All In A Day's Work
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Gohan and Trunks both live together as friends and barely see one another between their hours of work. Will they be able to let their true feelings be known to each other?

Wiping sleep from my eyes, I moved off of the couch and slowly walked down the hallway to my bedroom. I headed over to the bed and picked up the laundry basket loaded with my dirty clothes from the past few days. I carried the basket to the laundry room, which is a small room just big enough for a folding table, washer, dryer, and a small area for storage, which is all two single men really needed.
Dusting, dishes, laundry, shower, go to work, sleep for a few hours, then start it all again the next day. This has been my daily routine. Not that I mind, it is better than being stuck in a classroom giving boring lectures to uninterested students at the college then returning home for more lectures of a different kind from both Mother and Videl. Yes, this is much better, if not a little lonely when my roommate is not home.
In the beginning, our families hemmed and hawed but came around, mine well that's another story. My brother was good with it, it was Goten who told Trunks that I had walked away from my wife and daughter to seek a different kind of life. He also told Trunks I had nowhere to go and refused to go back home or stay with him. Trunks offered his home to me, saying I could stay as long as I wanted. I saw a chance that may never come again, a chance to be close to my desire. I found work shortly after moving into his two-bedroom apartment, that too has my mother and soon to be ex-wife in a tizzy. It was a fluke they found out, but I was caught downtown by Pan and she told her mother. For me, it is a change of lifestyle and a chance to be something else besides their lap dog, doing what I am expected to do.
Then there is my roommate, who took over his mother's company when Bulma decided to retire last year. She said it was time to step down and she was too old to keep up, but we all know it was so she could be at home, enjoying her daily routine of tormenting her husband, Vegeta.
( Chuckle)
Thanks to that move, Capsule Corp is now the most influential company throughout the world, not much happens in this world without CC having some say and or influence about it.
So this keeps him busy, he rarely is home and when he does gets home from work, I have already left for my job. When I return from my night shift, around 8 in the morning, Trunks has already left for the office.
Rarely do we run into each other, which makes it a good fit, in a way I guess. I help throughout the day, keeping the house clean, fixing meals for when he does make it home, doing this leaves his evenings clear to rest or catch up on any paperwork he brings home from the office. It is nice being so close to him even if we only see each other once a week, if I am lucky.
Click click
I hear the knob on our front door turning.
Speaking of the devil, hmm, he is home early tonight this is a first in a long while. I wasn't expecting to see him until tomorrow afternoon.
We are finally getting together to see my brother Goten to hang out and go fishing. It will be nice to get away from the city.

“Hey, welcome home, Trunks. You are home early, is everything ok?” I called out as I continued down the hallway to the laundry room, the clothes basket still in my hands.
“Hey Gohan, ya it’s good” he said sticking his head through the open laundry room door. I stopped unloading the dryer and turned to face the door. He was standing there watching me.
“Do you want me to warm up your supper before I head out?”
Trunks paused for a moment before he shook his head
“Nah, I ate already but thanks.” He said as he walked down the hallway to his work room. I said nothing as I finished grabbing the cloth setting the basket on the nearby folding table.
Some nights, like tonight, he was home before 9 which was good, except he brought his work home with him, he never seemed to stop working.
Clearing my mind, I set the now folded laundry in the basket I headed to our rooms, mine first then his.
I needed to get ready for work but I wanted to talk with him for a second. This was the first time in weeks that I have seen him home so early. I went to his room and waited for his permission to enter. He was quick to grant access.
“So, how was work today?”
I asked, for lack of anything else to say, as I put his clothes on his bed. He was typing away on his laptop, the keys clicked in a rhythm and did not falter as he answered me.
“It was good, how was your day?”
“Ok, I got everything caught up so you can sleep in tomorrow before we head out to see Goten.”
“Ah about that, look I am sorry Gohan but I need to work tomorrow. We are on dead line for our new project and we are running a bit behind so I am going back to the office in an hour or so. I just came home to get a change of clothes for tomorrow and my notes which I forgot this morning.”
I held my breath as he continued.
“But you should go to see your brother, it has been awhile since you saw each other right? All you do is work, come home, and clean, you need a break.”
Disappointed, I hid my feelings behind a smile and replied.
“Hey, no worries, I understand how busy you are. We can go together another time; I will tell him you said hi. ( pause) Well, I am off to get ready for work, have a good day tomorrow.”
The typing stopped for the first time since I entered the room. I could hear the chair squeak as it turned but what he said was lost when I closed the door. I went to the bathroom to get ready for work.
Truly, I should have known this would happen. He is always busy and it is not the first time he has cancelled plans we have made.
