegeta shouted his name and filled his mouth with his essence. He tried to swallow it all, but some managed to escape, trickling down his chin, he scooped it up with a finger and sucked it off, enjoying the salty taste. //Why wouldn’t a person like giving someone else such intense pleasure?// he wondered briefly, before a weak moan came from his lover. He stood and caught Vegeta as the smaller Saiyan slumped over, almost unconscious from the intensity of his orgasm.

“How was that for a first time?” he asked, smirking down at his lover.

Vegeta’s head fell back and he stared up at Goku, a slightly dazed expression on his still flushed face.

“Looks like it’s my turn to carry you across the threshold, huh?” Goku said softly as he scooped Vegeta up in his arms. He grabbed the bottle of massage oil on the edge of the sink, //That looks good.// he thought as he made his way to the bedroom. He walked in and put the massage oil on the nightstand before he gingerly set Vegeta on the bed and slowly lay down next to him.

“Was it good for you?” he asked with a wide grin, snuggling up to Vegeta, wrapping his arms possessively around him and throwing a leg over both of his. Vegeta didn’t reply.

Goku began to worry after a few moments as his lover did nothing but stare wide-eyed at the ceiling. //What’s wrong with him? I thought I pleased him…oh man! I hope he isn’t having second thoughts…//

“My turn.” Goku jumped as Vegeta broke the silence. He gasped in surprise as Vegeta practically threw him onto his back and pinned his arms over his head. His heart skipped a beat as Vegeta stared at him with the most hungry, predatory look he’d ever seen in his life, before slowly lowering himself down Goku’s body, exploring his neck and shoulders with his mouth, as his fingers toyed with Goku’s nipples. Goku moaned and arched his back off the bed, his hands gripping Vegeta’s shoulders as he nibbled and licked his way down Goku’s chest to his stomach, pausing to dip his tongue into his lover’s navel, eliciting a startled noise from the large Saiyan.

“Now it’s my turn to tease you, Kakarott,” Vegeta growled, “let’s see how you like it.”

Goku didn’t have time to react before Vegeta began swirling his tongue around the head of Goku’s member, licking the underside, then teasing the slit at the top, looking up to lock eyes with him as he licked off the drop of precum that appeared. Goku groaned, thrusting his hips gently, hoping Vegeta would take the hint and take his length down his throat the way he had, but his lover had other plans. Vegeta gently nibbled and sucked his way down to the base of Goku’s shaft, and then began to suck and lick his balls.

“Ahh…oh God, Vegeta!” he shouted as his eyes snapped open, his hands clenching the sheets, shredding them, and he bucked sharply, every muscle in his body tight as a bowstring.

“Hmm, you like that, do you?” Vegeta asked, pausing for a moment as he sucked on two of his own fingers, coating them with saliva. “I think you’re going to like this even more.”

“Ohh…yeah Vegeta, more!” Goku begged, too absorbed in sensation to think about what he was up to.

But he did notice when Vegeta inserted a finger into him. He jerked and his head came up to stare at Vegeta, his face showing his nervousness as his muscles clamped down on Vegeta’s finger.

“It’s alright Kakarott,” Vegeta soothed, surprised at his partner’s sudden apprehension. “I’m not going to hurt you, at least, not unless you want me to.” he grinned wolfishly at him before taking Goku’s length into his mouth, and down his throat until his lips hit the base of his cock. Goku moaned loudly, his head falling back onto the pillow as Vegeta moved his head up and down, trying to distract his lover from the discomfort as he stretched him.

//I’ll bet it’s that fear of needles that’s making him uncomfortable.// Vegeta thought as he gently pushed in a second finger, moving his mouth a little faster when Goku jerked again at the second invasion.

“Shh, koibito, it gets better.” he soothed, moving his mouth back to Goku’s erection while probing inside him… seeking, seeking, there! Goku cried out, his hips jerking off the bed, and Vegeta almost choked as Goku’s length was pushed further down his throat. //Found it.// Vegeta smiled to himself as he began pressing on Goku’s prostate while continuing to suck on his member.

“Uhh…oh..Vegeta…don’t stop.” he pleaded as his hips rocked back and forth, trying to get more stimulation inside and out, “ohh..please…more!” he almost sobbed with need.

Vegeta released Goku’s shaft from his mouth, and raised himself up until his head lay on Goku’s stomach, trying to calm down enough to be gentle with him. He spotted the bottle of massage oil on the nightstand, and thought, //Perfect. That’s just what I need.// Goku whimpered and moved restlessly beneath him, wordlessly begging Vegeta to touch him again.

“Hold on koi,” Vegeta brushed his fingertips along Goku’s rock hard abs, “I just need to do one more thing so that I don’t hurt you.” He grabbed the massage oil off the nightstand and slathered a generous amount onto his shaft, then inserted a well-oiled finger into him. Goku wriggled his hips, trying to get Vegeta to touch //that// spot inside him again, but Vegeta chuckled and shook his head.

“No, now I’m going to hit that spot in a way that will have you screaming with pleasure.” he promised Goku. He spread Goku’s legs and positioned himself at his entrance, placing his hands on Goku’s hip for balance. He glanced up at his koi’s face to watch for signs of discomfort, and slowly pushed into Goku’s body. Goku’s hands shot up to grip Vegeta’s shoulders, making him wince as the strong fingers dug in. Vegeta’s eyes closed, air hissing between his clenched teeth as he fought the urge to ram his length into the tight passage, //Calm down, take it slow.// he chided himself as he pushed in further.

“Oh…God..you feel good Kakarott.” he whispered as he slowly pushed himself all the way in.

A startled cry came from Goku as Vegeta’s member brushed his prostate, his hands dropping from Vegeta’s shoulders to grip his biceps as he began to rock his hips, eager for more.

“Please….Vegeta….” Goku raised his head to look at Vegeta, and the look on his face made Vegeta groan.

Vegeta fought to stay still inside Goku to give him time to adjust, but he felt his control rapidly slipping away as Goku gazed down at him, his eyes heavy-lidded and glittering with desire, face flushed, lips swollen and slightly parted.

“Kakarott…..” Vegeta’s voice was hoarse as he tried desperately to restrain himself. Goku growled low in his throat as he tightened his hold on Vegeta’s arms.

“Do it Vegeta…” he urged as he bucked his hips hard against Vegeta, nearly lifting him off the bed, “please! Move…do something!” he cried as he rocked his hips.

“No..wait….Kakarott…..” Vegeta groaned as Goku’s rocking drew him in deeper.

“No!” Goku shouted in frustration, grabbing the sides of Vegeta’s face and glaring at him, a feral gleam in his eyes, “no more waiting. Fuck. Me. Now!” he snarled.

“As you wish.” Vegeta snarled back as the last vestige of his control snapped. He pulled out until just the head of his member was inside his lover, gripped his hips, and began slamming himself into the tight heat.

Guttural cries rent the air, and the bedframe creaked in protest of the onslaught as the smell of sweat and sex permeated the room.

Vegeta stared into Goku’s eyes, sweat running down his face, dripping off his chin and running down his chest. Goku stared back, sweat dampened hair clinging to his forehead, a light sheen of sweat covering his torso.

Vegeta felt his climax fast approaching, and wrapped a hand around Goku’s shaft, stroking him in time with his thrusts. Goku covered Vegeta’s hand with his own and encouraged him to move faster as he raised his hips up to meet Vegeta thrust for thrust, a choked moan escaping him as white dots began to swim across his vision .

Both men screamed in unison as they reached completion, Vegeta shooting his seed deep into his lover, while Goku’s shot out to splash onto Vegeta’s chest and his own stomach. Goku slumped back onto the pillows, gasping, as Vegeta collapsed bonelessly on top of him, heedless of the sticky seed covering them. After a moment, Vegeta moved up Goku’s body to nestle his head under his chin. Goku reached a hand up to cup the back of Vegeta’s head, while the other hand gently stroked his back. He listened to his lover’s breathing even out, then start to grow deep and slow, signaling that he was almost asleep.

“That was awesome.” Goku whispered.

“You always did have a knack for understating the obvious, Kakarott.” Vegeta muttered, chuckling softly before yawning and letting sleep claim him. Goku listened to Vegeta breathing softly, feeling his heartbeat, and smiled before he fell asleep as well.


A few hours later at the Son house….

Bulma and Chi-Chi shooed Goten and Chibi Trunks off to bed amid much whining and protesting from the two. Gohan stumbled over to his own bed, collapsing and thinking, //Boy, Mirai Trunks can be a taskmaster sometimes, almost as bad as Piccolo// before falling asleep. Mirai Trunks smiled tiredly as he passed Gohan’s room on the way to the guest bed, chuckling as he saw the young half-Saiyan fast asleep. //Man, nothing takes it outta you like spending the day with three hyperactive Saiyans.// as he too collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. Bulma and Chi-Chi crept quietly down the stairs holding hands. When they reached the bottom, Bulma pulled Chi-Chi in for a deep kiss, running her fingers through her lover’s long dark hair.

“Where are we going to go?” Bulma whispered.

“How about the clearing where we had the picnic?” Chi-Chi suggested, leaning forward to rub noses gently. Bulma smiled at her.

“Hentai, you want to do it outside?” she teased.

“Mmm hmm,” she purred seductively, nibbling on Bulma’s earlobe, “just let me get a couple of things, and then we’ll go.” She ran lightly up the stairs, carefully avoiding any creaky spots that might wake the boys. A few of minutes later she slipped back down the stairs, carrying the same picnic basket they’d used earlier that day.

“What’s in there?” Bulma asked as she grabbed one of the handles with one hand, and wrapped her free arm tightly around Chi-Chi’s waist, leaning in to kiss and lick her throat.

“You’ll find out.” Chi-Chi murmured, reaching around to give Bulma a pinch on the behind. Bulma jumped, then laughed softly as she allowed herself to be led to the front door.

They made their way up the path with two flashlights Chi-Chi grabbed just before leaving, and Bulma stopped and stared in awe as they entered the clearing.

Hanging low in the sky, just above the treeline, the moon loomed, huge and gleaming white, casting a silvery sheen over everything. The forest that surrounded the two women seemed to glow in the soft light. Bulma turned to Chi-Chi.

“You look gorgeous in the moonlight.” she whispered as she lightly stroked her cheek.

“You too, lover.” Chi-Chi murmured as she slid her arms around Bulma’s waist and kissed her tenderly. The two women slowly sank to their knees in the grass, hands beginning a slow, lazy exploration of each other. Chi-Chi pulled back suddenly, reaching over and flipping up the lid on the picnic basket.

“This might be a little more comfortable.” she said as she pulled a blanket out of the basket and spread it onto the ground.

“Glad to see you came prepared.” Bulma murmured as Chi-Chi pulled her into another kiss.

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet” Chi-Chi purred as she reached into the basket again.

Bulma’s eyes widened as Chi-Chi pulled everything out of the basket. There was a bottle of wine, two glasses, a large feather, a black silky gag, padded handcuffs, a vibrator, and a dildo that looked like two penises joined together with a single scrotum.

“You are such a hentai!” Bulma squealed, hugging Chi-Chi tightly.

“And you love it.” Chi-Chi giggled as she pushed Bulma to the ground and stretched out on top of her, claiming her lips once again. They kissed and caressed each other, taking their time, slowly removing each other’s clothes.

“How about some wine?” Chi-Chi asked.

“Mmm, no thanks, I’ve got what I want right here.” Bulma whispered huskily as she gently pinched Chi-Chi’s nipple.

“Hmm, I want wine, but you want attention, what am I going to do?” she mused.

“Oh I know…” she leered at Bulma, grabbing the wine bottle and popping the cork. “Nobody said I can’t have both at the same time.” She brought the bottle up to slide over Bulma’s breasts, the other woman shivering as the chilled glass touched her bare skin. Chi-Chi laughed softly as Bulma’s nipples tightened from the cold touch, her back arching, silently asking for more. “You like that hmmm?” she purred, as she lowered the bottle, pouring a small amount of wine into Bulma’s navel. She gasped as the icy cold liquid hit her skin, then moaned as Chi-Chi’s warm lips and tongue followed. Bulma moaned and arched her back as Chi-Chi nibbled and licked her stomach, her hands coming up to knead Bulma’s breasts. Suddenly Chi-Chi pulled away. Bulma whimpered softly at the lost contact, and looked up in surprise as Chi-Chi reappeared to sit straddling her stomach.

“What are you doing?” Bulma asked as Chi-Chi grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head. She didn’t realize what her lover had in mind until it was too late.

“Hey, what the…?” Bulma cried out as she felt something soft, but solid close around her wrist. She looked up and watched, shocked, as Chi-Chi hooked the handcuffs through an exposed tree root, and secured her other wrist.

“Now the fun begins.” Chi-Chi whispered menacingly, looking down at her with a dangerous gleam in her dark eyes.

“Chi-Chi,” Bulma whined, pulling against the restraints, “let me go right now! Hey! Are you limmphh….” her protest was cut off as Chi-Chi placed the gag over her mouth and tied it.

“You’re beautiful, and sexy as hell.” Chi-Chi began, “But Vegeta’s right, sometimes you do talk too much.” She chuckled as Bulma glared up at her, angry noises coming from behind the gag. Bulma’s muffled tirade stopped and her eyes grew wide as she watched Chi-Chi slowly reach over and pick up the feather with one hand, and the vibrator with the other.

“You’re not going to bring the boys running with your screams this time.” she purred seductively, stroking Bulma’s cheek with the feather. Bulma’s nostrils flared and her body arched as Chi-Chi began slowly running the feather around her breasts, then down to tickle her stomach. Chi-Chi kneeled between Bulma’s thighs as she continued to tease her lover with the feather, smiling at the muffled moans she was coaxing from her. Bulma writhed on the blanket, breathing hard, eyes clenched shut. Her eyes snapped open when she heard a strange buzzing sound, and she raised her head to see what Chi-Chi was going to do. Bright streaks of color danced before her eyes and she cried out sharply as Chi-Chi pressed the vibrator against her, unerringly finding the small nub that suddenly became the center of Bulma’s universe as white hot bolts of pleasure seared through her. Chi-Chi stroked the vibrator back and forth across the tiny bundle of nerves, placing a hand on Bulma’s hip to stop her from bucking as she trembled violently beneath her. Bulma came with a muffled shout, back arching, breathing harshly, her eyes rolling back.

“Hmm, felt good, didn’t it?” Chi-Chi murmured as she bent her head to take a nipple into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue before gently raking her teeth over it. Bulma groaned and arched her back again, pushing her breast up to Chi-Chi’s mouth.

“Ready for more I see.” Chi-Chi said softly as she moved away from Bulma once more. Bulma shivered slightly as the cool night air caressed her skin.

“Open your eyes.” Chi-Chi commanded softly. Bulma did as she was told, and looked down to see Chi-Chi kneeling between her legs once more, holding the double ended dildo poised at her own entrance. Chi-Chi’s eyes slid closed, her head falling back, air hissing between her teeth as she slid one end of it into herself. “Have you ever been fucked by a woman, Bulma?” She breathed softly, looking down at her, face flushed and dark eyes glittering with passion. Bulma’s eyes were wide as she shook her head, chest rising and falling rapidly as she panted behind the gag, spreading her legs wider and wriggling her hips, begging silently. Chi-Chi positioned herself and then thrust into Bulma gently, slowly, groaning softly. Bulma moaned and rocked her hips upward, eager for more. Chi-Chi smiled down at her and began moving faster, gripping Bulma’s hips and pulling her up to meet each stroke. Both women writhed and rocked against each other, their bodies glowing softly in the moonlight as a fine sheen of sweat covered them. Bulma arched sharply and cried out behind the gag, and Chi-Chi reached up to remove it, swallowing Bulma’s scream of ecstasy in a deep kiss. A moment later, she buried her face in Bulma’s neck to muffle her own scream as she gave one final thrust and collapsed atop her lover, both of them breathing raggedly, their hearts pounding wildly.

After a few quiet moments, Bulma whispered, “Chi-Chi..”

“Hmm?” Came the sleepy reply.

“Think you could take these cuffs off now?”

“Oh right. Sorry.” Chi-Chi giggled as she slowly got up and went over to the basket, fishing out the key. After being released, Bulma sat up and rubbed her shoulders, wincing slightly.

“Are you alright?” Chi-Chi asked as she sat behind her lover, massaging her back and shoulders gently.

“I’m just fine, but next time I get to be on top.” Bulma spun around and pushed Chi-Chi back onto the blanket, leaning over to kiss her. She pulled away and shivered as a cool breeze blew through the clearing.

“It’s getting cold, what do you say we go home?” Chi-Chi murmured as she wrapped her arms around her lover.

As the two women pulled their dresses back on, packed up their things and slowly made their way back down the path, hand in hand, neither one of them noticed the tall green figure with the billowing white cloak that stood amongst the trees at the bottom of the path, hiding in the shadows. //Maybe I’d better stick around in the evenings, run interference in case those kids decide to get nosy// he thought to himself before turning away and taking off into the night sky.


The next morning, back on the island….

Goku opened his eyes slowly as he heard birds chirping outside the capsule house. He began to stretch, then stilled as he felt the familiar weight of his lover still on top of him. //Man, that was amazing! What’s even more amazing is the fact that he stayed here cuddled up with me all night.// A lazy smile spread across his face as he felt his and Vegeta’s morning hard ons trapped between their bodies. He gently rolled over, pinning a now stirring Vegeta beneath him, and slid down his body to wake him up in the most pleasant way he could think of….


The Son residence….

Bulma and Chi-Chi enjoyed a companionable silence, groping and kissing each other discreetly as they moved around the kitchen efficiently to prepare breakfast for four hungry half-Saiyan males. Then thumps, shouts and the occasional crash could be heard from upstairs as Goten and Trunks streaked through the house, chasing each other and wrestling around on the floor. Their almost steady rhythm of bangs, thuds, and giggles was broken as Mirai Trunks’ voice reverberated through the house, “STOP THAT YOU ROTTEN LITTLE BRATS!! SOME OF US ARE STILL TRYING TO SLEEP!!” This was greeted by maniacal laughter as both boys ran down the hall and burst into his room.

“What the hell….” he clamped a hand over his mouth, remembering the fact that Bulma was downstairs, and how much his mother in this reality hated vulgar language.

The two boys raced through his room, Chibi Trunks grabbing a corner of the blanket as they ran around his bed one last time before they dashed back out into the hall, taking Trunks’ blanket with them.

“Shit!” Trunks cursed as his blanket went billowing down the hallway, leaving him sitting there in nothing but a pair of black boxers. “Give that back you little wise-asses!” Mirai Trunks hissed menacingly. Chibi Trunks turned to blow a raspberry at him before he and Goten ran into Goten’s room and slammed the door. Gohan poked his head around the door.

“You might as well get up, they’re all revved up now, and they usually stay that way all day.” He said, blushing as he looked everywhere but the bed.

“Yeah, I know.” Trunks sighed in exasperation, brushing jagged lavender bangs out of his eyes. His hair had grown rapidly in the 3 years he had spent back in his own reality, and was now kept in a ponytail that hung almost to his butt. Bulma from this reality had once joked that he looked like some strange cross between his father and Yamcha. His father hadn’t found it very funny. He hauled himself out of bed, pulling a set of clean clothes out of the duffel bag at the foot of his bed, and going to take a shower. As he made his way to the bathroom, he looked at the clothes in his hands and thought, //Mom’s the same no matter what reality she’s in I guess, always making sure to be prepared for anything.// as he remembered how long it had taken them to get packed up before coming here because Bulma had insisted on taking at least 3 changes of clothes for each of them. //It’s almost like she planned this, wait a minute!// he thought, //I’ll bet she did!// he smiled, //I guess even mom needs to get away from capsule corp. every now and again, and she and Chi-Chi are like a couple of schoolgirls, gossiping, hanging out, it’s nice to see mom this way.// He paused in the doorway to the bathroom, listening to the sounds around him. Soft voices, the clatter of pots and pans moving on the stove combined with the sounds of dishes and utensils being set on the table floated up the stairs. Thumps, running feet and laughter could be heard as Goten and Chibi Trunks continued to play. Tears pricked his eyes, his vision starting to swim as he remembered the silence and fear that had filled his world, there had been no happy family sounds like this for him when he was young.

“What’s wrong?” Gohan’s soft question made him jump as the teen gently twirled a lock of Trunks’ soft hair between his fingers.

“Huh? Oh, hi Gohan, I….I was just…oh, don’t worry about it.” he said quietly as he turned and went into the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him. Gohan stood at the door, concern plain on his face. After he heard Trunks turn on the water, he turned and went downstairs to help with breakfast.

Twenty minutes later, Mirai Trunks was helping the two women dish out breakfast, as Gohan wrangled the two younger boys into their chairs. As Trunks sat down, he cast a sidelong glance at Chibi Trunks. //He’s going to grow up into a completely different person than I did, and I’m glad I was able to be here to see it.// He thought, smiling as he observed the close bond between the younger boy and his best friend. //I had a friend like that, sort of…// he thought as his gaze moved to the 16-year old boy sitting across from him. His mind flooded with memories of the Gohan from his world, almost 12 years older than himself, and all the times they had shared. He also remembered when he first realized he was developing a crush on the man, just a few months before he was killed by the androids. His heart lurched in his chest, and he felt tears threatening again. He studied the boy across from him, who appeared to be engrossed in eating, but gave away by the pink patches on his cheeks the fact that he was fully aware of Trunks’ scrutiny. //I know he has feelings for me.// Trunks thought, but he wouldn’t act on what he knew, for the same reason that the Gohan of his reality had never responded to his feelings, Gohan had felt that Trunks was just too young. He turned his head to watch his mother and Chi-Chi, who were wiping down the counters and stove, and putting the dirty dishes into the sink. He smiled again as he watched them talking and laughing, bumping shoulders and joking with each other. //I’m also glad I got to see my mother young and healthy.// He thought as he remembered why he’d come back to this reality to stay.

Flashback : Three years after Mirai Trunks had gone back to his own reality.

Trunks knelt beside his mother, holding her hand as she lay on the bed, face pale and waxen, dark circles under her eyes, her breathing labored. About 10 years ago she had caught the same awful heart virus that had killed Goku. She’d received the antidote, and had seemed to have gotten better, but unbeknownst to anyone, the virus had done irreparable damage to her heart, causing it to slowly fail. She was dying, and there was nothing he or anyone else could do about it.

“Trunks,” Bulma whispered to him, clutching his hand weakly.

“Mother…’ he sobbed, tears flowing freely down his face, “please mother, don’t leave me!” He brought her hand to his face, kissing it gently, “I love you, mother.”

“Son… I’ve charged…” she coughed, raising her other hand to her chest, “the time capsule…you have enough energy for one last jump…” she looked into his eyes, “I want you to go back…”

“NO! I’m not going to leave you!” Trunks cried, his voice cracking.

“Listen to me son….go to where your father and I and Gohan and everyone else is still alive, promise me you will. I’m not going to be able to hold out…much longer, and I want to know that you’re not alone…that you’re happy.”

“Mother, you’re going to be alright! You’re not going anywhere.” he said, not knowing who he was trying to convince more, his mother or himself. “Please Mother…”

“Promise me..” Bulma said softly.

“I promise.” he whispered, more tears falling.

“Thank you.” she whispered as she looked up at him lovingly for a few moments, tears falling from her eyes as well, “I love you, I always have, and I always will, and I have always been proud of you son….be happy.” her eyes slid closed as she drew one last, shuddering breath, then went still, and silent.

“NOOOOOO!!! MOTHER!!” Trunks threw back his head and vented his grief and rage in one long, heartbreaking wail.
End Flashback : Return to Present

“Trunks, what’s the matter with you?!” Gohan cried as he grabbed Mirai Trunks by the shoulders and gave him a shake.

“Huh?!” Trunks jumped as he came back to reality. Gohan’s face was barely an inch from his own, Chibi Trunks and Goten were staring at him like he’d just sprouted another head, and his mother and Chi-Chi were looking at him with concern.

“I said what’s the matter?” Gohan asked again as he gently wiped away the tears on Trunks’ face with his thumbs.

“I…n..nothing..just…just let it go, please?” he whispered as he gently pushed Gohan away and turned back to the table to finish his breakfast.

“For now, sure, but will you tell me later?” Gohan implored.

“Maybe later.” Trunks muttered.

Chi-Chi and Bulma looked at each other, then sat down at the table to eat with the boys, but both women wisely decided not to push Trunks about why he had just broke down in tears at the breakfast table.


