Close Shave
by Katlynne     More by this Writer
It's Vegeta's turn to be dominant and has something prepared for Goku in Capsule Corps medical room. The prince decides to clean up his mate in a certain area before getting dirty with him.

*Very Slight Truten*

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Close Shave
Vegeta hummed to himself as he went around the table, checking the straps that were holding Goku down. A little tug here, an adjustment there, and soon the saiyan prince was satisfied that his mate couldn't move. They were in one of Bulma's medical rooms, one that the Capsule Corp doctors used to give females gynecological exams. The table was tilted at the top enough that Goku could look at what Vegeta was doing, the large warrior's legs spread wide and secured to the metal 'stirrups' so Vegeta had room to work.

It was Vegeta's turn to be dominant. His need to exert his control over the bigger saiyan had come to the point where he could hardly control himself when they sparred. Goku knew and understood this need, allowing Vegeta free reign to do as he pleased. After all, last month Goku had been the one to snap, dragging Vegeta off to the woods and tying him between some trees for three days until he got his fill of proving himself the stronger.

"You know we are being watched, Ve?" Goku asked quietly.

"Don't make me get the gag, Ka. I know they are there, and as long as they just watch, it's not going to bother us." Vegeta fisted his hand in Goku's hair, making the tall saiyan whimper in pain. "Is it, Pet?"

Goku knew at the name Vegeta used for him that the game was on.

"Whatever you say, Sire." He answered.

Vegeta smirked down at Goku, pleased with his answer and title he had chosen to use. "That's a good pet." The prince purred, easing his grip on the back spikes. "Move down a bit on the table. I don't want to squash your tail. Just let it hang over the end and I'll take care of it when I'm ready."

Goku moved as ordered, spreading his knees wider to adjust to the way he was bound. Vegeta hadn't told him what he was going to do, just to meet the prince in the medical wing of CC. He watched as Vegeta set things on a rolling table, among them a needle for taking blood samples. Goku twitched when he saw that, his fear of needles almost making him break free of his bonds.

"None of that Pet." Vegeta warned at Goku's sudden movement. "I have something to help you control yourself." Vegeta pulled a silver ki collar from his pocket. "Raise your head a bit, and I'll fasten this on."

Goku gulped, knowing if he let Vegeta put that collar on him, he would be helpless. Closing his eyes, Goku raised his head from the table. As the collar was snapped on, the last bit of the big saiyan's defiance seemed to flow out of him with his ki.
Vegeta smiled, a real pleased smile for once. He hadn't been sure that Goku would let him collar him, but as the prince adjusted the dampening field on the ki collar, he could feel his mindset change. Now it was up to him to control everything so his mate didn't get hurt. The surge to his ego at being the strongest at this point in time helped Vegeta steady himself for what he was going to do.
Trunks and Goten had played hooky from work when they realized the older saiyans were going to be playing at Capsule Corp today. They had followed their fathers down to the med labs, kneeling under the windows and watched as Vegeta secured Goku to one of the exam tables.
Trunks was now a vice-president in charge of marketing within his grandfather's corporation. The job was dull and boring, often making Trunks search out his long time friend to skip out of work. Goten was working with design and development, something he found interesting, but when Trunks would show up, he dropped what he was doing to follow after the lavender-haired prince.

"What do you think your father is going to do to my dad now that he has him on that table?" Goten asked. It was hard for him to kneel on the floor and keep still. It didn't feel unusual for him to watch the full-blooded saiyans at play, it was just so hot thinking about them together that he didn't say no when Trunks told him what they were going to do today.

"I have no idea. Look at the size of that needle. Think Goku is going to freak out or what when he sees that?" Trunks answered.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the way his father actually talked Goku into staying in a room with a syringe. Trunks was even more shocked when he saw his father put the silver collar on the big warrior, then felt Goku's ki drop dramatically.

"No way!" Goten whispered. "I can't believe dad let Vegeta put a ki collar on him without making a peep."

"Father always did say he would have Goku under his control one day. Guess that means he's the dominant." Trunks whispered back.

"Shh! We don't want them to know we're spying on them." Goten hissed.

Trunks nodded and went back to watching the show.
Vegeta shrugged as his sensitive ears picked up the hushed conversation in the hall. While it was true he didn't care if Trunks and Goten watched them at play, but Vegeta also didn't want Goku to feel uncomfortable. Giving the bound saiyan a slight pat on the head, Vegeta walked over and closed the blinds. Now the brats could hear what was going on in the room, but the visual input was blocked so they could only guess at what was really happening.
"Damn! Father must have heard us anyway. I didn't even consider his hearing when we started talking." Trunks swore at Goten.

