by Lesleytonyb     More by this Writer
It's not easy being the Princess of Darkness, sometimes it's a hard job. Lucy thinks things can't get any worse, but she wasn't banking on a certain Saiyan Prince popping in to throw a spanner in the works. This story contains graphic sex scenes mostly goku x vegeta. Enjoy, and let me know what you think xlxl Edited by MrsVegetaOuji
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 01
The man's eyes open sluggishly, A look of uncertainty passing over his sharp, beautiful features. He feels disorientated. Where in the world is he? What happened? The last he remembers he was taking a walk in the forest, and now he has no clue where he is. He rubs the back of his hand over his dark eyes trying to stop the stinging feeling behind them.

His eyes slowly adjust to the too bright light as he takes in his unfamiliar surroundings. He's laying on a plush red carpet in some kind of lavish, what looks like a law office. A single red leather chair is placed at an angle behind a huge, very expensive looking mahogany desk. The top of the ornate desk is cluttered with paperwork, stationery, makeup and tons of empty Starbucks cups, all with red lipstick stains around the rim. The occupier of this office is obviously very unorganised. Behind the desk is a massive window, draped with thick red crushed velvet curtains, the window takes up nearly a whole wall of the large office, but through it all that can be seen is a dark grey swirling pattern, what is this place?

A voice drifts into his consciousness, an annoying voice. He lifts his head to see an attractive woman pacing the floor across the room from where he lays. The bald strip on the carpet suggests she does this a lot. She is tall and slim, but not too slim, just perfect really. Her long auburn hair cascades down her back like a magnificent waterfall. She is wearing a short, low cut, red, sparkling dress, showing off her long and toned legs, and her ample cleavage, it looks more like a club outfit than office attire. Her red patent thigh high boots click clack on the floor as she paces.

"Where am I?" He groans, his whole-body aches as he pulls himself clumsily into a sitting position on the floor.

"Oh shit, Gabe, I'm gonna have to call ya back in a mo, that difficult situation I were telling ya about has literally just woke up."

Difficult situation? Is she referring to me? He thinks. She holds up her finger to him in a wait gesture and rolls her eyes, pointing to the phone.

"O.K. Gabe keep ya wings on hun, turn the drama to a minimum for me, okay? Let me deal with this and I'll pop over there in a jiffy, yah? Good mwaa," She snaps the little red glittery phone closed with a sigh and slings it onto the desk.

"Sorry bubs, he's in a right state and I wasn't expecting ya yet, what's ya name again, poppet?" She yanks open a drawer on the desk and pulls out a thick red folder, it lands on the desk with a loud thump, loose papers blowing out from under it, coffee cups falling to the ground. She doesn't seem to notice the mess at all.

"Oh yeah, Vegeta, of course, how could I forget. Let me have a little peek at ya file and we will see what we can sort out for ya bubs." She stands behind the desk and hums softly to herself as she flicks through the sheets of paper inside the folder. Vegeta rubs his head and pulls himself to his feet. His head swims with dizziness and he's forced to sit down in the red chair before he keels over. His small frame landing with a heavy thump into the soft leather, his spiky black hair flicking as he lays his head back and shuts his eyes tight, trying to stop the world from spinning around him.

"I have no idea what you are blathering on about, who the hell are you?" He snaps, trying to sound angry and menacing, something he usually excels at, but this time his voice comes out as a weak whine.

"Oh golly, how terribly rude o' me, going on like that without even introducing myself, soz babe, I'm Lucy." She states, with a smile pushing forward a gold plaque for Vegeta to read. He lifts his head to read it.

"Lucy, Fate Decider," It reads. Vegeta feels even more confused after reading this.

She holds out a perfectly manicured, red nailed hand to shake Vegeta's. He looks at it but doesn't accept her hand shake.

"Well Lucy, it been a pleasure, but I still don't have a clue who you are or why I'm here so if it's all the same to you I'm leaving now," He snaps, starting to feel a little irritated by this weird and puzzling scenario, he pulls himself up and thankfully this time he has enough balance to amble towards the door.

"Oh, ya can't leave," Lucy informs him flapping her hands in a bit of a panic.

