Back Off Bitch!
by Leelee     More by this Writer
Videl wants Gohan, but Gohan wants Mirai Trunks. Things get complicated when she finds out that Gohan likes Mirai Trunks as more than just a ‘good friend’ and, out of jealousy, does everything in her power to make Mirai Trunks fall for her instead.

Author’s Notes: I got the idea for this fic when I was scrolling down a songlist and saw this Guns ‘N Roses song. The entire story is written from Gohan’s point of view.

Chapter 01
“Hey, Trunks?”


“I’d like to fuck you.”


Pause. Rewind. Stop. Yeah – that up there, is the very definition of happiness. Unfortunately, the very definition of happiness isn’t my life. You see, there’s this guy, right? He’s basically everything anyone could ever want in a man. He’s highly intelligent, gorgeous, muscular; has a great ass, graceful, a profound warrior…

Did I mention he has a great ass?

Girls drool all over him. Heh, but I know he doesn’t really want them. He hasn’t told too many people, but he’s gay. Well, okay, he’s bisexual, but he leans a bit more towards guys. Aside from himself – which should be obvious – he’s told his secret to Bulma, Vegeta, and for some reason, me. It was around then that I thought I actually might have a chance with him. Then that moment passed, and I was forced to collide with that evil place I keep hearing about called reality.

I watch him every chance I get, admiring all the things about him that are worth admiring. Which is everything.

Trunks and I are pretty close. We started our relationship back when he came to the past the first time and we’ve grown even closer now that he’s back permanently. Something about his mother died and he got bored so he decided to come back here. Of course, I know that he came back for deeper reasons other than because ‘he got bored.’ We talked about it once, and I expected him to get really emotional – you know, cry some. It surprised me a lot, because he didn’t cry at all. He was very detached with it, like he was telling the story of someone else’s life.

Well, now that he’s here, he’ll never ‘get bored.’ Bulma won’t let him. Practically as soon as he arrived, she assigned him the position of Vice President of Capsule Corporation and promptly proceeded to show him the ropes of the company. I don’t see how he takes it, but he says he doesn’t mind the job. It gives him something to do.

Kami, I wish he would let me give him something to do. I’m sure he’d enjoy it a hell of a lot better than working…man, I’m being a hentai today. But I suppose I’m always a bit hentai-ish when it comes to Trunks. Anyway, I guess I should stop my rambling and give this story a real plot…


“Hey, Gohan.”


There he is, folks. Beauty in its purest form. Walking up to me, of all people, to have a conversation. I’m in the backyard of Capsule Corporation, sitting at the base of the large oak tree. I have been appointed the duty of watching my younger brother and his best friend, the younger version of my obsession, while they play. Funny how I can’t see myself attracted to him at all…

Maybe it’s because he’s ten.

Trunks, the future version – and the hunky one – sits next to me with one leg stretched out and the other bent so that he can rest his forearm on it. He looks at me, then at the book I’m holding.

“What are you reading?”

I show the cover to him. “The Grapes of Wrath.”

“Oh. Do you like it?”

“No. Sucks. I read it back in high school, but now I have to read it again for class.” I hate college…

He smiles and a small laugh emits from his vocal cords. Oh Kami…why is it that every human being is cursed with a bad laugh except for him? It’s not often that he laughs; he smiles often enough, just doesn’t laugh. I hate it that he still carries that tinge of sadness with him wherever he goes. He’s loosened up considerably since he came here a couple years ago, but he’s still not over his mother’s death. I remember he told me once that it bothers him slightly that he has to see the smiling faces of the loved ones he never knew. Said it bothered him that his younger self gets to experience all that life has to offer, and that he gets to take advantage of it like he was never able to. I’m not sure if he’s ever gotten over that, but if he hasn’t, he’s damn good at hiding it.

I look back down at my book, but I can no longer concentrate on the pages. Trunks has me completely distracted. I steal glances at him as he watches Goten and Chibi Trunks run around the yard. I begin studying his profile, something I have done many times before. I don’t realize that my glances are becoming stares until deep blue is suddenly locked onto me. “Something you want?”

“Um…uh, no…sorry…” I stutter, burying my face in my book, attempting to hide the growing blush on my cheeks.

