Falling Out And Into Love
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
Videl crushes Gohan’s heart…but an old flame is back to pick up the pieces. Will Gohan resist what his Saiyjin side thinks is right. There’ll be lemon later.

Gohan is pretty much being controlled by his saiyajin half right now…I’ve got an idea of how he’s going to act once he really gains back his normal senses, but for now…it’s really that side that wants Mirai…for the most part.

Chapter 01
“I need to be honest with you, I’m not feeling the same way…”

Gohan blinked rapidly at Videl, he was finding it hard to believe his ears. “Videl-chan…”

“Please Gohan…don’t make this harder for me…I just don’t love you like you love me.” Videl turned and started for the door. She couldn’t handle the look on her now ex boyfriend’s face.

Gohan’s mouth gaped…he was numb as he watched her go. She shut his door behind her. It was like a lock on his heart and soul as the door clicked shut. Gohan lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling, he wanted to cry, his body was tight with sadness, but the tears he so desperately wanted refused to come.

ChiChi paused outside her eldest son’s door, she was certain she heard sniffling through the wood. Gently opening the door she peaked in, almost dropping the towels in her hands. She didn’t remember ever seeing him look so vulnerable. He was curled up in a tight ball, back to the door, body shaking.

“Why…” ChiChi heard her son’s voice say weakly. “Why did she…”

ChiChi shut the door as gently as she had opened it and continued down the steps, her brow was furrowed slightly in worry. Whatever was wrong with Gohan must have something to do with Videl, the girl was nice, but ChiChi was afraid that something had happened between the two of them. Sighing she picked up the phone, she needed to call Bulma. She quickly dialed her best friends number and listened to phone ring a few times.

“Moshi Moshi”

“Moshi Moshi Bulma”

“ChiChi! How are you?” The black haired female could just imagine Bulma dropping whatever she was doing and sitting down somewhere.

“Good, something is wrong with Gohan, he’s in his room, crying..” ChiChi put her towels in the cupboard and then sat down at the kitchen table.

“Crying? You think Videl might have broken up with him? I mean, the first time is pretty hard on people, and I think Gohan thought he was in love with her.”

“Hai..I have to agree, it’s rather likely.” ChiChi twisted the phone cord around her fingers in thought a moment.

“Oh! Chi! Don’t tell Gohan, but Mirai is back, he starts school tomorrow with Gohan.”

ChiChi let go of the phone cord. “Really? Well, maybe it will help Gohan some to have Mirai around, he’ll have a sparring partner at least.”

“Hai, well I’ve gotta go, talk to you later.” Bulma sounded distracted, and there was a noise in the background. “Trunks!”

“Bai bai Bulma” ChiChi said calmly, there was a click as her best friend hung up to deal with her troublesome son.

Gohan was staring at his ceiling again. He felt so weary, his eyes ached from crying. He heard his mother leave some food at the door, but oddly enough he didn’t have the energy to get up and retrieve it. It wasn’t like he really felt hungry anyway. Curling up in a ball again he bit his lip some and closed his eyes tightly, willing himself to sleep, and hopefully escape the pain for a short while.


Gohan drug himself out of bed, pulling on a long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. He went down to the kitchen and picked at his food, not noticing the worried look on her face. He ate a few more bites before getting up and shouldering his backpack.

“I’ll be home right after school.” he said finally breaking the silence that had been holding since he entered the kitchen that morning.

“Don’t worry about it hun, if something comes up give me a call.” ChiChi said in a knowing manner. She smiled a small amount.

Gohan said nothing in reply, slowly he nodded his head and then he left, shutting the door behind him. He flew to school quickly, and was at his locker much before many of the other students arrived, defiantly earlier than he was usually at the school. A few students dotted the halls and Gohan rummaged through his locker for his calculus book. Finding it and his glasses in the pocket holder in hooked to the back of the locker he shut it and leaned against it and sat on the ground. He slid his glasses onto his face, pushing the brown plastic frames up his nose and he looked down at the book in his hands.

“Why do I need these for reading anyway? I’m a saiyajin, I should be able to see fine.” he muttered softly. He sighed softly and tried to absorb himself in the familiar equations.

“Gohan?” Erasa’s voice was soft. He looked up at her slowly.

“Hey E”

“Are you okay?” She asked faintly. Her eyes were large and full of worry.

“I’m fine” he fibbed quickly. Erasa bit her lip. He knew why she was worried. “I didn’t cut..”