Back at the Goku and Vegeta’s hideaway……

After Goku had used his lips, teeth and tongue on Vegeta’s throbbing member to torture and tease his lover for close to an hour, the Prince was almost in tears as he begged for release. Goku finally relented and brought Vegeta to a climax, the smaller Saiyan shouting out his name and shuddering violently beneath him. Goku pulled the still trembling man into his arms, kissing his forehead and looking into his eyes.

“You’re….that…oh, wow!” Vegeta panted.

“Now who’s got the knack for understating the obvious, koi?” he smirked as he leaned down to brush a quick kiss to his lover’s lips. Vegeta growled as he wound his arms around Goku’s neck, pulling him down to deepen the kiss.

“Hey!” Goku pulled away causing Vegeta to glare at him, annoyed.

“What? Is that bottomless pit you call a stomach demanding to be filled again?” Vegeta chuckled as he tried unsuccessfully to pull Goku’s head back down for another kiss.

“No, Vegeta, I’m serious, and you’re one to talk! Now let me get up and have a look at something.” He tried to disentangle himself from his lover’s arms, only to have Vegeta wrap his arms tighter around his neck, then wrap his legs around Goku’s waist as well.

“Vegeta!” he exclaimed, then grinned in spite of himself, “You’re nuts” he said, laughing.

“That may well be Kakarott, but I have every damn right to be! Any man would be after the way you just tormented me with that mouth of yours!” Vegeta hollered, glaring up at him again.

“Oh don’t be like that, you know damned well that you loved every minute of it!” Goku said as he leered down at him.

Vegeta threw back his head and laughed. “Yes, I did. You’re right. That has got to be the best way anyone’s ever come up with to wake me up. Not to mention the fact that you have an extremely talented mouth.” he looked up at Goku mischievously. “Now what is it you were so eager to see?” he asked, brow furrowing slightly.

Goku stood, clutching a still clinging Vegeta to him with one arm, and pointing down to the bed they had just left. “Look at the bed we were in, then look at the one next to it,” Goku said, indicating the two double beds that stood side by side, “and tell me what you see.”

“Holy shit!!” Vegeta exclaimed, squirming to get down, Goku letting him go with noticeable reluctance.

Vegeta stared at the bed they had shared, which was now sitting a foot lower than the bed next to it, given the fact that the bedframe had been reduced to a pile of bent, twisted metal, almost unrecognizable save for the corners, still attached to the corners of the box spring. The box spring itself was laying on bare floor amongst the twisted, broken metal, looking like the centerpiece in some bazaar piece of modern art.

“What the hell happened to it?” Vegeta asked incredulously, eyes wide with shock.

“We happened, koi.” Goku chuckled as he draped his arms around Vegeta’s shoulders and began kissing and nibbling his neck. “Or rather, you happened…….. to be pounding me into that bed to be exact.”

Vegeta turned to look up at Goku, “I’m glad I didn’t hurt you.”

Goku melted inside at the almost-vulnerable look on Vegeta’s face, and lowered his head to capture Vegeta’s lips in a tender kiss.

“Hey,” he said suddenly as he swept a startled Vegeta into his arms, “I’ve got a great idea! Let’s go take a shower! I wanna wash your back,” he leered at him, “not to mention this!” he tousled Vegeta’s jet black mane, which was sticking up even more wildly than usual.

“Hmm,” Vegeta purred as he nibbled on Goku’s ear, making the large man shiver, “that sounds like a great idea, then I can pay you back for waking me up so nicely.”

Vegeta laughed as Goku almost tore the bathroom door off its hinges in his hurry to get in and get started. He sat Vegeta down on the edge of the tub, and sat down beside him to set the water to the right temperature.

“Vegeta, that’s very distracting you know.” Goku shivered as Vegeta kissed and nipped at his shoulders.

“Well, hurry up so we can get started then.” Vegeta whispered.

Goku nearly groaned with relief when the water was finally warm enough. Vegeta laughed as he was scooped up once more, and Goku pulled him into the shower and closed the curtain.

Goku cupped the back of Vegeta’s head and kissed him, his tongue sweeping across his lower lip, asking for admittance, and Vegeta complied, their tongues lazily exploring each other’s mouths as their hands began to explore each other’s bodies.

Goku picked up the soap, an amber colored bar that smelled vaguely like sandalwood, and worked up a lather on his hands, and slid his hands up Vegeta’s arms, making the smaller Saiyan tremble slightly. He gently slid his soapy hands over his lover’s body, washing every part of him, well…almost every part.

“Kakkarot, aren’t you forgetting something?” Vegeta leaned back against him as Goku placed the soap in his hand.

“Nope, it’s your turn now.” Goku informed him, his voice cool.

//Oh, you are going to regret that little stunt, Kakarott.// Vegeta thought, his eyes narrowing dangerously. He too worked up a lather on his hands, and caressed Goku’s thighs, sliding up and down the firm, smooth skin, skimming his hands over Goku’s hips, before reaching farther back. He slid his finger down the crack of Goku’s ass slowly, feeling Goku shiver as he placed his hands on Vegeta’s shoulders.

“You said you were going to return the favor.” Goku said softly, rocking his hips forward to brush his straining member against Vegeta’s rock hard stomach .

“Hmm, yes, so I did.” Vegeta conceded as he washed his lovers body with infinite care, and, like Goku had done, completely avoided his arousal.

“Vegeta,” Goku growled, “touch me!”

“I just did,” Vegeta said reasonably, “I washed your body for you.”

Vegeta gasped as he found himself lifted into the air and pinned against the shower wall, his pelvis level with Goku’s as his lover ground his hips against him, kissing him fiercely.

“Goddamn it, that’s not what I mean and you know it!” Goku bit out as he broke the kiss and buried his face in Vegeta’s neck, “What do I have to do?” he asked plaintively.

“You could put me down, for starters.” Vegeta said, for some reason sounding very angry. Goku looked at his lover in surprise, then backed away and gently set Vegeta back down.

“That’s better.” Vegeta growled. “I am in control here Kakarott, got it?”

Goku gasped as Vegeta’s teeth grazed over a nipple, before he pulled it into his mouth and sucked on it gently, raising a hand to roll the other one between thumb and forefinger. Vegeta looked up briefly and smiled as he watched Goku’s head fall back. He ran his tongue over Goku’s chest in slow, sensual circles, then nipped at him lightly, his body throbbing in response to the moans and gasps he elicited from his tall, hard-bodied lover. Vegeta slowly skimmed his fingertips over Goku’s stomach, tickling him lightly, feeling the muscles jump and twitch as he traced circles around his navel, before his hands dropped down to wrap around Goku’s hard length.

“Beg me.” Vegeta demanded.

“Uhhh…..Vegeta…please..” Goku groaned as Vegeta squeezed him gently “ohhh, God that feels good….please…please, Vegeta, I want….” he panted.

“Yes? You want?” He smirked as Goku’s hands gripped his shoulders and tried to push him down. “Say it, Kakarott, tell me what you want.”

Goku thrust his hips, trying to rub his length against Vegeta’s stomach again, but Vegeta arched away from him.

“Uhhh..” Goku cried out in frustration, “I want your mouth on my cock.”

“That’s all I wanted, now was that really so hard?” Vegeta asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He grinned as he slowly sank to his knees in front of Goku, licking and raking his teeth over Goku’s stomach before his mouth came level with his lover’s erection. Vegeta lightly nibbled his way up and down the underside of Goku’s cock, growling softly in response to Goku’s cries of pleasure before opening his mouth and taking him down his throat until his lips hit the base of his lover’s arousal. Goku threw back his head and shouted as Vegeta worked his member with his mouth and throat, milking him. Goku’s legs started to shake uncontrollably.

“Vegeta..” Goku gasped, “I…I have to sit…down… I.. c… I…can’t” he stammered as his legs began to buckle. Vegeta released Goku from his mouth, a smile spreading across his face. //Just what I was waiting for.// Vegeta thought as his smile turned evil. He stood and grabbed Goku by the hips, pushing down and forcing his lover to his knees.

Goku groaned in frustration and disappointment as he sank down, reaching out and grabbing the edge of the tub.

“No, Vegeta, don’t stop.” he implored. His eyes widened as he turned around to look at Vegeta, who was now kneeling behind him, sliding a finger down his ass crack, before teasing his entrance.

“Vegeta!” Goku exclaimed, trying to pull away, “you said..”

“Stay!” Vegeta snarled, digging his fingers into Goku’s hips and pulling him back until his own arousal brushed Goku’s anus.

“Vegeta!” Goku pleaded, hanging his head and biting his lip in frustration, drawing blood.

He moaned in spite of his protests as Vegeta slid a soap slicked finger inside him, his grip on the side of the tub tightening until his knuckles turned white. “Blow jobs are a tease,” Vegeta smirked, “I know this is what you really want me to do to you, isn’t it?” he taunted Goku as he inserted a second, and then a third finger into him. Vegeta thrust his fingers in sharply, drawing a gasp from Goku, and probed for his koi’s pleasure spot. A sharp cry came from Goku as his back arched, and he pushed his hips back against Vegeta’s hand.

“Now,” Vegeta purred, “do you want my mouth on your cock, or my cock inside you?” He stroked Goku’s prostate relentlessly, reaching around to pump his aching need. “Make your choice and tell me, Kakarott.” he commanded.

“Ahhh…oh no…Vegeta…please..” Goku whimpered.

“Please what?” Vegeta said sharply.

“Uhhh….nnn..oh God…” Goku rasped.

“Very well, if you won’t tell me…”Vegeta let go of Goku’s shaft, pulling his hand back, when suddenly Goku’s hand snapped out and grabbed Vegeta’s wrist in an iron grip.

“Wait…you win.” Goku croaked. “I want…you..to fuck me.” he placed Vegeta’s hand back on his arousal.

Vegeta’s response was to grip Goku’s length tightly, stroking hard and fast, as Goku groaned and bucked his hips. With his other hand, Vegeta positioned himself at Goku’s entrance and buried himself inside his lover with one quick, smooth thrust. Goku’s head snapped back and he screamed his lover’s name, slamming his hips back against Vegeta, demanding more. Vegeta was only too happy to give it. He wrapped his arms tightly around Goku, and drove into him hard and fast, putting everything he had into each thrust. The two Saiyans slammed against each other with all their strength, and the bathtub creaked as Goku braced his arms against the side to keep Vegeta from putting his head through it with the force of their lovemaking.

//Yes, yes! This is what I need.// Goku heard Vegeta’s thoughts as the Saiyan prince filled him and stroked him, his pace brutal. Goku moaned as colored spots began to dance before his eyes. Vegeta’s passion drugged thoughts invaded his mind again, //Finally I’ve found a lover that can take everything I have to give, and more!// The colored spots before Goku’s eyes became streaks of white light and he screamed as he came, his seed hitting the side of the tub and being washed down the drain by the shower. Vegeta’s answering scream came seconds later, and Goku moaned softly as he felt Vegeta’s seed shooting into him. Vegeta slumped over Goku’s back, exhausted, and Goku rested his head against the edge of the tub, closing his eyes.

Moments later, bloodcurdling screams rent the air as the shower turned ice cold and the two Saiyans scrambled out of the tub. Goku reached back to turn water off, and after he did, he started to giggle.

“What are you laughing at?” Vegeta asked tiredly as he leaned against the wall, eyes closed, with a towel draped loosely around his waist.

“Look.” Goku managed around giggles.

Vegeta opened his eyes and saw Goku pointing at the edge of the tub.

“What? I don’t see anything.” Goku grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, and only then did laughter bubble up from Vegeta’s throat as he saw the huge warp that now graced the side of the tub. The two men stayed there, staring at the tub and laughing, until angry growls resounded from each of their stomachs. They looked down, back at each other, grinned and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After raiding their care packages and wolfing down a huge breakfast, they agreed to do the dishes, Goku washing, Vegeta drying. They worked in comfortable silence until Goku asked, “So, when do I get to be on top?”

Vegeta gaped at him, but recovered quickly.

“Why don’t we go and have a little sparring session after we’re done here?” Vegeta said, raising an eyebrow as he sidled up to Goku and wrapped his arms around his waist.

“Winner gets to be on top.” he whispered, planting a kiss on Goku’s shoulder. Goku spun around and grabbed Vegeta, kissing him passionately.

“I’m going to win, you know that, right?” Goku growled.

“We shall see Kakarott.” Vegeta chuckled, as a strange, almost angry expression flitted across his face, before being quickly replaced by his trademark smirk.


Son residence, after breakfast…..

As soon as the boys had helped their mothers clear the table, they were shooed outside to play. The younger boys immediately raced back up to the clearing where they had gone for the picnic the day before, as Gohan and Trunks smiled at each other and loped up the trail after them.

“Finally!” Chi-Chi growled as the boys disappeared up the hill. She pinned Bulma against the counter, seizing her lover’s lips with her own.

Bulma groaned softly, reaching around to knead Chi-Chi’s bottom through the light skirt she was wearing.

“Don’t you two ever give up?” a harsh, deep voice bellowed from the doorway, causing the two women to shriek as they leapt apart, faces turning beet red.

“You’d think last night would have cooled your ardor somewhat, but I guess not.”

Piccolo said as he filled the doorway.

“Uhhh….Hi Piccolo, how’s things?” Bulma asked awkwardly.

“What do you mean by ‘last night’ ?” Chi-Chi demanded, Bulma jerked and stared at the huge Namek as what Chi-Chi said sank in.

“I mean, I saw it all. Everything you two did last night.” He then recounted, in detail everything the two women had done to each other, right down to describing the colour of the fur lining in the handcuffs that had been fastened to Bulma’s wrists.

“Oh my gosh…” Bulma moaned, covering her mouth with both hands, falling to her knees.

“Well, if you saw all that, you must have been standing there for quite some time enjoying the performance, you…you…hentai!” Chi-Chi spat the accusation at him, eyes blazing, hands fisted on her hips in a distinctly matronly fashion.

“Huh?!” Piccolo jumped, his face showing definite signs of guilt, mainly due to the fact that his normally green cheeks were turning a dark purple.

Bulma became enraged as she saw Piccolo blush. She jumped to her feet and yelled at him.

“How dare you!!” she screeched, stalking across the kitchen toward him. He raised himself to his full height, crossed his arms and glared down at her.

“Oh come on! You really think that after 6 years of living with Vegeta that I’m going to be intimidated by a look?” she sneered as she continued towards him.

“Hold on a minute honey,” Chi-Chi grabbed Bulma’s arm and pulled her into an embrace, causing Piccolo to blush even more at the open display of affection, “maybe instead of just watching, Piccolo would like to join us.”

“WHAT!!!” Piccolo and Bulma shouted in unison and together turned wide, disbelieving eyes to Chi-Chi, who was slowly undressing the Namek with her eyes.

Bulma looked at her lover thoughtfully, wondering what she was up to.

“What the hell are you saying?! You’re already cheating on your husbands with each other!” Piccolo sputtered, his entire face purple by this time.

“Well, I’m not exactly cheating on Goku,” Chi-Chi began, “you see, we’ve slept together exactly once since Goten was born, 4 years ago. That was when Goku told me it was just better if we didn’t have sex because you see, he had a hard time reaching completion with me because he had to hold back so much to keep from hurting me.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much what’s happened with me and Vegeta since Trunks was born too,” Bulma said quietly, tightening her arms around Chi-Chi. “Except Vegeta didn’t put it quite so nicely.”

That doesn’t surprise me.” Chi-Chi nuzzled Bulma’s hair, before continuing. “Anyway, Goku said I could find pleasure somewhere else, as long as it wasn’t with another man. So to be fair, I told him he could do the same, just not with another woman.”

“Hey, Vegeta said almost the same thing. Of course, he made some snide remarks about coming to see you.” Bulma chuckled as she caressed Chi-Chi’s back.

“Do you have a penis, Piccolo?” Chi-Chi asked abruptly.

Piccolo gaped, his whole head turning purple at that. Bulma giggled. Chi-Chi merely raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

“Goku told me how Nameks reproduce, which means I know damn well you don’t have one, however, you must have some way to obtain sexual gratification, so we can drag you upstairs and find out, with our husbands’ full permission.” She stated matter-of-factly.

Bulma and Chi-Chi locked eyes, nodding once, and then lunged for the tall, and now very frightened Namek.

“NOOOO!! AAAAmmpphhh!!!” Piccolo’s terrified scream was cut short as a corner of his own cape was stuffed into his mouth.

He spit the fabric out of his mouth, cursing as he swatted roughly at the questing hands that were trying to find a way to undo the sash at his waist, until Chi-Chi knocked Piccolo’s white and purple hat to the ground and gently grabbed his antennae. Piccolo froze, staring down, feeling the first tendrils of pain working their way through his head. Not many people knew that grabbing a Namek’s antennae was the equivalent of grabbing a Saiyan’s tail, it hurt like hell and therefore rendered them almost completely incapable of defending themselves.

“Now, you are going to come upstairs, and you are going to do exactly what we tell you to do, or I’m going to rip these off, got it?” Chi-Chi whispered menacingly.

“Yeah, I got it.” Piccolo growled, as the two women led the burly Namek up the stairs.

“Now,” Chi-Chi began, hopping up onto the bed, still firmly holding Piccolo’s antennae, “let’s get those off,” she nodded her head to indicate the purple gi pants, “and see what’s what, and take this cape off. Slowly.” She tugged gently on the antennae, to show she meant business, eliciting a grunt of pain, as the huge Namek’s legs gave out. The three of them fell to the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, and Chi-Chi took the opportunity to scramble onto Piccolo’s chest, straddling the broad expanse.

“Well,” Bulma giggled as she whisked Piccolo’s gi pants away, “how are we going to refer to him..er…it from now on, when we are talking about hi..he…i..umm?”

“With that voice, this face and those muscles, I can’t help thinking of him as anything other than a he.” Chi-Chi said, her expression thoughtful.

“Yeah, you’re right, except for the fact that…erm…he? doesn’t have a penis, everything about him just screams male.”

“Wha..excuse me!” Piccolo stammered, outraged at the two women talking about him like he was some kind of animal that couldn’t understand what they were saying.

“Hey Piccolo, what are these?” Bulma asked.

“What?” Chi-Chi turned to look at what Bulma meant, and as she looked down the length of Piccolo’s body, she was struck by the contrasting patches of red and pink skin. //That really is quite beautiful// Chi-Chi thought, and told Piccolo to take off his shirt.

“Wha…What the hell for?” Piccolo bellowed.

“You know perfectly well by now what for, now do it.” Chi-Chi commanded as she squeezed his antennae, hard.

Piccolo shouted as white-hot pain seared through his brain, his eyes rolling back in his head as he passed out.

“Oh shit!” Chi-Chi cursed.

“Well,” Bulma said as she watched the Namek’s eyes slide closed, “at least now we can get his cape and shirt off without anymore trouble.”

“True.” Chi-Chi smirked. After several minutes of struggling, the two women finally managed to divest Piccolo of all his clothes. Both women took some time to thoroughly explore the Namek’s body, admiring the muscular frame, lovingly running their fingers over the smooth, green skin, utterly entranced by the contrasts in color and texture.

“Hey, you’ve got to look at these.” Bulma said, remembering what she had been looking at just before Chi-Chi had inadvertently knocked him out. The two women scrambled down and knelt down between the large, muscular thighs.

“What are they?” Chi-Chi asked softly as she saw what Bulma had meant.

Piccolo’s torso was a study in contrasts, his chest was smooth and green, his stomach was adorned with a large half-circle of pink skin outlined with red, with defined ridges. Chi-Chi’s eyes drifted down to his pelvis, which was again smooth and green, with one exception. Where on a human, there would have been a thatch of pubic hair, Piccolo had highly defined ridges of violet flesh, joining together in V’s, running down the front of his pelvis.

Piccolo began to regain consciousness just as Bulma reached out a finger to touch one of the ridges.

“Don’t touch thuuuhhh!” Piccolo’s shout became a loud moan as Bulma’s finger traced one of the v’s.

“Well, that answers that question.” Chi-Chi smiled slyly as one of her own fingers joined Bulma’s to trace the sensitive ridges.

Piccolo gasped, his back arching off the bed as four hands stroked him. He groaned as his hands fisted in the sheets, his hips arching off the bed, eager for more contact.

He felt someone grab his hand so he raised his head to look down. Chi-Chi was turning Bulma around to lay sideways on the bed, her upper torso stretched down one side of Piccolo’s stomach, her face level with his hips. Chi-Chi pulled on his hand, bringing it between Bulma’s parted thighs, and placed his finger between her partner’s labia, moving his finger up and down the slick flesh, before coaxing him to push the finger inside. Bulma moaned as the long, thick digit slid into her, Chi-Chi showed Piccolo how to stroke her, and she gasped as the finger found her G-spot.

“You’re a quick study.” Chi-Chi smirked at him, “Now, do the same for me.” as she mirrored Bulma’s position. Chi-Chi moaned as Piccolo repeated his actions, and lowered her head to gently lick Piccolo’s own pleasure spots. Bulma joined Chi-Chi, Piccolo’s body jerking violently as the two women began licking and sucking the sensitive flesh. Moans and pants filled the room as the trio undulated on the bed.

Pleasure seared through Piccolo as the two women steadily worked his flesh with their mouths and fingers, and he inserted a second finger into each of them. Both women gasped, then moaned in unison as they were filled, and Piccolo began thrusting his fingers in and out of them. They resumed their ministrations in earnest, nibbling and licking Piccolo’s flesh, each reveling in the moans and growls they wrenched from the usually stoic warrior. Three bodies began to tremble violently as their pleasure reached it’s peak, and their voices mingled as all three cried out their release. Piccolo took a deep, shuddering breath, and lay still, enjoying the tingling feeling that was now running through his entire body, as the two women lay slumped on top of him, breathing heavily.

Suddenly Piccolo’s eyes widened.

“Hey, get up, quick!” he gently pushed the women off of him and got up, pulling his clothing back on with a speed that amazed Bulma and Chi-Chi.

“What’s wrong?” Bulma asked, although she had a feeling she already knew the answer.

“Chibi Trunks and Goten are coming.” Piccolo confirmed her suspicions.

“O.k., you go down and stall them, and we’ll get dressed.” Bulma said as she and Chi-Chi began scrambling back into their own clothes.

Piccolo raced downstairs, almost tripping on his hat in his haste, and flung open the door to glare at the two boys, who jumped and gaped at him.

“Piccolo, what are you doin’ here?” Chibi Trunks asked.

“Never mind that, I thought you two were up there with Gohan and Mirai Trunks.” he said.

“They won’ play with us.” Goten whined, “they just sit up on that stupid rock and talk.”

“We’re hungry.” Chibi Trunks demanded.

“Well, your mothers are….busy.” Piccolo said, “why don’t you stay out here and play for a few minutes, I’m sure they’ll make you something when they’re finished…uhh…. straightening things up.”

“Only if you play with us.” Goten looked up at him hopefully.

Piccolo sighed. “Fine, but you have to promise to leave me alone after you have your snack.” he growled.

“Yayyy!” both boys yelled as they dragged him into the back yard, Piccolo muttering something about ‘damn nosy kids’ all the way.


Up at the clearing…..

Gohan and Trunks sat on a large flat rock jutting out from the hillside, side by side, Gohan’s eyes wide, his face pale. Trunks’ head was turned away, eyes glittering with tears as he finished telling Gohan about his future self in Trunks’ own reality, and the tears began streaming down his face as for the first time Trunks revealed the reason he’d come back to stay.

“Oh Trunks, come here.” Gohan said, his voice breaking, tears shining in his own eyes as he pulled Trunks into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Trunks buried his face in Gohan’s neck, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist, sobbing quietly. Gohan nuzzled Trunks’ hair, stroking his back gently.

After a few moments, Trunks managed to get himself back under control, much to Gohan’s disappointment. He had been enjoying having the other man in his arms.

Trunks heaved a sigh.

“But I have to move on. I’m here, in this place and time, and I have a lot of things to be happy for. I have so much to look forward to, and I have a lot of people who care about me, and whom I care about in return.” He turned and stared at Gohan, an intense expression in his blue eyes.

Gohan’s eyes widened and he blushed as Trunks pulled off his jacket, then his tank top. A sharp stab of disappointment ran through him as he watched Trunks make a pillow of his clothes, then lay back on the sun-warmed rock, folding his arms behind his head. Gohan stripped off his own shirt, and copied Trunks’ position, sighing as he closed his eyes, enjoying the feelings of the sun warming his torso, a gentle breeze caressing his bare skin, and the man he wanted so badly lying so close to him, and promptly fell asleep.