I have a secret. The true reason I left my family behind and to stay with a guy much younger than me. The only one who knows this reason is my brother Goten.
My mind shouted in frustration. I hopped into the shower and let the hot water wash away the mixed feelings that ate away at me. Emotion overwhelmed my mind as I tried to get cleaned off.
Why can't I just say it, tell him I wanted him to go too? That it does bother me he canceled plans once again, damn it all to hell. Why am I here? I knew this would be hard. Goten convinced me it would be fine being here but now I wonder if I shouldn't have come to live here.
I beat my fists against the shower wall frustrated.
Buzz buzz
The buzzer on my phone let me know I was running late.
“Shit, I need to get to work.”
I jumped out of the shower and dried off quickly then dressed in my work clothes. White dress- shirt, buttoned up all but the last two silver buttons and tight black dress pants. Shaking out my spiky hair I was grateful it was short and pulled back, and dry by the time I got to work. I grabbed my leather jacket as I passed by the coat rack in the hallway.
“Wallet, check.”
“Keys, check.”
“Dark sunglasses for sex appeal, check.”
Looking in the wall mirror, I was satisfied with the way I looked tonight.
“Hey, I am off, “I called out. I quickly put on my dress shoes.
As I raced down the back stairs, the elevator was too slow, my phone rang.
“Hello, oh hey, Boss, ya sorry, I’m on my way…Ya, no problem…Sure, I can work tomorrow night, ya I did have plans but they changed, no, no, it is fine.”
Hanging up, I hopped into my bright red convertible, I turned the music up and headed toward downtown. I parked in the back of an older building in downtown West City. I climbed out ready to start another night of hosting in one of the biggest host clubs in West City. High end people come in with an invitation only. Male and female clientele are welcome. There are six of us. Three only handle women and three handle both. I am the latter.
While at work I can lose myself and be someone else for a night, not the soon-to-be divorced man who ran away from his child and her mother to seek out something unattainable.
The night went by fast as I worked on pleasing my client. Whispering to her gentle, soft words, playing the women out of most of her money. This is the second time she has requested me; she wanted more than words but there was a strict rule of no sexual relationships with the clients which I was grateful for.
Smiling, she promised to see me tomorrow night as she walked out of the room, we tended to our clients in privacy. Taking a break in the back room, I caught my breath, wondering how long I would be able to rest. Usually, I had two to three customers a night, depending on how long I was booked for, this last one stayed longer than normal, so I must not have too much booked, I can't remember.
“Hey man, you ok?”
Looking up to see James, my younger coworker, his long blond hair pulled back away from his handsome face showing his bright blue eyes as they looked down at me in concern. I realized I had dozed off on one of the couch in the break room that is very unlike me.
“Ya sorry must have dozed off, my turn?”
“Na, it is a slow tonight. I came back here to tell you the boss said to go home and get some rest. You look wiped out. Oh, and the boss wants to know if you can still fill in for John tonight?” James asked pulling the black silk tie out of his long blond hair shaking it loose as it settled on his shoulders, he waited for me to reply.
Usually, I argued and let one of the other host go home early but this time I did not argue as I nodded my thanks
“Ya, I can come in tonight, as for going home sounds good, thanks James.”
“Hey, you sure you are alright? You seem off tonight.”
“Hmm, ya, all good,” I said over my shoulder, and grabbed my things from the locker. The sky was slowly getting brighter, the stars fading as I headed home.
The sun was just starting to rise as I pulled into the parking area of our apartment building.
“God, what a night.”
I said out loud as I walked into the apartment. I kicked off my shoes by the front door.
Tired and sore, I knew Trunks was not going to be home until late tonight so I stripped down in the living room and left only my boxers on.
Flopping down on the couch, I closed my eyes to block out the daylight that was slowly entering the room through a gap in the curtains hanging in the living room window, 8 am is my normal quitting time, but today I was home by 6 am.
All I wanted to do was rest right now and forget everything. Grabbing my phone, I quickly sent a text to my brother telling him I wouldn’t be coming over today saying I was called into work. Without waiting for a reply, I turned my phone off. Closing my eyes, I wanted to forget this day and last night.
I opened my eyes slowly to see what the sound was, as I moved, I grunted, my body cried out from stiffness letting me know I had dozed off on the couch again.
Looking at the clock on the far wall it showed 2pm.
“Well I rested enough, guess I better get things done before my next shift.”
Looking around me, I noticed the clothes on the floor, sighing I picked them up and headed towards the back room.
Do the wash first, take a warm bath, eat supper, then get ready for work.
