Christmas Honeymoon
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
It's Christmas eve, Gohan and Future Trunks are walking in the snowy streets looking for presents...

“It's the most beautiful time of the year. Lights fill the streets, spreadin' so much cheer, I should be playin' in the winter snow, but I'ma be under the mistletoe. I don't wanna miss out on the holiday, but I can't stop starin' at your face, I should be playin' in the winter snow, but I'ma be under the mistletoe”

Mistletoe- Justin Bieber (Really? really?!)

What should I do? What time is now?

Christmas, a beautiful day that is only lived once a year. A day where you dedicate yourself to live with your siblings that you have not seen for a long time, they give each other gifts and at midnight they watch an incredible fireworks display, brightly colored lights illuminate the night sky of the twenty-fourth of December to welcome you to this holiday, unless you are at the very end of the world where humanity is in danger day after day due to the threat of the androids and you must do everything possible to survive until the last day of the year if you want to pass this festivity with your family or your mate in the case of Japanese culture.

But our story will not only focus on Christmas, it will also focus on our main characters who are responsible day after day, year after year in defending the earth to keep it safe as they can from those perverse machines: Son Gohan, son of Son Gokū, one of the strongest warriors in the universe who had died a few years ago and was also Trunks, son of Bulma a brilliant scientific genius with the ability to create various technological gadgets and Vegeta, the prince of the Saiyans who had lost his life fighting the androids # 17 and # 18.

I'm waiting for you, Trunks... I'll wait for you no matter what time it is...

What should I do? What should I do? Please tell me, Gohan...

It was Christmas Eve, it was not long before midnight and Christmas came. That same night, both half-saiyans had gone to spend time together in an amusement park, probably the last one that still worked after the constant attacks of the androids. Trunks walked beside Gohan with a smile drawn on his face, Gohan did not speak, instead just saw him without stopping walking.

“The amusement park was really fun, Gohan. It was a good idea to come here" Trunks said, placing his arms behind his head.

“Yes, it was a good idea to come here but now I feel a little tired” the elder half-saiyan said laughing nervously.

“What? Gohan, you must be kidding. How can you say something like that? Are you already this old?" Trunks asked incredulously at what his best friend, sensei and now partner told him, that comment hurt a bit to Gohan but he try to downplay it and pretend that this comment did not offend him in the least, suddenly Trunks remembered something important “hey, Gohan. I was thinking what do you want as a gift for Christmas? Well... normally I am the one who receives gifts from you but this time I want to give you something instead”

“Uh, I haven’t give you anything this time...”

“Of course, you already gave me something, Gohan” Trunks said with his innocent smile so characteristic of him and that apparently did not want to leave his face that night “you gave me all the importance of living. Courage, kindness, strength... a heart that is moved by the beauty of nature and the wonder of loving all that, you have also brought me here today, even... you have taught me to like someone. That's why... that's why I want to give you something” his gaze rose to the sky noticing how little snowflakes began to fall “oh, look, it's snowing! I think this year we will have a white Christmas”

Gohan looked at the sky and also noticed those little snowflakes falling from the sky that magical and special night for hundreds of people but above all, it was special for him and certainly it was for Trunks. She looked away thinking about what she wanted Trunks to give her that Christmas, she had not considered it for a long time because she thought it would not be necessary, after all, she always thought that having the little one with lilac hair was more than enough but If he thought better... there was something he wanted the child to give him for that Christmas.

“Gohan, have you already thought about what you want? Gohan?”

“Only one thing, right now I know what I want and you are the only one who can give it to me...” Gohan replied looking at Trunks

“Uh? Are you sure only I can give it to you?" Trunks said, Gohan only nodded.

“You are what I want, in other words, you yourself... it's something like this!"Gohan took the child's wrist, pulling it towards him so their lips almost touched; Trunks felt a slight blush appear on his face “Do you understand what I'm saying?”

"NO!" Trunks pushed away from the older half-saiyan, pushing him with his arm, his face still had that faint blush “don't do that, jerk!”

“Okay, then until midnight... I'll be waiting until midnight, if you agree with it then come to my room. You are free to make this decision, in any case I will be waiting for you until midnight...”

I'll wait for you until midnight...

It was 11:58 p.m when Trunks arrived at his sensei's house, how did he know it was 11:58 p.m? easy, he had a watch with him to check the time. He was leaning against the door, doubting whether he should enter or not, on the one hand he was not sure what would happen if he came in because something inside him told him that nothing good would come from there but on the other hand, he wanted to pass by that Gohan saw that he had kept his word even though he arrived a couple of minutes earlier than expected.

