As We Lay
by Kuro Inu     More by this Writer
Trunks went seeking advice, and the comfort of someone he could confide in. Gohan tried to hide his feelings, but the truth has a way of slapping us in the face… as we lay.

Ages: Gohan 29, Trunks 18 Well, I got This song stuck in my head one night a couple of weeks ago, I have both version of the song, and then I head Shirley Murdock, and Kelly price sing it together on some show or other, and the song would’t leave my brain. I could’t sleep because of it. This story is told through Gohan’s perspective, as he grapples with the morning after being with the one he truly loves.

Song Used: Billy Beck; Larry Troutman (Shirley Murdock, Kelly Price) – As We Lay

Whoa… It’s morning, and we slept the night away.
It happened…Now we can’t turn back the hands of time. Oh, no, no

Yes, we’ve stolen this moment. We forgot to face one simple fact.
We both belong to someone else, as we slept the night away.

It’s morning. Sunlight shines across your sleeping face, uh huh.
A new day, brings reality and we must go our separate ways.

What a lovely night we had yeah, yeah, as we shared each other’s love.
We forgot about all the pain we’d cause, as we slept the night away.

As we lay, we forgot about tomorrow, as we lay. Ooh, hey, hey, as we lay,
didn’t think about the price we had to pay. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It’s morning, and now it’s time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye baby.
You’re leaving me; I know you’ve got to hurry home to face your wife, wife.
I would never, never want to hurt her, no, no. She would never understand.
You belonged to me for, just one night, as we slept the night away.

Ooh oh, whoa.

I would never, never want to hurt her, no, no. She would never understand.
You belonged to me for, just one night, as we slept the night away.

As we lay, we forgot about tomorrow, as we lay… Ooh hey, hey

As we lay, didn’t think about the price we had to pay, no, no, no.

We should have counted up the cost, but instead we got lost in the second,
in the minutes, In the hours, hey, hey, hey.
As we lay, we forgot about tomorrow, as we lay, we forgot about tomorrow,
as we lay Oh no, oh no, no. My love, why can’t you see, how loving you is killing me?
Baby, baby… I can’t take it no more no, ohhh
You see, I can’t be in your life; you gotta go home to your wife yea, yea
Ohh it’s morning.
It’s morning… (it’s morning) (ooh, ooh)
It’s morning… (it’s morning) (whoa)
It’s morning… (whoa)
– Billy Beck; Larry Troutman (Shirley Murdock, Kelly Price)

I lay there, looking at him. My head hurt, but not from the alcohol we had last night… This was a different kind of pain. My conscience was drilling its point into my brain. I had ignored it last night. I allowed my desires to take over, and the voice in my head was drowned out, but completely. Now it was the next day’s pay back. What have I done? I look over at him, he is sleeping…he looks so peaceful, and the sun has just broken over the horizon… its golden flame-like rays, flood the room with light, and play delicately on his skin; and as I stare at the way the sun’s rays warm his tanned flesh, it makes me want him… even now. I lower my head, as I pull my gaze away, and in doing so, I catch the sight of our tails intermingled. The combination of our scents in the air is heavenly perfume to me, and though I try to turn my screaming conscience off, I find that the more I stay in this bed; the more time I steal with him… the more I don’t ever want to leave. The little voice in my head be dammed. He shifts in his sleep ever so gently, and my tail grasps his… keeping it close. I swear I can feel each of the silken strands of fur on his tail, with my own. This is crazy… it’s early, but we both have somewhere else to be.

I close my eyes and shake my head softly. I can hear him breathing; happily, I can feel his heart beat beside me. He is content, yet, I am tormented… this is not what I wanted… well, in a way it is, It’s more than I’ve ever allowed myself to dream of, and yet I know what we have done here is wrong; but damn, it why does it feel so right? This night we’ve shared… it feels like the pressure on some great valve has been released. Yet, so many more question, and consequences are lining up now, like so many dominoes… I can only ask myself one question… why?