Trunks relaxed for a few minutes, acutely aware of the attractive young man stretched out beside him. //God! I want him so badly, but I can’t do this. He’s just too young// he thought. Goku was only a year older than Gohan is when he got married you know. part of him argued //Yes I know, but, that’s different, that’s getting married and starting a family// he argued back. How is that different? Love is love. You were upset that the Gohan of your future thought you were too young, you tried to convince his otherwise, and you were only fourteen, Gohan’s sixteen, stop being such a damn hypocrite! Trunks knew the voice in his head was right, but he just couldn’t bring himself to make a move on the teen. //But that doesn’t mean I can’t look.// he thought slyly, turning over on his side to study Gohan’s naked torso, now that the young man had dozed off.

A few minutes later, Gohan slowly started to wake up, feeling strange. //I feel like somebody’s watching me// He slowly cracked open one eye, looking over to where Trunks had been lying beside him, and both eyes snapped open to stare at the lavender haired demi-Saiyan. Trunks lay on his side, his head propped up on a bent arm, staring hungrily at Gohan’s unclothed chest and stomach. Heat flooded through Gohan’s body as he saw the intensity and need on the other man’s face.

Trunks, unaware that Gohan was now awake, slowly, tentatively reached his hand out, plainly wanting to touch him. Gohan snapped his eyes shut again and pretended to be asleep in the hopes that Trunks might actually do it. It took every ounce of willpower he had to stay still and silent when a fingertip gently skimmed over his side. But the charade was over when Trunks’ finger moved up to touch Gohan’s stomach. The teen’s eyes opened wide and he gasped softly, muscles rippling beneath the gentle touch. Trunks stared down at Gohan, fear and shame clearly written on his features.

“Oh…God…Gohan I’m sorry.” Trunks said softly, pulling his hand back and trying to get up.

“No! Trunks wait!” Gohan rolled on top of Trunks, pinning him to the rock. “Don’t go, please.”

“But, Gohan, this is wrmmph!” his protests were cut short as Gohan clumsily but gently pressed his lips to Trunks’, giving both of them their first kiss. They both grew still at the gentle touch, before Gohan settled his body on top of Trunks. Trunks felt the bulge in Gohan’s pants pressing against his pelvis, and he moaned as his own manhood swelled in answer to Gohan’s obvious desire. Gohan rolled them again so that Trunks was on top, and he groaned as the older man’s hips settled between his legs.

Trunks claimed Gohan’s lips, running his tongue over them, and Gohan opened his mouth, inviting him in. Trunks accepted the invitation eagerly, probing, tasting the teen’s mouth. Gohan moaned softly, rocking his hips instinctively, trying to find release for the ache building in his groin. Trunks broke their heated kiss to lick and nuzzle the soft, pale skin of Gohan’s throat, smiling as the young man gasped in response and arched his neck, granting him better access to the sensitive flesh.

“Trunks….” Gohan groaned.

“Hmmm?” Trunks raised his head.

“Could you, let your hair down?” Gohan ran his hands through the long lavender strands, still in a ponytail.

“Sure.” Trunks smiled down at him as he reached back to pull out the black band.

Waves of soft, shiny hair cascaded down to caress Gohan’s face and chest.

“Beautiful…” Gohan moaned softly, running his fingers through it, gently grasping large handfulls of it and rubbing it against his face.

“Gohan,” Trunks began as a thought occurred to him.

“Yeah?” Gohan looked up at him, his eagerness to please the older man plain on his face.

“Have you ever…you know…..done it…with anybody?” Trunks looked away, his cheeks flaming red.

“N..n..no.” Gohan stammered, his own cheeks red. “Have you?”

“No.” Trunks said quietly. Gohan stared up at him in amazement.

“Are you serious? How come? You’re gorgeous!” Gohan eeped and looked away, his whole face turning red as this last sentence slipped out.

Trunks chuckled, nuzzling Gohan’s neck, “Just never had the time, or the opportunity. Or someone I was interested in.” He said softly.

“So, are we gonna..” Gohan began, rocking his hips against Trunks gently, gasping at the friction it gave him.

“No, not yet.” Trunks said, rolling so that the were lying on their sides, faces barely an inch apart, bodies pressed together.

“No? What are we gonna do then? You can’t just leave me like this!” Gohan pleaded, a hand drifting down to touch himself through his jeans. It was immediately pushed away by Trunks.

“Allow me.” he said, capturing Gohan’s lips in a fiery kiss as his hands undid Gohan’s jeans and tugged on them. Gohan raised his hips, helping Trunks slide them down until his arousal was freed from the confining garment.

He groaned against Trunks’ mouth as he wrapped his hands around Gohan’s erection and began to stroke him.

“Now this I’m an expert at.” Trunks murmured, making Gohan chuckle.

“Me too.” he replied, his own hands undoing Trunks’ pants and trying to pull them down as well. As Trunks’ pants were pushed down off his hips, Gohan’s hands snaked down to wrap around his length, making him growl low in his throat. They lay clasped against each other, each with one arm wrapped around the other’s waist, legs intertwined, lips locked in a passionate kiss. They stroked each other quickly and firmly, thrusting their hips against each other, moaning when their erections brushed together. Suddenly both of them cried out, their cries muffled by each other’s lips, as they came violently, shooting their seed over each other’s chests and stomachs, bodies shaking, chests heaving as they broke the kiss to touch their foreheads together, staring into each other’s eyes, gasping for breath. After a few moments, Trunks pulled Gohan to him, hugging him tightly. And it was then that the two of them noticed the sticky mess on their chests and stomachs.

“Oh man! What are we gonna do?” Trunks said, eyes wide, cheeks red, “We can’t go back to the house like this!”

Gohan burst out laughing at the look on his face. “Don’t worry about it, there’s a creek just beyond those trees,” He pointed. “We’ll just go get cleaned up there, and then we can go home for lunch.”

“Great! Let’s go, I’m getting kind of hungry.” Trunks hopped down off the rock, and as Gohan followed, Trunks spun and draped an arm around his shoulders, kissing him gently, before they made their way to the creek.


Back at the island……..

Goku and Vegeta flew to the clearing they had used for sparring when they had first landed on the island, and warmed up for what promised to be an intense match. Both men were determined to win, Vegeta to keep his dominance over his partner, Goku to finally make his Prince give in to him. //I will win, I have to win, then I can finally show him that he doesn’t always have to dominate everyone else, that someone else can be in control, and he could actually enjoy it.// Goku thought. He remembered the flash of images that had burst from Vegeta’s mind that morning when Goku had made his remark about wanting to be on top, and rage had welled up within him as he had realized that the images he was seeing were Vegeta’s memories of Frieza’s monstrous attempts to break the young Prince’s mind and spirit. And he had understood at that moment why any intimacy the Prince shared with anyone had to be on Vegeta’s terms, with Vegeta being the dominating force. Goku thought, //I’m going to win, and then I’m going to show you that you can submit to the right person, without being weak, or being hurt.// as he powered up to Super Saiyan.

Vegeta also exploded into Super Saiyan mode, thinking, //I can’t let him win, I can’t let him have control over me. I won’t let anyone have control over me!// Vegeta shuddered, // Idiot, why did I open my big mouth back in that kitchen! How could I let my guard down like that! I have :never: submitted to anyone, and I never will! // he thought angrily.

Goku saw the shudder pass through Vegeta, saw the conviction in the Prince’s eyes, and knew this was going to be one of the most intense sparring matches they would ever have. Goku’s face showed his grim determination to win.

Vegeta’s face contorted with rage and he screamed, powering up to SS2, as he flew at Goku, directing a volley of kicks and punches at his head. Goku dodged the attack, but just barely. He jumped to SS2 as well, and initiated a vicious counter-attack, using all his best moves. Energy blasts flew everywhere, and the two Saiyans disappeared and reappeared in different spots around the clearing, moving impossibly fast. Grunts of surprise and pain could be heard as one of the two got in a solid hit.

The battle raged for hours, leaving craters in the earth, and clouds of dust and smoke so thick that it seemed to be dusk, rather than late afternoon. The two warriors were rapidly wearing down, both from firing around so much energy, and from taking so many hits. They flew at each other and attacked one more time, fists and feet flying, but slower now as their energy levels began to drop. They flew back and landed several meters apart, panting and sweating heavily. Goku went down on one knee, and Vegeta swayed but managed to stay on his feet. Both Goku’s orange gi and Vegeta’s blue Saiyan garb were torn and dirty. As Goku tore what was left of his orange and blue gi shirts from his body, he thought //Oh, man, I hate to do this. It’s a dirty trick to win with, but I’ve got no choice. Vegeta’s not gonna stop fighting until one of us is unconscious.// He placed a fingertip in the center of his forehead and concentrated. Using instant transmission, he appeared several feet up in the air behind Vegeta, the sun directly behind him. Vegeta sensed Goku’s ki rising behind him, and spun around to defend himself. Unfortunately for Vegeta, he looked up at Goku at just the wrong moment.

“SOLAR FLARE!!” Goku shouted, and Vegeta was instantly blinded by the brilliant light, realizing too late that he’d been tricked.

“KAKAROTT!! YOU BASTARD!!” Vegeta screamed and he felt Goku’s body pressed up against his back, as an arm locked itself around his neck.

Goku quickly half-dragged/half-carried the enraged and fortunately for Goku still blind Vegeta kicking and screaming off their impromptu battlefield, and into the shade of a grove of trees which, Goku noticed thankfully, had been miraculously spared.

As Goku set Vegeta down on his feet again near the base of the biggest tree, he spun Vegeta around to face him as he grabbed his wrists and pinned Vegeta’s arms behind his back. Vegeta struggled violently against his captor, his legs striking out blindly, until one of his feet managed to connect solidly with Goku’s shin. Goku let out a yelp of pain, before deciding he needed to further restrain his lover. He swept Vegeta’s feet out from under him and gently lowered him to the grass, keeping a firm grip on Vegeta’s arms as he straddled the smaller man’s thighs, putting just enough weight on them to keep the Prince still. Vegeta’s power level was low due to his earlier exertion, and he was no longer able to stay Super Saiyan. As Goku watched his hair and eyes go back to their usual color, he powered down as well, reaching down and unfastening the armor on Vegeta’s torso. He tossed the armor aside, and an audible thunk was heard as it hit the ground. He brought Vegeta’s arms around to cross them over his stomach, then moved his hips up until he was straddling Vegeta’s chest, effectively pinning the smaller Saiyan’s arms to his sides. Then he hooked his fingers into the neckline of Vegeta’s blue body suit and slowly began pulling the stretchy material down to his shoulders. Suddenly Vegeta began to thrash violently beneath him.

“No!! Not like this!” Vegeta almost shrieked, and Goku heard in Vegeta’s voice something he never, ever would have expected from him…..Panic.

‘Shh…It’s okay, it’s me Vegeta, just me.” Goku soothed his lover, lowering his head to kiss him gently.

“I….I can’t see.” Vegeta said quietly, his whole body shaking.

Goku reached out with his mind, sensing his lover’s thoughts. He felt the helpless rage, as long buried memories forced their way to the surface. Goku scrambled off Vegeta as he felt the awful fear and humiliation that was still sharp in Vegeta’s mind as the memories played out in both of their minds simultaneously. Memories of a small boy in a dark room, unable to see anything, lying on the floor gasping in pain from yet another beating, as the high, rasping voice of his unseen tormentor spat curses and threats at him. Then came the feeling of the cold, dry hands that felt like a snake slithering over one’s skin as they grabbed the boy and turned him over, one hand grasping his wrists and pinning them over his head, as the other tore away his clothing. The boy was angry, hurting, and he knew he wouldn’t win against his larger and stronger captor, but he still refused to submit. Goku broke contact with Vegeta’s mind at that point,

“Oh Vegeta, I’m sorry, I didn’t know blinding you with a solar flare would do….would bring it back…I…” he pulled the smaller Saiyan onto his lap, holding him gently.

“Stop it Vegeta.” Goku whispered, as Vegeta began to tremble slightly. “Stop thinking about it, you’re not that little boy any more, and Frieza’s dead, remember? You’re son killed him. You’re here, with me, Goku. Kakarott.”

“K..Kakarott?” Vegeta said softly, almost a whimper. In all the years they’d known each other, Vegeta had never heard Goku speak his own Saiyan name out loud so naturally, and without scorn.

“That’s right Vegeta,” Goku soothed, “it’s me, I’m not going to hurt you. Remember this morning, and last night? Come on, remember me, remember the present, not the past. You have to realize by now after everything we did last night and earlier today that I would never, ever hurt you.”

“Can’t…..can’t see, can’t stop… I…n..no!” Vegeta stammered, starting to struggle again. “Can’t let go.” he choked back a sob as his sightless eyes started to shine with tears before he clenched them shut and turned his head away from Goku.

“Vegeta,” Goku said softly, nuzzling his lover’s ear, “I trust you, I couldn’t have done the things we did last night and today with you if I didn’t.” Vegeta cocked his head to one side, seeming to consider this. Encouraged, Goku pressed on, “I trust you, now it’s time for you to let go of the past and trust me.”

Goku tightened his arms around his lover, //He’ll be more relaxed once he can see me.// Goku thought as he lay down on his back, holding Vegeta on top of him and waiting for the effects of the solar flare to wear off. Goku smiled as Vegeta relaxed against his chest, no longer trembling, slowly bringing his arms up to wrap them around Goku’s neck.

“Kakarott.” Vegeta said softly.

//I knew you trusted me.// Goku thought as he nuzzled Vegeta’s hair, running his hands up and down Vegeta’s back in a gentle caress. He looked down curiously as Vegeta sat up, straddling his stomach. He smiled as Vegeta’s ebony eyes locked onto his own.

“You can see.” Goku said quietly.

“Yes.” Vegeta said softly, gripping Goku’s shoulders, and tugging gently.

“What is it?” Goku asked, his brow furrowing.

“Sit up.” Vegeta whispered. Goku did as he was asked, wrapping his arms around his lover, as Vegeta sat on Goku’s lap, wrapping his legs around him.

Goku’s eyebrows shot up as Vegeta pulled his blue uniform down over his shoulders and pushed it down to his waist, then reached down and undid the sash at Goku’s waist. Goku cocked his head to one side, watching Vegeta as he wrapped an end of Goku’s sash around each hand several times, and his eyes widened as Vegeta held the sash up in front of his face and snapped it in two.

“What are you doing?” Goku stared at Vegeta, wondering what he was going to do next, //Is he mad at me? Or maybe he wants to ….He wouldn’t, would he?// Goku thought as an image of Vegeta gagging, blindfolding and tying him up flashed through his mind //Hmm…..That might not be so bad…// a hentai grin spread across his face at that thought. Goku’s expression quickly changed from smiling to stunned, as Vegeta handed him the smaller piece of the torn sash, lowered his head and closed his eyes in what could only be interpreted as a gesture of complete surrender.

“Vegeta…I…you…are you sure?” Goku asked uncertainly. He stared at his lover in amazement, “I don’t want to hurt you.” he said //Or frighten you again// he thought.

Vegeta’s eyes snapped open, and he stared into Goku’s eyes intensely, “Just do it Kakarott, before I change my mind and tie you up instead.”

“You know,” Goku smirked at him, “I think I would enjoy that.”

Vegeta laughed, then closed his eyes again. Goku kissed Vegeta tenderly, then pulled back and slowly, gently wound the makeshift blindfold around Vegeta’s head, tying it loosely at the back. Vegeta found the second piece of the sash, pushed it to Goku’s chest.

“What is it?” Goku whispered. Vegeta said nothing, but slid his arms behind him to cross his wrists at the small of his back. Goku stared at him, shocked.

“Are you sure you want me to do this?” Goku said, as an uncomfortable feeling built in the pit of his stomach. Suddenly he shook his head. “No! I can’t do this Vegeta, you don’t have to go this far to prove you trust me.”

“I’m not doing this to prove something to you, Kakarott, I’m doing it to prove something to myself.” Vegeta said quietly.

Goku gently cupped the sides of Vegeta’s face, a little scared of Vegeta’s sudden submissiveness. “Vegeta, I don’t understand.” He said, frustrated. “What could this possibly prove?”

“That as you said, Frieza’s gone, and I’m no longer that little boy. That my memories are just that, bad memories, and they can’t hurt me anymore. Besides, you and I both know how easily I can snap that sash if I want to, so the binding will be more symbolic than anything else.” he said, before leaning forward, seeking Goku’s lips. “Just do it, Kakarott, I need to overcome this, and the only way I can do that is to trust someone, and if there’s anyone in this world I can trust, it’s you.”

“Thank you Vegeta.” Goku said as he kissed him gently, reaching around Vegeta to wrap the strip of material around his wrists, binding him loosely. Vegeta leaned forward and rested his head on Goku’s shoulder, and Goku could feel the other Saiyan struggling to stay calm.

Goku gently stroked Vegeta’s back, whispering constant reassurances in his ear, until at last he felt Vegeta’s body relax.

“You O.K.?” Goku whispered.

“Yes, I’m fine, keep going.” Vegeta answered softly.

Goku slowly lowered Vegeta to the ground, laying him down on his back, and asked again if he was alright. Vegeta didn’t answer, he merely shifted so his arms, still bound behind him, were more comfortable. Goku positioned himself over Vegeta’s prone form on his hands and knees, careful not to touch Vegeta so that he wouldn’t feel boxed in. He slowly lowered his head, brushing his lips against Vegeta’s in a gentle kiss.

Vegeta raised his head, deepening the kiss, before gently sucking and nibbling on Goku’s lower lip. Goku moaned softly as he gently reached one hand down to stroke Vegeta’s chest, tracing intricate patterns over the pale, smooth skin, stopping to trace the few battle scars that graced his chest and arms, before reaching lower to stroke Vegeta’s arousal through his blue uniform. Vegeta broke the kiss and gasped, arching his hips to press himself against Goku’s hand.

“Ready to move on I see.” Goku smirked.

Vegeta heard the smirk in his voice and growled, “Just get this damn thing off me!” he wriggled his hips, indicating his uniform.

“Really Vegeta,” Goku said as he bent his head to nuzzle and kiss Vegeta’s throat, “you have to learn to have more patience.” he purred, moving down to rake his teeth lightly across Vegeta’s collarbone.

“Fuck patience!” Vegeta spat, “just take these damned clothes off!” he writhed beneath Goku, arching his back as Goku’s mouth made it’s way down to his already hard nipples.

“Kakarott…” He groaned as Goku’s mouth made it’s way down his stomach with agonizing slowness.

“Hmm?” Goku grinned before dipping his tongue into Vegeta’s navel, earning a soft startled sound from the Prince, before sitting up and moving to kneel beside Vegeta.

“What are you doing?” Vegeta asked softly as he felt Goku moving away.

“Doing what you asked of course.” Goku said with a smirk as he gently began to pull down Vegeta’s blue outfit.

As Vegeta’s erection sprang free, Goku wrapped a hand around it and began to stroke Vegeta gently, as his other hand continued to work the uniform down Vegeta’s legs.

“Take your boots off Vegeta.” he whispered softly. Vegeta immediately toed off the white boots, kicking them away. Goku let go of Vegeta’s length, and snarled in frustration as he tried not to rip the almost skin tight uniform from his lover’s body.

“This thing takes forever to get off!” Goku growled, then sighed with relief as the offending garment was finally removed. Vegeta laughed as he heard Goku scramble to his feet, literally tear away his pants and boxers, and throw his boots aside.

“Now who’s ready to move on?” Vegeta smirked. Goku knelt between Vegeta’s legs and gently gripped his waist, pulling the smaller Saiyan onto his lap once more. Goku gently cupped Vegeta’s chin with his fingertips, and ran his tongue over his lover’s lips teasingly. Vegeta’s tongue immediately darted out to meet his, and they teased each other, their tongues touching, sliding against each other, before Goku claimed Vegeta’s lips in a fiery, possessive kiss. Vegeta moaned as Goku’s hands slipped down to cup his ass and pull Vegeta firmly against him, both men gasping as their erections rubbed together.

“Kakarott…” There was urgency in Vegeta’s voice.

“Just a sec.” Goku clasped Vegeta to him as he leaned back, reaching out a hand to search the ground for the massage oil he had planted earlier at the base of the tree they were sitting under.

“What are you doing?” Vegeta asked, his voice impatient, as he began to rock his hips against Goku. Goku captured Vegeta’s lips once more as he squeezed some of the oil onto his fingers. He broke the kiss to nuzzle Vegeta’s ear.

“Are you ready?” He asked softly.

“Yes, just do it!” Vegeta pleaded, rocking his hips again, “You have no idea how turned on I am.” he said, his voice slightly hoarse.

Goku reached down to stroke his erection, “Oh, I think I’ve got a pretty good idea how hot this is making you.” he smirked.

“Kakarott!” Vegeta shouted, squirming on his lap.

“Hmm, now let’s see,” Goku said, his voice maddeningly calm, “what was it you said this morning?” He continued to pump Vegeta’s cock, reaching around with his other hand to tease Vegeta’s entrance, then he slid a well oiled finger into the tight heat. Vegeta gasped, his head arching back. Goku’s head darted forward and he began to nip and kiss Vegeta’s throat. A low moan came from Vegeta, and he began to rock his hips back against Goku’s hand as a second finger was inserted into him. “I can’t quite seem to remember your exact words,” Goku said slyly. He pushed a third finger into Vegeta, and began to gently probe for his lover’s prostate. A sharp cry escaped Vegeta as Goku found his sweet spot, and he began to writhe on Goku’s lap, bucking his hips as Goku rubbed his prostate and stroked his arousal firmly.

“Damn, this looks so familiar, now what in the world did you say to me? Oh I remember now.” Goku couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice as he mercilessly teased Vegeta.

“Beg me.” Goku growled.

“Kakarott! Please!” Vegeta was nearly sobbing with need.

“Please?” Goku said, before lightly kissing his way down Vegeta’s neck. “What do you want from me, Vegeta?” He asked as he wound one hand under Vegeta’s thigh, wrapping the end of the sash binding his wrists around the other hand. He lifted Vegeta gently, positioning Vegeta’s entrance over his length, and held him there.

“Do it!” Vegeta cried, throwing his head back, trembling with desire.

“Tell me what you want from me.” Goku whispered, running his tongue up the smooth column of his lover’s throat.

“I want..I want your cock inside me.” Vegeta said, voice quavering.

Both men gasped as Goku slowly lowered Vegeta onto his straining arousal, Goku shivering as Vegeta’s muscles squeezed him tightly. Vegeta groaned as Goku slid his full length into him, then held Vegeta still to give him time to adjust.

“I’m ready, Kakarott.” Vegeta whispered.

“I’m not.” Goku whimpered. //Oh my God, he’s so tight!// Goku thought, trying to control himself. After a few moments, Vegeta began to wriggle his hips experimentally, enjoying the feeling of his lover buried inside him.

“Vegeta!” Goku nearly screamed as he grasped Vegeta’s hips tightly, “If you move again, I’m gonna throw you down on the grass and drive my cock into you so hard you’ll be lucky if you can walk by tomorrow!” To which Vegeta snapped the bindings around his wrists, gripped Goku’s shoulders, and lifted his hips until only the head of Goku’s cock was inside him. Then he slammed himself down, both of them crying out as Vegeta began impaling himself on Goku’s shaft.

“Uhhh..Oh God…you…ohhh…That’s it!” Goku shouted, and, as promised he pulled out of his lover and pushed Vegeta to the ground, pulling off the blindfold before stretching out on top of him, kissing him with almost bruising force. Vegeta wrapped his legs around Goku’s waist, moaning as he pulled his lover to him, reaching up to wrap his arms around Goku’s neck.

Goku stared down into Vegeta’s eyes, his expression one of raw need.

“I warned you Vegeta.” he rasped.

“Do it.” Vegeta ground out, eyes narrowed, face flushed with passion. Both men shouted as Goku buried himself inside Vegeta, Goku curling one hand over Vegeta’s shoulder, bracing the other on the ground above Vegeta’s head as he pulled back and began slamming into Vegeta’s tight heat. Vegeta cried out, arching beneath Goku as his hands raked down Goku’s back, raising long welts as spots began to appear before his eyes. Goku growled low in his throat as pleasure coursed through his body, pressure building inside him. Goku slid a hand down to pump Vegeta’s shaft as the pressure reached it’s peak, and Vegeta began to thrash beneath him, hips bucking violently, fingers digging into Goku’s shoulders. Vegeta let loose a long, piercing cry as his seed shot out to cover them both, and Goku answered the cry with a scream as he buried himself in Vegeta one last time and spilled his essence deep inside him. As Vegeta slumped beneath him, Goku rolled them over until Vegeta lay snuggled against his chest, wrapping his arms around Vegeta possessively as they lay there, panting, drenched in sweat.

After a few minutes, Vegeta raised himself up to cross his arms over Goku’s chest, tilt his head to the side and look down at Goku smugly.

