Natural Instincts
by Mistress Renet     More by this Writer
Gohan embraces his Saiyajin side.

Author's Notes : On info-fanficrants one day, we were discussing the utter fucking stupidity of the fanon that Saiyajin bite their mates to mark them (if you’ve written one of these fics, you’re forgiven, it’s just…dude, how did that become fanon?), and the further stupidity that it has something to do with their Saiyajin-ness. Because monkeys bite their mates a lot, I guess. What-ever. So I said, “one of these days I’m going to write a fic where the Saiyajin give in to their natural instincts and act like bonobos.” And this fic was born. Only one real act of smut but more more pairings, gay and straight, are referred to.

Being a teacher, you learn a lot about a little. And I’ve always liked natural history. And with my background, I guess it was only natural I spent some time researching monkeys.
Incest Group Sex

There’s one species on this planet in particular; they’re almost as smart as humans and they do quite well in their food chain.

They’ve got a rather…unusual approach to conflict resolution.


Lots of it.

They get into a fight within their social group, they settle it with sex, same-sex, opposite sex, threesomes….

It’s a little disconcerting.

It’s even more disconcerting when you realize your Saiyajin blood makes you respond in a similar way.

Vegeta said once that it’s how the Saiyajin survived; fights for dominance are all very well but you’ve got to stop and make babies sometime.

“When did you have time to fight?” I asked.

“Very funny,” he snapped and pushed me back on the bed.

Videl’s okay with it– hell, she enjoys it sometimes– as long as I stick to the other Saiyajin and she doesn’t know too many of the details, which for a long time mostly meant I’d have a long training session with Vegeta once in a while.

It all worked out fine until Trunks hit puberty and dragged my brother along with him.

For the first six months we caught them everywhere; the gravity room, our kitchen, the laundry room at Mom’s…Mom pitched a fit but she got over it, like she had a choice.

They calmed down a little after that, which was a relief; walking into your bedroom to see your brother laid out like dessert under his boyfriend is pretty weird, to say the least.

Then, they figured it out. I blame Trunks; he’s smarter than Goten and that much older.

Then, things got interesting.

Which is why, today, I can’t find any of my damn classwork and the tests are due back to the students tomorrow morning. I know exactly what it is; those little brats have got it somewhere at their apartment. They’re waiting for me.

They know exactly how pissed I’m going to be and they think they know exactly how to get me to calm down.

But this time I’m just going to pound the living shit out of them.


I can sense their ki as I get near the apartment; Goten’s in the kitchen, Trunks is out in the living room, reading, I think.

I pound on the door and Trunks gets it. “Where are they?” I demand.

His face is benignly blank. “Where are what?”

“My tests, you horny little twerp. Where are they?”

“Goten,” he calls into the kitchen. “You take Gohan’s tests?”

“What tests?”

“I know they’re in there.” If I hit him, right now, I should be okay, skip the foreplay and go straight to the violence. Why did they have to be part of my damn social group anyway? “I wish you’d stop pulling this–”

“We’re not pulling anything,” Goten says, appearing behind Trunks. I can see the soapy water on his arms; he must’ve been doing dishes. Good thing I didn’t interrupt their meal, huh? They piss me off so much, sometimes. They just think they can do anything and– “What’s he think we did?” he asks Trunks.

“Tests,” Trunks says, shrugging his shoulders. “You lost ’em, huh?”

“I did not lose them, you twerps took them. You two pull this all the time. You get me pissed enough to–” I’d better hit somebody, now, because otherwise–

My phone rings and I snap it open. “What?”

“Hey, honey,” Videl, sounding as calm as I’m agitated. “I found this stuff in the back of the car, under the emergency blanket. It looked like schoolwork so I–”

My stomach drops. “Tests?”

“Find ’em?” Trunks says and his tone is helpful and perky but his face…oh, I am so fucked.

“Yeah,” Videl says. “I think so. What should I–”

“Just put ’em on the kitchen counter, okay? I’ll get to them tonight.”

“Okay,” she says. “I’m on my way out, okay?” From the way she says it, I wonder if she’s made some arrangements for the night of her own. “I’ll see you later.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too,” she says and I snap the phone closed. Trunks smirks at me.

“Glad you found them,” he says and he’s enjoying this way too much and shit…I’m so hard, shit.

“I mean,” he says, stroking himself through his jeans, “I’m sure you can find a way to apologize–”

Goten walks closer to Trunks, puts his arms around his waist, grinds forward into him. “Oh, yeah,” he says. “We’ll think of something.” His hand slips forward to Trunks’s fly and Trunks shivers.

“He looks good on his knees,” Trunks says. “But we’ve done that lots of times.”

“You could let me in,” I say.

“Take your clothes off first,” Trunks says.

“In the hallway?”

Trunks walks up and slides my glasses off. “Yeah.”

Um, yeah, I guess…. “Okay.”

I peel my jacket off and toss it to Trunks. He catches it and folds it over his arm and I start on my tie. Goten takes that and loops it around his wrist.

