by Lesleytonyb     More by this Writer
Based on Alphalightbearers HC's, Tarble seeks Vegeta out to ask for help with a somewhat delicate matter. Vegeta knows exactly how to help him.

This story is based on Alphalightbearer's head cannon that Saiyan’s are intersexed. Initiation is an important ritual where a Saiyan loses his Virginity (not in the butt, that doesn’t count to Saiyan’s), as Tarble was sent away too young he never had this ritual. Also, Saiyan’s are a bit like dogs where they form a knot during sex and stay locked together after, both partners will hold onto the other until their bodies naturally let go. Alphas hc’s are so interesting you should really check them out.

Vegeta’s POV

I was surprised when my little brother showed up unannounced on my planet, as much as I feigned disinterest in him I would be lying if I said I wasn’t pleased to see the little runt. He was still week as shit but had become a fine man, if a little small. I didn’t for a second believe the bullshit story he told me about needing my help to save his planet, I knew there was something else going on, I should have guessed what it was really.

I took him off alone, leaving his wife and mine to get better acquainted, and to hopefully get the truth out of him, figure out why he had really sought me out after all these years.

“So little brother, you still can’t stop your left eye twitching when you lie, I see,” I said with a smirk. I noticed his discomfort visibly grow, the colour of his face deepening slightly

“Oh, ha-ha you picked up on that did you? You always were so smart,” He chuckled nervously, I could tell whatever he came for was quite a delicate matter.

“Well, let’s not beat around the bush, what can I do for you Tarble?” I asked, wanting to get the conversation out of the way quickly and end his squirming

“Well that’s the thing, I’m not too sure, it would be helpful if I just told you the full story, it is a little personal, I hope you don’t mind,”

“Not at all, please, go on,” I assured him, I was almost certain that whatever he told me wouldn’t shock me at all.

“Well, my wife and I have been married for five years now, we are very much in love, but I have urges that she cant satisfy, we came to agreement that I could go with other people… as that’s what I thought I needed but….every time I tried I just….couldn’t go through with it, I mean anal is fine but I need more than that….if you know what I mean. Am I making you feel uncomfortable?”

“No, the only one feeling uncomfortable is you and I promise you, you have no need to. These urges are normal, continue,” I had a pretty good idea already where he was going with the conversation

“So, eventually I found a doctor who knew a lot about Saiyan biology, he studied our culture for many years. I told him of the problems I was having, he surprised me by laughing. He asked if I had an older brother, when I told him of you he just said, “find him, he will sort you out,” I’ve no idea what he meant, but I’m desperate to fix my problem. Do you know what’s wrong with me?”

“nothing is wrong with you, you do not need to be fixed, but I know how to help. You were sent away before you learned any Saiyan traditions,” I sighed

“is that what this is about, a tradition?” he asks in disbelief

“Mmhm, it won’t feel right until you have been initiated,”

“Initiated? I don’t understand, what does that mean?”

“It means your first time wont feel right with anyone but me,” I explained to him, ready for his disgusted outburst. Not many races have the same ways as Saiyan’s, incest is frowned upon in nearly all cultures, but on Vegetasai, it was a way of life, it was the norm, and initiation was an important ritual. To lose your real virginity was a big deal, of course Tarble wouldn’t feel right with someone who wasn’t me for his first time, but how could he be expected to know that?

“With…. you? but you are my brother, wouldn’t that be wrong?”

“It only sounds wrong to you because of the ideas your society have forced onto you, look at me Tarble,” I instruct him, and he does as I say, he stops walking and turns to face me, looking up at me with a questioning expression

“Forget about how it sounds for a moment, and think about how it feels,” I lean down and softly kiss his lips

“Does that feel wrong to you?”

“No, Vegeta, it feels so right,” He admits in breathy tones, his body visibly quivering as it feels it may finally get the release it has needed for so long.

“I can help, if you want me to,” I offered, moving so close he could feel the warmth radiating from my body. his face heated up and I could see he was waring with himself. The need to follow what he had been told was right battling it out with the instincts coursing through his body. at the end of the day, instincts would always win, his body knew what he needed, and at that moment, he needed me.