"And why is that? I don't see anyone here who could stop me," He uses his most dark and threatening tone, this time it works and he sounds really scary. He's a little perturbed when this strange woman doesn't seem at all bothered by it.

"Because ya dead hun," She says flatly.

"Dead?" Vegeta stops walking towards the door and turns to face the unusual woman.

"Yeah, ya dead," She repeats.

"What do you mean I'm dead?" He slowly sits back down, staring at Lucy as though she has lost her mind.

"Dead, deceased, expired, ceased to exist.. What bit are ya struggling with here?" She asks noticing his baffled expression.

"I KNOW WHAT DEAD MEANS. Why? Why am I dead?" He yells.

"Ohhh it were nasty really, you was just out having a pleasant little stroll in the forest, minding ya business. Then ya see these berries. Ate one, choked on it, KABOOM ya dead," She claps her hands for emphasis.

"KABOOM, I'm dead?"

"Sorry luvvie, that wasn't very sympathetic of me was it, tact ain't my strong point. Err… Sorry that ya dead. Don't ya remember any o' this?"

"No, not at all," he shrugs, still not sure what is going on.

"Strange, it literally just happened. Maybe ya brains all fucked up 'cause o', ya know… Death."

"I can't have choked on a berry and died. I'm a warrior for God's sake, I'm Vegeta, I'm the last member of my race, well, except for Kakarot, and he can hardly count, he's a pathetic excuse for a Saiyan. I on the other hand am the prince of all Saiyans," He cries incredulously.

"And don't I just bloody know it. Do ya have any idea how many times I've heard ya name over the last few decades? I'm sick to the teeth a hearing it. I've heard ya name…" She opens the file to a different page and runs her nail along a 12-digit number.

"I don't even know how to read a number that long, that is a stupid number, so let's just say I've heard it far FAR too many times. That humongous number there is the amount of innocent people ya killed in ya life, and that's a flippin lot init. No wonder ya ended up 'ere".

"I have no idea what is happening," He admits, not understanding a single word of what this insane woman is saying.

"Oh, for God's sake, let me start at the beginning," She huffs.

"That sounds like a good idea," He encourages, just trying to coax some sense out of the bumbling fool.

"Right as ya already know, when people die they go to King Yemma an' he tells 'em if they're going up or down, yeah?"

"Yes, I remember that from last time I died," He answers, shivering slightly as he recalls being sent down, at least this ridiculous situation was better than that, a lot better in fact.

"Right, well sometimes King Yemma, the silly bugger, can't quite make his mind up. You been back and forward so many times he don't know where to put ya. You yoyo between good and bad, alive and dead so much the poor sod dunno whether he's coming or going with ya, ya know what I mean? That's when ya get sent to me. Ya getting the picture now?"

"Maybe, what role do you play in this then?" Vegeta asks.

"I'm gonna make ya a deal, a bet, if ya like. To decide ya fate. If ya win ya get into heaven, if ya lose ya goin' down baby," She points down and smiles as if this were some sort of game.

"What's the point? What do you get out of that?" He asks, annoyed at her flippant behaviour, this is his life she's gambling with, or at least, his death. Either way he doesn't see it as something to be played with.

"Well, I dunno. I never thought about it. Look bubs I'm just doing me job 'ere. So, let's get on with it yeah?" She rolls her eyes looking fed up of his questions.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope, soz babe it's just the rules."

"Fine then, let's get on with it," He spits through gritted teeth. He knows the quicker they get this charade over with the quicker he can get out of this blasted office and try to figure out what the hell is going on.

"Wicked, let's go," She pulls a small metal contraption from under the desk. It looks like a silver pebble with one red button and a small screen on the front.

"What's that?"

"This bad boy, is the Quest Master 3000," She looks impressed, "I named it meself."

He blinks twice before answering her. "Amazing," Sarcasm drips from his voice, "What does it do?"

"Well, I push this button 'ere and it gives ya a quest. I've already pre-programmed it with over 9000 random quests," She informs him with a smug little smirk.

"…If you pre-programmed the quests into the machine, why can't you just give me a quest and forget about the Quest Master 3000?" He asks bluntly.

