This is a story about a young man loosing everything precious in life, his family, friends and most of all hope that all will be alright that there is someone out there who cares for him unconditionally.
This is a re-write, many changes have been done to improve the story.
Gohan sat by the riverbed, not far from the place he once lived with his wife and daughter. Hanging his head down as he tried hard to block the echoes of his past the guilt, pain, and loss haunted his every waking thought and even his nightmares were full of these memories.
Pounding his fist into the sandy ground beside him, Gohan quickly stood up frustrated at everything and nothing.
Usually this quiet and tranquil place made him feel at peace and calm when he needed to escape and be alone and find answers in a calm mind. So, like many other days Gohan came here to find his answers. Today the soft rippling of the great river brought him no comfort, no peace and he already had the answers, he was there to do a task one he has been putting off for too long now…
Gohan POV
I stayed with her, as was my duty as father and husband. Why is it wrong for me to want my freedom? When Videl died I was set free to live my life as I saw fit or so I had thought at the time.
Looking up, I glared at a pair of birds flying around above me twittering merrily, shaking my head, I lowered my gaze to the beautiful land around me.
I remember when Father used to bring me here to fish and to spend time together without him being nagged by Mother. Those times were too few and too far in-between thanks to Mom wanting me to study all the time, then later Videl complaining I needed to be a better father than mine was..
(Sigh of frustration)
Usually I come here for refuge, this is the only place I can go where they will leave me alone. I miss everyone but I know that I would never be welcome warmly again. I got my proof today…even my own brother has turned his back to me…
Growling as I shook the thoughts away. I allowed my frustrations and anger built up inside and fuel my determination. I clench my fists and bring them down to my sides, I close my eyes as the pain of these past two years once again invade my mind as if stopping me from completing my task.
They abandoned me, tossed me to the wind even my own daughter has nothing to do with me. Why, because I showed no remorse for her mother’s death, what was I to do go hysterical? No, I couldn't, I was sorry she was gone but nothing more. Pan called me a monster as I walked away from the burial site where they put Videl to rest. I should have turned around that day say something to my daughter but my pride interfered stopping me. Now that Videl was gone, I was finally able to live without someone watching my every move I was free at last.
A low growl left my lips as my thoughts come flooding into my mind.
With that woman now gone, I could come and go as I wished. I can be who I am not what she expect of me as a good husband and father. I could be free without twenty questions about, what I was doing or where I was all day or her telling me I am wasting my life away, in-between throwing insults about my father and Vegeta telling me I was not to like them and I was nothing but failure …
Shaking my head slowly, I opened my eyes looking down at the sandy ground. I bent down and picked up a small rounded rock that is nestled in the warm sand, standing straight again I gently skipping it across the babbling river aiming to get it to the other side of the river.
It did not make it all the way across the river, it fell half way. I stood there glaring at the water as the stone sank down to the bottom of the river bed. I was angry with myself not the stone. Like the stone as gravity pulled it down I let the forces around me to drag me down into the darkness, taking my freedom and hope with it. My power was almost gone, I have hidden this from everyone. I fear the day when they challenge me to another fight, I can barely make a ki ball never mind form the Kamehameha wave. Everything I have ever loved is gone, even my will to live has left me.
It is not fair, I cared, but not the way they all wanted me to. Now, Vegeta is the only friend I have left, I hate bugging him. Vegeta is still dealing with the loss of his one true friend. Too late Vegeta realised what my dad was trying to show him for years, unconditional love and friendship, now all Vegeta has is memories of my father and the better days before everyone changed. Vegeta has my friendship and support, but that friendship has cost Vegeta everything…
Glaring at the water in front of me dance across the river bank the spry shining like diamond in mid-air then falling again. My thought grow darker as I remember what Vegeta has suffered through because of me
Shivering again, I remembered how dad came back seven years after the Cell Games. I remember the time my younger brother met dad for the first time at the World Martial Art Tournament. It was cool to see dads’ face light up when he saw his reflection in his younger sons. He was so happy to see us I had felt so alone but seeing him made the feeling go away for a while as we fought against buu.