“I think you enjoyed that way too much, Kakarott.” he smirked.

“Say what?!” Goku gaped at him, then smirked back, “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

“No, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.” he admitted, “Now, let’s go back to the house, I’m starving.” Vegeta said, and they both chuckled as his stomach rumbled, seemingly on cue.

“And you called my stomach a bottomless pit!” Goku said, feigning offense at Vegeta’s earlier comment, “But you’re right, let’s go get something to eat, and then we can do it again!” He raised his eyebrows at Vegeta, a suggestive smile on his face.

“Again!” Vegeta stared at him incredulously, “Already? And I thought I was a demanding lover!”

“Ahh, but who do you think I’m learning it from?” Goku smirked, before using instant transmission to transport both of them back to the capsule house.


Back at the Son residence……

After a typically huge supper, Bulma and Chi-Chi managed to browbeat the four boys into helping them clean up, the younger boys clearing the table, Mirai Trunks washing the dishes, and Gohan drying. Finally, 45 minutes later, the six of them managed to get the kitchen and dining room clean. As Mirai Trunks and Gohan finally finished working their way through the mountain of dishes that had been piled on the counter beside the sink, Bulma sidled up to them and spoke quietly, hoping the younger boys wouldn’t hear her.

“Hey, guys, could we ask you a small favor?” She asked, as both boys stiffened slightly, “Oh relax, it’s nothing major, we just want a little help getting Goten and Chibi Trunks into their bath.”

Gohan and Mirai Trunks cast sly, sidelong glances at each other over Bulma’s head, evil smiles spreading over both their faces.

“Sure mom, just say the word, and we’ll have them up there before they realize what’s goin’ on.” Trunks said quietly.

“Yeah, Trunks owes the brats a little payback from this morning anyway.” Gohan said, grinning.

“Huh, what’s going on?” Bulma said, placing her hands on her hips and glaring from one to the other.

“Nothing mom, I’d just like to repay them for waking me up so nicely this morning.” Trunks said as he and Gohan glanced at each other again and chuckled.

“Oh, O.K., just make sure nobody gets hurt, and nothing gets broken around here, alright? I think Chi-Chi’s almost finished running their bath, so when she comes down we can start.” Bulma whispered before saying loudly “Boy, you two sure are fast when it comes to doing the dishes, this is great! Thanks you guys. Now, what are you two doing?” she asked as she walked over to stand behind the two smaller boys, who were engaged in whispering conspiratorially to each other, hands on her hips, glaring at them suspiciously.

“N..n..nothing..” Goten stammered, obviously feeling guilty about something.

“We don’t wanna take a bath!” Chibi Trunks declared, getting straight to the point.

“Well that’s just too bad, because that’s exactly what you’re about to do!” Chi-Chi declared right back, standing at the top of the stairs, arms crossed, glaring down at them.

“No!” Goten and Chibi Trunks yelled in unison.

“Gohan! Trunks! Get ’em!” Both women shouted in stereo, pointing at the two young boys.

Four indiscernible streaks flashed through the room, and the sound of giggles and running feet seemed to come from all directions. Bulma and Chi-Chi sat down at the dining room table, Chi-Chi pouring them some tea, as they waited for the chase to end, the boys were moving far too fast for the women to be able to follow their moves.

Chibi Trunks somersaulted through the air, landing on the ceiling and streaking through the house, Mirai Trunks hot on his heels, laughing. Goten ran sideways along the living room wall, Gohan sailing through the air after him. Four flashes of color zipped back and forth, two at a time, making their way across the ceiling, down the walls, across the floor, back up the walls, and across the ceiling yet again. A surprised yelp was heard as Gohan clamped his arms around Goten and landed softly on the floor, clutching his squirming, whining little brother tightly.

“Come on! What’s taking you so long?” Gohan taunted Mirai Trunks, grinning.

Mirai Trunks snarled, and redoubled his efforts to catch Chibi Trunks. As they made their way back down to the floor again, Mirai Trunks lunged forward, managing to catch Chibi Trunks in the back of the knees and send him crashing to the floor.

“Gotcha, you little punk!” Mirai Trunks growled as he captured Chibi Trunks in a vicious headlock, “now, that’s for waking me up so rudely this morning.” he chuckled.

The two boys whined, kicked, squirmed and shouted, but to no avail. They were carried upstairs, undressed by their mothers, and rudely shoved into the water by Gohan and Mirai Trunks, the latter taking special care to push Chibi Trunks’ head under the water, smirking as the boy came up sputtering for air, before both boys turned to glare murderously at the young men.

“Thanks you two.” Bulma said, beginning to work shampoo into a most unimpressed Chibi Trunks’ hair.

“Yes, it would have taken us ages to coax these two in here without your..er…persuasion.” Chi-Chi smiled, working up a lather in a pouting Goten’s hair as well.

“No problem. Hey mom, Trunks and I are gonna go out for a walk, O.K.?” Gohan said, casting a sidelong glance at Trunks.

“Alright Gohan, but don’t stay out too late.” Chi-Chi said distractedly.

“Sure mom, and thanks! Come on Trunks! Let’s go!” he grabbed Mirai Trunks’ arm and pulled him out into the hallway. He let go of Trunks long enough to duck into his room for a minute, before dashing back out into the hallway with a duffel bag in his hand He glomped on to Trunks again, and almost dragged the surprised demi-Saiyan down the stairs.

“Let’s see…” Gohan said as he peered into the refrigerator, “Aha! That’ll do it!” he said, smiling as he shoved four cans of soda into the bag. “O.K. All set, let’s go!”

As they stepped out onto the porch, Gohan took Trunks’ hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before letting go and taking off into the darkening sky.

//I know what he wants, he wants to continue what we started this afternoon.// Trunks thought, his body tingling as he felt himself becoming aroused. //I…should I? Am I doing the right thing?// He remembered the thoughts that had gone through his head earlier that day, //Yeah, I know I am.// he thought, smiling as he took off after Gohan.

They landed in the clearing, on the same rock jutting out of the hillside that they’d sat, as well as done some other things on, earlier that day. Trunks chuckled, then grabbed the belt loops of Gohan’s jeans and pulled the teen’s body tightly against his own, claiming the soft lips in a searing kiss. Gohan clutched Trunks’ shoulders tightly as he trembled, his knees threatening to give out from the sheer intensity of the kiss. Trunks sensed Gohan’s predicament, and gently lowered both of them to their knees. Suddenly Gohan pulled away, looking behind him, then reaching out for the duffel bag. Trunks looked at him quizzically, then grinned slyly as Gohan pulled out a thick, soft blanket and spread it out on the rock, then reached back into the bag and pulled out a tube of lubricant.

“Ready for anything, huh?” Trunks muttered, leaning in to nibble Gohan’s earlobe, “Going for a walk indeed.” he chuckled.

“Hey, what did you want me to say?” Gohan grinned as he gently pulled the black band from Trunks’ hair, once again releasing the silky lavender strands so that he could run his hands through them. “Hey mom, Trunks and I are going out to the woods to screw each other’s brains out, O.K.?” He giggled.

“Oh my god!” Trunks threw his head back and laughed. “I could just see your mom’s face!”

“And what about your mom? I could hear the lecture you would get!” Both of them dissolved into peals of laughter as they tried to imagine all the expressions that would cross their mother’s faces if they knew what they were up to. They sobered up however, when it came to their fathers.

“Well, my dad would just kill me in the slowest, most painful way he could think of.” Trunks said certainly.

“My dad probably just wouldn’t get it at all, and then your dad would kill me for being your partner, and then kill my dad, or at least try, because he would be annoyed by dad’s inability to grasp what was going on.” He chuckled.

“And then Vegeta would find a way to wish all three of us back just so he could kill us all over again!” They said in unison, hugging each other tightly as they dissolved into helpless laughter once more.

As their laughter died down, they stretched out on the blanket, arms and legs entwined, kissing heatedly. Trunks rolled over on top of Gohan, settling his hips between the teen’s legs, eyes narrowing as a low moan escaped Gohan’s throat at the contact. He growled softly as he pushed up Gohan’s shirt, leaning down to lick the teen’s rock hard abs, gently nipping at the sensitive flesh, his body throbbing in response to the gasps and moans he wrenched from the young man beneath him. He began to kiss and lick his way up Gohan’s stomach, veering over to graze his teeth over an already hard nipple, smiling as Gohan cried out softly, his hands tangling in Trunks’ hair as he arched his back, silently asking for more. He left a trail of hot kisses across Gohan’s chest as he slowly made his way up to the writhing teen’s throat, groaning softly as Gohan rocked his hips against him.

“Trunks….ohh…yeah..” Gohan moaned as Trunks gently grazed his teeth along Gohan’s jaw, before claiming the teen’s lips with his own. He thrust his tongue between Gohan’s parted lips, exploring, tasting, excited by the young man’s submissiveness as his hands slid over Gohan’s chest and stomach.

Suddenly Trunks broke the kiss, pulling back until he was kneeling between Gohan’s legs, staring down at him, eyes glittering, breath coming in ragged gasps.

“What’s wrong?” Gohan panted.

“Too much clothing.” Trunks answered as he almost ripped off his black tanktop, then fumbled with his belt buckle trying to get his pants undone. Gohan pulled off his own white T-shirt, quickly undid his pants and pushed them down his hips before reaching up to help Trunks with his grey pants. Trunks closed his eyes and moaned as Gohan’s fingers brushed his erection as he pulled down his zipper, and Trunks quickly stood up and finished removing his clothes, as Gohan frantically tried to rid himself of his jeans. Trunks knelt beside Gohan and growled as he grabbed Gohan’s jeans and pulled them off. Gohan gasped softly as the cool evening air caressed his skin, then he arched his back and cried out as Trunks leaned over and took his throbbing member into his mouth. Gohan groaned as Trunks began moving his mouth slowly up and down Gohan’s length, sucking eagerly.

“Uhhh, Trunks….please,” Gohan pleaded, “stop, I..I don’t want to cum yet.”

Trunks reluctantly pulled back. “What do you want to do?” he asked softly.

“Well, um,” Gohan began, smiling shyly, “I would like to try something I saw in a magazine once.” He turned his head away, his face burning.

Trunks gently cupped Gohan’s chin and turned his face back towards him.

“Come on Gohan, tell me, don’t be shy.” he urged.

“Well, here.” Gohan sat up, then turned his body so that his face was level with Trunks’ hard member, and stretched out on his back. “Now,” he said, a sly grin spreading over his handsome face, “you do this,” he reached for Trunks, trying to roll his lover on top of him, and Trunks complied, finally understanding what was happening when Gohan’s erection brushed against the end of his nose, “and then I do this.” Gohan purred, before wrapping his lips around Trunks’ straining member, pulling on Trunks’ hips and raising his head until his lips hit the base of Trunks’ cock.

“Nnn…Uhhh….Gohan!” Trunks cried, trembling as Gohan worked his arousal mercilessly. He let out another strangled cry before gripping Gohan’s shaft tightly in one hand, and taking Gohan’s arousal into his mouth, sucking on it as hard as he could. A choked cry came from Gohan, and his hips shot up instinctively, driving his length into Trunk’s mouth. Trunks quickly pulled his head back, and used his other hand to keep Gohan’s hips still. He moaned softly around Gohan’s length as his young lover began to quicken his movements, and he followed suit. Trunks desperately tried to keep from thrusting his hips as Gohan’s warm, wet mouth slid up and down his length, and Trunks cried out as he came, the sounds muffled by his lover’s arousal. Seconds later, Gohan’s answering cry was heard, as Trunks swallowed Gohan’s essence.

Trunks quickly rolled off his lover, righting himself so that he could pull Gohan into his arms. They lay entwined for several minutes, breathing heavily, their hearts pounding.

“Where in the hell did you learn how to do that?” Trunks demanded after a few minutes.

“Well,” Gohan began.

“Yeah, well?” Trunks asked impatiently.

“You remember when my dad got the heart virus, when you first came here, and we took him to Master Roshi’s so that the androids wouldn’t find him?”

“Yeah….” Trunks prompted.

“Well, you know how my mom was still trying to get me to study, even with all that going on, right? Well, Master Roshi thought it would be a good idea for me to have a few things to study other than boring old textbooks, so he kind of…umm…you know, slipped a few of his old hentai magazines into my schoolbooks.” He said shyly.

Trunks stared at Gohan, wide eyed, for almost a full minute, then burst out laughing. “Yeah, that figures, leave it to Master Roshi to corrupt an 11 year old.” he smirked.

“Hey!” Gohan said, smiling, “he didn’t corrupt me, he just….gave me some new subjects to study.”

“Damn!” Trunks said as he began to nuzzle Gohan’s neck, “it’s amazing what you can learn from books, of course, now I understand why you had your nose buried in those books so much.” He chuckled.

Gohan moaned softly as Trunks continued to kiss and nuzzle his neck, tracing swirls across his chest, before gently rolling a pebbled nipple between thumb and forefinger.

“You want some more?” Trunks purred, as he slid a hand down to caress Gohan’s member, which was quickly hardening again.

“Mmmhmmm, uhhh!” Gohan bucked his hips as Trunks began to slide his hand up and down Gohan’s length, raking his teeth up and down the teen’s neck, nipping softly.

Trunks pulled Gohan into his arms and rolled Gohan was on top of him, moaning softly as he wrapped his legs around his young lover’s waist. Gohan rocked his hips, and both of them cried out as their erections were trapped between them, rubbing together. Gohan’s head swooped down, and he claimed Trunks’ lips in a deep kiss, wrenching a low moan from him, as Gohan reached a hand out to grab the tube of lubricant.

“Who’s gonna go first?” Gohan broke the kiss and asked softy, holding up the tube for Trunks to see.

“Well,” Trunks said, a sly smile on his face, “you’re already there, you go first.” he said as he bucked his hips, eliciting a strangled groan from Gohan.

“Are…are you sure?” Gohan whispered as he looked down at him, his expression one of apprehension.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Trunks assured him, taking the tube of lubricant and squeezing some onto his fingers. He reached between them to wrap his hand around Gohan’s length, smiling as the teen gasped and trembled at the touch, he began to move his hand up and down, spreading the lubricant over Gohan’s shaft. “O.K., that should do it” he said quietly.

“Umm, Trunks, are you really mmpphh!” Gohan’s protest was silenced as Trunks reached up, grabbed the sides of his face, and pulled Gohan down to deliver a bruising kiss.

“Just do it!” Trunks growled, almost glaring at him. “Please Gohan, I’ve waited too long for this!” he pleaded, his expression softening.

“O.K., here goes.” Gohan whispered as he moved down to position himself at Trunks’ entrance. Both of them cried out as Gohan began to push himself into his lover. Trunks shuddered, then began to writhe beneath him.

“Trunks…” Gohan groaned. “you O.K.?”

“Ahh….uhhh, it burns!” Trunks gasped.

“I’m gonna stop.” Gohan said.

“NO!” Trunks shouted, “Don’t you dare! Keep going.” he panted.

“But Trunks,” Gohan ground out, trembling, “I…..don’t..want to…hurt you!” he cried out as Trunks wrapped his arms and legs around him tightly.

“I’m O.K., keep going. I’ll get used to it.” Trunks whispered. “Please? Don’t stop Gohan.”

Both of them moaned as Gohan slid his full length into Trunks, Gohan nuzzling Trunks’ neck, Trunks fisting his hands in Gohan’s unruly black hair. Gohan was trying to stay still and give Trunks time to adjust to the invasion, and he shook violently with the effort, using every ounce of willpower he had to keep himself from slamming his length into the exquisitely tight heat.

After a few moments, Trunks began to rock his hips gently. “I’m alright Gohan.” He said quietly, “Do it.” he raised his head slightly to kiss and nip Gohan’s shoulder.

“You’re so tight…..it feels so…so good.” Gohan panted, not quite ready to move, for fear it would be over too soon.

“Gohan, please!” Trunks cried, bucking his hips, eager to feel his lover moving inside him.

“I can’t!” Gohan almost sobbed. “You’re so…so hot..I..I’m gonna cum if I move.”

“If you won’t do it then I will!” Trunks snarled, rolling them over until he was straddling Gohan, with his length still buried inside him. He braced his hands on Gohan’s chest, and began slowly raising his hips, until only a couple of inches of Gohan’s shaft remained inside him, and slowly lowered himself, taking his lover’s throbbing arousal all the way back in. He gasped as the pain faded, to be replaced by intense pleasure. Gohan moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as Trunks began to pick up the pace. Trunks began to arch back, and suddenly shouted, body quivering, white spots dancing before his eyes as Gohan’s arousal brushed something inside him, something that felt incredible. He began to ride Gohan frenziedly, keeping his body arched and crying out sharply every time Gohan hit his prostate. Gohan began to buck wildly beneath him, eyes clenched shut, face flushed with passion, shouting hoarsely.

Trunks reached down and began stroking his own shaft as he rode Gohan, crying out his lover’s name, as Gohan reached up to grip his hips tightly, pulling Trunks down forcefully onto his member, shaking violently as he rapidly approached completion.

“Uhhh, Trunks! Oh..uh….I ..I’m gonna..” Gohan panted.

“Yeah…me too..” Trunks groaned.

They screamed out their release in unison, backs arched, heads flung back, bodies shuddering. Trunks’ seed sprayed into the air, dropping back down to hit Gohan’s chest, as Gohan’s was shot deep into Trunks’ body.

Trunks slowly rolled them over so they were laying side by side, arms and legs wrapped around each other, and kissed his lover tenderly. “Thank you.” he said quietly, “That was amazing. I always hoped my first time would be with you.”

“I wanted the same thing,” Gohan whispered. “I just thought when you went back, that I would never get to…” his sentence was cut short as Trunks claimed his lips again.

“I’m here now, and I’ll always be here for you.” Trunks promised, pulling Gohan closer to him.

After a few moments, Gohan said. “Next time you get to be on top.”

“But I just was.” Trunks teased.

“No you know what I mean, I want you inside me.” Gohan said quietly.

Trunks kissed him softly. “Whenever you’re ready.” he whispered.

“O.K.,” Gohan said, his face breaking out into a bright smile, “how does 10 minutes sound?”

Trunks gaped at Gohan, then chuckled. “You might be ready, but I don’t think I will be.”

“Oh yes you will.” Gohan promised, an evil smile spreading across his face, before he seized Trunks’ lips in a searing kiss.


Five minutes later…..

“Uhhh…Gohan..please..” Trunks moaned, as Gohan trailed fiery kisses down his throat, nipping gently at his collarbone before moving down to trace hot, wet swirls over his lover’s muscular chest with his tongue.

Trunks’ hands fisted in Gohan’s hair as the teen latched onto a hard nipple, alternating between sucking and raking his teeth over it, reaching over to pinch the other gently. The teen slowly slid his hand down his lover’s washboard stomach and gently grasped Trunks’ hardening member, stroking it slowly and firmly, delighting in the noises he wrenched from the older man with his touch.

“What was that you were saying about not being ready?” Gohan smirked, chuckling as Trunks bucked his hips, silently asking for more.

When Trunks was fully hard, trembling beneath him and whimpering with need, Gohan reached for the lubricant. He raised himself up, and sat straddling Trunks’ hips, groaning softly as their erections brushed together.

“Please Gohan….I..I want you. I want to be inside you.” Trunks begged, breathing raggedly.

Gohan grinned wolfishly at him, squeezing some lubricant onto his fingers.

“Just a sec,” he said. “I think maybe….” he moaned softly, his eyes sliding closed as his head fell back.

“Huh? Gohan, what…” Trunks froze as he took in the sight before him.

Gohan was on his knees, poised directly over Trunks’ aching need, one hand sliding up and down his own member, the other hand behind his back. Trunks’ entire body throbbed with lust, as he realized what the teen was doing. Trunks picked up the lubricant and coated three fingers with it, before he reached his own hand between Gohan’s legs, finding Gohan’s hand and feeling the teen’s fingers thrusting in and out of his own entrance.

“Here, let me.” Trunks said softly, as Gohan moved his hand away, allowing Trunks to slide a finger into his tight entrance. Gohan moaned, then began to pant and buck his hips wildly as Trunks slid the second and third fingers inside him, thrusting them in and out several times, stretching his young lover, before probing for the same spot inside Gohan that had driven Trunks himself so crazy earlier. A sharp cry from Gohan let him know he had found what he was seeking. Trunks mercilessly rubbed Gohan’s prostate, grabbing the teen’s other hand and forcing it away from his quivering arousal, smirking as the teen cried out at the loss. He pulled Gohan down on top of him, moaning as the teen’s lips claimed his is a searing kiss.

“Are you ready?” Trunks purred.

“Yes!” Gohan gasped, rocking his hips against Trunks eagerly.

With one fluid motion, Trunks rolled them over, hooking his arms under the back of Gohan’s knees and spreading his legs wide open, staring down at his lover for a moment, enjoying his partner’s vulnerable position. Gohan looked up at Trunks, and groaned softly at the smoldering intensity of Trunks’ gaze.

“Please.” Gohan whispered.

Trunks positioned the tip of his erection at Gohan’s entrance, and slowly pushed it inside of him. Both of them gasped as Trunks’ length was pushed through the tight ring of muscle, a strangled moan coming from Trunks as he tried to go slowly.

Finally, he was fully sheathed inside his lover, Gohan moaning at the sensation of being filled. Trunks leaned down until he was laying on top of his lover.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Trunks purred in his ear, rocking his hips very slightly, teasing the teen.

“Uhhh…Trunks….Please!” Gohan cried.

Trunks tried to stay still for a few more moments, then as Gohan began to buck beneath him, remembered the desire and need that had raged within him when Gohan had been inside of him.

“O.K., you ready Gohan?” Trunks asked, his voice hoarse with passion.

“Yeah.” Gohan growled, bucking his hips again.

Trunks pulled out until just the tip of his erection was inside his lover, and began a series of slow, deep thrusts, aiming for his lover’s prostate with each thrust. Gohan trembled beneath him, moaning his name, crying out when Trunks hit his sweet spot. He gripped his lover’s shoulders tightly, as Trunks felt his control rapidly slipping away.

“Trunks please! Faster!” Gohan cried, seemingly reading his lovers thoughts.

Trunks growled, then began slamming himself into Gohan’s tight heat, the pleasure obscuring all rational thought. Gohan’s eyes rolled back in his head, as he began to thrash wildly beneath his lover. Trunks gripped Gohan’s waist tightly, as he continued to piston in and out of his lover’s body. Gohan fisted one hand in Trunks’ long lavender hair as the other gripped his own shaft tightly, stroking himself in time with Trunks’ thrusts.

Trunks threw back his head and howled as he emptied his seed into his lover’s body, a keening wail coming from Gohan as his seed shot out to cover their chests and stomachs. Trunks collapsed on top of Gohan, and they lay like that for several minutes, chests heaving as they gasped for breath, hearts pounding, shivering slightly as the cool night air caressed their sweat-slicked skin.

Both of them jumped when a few minutes later as they heard Chi-Chi’s voice calling for them.

“Oh man! We better get cleaned up, and quick!” Gohan said, chuckling as Trunks tried to stand, his legs still wobbly.

“We’ll be there in a few minutes mom!” Gohan hollered, Trunks wincing at the sheer volume of the teen’s voice. //And I thought my father and mother were bad!// he thought, then chuckled to himself.

“Well, you can stay out for a little while longer, just be home within the hour, O.K.?” Chi-Chi hollered back.

“Alright, thanks mom!” Gohan bellowed.

“So, how much time do we have?” Trunks asked.

Gohan reached into the duffel bag and pulled out his watch. “About 20 minutes.” he said, disappointed.

“I guess we’d better go get cleaned up then.” Trunks said, then noticed the downcast expression on his lover’s face. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Trunks asked, wrapping his arms around the teen.

“I just want to spend more time with you alone, that’s all.” Gohan said softly.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, we’ve got time.”

“Kind of, but between your mom and mine, we don’t get a lot of time, and when our dads come back, we’ll have to train with them, and then we’ll have even less time.” Gohan said quietly.

“Hey, our dads aren’t coming home until the day after tomorrow, relax, even when they do come back, we’ll find a way to sneak off alone.” Trunks reassured him.

“Yeah, that’s right, we will.” Gohan said, wrapping his arms tightly around his lover, before they made their way back to the creek for the second time that day.


Back at the island…..

Goku and Vegeta finished cleaning the dishes, Vegeta still grumbling about having to wash them between bouts of staring at Goku’s body, clad only in another pair of white boxers, and often catching Goku staring back at his own muscular frame, clad only in a pair of black spandex shorts. Goku dried the last bowl, put it back in the cupboard, then drew up behind Vegeta, wrapping his arms around his lover’s slender waist. His fingers lightly caressed the rock hard abdomen, before sliding down to rub his already hardening manhood through the spandex. Vegeta moaned softly, his head falling to the side as Goku planted gentle kisses across his shoulder, then up the side of his throat before sucking and nibbling on Vegeta’s earlobe.