I know I should get up, I know I should move… I know… but I can’t. It’s not just a matter of being comfortable, but more… I just don’t know what I should do next. I know that our relationship will never be the same… and though I have loved him forever… I can bear the thought of losing him even less than before. What’s happening to me? I look over at his sleeping form and sigh softly. Does he even know what he has done to me? What will his reaction be? Too many damn questions… not enough answers… Fuck it! What’s done is done… and yet…

He shifts again, and snuggles closer. He is purring and I like the sound. It soothes my worries and almost envelopes my senses completely. The vibrations make my tail stroke his, his fur is so soft and warm. Each pass of our moving tails sends a welcomed and familiar tingle of joy up and down my spine, and right to my loins, the feeling creeps from my balls to my slowly rising shaft. I wish he wouldn’t do that… Yet, I look into his sleeping face, with hungry, needy eyes, and I know I cannot deny him. He is seeking warmth, and comfort, and I want to provide it… I need to… I brush the long strands of lavender hair from his face… God… what am I doing? How did we get here? I kiss his forehead and settle close to him as he squeezes tightly, and that purring enters my ears, to do battle with the little voice inside that is screaming at me with a bullhorn, and telling me to leave.

His scent, it reminds me of French Vanilla ice cream on a warm spring day… a scent I remember form younger days. The scent was so mild then, but now that he is beside me, I can smell how that scent has matured. It is so delicious, and I truly want to lick him all over once more. Kami, Dende… why do you torment me so, with these feelings that I can’t deny… they course through my veins, and scream in my head throughout the night, much like my conscience is doing now.

Yet, he lays there, he is smiling, and I find myself lost in that smile. I close my eyes and count to ten, and when I open then he is still there… right were I Left him, and I hold him closer, knowing I would go through the fire for him. He moaned softly at my presence, and that scent, that creamy vanilla fragrance lulls me back to the day before…

Yesterday… the day I wish I could take back, the day my heart will never forget, the day I want to live in forever. I don’t know how I missed it at first, I should have been alerted to his Ki instantly… Maybe I’m getting soft, maybe I need to train more… or maybe I had turned my feelings off, in an attempt to hide what burns deep within. Maybe He’s just better at hiding himself than I gave him credit for… anything is possible. I know I heard the door open and close, but I figured it is nothing more than a student, or assistant returning, or perhaps entering late. My back was turned, as I continued my lecture, while writing on the blackboard. The tone of my voice never changed, as I quickly turned to face the students. However, the words echoed in my head as if I were in a canyon. I can hear them so clearly… even now… “Gakusei…You’re late…” I turned, to face the latecomer, and my heart skipped a beat. A gentle wind blew through an open window that was nearby. The breeze blew his lavender tresses about. Rose petals seemed to fill the air and float around him. “Ye GODS! Snap out of it!” I chastised myself. My face was red and flushed as I tried to look away. That’s when our eyes met. I don’t care how brief it was, I could see the pain in his crystal blue orbs. Something was wrong… I had to help him. Why? Why? I shook my head, but before I could stop myself… I was speaking. “Class, allow me to introduce the only student to pass my class with a perfect grade… Mr. Briefs, Vegeta Trunks – President of Capsule Corp.” Trunks stood there, now he was blushing. The sadness, the sheer pain in his eyes had disappeared. Now his face seemed to be on fire, as he waved his hands in a pleading fashion, in hopes of getting the students to stop clapping.

I watched him as he smiled awkwardly. He was acting, and I could tell. I didn’t know just what troubled him, but no matter what it was, I wanted to stop it. I wanted to take his pain away. I looked down, and squatted to pick up the chalk I had dropped. As I stood, I could feel my tail, which had lain dormant in the right leg of my pants, come around, and stroke my inner thigh the soft fur against my slightly hairy leg and flesh sent tiny shocks throughout my system. I felt my nipples harden instantly. I started to sweat a bit and I swallowed hard. I lifted my eyes, and made contact with his… Once more, my world stopped… Then, thank the gods… The period was over.