“Good..” Her eyes flicked to his long sleeved shirt in doubt though. Gohan pretended to not notice.

“Did you know she was going to…”

“Hai…I’m sorry Gohan”

“It’s okay..” Gohan stood up, book in hand. “I’m going to class.” Erasa let him go, but he could feel her eyes on his back as he went down the hall.

Gohan buried himself in his calculus book, trying to look interested. He could hear murmuring around him, apparently the whole school already knew that Videl had dumped him. He sank down in his chair, he wanted to cry again. That crushed feeling returned and he felt his eyes fill with extra liquid, stinging as he tried not to let it fall. He heard a chair move beside him but refused to look. It was Videl’s usual seat and he really didn’t want to see her right at the moment. He closed his eyes in a pained manner, images of his ex girlfriend flashing through his mind. A murmur about a new kid caught his ears. With a slight grimace he tried to steel himself to face Videl.

“Hey Gohan, what’s wrong?” A familiar soft male voice questioned him.

Gohan’s eyes opened rather quickly. He turned his head and blinked a moment, taking in the cornflower blue eyes and long lavender hair held back in a pony tail, a few strands escaped it in the front and fell forward, somewhat into his knowledgeable face.


A wide smile flashed for a moment and then settled into a smirk. “So you do remember me.”

“Hai..” Gohan smiled a weak smile, and relaxed slightly, at least Videl wasn’t sitting next to him now.

“So, what’s got you down?” The lavender haired teen prodded gently.

Gohan let out a soft sigh, his eyes wandered the room a moment, landing on Videl briefly. She was flirting with one of the jocks. “You haven’t heard already?”

“No, I came here after getting my schedule, I’m sharing your locker.” Mirai paused in thought, his face getting a deep look on it as he tried to remember if he had heard anything that would concern Gohan in the slightest.

“Oh…well…Videl broke up with me last night…” Gohan stared at the top of his desk, his fists clenching some as he fought the tears that threatened to spill again. A hand rubbed his back lightly, a small comforting gesture, that he found very comforting for some reason.

“It’ll be okay, she’s just one girl” Gohan continued to start that the desk, Mirai’s words not really helping. He didn’t see the way Mirai was looking at him, mixing with sympathy and concern.

“She’s not just one girl…I love her.”

Trunks winced inwardly, he knew it was to much to hope that Gohan could still be attracted to him after so much time. The crush an eleven-year-old had wouldn’t last in a time like this one, in a world that didn’t have the problems he had grown up with. Mirai still was slightly unsure as to if his own feelings weren’t truly for his long dead sensei.

He watched Gohan for another moment. “You’re sitting in my seat…” A female voice said coldly. Mirai turned his head and took in the medium built girl, her black hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail and her arms were crossed tightly over her tube top covered chest, her eyes had a sparkle of mischief in them.

“The Sensei said I could sit where I liked.” Mirai said smoothly. The girl quickly seemed to soften, apparently she planned him to be her next “victim” so to speak.

“Oh it’s all right then, mid if I sit next to you?” She sat down smiling at him brightly. Mirai forced a small smile in her direction, he felt Gohan’s ki fluctuate a little. “I’m Videl, who are you?”

He caught the flirtatious tone in her voice rather quickly. He almost frowned. So this was the girl Gohan was pining over, she didn’t really seem worth it in Mirai’s opinion. She was pretty but she seemed awfully flighty. “I’m Mirai.”

“Interesting name…so where do you live?” She leaned toward him, pressing up against his arm some. Mirai tried to shrug her off, with little success.

“Capsule Corp”

“Oh? You related to the Briefs?” She purred softly, giving him what would appear to anyone else an adoring look. He caught the flash of annoyance in her eyes, brief though it had been.

“You could say that..” Mirai physically turned his body to look at Gohan. The other demi had his head on his arms and he was muttering softly to himself, even too soft for Mirai’s enhanced hearing to catch. Mirai’s eyes widened a moment as a set of fingers brushed the side of his neck. He growled softly at this, causing Gohan to turn his head some and look at the elder demi with one eye.

“Get your fucking hands off me Onna.” Mirai hissed in a Vejita-like tone without looking at her, his eyes even narrowed some, though only Gohan noticed.

Videl sat back, her eyes widening a great deal. Mirai kept his back to her for the moment. “Not worth your time, or effort.” He murmured to Gohan. The dark haired Demi sighed heavily and lay his head back down on his arms.