Goten shook his head. "We can still hear them. Let's hang around a little to listen in." He suggested.

Trunks agreed and they went back to trying to observe what was going on in the exam room. Every now and then they could catch a glimpse through the slats in the vertical blinds, but for the most part, they could only hear Vegeta's hushed instructions.
The saiyan prince moved over to the rolling table where he had laid out his supplies. Just because he was the dominant today didn't mean he was going to deal out pain. Today he needed to settle Goku down enough to get the blood test done.
Bulma had come up with the idea that she wanted to check on the saiyan's general health. That meant a series of blood tests to determine if they were getting the right vitamins, check their blood glucose, and be sure they had acceptable levels of cholesterol. When she had first talked to Vegeta about it, he had brushed Bulma off, but lately he noticed that Goku was a little off. It was nothing anybody else would notice, the only reason Vegeta had was because he was mated to the larger saiyan.

When Vegeta finally agreed, Bulma had explained that the saiyan diet on Earth might not be the best for them. She was sure that on planet Vegeta, the diet had consisted of more protein and less fruits and vegetables. Vegeta had been a little taken aback that he hadn't thought of that. He knew that if they weren't eating right, they could run into trouble later on. Their power could fail them, or they could be slow in healing, they could even be walking time bombs, waiting for the stroke or heart attack to hit them when they least expected it. Goku's heart was already a little weakened from the virus he had suffered. Vegeta didn't want to lose his mate to something they could have prevented.

Bulma had taken Vegeta's blood and was already testing it, now it was up to the prince to get a sample from Goku. The blue-haired scientist had told him that he had to get it, that she wasn't getting near Goku with a needle unless it was absolutely necessary. Vegeta had shrugged in his way of saying "no big deal" and planned what he needed to do to get the blood. Though the fastest way was to knock Goku out, Vegeta thought to try something different and maybe cure his mate of his phobia about needles.
Vegeta picked up a hairbrush from the rolling table and moved over to look into Goku's eyes. "We're going to work on your grooming today Pet. Just relax while I take care of these messy spikes."

Goku blinked, but didn't say or move anything. Vegeta carefully ran the brush through dark spikes of hair, easing out any tangle he found until the black mass was smooth and shining. Stepping back, Vegeta looked down and almost laughed. Goku was purring, his eyes closed, a look of total bliss on his face. Vegeta thought that his younger mate might not have had anybody brush his hair before, then he realized that Goku might not have had anybody around who cared enough to do the simple task. Certainly Chichi wouldn't think of doing it since Goku was an adult. Vegeta had never done it because he hadn't thought of it.
"What's that sound?" Trunks asked Goten.

"What, that kind of buzzing sound? I'm not sure, but I think it's my dad purring." Goten answered, leaning his head against the glass of the window.

"Purring? Like a cat does?" Trunks scrunched his nose to the window to try and see what Vegeta was doing.

"Yeah. When something feels real good, dad purrs."

"Weird. Do you do that?"

"Not lately." Goten sighed, remembering that he had just broken up with his latest girlfriend. "Don't you?"

"Never have. I'm not sure my family can." Trunks said.
Vegeta watched Goku for a moment, listening to the deep purr come from that wide chest. He was pleased that the big saiyan was so relaxed, but needed to move on. Running a hand down Goku's arm, Vegeta tweaked a brown nipple and almost laughed when his mate snorted and opened his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep on me, there is more to come... before you do." Vegeta smirked, laying the brush on Goku's stomach.

Dark eyes watched as the prince moved back to the rolling table and uncovered a bowl of water. Vegeta tested the temperature, using a finger lit with ki to heat it up a little before grabbing a towel and wetting it. Turning after he wrung most of the liquid out of the terry cloth, Vegeta plopped the warm towel over Goku's semi-hard erection. Goku hissed, moving a little until he adjusted to the heat, then settled back on the table.

"Now then, while that heats up, I think I should groom the other end of you." Vegeta stated, then picked up the brush.

Goku purred a question, but Vegeta ignored him for now. It was one of the rules. The tall saiyan could make any noise he wanted, but unless Vegeta asked a direct question that required an answer, Goku couldn't talk.

Rolling up a stool, Vegeta sat at the end of the table and grabbed Goku's tail. Using the brush, the elder saiyan started to smooth the bristles though the thick black fur. Goku whimpered, jumping at the first stroke, then the purring came back, louder than before.