"'Cause where's the fun in that? Duh." She hits the button with an excited smile and Vegeta watches on as a small, green light flashes on and off, deciding his fate. Who would have though his long and eventful life would boil down to this. The Quest Master 3000 holds his destiny, what a joke.

Finally, the machine bleeps three times and Lucy laughs hysterically.

"Ha-ha that's a good one." She giggles.

"What. What does it say?" He asks impatiently. She puts on a deep and booming voice.

"The Quest Master 3000 has spoken, it says… Vegeta, you have six months to make the person with the purest heart fall in love with you, if you fail you will be cast into the fiery pits of heeeeeelllllll." Then she giggles for another few minutes.

"That's just stupid," He protests.

"Oi, I got that idea from beauty and the beast bubs, nothing stupid about it, that was an epic film."

"Okay, but how do I even know who the person with the purest heart is?"

"… Oh yeah, I didn't think a that," She looks baffled as she answers.

"Right so how about you hit the button again and come up with something different, a better quest,"

"Nah, I like this quest. Gis a sec I'll call Gabe, he'll know who 'as the purest heart."

She digs her little red phone out from under the papers that fell on top of it and dials a number.

"Gabe, Darling. I'm not quite finished over 'ere yet just got a quick question for ya…I know bubs I know ya busy but this is kinda important… Thanks hun you're a star, I need to know who on the planet earth has the purest heart… No probs darl', I'll hold." She looks at Vegeta and whispers.

"He's just checking his database." He nods back stupidly, not really knowing what else to do. Her eyes light up as a voice comes down the phone, Vegeta can't quite make out what the voice said, but Lucy seems delighted.

"Awesome, I owe ya one. This is even better than I thought. Bye bubs," She snaps the phone shut.

"Oh boy, you are gonna loooooove this," She beams.

"What, just tell me who she is."

"Ha-ha, this is priceless."

"Stop fucking about and tell me her name," Vegeta snaps, sweat already forming at his temples.

"HIS name, is Goku, or should I say Kakarot, as that is what you insist on calling him," She grins as she speaks his name. she knows full well that this is the last name Vegeta wanted to hear. Goku, or Kakarot as Vegeta calls him, is the only other living member of Vegeta's almost extinct race, the two have been rivals from the day they met. Lucy can see the colour drain from his face the second he hears that name.

He freezes, of all the names in all the world she could have said and this is the one she says. For a moment he is speechless, totally and utterly flabbergasted. Trust that clown to have the purest heart on earth. He can't do it, he simply can't. How the fuck is he supposed to make Goku fall in love with him? He doesn't even like the guy. I mean sure they have known each other for a long time now, they have been rivals and even sort of friends for thirty years, but that didn't mean Vegeta had to like him.

"Throw me in hell, I won't do it, anyone but Kakarot," He says determinedly.

"I already told ya, ya don't have a choice," Lucy giggles.

"Let me assure you I do have a choice. Neither you nor anyone else can make me play your messed up little game. Fuck you!"

The room drops a few degrees and seems to grow darker. A deep sense of foreboding settles over Vegeta like a thick, wet blanket, he sees his breath make clouds of steam in the air around him. He's sure it wasn't this cold just a moment ago.

"You dare to speak to the princess of darkness like this?" Lucy's voice is hard and cold. He looks at her, she is no longer the beautiful woman she was a moment ago, her hair has turned to flames licking the side of her face, her eyes burn and in them he sees an endless swirling inferno, it chills Vegeta's hardened heart just to see it. Her face once fresh and dewy looks like a creature that crawled from the deepest part of hell, and honestly, that's probably what she is. His hands tremble uncontrollably, he tries in vain to pull himself together, after all he has faced much scarier looking beings than this before, but he just can't shake the feeling of pure dread that this creature instills within him.

"You will accept my challenge," She roars.

"Yes, yes, I'll do it," He yells, anything to make this monster disappear.

Instantly the room returns to normal, as does Lucy. She smiles sweetly at him and flutters her long eyelashes.

"Cool, I'm well pleased," She sings in a chirpy voice as though nothing peculiar just happened.

"What are you?" He asks in a quiet, shaky voice.

"I already told you bubs, I'm Lucy."


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