Walking down the hallway I paused by his door for a minute, shaking my head knowing he was not home. I walked away, opening the door to the laundry room, I reached in and turned on the lights.
“Hey, what the hell!”
I flipped the light switch a few times but the light did not come on.
“Figures,” I muttered as I set the clothes on the floor by the doorway. Annoyed, I headed for the storage closet by the front door to get the step ladder and hopefully a light bulb.
“Let’s see where did you put it? Trunks, you may be a top C.E.O. but when it comes to simple things like organizing or fixing anything in the house, you suck. Ah, here we go, light bulb, flashlight, and the step ladder, good grief I need to reorganize this closet.”
Deciding I would do that first, then my bath, annoyed I carried the things back to the laundry room. Using my free hand, I turned on the flashlight, and shined it on the center of the room. Unfolding the step ladder, I set the step ladder under the spot where the light fixture should be. Stepping up, I took the old bulb out after removing the globe, I put the new bulb in and was blinded by the bright light.
“Stupid idiot, turn the light switch off then put the bulb in,” cursing as I nearly fell off the ladder.
Putting the globe back on the ceiling light, I stepped down. Folding the ladder, I took it and the flashlight back to the front closet.
Now back to what I was about to do, a little late in the day but no worries, there was still time.
I headed back to the back room and my daily routine.
I bent down, picking up my work clothes and walked over to the washer, still wearing nothing but my blue briefs.
No worries, he was not here so it was all good.
Opening the lid, I put in the clothes and the soap. Closing the lid, I started the wash, the light flashed 20 minutes.
“Hmm, 20 minutes that should be enough time. How should I start Gohan? Maybe tie you up, do nasty things to you until you beg me to stop. My, my all the things that can be done in such a short time, the possibilities are endless.”
I heard a low voice behind me, I froze I did not hear anyone come in the room or sense anything.
“Who the hell…Trunks is it you? Not funny, man.” The tying me up, sent shivers down my spine, the way it was said I heard lust, not anger in the voice behind me.
I heard chuckling as the voice spoke again.
“Hey Gohan, how’s it going? You look a little bare right now. Would you like some help keeping warm perhaps?” Again there was the lustful voice, my mind was arguing with me.
Ok, so it is Trunks behind me. But why would he say such things?
I realize I am wearing nothing but my underwear. Why should that bother me? We are both males. So, why am I so flustered?
Oh, ya, that’s why.
I thought as he continued talking.
“So, Gohan how was work last night? Must have been a long one for you to be just doing your clothes this late in the day.”
Trunks asked, there was a strange tone in his voice. I am afraid to turn around, not trusting myself right now. I answer him “Hey Trunks, you're home early. How was work you get caught up?”
Not waiting for a response, I continued pulling myself together.
“Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go get some clothes on. It is a bit drafty in here, we’ll talk in a few, ok?”
“Why? You look fine to me. I am sure I can find a way to warm you up, if you are cold.”
I shivered, the tone in his voice, why did I feel so nervous all of a sudden? It is not the first time he has seen me run around the apartment like this. So, what the hell was wrong with me now? It was his voice, it is not the businessman from CC or the young goof that was my younger brother’s friend. No, this was a side I have never seen before, it was exciting in a way.
“Gohan, do you have a moment?” I jumped, hearing his voice it was almost on top of me.
“Sure, after I get some clothes on.”
I said as I turned to face him, putting on my winning smile to hide the frustration I was feeling. As our eyes met my jaw nearly hit the floor, there was Trunks, not 4 feet from me, his medium length hair surrounding his face, a mischievous look showing in his blue eyes. He moved his hair away from his eyes, shivering I lowered my eyes to escape those blue eyes. I realized he was not wearing anything… No, that was not quite right, he was wearing pink briefs and load of clothes in his arms.
“I can do mine after yours right?”
I nodded confused, he was supposed to be at work, not all but naked in front of me.
He sat the clothes in the spare basket by the washer. I turned and started to leave now that he was not blocking my way out of the room, when I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. His hand was warm to my now cold skin.
“Hang on, Gohan.”
He was right behind me; I could feel his body heat against my bare skin. The sensation going through me was startling. If I don’t get away soon everything I worked for would be destroyed.
“I have to go get dressed Trunks, let me go.”
I tried to pull away from his grip but it tightened.
“What is your hurry, Gohan?” he almost purred.
“Nothing,” I manage to say closing my eyes. I tried again to get away from him and the feelings his touch was causing.
His voice was low.
What do you want from me, Trunks?
My minds shouted as Trunks pulled me into him the warmth of his skin like fire to my now cold skin.