“Can I be on top again?” Goku whispered.

“No!” Vegeta snapped, squirming to get away from his lover’s teasing hands.

“Awww, why not?” Goku whined, recalling how just before dinner he had bent Vegeta over the counter and taken him forcefully from behind. He shivered as he remembered the sound of Vegeta’s ecstatic screams reverberating through the house.

“Because, Kakarott, you’ve had your turn, remember? And now…” he purred, spinning around to fondle Goku’s own erection through his boxers, “It’s time for you to submit to me. You know, I rather like you that way, on your back, begging me to fuck you senseless.”

“That’s funny,” Goku breathed softly, “I was just about to say the same about you.” he leaned down to claim Vegeta’s lips, their tongues dueling for supremacy.

Goku growled as Vegeta pushed him roughly to the floor, tearing his boxers off, then settling between his thighs. He groaned, eyes sliding shut, lips parted, as Vegeta cupped his erection gently, rocking his hips and rubbing their arousals together, only a thin layer of spandex separating them. Suddenly Goku’s eyes snapped open, his body stiffening.

“We’ve got company Vegeta.” Goku said, trying to get up.

“Yes, your little human friend, Yamcha.” Vegeta replied, firmly pushing Goku back down onto the floor, and continuing to rub against him .

Goku looked up at Vegeta, surprised. “He’s not so little koi, and I know him, he’s probably gonna come knocking on our door, he wouldn’t have come to the island for nothing, now let me go put something on.” he gasped as Vegeta sat astride him, moving his hips back and forth, creating even more friction.

“No, I suppose he wouldn’t, especially after you and I both told all the others that we wanted to be left alone. Doesn’t that make you wonder even more why he’s here?” Vegeta smirked at Goku, still pinning him down. “If you’ll just take a moment to sense his position, you’ll know that he’s approaching the house on foot through the forest, when it would have been much easier and quicker to just fly over the lake. You’ll also notice how much he’s suppressing his power level, such as it is. Doesn’t that tell you something, Kakarott?”

Goku looked up at Vegeta, his face a mixture of wariness, and confusion, “What are you saying, Vegeta?” he asked, “Are you accusing Yamcha of being up to no good? Come on Vegeta, you know him by now, he’s not a bad guy. And, as much as I hate to bring this up, you’re right, even if he wanted to, he doesn’t stand a chance of being able to hurt either of us.”

“I’m not saying he’s here to cause trouble Kakarott, just think about it, why would he try to keep us from sensing his presence?” Vegeta asked quietly, moving up to sit straddling Goku’s waist. Goku sat up, wrapping his arms around Vegeta as the smaller Saiyan shifted to get comfortable on Goku’s lap.

“I don’t know Vegeta, but you’re right again, it is strange for him to do that. Oh, wait! I know, he’s probably just checking to make sure we haven’t killed each other yet!” he chuckled.

“I don’t think so, Kakarott.” Vegeta said, his expression thoughtful.

“Huh? Then why would he be sneaking up on us then?” Goku asked, brow furrowing.

“Isn’t it obvious? The same reason he’s always hanging around your house as often as possible, and coming around to watch me when I’m in the gravity room since shortly after I came back to Chikyuu .” Vegeta said, his expression turning sly. “He’s obviously had the, now what’s the word again, the hots for you for a while, and he’s got the hots for me too.”

“What?! What are you talking about? Sure, O.K., Yamcha hangs around my place every so often, shit! We’ve known each other since I was a little kid!” Goku babbled, trying to brush away Vegeta’s insinuations. //Oh shit, no! It can’t…can’t be true!// Goku thought, remembering the secret attraction he’d had since adolescence toward the former Desert Bandit, at least, the one he’d had up until the day he’d first laid eyes on Vegeta.

“Oh Vegeta, Yamcha hangs around my place because he’s my friend, and he probably watched you because he wanted to see how you trained, pick up a few pointers, not to mention the fact that he was checking out the competition once he realized Bulma was attracted to you.” Goku said, still trying to convince himself, and Vegeta, that Yamcha’s actions were totally innocent.

“Oh, yes! Sure!” Vegeta snorted, “That’s why when both of us were staying at Capsule Corp. he would stand outside the gravity room for hours on end, seemingly unaware of the passage of time, staring at me with a distinctly hungry expression on his face, and when I would come out, he would scamper away like a scared puppy, and sometime later that day, I would catch him jacking off.”

“Vegeta!” Goku gaped at him, “So what! I’m married, and I still jack off ….sometimes…” Goku said, blushing. //And it was usually to images of you in my mind’s eye, with your name falling from my lips as I came// He thought, smiling as he thought about how lucky he was to finally have his fantasy come true.

“Oh really? Well then, explain to me why when I would catch him, more often than not he was MOANING MY NAME AS HE DID IT!” Vegeta crowed, his expression triumphant.

“No way! He….your name?” Goku gaped at him, astonished. //Man, talk about your weird coincidences, Yamcha having an attraction towards Vegeta too, could it really be true?// he thought. “But wait, what about Bulma? Not to mention all the other women he’s gone out with.” Goku said, his brow furrowing.

“Kakarott, when Bulma and I first slept together, she was untouched.” Vegeta said quietly.

“WHAT?!” Goku facevaulted. “But..V..Vegeta, that…c..can’t be! They lived together for…oh man! How long was it?”

“Long enough that he should have found his way into her bed.” Vegeta said. “Anyway, I once heard Bulma gossiping with one of her friends about him, and heard something that seemed rather strange at the time, only beginning to grasp what it meant later on, after he had moved out of Bulma’s parents place. It seems that he spends a certain amount of time with a woman, and when she starts pressing for physical intimacy, he leaves, and finds someone new.”

“Huh?” Goku gaped at Vegeta, images flashing through his mind of all the women Yamcha had dated. “But Vegeta, why would he make such a fuss about women, even to the point that it seemed like one wasn’t enough for him and then not touch any of them? He went out with some pretty gorgeous girls. I have a hard time believing that he never slept with even one of them.”

“Me thinks he does protest too much.” Vegeta smirked.

“Huh? Wha..” Goku gaped at him, a confused expression on his face.

“Never mind Kakarott, I’ll explain it to you some other time.” Vegeta sighed, smiling as he patted his lover on the top of the head condescendingly. Goku scowled up at him.

“Don’t patronize me Vegeta, what did you mean by that?” Goku demanded.

Vegeta sighed again, smirking at him. “I was merely speculating that perhaps all these women are simply your friends attempts to refute, or at least cover up, his true sexual orientation.”

Goku was staring at Vegeta as if his hair had suddenly turned pink.

“Oh for fuck’s sake Kakarott! He goes out with all these women to seem macho, because he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s gay!” Vegeta hissed, exasperated, but still trying to keep his voice down because he sensed the human in question at the edge of the forest, not far from the house.

“I know very well what you meant Vegeta,” Goku growled, tightening his arms around his lover. Vegeta grunted as he was pulled tightly against Goku’s body, with Goku staring up intently at him.

“Well then, stop acting deliberately obtuse.” Vegeta said as he wrapped his arms around his lover’s neck and kissed the tip of his nose.

“But it’s fun.” Goku mock whined, grinning. As he saw the expression of frustrated annoyance on his lover’s face, he turned serious. “Sorry, force of habit. I won’t do it when we’re alone anymore, alright?” Goku whispered, capturing Vegeta’s lips in a tender kiss. The kiss quickly deepened, the two Saiyans moaning softly as Vegeta rocked his hips, grinding their erections together.

“Kakarott,” Vegeta purred, breaking the kiss, “what are we going to do about Yamcha?”

“Oh yeah.” Goku said, “I almost forgot.” Vegeta snickered.

“Hmm, what did you have in mind, koi?” Goku chuckled, noting the evil gleam in his lover’s eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Vegeta began, a sly smile on his lips. “Maybe we should invite him in to join us.”

“V..Vegeta!” Goku stammered, his eyes widening as his face paled. “You…you really…you want to?”

“Well, I think you could meet any and all of my needs, and I’m confident I could do the same for you, but…” Vegeta smirked at him, “I know you want to. How long have you had the hots for him, Kakarott?” he chuckled as streaks of pink spread across Goku’s cheeks.

“Umm..uhhh..” Goku’s face flushed a deep red, and he refused to meet Vegeta’s eyes.

Vegeta cupped Goku’s chin, tipping his head up to make Goku meet his eyes.

“Kakarott,” he prompted. “Tell me.”

“I liked Yamcha from when I was about 15, until shortly before I met you.” Goku blurted out, looking up into Vegeta’s eyes, a shy smile on his face. “Then I…I..liked you.”

“Hmm, I thought so.” Vegeta said softly a small smile playing on his lips.

“So, what are we going to do?” Goku asked, a hentai grin appearing on his face as he saw the evil gleam in his lover’s eyes.

“Well,” Vegeta began, “you said you wanted to take a shower after dinner did you not?” he asked as he stood, then helped Goku to his feet.

“Yeah, but…” Goku’s question was cut off as Vegeta laid a finger across his lips.

“Then take it. I’ll go get Yamcha.” Vegeta smirked.

“Oh, well, O.K., I guess….” Goku slowly walked toward the bathroom, looking back at Vegeta uncertainly.

“Don’t worry Kakarott, I’m not going to hurt him, much.” Vegeta chuckled. “Just follow my lead, alright? Now go!” he made shooing motions with his hands, causing Goku to throw his head back and laugh.

“Alright Vegeta, I’ll play along. You know, I never would have pegged you as having the hots for him too.” Goku grinned as Vegeta glared at him, then came towards him still shooing him away. He laughed again as he turned and ran to the bathroom, Vegeta taking a swipe at his bottom as he left the kitchen.

Goku chuckled as he ran the water, and stepped into the shower, //I wonder what he’s got in mind for poor Yamcha. I know Vegeta well enough to know fear is a major turn on for him, whether it’s his fear or his partner’s, and sometimes he likes a little bit of pain too. Man, I hope he doesn’t hurt him too much.//

Vegeta stood in the center of the kitchen, a finger pressed to his lips to quell the evil laughter threatening to bubble up from his chest, a nasty smile on his lips. His eyes flashed as he felt Yamcha reach the side of the Capsule house, and he could feel the other man’s curiosity. //Does the phrase, curiosity killed the cat mean anything to you, ningen?// Vegeta thought, chuckling quietly, before he lowered his power level as much as he could, and slipped out the front door, leaving it open slightly as he began to creep around the opposite side of the house, stalking his prey.

Yamcha stood peering into the bedroom window, wondering how the two Saiyans had been getting along for the past two days. //Well, they must have resolved at least some of their differences and learned to tolerate each other, I can still sense both of their power levels.// Yamcha laughed quietly to himself as he remembered how worried Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu and even Piccolo (although the stoic Namek would never admit to it) had been about the idea of leaving the two of them alone together for this length of time.

He also laughed at the brief twinge of jealousy he had felt, because of the secret attraction he had for both of them. //Man, what is it with me and Saiyans? It would be shocking enough for everyone else if they found out I was really turned on by guys, and I think my life would end very quickly and violently if Goku and Vegeta found out that I wanted to sleep with them.// Yamcha shivered as he thought about some of the fantasies he’d had about getting the two of them in bed together, preferably at the same time.

“Yeah right Yamcha, good one.” he snorted. “Talk about your impossible dream, Goku and Vegeta are both straight, and even if they did swing that way, why would they want me when they’re probably better suited to each other, both of them being the same species and all.” he whispered, a downcast expression on his face, completely unaware of the Saiyan ears picking up on his musings.

//Wait…Vegeta’s power level just went waaay down, what’s goin’ on?// Yamcha thought, his brow furrowing.

He turned to go around the house to the last place he had sensed the surly prince, and started violently, letting out a loud yelp of surprise as said prince snapped his arms around the human’s waist, grabbing him in a crushing grip that made it extremely difficult to breathe.

“Boo.” Vegeta said softly. “Soo, it looks like I’ve caught myself a peeping Tom, or a peeping ningen as the case may be. I thought Kakarott and I both told everyone to leave us alone.” Yamcha shivered at the sound of Vegeta’s voice, silky, yet menacing at the same time.

Vegeta’s eyes narrowed as he felt Yamcha tremble, and he merely held him for a few moments, waiting to see what the human would do or say.

Yamcha cursed his traitorous body, feeling his cock hardening as his eyes roamed over Vegeta’s ruggedly handsome features, and he tried desperately to arch his hips away from the smaller man, before Vegeta felt his arousal.

Vegeta smirked, already having felt the evidence of Yamcha’s desire, and spun both of them around, slamming Yamcha roughly into the wall, several cracks appearing on the white surface behind the now very frightened human’s shoulders.

Yamcha managed a ragged gasp as Vegeta pressed himself against his body, and it was then that Yamcha realized just how little Vegeta was wearing. His body throbbed with lust as he felt the Saiyan’s stomach pressed against his pelvis, and his eyes widened as he realized that even with the loose fitting material of his gi, there was no possible way Vegeta would not notice Yamcha’s erection pushing against his abdomen.

//Oh shit!// Yamcha thought, squeezing his eyes shut as a whimper of fear escaped him, //This is the end, I am soooo dead! There’s no way Vegeta could miss that!//

“Hmmm, now what am I going to do with you, Yamcha? I’m going to have to punish you for disobeying me, you do realize that, right?” Vegeta purred in that erotic, evil voice that sent shivers up and down Yamcha’s spine.

//Oh God Vegeta!// Yamcha thought wildly, //punish me, fine! Just keep talkin to me with that voice!// he gave himself a mental slap, trying to remind himself that he was probably about to die here. Vegeta smirked as he heard the human’s thoughts.

Vegeta suddenly yanked Yamcha away from the wall, grabbing the human’s right arm and twisting it until Yamcha’s hand was almost between his shoulder blades, as Vegeta fisted his other hand in Yamcha’s shoulder length dark hair.

Yamcha grunted in pain as Vegeta spun him around and began pushing him toward the front of the house.

“Well,” Vegeta growled, “I suppose since you are Kakarott’s friend, he should have some say in your fate, so let’s go ask him what I should do with you.” he said as he kicked open the front door and let it slam behind them.

Yamcha nearly fainted with relief. //Oh yes! Right on! Goku won’t let Vegeta hurt me, he’s my buddy!” he smiled faintly through the pain.

“KAKAROTT!” Vegeta shouted, marching Yamcha into the bathroom, and forcing him to his knees in front of the shower curtain.

“Hmm? What’s up Vegeta?” Goku asked, as he pulled aside the shower curtain, then looked down at Yamcha, an angry frown appearing on his face as he took in the scene before him. “What’s going on here, Vegeta?” there was a warning tone in his voice.

“I caught him trying to spy on us, he was outside trying to peek in the bedroom window.” Vegeta growled, pulling none too gently on the still nervous human’s hair. “I think he should be punished for his insolence, after all, did we not tell him and everyone else to leave us alone?”

Goku studied Vegeta carefully for a moment, considering. //He’s really getting off on this.// He thought as he recognized the glimmer of desire in his lover’s obsidian eyes, and smirked as he saw the rather large bulge in the front of his spandex shorts. //I’ll play along, if you promise not to cause him any serious pain Vegeta.// Goku transmitted telepathically.

Vegeta smirked back, //I won’t hurt him too much, Kakarott.// came the reply.

“Well Vegeta, I think maybe you’re right, he should be punished.” Goku said, looking down at Yamcha with only mild interest. “Do whatever you see fit, just make sure to save some for me.” he scowled angrily at Yamcha.

“Goku!” Yamcha cried, his eyes wide, face pale as his heart skipped a beat at his longtime friend’s cold words.

“Come on, ningen, I’ve got something I’ve been waiting a long time to do to you.” Vegeta purred.

“GOKUUUU!!!” Yamcha screamed, terrified, as he was slung over Vegeta’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and carried out of the bathroom.

Vegeta strode into the bedroom, a wide grin on his face as he felt the human’s terror. It made him want Yamcha even more.

“W…Wait Vegeta….Please!! Don’t kill me!! I…..Oh shit! I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt me!” Yamcha babbled, almost in tears as images of all the horrible, painful ways the pair of Saiyans could kill him flashed through his mind.

Yamcha raised his head as Vegeta stopped abruptly.

“Anything?” Vegeta said in that voice that drove Yamcha crazy.

“Yeah….yeah sure! Anything you say Vegeta!” Yamcha said quickly, nodding his head frantically.

He let out a startled cry as he was quickly dropped to the floor, landing on his butt. He looked up at Vegeta, and trembled at the strange, intense expression on the prince’s face.

“Very well then, on your knees.” Vegeta commanded.

Yamcha’s body jerked as a mental picture jumped into his mind, and he gave his head a firm shake, trying to get it out. //There’s no way he would ask me for that!// he thought to himself. He changed his mind immediately as he saw the large bulge in Vegeta’s shorts. //Oh NO WAY!!!// he thought, //He…..Oh my God…he really…//

“Do I have to repeat myself ningen?” Vegeta asked, a dangerous edge creeping into his voice.

“N..no..Vegeta.” Yamcha said quietly, kneeling in front of the Saiyan submissively.

“Hmmm, now this I like, someone smart enough to submit to me without question.” He purred as he looked down at Yamcha, smirking as he watched the effect his words and his voice were having on the man. “Do you like it when I talk to you like this?” He asked seductively, placing a finger under Yamcha’s chin, and forcing the human to look him in the eyes.

“Uh….uh huh.” Yamcha stammered, face flushing, trembling with desire.

“You like me telling you what to do?” Vegeta asked silkily, stroking the side of Yamcha’s face gently.

Yamcha nodded, looking away shyly.

“Don’t you dare turn away from me.” Came the satiny voice, as Vegeta grabbed Yamcha’s chin and forced him to meet his eyes once more. “Now, there’s something in front of your mouth that needs to be taken care of, ne?” Vegeta asked, cupping the back of Yamcha’s head and pulling him forward until his face was pressed against Vegeta’s pelvis.

Yamcha rubbed his cheek against the hard length inside Vegeta’s shorts, and quickly turned his head to press his lips against it through the spandex, opening his mouth to blow warm air on the throbbing length.

Vegeta moaned, his head falling back as he fisted his hands in Yamcha’s hair, rocking his hips against Yamcha’s face slowly.

“Yamcha…” Vegeta moaned softly, feeling the human shiver violently in response to his voice, “suck my cock.” he whispered.

Yamcha needed no further prompting. He quickly pulled down Vegeta’s shorts, wrapping his lips around Vegeta’s erection hungrily as soon as it was freed, sucking vigorously, taking the silken length down his throat as far as he could.

Vegeta bit back a cry, his knees shaking, as Yamcha worked his arousal mercilessly with his lips and tongue. “Uhh…..ohhh…yess.” Vegeta groaned, his legs trembling, threatening to give out.

Both men jumped as a pair of large hands suddenly slid around Vegeta’s chest, pinching his nipples gently.

“Mmm, looks like you two are having fun.” Goku purred, leaning down to nip Vegeta’s shoulder lightly. Vegeta moaned and leaned back against Goku for support as his legs finally buckled from the pleasure given to him by Yamcha’s eager ministrations.

“I think we should get horizontal.” Goku murmured into Vegeta’s ear, gently pulling Yamcha’s head away from Vegeta, both of them crying out in protest, as Goku swept Vegeta up in his arms, and placed him on the bed. He reached back and grabbed Yamcha by the hand, pulling him up off his knees, and gently pushing him down onto the bed.

“Please, continue.” Goku said quietly, gesturing toward Vegeta’s straining arousal.

Yamcha quickly positioned himself between Vegeta’s legs, placing one of the Saiyan’s legs over each of his broad shoulders, and plunged Vegeta’s length into his mouth once more.

Goku moaned softly as his body quivered in response to Vegeta’s hoarse cry of pleasure, his hand drifting down to wrap around his own pulsing need.

“Yamcha…” Vegeta rasped. “Give Kakarott some help.”

Yamcha glanced up, and immediately responded to Goku’s predicament, slapping Goku’s hand away roughly, and wrapping his own hand around Goku’s cock, stroking him in time with the movement of his mouth on Vegeta’s manhood. Goku growled low in his throat, then reached down to tangle the fingers of one hand in Yamcha’s hair, as he leaned over and claimed Vegeta’s lips in a bruising kiss.

Goku and Vegeta both began to buck their hips, panting and growling as Yamcha brought them closer and closer to release.

“ENOUGH!” Vegeta bellowed, making Goku and Yamcha jump with surprise.

Vegeta pushed Yamcha off him, and scrambled up on to his knees. “Lay down.” He growled, pushing Yamcha down onto his back, spreading his legs, and settling himself on top of him.

“Where’s that oil Kakarott?” Vegeta panted, before grabbing Goku by the hair and ravishing his mouth almost viciously. Goku moaned softly, enjoying his lover’s aggressiveness. He released Goku after a few moments, the younger Saiyan breathing raggedly, eyes glazed over with passion. “Go find it, I think it’s still in the kitchen.”

Goku almost fell off the bed, and made his way to the kitchen, holding the walls as he went.

“Now as for you,” Vegeta purred, raising himself up until he and Yamcha were eye to eye, “you’re just going to keep being nice and submissive, got it?” he said as he ran his tongue over Yamcha’s bottom lip, before seizing his lips in a possessive kiss. Yamcha groaned against the Saiyan’s mouth, undulating sensuously beneath him, his back arching off the bed as he silently begged Vegeta to touch him.

Goku came back in a moment later, oil in hand, and knelt on the bed behind Vegeta, handing the oil to him and nuzzling his neck gently.

Suddenly, Vegeta whirled around and seized the unsuspecting Saiyan by the throat, and slamming him down on the bed beside Yamcha.

“You just lie there and watch Kakarott, I’ll get to you soon enough. In the meantime, you can play with him a little.” Vegeta paused, tilting his head toward Yamcha, as he poured some oil into his palm, closing his eyes and moaning softly as he slowly rubbed it onto his straining erection.

“You sure you don’t need some help with that?” Goku breathed, reaching for him.

“NO Kakarott.” Vegeta said sharply, opening his eyes to glare at Goku. “But he does…” he said, his expression and his voice softening as he took Goku’s hand and placed it on Yamcha’s stomach. //Why don’t we work together Kakarott?// Vegeta transmitted to Goku. Goku looked up at him, an evil smile settling on his face, before he nodded eagerly.

Goku leaned over and seized Yamcha’s lips in a fiery kiss, his fingers grazing lightly over the human’s smooth skin. He smiled against the warm, pliant lips as he felt the older man’s muscles jump and ripple beneath his touch, and he slipped his hand down, brushing it against Yamcha’s quivering length.

//Distract him Kakarott.// Vegeta’s mind touched his again, briefly.

“Mmm….” Goku moaned softly, breaking the kiss to trail his lips down Yamcha’s throat, wrenching a low groan from him. “You know, that looks good enough to eat.” Goku whispered, moving himself down the bed until his face was level with Yamcha’s arousal. Goku flicked out his tongue, licking off the drop of pre-cum that glistened on the tip of his penis, and then swirled his tongue around the head, smiling as the man growled and his hands shot up to cup Goku’s head, pulling down gently hinting at what he wanted.

Vegeta watched his lovers, his eyes narrowed, panting softly as he waited for Goku to stop his teasing. He held a well oiled finger poised at the human’s entrance, growling as he began to get frustrated with Goku for taking so long.

Goku hid a smile as he sensed both Yamcha and Vegeta’s frustration. He opened his mouth and began sliding his lips up and down Yamcha’s length slowly, sucking hard.

Yamcha bucked his hips, gasping, as Vegeta chose that moment to push one finger into him, stretching him gently.

//You’re not doing your job Kakarott.// Vegeta admonished, //I might have to punish you later.//

//You can try,// Goku shot back mentally, chuckling around Yamcha’s erection, making the man groan at the vibration.

Vegeta snickered, grinning evilly down at Goku, before his expression sobered and he gently inserted a second finger into Yamcha, who was beginning to squirm beneath them.

“Uhhh….” Yamcha moaned, rocking his hips, fists clenched and almost tearing the sheets. “Please….G…Goku…Vegeta…Oh..tha..that feels…” he tossed his head from side to side, “More..more!” he cried, shuddering violently.

