Love Conquers All
by Lance Johnson     More by this Writer
Though they love each other, Trunks leaves because he thinks Gohan is too young for a relationship. What will happen when he comes back?

01: Flashback
He walked through the shadows of the natural evergreen wall of trees, red lines streaming down the delicate features of his face. He pushed his head back against the grand oak tree that stood against the test of time. He tried as hard as he could to hide his tears from the world but he couldn’t. His heart would not be controlled by the human side of his mind. It didn’t matter anymore. He would not be ashamed if the world saw him in this state. He closed his eyes trying to ease the pain but he couldn’t. It was the eighth year anniversary of the day his savior from the future had left him. That beautiful angel, whose azure eyes seemed to look deeply into his soul. The eyes that had stirred a passion within himself that could not be contained nor put asunder. His heart ached to be with the one, the only one, to have ever made him feel true love. Sure, he had Videl to be with, but she never really filled the void within him. As hard as she tried she could never make him feel as complete as did his angel from the future. She would never take the place of his true love, his soul mate.



“MIRAI! You can’t go, not after what you told me. Not after what you said…about me…about us in the future. You can’t! We belong to each other, can’t you see?” Gohan tried but failed to restrain himself. He could not hold back his tears.

“Gohan, please it can’t be like this, not now.”

“Why not?” The streams became rivers.


“But why?”

“Gohan, did I ever tell you about what you told me in the future?”

“No,” he said, wiping away the warm tears that could not be controlled.

“I wanted to be with you, to hold you and never let you go but you said no.” A very startled reaction crept over Gohan’s gentile facial features.


A small smile graced Mirai’s face. “No, you said that I was too young. But you also said there’s a time and place for everything and that our time would come.”

“But that time can be now.” Tears began to swell up once again.

Mirai placed his gentle hand on Gohan’s cheek. “No, not now. As much as I love you…master. I cannot be with you now. You are much too young for us to be together.”

“But…” Mirai repressed the words by placing a finger over Gohan’s lips. “Shhh…Gohan, L’amour triomphe de tous les obstacles.” 1

“Love conquers all?”

“Yes, it does and it shall. You taught me that before…before they took you away from me. You taught me so much.”

He looked up into the sky with tears of joy, fond memories from years past beginning to form.

“You always loved to teach. In fact, you were one of the smartest people in my time, you were second to none. You taught me language upon language, skill upon skill. You were even forming a new math language to calculate the trajectory of the stars and planets not too long before… You always said that calculus was so outdated and too primitive compared to our standards today. You even succeeded at it…before they took you away from me but we weren’t able to save your work from…them.”

“Really I did?” The famous Son smile began to show once again.

Mirai’s face overflowed with joy to see his love smile again. “Yes, you did but what you loved the most was when we had our conversations in different languages, mostly French. You were so much more divine and charming when you spoke. We had such a great time confusing Mother when we spoke in front of her. Mother was always a genius when it came to math and science but she was never really too great at much else. She had no idea as to what we were saying, especially the ones…about what we would do to each other once we got together,” Mirai said half hearted as he remembered the loss of his beloved.

He smiled as he looked at his master’s other self. Hope still lived on for them, for their future.

“I must go now,” he said, sighing at what he had to do, what he must do.

“NO!…please don’t.”

“I must.”

Mirai leaned down on one knee. He gave his beloved a hug and kissed him tenderly on his forehead. He sat up, gave his master a look of hope and joy then nodded. He turned around and headed towards his time machine. Gohan clenched his teeth hard and shut his eyes to stop the tears from flowing. He curled his fingers in fists and tried as best as he could to contain himself from the heart wrenching loss of his loved one.

“Mirai, no please don’t go! …I…I need you,” Gohan said trying as best as he could but failed in his torturous attempt to hold back his tears. “I…I love you,” he said in a whisper.

‘You have no idea of how long I wanted to hear that from you my love.’ Mirai smiled in content. “Please Gohan, don’t be sad. I promise we will be together one day. After all my love, love conquers all.”

Recovering from his state of agony, Gohan got up and wiped away the pools from his eyes. “Yes it does and so shall we, so shall we.”

Just before Mirai got himself settled in the cabin to leave, Gohan sat up and yelled out with all his might, “Je t’aime, Je t’aime de tout mon coeur et de toute mon âme!” 2

Trunks got up and piped his head out of the glass dome that surrounded him. Eyes filled with ecstasy, overjoyed to hear his love say such beautiful words. “So do I master! I love you with all my heart and soul!” he said, trying to speak over the loud sound of the booming engine that had been ignited.

With that he was gone. Gohan’s heart sank to see that his lavender haired prince was gone. “…I shall always love you my prince.”

Tears streamed down his face. Not tears of hurt or of suffering, but tears of overwhelming joy in anticipation of the arrival of his beloved one.

“Gohan? Since when did you learn French? And what were you and Trunks talking about that got you all riled up?”

He looked at his good friend with a gentle smile and then looked into the darkening sky, dreaming of the day he would see his love again. “It was nothing Bulma, I just don’t like good-byes, that’s all.”

“Well then say something in French again, it was so romantic,” she said, giggling like a little girl.

“If you only knew, if you only knew,” he said smiling brightly with a typical Son smile.

End of flashback


He opened his eyes, remembering the past. He had to keep his mind off it or it would tear him apart. He sat up, coaching himself to pull it together. He had a great life. He had a girlfriend that loved him dearly, he was a honor student, and he had a very bright future ahead of him. And not to mention he was among, if not, the strongest beings in the universe after his power up from Lord Kai. He had to let go; he could not let memories of the past distract him the way they were. He had too much to lose if it got out of hand. But it was so hard not to, since it was in fact the anniversary of Mirai’s departure.

He stood there taking in his surroundings. The birds flew through the trees nesting with their families, bees flying about. He walked over to a nearby pond. It glistened in the sun. Rays beamed down from the heavens above, shining down making the tiny pebbles in the bottom shine like diamonds. Nature was so beautiful. Beauty was everywhere. He couldn’t escape it, no matter where he turned, beauty laid waiting The one true beauty he desired was nowhere to be found, and it drove him insane. He walked closer to the waterfront. He peered down, looking into the glass like reflection.

“Wuch’a looking at?”

He jumped back landing on the soft ground beneath him, his heart in his throat at the sudden surprise. He eyes widened; he could hardly believe what he was seeing. His long awaited wish had finally come true. The sudden urge to take the man before him overwhelming. He had to contain himself, he had to settle down. He stood up, dusted himself off, and turned to the one he had been longing for, for nearly a decade.

His feelings, emotions long buried through time, had now been risen to the surface. His knees buckled, threatening to collapse. He ran over to the angel that seemed to be timeless. He was as beautiful as the day he left. His eyes overjoyed and filled with tears of hedonism. He looked deeply into the eyes of the man he had long waited for. He opened his mouth to speak…

Author’s Notes:
~French Translations~
1 L’amour vient à bout de tous les obstacles. – Love conquers all.
2 Je t’aime de tout mon coeur et de toute mon âme. – I love you with all my heart and soul.


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