“Gohan, please stay here with me. Can it not be me? Gohan, can it be me you love?” He whispered in my ear.
Confused at his words, I stopped struggling.
“What are you talking about? Trunks, what has gotten into you today?”
I started to ask but stopped as his body began to tremble as his grip became tighter across my chest, his head on my shoulder blade as we stood in the cold room. It was like Trunks was holding on to me like a lifeline.,
“Me, please Gohan, we are the same right? Same face, same eyes, same voice, please Gohan see me, not him…”
I don’t know what to say, I was lost for words as what he whispered sunk into my mind.
“He knows, but how did he find out? Goten, did you tell him?” My mind shouted as panic welled up. I started to struggle again knowing I needed to get away fast. I did not realize I spoke out loud until he answered in a soft, sad voice.
“No, Goten did not tell me, he did not have to. I have always known, call it instinct if you like, I see the way you watch me, talk to me when your guard is down, which by the way is not too often.”
He paused, I stopped fighting his grip.
“Trunks, I… ”
“No, Gohan don’t say anything, please. All I ask is if you could pretend this one time that I am him and show me the love you have for him.”
My mind was overflowing with hidden desire, but who is this he is talking about? If he knows my secret then why would Trunks say to pretend to love him? He was the one who loved another.....Oh good grief, we are both idiots.
Lifting my hand up slowly, I placed it on Trunks’s. arm
“Let me face you.”
I no longer hid the emotion in my voice. Slowly Trunks let me turn around still holding onto my arm. I could see desire, hope, and despair shining back at me.
“How long have you felt like this? Trunks, tell me how long have you felt like this and why did you not say anything?”
“Always, as far back as I can remember. You would have run away if I ,had said something, just like you are trying to do right now.”
“I see.”
I say no longer wanting to get away.
“I am a fool.”
Smiling, not my usual smile but a genuine smile, I pulled him into my arms. A gasp escaped from his lips as I use my free arm to tilt his head upwards to mine and leaned down. I took his warm inviting lips, pressing them against my very hungry lips.
My body trembled with a desire I could no longer hide nor did I want to.
“Gohan,” He gasped as I release him for a moment. I moved backwards to find a place to lean on, for my legs were weakening, my body bumps against something cold, not caring as Trunks took initiative and pressed his body against mine. He was as riled as I was with pent up emotions.
Moving my hands up and down his well-built body, I reveled in the soft moans he let out. Grinding his hardened sex against mine, I could feel the throbbing heat through the thin cloth of our boxers, wanting more than what was happening I managed to ask.
“Trunks, are you sure about this? I won't be able to stop if you change your mind.”
Trunks did not answer and fear clouded my mind for a moment. When I felt him pull away. Before I could say anything more, his hand was in my boxers. I felt him slip them off, I would let him lead and see where this was going to go.
In the next moment, a cry of pure pleasure came from me, as his warm mouth was now around my throbbing appendage. I gripped onto what I think was the washer and Trunks used his tongue in ways I never dared to imagine.

All time was lost to me as this young man attended to me. His hands moved along my thighs and my ass. I stiffened for a second, unsure, this vanished as his hands and mouth moved to please. My right hand tightened on his ever moving head as my climax came, white light, intense heat, and his name came from my lips, as my legs threatened to give out, his strong arms held me up.
I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.
He said in a sultry voice, “I am not done with you yet.”
My eyes were wide in wonder.
“I don’t know what happened in your dreams with him but this is what will happens in reality with me.” He purred.
“Trunks, come up here.”
I hissed not able to contain my emotions any longer. Trunks complied, snickering.
I took his lips, as my hands slowly moved around his back, moving to his underwear, using a small amount of ki I still had, I melted his underwear away placing my hand on his groin moving faster, as I held his lips hostage. Trunks, was so close to his climax by the way he moved his hips to stay in pace with my hand.
“No, you don't” he cried pulling away from me.
“Bad Gohan, I told you, you are not getting your way tonight.”
My eyes widened as he lifted me up enough to sit on the washer, that was just ending the spin cycle.
I flinched from the cold against my butt cheeks.
“It is ok; you won't stay cold long.”
I looked at him as he came over, pulling me to the edge of the washer I knew what is coming, this is more than I could ever have hoped for.
I leaned into his body my ass rising a bit. I could feel his hand, the fingers roamed down, a shock of intense pain as something entered me.
“It's ok, it will only hurt a moment.”
As he spoke, he moved his finger around inside, a cry left my lips but it was not in pain.
“Ahh, I found it.”
He hissed as he moved against the sweet spot that sent my world into a white haze again. Then, the feeling was gone.
