Hope & Spirit II
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
I thought to extend the "Hope & Spirit" fanfic where I had previously left it but, after thinking about it for a long time, I decided that instead of extending "Hope & Spirit" I will write a sequel of this short-fic at the request of the public and ... it's already here!

Before you start reading this second part of "Hope & Spirit", I will warn you that this sequel will be different from the first part, since it will focus more on the battles of our main characters (Mirai Gohan and Mirai Trunks) and their trainings before in their love relationship and sexual scenes. I may get to incorporate some explicit sexual scene but I'm not one hundred percent sure if that will happen.

I also want to let you know that part of the chapters are based on a fan doujinshi entitled "Gohan x Trunks AFTER" by Young Jijii, translated in English by a friend of mine in Discord.

Anyway, as always, "Dragon Ball" does not belong to me it belongs to Toriyama-san and Toyotaro, their anime adaptations, OVAS and films are property of Toei Animation but this fanfic is MY property.

I have nothing more to tell you so... let’s get start it!
Graphic Violence

Chapter I
Summary of "Hope & Spirit" first part:

"The Earth became a hell of pain, death and suffering due to the androids #17 and #18 ... the Z senshi and Bulma were killed, so Gohan and Trunks are the only warriors left standing to be able to beat them.
Gohan began to fall in love with his young apprentice, but he was aware that this was wrong so he try to avoid Trunks by scouting the cities to verify that the androids were not there. One day, scouting West City, Gohan meets a girl named Mirai and promises to make a better future for her and they become good friends, until Trunks discovers him and he gets jealous because he believes he is losing his best and only friend, but Gohan convinced him that this was not going to happen and the boy trusts him. One night after dinner, the two half-saiyan confess their love, become lovers and made love for the first time the night before Trunks' birthday.
In their next attack of the androids, Gohan and Trunks were dominated by them. They never saw such a great power in their lives, they felt completely helpless against them, during the battle, Mirai unfortunately lost her life and this made Gohan want revenge on the androids for killing her.
After becoming Super Saiyan II thanks to the words of his late father and after seeing that Trunks was seriously injured by the androids, Gohan manages to defeat them and bring peace to Earth. Three years later, Gohan felt that his power was not enough to defeat a nearby enemy, so he went to the Chamber of Time and Spirit with Trunks the next day so that he could start training for three years (three days in our time period) and become stronger."

"Well, Trunks, see you soon!" Gohan said as he walked toward the chamber of time and spirit, but Trunks ran after him and held his wrist to stop him.
“Gohan, don’t you really want me to go with you? we could be stronger together and defeat a future enemy!” Trunks said looking at Gohan with pleading eyes as he did when he was a child.
“I understand your feelings, Trunks. But I'm giving you the responsibility to protect the earth while I'm not here” Gohan said while he place a hand on Trunks shoulder “you shouldn’t lose anyone against whatever you face, stay strong just as you are”
“Y-yes... you're right, now that I've become closer to your current power level... I'm a little jealous, every time we train there's a big difference in our power level” Trunks said a little nervous as a drop of sweat fell from his forehead.
“Don't worry, if that's the case, I'll let you come here after I come back” Gohan said smiling.
“Really? do you mean it?" Trunks said excitedly.
"Yes, I promise!" Gohan replied, suddenly, both half-saiyan turned their eyes to see Mr.Popo walking towards them.
"I'm sorry to interrupt us, but we should go now, Gohan" Mr. Popo said with his characteristic Hindu accent.
"Well... good luck with your responsibilities, Trunks” Gohan said, he turned back and walked away from Trunks. The teen half-saiyan just stood there looking how Gohan walked away from him, he looked down at his hands, he closed them in a fist tightly, closed his eyes, opened them and ran towards Gohan.
Gohan was near the door of the chamber of time and spirit and it was about to open it when he heard Trunks calling him, so the dark haired half-saiyan pulled his hand away from the door and turned to see Trunks running towards him.
“Gohan! Gohan!" Trunks shouted as he ran.
“T-Trunks?” Gohan said a little confused, unexpectedly his expression changed to a surprised one when, suddenly, Trunks hug him tightly and kissed him passionately on the lips. Gohan closed his eyes slowly matching the kiss as he placed his hands around Trunks waist and pulled him close to him. After a couple of minutes, they broke apart looking at each other with narrowed eyes.
“Wow, that was... that felt... incredible” Trunks said sighing like an idiot in love and immediately he reacted “w-well... I wish you good luck with your training”
“Remember this, Trunks. I'm not going to leave forever; I'll go for three days, that's all" Gohan said smiling at his boyfriend. Trunks also smiled and joined his lips with Gohan ones in another kiss, this time Gohan was the one who smiled while he take back the kiss, but, suddenly, they heard a fake cough forcing them to break apart and they saw Mr.Popo who was standing a few centimeters away from them.
“I'm sorry to bother you again, but... Gohan, I think it's time to go” Mr. Popo said, Gohan nodded and walked away from Trunks.
"Well, I have to go" Gohan said as he walked away "see you in three days, Trunks!"
"We'll see each other in three days, Gohan" Trunks said smiling.
Now, Trunks was the only one who had the responsibility to protect the earth while Gohan completed his training. At the same time, Gohan entered on the chamber of time and spirit hoping that Trunks would protect everyone during those three days he was going to train, after all, the earth was in good hands; however, Trunks was not aware that a mysterious form of life was preparing to attack very soon.


