The Words That I Can't Say
by Kami Kaze     More by this Writer
Vegeta is having problem to say some words...

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Graphic Violence Abusive

Song: "Bizarre Love Triangle" by New Order

Vejita's eyes narrowed to the scene in front of him, subconsciously holding his breath as he watched the vile alien as he sent Goku flying clear through a mountain. Goku was down, but not for long; he released his breath, his eyes darting self-consciously to the other fighters, wondering if they had noticed the apprehension in him. Of course they didn't; they didn't care about him...well, not much anyway; and what little they did care, it was mostly out of their love for Goku. Though no one had ever told him so, he knew that the younger saiyan had berated his friends on more than one occasion for treating Vejita badly; not that he didn't deserve it, of course. They most certainly had every reason to distrust and not like him. But, Goku would have none of that.

His heart jumped, beating madly in his chest as he watched Goku deliver a series of incredibly fast kicks and punches, hammering the alien into the ground with a loud explosion, dust and small rocks bursting into the air around them. His heart swelled with a certain amount of pride as he suddenly felt a pull at his soul; he felt he needed to be next to Goku, fighting along side him; but no. Goku had strictly told them all to stay out of the fight; the alien had come for him, and he would take care of the situation. How like Goku to put himself in danger, while protecting everyone else in the process. Vejita smirked, shaking his head.

His thoughts turned once again to a subject matter he didn't like to think about; one that crept into his mind more and more lately, and that focused directly upon the man he was watching at that very moment. He was confused, his emotions twisted and worn; the last few months had been strange, and had left him little more than a shell of his former self. Sure, the pride and snideness was still there, but it was there out of habit more than anything else. He shivered lightly, remembering a day a few months prior, when Goku had admitted that he had strong feelings for Vejita. However, the baka was so flustered at having actually came out and told the saiyan prince, that he wouldn't go into details about what he was blabbering about, then turned and fled. The prince had been flabbergasted to say the least, and more than a bit confused. Goku seemed to get over his embarrassment rather quickly, however, he never spoke of it again, much to Vejita's disappointment. Of course, Vejita wouldn't let Goku know just how curious he was...his pride wouldn't let him. Since that day, however, he had noticed things that he hadn't noticed before.

Such as the way Goku looked at him. It was a shock at first to realize that, when Goku looked at him, the other saiyan's eyes held deep emotion, taking on almost a pleading look....longing. Vejita had made sure the look wasn't shared with any of Goku's other friends, and much to his delight, it wasn't. Did the others see the look in their friends’ eyes? Did they know something Vejita did not? After this realization, the rest followed suit quickly, bombarding him with all the small hints Goku had been sending his way that he had never even noticed...until now. How did it make him feel? Repulsed and excited at the same time. Was that possible? He wasn't sure, but he did know that at one time he had hated the fool, and now, he was certain he did not. Goku was on his mind constantly, which annoyed him, but at the same time, seemed to make his daily life easier. His mood was lighter, his form more relaxed.

Every time I think of you
I feel shot right through with a bow of gloom
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows

Truthfully, he wasn't sure what to to feel. But now it was almost like a game to him; he had recently began flirting back...innocently, of course. It was all in fun...right? Goku seemed pleasantly surprised at his small advances, but now it was beginning to feel as if he had gotten himself in over his head; his feelings were growing stronger. Why was it that he felt this dread while watching Goku fight? The same old excitement was there while watching the duel, but at the same time...

Vejita cringed, his body jerking slightly as the tables turned on Goku, snapping the older saiyan out of his reverie. Goku screamed in pain as the alien sent a thin blinding bolt of ki through his thigh. Falling out of super saiyan form, he fell to the ground, grasping his leg and shuddering as he bent to inspect the damage; the beam had ripped cleanly through his leg, ripping and burning flesh and muscle, barely missing the bone. A scream rose in Vejita's throat as the alien used Goku's weakness for his own gain, diving down swiftly and slamming his huge green fists into Goku's back. Vejita gritted his teeth, his fists clenched at his sides as both hatred and love rose from him in waves.

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

After a few seconds, Goku climbed out of the chasm his body had created in the ground, limping as he did so. The alien said something tauntingly that Vejita didn't hear, but whatever it was, it enraged Goku, his face twisting into a snarl as he flew at the creature, fists flying. He managed to knock the creature back, then attacked with a barrage of ki blasts.