Trunks stares at me oddly for a brief moment, then returns his attention to the boys. I sigh quietly. Way to go, Gohan ol’ boy…now he thinks you’re a goober… I close my book, knowing that I’ll never read another word of it now, and place it down beside me. I look back at Trunks, this time actually having something to say.

“So, Trunks, your birthday is coming up, right?” Yeah, like tomorrow…

His head turns to me, his long hair swaying some, and blinks. He’s so cute. He shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah, why?”

“What do you want for a gift?”

He stares at me for a long moment, his head tilted slightly. I probably should have asked him this some time ago, so it doesn’t sound like my present is last minute, but hey. Besides, I already got him his gift. I just want to know if it’ll be close to something that he wants. I gaze back at him, an excuse to admire his features, and wait for him to answer my question. Finally, he sighs silently, “What I want is something I can’t have.”

I furrow my eyebrows. “What do you mean by that? I’m sure I could get it for you, if you really want it.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Have you asked anyone for it?”


“Then how do you know you can’t have it?”

He blinks at me again, then rests his cheek in his palm. A few strands of his hair fall into his face. I resist the urge to brush them away. When he brings his free hand up to push the locks behind his ear, I envy his fingers.

“I just…know…I have my reasons. Don’t worry about it,” he says.

“You sure you don’t want to tell me?” I’m beyond curious now.

He shakes his head again. “It’s okay, really.”

I frown. My interest has been piqued now, and I just have to know what it is that he wants. I figure that if I can get it for him, then maybe he’ll be so grateful that he’ll agree to…no, bad Gohan!

“Are you staying for dinner?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah.” You bet your ass off I’m staying for dinner, Trunks. And if you let me, I’d sure as hell stay for some dessert too…no, very bad Gohan…”I think mom and dad said they wanted some ‘alone time’, so that pretty much means that Goten and I are staying here for the night.”

“Oh. Well that’s good.” Yes it is, baby. “Chichi and Goku need some time to themselves anyway.” Yeah, and so do we…

“Yeah. So what’s for dinner? I’m hungry.”

Another smile. Kami, I want him. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

“Oh. I wonder if it’s done…”

“I can go check if you want.”

“I’ll go with you.”

He seems to hesitate a moment. “What about those two?” he asks, pointing to Goten and Chibi. I glance in the direction his finger indicates. Chibi is hanging upside down from a tree, dangling something in front of Goten’s face. Goten has this lopsided Goku grin on his face. I smile.

“They’ll be all right by themselves.”

“O…kay…if you say so. But if they blow up something, I’m blaming you.”

I grin. “They’ll be fine! Stop spazzin’…!” I say, pushing him towards the door of the large dome building. He tenses for a second, then relaxes, allowing himself to be shoved. Wonder if he’ll react well to an impromptu massage? Gah…must resist…urge…

We walk into the back entrance of Capsule Corporation and down some random hallways. When we reach the kitchen, fragrances of all kinds reach our noses. Food…I float into the kitchen and ask Bulma if everything is ready.

“Can we eat yet?”

Bulma chuckles. “Yeah. Go get -”

She doesn’t get a chance to finish her sentence. Suddenly Goten, Chibi, and Vegeta are standing in the kitchen doorway. Goten and Chibi are drooling waterfalls, and Vegeta is positioned in his usual ‘I-hate-everything’ pose, but I can tell he is trying to repress a drool himself.

We sit down at the table and eat. The little bots that Bulma remodeled some time ago are excellent cooks. I shove my face, the forefront of my mind only on food. But of course, there is the back of my mind, and it’s always concentrated on Trunks. I think this is where the psychiatrist diagnoses one as obsessed. I glance up, still pushing rice into my mouth, and caught a glimpse of Trunks. I almost drop my chopsticks.

I know Trunks doesn’t eat like my father, but I didn’t expect him to be so…graceful and dignified. It must be some royal trait inherited from Vegeta. I glance quickly at Vegeta and nod to myself. Yes, inherited. My gaze returns to Trunks. He chuckles lightly at something Bulma said, then his lips curl around a piece of sushi. I watch his jaws work as he chews, and the movement of his throat as he swallowed. Hn…I know something else he can be swallowing right now…

Whoa, not the time to be a pervert, Gohan.

I blink rapidly as my ears pick up a hazy call. I look in the direction of the voice to see Bulma staring at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I can tell the others at the table are watching me expectantly also. I feel myself pale dramatically, then blush furiously. “Umm, huh?”