Vegeta thought over the past as he brushed. His playtime was all about control. Once he had tried using pain with Goku, but the screams of his young mate brought back memories Vegeta would rather not think about. Things like Goku being crushed by him, of the gentle saiyan being pounded on by the androids, of Goku dying. Vegeta had stopped in the middle of the scene and had left the room to empty his stomach. When he managed to pull himself together, Vegeta had gone back to Goku, untied him and held him close while a senzu had healed that beloved body.

Now all Vegeta did was insist on total control. Goku couldn't talk, move, refuse or cum without his prince's consent. Vegeta found that this was even more pleasing to his ego than dealing out pain and drawing blood. Oh there was always blood, they were saiyans after all, but it was about heightening their pleasure, not to humiliate either of them.
Looking over the white thighs that were on either side of him, Vegeta stopped at a mark he had made on Goku when they were first mated. The brand was of the royal house, and burned deeper than he would have wanted. Vegeta knew that it had hurt Goku when he did it, but the Earth raised saiyan had wanted to prove he was saiyan and hadn't made a sound. Leaning over, Vegeta kissed his mark, feeling again the pride he had taken when he put it there.
"How does father stand all that noise?" Trunks said, the purring Goku was doing starting to get to him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go in there and pet the man or fuck him.

"I don't know, but I think I would need some earplugs." Goten answered, reaching down to adjust his pants to ease the pressure on his cock.

"You can't be getting turned on by your dad." Trunks snorted, shifting his own position on the floor.

"What can I say, it's a saiyan thing." Goten shrugged, smirking at his older friend. "By the way, when was the last time we were together?"

Trunks thought about it. "I guess a month ago, the jerking session at that movie."

Goten grinned. "Yeah, I thought so too... So want to go to your rooms and see who's bigger?"

"What about father and your dad? Don't you want to know what Vegeta is up to?" Trunks asked, half way to his feet.

"We aren't going to see anything." Goten stood. "And the sound is driving me nuts."

"Race you." Trunks said, jumping up and almost flying down the hall.

"Not a chance. It would hurt something to move like that." Goten slowly walked after Trunks.
Vegeta finished brushing Goku's tail. By this time the younger saiyan was not only purring, but also whimpering now and then. The prince set the brush on the rolling table and pulled the towel from Goku's lap. The erection that faced him looked like it was ready to explode, so Vegeta backed off a bit, taking his time getting things together for what he was going to do next.

Goku almost sighed when Vegeta gave him time to come back from the edge. It was hard to keep still and not cum when his royal mate was that close to his cock to begin with, the tail brushing and kiss on his thigh was almost enough to make Goku forget the training Vegeta had given him.

It hadn't taken long for the saiyans to fall into their roles within the mating. Goku was somewhat naturally submissive, something Vegeta had noticed in the way the tall saiyan let his little wife boss him around. Instead of exploiting that fact, Vegeta hadn't pressed him, but had done things the traditional way when he decided to mate with Goku. They had fought for dominance, in the end neither had won over the other, they had passed out before anything could be figured out.
True to his nature, Goku had been the first to offer his throat to the prince. It was saiyan custom, baring your neck for either life or death. The dominant one either gave you his mark or, if he found you unworthy, killed you by ripping your throat out. Vegeta had very delicately broken the skin on Goku's neck, marking the bigger warrior as his own. When it was Goku's turn at Vegeta's neck, he hadn't been quite as gentle, much to the pleasure of his smaller mate.

As they experimented with this matting business, they had found out a few things they hadn't known about each other. Goku found that every now and then, he needed to let his anger at the way he was always treated out. It took the form of carefully applied pain to his mate. It was never something that was done with a knife or whip, but when it was Goku's turn to let loose, Vegeta would bleed.
Vegeta found that he liked the pain, that the way Goku went about it heightened his pleasure to the point he always ended up passing out when the big saiyan finally let him orgasm. He would wake up healed and usually with a sleeping mate wrapped around him.
"Damn it Trunks, harder!" Goten groaned.

"I'm trying. Do something!" Trunks panted.

"What do you suggest?"

"Bite me! You're the expert at jerking off."

"I'm not biting you, idiot! I don't do pain."

"Well help me out here. Ah! More of that!"

"I don't see how scratching you is going to bring you off. Oh Kami! What did you just rub?"

"Tail scar. Father said they're sensitive." Trunks panted.

Goten got an evil look on his face.

"Ah! Oh!" Trunks went non-verbal as he came over Goten's chest and hand.

Goten chuckled. "Is that so? Guess they are sensitive."