“Nothing can…or will…replace her..” He murmured faintly.

The Short balding teacher called them to attention with a clap of his hands. “It’s my pleasure to introduce a new student today, his scores where almost perfect on the entrance exams.”

“What? Another nerd?” A jock from down in the front yelled.

“You could take a small page from his book Rod.” The teacher replied calmly. He then looked up at the rest of the students. “Would Mirai Briefs please stand so we may all get a look at you.”

Mirai sighed softly and stood up, a soft murmur ran through the students, from one end of the room to the other as they turned to look at him.

“Not only is he a nerd, he has gay hair.” Someone said loud enough to be heard by all. Mirai glared in the direction of the voice and Gohan looked up at him as he felt his ki raise a bit.

//Calm down Mirai\\ He watched for his old friend to relax some.

//I’m okay..it’s just…\\ Mirai sat back down silently and glanced at Gohan, their eyes meeting for a moment.

//Ignore them, they hate being shown up.\\ Gohan’s eyes took on a mischievous glint and Mirai let a small smirk grace his lips. As the teacher started the lessen, a trigonometry lesson both Demi saiyjins had learned long ago Gohan lay his head down again, Mirai’s smile having triggered a memory.


“Why do you have to go back?”

The elder Demi Saiyjin sighed and pulled the younger closer. He hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. “Because I need to save my own world…I’m sorry Chibi, if I could stay I would…” He trailed off burying his face in the younger boy’s thick black locks. The chibi nuzzled him, his face a little damp.

“I’ll miss you Tru-chan…” He whispered, he lifted his head and brushed his lips against Trunks’ gently.

“I’ll miss you too…you have no idea how much.” Trunks replied softly. He lay a light kiss on the younger boy’s mouth and then his forehead. Holding the younger version of his dead sensei close to him wishing that he didn’t have to leave in the morning.

End of flashback

“Son Gohan?” The teacher called in a patient but irritated tone.

“X=4″ The dark haired teen said without more than a glance at the board.

The teacher blinked at him a moment. He had been sure that the boy hadn’t been paying attention. “That is correct…but…”

Gohan made an irritated sound and sat up. “Of course it is, this stuff is so fucking simple, how you people don’t understand is beyond me.” He snapped. He crossed his arms and glared at the teacher, daring him to say another word.

Mirai blinked at the teen next to him, wondering why Gohan was acting in such a manner. He felt a tingle go down his back and a brief flash of pain overloaded his senses.

“Oh my God!” A shriek sounded behind them and both Gohan and Mirai clapped their hands over their ears and winced. They glanced at each other, not sure what was going on. Mirai stood up, and almost lost his balance. Gohan’s eyes widened.

“Tail…” He said faintly….his onyx eyes still wide as he turned his head and looked at his own dark brown furry appendage, promptly fainting.

Mirai blinked a moment, trying to orient himself. “Um Sensei…may I take Gohan to the Nurse?” He asked finally.

The teacher nodded dumbly, eyes on the dark purplish brown tail that snaked it’s way around the Lavender haired teens waist as he scooped up the unconscious teen and started out of the room. Mirai floated just slightly, not enough for anyone to tell, so he could get out of the room. Instead of going to the School nurse, as she would not be able to help any he left the building and lifted into the air heading for Capsule Corp.

“Whatcha doin here onichan?” Chibi Trunks piped up as he saw his double land in the front yard. “What’s wrong with Gohan?”

“He passed out chibi, where is Tousan?” Mirai adjusted his hold on Gohan, pretty much cradling the other teen in his arms now.

“I dunno, I think the Gravity Room..” Said the Chibi. Mirai nodded and started towards the familiar out building. His father of this time met him halfway, his stern face almost concerned.

“What happened?”

“Our tails grew back, in the middle of class too.” Mirai sighed and lay Gohan down on the ground. “He passed out, probably from shock, I don’t know why he hasn’t woken yet.”

Vejita snorted softly and kicked Gohan none to gently in the side. Mirai started to protest but the younger teen made a soft noise and slowly opened his eyes. They narrowed at Vejita and he stood up quickly, tail brisling some.

He snarled something in a language Mirai didn’t recognize. Vejita’s eyes widened a brief moment when suddenly Gohan relaxed and blinked.

“Uh…weren’t we at school?” He asked, a confused look on his face as he scratched the back of his head.