“It's almost time... it's 11:58 p.m” Trunks thought “damn, what a difficult decision... What should I do? Teach me as you always do, Gohan”

Meanwhile, Gohan was inside his house in his room waiting for Trunks and thinking about what had just happened a few moments ago at the amusement park, he thought about how he had roughly approached him to kiss him and how the child had section preventing it from carrying out such action. He also thought about how much time had passed since he proposed to come to his house, he supposed that it should have been 12:00 a.m but that was not possible.

“Trunks...” Gohan thought “ah... I have been rejected totally and completely but it was what I was expecting, having a tongue suddenly inserted into his mouth is something very bad, but... this is not the best time to get depressed!” He turned his look at the alarm clock “only three more minutes until midnight and then... then...”


He did not regret it, it was true that the dark-haired half-saiyan did not regret his decision to be closer to the younger, not only as his best friend, not only as his sensei or as an example to follow but rather as a couple , as a lover, his other half. He had been thinking about it for a long time and had come to the conclusion that, in fact, Trunks liked it, all that time he had been attracted to it; once he understood that this feeling was pure and true, he confessed that he really liked it. Since then, after that first time they kissed, he felt that he desire him and it, he how much he desire to possess everything of that lavender-haired child, he wanted to have his heart, his body, he did not care about the fact that that was morally wrong and in every way wrong, he just could not shut up what his heart dictated him to do and in that moment the only thing he could think about was having absolutely everything from Trunks.

“Trunks...”Gohan said loudly looking at the ceiling of his room “Trunks, I love you... more than anything. That's why I'm begging you; I want you to come here...”

12:00 a.m- December 25 Christmas Day

Gohan saw the alarm clock again, asked again why Trunks had not yet arrived, should not worry so much about it, would he? After all, he promised that he would wait until midnight no matter how much time passed.

"There's only thirty seconds until twelve o'clock..." Gohan thought “well, I guess he hates me from now on. This is a problem” he immediately got up from his bed and left his room to go to the main entrance of his house “whatever, I'll go out to check the situation” but as soon as he opened the door to get out, he found a pleasant surprise: Trunks was there, in fact he had kept his word and he came on time. When he opened the door, the boy fell on his back to the ground staring at Gohan.

“Ah...” Trunks wanted to say something but the words did not come out of his mouth.

"You were sitting in front of the door all this time?" Gohan asked, kneeling in front of the younger one.

“Uh... erm... yes”

"The ground is cold, did you know?" Said Gohan, helping Trunks get up, not wanting him to be on the ground, let something happen to him or get sick.

“I'm sorry and don’t worry, I'm fine” the embarrassed child said, some lilac strands hid his eyes avoiding any contact with Gohan’s eyes, there was a little moment of silence between them, they did not say anything, they did not look at each other, until finally the older half-saiyan broke the atmosphere.

“Well, then... I think it's too late, we should go to sleep”

“Huh?! Why?!” Trunks said without being able to believe what Gohan was saying, he did not realize that he had kept his word? “ah, but Gohan... you...”

"You don’t have to force yourself If you don’t want to, plus the agreement was until midnight, so it's over" Gohan said.

"Not yet!" Trunks said.

“"Not yet"? What do you mean with that?" Gohan looked at him without understanding exactly what the child was talking about.

"I mean, it's not yet twelve o'clock!" The boy replied, showing him the clock he was carrying and that was now broken, Gohan still could not believe that it was really happening “look! The needles point out that it's 11:59 p.m, okay? I came to your room before midnight; just like you said it. This was my decision, just as we promised at the amusement park”

No, that was not possible ... what was happening was just a dream, yes! That must be, just a dream, probably one where the dark-haired half-saiyan was living a "special night" but... whatever, whether it was a dream or not, he did not want to wake up anymore, being a dream, that dream it was very important to him because there were only the two of them and no one else around them. Gohan pulled Trunks towards him in a warm hug that the child did not know if he should reciprocate or move away from him as when he tried to kiss him.


“I'm sorry, but now I can’t stop now” Gohan replied, Trunks looked at him without understanding that he was speaking suddenly his doubts cleared up when he felt as the higher half-saiyan held him firmly from the waist and cornered him against the closer wall of the bedroom, his knee unconsciously pressed lightly against his crotch causing the child to shudder at the contact.

"Ah... no" Trunks groaned as he felt Gohan leave small kisses on his neck as he removed the coat he was wearing to ward off from the cold "Gohan wait! This is…”

“Trunks...” Gohan separated just a few inches to see him straight in the eye “listen, Trunks, I like you too, I like you more than anything and nobody in the world, not only that, I love you”

"Gohan... Gohan!" Trunks hugged the half-saiyan tightly in front of him and they joined their lips in a warm kiss, when they finally parted to catch their breath, Gohan laid the boy gently on his bed as he began to undone the belt that he was wearing, Trunks was looking at him with a blush tinting his face “uh...?!”