The students filed out of the available doors in a sudden rush, and suddenly I was glad that this was my last class of the day. I began to pack my briefcase. I tried to keep my gaze from Trunk’s notice, but now that we were, alone he was sitting much closer to me, sitting in the first row. Even though I saw him quite frequently, we hadn’t been alone together in years, and suddenly, the intimacy made me feel uneasy. This sadness, in his eyes, in his aura… heightened my concern.

I finally found my voice as I closed my case, and turned to study him. “What’s wrong Tyger?” I looked for a response, anything. When he was a Kid, he loved that. I would fuzzle Trunks and Goten’s hair, and carry them on my shoulders. We would around on fly on nimbus, and laugh; for some reason that memory came to me as I looked into his tearing eyes. I moved closer, and suddenly Trunks grabbed my waist, and burst into racking sobs as he squeezed my waist. I was taken by surprised, but I held him, Softly, I asked again… “What’s wrong Outei?” Yes, I called the crown prince, my brother… I always viewed him that way. I really wanted to call him my Koi, my mate. I shook those thoughts away from my mind as I listened to what had Trunks so upset.

“Marron’s pregnant, and… I have to marry her… I love her Gohan, but I’m not IN love with her… I’m not happy. What am I going to do?”

I hung my head. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. My muscles tightened, I was so completely caught off guard. Married… Married, at 18… and to Marron? Ye Gods, now I felt old. I’ll be 29 next week. Why do I feel so jealous? Pan is 4 years old now, and Videl and I are happy… Yes, we are… I know we are… My mind began to play devil’s advocate and challenged my mental assertion, asking me whom I was trying to convince. Trunks was speaking again, and though I was listening to every word, I found it hard to concentrate, to understand. All I could do id focus on is his scent… and the pounding of my heart. What was wrong with me?

Trunks was afraid… afraid of Vegeta’s reaction to Marron’s pregnancy, Afraid of how Juhachigo and Krillen will react… I haven’t understood all of the details, but it seemed they were both protected, she was on the pill, and they hadn’t been with anyone else. I don’t understand how this could have happened. He looked like he has been through World War 4. Then he was quiet, but he was also shivering. He kept asking how he could tell her he wasn’t in love with her without breaking her heart… He said he was living a lie, but he refused to say more. It made me wonder why he came to me if he couldn’t tell me everything. I was glad to be here for him. Truly, I was, but I was also confused. I could understand not being able to talk to Vegeta, Bulma, Bra, or my dad. On the other hand, trunks has always had a special relationship with my wife, and Goten is his best friend. He could have even talked to Dende… but he chose me. I had to say something to help him… I spoke without thinking. “Well you have to tell the person you love how you really feel. You have to find out if their feelings are the same. It’s the only way you’ll know.” He nodded in understanding, and I sighed I reassured him…I hugged him, placing my cheek on top of his head; I inhaled and caught the scent of in his fragrant hair, as he held me tighter.

Time seemed to fly. I don’t know how we ended up in the bar and grill all I know is I was lost in his eyes once more, drowning in them. I could barely tear myself away long enough to eat the food before me. It’s a good thing that the Gazpacho is meant to be eaten cold, or I would have been out of luck. His chopsticks came over to my side of the table, and he grabbed the last tuna roll. He seemed better now, and when he asked if I intended to eat the roll, I shook my head. I explained that I wasn’t really, all that hungry to begin with. After several more drinks, my cell phone rang. It was Videl and she was pissed. I had asked Hercule to pick Pan up from pre-school and now Videl was yelling at me for some reason. It seems that I had missed the plumber and now she couldn’t go out to do something or other. Lately it seemed to be that way all the time. Almost seven years of marriage and we fought like this a lot. I don’t know why. Something is missing in our relationship since Pan came along, and I don’t know what it is. I love Pan, and I love Videl, but maybe we’re not as happy as I tell myself we are. No, that can’t be the truth… can it? Trunks was looking at me in that moment, as my face crashed. Videl slammed the phone down, and with that, all hopes of sleeping in my own bed when I got home died. I growled softly, and trunks apologized. I reassured him that it was no fault of his, as I ordered another round of drinks.