Trunks glared at Goten, then shoved him onto his back so he could attack the dark furred crotch with his tongue. The purple haired demi-saiyan soon got his revenge as he caused Goten to shriek until the glass in the windows rattled.
Vegeta squeezed some liquid soap onto a cloth and ran it over Goku's cock and balls. When he was satisfied with the amount of lather he had put over the area, Vegeta went back to the rolling table and picked up the razor.

"Now Pet, don't move or else I'll cut something vital to us both and I won't be pleased." Vegeta said as he sat back down on the stool.

Goku gulped, watching as his mate ran the razor over his skin, pausing to clean it then moved on to another area of pubic hair. Goku wondered if Vegeta was just going to stop at baring his privates, the tall saiyan didn't want to have to explain why he didn't have any fur on his tail to Chichi. It was going to be hard enough coming up with something to tell her when she noticed his lack of hair down there, and he knew she would.
Vegeta felt Goku's concern through their bond, and saw it as the large cock that had been standing stiff against the younger saiyan's stomach seemed to wilt some. The prince wasn't sure what caused it, but that was part of the game. Goku had turned control over to him and Vegeta wasn't about to betray that kind of trust.

"Easy Pet. Just here. I want to see you clean." Vegeta soothed, running the wet cloth over Goku's privates to see if he missed any hair.

Goku purred for Vegeta, letting him know that he was all right. As Vegeta continued to rub over Goku's cock, the brawny warrior started to show more interest. When Vegeta reached over and deposited the cloth onto the table and picked up bottle of baby lotion, Goku was starting to pant.
"Goten... Goten!" Trunks nudged the dark haired demi-saiyan with the toe of his shoe. "Come on you lazy bum, I want to get back and see how father is doing with Goku."

Goten mumbled, but opened his eyes to look at the fully clothed Trunks.
"Why did you let me sleep?" The younger male grabbed his clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

"Take a shower while you are in there." Trunks shouted through the closed door. "I'll fill you in when you get down to the lab."

Goten's only answer was a mumbled comment that Trunks knew was physically impossible... Unless you were Tien.
Vegeta rubbed the lotion into Goku newly bared skin. The tall saiyan cooed and whimpered, trying to get his mate to see to his erection. The prince wasn't going to be rushed now, so he moved back to survey his handy work. Goku was having a hard time keeping his tail still and let Vegeta look all he wanted, the end of the black furred length twitching and curling.

"You look like a child, Pet. All that smooth skin... We'll have to keep putting lotion on and decide if we want to keep it this way." Vegeta commented, moving closer to the bound saiyan and running his fingers over the sensitive flesh.

Goku almost jumped off the table at Vegeta's touch. The skin of his cock and balls seeming to be super sensitive now without the hair to cover them. Vegeta used more lotion and ran his fingers over Goku's opening, slowly easing one in while he listened to the moan that received. While Goku's attention was on his fingers, the prince used the other hand to get the needle ready. He would have to work fast once the action started.

~ Trunks skidded to a stop outside the med lab where his father was working on Goku. He noticed a small gap in the vertical blinds where one hadn't fallen into place. Easing over, he took a peek through the window and groaned when all he could see was Vegeta's bare back.

"Just move a little to the right. No, my right. I want to see what you've done since we left." Trunks muttered.
Vegeta almost snorted when the quiet instructions from his son reached his sensitive ears. With almost a malicious look, he moved enough that he knew Trunks could see all that bare flesh between Goku's long legs. When he heard the sound of a body hitting the wall, Vegeta knew that Trunks had gotten an eyeful and he moved back into place so he could finish preparing his mate for the finishing ride. Goku had been doing well so far, but Vegeta knew he was reaching the breaking point.

"Now Pet, I want you to look at me. I need to get this blood sample from you and I don't want you to move." Vegeta said.

Goku watched as Vegeta brought the needle close to the skin of his inner elbow. With a low whimper, Goku started to shiver, unable to stop himself.

"No, Pet." Vegeta said sharply, drawing Goku's attention back to him.

"You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, right?" Goku nodded as an answer. "You were strong when I branded your thigh, and you didn't make a peep when I put the tattoo of my personal mark on your hip, this is nothing compared to that."

While holding Goku's gaze with his own, Vegeta pressed his cock into the bound saiyan's opening at the same time he pressed the needle through the skin. Goku groaned, not knowing which to react to, the pleasure of his mate entering him, or the sharp sting of the needle. Vegeta took advantage of Goku's momentary confusion and quickly drew four vials of blood, setting them carefully on the rolling table.
Goku shivered, watching Vegeta pull the needle from his arm and set it aside. The prince leaned over and licked the small trace of blood that flowed from the tiny wound.
"Holy shit, he did it!" Trunks whispered when he saw Vegeta get the blood samples.