10 years later (small smile) he left again when he found Ubbu (Kid Buu’s reincarnation) at the martial arts tournament, he left to train Ubbu in the middle of the tournament. When he came back after a few years, we found out Shenron and the Black Star Dragon Balls turned father into a child, then the hunt for the Black Star Dragon Balls over the universe to save our world from blowing up. The final fight with the dragon Omega Shenron, the day father had to leave once again, but this time there was no coming back. Both Vegeta and I, we knew father was not coming back his time. The others had hope for little while he would be back, but even mom soon admitted dad was gone forever this time. Slowly after that, things began to change in our families.
When Videl died, she died a year after dad had left with Shenron, is when everything changed between our families, Mom was really close to Videl, Pan could not handle the loss either.
I can feel my glaring face softened as I thought about the pain both of us have gone through these past few years, and how much Vegeta has lost.
Even though Vegeta says nothing about that day, I know it still eats at him but his pride keeps him from falling apart. The hell started the first year after father’s death. To everyone who knew him dad could do no wrong when it came to saving their asses from a foe, but when it came to who he was out of battle it was different, they just said he was naïve and needed to grow up, mother would say how bad of a father he was, Videl piped in too.
(Low growl)
They praised all the good he did, never once mentioning it was Vegeta that stopped father from sacrificing his own life to stop Omega Shenron from killing everyone, with the plane of fusion.
(Deep heart felt growl a their ignorance)
When we all had given up at seeing dad fall to what we thought was his death, Vegeta who stood tall and was willing to fight to the death alone if it meant that we were safe.
Angry with myself I give my head a final shake, all this remembering was not getting the job done
"Quite delaying you coward, finish what you came here to do. It is time for a stand, I will end all the pain and suffering I have caused everyone.” My voice echoing down the river. Nodding to myself, it is time to do what I had come here to do. Drawing on the last bits of my once great power, I formed a small yet effective ki ball
This time there will be no turning back
“No more” I whispered as I brought the small blue light towards me longing for the death and peace it promised…
In a distant future
In another place and time, a tall figure stood on the cliff edge overlooking the city as it slowly rebuilds itself after many years of war.
Trunks Vegeta Briefs stood at the edge of the cliff, looking out as the wind whipped through his long lavender hair, this was the same place where he last saw his friend and mentor alive, now so many years later he came to say one final goodbye to his memories and the world he had fought so hard to save…
Trunks POV
I looked out on the land that now was trying to start a new, a world I saved, it was nice to see green grass again and to know there was no more dangers. there was a sense of peace all around me.
So long Gohan, my mentor, my friend, I must go now there is nothing for me here in this time, please forgive me. I am needed my friend, I do not know how I know but I do, Gohan forgive me for leaving but I must help my one and only living friend.
My hair danced around in the wind, it was so long now passed my ass and was a pain in one too but I like it long, as long as I can pull it back that is. Putting my hand into my jacket pocket I pulled out two things, one was a tie for my annoying hair the second was a capsule, pressing it open and tossed it a bit to my left. Pulling the band over my ass length hair hoping it would stay there until I got were I was going.
I turning my back to the world below walking over to the ship before me, on the side painted in black was the words ‘HOPE’
You help me once before, now one last time I need your help please take me back.
I silently asked the ship in front of me. I looked around me one more time saying a silent goodbye as I climbed into the ship sitting down I pressed the destination to the area I helped save so long ago. Setting the coordinates for 30 years after the cell games.
He should be close to my age now. I think I have waited long enough to see him again. I wonder how father will reacted when I get there, this will be interesting, never a dull moment.
Shaking my head, I pressed the last button and in a flash I was gone racing through time, hoping I could find peace there far away from the dark memories I have here in my time, happy not knowing the horror I was about to see…
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