More time melted away, and at some point, I became aware of the fact that we weren’t in the bar and grill anymore, I was also aware that my tailored suit jacket was in my car, and that my tie was… somewhere. We were drinking shots of Tequila with peach flavored sake chasers, as music played. I remember thinking that I had not been this drunk, since The Grand Kaioshin challenged me to a drinking contest, when I turned 21. Trunks and I talked some more, as driving music filled the air with seductive, rhythmic tones. I remember my mind, my coincidence warning me that I was making a huge mistake… I also remember not caring.

We were too drunk to drive. I remember closing time, though I am not sure what bar we were leaving at the time. I just remember the Bartender, taking my keys. I vaguely remember the cab ride to our destination. The place we are now. I knew I couldn’t go home, and Marron and Trunks were living together as well, so I am not sure how this place was decided on. Trying to remember makes my head throb at an increased rate as the voice in my head continues its guilt campaign. Still, my mind is split and the memories of last night continue to play as well, causing my temperature to rise, as the puzzle piece flashes play out before my mind’s eye.

Once we settled into the back seat of that tiny cab, my senses immediately sharpened. With trunks so near to me again, my nose picked up his French Vanilla scent, only this time it was even stronger than before, and mixed with the enticing aroma of Licorice. After inhaling again, I suddenly aware of my own coconut – like aroma. It smelled like a sundae in the confined space, and my stomach growled, though I had no desire for food. My body had other cravings to indulge. We passed through the sweltering city streets in air-conditioned comfort, and yet, somehow we remained sweaty, groping each other. Was this real or just a drunk man’s imagination? I was not sure, but I could feel the blood coursing through my tail, my maleness as both twitched. However, the wet spot developing on my trousers went unnoticed for a time.

We arrived at our destination; though I am not sure by what route, we did so. The bartender must have paid the driver already, because he refused to take the money I offered him for services rendered. I staggered out of the car, somewhat refreshed form the time spent in the back seat, but nowhere near my normal capacity. Trunks’ door opened, and he stumbled out, tripping on the curb because his feet were tangled in the car’s carpet, as he tried to stand. I caught him. Damn, lost in those eyes again! I’m married… Damn… no way out… Was that a smile? Could he be enjoying this? No time for questions as I stood him up, and picked up his shades. It should be against the law for him to hide those eyes. I remember thinking that as I stared at him. It had been a long time since I looked at him, I mean really looked at him. True, he was a student in my class for three years. I was his mentor in martial arts as well; we lived on the same street, (on opposite ends of the cull de sac), I’d known him since his birth. I practically saw him every day… but in that moment, when I actually looked… I saw something there that I had only dreamed of seeing… was it always there? Was it my imagination, or just a fantasy?

Over thinking things has always been my downfall, but he didn’t allow me to do it this time… he just… he just…

His lips pressed against mine, and as they did, the heat around us intensified. In that moment, I could feel our energies spark against each other. Our respective Ki’s flared, and we both attained LSSJ1. My mouth opened a little as I kissed back, still in a daze, and my eyes opened in shock when he seized my tongue, and began to suck it soulfully.

I am not sure how we checked in, paid, or even how we got into our room. The next thing that comes to mind is the way his body felt when I put my hands on his ribs as our lips met for the second time. Few words were exchanged between us as out tongues mingled, and fought for dominance. Buttons flew through the air, as fabric rustled. I tore Trunks’ clothes off like a ravenous beast, and he did the same for me. The voice in my head was all but silent; however, the sound was so far away that I scarcely heard it. The unbroken kiss intensified, as I raked my teeth over Trunks’ tongue, and he moaned in gratification. I pushed him to a wall and we began to grind against each other, each man mimicking the moves of the other. My tail, now free from its captivity was alive with new sensation. In the time, it had been back, Videl had not made it feel this way. Here, now, Oh, Kami… thank you… Thank you for allowing me to feel what my heart, body , mind , and soul have cried out for on many a sleepless night, as I lay alone in on the couch, or in that guest bed, while my wife slept just meters away.

