by Kawaii Hime Ceres     More by this Writer
Trunks vanishes for 10 years and returns with a major case of amnesia. All he can remember is his name. His friend Tapion come back from the future to rescue him and put him back in the path of his friends. This won’t go smoothly as conflicting love interests and relationships will get into a tangle.

This story takes place in the year 794 of the Dragon Ball Universe.

Gohan is 38
Goten is 27
Trunks is 29
Bra is 17
Pan is 18
Marron is 23
Tapion is 40
Android 17 is 40
Group Sex

Chapter 02
Trunks’ pushed the button on the bottom of his helmet. In seconds, it was round, and no bigger than a bouncy ball. He placed it into his pocket. He ran his fingers through his damp hair before stretching the length of himself. He was about to climb out of the racecar when he noticed another male approaching.

As if it was second nature, he cupped his face with his hands. The pain was not due to being overly heated or overly tired. Something just gnawed at the back of his mind; something that told him he was suppose to know this person but it hurt to remember.

“Very impressive.” Tapion with a soft smile extended his hand, “My names Tapion.” He did not let it be known that he was relieved to see his good friend in such good shape. He had not been sure how far into the past he had to travel to mend the damage but it was now apparent that his best guess was a good one.

“Thank you,” Trunks mumbled. Not to give away the previous moment of experienced pain he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He wiped his hands on his pants before shaking the other male’s hands, “Name’s Trunks. So what brings you here?”

“Thought I might be able to talk you into dinner,” Tapion was not in a hurry to give anything up to quickly. He first wanted to know just how much Trunks remembered. “Strictly business,” he added not wanting to come off as too chummy.

“I’m sorry but I’m not interested,” Trunks said as he climbed out of the car. He raised a hand and waved at an approaching female. “Perhaps another time and when my sponsor’s representatives can be present. Fairness and all.”

Tapion glanced over at the female; she clearly was not one of the racers. He could already believe she would be track side with her little, tight, black cocktail dress. If he had not of known better he would have swore that the girl was a related to Goku in one way or another, she had that same goofy grin and jet black hair. “Another time then,” he said softly.

Trunks’ slipped his arm around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. “Let’s go so I can get cleaned up and we can make it to the restaurant on time before they cancel our reservations.” With that, they turned and headed towards the directions from which she had come.

She glanced over her shoulder and looked at Tapion before whispering something to Trunks.

Tapion ran his fingers through his hair. Perhaps he had not gone back far enough after all. It was clear by the woman Trunks was dating though that somewhere in Trunks he remembered Gohan. He stood there for a moment longer debating whether he should get the people Trunks’ knew involved. He really did not want to bombard him with everything all at once, especially since it was now apparent that his close friend lived a separate life, a normal life.


“Hey there stranger, been a while!” Pan grinned putting a hand on Tapion’s shoulder. Her other hand was occupied holding a tray. She could barely remember the last time she had seen him. It was at that point in time victory had been swallowed by sorrow, the loose of Trunks. The next few years that followed were pretty much a blur.

It took Tapion a moment to recognize Pan, who had grown into quite the little lady. “Ten years,” he said trying not to get lost amongst his travels. “How’s everyone doing?” He asked although he already knew through best guess due to his travels.

“Doing the only thing we can do, living,” Pan, trying to remain lighthearted, giggled. “Though Bra’s a bit unsettled at the moment.” She sighed as she thought back to the other night. “She could swear that her brother was close by.”

Tapion nodded his head. He knew that nothing would ever come of that feeling; it was why he was here. He had to set things in motion; to change what he knew was going to happen. “Just be there for her. It is all any of you can do for him at this moment.”

Pan nodded her head. “Do me a favor and stop by and see my dad. He misses the good old days, sometimes too much,” she winked. She was old enough to have pieced things together via the photographs in picture books.

“We were friends, nothing more,” Tapion said with a sigh not willing to admit to the young one about how things use to be. “I’ll drop by. It has been a while since I had a good sparring partner,” he said not realizing just how twisted it might sound to pan.

“Thanks,” Pan grinned. She did not care if he would admit to it or not, she thought herself smarter than them at times. It was a teen thing. “I better get back to work or I’ll never make enough in tips to pay the light bill.”

“Keep the change,” Tapion said with a smile.

“Thanks,” Pan returned to the fray.


It had been a tossup between Gohan and Vegeta when it came to telling someone about Trunks. Gohan won in the end because now that Pan knew Tapion was ‘around’ he had little choice but to visit. He sighed as he half wondered what he would say to him and where the conversation would lead.

Gohan not expecting any visitors glanced at the clock. Being early in the day still, he figured that it might be one of his students. He glanced down at the stack of half graded test papers. To say the least, life was dull compared to previous years. He put on his best smile, most sincere smile as he opened the door. “Tap-ion,” he mouthed in shock.

This decision had been a lot easier to make before seeing Gohan. What kind of man was he for leaving his partner in a time of need? Sure, he could counter with he had done it all for the sack of finding the person they had both lost. “Well are you going to let me in?” He asked even though he knew that he did not a right to ask such a thing of his’ friend’.

Gohan could sense the unease in Tapion, and he could sense it in himself. He wanted to be angry but he did not have it in him. He knew that it was not going to do either of them a bit of good by spiting vicious words at one another. He drew in a deep breath as he tangled his fingers into the collar of the other mans shirt, half wondering when he had made the choice to dress so proper.

Tapion truly wanted to reciprocate the feelings however, at the same time he did not want to be slapped. He looked past Gohan and saw the home was empty. He took a couple steps forward forcing the other male inside, this time not thinking of the consequences.

“To hell with it all,” Gohan whispered breathlessly as if he labored for hours already. He pulled Tapion towards him and kissed him. He fingers tangling in silken locks. Suddenly it was as if they had never spent a moment apart.

Something stirred within Tapion and all resolve dissolved against Gohan’s lips. He was now most certain that his lover of years ago held no animosity towards him. He kissed him fiercely as his hands moved to make quick work of the schoolteacher’s clothes.


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