Vejita smiled softly; Goku would keep fighting until it was over, this he knew. He folded his arms and tilted his head, watching with secret amusement as the other saiyan twisted and flipped in the air, doing an intricate dance of combat that's very essence screamed Goku. The prince sighed softly and shifted as he felt himself hardening at the show he was sure only he found enticingly erotic. Darkened eyes moved slowly up Goku's orange-clad legs, to the thick blue sash that held the hideously colored gi pants up; Above the sash, succulent sweat glistened skin shown, as Goku had taken his shirt off long ago. Rock hard muscles flexed in time with Goku's moves, each movement making Vejita painfully aware of his straining erection, his blood pumping quickly, his breaths becoming shorter, more hitched. A flash of shame washed over him, but was quickly banished; this felt much to good to be shamed over...he didn't know what it was, or maybe he didn't want to know. But these feelings he was having he wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Even immortality.

I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like nobody should
Whenever I get this way
I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be

Suddenly a thought hit him. What if Goku was only playing with him? After all...hadn't he said to himself that he seen it as just a game? What if Goku did also? A stab of pain shot through his chest at the thought, but why? Why should he care? He shouldn't....he was a prince, what did the feelings of a third class saiyan mean to him? His shoulders slumped suddenly at the realization.

Everything. Goku's feelings meant everything to him; and always had. He had always tried to impress the younger saiyan warrior, but had been thwarted by that same warrior almost every time he tried. It had become an obsession for him, to beat Goku down, to show him that he was worthy of Goku's respect...and love. Love...?? What the hell did that have anything to do with it? Vejita thought to himself with a frown. Suddenly he was blinded with light, his muscles tensing as he heard an anguished cry, the sound tearing through his body and soul like a bullet.

"Kakarott!!" Vejita screamed, dashing forward despite his blindness. He skidded to a halt, sensing Goku's ki just ahead, though it had dropped considerably. Sweat broke out on his skin as he dropped to the ground, his hands reaching out to touch hot slick skin, the muscles underneath jerking convulsively. "Kakarott! Are you hurt? What's wrong?" he asked quickly, his eyes barely making out the form in front of him as his eyesight slowly returned. A hand shakily took his, grasping it tightly.

" chest...and left arm. I think most of my ribs are broken." He wheezed, jerking spasmodically and crying out in pain. Vegeta's head snapped up, hearing footsteps approaching. His eyes met with those of the short bald human, who held a sack in his hands. Ah, senzu beans...good. Vejita thought, blinking softly as he willed his eyesight to recover fully. Krillin crouched down and gave Goku a bean, and Vejita watched in silence as the warriors’ muscles bulged, bones and flesh mending, his energy restored. The prince's eyes flickered over to the still form of the alien, and couldn't help a smirk. He wasn't quite dead yet. His eyes moved back to Goku, who was just leaning up onto one elbow, also looking at the form of the alien. Goku began to rise, but Vejita quickly pushed him back down. His eyes lifted to Vejita's questioningly, and the prince simply shook his head, choosing his words carefully.

"You had your fun, Kakarrot; but he hurt you, and now I will make him pay with his life." He said with a sadistic smirk, standing, his arm thrust outward, palm open as a large glowing ball formed there. He looked down into Goku's shocked features and smiled, not breaking eye contact or even blinking as the large ball of ki shot from his palm and hit the unconscious alien, blowing him to pieces.

Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

He watched with satisfaction as small pieces of the alien rained down messily upon them, but was taken back by strong arms slipping around his waist, a shadow falling over him. Scowling, his head snapped up to meet soft dark eyes, eyes that Vejita could easily get lost in. Dark liquid pools of emotion screamed out at him their feelings, even if the younger saiyan partially feared to say them vocally to the strong, proud prince. Vejita was painfully aware of their bodies pressing together, Goku's face inching closer to his own, their eyes holding each other's gaze, daring the other to make the final move. As if on cue, both moved, Goku swooping downward, Vejita tipping himself upwards, closing the small distance between their parted tiers.

In the background, a small gasp was heard, followed by an awkward silence as they pressed their lips together, opening for each other immediately. The kiss was soft; seemingly too soft for such hardened warriors.Vejita smiled into the kiss, as he wondered what was going through the minds of the other Z warriors. As quickly as it started, the kiss ended, both pulling away very slowly, their eyes meeting again with mixed emotions shining forth. Goku was waiting for something....was waiting for Vejita to say something, but he simply could not...could not bring himself to say it. He struggled with himself, cursing silently until he finally ripped his eyes away from the other saiyan's, feeling ashamed for not being able to say three simple words; three words that he knew now applied to Goku, no matter how much he'd like to not believe it. Goku smiled softly, lifting his long fingers to Vejita's chin, moving it so that he was facing forward again, their eyes locked. "It's ok, Vejita." He murmured softly. "I love you...and know you love me back. I can feel it." He said with a smile. Through their gaze, understanding passed between them. Vejita couldn't say it, but Goku still knew, and that was good enough for both of them.

~~The End~~


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