He nodded in agreement, he couldn’t help it, every fibre of his being must have been screaming at him to accept my offer, it was the right thing to do, the only thing that would ever feel right to him. It must have been so difficult for him needing release and never being able to find it, I felt I had failed him, as an older brother I should have sought him out and explained this to him. I refused to fail him again, I vowed to myself that I would give him exactly what he needed, I’d make sure of it.

“Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” I told him leading him towards my quarters at capsule corp, on the way I saw Kakarot, I told him not to let anyone come to my room for a while. He agreed immediately, I imagine he knew exactly would be going on in my room for the next hour or so.

Once alone I slipped his boots off and lifted him gently to sit atop the chest of drawers, I could reach his mouth much easier that way. I leant into him, brushing my lips up the side of his neck. He looked rather frightened, his face blushing a deep red, his tail gently coiling round my arm.

“Don’t be scared,” I told him, my face inches from his own

“I’ll not hurt you, I promise” I tried to assure him

“I trust you, Vegeta, I’m just nervous is all,” He smiled a shy little smile, it was incredibly sweet.

“Don’t be, you’re going to love this,” I whispered into his ear as I peeled his unitard from his small but firm body. he wore nothing underneath, at least some Saiyan ways had stuck with him. his body was flawless, he may have been tiny, but he was perfectly in proportion, a true Saiyan.

I knew my initial entrance would be painful for him, he had never had sex that way before, yes, he’d done anal but that was nothing like what I was about to do to him, sex that way is so much more personal, so much more pleasurable and so much more emotional. Since it was his first time I had to break him open, its not hard to tear someone open, its best done fast, that way it causes the least pain, but however I done it, it was gonna hurt him a little.

I removed my own unitard, it landed in a heap next to his, two identical items discarded. He looked more and more worried every second that passed, it really was adorable. Moving to the bed seemed like my best option, missionary position is usually the easiest. I lifted him and carried him across the room, placing him delicately on the bed as though he were made of glass and could shatter at any moment. I knew he wasn’t half as delicate as he looked but I just needed to let him know that I could, and I would be gentle with him.

In my top drawer I kept a bottle of lube, I had it for the occasions that Kakarot decided to stay over, there was just enough left luckily. I slathered it on, best to use too much rather than too little. I crawled on top of him and positioned myself at his soon to be opened hole, I could feel him shaking beneath me.

Kissing his lips, I pushed forward, one solid jerk to break his entrance, he cried out as I felt him splitting, the membrane tearing to allow me inside him. I stopped my movements and waited, it wouldn’t hurt him for too long.

“Ah ah ha, Vegeta,” He panted as the pain of my entrance rushed through his body

“Shhhh little brother, relax, its ok,” I whispered, trying to calm him. he took a few deep breaths trying to force himself to relax through the pain

“That’s it Tarble, you’re doing great,” I said encouragingly as I ever so gently inched my way further inside him. he felt so good, it was a job for me not to lose myself and go hard on him, but I had to hold it together, it was important that he enjoyed himself. His face looked wonderful, an expression somewhere between surprised and hurt, it was stunningly beautiful

“you ok?” I whispered before kissing his neck tenderly, trying to help him relax, he still felt very tense and nervous.

“Yeah, m..move in me,” He instructed me gripping my arms and squeezing tight, his tail wrapping round my waist and his narrow hips grinding. I pushed forward, relishing in the sounds of his moaning, until I was fully sheathed in him, he was so tight, it felt amazing. I moved slowly, savouring the velvety texture inside him, like being wrapped in hot silk, he may have been weak, but he was royalty and boy did it show.

“Vegeta……” He whined beneath me, twitching and whimpering, his hot body covered with a soft sheen of sweat. I continued my slow pace, not wanting to overwhelm him, the first time can be pretty intense.