My fingers sizzled from the electrified sensations his silken hair gave me as each strand met my fingertips. I whimpered as he disengaged from our lip lock and moved on. I shuddered with delight as his moist, warm lips returned to my flesh once again, this time, caressing my ear lobe. Passion filled me as he bit it. Trunks’ tongue slid along my jugular vein and my cock jumped… I could feel it, his soft, yet firm caress of my endowment, it felt, unlike any touch I’d ever… It had been so long since anyone but myself had touched my manhood in such a way that I shrank back, but only for a second, his tail… his tail pulled me back closing the gap between us, as my own tail seemed to admonish me for trying to get away. Somewhere in the back of my mind, that barely audible voice muttered something about Trunks’ engagement but that meant nothing now.

The sensation of his canine teeth sinking into my flesh brought me to such rapture as I copied his actions. I would have paid any price to make that feeling last. He slid down my torso, making stops along the way at my nipples, and navel, before he happened upon his prize. My thick erect penis throbbed, and begged for his attention. Never in a thousand lifetimes could I have imagined that I would see, the crown prince of Saiya-Jin race on his knees, before me, licking my cock. Never could I have imagined that he would slurp the stream of pre from my piss slit… Only in my wildest fantasies, had he slipped the tip of his tongue into my piss slit, and teased me this way. My hands ran through his shoulder length locks, and eventually I found myself massaging his ears; found myself swiveling my hips, as my length was engulfed in a pantheon of moist warmth. Shivers ran up and down my spine as, his tail wrapped itself around my nads, and tugged, while his fingers massaged my exit.

Things were happening way too fast, and it wasn’t fair! I too wanted to taste the sweat-covered appendage he concealed between his legs. I too wanted the euphoria of pleasing my partner’s senses orally. I wanted the sensation of taking Trunks down my throat as far as he would go; so, I forced him to the floor, and repositioned myself. We began to trade blowjobs, as the room filled with the sounds of groaning, growling, licking, and sucking, which carried on in slow tandem for what felt like hours

After some time, I was aware that positions had changed once more, and now Trunk’s anus was riding my tongue. I was in a state of unbridled joy, as I tasted his walls, as he moaned in a deep guttural voice; his right hand pushed my head deeper into his chute with every second. I know my tongue applied the right pressure, because he urged me on, speaking like a porn star, with a chorus that began with “TONGUE ME HARDER SENSEI” and ended with, “EAT MY HOLE FUCKER!” Both our organs boiled in his tight grip and the sensation of our hoods rubbing together was pure dynamite. I hadn’t had a hand job this good (from someone else) since… well I am embarrassed to say, but since Piccolo trained me, so long ago.

