To Love The One You Love
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
Videl dies and Gohan is torn between his feelings for his deceased wife and the young man helping him in moving on with his life.

Chapter 01
Trunks caught himself staring off into space. Shaking his head he tried to bring his mind back to the work on his desk. He was twenty-four years old, head of one of the biggest corporations in the world, the most sought after bachelor in the world, and he was gay.

Of course nobody but himself and his mother knew. He had figured it out while in high school, finding little interest in girls, and having a brief crush on his best friend. After seeing a handful of guys he found himself falling for someone, his best friend’s married older brother. He never acted on his love, at the time the young professor was happily married, and Trunks didn’t want to hurt anyone, or lose his friendship with the family.

Now Gohan and Videl’s marriage seemed to be falling apart. They fought a lot, Gohan even voluntarily slept on the couch. Trunks didn’t know how many times ten-year-old Pan called him up in the middle of the night crying and asking if she could come over. Trunks knew exactly when it started. Piccolo’s disappearance had caused a major change in the oldest demi-saiya-jin. His work demeanour was the same, his students didn’t know about the change, but at home, he was more gruff, more closed to the world. He hardly spoke to anyone who didn’t have saiya-jin blood, and if it was Videl he usually yelled at her, ChiChi and Bulma he ignored completely.

The phone rang, snapping Trunks out of his thoughts with a jerk. He answered it quickly. “Moshi Moshi, Capsule Corp, President Briefs speaking.”

“Trunks-san come quick!” Pan’s voice squeaked tearily.

“What happened Panny?”

“Mommy…” she trailed off in sobs.

“I’ll be right there, hold on Pan, it’ll be okay.” Trunks hung up the phone and grabbed his black leather trench coat. His secretary tried to stop him as he started past her desk. “It’s a family emergency, I have to go now, tell my mother.” Trunks rushed out, not having the patience for the stairs he jumped out the nearest window and started flying as quickly as he could for the Son’s house.

It was a horror scene, police everywhere. Pan was being rocked by both her grandfather’s as she cried. Gohan was staring blankly at a sheet covered body, Goten was trying to make the police back off from his older brother. Pan saw Trunks and tackled him quickly, still crying. He hugged her tightly and stroked her hair in a soothing manner. After a moment she seemed a little more relaxed.

“What happened Panny?” He asked softly. Her voice was muffled in his coat.

“A guy came to the door and asked for mommy, I got her then went over to Grandma ChiChi’s.” Pan hiccupped. “I was gonna help her make cookies. There…” The girl trailed off and looked up at him, eyes glistening wetly. “There was a gunshot.” Tears overflowed, Trunks hugged her again.

“It’ll be okay Panny, I promise you it will be okay.” He murmured softly, his eyes travelled past her to her father, he looked so vulnerable and alone. “Pan, I’m going to talk to Gohan now, okay?”

Pan sniffled a little and pulled away nodding. She was quickly scooped up by Trunks’ bewildered best friend and his girlfriend. Goten hugged his niece close and assured her even more that everything would be fine.

Trunks slowly made his way over to Gohan, his heart broke for the man, even with the fighting and everything that had been going on lately, Gohan had loved his wife. Trunks put a hand on Gohan’s shoulder. “Gohan?”

Almost like he was in a trance Gohan turned his head to look at Trunks, he blinked for a moment. His mouth opened as if to say something but no words came out. Silently Trunks pulled Gohan into a hug, the older man sagged against the younger, tears falling, soaking Trunks shoulder.

The police finally left, Videl’s body was moved for funeral preparation, Gohan continued to cry in Trunks’ arms for a while longer. He mumbled about how much he loved Videl, how he wished he hadn’t shut her out in the past weeks, he even had muttered something about her support. Trunks gave Gohan the little comfort he could, patting his back and saying soothing things. After some time Gohan lifted his head and moved away from Trunks. The lavender haired man didn’t like the absence of their touching but he said nothing.

“Can…can we go sit?” Gohan questioned softly. Trunks nodded his consent and they moved over and sat under a tree, Gohan had his head in his hands.

“Trunks…I loved her…I …didn’t tell her before I left today. It makes me feel terrible.”

“She knew that you loved her, and she loved you, she’s shown that in so many ways.” Trunks leaned back against the tree trunk, wanting desperately to kiss Gohan’s tears away.

“She was always so good to me…even, she supported some things that nobody else would have.” Gohan sounded lost. Trunks wondered what he meant. ChiChi came and called everyone to dinner, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Gohan didn’t want to go, Trunks coaxed him into eating, telling him that Videl would want him to keep up his strength so he could take care of Pan.

After dinner many friends and family left. Trunks figured he should go also and picked up his coat, preparing to leave.

“Um Trunks?”

Gohan’s voice stopped him.

“Yes Gohan?” Trunks looked at him.

“Would you…” Gohan hesitated, not looking at Trunks. “Stay here tonight? I know Pan often goes to you for comfort…”

“Sure Gohan.” Trunks put his coat on a hook and set at the table, he got the feeling Gohan didn’t want to be alone. He chewed his lip thoughtfully. Pan came into the room, already in her pajamas.

“Daddy, Trunks, come tuck me in?” She sounded younger then her ten years. Both looked at each other and stood to follow her. She went down the hall and into her bedroom. She turned and took the following adults and took their hands, pulling them over by her bed. She let go of them and climbed into bed.

Gohan leaned down and gave her a kiss, pulled the covers up and under he chin. Then Trunks gave her a hug and kissed her forehead.

“Trunks…stay here a while?” Pan asked sleepily.

“Sure.” Trunks got onto the bed behind Pan and put his arm around her like he did when she came over to his place on the nights when her parents had fought. Gohan started to leave.

“Stay Daddy?” Pan asked suddenly.

“If you want Sweetie.” Gohan almost seemed hesitant but he lay down on his daughter’s free side, also slipping his arm around her. Pan snuggled between the two and yawned.

“I wish that you both were my daddies.” She murmured.

Trunks flushed lightly and kept his eyes on Pan. Gohan’s arm shifted a little on her waist, brushing Trunks’ arm a bit. Both adults found themselves yawing sleepily as they relaxed with the girl, soon all three where asleep.


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