“Hai, we came here…you passed out after our tails grew back.” Mirai explained quickly. He watched Gohan’s face, seeing the surprise as the teen looked at his tail, he was trying to understand what exactly had just happened. Mirai hadn’t recognize the words he had heard Gohan say but he could tell his father had.

“Gohan…do you remember anything before just now?” Mirai asked slowly.

“Umm, I remember the teacher starting the lesson…and I kinda feel asleep….but other than that no…did I do something?” His voice had a horrified tone to it.

“Well, the teacher asked you to answer a question and you did, you kinda snapped at the teacher, then our tails grew back and you passed out, I brought you here and dad kicked you to wake up. When you did wake you said something, but I have no idea what.” Mirai explained quickly. Gohan frowned slightly and looked at Vejita who slowly nodded.

“Come with me a moment Brat of Kakorott.” Vejita barked then he turned on his heel and started away from where they had been standing.

“Uh…I’ll be right back Mirai.” Gohan excused himself quickly to follow the shorter Prince. Vejita didn’t go far, just far enough to be out of hearing.

“Do you know what you said?”

“No” Gohan leaned against the wall and watched the prince, glancing sideways towards Mirai once or twice.

“You spoke in Saiyajin, a tongue only I should know on this planet. You said “don’t touch my mate.” and I’m not certain but I think you meant the Mirai brat.” Vejita crossed his arms and watched Gohan’s reaction.

“Nani?” His dark eyes widened “but…”

“I think it was your saiyajin side…especially since you don’t remember what happened.” Vejita looked at him a moment. “It’s a poor time for your tails to have grown back. The moon cycle is near full, even without a moon you’re going to feel it. I believe both you and the Mirai brat are going into heat.”

Gohan blinked at him a few times. “Heat?” He squeaked.

“You’re of an age to choose a mate…so is the other brat.” Vejita watched the mix of emotions that covered the teens face for a moment and then turned and headed back to the Gravity Room.

Gohan stared after him. His mind raced, he knew what heat was, he even knew a few of the circumstances when it came to a heat mating. But…he remembered his first heat, sped up by the time in the Room of Spirit and Time and reaching the state of Super Saiyjin 2 so fast. It had been a mild heat. Vejita informed him rather brusquely that the heats would get worse until he reached the matting age.

A hand on his shoulder made him jump, he turned to look at Mirai, chewing his lip slightly as he got semi lost in the cool blue concerned eyes of the other Demi.

“Did Tousan say what was going on?” The concerned tone was heaving in his voice.

“He thinks that you and I are going into heat…”

Mirai blinked at him a few times, mouth gaping some. Gohan shook him slightly, snapping him out of the stare.

“Gohan…how bad have your heats been?”

“Bad…I can’t go to school for fear of hurting anyone, I can’t concentrate enough to study, the last few time I’ve almost been unable to control my craving for sex…I try to spar it out…last time even that almost didn’t work.” Gohan flushed and looked at the ground. “It didn’t help that Videl showed up near the peak…I almost raped her I think…I’m not sure though. My saiyajin side showed and scared her pretty badly…”

“I was the same last time….only there was nobody around to bother me.” Mirai agreed softly. His hand dropped from Gohan’s shoulder and he turned towards the house.

“I’m going home…I have to let Kassan know that I’ll be going into the wilderness for a while.” Gohan saw Mirai pause, he felt a slight tug on his soul. He hadn’t forgotten the crush of his younger days, even though he thought himself straight he had a special place in is heart for the other demi. “If you need someone to spar with you’ll be able to find me.”

“I know” Mirai didn’t turn around as he nodded and spoke. It was binding though, he knew that he’d be going to see the dark haired teen, he wouldn’t be able to keep himself away from Gohan if he tried. He sensed the other teen leave, but he could still smell his scent all around him. Trunks went into the house, making his way into the kitchen. He got a bag of chips from the cupboard and started to dig around for some dip in the fridge.

“You want to know what his Saiyajin side said?”

Mirai turned and shrugged at him, shutting the fridge…having lost his interest in eating. “What did he say?”

“He wants you as a mate, that side of him anyway.”

Mirai closed his eyes, there was hope he supposed, at least part of Gohan wanted him….that was better than nothing at all.