Gohan could not believe this was finally happen, he was so happy. He approached to the child with lavender hair to be on top of him, with his hand he held his chin to look at him and again began to kiss him, soon the clothes began to be a nuisance for the child, Gohan ended up taking it off while going through his body with kisses and caresses in the process to get into his shorts and underwear rubbing his cock, Trunks moaned but at the same time he tried to tell Gohan to stop because he was not used to being touched like that, the feeling he was experiencing it was strange but it felt good at the same time, Gohan stopped touching it to move away from him so that he could take off the only piece of clothing he was wearing: a shirt.

Now that they were on equal conditions, the older half-saiyan returned to his act kissing the child and dedicating himself to tracing his body leaving slight marks so that he would never forget what they had done that night, the blush on Trunks face increased, Gohan kept going down to meet again with the younger's cock and before he could do something or at least stop it, the half-saiyan had already put his member inside his mouth walking with dedication and slowness making Trunks trembled at the sensation, felt that his body no longer belonged to him, that technically it was leaving him to surrender to Gohan completely.

Gohan removed the younger boy cock from his mouth, some of the pre-seminal fluid fell through his fingers, he stared at Trunks for a few seconds and placed a hand on his head.

“Trunks... turn around and lay face down slowly” Gohan ordered.

“Uh? Lie face down? Why?" Trunks asked but his question was quickly answered when he saw how Gohan took him by the waist and arranged him so that he was lying face down on the bed “ah!”

The half-saiyan brought two fingers to his mouth, wetting them with his own saliva until they were completely wet, without thinking twice but carefully, Gohan slowly introduced the fingers into the child's entrance causing him to moan and shudder both in pain and pleasure.

“Ugh! G-Gohan, don’t do it!... aah! I-It hurts me" Trunks complained as he felt Gohan's fingers inside him moving in and out with rhythm and certainty.

“I'm sorry, Trunks but you'll have to bare with it a bit more” Gohan said, once the child's entrance was wide enough, he withdrew his fingers to replace them with his own dick, which he introduced carefully and slowly into the child's narrow interior causing him to emit a moan drowned by the pain he was feeling at that precise moment.

When Gohan saw that he had become accustomed to the intrusion, he began to penetrate slowly at first but then the pumps were rising in tone and this made Trunks give more moans of pain that tried to silence them putting a hand on his mouth, he hated to admit it but that really hurt, he never thought to end up in that situation, except that night and with Gohan, whom he considered an important person in his life but above all he was the person he loved.

“Trunks...” Gohan realized that his now lover was hiding his moans “you don’t have to hold back, I know this hurts but soon you will relax... for now try to relax slowly, I love you, Trunks, did you know that?”

The child just nodded in response because after all, he also felt that way, had wanted this for a long time and there was no going back. He removed his hand from his mouth and let the moans of pain escape while Gohan pump inside him, soon the pumps became stronger, faster and more accurate, replacing the pain with pleasure, touching a certain point inside Trunks that it made him moan louder causing Gohan to continue touching that point to hear those moans; he continued like this for a while longer until he soon reached his limit just like Trunks and both came at the same time, the younger one came on the sheets and Gohan inside filling him with his warm scent.

Later, both semi-Saiyajins were lying on the bed with the sheets covering their bodies. Trunks slept soundly and Gohan only look at him with a smile on his face, finally his greatest wish had come true, now he and Trunks were just one, they belonged to each other and nothing would change that.

“Trunks... thanks, thanks for everything” Gohan said waiting for the child to hear his words, although it was impossible because he was asleep, he approached him and left a kiss on his forehead.



Christmas morning...

The rays of the sun could hardly be distinguished in the sky covered by a slight mist that morning, there was a lot of snow outside and the branches of the dry trees were full of it, they seemed to pretend to be covered with a thin layer of sugar. Gohan was outside contemplating the icy atmosphere that surrounded his house while Trunks had barely been able to get out of bed that morning after what he and Gohan had done the night before, he leaned out the window once he finished dressing in the same clothes he was wearing when he went to his sensei's house and saw him standing outside near the entrance of the house. Gohan noticed it turning his gaze to see Trunks and gave him a warm smile, the first of many on that day.

"Good morning, Trunks," Gohan greeted him from where he was.

"There's a lot of snow here, Gohan!" Trunks said watching the landscape from the window. Gohan just smiled at him again and opened his arms.

“Come on, come down here, Trunks.”


The little boy with the lavender hair came out the window without hesitation and flew down into the arms of Gohan who received him giving him the hug that he wanted to give him so much, Trunks corresponded to the embrace of his sensei without stopping to smile, finally the most desired desire of both half-saiyans had been fulfilled last night, both had had what they wanted most: to be together and become one. Without a doubt, that had been the best night and the best Christmas of their lives, which was something they would never forget and would keep it forever in their memories.

Illustration for this story :

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