“Gohan, I am entering you now.” he whispered. Before my brain clicked on what he meant, the pain was back, more intense than before.
“It's ok, I promise Gohan. It will get better, I have wanted to hold you for so long now.”
I trusted the brat, I have always wanted to have Trunks in my arms, slowly the pain vanished replaced by a pleasure I never dared to dream of.
For me, it never mattered who was top just as long as I could feel his love, even if it was only one night. As we blended our bodies together, I was lost in absolute pleasure.
I awoke to see I was in bed, my bed I could see in the dim light that this was my room. Confused, I tried to remember how I got in here.
“Was it a dream? Of course it was, there was no way he would ever do those things with me, damn”
“What was a dream? Are you dreaming about other men again, Gohan? You said it was me you wanted last night.”
I jumped, turning my head to my right I saw a lavender head on my shoulder pouting up at me, the look was absolutely sexy.
“Trunks?” My voice cracked, not sure what to think he snickered.
“Hey Gohan, so who were you dreaming about?”
There was no way I was going to tell him just in case I was just having a wet dream again, glancing at the clock I said.
“Need to go to get ready for work” I said for the lack of an answer.
“Going for a shower, first?”
“Ya” I answer thankful for a way to get out of answering his first question.
“K, see you in a few.”
I went to get out of the bed, as my feet hit the floor I hit the floor, my backside felt like it was on fire and my legs gave out.
“Gohan, are you ok?”
He asked, amused.
“Ya ya, just over tired” I lied trying to figure out why I was in so much pain.
“Oh, is that all?”
There was something in his tone that made me want to run.
I stood up slowly, looking back at him as he laid in the bed I used. He was laughing at me.,
Shaking my head, I went to leave, making it to the door this time.
“Hey, I will bring you a towel and some clothes in a sec ok?” He called from the bedroom.
“K” I said softly, trying to shake the images of the dream away, the last part did not click in.
As if that would ever happen, he could never feel that way for someone like me.
I whispered, going to the laundry room to get my clean clothes for work.
I paused there were clothes all over the floor and a indent on the top of the washer.
“The hell, happened in here?”
“What do you mean Gohan? You know what happened in here or have you forgotten already? And I told you I would get your clothes, man, you are forgetful.”
“” Confused out of my mind, I turned to face Trunks and smiled as a wave of deja vu hit me hard.
“Let me show you what happened in here last night.”
I shivered and it was not from the cold in the room.
“Show me anything you wish too” I found myself saying. I needed to know if what happened was a dream or not.
“As you wish, but before I do tell me, Gohan, who it is you desire? Please, don't lie. Tell me who you were dreaming about, who is the one who holds your heart.”
“Tell you who has my heart?” I am scared but the feelings in my soul and body override the fear in my mind.
“You, Trunks, it has always been you, I have longed for you to be older so I can have you for myself.”
“Am I the reason you left her?”
“What about him?” There was fear and uncertainty in his voice.
Who is this he? Again, like the dream Trunks keeps saying that, then as Trunks’s eye filled with tears at my silence I realized who he meant.
“God, Trunks you are a fool, but then again so am I.”
I said pulling him towards me as I laid back on the floor letting him be on top.
“No, Trunks, it has always been you, the you of this time not his.”
He searched my face for what seemed like forever then burrowed his head into my chest, I felt his warmth.
“But Goten said you desired someone out of reach.”
“Goten, of course.”
I muttered, it was my brother’s fault Trunks held back his feelings, mine as well. Goten would often tell me Trunks was in love but could not get through to that person, and it seemed he did the same with Trunks.
“Ok I get it, but whatever made you think it was your future self and not you?” I asked in spite of myself, with eyes closed tight Trunks answered.
“The way everyone would talk about how you two were inseparable when he helped fight the androids. But mainly, how you have been so distant lately with me with that fake smile, sideway glances with such sadness in your eyes, never once did you get mad when I canceled our plans because of work and damn it you should have. I was so scared to be alone with you, hurting you with my foolish feelings…”
Putting a gentle finger on his lips, I could not hold back the flood of emotion as I lowered my head to whisper “Enough Trunks, look at me.”
He looked up.
“It is my turn to show you something, to make you forget all your worries.”
His eyes were so full of wonder as I started to fulfill every desire I had ever had about this young man, erasing all doubts in his mind. Never have I been so happy and judging by the bucking of his waist Trunks was quite happy too.
“God, Gohan you are so good” Trunks cried out, I snickered.
“All in a day's work Trunks, all in a day's work.”
So, this routine now is part of my day’s routine.

The End


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