Oooohh…gotta love that articulation…

“I asked you how was school, but nevermind that now. Are you all right?” Bulma asks, her perfectly shaped eyebrows crinkling in concern.

“Oh, um, me? Yeah. I’m good…” I reply, trying to hide behind my half-eaten bowl of rice.

“You sure?” Trunks asks, his voice deep and…Kami…just damn beautiful…He sounds a bit worried…wow…about me…I can die happily now…um, right…so anyway…

I can feel my face redden further. I nod, not able to find my voice. There is an awkward silence. I polish off my rice in record speed and place the bowl on the table once my blush fades. I gulp quietly and turn to Bulma. “So you really want to know how school is for me?”

She gives me a quick, appraising look, then smiles. “Yes. Is it going well for you?”

“Yeah. It’s not so bad. It’s a bit different from high school, you know, living on campus and everything.”

“I bet you’re out partying all night, every night…” she says, her eyes glazing over like she’s remembering her own college life.

I laugh. “No, not every night.”

“That’s what you say…”

Shrugging, I grin. It’s true, though, I’m not really interested in partying all night long. I have done it before, but it’s not something I prefer to do all the time. I don’t really fit in; I never truly have. And chances are, I never will. Anyway, the only things my peers do at parties are drink and have sex. And Trunks is the only one I want to…err…

I spend the rest of dinner trying to keep x-rated images at bay. The little bots scurry in and out of the dining room, carrying our used dishes to the kitchen, and we rise from our places at the table. Vegeta walks away towards the gravity room and, after gaining permission from Bulma first, Chibi Trunks and Goten happily follow.

“I’m sorry to just ditch you two, but I’m on the verge of a scientific breakthrough!” Bulma squeals excitedly. “But I know you boys can keep yourselves busy.”

“Don’t worry about us, mom,” Trunks replies. “I’m sure we can find something to do.”

……!!!!!!!!!!! Breathe, Gohan, breathe…

Bulma smiles in satisfaction and exits the room, venturing to her private labs in the basement of Capsule Corporation. I turn to Trunks, and desperately struggle to keep the desire from my voice. “So what did you have in mind?”

Something flickers in his eyes, too brief to comprehend, but long enough to make its presence known. I blink, wondering what thoughts just passed through his head. Maybe my statement didn’t come out as indifferent as I would have liked…Maybe he caught the longing in my voice that I tried to hide…

…Oh shit…

He shrugs. “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”

“Umm…TV?” I laugh nervously. Maybe my imagination is just overreacting, but still…I wish I could tell what he’s thinking right now.

At his nod we walk together to the lounge room. I plop down on the plush sofa, wishing there were one this soft in my dorm room. Trunks sits next to me. I notice papers strewn haphazardly about the coffee table in front of us and tilt my head. Trunks hands me the remote control, and once I take it, he focuses on the litter of papers.

“Hey, what’s all this?” I ask, motioning to the table.

“Meaningless paperwork…” he replies unenthusiastically. “Reports on updated equipment, lists of new employees…other stuff I’m sure my secretary should be doing…”

I chuckle. He scratches his head and sighs. “I take it you don’t want to do this.”

“No. I’d much rather work on a project, something like what mom’s doing…Anyway, don’t worry about it. It’s part of my job, so I might as well shut up about it.”

He scans through a typed report of something; I wish I could help, but I don’t know the first thing about stuff like this. I took a business course last semester, but I didn’t learn anything. Actually, I slept through the entire class. I don’t know how I passed. I turn on the television and flip through the many channels. Nothing’s on. Nothing ever is. I settle on a channel showing music videos and place the remote control on the cushion next to my thigh. I watch the screen, not really seeing anything, and almost wish I weren’t too lazy to go find my book. Almost being the operative word, of course.

Trunks is still skimming through pages, looking bored out of his mind. “When do you have to have all that stuff read?”



“…Sorry I’m not being such a conversationalist tonight,” he says after a period of silence between us.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. You’re busy, so it’s okay.”

He ‘hmm’s noncommittally. I lean back against the couch and focus again on the television. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Trunks, as I almost always do, and wonder when I’ll find the courage to stop fantasizing and finally make my dreams a reality.


DBZ Love Garden

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