Vegeta smirked, and inserted a third finger, marveling at the human’s pliant, yet responsive nature. //I could get used to this.// he thought, //Kakarott, with his own dominant nature in bed, and this one who enjoys being submissive, I think we make a good combination.// he bent his fingers, seeking Yamcha’s prostate, and had to stifle a laugh when he did find it, as Yamcha’s hips shot up, driving his length down Goku’s throat, and very nearly choking the younger Saiyan.

Yamcha writhed wildy beneath the two Saiyans as Goku continued to suck on his erection, and Vegeta positioned his own length at Yamcha’s entrance, holding the thrashing human’s hips still as he slowly pushed himself inside.

Vegeta let out a long, low moan as Yamcha’s muscles gripped him tightly. As Vegeta pushed himself all the way inside his lover’s body, his eyes slid shut, and his head fell back, lips parted. He began to pant as he fought to stay still inside the human, tremors wracking his muscular frame.

Yamcha stopped writhing as Vegeta entered him, his eyes wide, mouth working, but no sound coming out. Pleasure coursed through him as Vegeta stretched and filled him, and Goku continued to caress his member with his lips and tongue.

After a few moments, he rocked his hips, reaching down to lace his fingers through Vegeta’s as his other hand continued to urge Goku up and down his length. “Please….Vegeta…I…I want more.” Yamcha begged quietly.

Something snapped inside Goku at the soft plea, and with a snarl he wrenched himself away from Yamcha, grabbing the massage oil and kneeling behind Vegeta. “Kakarott!” Vegeta said, startled at his lover’s quick movement, “What are you..uhh..” he moaned softly as Goku began planting gentle kisses up and down the side of his neck.

“I can’t take this anymore.” Goku growled, smearing oil on his much neglected arousal, and plunging two fingers into Vegeta.

The Saiyan prince’s head fell back, a ragged gasp escaping him as he felt Goku’s arousal pushing against him. He pulled out of Yamcha slightly to press himself against his koi’s need.

“This way we both get to be on top.” Goku purred, gripping Vegeta’s hips and burying himself inside the smaller Saiyan. Vegeta cried out, trembling, as Goku began to move inside him. His fingers tightened painfully on Yamcha’s hips, the man whimpering slightly.

Goku looked down at him, smirking. “Don’t worry Yamcha, we didn’t forget about you.” he said, as he pulled Vegeta’s hips back, burying himself inside him again, and then pushed Vegeta forward roughly, driving his cock into Yamcha’s tight heat.

Vegeta growled low in his throat as he caught on to Goku’s idea, and began to move himself back and forth, alternately burying himself inside Yamcha, and impaling himself on Goku’s length.

Animalistic cries filled the air as the three men thrashed against each other, sweat rolling off chiseled bodies as their movements steadily became more frantic as they neared completion.

Streaks of color began to appear before Vegeta’s eyes as he was stroked inside and out, and his hands wrapped around Yamcha’s rock hard arousal, gripping him tightly and stroking in time with his thrusts. An ecstatic chain reaction was the result.

Yamcha shouted hoarsely as his seed sprayed into the air, his muscles clamping down tightly on Vegeta. Vegeta thrust into Yamcha one last time, crying out as he spilled his seed deep inside the human. Goku screamed out his own pleasure as he plunged deeply into Vegeta, the smaller Saiyan’s muscles clamping down on his length as well.

The three of them collapsed on the bed, side by side, Vegeta trapped between the two larger men.

“Wow…that..Oh God!” Yamcha panted.

“Oh no..” Vegeta groaned. “Not again, another one with the gift of understating things.” Yamcha looked at Vegeta, then at Goku, obviously confused. Goku just laughed.

After a few moments of silence, Vegeta snuggled tightly against Yamcha, wrapping his arms tightly around the human’s waist, and looked over his shoulder at Goku.

Goku curled up tightly against Vegeta’s back, wrapping his arms around Yamcha and Vegeta, as he threw a leg over Yamcha’s hip. Yamcha sighed happily, his eyes slipping closed as he began to doze off.

“Don’t get too comfortable.” Vegeta muttered, “Remember how much younger Kakarott is than you and I, I’d say he’ll be ready to go again in about 10 minutes.”

Yamcha gaped at Goku, who merely smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Oh man.” Yamcha said softly.

“You have no idea what you’ve just gotten yourself into, do you?” Vegeta chuckled.

“What do you mean Vegeta?” Goku pouted playfully, one hand sliding down to caress Vegeta’s stirring arousal as he pressed his own semi-hard length against Vegeta’s back. “Your sex drive is every bit as high as mine. I hope your feeling energetic Yamcha, cause it’s gonna be a long night.”

Yamcha yelped as he was pounced on by the two very horny Saiyans.


Back at the Son residence….

“You ready?” Bulma whispered as she grabbed her lover’s hand, and the two women crept quietly toward the door.

“I’m always ready.” Chi-Chi smirked as they silently shut the door and made their way across the front lawn, heading for the trail that would lead them up the hill to the forest, and to the clearing where they had scheduled a rendevous with a certain tall, muscular Namek. They entered the clearing, and spotted said Namek standing under a tall tree, smirking at them in the moonlight.

“So,” he said quietly. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”

He quirked an eyebrow (ridge) as the two women chuckled evilly.

“Toys.” Chi-Chi said simply as Bulma pulled a blanket out from the basket that hung on Chi-Chi’s arm and spread it out on the ground.

“Toys?” Piccolo repeated, confused. The women sat down on the blanket, patting a spot between them invitingly. He walked over to them, shrugging off his cape and hat as he went, and sat down.

“Oh yes. Lots and lots of toys.” Chi-Chi purred, grinning wickedly as she pulled out a vibrator, a dildo, her trusty feather, a jar of honey, and several more items. Piccolo’s eyes widened.

“What are you going to do with all that?” Piccolo asked nervously.

“Anything and everything imaginable.” Bulma whispered huskily as she gently grasped on of Piccolo’s antennae in her hand and pushed him down on his back.

Trunks snapped awake as he heard stealthy footsteps outside his door. He sat up, and smiled as Gohan gently opened the door. “Hey Gohan, what’s up?” he whispered.

“I don’t know.” Gohan said, worry obvious on his youthful features. “I can sense Piccolo out there somewhere, and I thought I heard a scream coming from his location.” He stood there wringing his hands nervously.

“Don’t worry. Let’s just go check it out.” Trunks whispered, getting up and throwing on a pair of cutoff jean shorts, and a white tank top, not even realizing that he was dressing himself almost identically to his lover. They looked each other up and down, and chuckled quietly as each took in the other’s attire.

“Alright, let’s get going.” Trunks whispered.

They made their way quietly out the front door, and Trunks reached out and grabbed Gohan’s arm as the demi-Saiyan made to fly into the air.

“What are you doing Gohan?” Trunks hissed, looking at his lover in surprise. “If something’s out there, the best plan is to sneak up on it, until we see what’s going on.”

“You’re right, sorry.” Gohan looked away, ashamed at his own lack of common sense.

“Hey, don’t worry about it.” Trunks whispered, hugging Gohan to him and planting a quick kiss on his forehead. “Now let’s get over there.” he said as they took off running up the trail.

Piccolo writhed wildy as Chi-Chi slid the vibrator over the sensitive ridges of flesh between the Namek’s thighs, moaning as Bulma thrust into her from behind with the dildo. Piccolo cried out hoarsely as Chi-Chi pushed him over the brink once again.

“Hmm, that’s twice now, let’s see if you can do it again.” Bulma purred as she leaned over to nip at Chi-Chi’s shoulder.

Gohan and Trunks stood at the edge of the clearing, staring at the scene being played out before them.

“Oh my god.” Gohan breathed. Trunks grabbed his lover by the hand and ran down the hill to the house. They both collapsed in the front yard, laying on their backs staring up at the sky.

“What….Trunks?” Gohan whimpered.

“I don’t know and quite frankly Gohan, I don’t want to know. My Mom, your Mom, and Piccolo? That was just bizar.” Trunks muttered. “But I do know I want to go and see Dad.”

“You’re gonna tell on your Mom?” Gohan asked incredulously. “And not just your Mom, but my Mom, cause my Dad’s there too, oh Trunks….Are you sure this is a good idea?” Gohan asked uncertainly.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Dad’s gonna wanna know about this, you know how he is, he gets to keep his secrets, but nobody else does.” Trunks said, getting up and walking away from the house. “Come on, we’ve got to get further away so Piccolo doesn’t sense us when we take off.” Gohan immediately got up and followed.


Back at the island…………

“Uhh….” Yamcha moaned as he was pinned to the bed by the two Saiyans, the three of them still dripping wet from their shower. “Ohh…..yes…uh….OW!” he cried as Vegeta nipped the tender skin of his throat, not hard enough to draw blood, but there would be a bruise. Yamcha whimpered softly at the stinging pain, “What was that for?” he asked, trying to lift his head.

Vegeta chuckled as he put his hand on the human’s forehead, forcing him to keep his head back. “Oh, that’s just a little something to help you remember who you belong to until I can get my hands on you again next weekend.” he purred, grinning as Yamcha gasped in shock.

“Hey….wait a minute Vegeta.” Goku growled. “He’s not just yours you know.” he leaned his head down and left his own mark on the other side of Yamcha’s neck. “I think I’ll be joining both of you.” he smirked.

“Oh my god……What the hell have I gotten myself into?” Yamcha moaned. Goku and Vegeta locked eyes briefly over Yamcha’s prone form and smirked.

“Do you really want to know?” Goku’s voice was like silk, soft and menacing at the same time. It made Yamcha tremble just as Vegeta’s voice had earlier.

Vegeta snickered at the human’s reaction, //How can a person be so sensitive to sound?// he mused, as he lowered his head to trail kisses down Yamcha’s exposed throat.

Yamcha gasped and shivered as his lovers once again began to explore his body with their lips, and his eyes widened as two hands teased his nipples, while two more hands reached down to caress his balls and stroke his now rigid member. He arched his back and groaned as two mouths descended on his quivering erection, licking, sucking and nibbling up and down his length. He whimpered as one mouth left his cock, only to move further down to lick and suck on his balls. Yamcha began to pant, hips bucking, as a finger was pushed into him, sliding in and out slowly. A second finger was quickly added, and Yamcha cried out hoarsely, bright spots flashing before his eyes as those fingers hit his prostate.

//Hmm, now how did that go again?// Goku thought to himself.

//What’s wrong Kakarott?// Vegeta rudely barged into his thoughts. Goku eyed Vegeta, pulling his lips away from Yamcha’s arousal just long enough to smirk at the other Saiyan.

//I remember seeing a position in one of Master Roshi’s magazines that I think would be fun.// he transmitted to the smaller Saiyan, who appeared to be thoroughly enjoying himself trying to make Yamcha lose his mind from pleasure as he continued to rub the human’s prostate mercilessly.

//The one with the three girls laying in a triangle?// he moved his head up to rejoin Goku in teasing Yamcha’s erection. Both of them chuckled as Yamcha clawed at the sheets, shredding them.

//Hentai!// Goku teased.

//Not me! That old pervert was waving that magazine in my son’s face for the better part of an hour! I couldn’t help but see it.// Vegeta shot back.

//Yeah, that sounds about right.// Goku sighed mentally. //I remember when he slipped all those old hentai magazines of his into Gohan’s study material, he was only eleven! If Chi-Chi would have found those, I don’t know who she would have gone after with her guns first!// Both of them chuckled out loud at that, making Yamcha jerk as the warm air and vibrations hit his sensitive flesh.

//Well, how are we going to do this, the bed isn’t big enough for it.// Vegeta transmitted.

//No, you’re right. Hmm.// Goku sat up suddenly, wrenching a groan of disappointment from Yamcha as both Saiyans stood up.

“Hey I know! Let’s grab the mattresses and throw them on the floor together!” Goku grinned.

“Why can’t we just push….” Vegeta started, then blushed as he remembered the way the two of them had destroyed the other bed frame. “Oh yes, that’s right.” he said quietly, flushing even more when Goku chuckled.

Goku quickly grabbed the mattress off the other bed, tossed it to the floor and then turned around and smirked as Yamcha stood up and grabbed the mattress he had been laying on.

Yamcha dropped the mattress on the floor beside the other one, pushing it with his foot until both mattresses were side by side. “There.” he murmured. “Now where were we?” He wrapped an arm around Vegeta, and reached out to take Goku’s hand as well. Both Saiyans gave him identical, sexy smirks, and he couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled sharply, and allowed himself to drop to the mattresses, pulling his two surprised lovers down on top of him.

“Hmm, aggressively submissive?” Goku asked, giving Vegeta his best wide-eyed innocent look.

“No, I believe the term is aggressive uke, Kakarott.” Vegeta chuckled. “But whatever you wish to call it, it’s damn sexy.” He leaned down to rake his teeth gently up the side of Yamcha’s throat, eliciting a soft moan. Goku grinned in response, nuzzling Vegeta’s hair, before raising himself to his knees.

Yamcha looked up quizzically at the two of them.

“Turn on your side, Yamcha.” Goku instructed, coaxing the human into position and laying down as well. Yamcha’s eyes widened slightly as Goku’s erection brushed his lips, and he opened his mouth and took it in, sucking eagerly. Goku groaned, his eyes closing briefly, before he motioned for Vegeta to lay down as well.

Vegeta remained on his knees for a few moments, watching as Yamcha worked Goku’s arousal, eliciting a low moan from the large Saiyan. Goku stared up at Vegeta with passion glazed eyes, breathing heavily as he reached a hand up to grab hold of the smaller Saiyan’s arm. He jerked harshly on Vegeta’s arm and dragged Vegeta down to lay in front of him, Vegeta’s face within inches of Yamcha’s rigid member.

Vegeta’s eyes widened slightly at the sudden movement, and Goku grinned before grasping Vegeta’s hips firmly and pulling the Saiyan prince’s hips forward. Vegeta choked back a shout as Goku all but swallowed his rock hard length, and he grabbed hold of Yamcha’s hips, pulling gently until the human’s straining erection was brushing his cheek. Vegeta gasped in surprise as he felt Goku’s finger slide into his entrance, probing him gently.

Yamcha jerked, then shuddered violently as Vegeta’s lips sank to the base of his cock. He moaned around Goku’s length as Vegeta gently massaged his balls with one hand, and reached up with the other to slowly push a finger into him.

The three warriors writhed and arched against each other, muffled moans and growls filling the air.

Goku’s eyes snapped open, his body stiffening in alarm as his sensed picked up two high, very familiar power levels approaching the island. //Oh FUCK! Not now!// he thought frantically. //I’ve got to do something!// Goku thought, shielding his thoughts from his lovers.

Gohan and Trunks flew toward the island, Trunks beginning to get frustrated at the way Gohan kept trying to slow them down, “Gohan! Come on! I know you’re not looking forward to this, but let’s just get it over with, O.K.? They have a right to know.”

“I know Trunks, but I still feel funny about this. I don’t want to tell him, I don’t think I can do it.” Gohan said, distress clear on his face.

“I don’t want to do this either, but I think we have to tell them what’s been going on behind their backs.” Trunks said quietly, stopping and hovering directly in front of Gohan, leaning close to his young lover until their foreheads were touching.

“Kay, let’s get this over with.” Gohan sighed.

//GOHAN!!// Gohan clapped his hands to his temples, screaming in pain as his father’s voice ripped through his head. Trunks gasped as his lover screamed, and began to plummet to the ground. He swooped down and gripped his lover tightly around the waist, slowly lowering both of them to the ground.

“Gohan? Gohan! What’s wrong?!” Trunks gripped the young man’s shoulders tightly, his heart pounding with fear.

“I…..Dad?….Aaahhh!!” Gohan shrieked as the voice tore through his mind again.

//Gohan, I want you and Trunks to turn around and go home, RIGHT NOW!!//

“But Dad, Trunks and I have to tell you and Vegeta something, please Dad, it’s important!” Gohan groaned, his head feeling like someone had clamped it in a vise.

//I know everything Gohan, I know about your mother, Trunks’ mother and Piccolo, and I also know about you and Trunks.// Gohan gasped, his face turning extremely pale.

“Gohan! What’s wrong?” Trunks shook him gently.

“It’s Dad….he wants…he wants us to go home. He says he knows what our Moms have been up to….and…” Gohan swallowed audibly, “He knows what we’ve been doing.” he said quietly.

Trunks gasped, his face going deathly pale. “Does…..does my…father know?” he asked, horrified.

“I don’t know, but Dad says to go home right now.” Gohan whispered.

“Let’s go!” Trunks rasped, grabbing Gohan’s hand. The two very worried demi-Saiyans took to the sky.

Goku smirked or rather, he would have smirked, had his lips not been busy sliding up and down Vegeta’s length. His body throbbing in response to the muffled cries of pleasure coming from his lovers, and he began to shiver as he felt his climax approaching. Goku gave a muffled cry as Yamcha’s fingers brushed his prostate, spots dancing before his eyes. A long, low moan escaped him, and vibration of his voice along Vegeta’s length pushed the smaller Saiyan over the edge. With a muffled shout, Vegeta’s body stiffened, his hips jerking once, twice before he filled Goku’s mouth with his essence. Goku shivered as Yamcha cried out, the human spilling his own essence into Vegeta’s mouth.

Vegeta pulled away from Goku, raising himself to his knees. His eyes narrowed as he watched Yamcha continuing to suck on Goku’s member, before he issued a fierce growl.

Goku’s eyes widened is surprise, and issued a soft sound of protest as Vegeta pulled Yamcha away from him.

“Hey, what’s the big idea?” Yamcha glared at the Saiyan prince angrily as he was pulled from his position.

“Let’s do it together.” Vegeta purred, leaning down to claim Yamcha’s lips in a fiery kiss that left the human breathless, his eyes slightly glazed.

Goku gasped, his back arching off the mattress as his lovers mouths moved to his straining arousal. Goku cried out as his hips began to buck, his head thrashing from side to side as his lovers brought him closer and closer to completion.

A ragged scream tore itself from the Saiyan’s throat as he stiffened, his whole body quivering. Yamcha and Vegeta pulled away from his erection, smirking at each other as Goku’s seed shot into the air, falling back down onto his chest and stomach. Both men slid themselves up the tall Saiyan’s body, eagerly licking the sticky essence from his overheated skin. Goku fell back on the mattress, gasping for breath, as sweat glistened on his smooth skin.

Vegeta curled up on one side of Goku, his head tucked under his lover’s chin, and Yamcha snuggled up against Goku’s other side, throwing an arm over Goku’s broad chest. Vegeta’s hand slid across Goku’s chest, and he laced his fingers through Yamcha’s. Yamcha smiled at him, pulling his hand up to plant a soft kiss to Vegeta’s palm.

“I don’t think he’ll be gettin’ up from that in ten minutes.” Yamcha smirked.

Vegeta’s eyes widened, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. The Saiyan prince was fighting it, but he lost. He threw back his head and laughed. “No, I think you’re probably right. It will take him at least twenty minutes to be ready again.” They locked eyes over Goku’s chest, and snickered.

“No,” Goku said softly. “I need to eat, and then I might be ready for another round.” Three sets of eyes widened as Goku’s stomach issued a loud rumbling growl. Vegeta and Yamcha burst out laughing, while Goku blushed.

“Who’s gonna dig out some food?” Goku asked, looking down hopefully at his lovers.

“Well, both you and I have had several turns at cooking….You know how to cook, don’t you?” Vegeta looked slyly at Yamcha.

“Oh alright.” Yamcha heaved a sigh, before slowly climbing to his feet and making his way to the kitchen.

“Hmmm, maybe I should go and help him.” Vegeta said, a decidedly predatory expression on his face.

“No, I don’t think so.” Goku said, knowing full well what kind of ::help:: Vegeta wanted to give Yamcha. “You are gonna stay right here.” he murmured as he pulled a struggling Vegeta onto his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around his lover. “I’ll deal with you after I’ve had some food to replenish my energy.” Goku said, smiling as he felt the smaller Saiyan shiver at his words. //It’s gonna be a long night.// Goku thought, his smile turning into a hentai grin.


Back at the Son residence……….

“Oh Trunks!” Gohan wailed as he lay face down on his bed, his lover stroking his hair reassuringly. “What are we going to do? Dad knows what we’ve been doing, and you just know Vegeta’s going to find out….” Gohan shivered as he spoke Trunks’ father’s name, imagining the Saiyan prince’s reaction to the news.

“It’s alright Gohan.” Trunks soothed him. “Whatever our father’s reactions, we’ll face them together.” He lay down beside the teen and pulled him into a gentle embrace.

“Really? You promise?” Gohan sniffed.

“Yes koibito. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He nuzzled the back of his lover’s neck. “Ai shiteru Gohan.” He whispered.

Gohan twisted around and curled against Trunks, slight tremors wracking his slender frame. “Ai shiteru.” Came the teen’s choked response.


Back at the island…………

Goku sat down heavily beside Vegeta, watching Yamcha as the still nude human made his way to the bathroom for another quick shower. He smirked as he remembered Yamcha’s earlier comment about how copiously Saiyans sweat during sex, and face he pulled as he had wiped at his skin with a towel.

Vegeta stared at the warrior’s retreating form, a mischievous gleam in his dark eyes. “If he wants to stay clean, maybe we should show him how much fun sex can be in the shower.” Vegeta purred, slowly getting to his feet. He gasped in surprise as Goku pulled him back down and rolled on top of him.

“Or maybe we could get all hot and sweaty again, then go join him.” Goku said, leaning down to steal a kiss.

Vegeta smirked as he playfully batted at Goku’s shoulders before wrapping his legs around the larger Saiyan’s waist. “I like that idea much better.” He agreed.

“Um…Vegeta..” Goku began shyly, his face growing serious as he looked away. “There’s some things you should know before we go home tomorrow.”

Vegeta stared up at Goku, his face settling into his usual scowl. “What?” He snapped.

“Now wait Vegeta, it’s not about us, well I mean it is…but it won’t affect us, the three of us…” He gestured toward the bathroom. “Not unless you let it affect us….I think a lot of it works out pretty well actually….” He looked down at his lover worriedly.

“Kakarott, what the hell are you babbling about?!” Vegeta cried, his frustration evident.

“Uh…well…you see…Vegeta, Bulma and Chi-Chi have started sleeping together.” He said quickly.

Vegeta heaved a sigh. “So. The onna finally took me up on the offer did she? Well it’s about damn time. I’m sick and tired of her whining about me not paying her enough attention.”

Goku’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute! You told her to sleep with my wife? Why?”

Vegeta glared at him in exasperation. “Because Kakarott! I was sick and tired of hearing the same two things over and over again. I didn’t try to be intimate with her often enough, and I was always too rough when I did touch her. So I told her she should look somewhere else.” Vegeta scowled. “When she said she would I told her that if I ever caught her with another man I’d kill him, slowly and painfully right in front of her. She then turned to me and asked who said anything about another man.” He looked up into Goku’s face, and smiled at the realization dawning in his dark eyes. “That was when I suggested your mate. I figured the two of you would be having similar problems.”

Goku chewed his lip thoughtfully, “Yeah, you were right. It’s always been pretty much the same thing with me and Chi-Chi.” he said quietly.

“Now, enough about that, let’s get hot and sweaty..” Vegeta purred.

“Oh wait! There was a couple of other things too.” Goku pulled back slightly, and braced himself.

“What is it now?” Vegeta asked, starting to get annoyed.

“Well…umm….they’re not alone.” Goku whispered.

Vegeta’s eyes hardened, his scowl turning into snarl. “Who?” He hissed.

“Piccolo….now wait Vegeta!” Goku cried as Vegeta started to struggle violently beneath him. “Piccolo’s not a male in our sense of the word, he…um…he doesn ‘t have male genitals! Vegeta no!” Goku yelled, forcing Vegeta to stay on his back beneath him.

Vegeta struggled for several minutes, until Goku’s words sunk in. “He doesn’t?” Vegeta panted, ceasing his struggles.

“No. So technically she’s not with another man.” Goku grinned down at the less than amused prince.

“Very well.” Vegeta sighed, then growled low in his throat. “You said there was one more thing, what is it?”

“Oh right. Mirai Trunks and Gohan are sleeping together too.” Goku winced at the enraged roar that was torn from the other Saiyan’s throat, and he yelped and redoubled his efforts to hold Vegeta still as the Saiyan’s hair began to turn gold.

“Holy shit what the hell’s goin on?!” Yamcha shouted as he ran out of the bathroom clutching a towel to his waist.

“I just told Vegeta that Piccolo Chi-Chi and Bulma were sleeping together.” Goku said.

“What! Aw fuck! Goku, couldn’t you have told him a little more tactfully?” Yamcha rolled his eyes.

“Well, that’s not what upset him.” Goku grunted as he tried to hold down a now SSJ2 Vegeta. “What set him off was when I told him that Trunks and Gohan were lovers.”

