It's a kind of magic
by KnightSun     More by this Writer
With their lives finally together, their lives complete, could anything go wrong?

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Male Pregnancy

An unwanted guest?
There is nothing more perfect, than this day. With a large fish frying over a fire, and the sun setting in the distance, the days cool, the nights warm, and the person you love sleeping not too far off. Nothing could be more perfect…ok maybe one thing.

The smell of frying fish drifted the short distance to the capsule house that had been set up at the beginning of their excursion. Through the front door, and past the living room, the scent drifted through, making its way to the nose of the sleeping Saiyan. Groaning, Vegeta rolled over, burying his head under a pillow, not wanting to wake up yet. Feeling the grumble in his stomach, he sighed; frowning as he finally dragged himself out of bed, and stretched, yawning. The rumble in his stomach made him frown once more. Walking out of the capsule house, wearing nothing but the boxers he had been sleeping in, Vegeta smacked Goku on the back of the head, causing Goku, who had been chuckling at the rumbling he heard in Vegeta’s stomach, bite his tongue.

Goku whimpered his hands over his mouth as he gave Vegeta a hurtful look for making him bite his tongue. Vegeta ignored the look, and walked over to examine the fish. Nodding he reached to the fish, pulling a bit of meat and scales off. Goku frowned, continuing to pout, upset at his prince for acting like a jerk.

Vegeta knew his limits with Goku, and knew how to please him in meaningless, or so they seemed, ways. Taking a bite of the fish Vegeta walked over to Goku, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Not bad…I’d say about five more minuets.”

Goku couldn’t help but blush. That bastard could always get him to blush, but he didn’t care, he loved the bastard. Sighing slightly, Goku tore a piece off of the chunk that Vegeta had, smirking as he chewed on it, ignoring the ‘unpleased’ look his prince was giving him.

“I agree…if there’s one thing I know its food.”

“With how much you eat no one doubts that!”

Vegeta walked back towards the capsule house, only to get the chunk of food Goku had in his hand splatter against his bare back. Goku had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing, but broke down, cracking up laughing at he watched his prince reach back to wipe the fish from his back.

Hearing the growl coming from Vegeta’s throat, Goku turned and took off, yelping in surprise as Vegeta took off after him. Goku laughed as he played this ‘cat and mouse’ game with Vegeta, who as the cat always won. Tackling Goku onto his back, he captured his mouth in a passionate and possessive kiss, which took all of the fight out of Goku, leaving him smiling and slightly stunned, like all of Vegeta’s kisses left him.

Smirking in victory, Vegeta went to stand up, stopping as he looked at the distance, frowning. Goku groaned, closing his eyes as he pushed himself onto his elbows.

“Vegeta…when can we tell them? Why do we have to keep this a secret? Chichi left me long ago…and you and Bulma are at a mutual agreement…I mean Bulma suspects the truth…why can’t we come out? Why does this have to stay a secret?”

Vegeta just grunted slightly, standing and walking into the capsule house. Goku sighed, letting his back fall back to the ground as he sighed. The grunt usually meant he’d think about it, which Always ended with a ‘No’. Jumping to his feet, Goku watched the sky as he felt his friend’s power level closing in on his position. It was Yamcha. He was the only one brave, or stupid enough to act as messenger between the rest of the world, and the training Saiyans.

Landing near where Goku stood, Yamcha walked over to shake his hand, and got pulled into a hug by his best friend. They laughed as they turned the fish, and then sat down chatting. Yamcha and Bulma were back together…Again. Yamcha still hated Vegeta for fathering Bulma’s child, but couldn’t help but care about trunks, who thought little of Yamcha.

Chichi was doing well, as were Goku’s kids, all great news. After a few minuets, they moved the fish from the fire. Sitting, chatting and joking, Yamcha quieted as Vegeta walked out of the capsule house, wearing only his usual pair of spandex pants, and his hair drenched from having just taken a shower. Goku chuckled as he made a joke for Yamcha to stop staring. Yamcha frowned, glaring slightly at Goku, just saying he was just making sure Vegeta wasn’t going to chase him off again.

Vegeta rolled his eyes, and snorted as he walked over to the fish, starting to skin it. Goku chuckled, saying that meant Vegeta said he could stay for dinner, either that or shut up. Yamcha chuckled softly, but stayed quiet in fear. Goku walked over to Vegeta to offer his help in skinning the large fish, but he froze as his heart skipped a beat. Even Yamcha’s eyes went wide as he blinked, staring at Vegeta, who in five words stunned everyone to silence.

“Goku, go get some plates.”

‘Did he just say Goku?’ Yamcha could only stare at Vegeta, then Goku, who was just as surprised as he was. Feeling Vegeta’s power level rise suddenly, Yamcha ran into the house in slight fear. Goku walked closer to Vegeta, who had stood up, and was wiping his hands clean on a towel that had been left outside by Goku the previous day.

“V…Vegeta…you….you just called me…”

“I know what I called you…it was hard enough the first time, don’t make me do it again. You wanted them to know, that’s the closest I’ll ever come to saying it in public. Happy?”

Goku had a tear in his eyes, Vegeta really loved him. Goku went to say something, but Vegeta reached up, grabbing him by the back of the neck, and pulling him into another possessively passionate kiss that made the taller Saiyan’s knees weak. Yamcha could only stare out the window at the sight. Vegeta pulled Goku into a deep kiss, one where even His knees were going weak just watching. Was this why they were spending so much time alone? Were they? Had they? This…seemed so wrong…but it had been expected for years now that Goku was gay, and that Vegeta had a thing for Goku. But this confirmed it. And soon Everyone would know…if he wasn’t killed for what he saw.

“Vegeta…you know Yamcha watched the kiss…” Goku blushed down at his arrogant lover, caressing the back of his neck, just the way he liked it.

Vegeta shrugged, going back to his work, batting at Goku’s hand, wanting to actually finish his work. “You said you wanted everyone to know! You happy now? I feel like a fool for doing that….I should have left it at the ‘Goku’ remark…”

Goku smiled, pulling his smaller lover into a gentle hug, Vegeta though, stood there, looking cross, unable to continue working with his lover pressed to him like that. “I’m proud of you Vegeta.”

“Kakorot…get off of my back.”

Goku chuckled, releasing his dear Vegeta, chuckling nervously at he tone in his voice. Goku walked back into the capsule house, walking to the kitchen to watch Vegeta work as he gathered plates for them to eat with. Yamcha just stared at Goku, blinking.

“Goku….What the hell was that?” Goku simply smiled, setting the table.


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