My tongue pushed into his mouth, caressing his own, coaxing yet more pretty sounds from him, only my brother could be that good-looking, he must take after me in some ways after all. He still didn’t seem to have let go, his body trembled, and his moans sounded a little suppressed, I wanted him to completely lose his mind, just let me make him feel good, but in order for him to get the full experience he needed to let go of his inhibitions, he couldn’t be holding back. I sped up, just a little, still being super gentle, I was a little surprised by what he called out next

“yes Vegeta, harder please,” he near screamed into my ear. So, he wanted more? I was very happy to get a bit rough if he so pleased. I thrust harder, his small frame bouncing along with my movements, the small lock of hair that hung down over his forehead swaying wildly.

He bit his lip and I could visibly see his shyness washing away, being replaced with need and desire, pretty soon he cared about nothing but my cock sliding in and out of him, his Saiyan instincts taking over and telling him that what we were doing was right, and this was what he has been searching for, for so long, this was what he needed. I felt him relaxing around me, making my movements much easier. I watched his face carefully, looking for any signs that I might be hurting him and finding none, his cute little face was a picture of pure pleasure, he was loving every second.

“You like that Tarble, does my cock feel good?” I whispered, I couldn’t resist a little dirty talk it makes things so much more exciting

“Yes Vegeta,” He answers, panting and moaning, gripping the bedsheets in his fists and arching his back, his small body dripping with sweat, and I had barely even started.

“Shall I fuck you harder?” I ask, I knew he wanted it harder, I could see the need written all over his face, he was so ready for me to go all out on him, he needed me to fuck him into submission, I didn’t really need to ask but I just want to hear him say it

“please Vegetaaaaa, harder please,” He begged in a wail, making my body burn with passion for him. I wanted nothing more than to give him every ounce of pleasure I could provide, I wanted to make up for all the time I wasn’t there to help him.

I slammed into him causing him to cry out in a heady mixture of pleasure and pain, he sounded divine. His shouts got louder each time I thrust forward, his body jerking, his dick bouncing along with my movements. Before long he was screaming my name for all to hear. I just hoped Kakarot kept his word and kept everyone away from here, that situation would have taken some explaining.

His body started to tense again, his muscles hardening, his hands gripping my shoulders and squeezing so tight his finger nails bit into my flesh drawing blood. He was close, I felt my own body coiling with an intense pleasure to match his.

His eyes were wide, his face flushed, this feeling was like nothing he had ever felt before. I slowed my pace just slightly, I wanted to drag the feeling out for him as long as possible. I felt him clench around me, locking me in, the pressure was enough to make me cum too, juddering as I climaxed and whispering his name, to which he answered with my own, gently sighed into my ear as his arms wrapped around me and held me so close. Our chests pressed together, our heavy breathing in sync.

“Thank you… much,” he sighed eventually, once his breathing had returned to normal, shifting uncomfortably beneath me, trying to move and wondering why he couldn’t, he tried again to slide from under me and flinched in pain, I suppose I should have explained locking to him first

“You can’t move yet, keep still,” I told him seeing the panic on his face

“Why?” he asked confused

“We are locked together, if you move its going to hurt both of us, just relax, everything is ok,”

He visibly relaxed, I felt his body soften, my words alone were enough to comfort him and ease away all his worries, he knew he could trust his brother. He smiled up at me, he looked so cute

“How long we gonna be here?” he asked, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks. I shrugged and kissed the tip of his nose, there was no telling how long we will be stuck together, both our bodies gripping onto the other.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, making his blush deepen even more

“So, how was that?” I mumbled into his heated neck, his skin was still hot and sweaty, I enjoyed kissing a line up to his ear lobe then back down to he shoulder, he cocked his head to the side to give me better access, his movements were slow and feline, I could tell he was satisfied.

“It was…… amazing, that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for,” he said, still melting as I kissed him. He lay back and closed his eyes, allowing my lips to explore every inch of exposed flesh I could reach, after fifteen minuits I felt his body release me, I eased slowly out of him, making sure my knot had gone down so I didn’t tug him too hard, I slid out without any problems.

He didn’t move at all, it took me a moment to realise he had fallen asleep, I tucked the blanket gently around him and kissed him gently on the cheek

“Sleep well little brother,” I whispered before getting dressed and going to find Kakarot to tell him what just happened.

Inspired by the following artist :

Tarble's Initiation Tarble's Initiation

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