“No shit?” Yamcha whistled, trying to assimilate that last piece of information. “Future Trunks and Gohan. Wow! Who’d have thought?”

“Calm down Vegeta!” Goku shouted in his face. “There’s no point flying off the handle over this, alright?”

“Yeah Vegeta.” Yamcha said, dropping his towel and moving toward the bed sensuously. “After all, who are you to talk about their sexual preferences when…” The human smirked as he ran his fingertips down Vegeta’s chest. He leaned down and nuzzled Goku’s hair softly as his fingers drifted down between the two Saiyan’s bodies, brushing against two stirring arousals. “What do you say…” he breathed as he kissed Goku’s temple, “we give Vegeta something else to think about..” He leered down at Vegeta, and grinned at the small smile he managed to coax from the angry prince.

“I think that’s an excellent idea..” Goku purred, rocking his hips against the smaller Saiyan as he lifted his head and brushed his lips against Yamcha’s.

Yamcha groaned softly as Goku ravished his mouth, the younger Saiyan nibbling on his bottom lip gently before slipping his tongue inside, tasting and exploring.

Finally Vegeta calmed down enough that his hair returned to it’s usual color and he peered up at his lovers, dark eyes gleaming as he watched them kiss. He reached up and threaded his hands in Yamcha’s long hair and tugged hard. The human uttered a small cry of pain as he was pulled away from Goku. The cry quickly turned to a soft moan as Vegeta kissed him hungrily, fingers still clutching his hair.

Goku growled softly as he rocked his hips, brushing his arousal against Vegeta’s. A strangled groan escaped him as the small Saiyan thrust his hips up to meet him, the increased friction nearly driving Goku over the edge. “Vegeta…” he croaked as he tried to pull away, only to have the prince’s legs snap around his waist as Yamcha slid his arm around him to help hold him in place. “No..” he moaned. “Let me go…I want…” The large Saiyan pulled away forcefully, earning surprised looks from his lovers as he rose shakily to stand beside the bed. “Vegeta and I were just planning to get all sweaty again Yamcha.” Goku purred, “then we’re going to join you for another shower.” He reached over and picked up the oil from the night stand. “Come here.” Goku said quietly, crooking a finger at Yamcha.

The human warrior grinned wolfishly as he stood before the tall Saiyan, eyes raking up and down the smooth, muscular body eagerly. His brow furrowed in confusion as Goku leaned over and scooped up Vegeta, setting the surprised Saiyan on his feet in front of Yamcha.

Goku held out Vegeta’s hand and slapped the bottle of oil into it. “Lube him up good Vegeta, wouldn’t want him to hurt you…” Goku purred into his ear.

“Hurt me? Who said he was going to be on top?” Vegeta cried indignantly.

“I did.” Goku grinned before shoving Vegeta into Yamcha’s arms.

Yamcha grunted softly as he caught the small Saiyan. “Here, let me have that.” He whispered, reaching for the oil.

Vegeta slapped Yamcha’s hand away angrily and squeezed a generous amount of the oil into his palm, rubbing his hands together quickly to warm it. He smirked up at the human as he wrapped his hands around Yamcha’s erection and began to slide his hands up and down in slow firm strokes which made the human tremble.

Yamcha panted softly as Vegeta’s hands tortured and teased him, and he arched into the touch as Goku’s hands danced across his chest and stomach.

Goku chuckled softly. “I think you’d better stop Vegeta, or else he’ll be done before we’ve even had a chance to get started.” He said as he pulled away from Yamcha. He moved to stand behind Vegeta, grabbing the shorter Saiyan by the shoulders and turning him around. “Looks like you’re stuck in the middle again.” He smirked at the prince.

Vegeta leered at him. “I don’t mind, as long as you’re on the bottom this time.” He gasped sharply as a finger pushed it’s way into his body without warning. “Hey….wh..hnn…” Vegeta’s shout turned to a moan as an arm snapped around his waist and he was pulled back against Yamcha’s chest, the aroused human probing and stretching Vegeta gently, as Goku caressed his erection. The small Saiyan cried out as Yamcha’s fingers brushed his prostate, reducing the normally standoffish Saiyan to a quivering mass of need, begging for more. Goku and Yamcha smirked then leaned forward and kissed each other passionately, sandwiching a squirming, moaning Vegeta between them.

Goku knelt in front of Vegeta, his hands cupping his rear as Yamcha hooked his hands under the small Saiyan’s thighs. They locked eyes and nodded, gently lifting the prince up and spreading his thighs until Yamcha’s arousal was pressing against Vegeta’s entrance, and the Saiyan’s own throbbing erection brushed Goku’s chin. They held the trembling man between them as Yamcha slid his well-oiled length into Vegeta, drawing a low rumbling growl from the Saiyan, which turned into a rasping cry as Goku’s lips slid down to the base of Vegeta’s cock. Vegeta snaked one arm up to cup the back of Yamcha’s neck, while his other hand slid down and grabbed a fistful of Goku’s ebony hair, gently urging him up and down.

“Uhh….yes….” Vegeta writhed in the grip of his lovers, urging them to move faster. “K…Kakarott…..Yamcha..nnn…”

Yamcha’s eyes slid shut as his head fell back. He tried to keep his pace slow but it was difficult. Vegeta’s body was tight and hot, the Saiyan’s muscles were gripping and massaging his cock as he slid in and out, the pleasure intense. “Vegeta…” The human whimpered. “I….Oh God…it feels good….can’t hold out…. much….” He shivered, his fingers beginning to dig into Vegeta’s thighs as he clenched his jaw, fighting not to cum yet.

//Hold on Yamcha.// Goku’s thoughts were heard by the struggling human, who nodded briefly.

The tall Saiyan slowly let go of Vegeta, making sure Yamcha could hold him before he quickly turned around and lay on the edge of the bed, knees touching the floor as he looked over his shoulder coyly at Vegeta. The Saiyan prince watched through slitted eyes as Goku rocked his hips against the bed. Vegeta moaned softly at the enticing display.

Yamcha was also watching Goku’s performance. He nuzzled Vegeta’s hair and brushed his lips against the Saiyan’s ear. “You like that, huh Vegeta? Yeah I’ll bet you do….Goku down there on his knees in front of you just waiting for you to slam your cock into him.” Yamcha purred, smirking as Vegeta whimpered. “You want some of that Vegeta? Hmm?” He slowly moved Vegeta closer to Goku’s prone body. He lowered the Saiyan to his feet reaching around to grip Vegeta’s straining arousal with one hand as he ran his fingertips across Vegeta’s lips. “Suck Vegeta.” Yamcha whispered. Vegeta complied, liberally coating Yamcha’s fingers with saliva.

Vegeta growled as Yamcha pushed two fingers into Goku’s entrance, eliciting a soft groan from the younger Saiyan. His body throbbed with desire as Yamcha found Goku’s sweet spot, making Goku’s hips snap up and begin thrusting back against Yamcha’s hand as the tall Saiyan cried out in pleasure. The cries immediately turned to whimpers as the human quickly removed his fingers.

“Fuck him Vegeta.” Yamcha purred. He positioned the head of Vegeta’s penis at Goku’s entrance and pulled his hips back until only the head of his own erection was inside Vegeta, and then slammed his hips forward with everything he had, driving himself all the way into Vegeta, and in turn burying Vegeta’s cock to the hilt inside Goku. Both Saiyans shouted at the sudden move and cried out in pleasure as Yamcha set a blistering pace, gripping Goku’s hips as he thrust himself into Vegeta roughly.

Vegeta slumped forward over Goku’s broad back and groaned as the younger Saiyan’s hips began to slam back against him. He jerked and grunted as Yamcha angled himself to hit Vegeta’s prostate. Grunts soft curses, moans and the creaking of bedsprings filled the room as the three men rocked and pushed against each other. A high-pitched wail escaped Goku as he raised his hips one last time and slumped against the bed, panting heavily. Vegeta let out a hoarse cry as he collapsed onto Goku’s back, and Yamcha screamed as he buried himself in Vegeta once more before settling on top of the small Saiyan.

After several minutes of trying to catch their breath, Vegeta began to squirm beneath Yamcha. “Damn you’re one heavy ningen.” The Saiyan prince muttered.

“What?!” Yamcha cried with mock outrage, raising himself to his knees and grabbing Vegeta around the waist. “So you want to see heavy huh?” He leered down at the captive prince, who was struggling to get free.

“Oh no, I don’t think so Yamcha, Vegeta’s had you both ways, and now it’s my turn.” Goku’s voice came from directly behind Yamcha, and he spun around to see Goku slowly creeping toward him, staring at him intently. Gripping the human by the arms, Goku pulled Yamcha to his feet. “Let’s go rinse off, and then I’ll get my turn.”


Back at the Son residence………

Gohan moaned as Trunks settled between his spread legs, their erections brushing together. “Ooh….yes…Trunks please….do it…take me..” The young demi-Saiyan whimpered.

“Yes koibito….” Trunks groaned in reply, reaching for the tube of lubricant on the night stand. After slathering it onto his erection, Trunks lowered his hips until he brushed against his lover’s entrance.

Gohan clapped his hands over his mouth to stifle his cries as Trunks pushed past the tight ring of muscle inside him, and began to slowly thrust into him. Soft cries and the sounds of the bed shifting with their gentle movements wafted across the room.

Both of the young men screamed and Trunks rolled Gohan behind him protectively as the door swung open. Bulma and Chi-Chi stood in the doorway, faces pale and mouths open as they took in the sight of their sons naked and in bed together.

“What the hell are you doing to my son you damn pervert!” Chi-Chi screeched, advancing toward them menacingly.

“Oh and aren’t you one to call me a pervert after the things you and Piccolo have done to my mother!” Trunks screamed at her.

Chi-Chi and Bulma gasped and turned to gape at each other. “How did you know?” Bulma whispered.

“We’ve seen you.” Trunks growled. “Now if you hypocrites are finished, we’d like to be left alone. Oh and you might want to know that Goku and Father already know all about you three, as well as both of us.” He said slyly, turning to kiss Gohan tenderly.

“They……they know..all of it?” Chi-Chi gasped. Bulma grabbed her gently by the shoulders and led her downstairs, pausing to shut the door behind her.

“You two might want to lock this, you know..so..” Bulma tilted her head toward the younger boys’ room.

“Sure Mom.” Trunks said, jumping up and locking the door as soon as it was shut. “Now,” he said, turning to grin at Gohan ferally. “Let’s not waste our last evening before our Dads come home.” Gohan gasped as he was pounced on by the gorgeous demi-Saiyan.


The next afternoon on the island………

“Well, I guess that’s everything!” Goku grinned as he pushed the button to collapse the house back into a capsule.

Vegeta frowned slightly as he watched Yamcha’s downcast expression. “Don’t worry koi.” He said as he wrapped his arms around Yamcha’s waist. “I’ll take this house back to the onna, and have her fix it up again. After that I’ll bring it back and set it up for this weekend, and we’ll try to spend at least every other weekend here, just the three of us….” Vegeta purred, “if not every weekend.” he ran his hands over Yamcha’s chest and leaned up for a kiss.

“Yeah! The house can stay here permanently just for us!” Goku grinned as he snuggled up to Yamcha’s back.

“Cool.” Yamcha said, trying not to scream with the happiness he felt. //I finally got my wish, and boy what a wish! I didn’t even have to use the dragon balls!// He chuckled at that thought.

“So what are you guys gonna do about all the shit that’s been happening at home?” Yamcha asked, his brow furrowing as he remembered all the bizarre couplings he had been told of.

“Well,” Goku began, looking at Vegeta solemnly. “We’re all gonna go back to my place, and tell Chi-Chi, Bulma, Piccolo Trunks and Gohan what we’ve been doing here as well.” Goku places a finger over Vegeta’s lips as he saw the angry Saiyan was about to protest. “It’s only fair Vegeta.” He said quietly.

“Fine.” Vegeta huffed as he crossed his arms and scowled, only to have the effect ruined as Yamcha swept him into his arms and kissed him hungrily.

“We’d better get going.” Goku said, not looking forward to informing his family of his recent activities.

“Why don’t we take the smaller brats to Capsule Corp for the evening first before we tell them.” Vegeta said, a strange smile on his face.

“Yeah…I guess. The boys don’t need to hear about this. Cause I know Chi-Chi,” Goku frowned. “Even though she’s been sleeping with Bulma and Piccolo, she’ll be pissed to find out I’ve been sleeping with someone else too.”


Son Residence…….

Chi-Chi, Bulma and Piccolo were out on the front porch, talking quietly.

“I wonder how they’re going to react to this.” Chi-Chi said quietly. Bulma chewed her lip nervously.

“Probably not as bad as you think.” Piccolo said quietly. The two women turned to regard him quizzically.

“What do you mean? Why not?” Bulma asked.

“Because Goku and Vegeta have been sleeping together all weekend.” Piccolo smirked. “And last night they added Yamcha to the mix too.” He snickered as the two women gaped at him in disbelief.

“Goku…” Chi-Chi trailed off.

“Vegeta…” Bulma whispered.

“And Yamcha?” They collapsed against each other giggling.

“Weird..the father of my child is sleeping with my ex boyfriend!” Bulma smirked.

“You think that’s weird..my husband is sleeping with my childhood crush. And your live in.” Chi-Chi giggled.

“This is bizarre.” Bulma smirked. “They’ll be home soon, I suppose we should be ready for a battle royal.” She sighed, getting up to go and get chibi Trunks. “Is it okay if we send Trunks and Gohan out together? I don’t think they should be here right now. Vegeta’s gonna be pissed.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Piccolo said, hovering up to Gohan’s window. After a few seconds of whispered conversation, the two young demi-Saiyans packed a bag with blankets and a few other necessities and flew off.

Piccolo cocked his head to the side for a moment. “Bulma, call your parents.”

“Wha..why?” She stared at him, brows furrowed.

“See if they’ll take chibi Trunks and Goten for the night. If they have the two younger boys and Gohan and Trunks are gone, we’ll face their reactions first. Take the brunt of it before the kids get wind of it. It’ll take most of the heat off Gohan and Trunks too.” Piccolo said softly.

The two women locked eyes and nodded. “Good idea.” Chi-Chi said as Bulma turned to head inside. All three of them jumped as the two Saiyans and one human suddenly appeared on the front porch.

“Hey guys, we’re home.” Goku said quietly, having difficulty meeting his wife’s eyes.

“So. We know what you’ve been doing and vice versa.” Piccolo said without preamble.

“Hmph.” Vegeta scowled and crossed his arms, looking steadfastly at Goku’s back. Yamcha crossed his arms as well and turned away, chewing his lip nervously.

Chi-Chi opened her mouth to berate the three males in front of her when Trunk’s earlier accusations of hypocrisy came back to her. She decided to keep her mouth shut.

A heavy silence descended between the six people.

“Well, what are we going to do?” Vegeta snapped after several moments, unable to stand the silence anymore.

“Uh…I was gonna go call Mom and Dad and see if they would take the kids for the night.” Bulma said as she backed toward the door, wondering why Vegeta hadn’t started yelling or blasting things yet.

“Yeah. You do that and I’ll use instant transmission to take them to Capsule Corp. okay?” Goku said as he stepped back to stand between Vegeta and Yamcha.

After talking to her Dad, Bulma went upstairs to get the boys ready to go. The two demi-Saiyans bounced and giggled happily at the prospect of a continued sleep over, especially considering Trunk’s grandparents were very lenient with them. As soon as the boys were packed up Goku took them Capsule Corp., reappearing in the living room moments later.

Goku sat on the couch, Vegeta in an uncharacteristic move immediately sitting beside him. Chi-Chi and Bulma took the love seat across from them, leaving Piccolo and Yamcha leaning against the wall side by side.

“So, where are the other brats?” Vegeta said irritably, referring to Gohan and Mirai Trunks.

“Um…they left, they’ll be back sometime tomorrow.” Bulma said, twirling her hair around her fingers.

Vegeta smirked. “Couldn’t face my wrath hmm? Well good. But he’ll still have to deal with me tomorrow.” The Saiyan prince scowled. “I expect an heir from at least one of the brats.” He growled, earning a sidelong grin from Goku and Yamcha.

“Everybody else is gone. It’s just the six of us left to discuss what’s been going on.” Piccolo said quietly.

Chi-Chi took a deep breath and sat forward, her hand drifting over discreetly to hold Bulma’s. “So…what happened with you three?”

“Why do we have to explain ourselves first?” Vegeta demanded indignantly, eyeing their hands suspiciously.

“Vegeta..” Goku shot him a warning glance. “Let’s just get this over with.” He sighed, then continued. “I…Well I guess it started a long time ago, I had an attraction to Yamcha back when I was a teenager.” Goku said quietly. “I kind of forgot about it for a while when I married Chi-Chi, but then when Vegeta came, I felt an attraction to him too. It also brought back those earlier feelings I’d had for Yamcha.” He looked at both of his lovers and smiled. “When Chi-Chi and I began having…um..” Goku blushed wildly. “When we started having…problems in…the bedroom, and decided to not have…relations anymore, I found myself thinking more and more about Vegeta. Yamcha too. But I never tried anything because Vegeta got hooked up with Bulma and Yamcha was never very long without a girlfriend. I just thought they wouldn’t go for it.” He finished quietly.

“I had similar feelings for Kakarott when we first fought.” Vegeta said quietly, making everyone in the room stare at him in surprise. “What!?” He snapped, glaring at each of them in turn. “I mean after we fought, and I realized how strong he really was. I hated him for being so strong, but another part of me was fascinated with him. I could never quite stop thinking about his power, his attitude, his looks…” Vegeta trailed off, blushing slightly. “When Bulma and I had our problems with…relations,” he glanced at Goku and chuckled “I began looking elsewhere. Hence the deals we made with the two of you. You wouldn’t seek your satisfaction with another male, and we wouldn’t seek it with another female.”

“Well, I guess we’ve both managed to keep our ends of it.” Chi-Chi chuckled.

Bulma Chi-Chi and Piccolo all turned to Yamcha expectantly, clearly waiting for his explanation. The human warrior blanched under the weighted stares that settled on him. “Well…I..I’ve always been attracted to guys I guess. I just hid it real well.” He cleared his throat nervously. “I liked Goku for a long time, but I felt funny about it, he was just a teenager…and…you know.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “I didn’t see much of Vegeta when he first came here.” He barely suppressed a shudder as he remembered the Saibaman that had killed him. “But after he came back from space and settled at Capsule Corp., I started to like him…” He flushed as the leaned back against the wall once more.

“Yeah…it was pretty much the same with Chi-Chi and I..” Bulma explained. “We liked each other, but neither of us had the nerve to act on it. But when Vegeta suggested I do it, I decided to take him up on his offer.” She grinned slyly at her lover.

“How did Piccolo wind up getting involved?” Yamcha wondered, looking up at the Namek and cringing as Piccolo glared at him.

“It wasn’t my idea. Somebody..” Piccolo glared pointedly at Goku. “Told his wife a little bit about Namek breeding. She assumed that what he said meant that I was not male in the earth sense of the word.”

“Meaning she figured out you don’t have human like genitalia.” Vegeta smirked.

“Something like that.” Piccolo sighed. “After that they ambushed me, grabbed my antennae and forced me upstairs and into their bed.” He scowled as Vegeta and Yamcha burst out laughing, and Goku stared at his wife with open admiration.

“You forced Piccolo all the way upstairs and into bed? Wow….awesome.” Goku chuckled.

“But how did you wind up in the middle of all this Yamcha? Was it planned, or did you just walk into it like Piccolo did?” Chi-Chi asked.

“Well….” Yamcha blushed again.

“We just explained the why of it!” Vegeta yelled. “Do you really need to know every little detail?” He jumped and growled when Yamcha sat beside him and stroked his cheek to quiet him. Vegeta grinned slyly as he threaded his fingers in Yamcha’s hair and pulled his face close. He looked over and glared defiantly at the women before he claimed the human’s lips in a bruising kiss.

Goku smirked as he looked over at the two women, watching in amusement as they began to get aroused. He looked over at Piccolo and grinned as he saw the Namek watching intently through hooded eyes. “That’s enough Vegeta.” He said quietly. When the Saiyan didn’t respond he gripped the spiky black hair and gently but firmly pulled him back. “I said that’s enough.”

Vegeta glared at him, but complied, letting go of Yamcha’s hair and sitting back. “Piccolo, Yamcha..” Goku began, looking at his two friends. “Could we have some time with Bulma and Chi-Chi to talk about this?” Yamcha nodded silently, and Piccolo grunted softly in response. As Piccolo stalked across the room toward the door he paused, grabbing Yamcha’s arm and hoisting the human to his feet. Yamcha let out a startled yelp as he was lifted into the air.

“Can I borrow some of those toys?” Piccolo turned to Chi-Chi, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “It’s my turn to experiment.”

Chi-Chi and Bulma grinned and nodded. “They’re upstairs in the same basket under the bed. I have spares, so just take the whole thing.” Chi-Chi smirked at him.

“HOLD IT!” Vegeta hollered, trying to get up off the couch. “Let go!” He cried as Goku pushed the prince onto his back and pinned him. “That’s mine!” He hissed.

“Relax Vegeta.” Goku said as he held the squirming Saiyan down. “First of all, Yamcha is not yours. He can go where he wants, when he wants, with who he wants until the weekend. Then he belongs to us again.” He smirked. “Second of all, Bulma and Chi-Chi are none the worse for wear after spending the weekend with him, so I’m sure we can trust him with Yamcha.” He looked up at the human who was staring warily at Piccolo. “You want to go with him Yamcha?” Goku asked.

Yamcha’s eyes widened and he gasped softly as Piccolo brought his head down and kissed Yamcha gently. Piccolo shifted his grip so he was cradling the human in his arms, and moved his lips down to trail kisses down Yamcha’s jaw. He moaned softly and dropped his head back to give Piccolo better access as the Namek’s lips moved down to his throat.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Goku chuckled before claiming Vegeta’s lips in a hungry kiss.

Yamcha snickered as he was flown up the stairs and into the bedroom. “So what kind of toys are they hiding in here?” He asked.

“All kinds.” Piccolo leered at him. “And I’m going to enjoy trying them all out on you.” Yamcha’s eyes widened as Piccolo swept him up again and flew out the window.

“Ahem!” Bulma cleared her throat as the two Saiyans on the couch began to moan and arch against each other. “You guys…”

“No..wait.” Chi-Chi whispered, sliding her hand up under Bulma’s skirt. “Let them be. I want to watch.”

“Well…okay. I kind of wanted to ask you something anyway.” Bulma looked at her and blushed shyly.

“What is it?” Chi-Chi looked at her curiously. As Bulma leaned over and whispered in her ear, an evil smile spread across her face. “Yeah, I have to admit I’ve been rather curious myself.” She chuckled. “Okay, let’s do it.” She smirked as they quietly got up and made their way over to the preoccupied Saiyans.

Goku jumped as fingers danced across his back, and Vegeta growled as a hand slid between their bodies and inside his pants to stroke his arousal. “What are you two up to?” Goku asked.

“We want some attention too.” Chi-Chi mock pouted, and the men both gasped as they realized it was her hand wrapped around Vegeta’s length, not Bulma’s. “Come on you two.” She purred as she pushed Goku back and leaned down to kiss Vegeta. The surprised Saiyan began to protest, his words muffled by the kiss, and he tried unsuccessfully to push the dark haired woman away. Chi-Chi chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly.

“Hey…what’s goin Mmph!!” Goku’s eyes bugged as Bulma leaned up and kissed him, taking advantage of his attempts to speak and thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

The two Saiyans gently but firmly broke away from the women and stared at them in shock. “What is this?” Vegeta demanded.

“Well,” Chi-Chi said as her hand slid back into Vegeta’s pants. “We’ve decided we want to try a swap. Just once. We know that sex hasn’t been great since you two each went super Saiyan, because we’re just not strong enough to give you what you need, but we just want to see what each other’s mates are like.”

“Come on you guys, just once.” Bulma purred as her hand found it’s way to Goku’s erection, rubbing it through his gi.

Goku looked down at Vegeta, who quirked an eyebrow at him. Goku shrugged and gave him the classic Son grin, and Vegeta took that as his cue.

Chi-Chi giggled as Vegeta’s arms snapped around her waist and the prince levitated them both over to the love seat. She gasped as Vegeta ripped away her shirt and bra, then moved down to tear away her skirt and panties. “Hey!” She cried, then groaned and shivered as Vegeta’s mouth latched onto her nipple, sucking and nibbling gently. She arched her back and closed her eyes as Vegeta kneaded her breast with one hand, as the other slid down between her legs, the Saiyan chuckling as he felt the dampness there.