"Did what?" Goten panted on the lavender-haired demi-saiyan's neck.

Trunks turned his head and almost knocked it on the window when he saw how close Goten was. "Father got the blood sample." He finally managed to get out. "Now I think the real fun will begin."

"Damn! I always miss the good stuff." Goten grumbled.
Vegeta straightened up and licked his lips. "Mmm... I think a little more essence." Dipping his head, Vegeta bit into Goku's shoulder while he slowly pumped into the tight heat his cock was currently buried in.

Goku held still, fighting his natural inclination to bite back, or move his hips. Whimpering, he tried to get permission to do something, but Vegeta just ignored him in favor of leaving little bloody bites along Goku's collarbone. As the groans and whines got louder, Vegeta leaned up and smirked down at his mate.

"Go ahead, Pet." Vegeta said, leaning back over the younger saiyan so he could reach Goku's mouth.

Goku thought his head was going to explode. He wasn't sure he could hold on with his cock being scrubbed by Vegeta's washboard abs. Every thrust spread the pre-cum that was leaking from the gentle saiyan's cock over Vegeta's stomach, eventually making it easier for Goku to slide along the bumps and ridges there. Leaning up, Goku sank his canines into Vegeta's neck over the straining muscle until he tasted blood, then hung on.

Vegeta's thrust got harder, shaking the table. When Goku broke the skin on his neck, the prince couldn't hold back and flared into SSJ. Goku howled as he was stretched, the noise he made blending with the scream of the table legs along the linoleum floor.
Both demi-saiyans were holding their ears as the sound from the med lab grew.

"Kami! What are they doing now?" Goten said over the screeching coming from behind the blocked windows.

"I'm not sure, but I think I'll have to remodel that room when they are done." Bulma commented as she leaned against the opposite wall.

Trunks gapped at his mom, finding himself trapped between Goten and the windows. "Um... We heard a noise and wondered what it was?" Trunks tried weakly to explain why they were there.

Bulma gave them an evil look. "Ok... But you will be doing paper work for the rest of the week to make up for your time 'investigating'. Wont you?"

Trunks and Goten gulped. "Yeah, sure... Whatever you want." They both ended up saying.

Bulma chuckled. "And I would go get some senzu. I'm sure your father will have something to say when he gets done with Goku."

The demi-saiyans looked at Bulma, then at each other. Somewhere along the line she had found out about their fathers and it seemed she was all right with it.
Vegeta kept going with the hard thrusts into Goku until the table hit the far wall. At the same time, the long black tail that had been curling around the prince's blown length jerked hard, sending mixed signals of pleasure/pain flashing up Vegeta's spin. The older saiyan arched his back, howling his approval. Goku grunted as the move also made Vegeta thrust harder.

Just as Vegeta was reaching between them to give his attention to Goku's cock, that wicked tail struck again, slapping against the strong back. Vegeta howled again, being rougher with his hands than he wanted to be, but an answering howl and hot wetness splashing his chest and neck let the prince know that Goku had found his release. A few more quick thrusts in the tight sheath he was buried in and Vegeta collapsed onto a purring Goku, the royal seed pumping into his mate's body.
"It's gotten awfully quiet in there. Think we should go see if they are still alive?" Goten asked quietly.

Bulma shook her head. "Not me. I know better than to go near them until they are finished."

The door opened and a shaking Vegeta holding a passed out Goku in his arms wrapped in a blanket walked out. "The blood is on the table." Vegeta said as he passed the onlookers.

Trunks started to say something, but Bulma smacked him on the back of the head. Goten managed to avoid her. "Vegeta, mom is going to expect dad home for dinner."

"Tell her he was hurt sparring and is staying with me for a few days. Woman, you will use the time to finish those tests." Vegeta grumbled, then continued on his way to his rooms with his mate.

Bulma put her hands on her hips. "I do have a name, you know." She growled.

"You know mom, I think father knows your name. He just likes to see how mad he can get you. I would think you would've figured that out by now." Trunks said, throwing his arm over Goten's shoulders and walking down the hall after his father.

Bulma shook her head and went to get the samples so she could get to work. In Vegeta's room, he was smugly holding Goku while he slept. He should have warned Bulma about the mess, but she could deal with it. It wasn't often that he got to be the one to hold the bigger saiyan during his moment of weakness.


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