By the time I’m unbuttoning my shirt it’s a show; I’m touching my chest deliberately, watching them watch me. Goten pulls his own shirt off deliberately and drops it on the floor and winds his arms back around Trunks, sucking at his neck. Trunks tips his chin back and leans into him. “Take your pants off next,” he says.

I unbuckle my belt and slap it over to Goten. He loops it around his neck and walks over to me.

“Not yet,” Trunks says.

“C’mon,” Goten says, sinking down on his knees. “Let me have some fun.”

I unbutton my pants and he mouths at me. Oh, damn that’s good. He slips his tongue in the fly of my boxers and I can feel my cock twitch with need. I let my pants drop and he sucks at the top of my cock. I reach for him and he backs off, squatting down on his heels. “Get in here,” he says, grinning.

I slide my socks and shoes off and stumble in, shutting the door behind me.

“You know,” Trunks says, sliding his arms around me, “if you wanted to get laid, you could’ve just asked.”

“Shut up.”

Goten laughs and pulls me fully down on my knees, licks the side of my neck. I shudder and he runs the tips of his fingers down my chest. “You want it though, don’t you?”

I shake my head but I’m not kidding anybody.

“Careful, Gohan,” Trunks says. “We’ll make you beg.”

They will, too.

“I wanna fuck him,” Goten says. “Can I fuck him?”

“Whatever you want, baby.” Trunks is taking is own shirt off now, catching my eye as he folds our clothes carefully over the chair. “Bend him over.”

“Oh, yeah,” Goten murmurs. “You look real good like that.” He pulls me down on all fours. “Yeah.” He glances over at Trunks. “Wanna suck him off, Gohan?” He slides a finger into my mouth and I suck it, hard; I’m hungry for it now. His other hand slides to the crack of my ass, strokes down, pulls the boxers fully off. His touch is so light I’m shivering.

“C’mon,” I say. “I’ve got tests to grade.”

“Don’t you want to enjoy it?” Trunks purrs, kneeling in front of me for a kiss, licking at Goten’s fingers in my mouth.

We haven’t done this in a while; I hadn’t realized I missed it, their teasing and their touches and Goten’s tongue against my asshole, pushing in as his fingers slip away, and when I move forward it’s into Trunks’s mouth and when I move back it’s toward Goten’s and their breath is hot against me. Trunks is stroking my back and my arms and I start wondering how long any of us will last.

Trunks breaks the kiss and says, “Okay, baby?”

“Yeah,” we both answer and he laughs and unzips his fly. “Hungry, Gohan?”

“Yeah.” He’s so fucking pretty, that lavender hair hanging down in his face and his wide blue eyes meeting mine.

He’s thick and stiff in my mouth, not as long as Goten but that’s fine. Goten’s still rimming me but his fingers are getting involved now and then his thumb, slick with lube, presses inside.

“Shit, just watching you do that–” I look up and Trunks’s eyes are riveted on my brother. They’ve got something special, that’s for sure. Just the way they look at–

Then it’s not Goten’s finger, it’s Goten’s cock, thick and hard and deep in me, oh, yeah–

I try to focus on Trunks– Goten won’t touch my cock until his boyfriend comes– but it’s so good, so intense, that all I can do for a moment is writhe and push back against Goten. Goten reaches forward and tweaks my nipples and I have to clench my jaw to keep from biting down. I suck hard– Trunks feels so good in my mouth now– and Goten grabs my hips. I look up at Trunks and nod; yeah, do it.

Then, they are both fucking me, Goten behind me, Trunks in my mouth and they’ve got the same rhythm going, and I reach up and grab Trunks’s ass because I still want more….

“Baby,” he says and I don’t know which of us he’s talking to but I guess it doesn’t matter.

Trunks cums, gasping, so hard I almost choke; I swallow and I feel Goten reaching down, touching me, and he hits my prostate and I cum in his hand. A few more thrusts and he cums too, collapsing on my back.

“Watching you two,” Trunks says. “Shit.”

Before I can get up, Goten grabs my arm. “Come back, will you?”

“I gotta grade–”

“Just for a little while,” Trunks says. “You never stay.”

Sometimes it feels like they just use me but….

Trunks leans over and kisses me. “We’ll be in bed,” he says. “Please?”

I can feel Goten’s hand at my waist. “Yeah,” I say. “I can’t stay long but I’ll stay.”


They are curled together in bed when I come in but they shift to let me in between them. We spoon together, Goten taking me in his arms, Trunks resting in mine. We kiss drowsy, slow kisses, and I shift to be on my back to hold both of them in my arms.

“You feel good,” Trunks says.

I take a deep breath and pull them tighter. “We shouldn’t like this so much.”

“We’re just embracing our Saiyajin heritage,” Trunks says. He reaches over and takes Goten’s hand.

“Did he just say he likes this?” Goten asks.

“Don’t jinx it.”

“I like it,” I admit.

Goten leans up and kisses me. “I like tasting him on you.”

I wonder if the administrators would believe it if I told them I’d had a family emergency and couldn’t grade the tests.

I wonder when Videl expects me home.

I think…I think I’ll just stay here for a while, anyway.

Embracing my Saiyajin heritage.


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