“All ready for me huh?” Vegeta smirked down at her as he thrust two fingers into her. He grinned across at Goku as he rubbed her clit with his thumb, making Chi-Chi shudder beneath him.

Goku watched their display through hooded eyes, his body tingling with need. He looked down at Bulma and gave her a hentai smile that made her giggle and wrap her legs around his waist.

“Come on big guy, show me whatcha got.” She purred.

Goku kissed and licked his way down Bulma’s body, laving attention on each of her pebbled nipples, and dipping his tongue into her navel on his way down. Vegeta’s eyes snapped over to Bulma and Goku as Bulma let out a sharp cry. He smirked as he saw Goku’s head between his mate’s parted thighs. Vegeta’s eyes slid shut, his body throbbing with desire as Bulma groaned and panted softly.

//Tell you what Kakarott,// Vegeta transmitted to Goku. //The first one to make their woman scream gets to be on top later. How about it?// Vegeta smirked over at him, and shivered at the hungry look he received from the other Saiyan.

//You got it koi.// Goku sent right back at him before leaning back down between Bulma’s legs. As she began to moan Vegeta grinned and copied Goku’s pose, making Chi-Chi cry out and fist her hands in his ebony hair.

“Goku…” Bulma whimpered, bucking her hips and panting.

Chi-Chi growled and tugged on Vegeta’s hair roughly, wanting the slender Saiyan inside her. “Vegeta…” She snarled as she pulled him up her body. She clamped her legs around his waist. “I want it…now!” She demanded.

“Hmm…yes, you’ve always been a demanding wench haven’t you?” He smirked as she swatted at him. “You should be careful what you wish for my dear. You just might get it.” He purred before he buried himself inside her. Chi-Chi jerked and cried out as Vegeta lifted her hips and began to thrust into her, his pace quick, but not fast enough or hard enough to hurt her. He angled his hips so his cock would hit her g-spot, and rubbed her clit with his thumb as he moved.

Bulma moaned and gripped Goku’s shoulders tightly as the large Saiyan entered her and began a series of slow, deep thrusts. Goku panted softly as he tried to reign in his power to keep from hurting her. He groaned softly as he sped up a little, trying to hit her pleasure spot and bring her to release. He chuckled as he heard Chi-Chi’s voice go up an octave, and her cries begin to come more frequently. //Shit, she’s close. Looks like I’m gonna lose this one.// Goku grinned to himself as he continued to gently thrust into Bulma. He jumped as Bulma suddenly let out a bloodcurdling shriek and snapped her legs tightly around him as she clawed at his back. He smirked over at Vegeta as Bulma groaned and went limp beneath him, panting. //You lose Vegeta.// Goku shot at the prince, who was trying to restrain himself as he moved in and out of Goku’s wife. A few seconds later, Chi-Chi threw back her head and screamed as she wrapped her arms and legs around Vegeta in a crushing grip.

“What did you say your wife’s power level was?” Vegeta growled, and Goku recognized the frustration in the prince’s voice.

“1500.” Goku grinned.

“No offense woman, but it’s not enough.” Vegeta rasped, rolling off her.

Chi-Chi and Bulma looked at each other and nodded. “Hey you two, can we try one more thing? Seeing how you’re both up for experimenting tonight.” Bulma purred.

Vegeta eyed her suspiciously and looked at Goku. “Sure, what did you have in mind?” Goku asked with a nervous laugh.

“Come upstairs and we’ll show you.” Chi-Chi said seductively as she took Vegeta’s hand and led him up the stairs. The two Saiyans glanced at each other, shrugged and allowed themselves to be led into the master bedroom.

“You got enough left for this?” Bulma asked as she pushed Goku and Vegeta down on the bed and knelt beside Chi-Chi on the floor and helped her pull out a small box.

“Yes, Piccolo just took the ones we’d been using over the weekend. I have just enough to see us through tonight.” She leered at Bulma then kissed her hungrily. “These two are for them…” She held up two strap on dildos. “And this is for us.” She grinned as she held up a double ended one.

“Wow. And I thought I had an impressive collection of toys. Mine can’t even touch yours!” Bulma shook her head and did a quick mental count of how many vibrators and various dildos her lover possessed. “You really are a hentai.” She chuckled.

“You bet!” Chi-Chi smirked.

They stood up and giggled as they saw Goku had pinned Vegeta to the bed and was now kissing him passionately as he snaked his arms around the smaller Saiyan and ground their erections together.

“Okay you two, save it for after our next request.” Chi-Chi growled, stalking over to the night stand for a tube of lubricant. “After I’ve had my fun, you two can have each other however you want.” She grabbed Goku by the hair and pulled. Goku gaped at her in surprise, then grinned and rolled over on his back obligingly. His eyes widened slightly as he saw the strap on his wife was now wearing. He glanced over at Vegeta who was staring at Bulma, eyes glittering dangerously.

“Hmm…no…” Chi-Chi smiled evilly. “I think I want you on your knees Goku dear.”

“You too Vegeta.” Bulma purred. “Come on honey. Just this once. I wanna do it to you, then you can watch me do it to Chi-Chi.”

“If I go uke for you, Vegeta has to go uke for Goku.” Chi-Chi said petulantly.

“That can be arranged.” Goku grinned. “Right Vegeta?”

Vegeta growled softly, then nodded.

“Good. It’s all settled then.” Bulma said brightly.

“Yes. Now on your knees.” Chi-Chi commanded.

The two Saiyans complied, and Goku gasped as Chi-Chi pushed a slick finger into him before tossing the tube to Bulma. Chi-Chi’s eyes narrowed as Goku groaned softly and rocked against her hand. She stretched him gently and then inserted a second finger, scissoring the digits inside him.

Vegeta watched Goku and Chi-Chi, closing his eyes and moaning softly as Bulma began to prepare him as well.

The two women positioned themselves at the men’s entrances, smirked at each other and thrust into their mates, drawing startled cries from both men. They gave their mates no reprieve, instead immediately setting what was a blistering pace for themselves as their mates arched and gently pushed back against them.

Goku whimpered in frustration, Vegeta uttering an answering groan. Goku reached out his hand and laced his fingers with Vegeta’s, locking eyes with the growling Saiyan prince.

“Let’s try something…” Chi-Chi whispered, pulling out of Goku. Bulma did the same, looking at her quizzically. Chi-Chi guided Goku to turn sideways, and Bulma turned Vegeta until the two Saiyans were on their hands and knees face to face. The two women slammed back into their mates with the strap ons, pushing them forward. Goku moaned and leaned down to capture Vegeta’s lips in a searing kiss, drawing a loud groan from the Saiyan.

Goku’s eyes snapped open as an idea struck him. He raised himself up a little, encouraging Vegeta to do the same, and reclaimed Vegeta’s lips, his hand snaking down to wrap around Vegeta’s now painful erection. Vegeta shuddered as Goku stroked him, and his own hand shot out and gripped Goku’s length. The two Saiyans cried out against each other’s lips, shuddering as they rocked their hips back and forth. Suddenly Vegeta stiffened, a rasping cry escaping him as his seed covered Goku’s hand. Seconds later, Goku shouted as he climaxed as well. The two Saiyans fell onto their sides, arms and legs entwined, as their wives slowly crawled toward each other, predatory smiles on their faces.

“We’ve got to do this more often.” Goku chuckled as he pulled Vegeta closer.

“We will.” Bulma purred, as she and Chi-Chi discarded their ‘toys’ and Chi-Chi picked up the one she had set aside. “Now remember..” Bulma said as she grabbed her lover’s shoulders and pinned the other woman down. “The deal was you go uke for me, Vegeta goes uke for Goku.” She reminded her.

Chi-Chi sighed dramatically and mock pouted. She giggled as Bulma leaned down and nibbled gently on the stuck out lower lip.

Vegeta and Goku sat up and watched the display with interest as Chi-Chi’s giggles turned to moans. The two men began to caress each other as they watched Bulma kissing and licking her way down Chi-Chi’s throat, her hands kneading the other woman’s breasts gently. Goku growled as Bulma’s mouth worked it’s way to Chi-Chi’s breasts with a knowing touch, laving attention on each nipple. He raised himself to his knees, his member stirring as he watched the two women. He suddenly grabbed Vegeta and pulled the smaller Saiyan into his lap facing away from him so they could continue to watch as Goku reached around and stroked Vegeta’s semi hard cock. The Saiyan prince shifted restlessly in Goku’s lap and uttered a barely audible moan as Bulma moved down between Chi-Chi’s thighs, and licked at her labia. Chi-Chi gasped and bucked her hips as Bulma flicked her tongue over her lover’s clit, her tongue moving in deft strokes that brought the dark haired woman to the brink of climax quickly. Chi-Chi whimpered as Bulma pulled away from her, her hands reaching up to grip the blue haired woman’s shoulders as she silently begged her to continue.

The two Saiyans were painfully aroused as they watched the two women.

Bulma bit her lip and looked down at her lover coyly before glancing over at the two men. She grinned as she saw the state they were in, and decided to take their performance to the next level.

Goku and Vegeta growled and rocked their hips against each other as Goku’s hands slid over Vegeta’s body. When they saw Bulma pick up the double ended dildo and prepare to use it, Goku gripped Vegeta’s hips and lifted the prince up and positioned his lover’s entrance over his aching need. Bulma positioned the dildo at Chi-Chi’s entrance, and slowly entered her. Goku copied her, slowly lowering Vegeta until he was all the way inside the prince’s tight passage.

Bulma began to thrust slowly and gently into her lover, the dildo hitting her lover’s pleasure spot as she kept up her gentle pace.

Vegeta growled. “Kakarott….” He bucked his hips and snarled as Goku mirrored Bulma’s moves, right down to the agonizingly slow pace. “Please..” The frustrated prince whispered.

Goku kissed and nipped at his neck. “Not yet koi. I want to enjoy the show.”

Bulma continued to thrust into Chi-Chi with the same maddeningly slow pace, her fingers drifting down to rub her lover’s clit as well. She leaned down and kissed Chi-Chi as she felt her muscles tensing beneath her, and picked up the pace slightly to bring both of them to completion.

Vegeta shouted in frustration as Goku kept up his torturous pace, his hands digging into Vegeta’s hips to keep the Saiyan from bucking. “Kakarott!” He cried.

“Shhh…soon Vegeta. As soon as they’re ready to watch, I’ll give you what you want.” Goku murmured.

Moments later, both women cried out and arched against each other, trembling.

Bulma collapsed on top of Chi-Chi and closed her eyes as the other woman’s arms wrapped around her neck. They lay still for several moments, until Bulma’s eyes snapped open and she regarded Goku and Vegeta with interest. “Okay..” She said, rolling off Chi-Chi and cuddling up beside her. “We showed you ours, now you show us yours.” The two women smirked at their mates.

The two Saiyans needed no further prompting. Goku pulled out of Vegeta and threw him down on his back, growling as he pinned him down roughly. The smaller Saiyan snarled and fisted his hands in Goku’s unruly hair, wrenching his head down for a fiery kiss as his legs snapped around Goku’s waist. Both Saiyans shouted as Goku buried himself inside Vegeta with one brutal thrust.

Chi-Chi and Bulma gaped as the bed lurched violently with the force of Goku’s move. “My God…” Chi-Chi breathed. “If Goku ever did that to me he’d pulverize my pelvis and rip me wide open.”

“I know.” Bulma whispered, watching Vegeta carefully. “They did this all weekend?” Bulma and Chi-Chi stared at the two Saiyans as the bed tilted and rocked violently with Goku’s thrusts. “Hey guys you’re going to demolish the bed!” Bulma cried.

Goku lurched to his feet, grabbing a blanket from the foot of the bed and quickly spreading it out on the floor before grabbing Vegeta and setting him down. He grabbed a pillow and put it under his koi’s head before settling himself on top of the Saiyan prince, bracing his weight on his arms.

Bulma and Chi-Chi peered over the edge of the bed at their mates as Goku began to thrust into Vegeta once more.

Vegeta writhed and groaned as Goku slammed into him. “Kakarott…hnn..nnahh!” He cried as Goku’s length rubbed his prostate. He clawed at Goku’s shoulders and slammed his heels into Goku’s lower back, spurring his lover on as the large Saiyan’s power spiked. Vegeta shouted as Goku’s hair flashed gold.

Goku gazed down at the prince with hooded green eyes. “Change Vegeta.” He muttered. “I’ll hurt you if you don’t.”

Vegeta nodded and focused his power. He roared as his own hair went gold, and he smirked up at his lover. “This is something we’ve never done.” He murmured.

“Yeah…I just hope I don’t put us through the floor or something.” He chuckled.

Vegeta’s eyes widened in alarm. “Be careful then!” He snapped.

“I was kidding Vegeta. I do have a little more control than that. Unlike some people I know.” Goku smirked.

“What?!” Vegeta bellowed. “What do you mean by that?” He demanded.

“Well, I didn’t break the bed or warp the bathtub cause I didn’t know how to restrain myself.” Goku snickered as Vegeta blushed. He leaned down and kissed him. “That’s O.K. koi.” He whispered. “I enjoyed all of it.”

Chi-Chi and Bulma watched with a mixture of awe and fear as Goku slammed into Vegeta hard enough to rattle the pictures on the walls.

Vegeta moaned and bucked his hips, meeting Goku’s strokes as the large Saiyan pistoned in and out of him. “K…Kakarott…” He panted. Vegeta cried out as Goku hit his sweet spot with each thrust.

Goku growled as he felt the pressure building, and gripped Vegeta’s cock and pumped him in time with his own thrusts. He groaned as Vegeta’s body arched almost painfully beneath him and the prince’s seed shot out onto his chest and stomach, the slight Saiyan’s scream making Bulma and Chi-Chi cringe and cover their ears. Seconds later, Goku threw back his head and shouted as he thrust into Vegeta one last time, spilling his seed deep inside his lover before collapsing on top of him. The two men lay still for several minutes, trembling and panting.

“Get off me. You’re heavy.” Vegeta said weakly, making Goku and Bulma burst out laughing.

“It’s not funny.” Chi-Chi eyed her husband. “He is damn heavy!”

“Hey..” Goku whined, lifting his head to stare at his wife with puppy dog eyes.

“Get off!” Vegeta demanded.

“O.K. O.K….’ Goku sighed as he reluctantly climbed to his feet, pulling Vegeta up and collapsing on the bed and cuddling with his lover. He rolled onto his back and pulled Chi-Chi against his other side, wrapping an arm around her tightly. Vegeta also rolled onto his back, staying firmly plastered to Goku’s side as he wrapped an arm around Bulma.

The four of them began to doze off, then the silence was broken by Goku wondering aloud how Piccolo and Yamcha made out, drawing several snickers and lewd suggestions.


Out in the forest several miles from the house……

Piccolo grunted as Yamcha gripped one of his antennae and squeezed gently, making him see stars. The smaller warrior pushed the large Namek onto his back and knelt beside him.

“Stay!” Yamcha hissed. “I’m going to be in control tonight.” He tightened his grip slightly for emphasis. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to spend twenty four hours being dominated by two horny Saiyans?” The human growled as he reached down and pulled off Piccolo’s sash. “I’ll tell you what it was like.” He purred as he pulled down the Namek’s gi pants. “Vegeta took me three times, Goku took me three times, and I got to take each of them exactly…once.”

He leered down at the nervous warrior beside him. “Not that I’m complaining. Both of them are amazing lovers.” He whispered. “Now let’s get these clothes off and I can experiment with you…” He breathed as he leaned down and licked Piccolo’s lower lip.

The Namek groaned softly and opened his mouth, his tongue flicking out to meet the human’s. Yamcha growled and locked his lips to Piccolo’s his hand skimmed over Piccolo’s broad muscular chest.

“You gonna behave?” Yamcha smirked at him as he pulled away.

“Yeah….” Piccolo moaned as Yamcha’s hand strayed between his legs, rubbing gently.

“That’s better.” Yamcha murmured as he let go of Piccolo’s antenna and removed the Namek’s pants and shirt. Piccolo shifted his body obligingly to make it easier, and gasped as the cool night air hit his heated skin.

Yamcha cocked his head to the side as his eyes roamed over Piccolo’s skin. He skimmed his fingertips over Piccolo’s smooth chest, then grazed the half circle of pink skin on his stomach smirking as he tore a loud groan from the Namek. “I like this…” Yamcha purred softly as he leaned down to kiss and lick the multi textured skin. Piccolo arched his back, his hands cupping the back of Yamcha’s head as the human moved further down his body.

Yamcha pulled back a bit and studied the ridged V’s that ran down Piccolo’s pelvis. “These are different.” He murmured, slowly moving his head forward and flicking his tongue out to lick the lines of violet skin.

Piccolo bucked his hips and threw his head back, air hissing between his teeth as his hands dropped down to grab fistfuls of the blanket beneath them. “Nn..Yamcha..” The Namek whimpered as he began to tremble.

Yamcha’s hand snaked over to the pile of things he had dumped out of the basket, and he grinned as his hand closed over the vibrator. “I wanna hear you scream Piccolo…” Yamcha whispered as he turned on the vibrator and gently rubbed it against the ridges.

As Yamcha slowly moved up and down each line of violet skin, the pressure built inside the Namek and he did scream as he climaxed, shuddering, writhing and crying out his lover’s name.

Yamcha turned his head, snarling as he felt eyes on his back.

“It’s just us…take it easy.” Trunks said quietly as he held Gohan in front of him, running his hands up and down the young demi-Saiyan’s smooth bare chest. “We sensed you guys leave the house and wanted to know how things went..obviously they went pretty well.” He smirked.

Piccolo sat up and clutched Yamcha to him, his eyes narrowing as he saw the way Gohan was staring at them. He chuckled softly as he saw the tent in the front of the teen’s khaki shorts. “Gohan..” He murmured. “I didn’t know you got off on watching.”

Gohan’s eyes widened and he blushed furiously. “I….I..” He stammered, unsure of what to say.

“I think what Gohan’s trying to say is do you mind if we join you?” Trunks said looking at them coyly over his lover’s shoulder.

“Uh..?” Yamcha looked down at Piccolo, unsure of himself, but any doubts he might have had were erased by the glazed look in the Namek’s eyes. //Yeah…I always wondered about Piccolo and Gohan.// Yamcha thought as he broke out into a hentai grin. “Yeah…sure. Come here you two.” Yamcha purred as he rolled off Piccolo.

The two demi-Saiyans lunged at them, Gohan tackling Piccolo and Trunks pinning down Yamcha.

//Man, as much as I think Trunks is hot and all, I am going to be sleeping with Vegeta on a regular basis, I don’t think it would be a good idea to start sleeping with his son too.// Yamcha thought to himself before gently rolling the young man off him. He guided Trunks’ hand down between Piccolo’s legs as Gohan ravaged the Namek’s mouth, moaning softly.

“What about you?” Trunks frowned as Yamcha pulled back and sat beside him.

Yamcha shrugged. “I’ll watch.” He smiled.

“Like hell you will! I said I was gonna use those toys on you and by God I’m going to do it!” Piccolo growled as he pushed the two young men off him and jumped to his feet. The three men gaped at Piccolo as he powered up, snarling and trembling as he focused his energy. They cried out in surprise as Piccolo split himself into not two, but three. One emerged from his back, and the other pulled away from his front.

“Now….” The Namek glared down at them. “We’re going to do this MY way. Got it?” He smirked as the three startled men nodded mutely, staring up at him in shock. The three copies of Piccolo lunged forward, one pinning Yamcha down on his back, the other sweeping Gohan into his arms and kissing him hungrily, as the third clawed at Trunks’ shorts.

After he disrobed all three of his lovers, the Piccolo on top of Yamcha reached for a vibrator, leering down at the human and thoroughly enjoying the nervousness in his wide dark eyes. “Don’t worry koi.” He whispered as he ran his fingers along Yamcha’s lower lip. Piccolo growled softly as Yamcha parted his lips and sucked eagerly on Piccolo’s large fingers, coating them with saliva. He pulled his hand away and leaned down to claim the human’s lips in a demanding kiss, thrusting his tongue into Yamcha’s mouth, desire making him tremble as Yamcha growled and began to buck his hips impatiently. “Hmm…aren’t we eager to get started.” Piccolo chuckled as he pushed a finger into Yamcha, stretching him briefly before probing for his pleasure spot.

The second Piccolo clutched Gohan to him tightly as he sank to his knees, his lips trailing fiery kisses down the demi-Saiyan’s throat. Gohan cried out and gripped Piccolo’s shoulders tightly as the Namek grazed his sharp canines over the sensitive skin. Gohan threw back his head and gasped as Piccolo’s hand wrapped around his rock hard member and began stroking him.

“Pi…Piccolo!” Gohan cried as he felt his release nearing. “Stop…please..” He whimpered. “Not yet!” Piccolo sighed, and slowed his hand just enough to drive the young demi-Saiyan half mad as he was torn between his need for release, and the desire to watch the others. Piccolo spun him around and pulled the young man into his lap, smirking as he watched his counterparts pleasuring the other men. He grinned as Gohan began to writhe and moan in his grip as they watched the other two couples.

The third Piccolo pushed Trunks onto his back and grabbed his legs, hooking one over each shoulder before darting his head down between the demi-Saiyan’s thighs. Trunks jerked and shouted as Piccolo’s mouth engulfed his erection, the Namek taking his length down his throat. Trunks growled and thrust his hips wantonly as Piccolo’s mouth slid up and down his arousal, making colored spots appear before his eyes.

“Hnn….Piccolo….” Trunks panted as he arched and grabbed at Piccolo’s shoulders.

Piccolo splayed a hand over Trunks’ hip, forcing him to lie still as he tasted and teased his lover.

“Piccolo..” The lavender haired Saiyan moaned as he began to tremble, his release fast approaching under Piccolo’s expert ministrations.

The first Piccolo thrust the vibrator into Yamcha, smirking and aiming for the man’s prostate. A sharp cry and violent bucking of his hips told Piccolo he’d hit it dead on. He grinned and wrapped a hand around Yamcha’s cock and pumped his hand up and down rapidly. “Come on Yamcha…” He purred before leaning down to capture his lips in a scorching kiss. Yamcha’s hands shot up and gripped the back of Piccolo’s head as he kissed back aggressively. Piccolo growled softly as Yamcha stiffened beneath him, a choked scream escaping him as his seed shot out and covered Piccolo’s hand.

“Oh…oh wow…” Yamcha rasped as he slumped beneath Piccolo, a satisfied smile on his face. “That was amazing..” He wrapped his arms around Piccolo’s neck and pulled the large Namek down on top of him.

Gohan whimpered, sweat beading on his upper lip as he watched Yamcha climax and he gasped as he found himself forced to his hands and knees. He cried out in pain and pleasure as Piccolo quickly thrust two saliva coated fingers into him and found his prostate. He groaned and rocked his hips urgently as a third finger was added, and Piccolo’s other hand reached around to stroke his member. “Yes…Piccolo…please..” Gohan begged as he arched and twisted in the Namek’s firm grip. He shuddered violently, then snapped his head back and shouted as Piccolo’s hands sent him over the edge. His arms and legs trembled for a moment then gave out. He groaned softly as he lay sprawled on the blanket, Piccolo leaning down to kiss his back and shoulders. “I’ve always wondered about that…” Gohan said softly before yawning kittenishly.

“Hmm?” Piccolo raked his teeth over the back of Gohan’s throat, eliciting a shiver.

“What it would be like to be touched by you like this….” He rolled over and kissed his former teacher.

Trunks snarled and thrashed, shaking his head from side to side violently, sending lavender hair whipping through the air. He cried out hoarsely as Piccolo’s mouth rapidly slid up and down his length.

“I…I’m…oh God…” He rasped as his body tensed. His body bowed and a ragged cry tore itself from his throat as he came, Piccolo swallowing his essence with a pleasured moan. His body went limp as he panted heavily, sweat rolling down the side of his face. “I…you..you were great.” Trunks whispered as he rolled onto his side and snuggled up to Piccolo. “Thank you.”

“Pleasure was all mine.” Piccolo grinned.

After several moments of silence, Yamcha spoke up. “You should go back into one person Piccolo. Let us have a go at you. How would you like having three mouths and six hands all over you?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Trunks and Gohan grinned evilly and grabbed their own version of Piccolo and dragged them over to the one still laying on top of Yamcha. They pushed them all together, and he was forcibly put back into one body.

“Hey…wait! Aren’t you satisfied yet!” Piccolo bellowed as the three warriors converged on him. “DAMN HORNY SAIYANS!!!” He roared. He cocked his head and thought for a moment. “DAMN HORNY HUMANS TOO!”


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