Suddenly Trunks’ groans became fearsome growls as his orgasm hit him, I felt his anal rings tighten, and strangle my tongue as his breathing quickened. It felt as if the tide had crashed into us and he was swimming for his life. My cock was covered in his seed, and he continued to manipulate my prong, to make sure it was at the peak of its hardness. Then he pulled off of my tongue, and looked at me as he climbed onto the bed, waving his ass slowly. His tail beckoned to me and his eyes had the look of the Oozaru in them. His voice, needy, and so lust filled as he begged me to enter him. He smirked at me as the light of a nearly full moon bathed us from head to toe. His words excite me, even hours later… “I’ve waited for you Gohan… I won’t wait anymore.” The lust in his voice awakened something deep inside me, feelings I’d concealed for a long time up to that point. What set them free? Was it he stress, the alcohol, his need, or my own? I cannot say. I only know it felt right, every movement felt right as I lunged forward. The heat from his body mingled with my own, as I pressed my helmet-shaped head to his tightly closed rosebud. He took a deep breath, as I applied gentle pressure, and teased him a bit. Something about his confession made me want this to last forever. The knowledge that he saved himself for me in this way, made me feel special, more special than anyone had made me feel before. His grunts let me know that he was growing impatient, and yet, his tail let me know he liked the things I was doing. He gasped when I finally entered him. He seemed to let out a small amount of air with each thrust as my tool slid effortlessly into his canal. Watching myself disappear inside him was a colossal turn on, and Trunks’ moans of satisfaction heightened the sensation, and my desire. I waited until Trunks was ready; and then I began to move inside him. Our movements were like ballet – perfectly choreographed. After a time, our positions changed, and we were face to face. Seeing the pleasure I brought him with my actions, seeing the sheer ecstasy in his face was enough to make me forget everything, and everyone. I was taken to the place where dreams come from, and where they linger until one falls under the veil of slumber. Each time our bodies connected one of us would emit primal, bestial noises that seemed to encourage the other. In the moonlight, we were no longer two friends, no longer brothers, or even princes… hell… we were no longer two. We became of one mind, one body and one soul. No, this was not a fusion in any sense of battle… in sharing our love, our bodies in this way; we became one being for a time. I would give all I had to maintain that feeling for as long as I lived.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was no longer alone, and I know Trunks felt it too. As my own climax approached, my mouth moved from his lips, and trailed down his sweat-covered torso and found his stiff column of meat. In the moon light, I felt it call out to me… I could not deny it and my lips seized it, my mouth encased it and my head went down. The condom of my throat effortlessly slid over this throbbing appendage, as out tails joined once more. My hunching continued, as I sent my self ever deeper into the other demi’s rectum, my thick, engorged, and spongy head pressing against his prostate sending his moans from very low to obscenely high. The bobbing of my head kept time with our respective heartbeats, my thrusting into him, my grunts, and his moans, until that blinding moment when I felt his orgasm surge through his body, like an electrical shock. It felt as it my Tyger had been struck by lightning. I held on as tightly as I could, without causing unnecessary pain, as he gurgled, groaned, and grabbed my head to keep its position while he filled my mouth with precious life-giving Crème, which I savored for a time before it slid down my throat… It tasted just like his scent. Licorice fused French Vanilla ice cream. If I could, would bottle it and drink each day for the rest of my life! After that, I could hold out no longer, and I erupted as well. I pulled my head off his still engorged member and howled as if I were a wolf calling for my pack. Wave after wave of satisfaction hit me as my own cock spasmmed, and with each jerk, I delivered more of my creamy seed into Trunks’ hungry and receptive hole.

What happened after that, is a blank. I just know I am here holding him in my arms, and the world is waiting outside that door.

I think about Videl and Pan, Marron, and her unborn child. My heart sinks… I never wanted to hurt them, though I know I have. Even If they never find out about this, and Trunks and I never do this again… I can never forget. My defenses are down, and though we belong to other people… My heart belongs to the man sleeping in my arms. I don’t want to part. The thought of going our separate ways after this is aberrant to me; it repulses me, and carves a new void in my heart. I know now that being without him will kill me I don’t want to say good-bye, but I know I have to go home and face my wife, and he must do the same. How can I tell Videl? As long as we have been together, I know her; she will never understand my need for him… I wonder if I even understand it myself. I should have counted the cost, instead of getting lost in the seconds, minutes, in the hours. Do I regret it? Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I want to stay with him… I never want to let him go. I kiss his forehead again, as a tear slips from my eye. This situation is tearing me apart. The long denied emotion I feel for him is now killing me. I know this cannot work; I have a wife and a child… and soon, so will he. I know what I must do… I have to send him home. How I want to stay like this… just a little while longer.

He is stirring now, and moaning a little. It looks as if he’s waking, I shake him gently, and his eyes open. He smiles at the sight of my face, and once more, I am captured in his eyes. I find my voice, and say the words I dread hearing.

“It’s morning.”


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