Gohan sighed, his mother took his heats well enough, but he could also sense her fear. His Saiyajin side was coming out more often of late. He knew she was afraid it would happen around Goten and something bad would come of it. His tail wrapped around his waist as he worked through his storage spot to assess what he had, and would need in the following week or so. Mentally he remembered to prepare in case Mirai did come and join him. The only thing he found need of was food but he would get that every day fresh anyway. He caught a whiff of the other teens scent as he moved. The other male’s ki was nowhere nearby though. For a moment he wondered why he could smell Mirai when he wasn’t there.

“Oh ya…he carried me to Capsule Corp…” He murmured as he changed his focuses. Digging his gi out of the storage space he quickly stripped out of his school clothes and pulled on the loose comfortable light green gi. Moving from the cave Gohan stretched and started his kata, falling into the routine with ease. He continued for hours doing the same things over and over in practice, not noticing the pass of time until two things happened. It fell dark and Mirai appeared bearing several large fish. Gohan eased into a standing position. His pitch black eyes locked with the bright azure ones of the other teen.

“I have nowhere better to go, besides it’s easier when I have someone to spar with.” Mirai said in answer to Gohan’s silent questioning look. Gohan nodded after a moment and then started a fire with a small ki ball to a pile of wood. Mirai set up the fish to cook on a roughly made split.

“I’m going to take a quick bath in the lake, you can join me if you like.” Gohan said absently, not really thinking about what he was saying.


Gohan disappeared into the woods. Mirai watched a moment. Did the younger teen realized what that offer suggested? He supposed not, though he wouldn’t mind the chance to see Gohan naked. Quelling any worse thoughts he headed into the woods, following Gohan’s ki.

Gohan stood under the waterfall, enjoying the feeling of the water pounding down onto his body. He saw Mirai appear to the far end of the lake and with a soft sigh he dived back into the cold water, swimming towards the other Demi. He couldn’t help watching as the other teen undressed for a swim. Slowly his eyes trailed over Mirai’s body, taking in the shape, the muscles, the scars.. His gaze fells lower and his face turned a scarlet shade, like himself Mirai was well equipped it seemed, Gohan felt a familiar urge in his lower abdomen.

“Oh shit…no…” He muttered softly, he was not getting turned on by a man…okay…he was… Gohan ducked under the water for a moment and then resurfaced. Mirai dove gracefully into the water. Gohan couldn’t help watching him it was like he was compelled to watch that beautiful form move… Gohan shook his head, he did not just think that another man was….beautiful. Mirai resurfaced nearby and did a few strokes around Gohan in a lazy fashion, and yet Gohan felt edgy. He wasn’t sure why. Something touched his tail, stroking it. A soft rumbling purr escaped him and the touch vanished. He blinked at the blushing lavender haired prince.

“Gomen…I don’t have control over my tail yet.” Mirai sputtered.

“It’s…okay, I understand..” Gohan shivered after a moment, he licked his lips a little. He had this insane urge to bite Mirai. His eyes slitted slightly and he growled softly as his tail wrapped itself around Mirai’s for a moment before he pulled it away. He blinked and blushed lightly before flying out of the water and grabbing his clothes. He dressed as he flew back to the cave. He silently berated his saiyajin side for starting to flirt with the lavender haired prince. He partially blamed the heat as well but a corner of his mind said he had liked flirting with Mirai. The other Demi returned silently, checking on their fish for a moment.

Mirai watched Gohan out of the corner of his eye. He was uneasy, skittish like a young colt. He sighed, if that was the case he figured Gohan just needed to trust him.

“Food’s done” he called out as he pulled the still sizzling fish off the roughly made spit. Gohan came over, sniffling the air lightly.

“Smells good, hope you left some raw though.” Gohan sat down by the fire, accepting the chunk of meat Mirai handed him.

“I only cooked one.” Mirai murmured before falling into eating. The sounds of chewing were quiet compared to the noise of the night creatures. The fish became bones, the cooked and raw eaten with equal relish. Gohan leaned back, picking his teeth with a small bone. Mirai watched him through half opened eyes, he had come to a decision, he needed to tell Gohan how he felt….he just wasn’t sure how to do it.

“You remember that night?” Gohan said softly, he didn’t look at Mirai but rather stared at the fire.

“Hai…I still think about it sometimes.. I still care alot.” Mirai looked off into the woods.

“I’m not sure how I feel any more, Trunks…” Gohan looked at him a moment. “I care about you but….I dunno, lets see how the heat goes.” He stood and headed for the cave.

Mirai watched him go and after some time he doused the fire and opened up the sleeping bag capsule in his pocket and got ready to sleep, mind repeating Gohan’s words a few times as he drifted off.


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