The morning warm sunrays peeked slowly through the forest, illuminating the leaves and branches of the trees with its rays. Inside a bedroom in an old house hidden in the forest, a lavender haired teenager slept deeply on the right side of a large bed, that bed belonged to his best friend, sensei and lover, Gohan. The teenager stretched slowly on the bed and extended his left arm trying to find something next to him while covering his mouth with his hand to suppress a loud yawn.
“Agh...” the teenager murmured while rubbing an eye sign that he was still exhausted “good morning, Gohan...” he quickly get silent when he realized that there was no one sleeping next to him in that wide bed, he had forgotten completely that his love was not sleeping there with him “it's true, Gohan isn’t here... there are only two more days left for him to leave the Chamber of Time and Spirit” without wasting any more time Trunks moved aside the bed sheets, he got up and he left the bedroom that both half-saiyan shared, he went downstairs and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Once he had everything ready, the lavender haired teenager sat at the table for breakfast while listening to the news broadcast on the radio, apparently, a mysterious creature was stalking the nearest cities and absorbing people until leaving nothing more that his clothes on the streets and parks, something that made Trunks suspicious of it, decided to turn on the TV in the living room, he sat on the sofa with his tea cup of breakfast and he could see that the news announced a new list of missing people and most of them expected that Gohan or Trunks would appear soon to help them and keep them safe “it seems that the list of missing people is growing more frequently...” he got up from the sofa placing the tea cup on the coffee table and hit his fist on a hand with determination “I have no choice, I have to go on a scout”
Minutes later, after finishing breakfast, Trunks climbed upstairs and prepared for his scout through the nearest cities. He dressed up in a black tank top, gray pants, a yellow belt around his slim waist and dark green boots, he looked around the bedroom and took the sword that Gohan gave him three years ago for his thirteenth birthday, took out the sword watching the blade reflect the sunrays passing through the window, for a moment, he could see Gohan's eyes through the blade, but then he shook his head, put the sword in its holster and placed it behind his back. He went downstairs, opened the old house door and began to fly to the nearest town to begin his scouting.


While this was happening, in a town not far from the forest where Trunks and Gohan lived, a creature with Piccolo and Frieza aspect fused but in a more grotesque way and with a long tail that ended up in a needle similar to syringes was leaning among the trees of the mountains looking that town attentive to his next attack. The name of this grotesque creature was Cell, had been created by Dr. Maki Gero’s computer with the mission to take revenge on Gokū for having destroyed the red ribbon army when he was just a kid, unfortunately, the bioandroid was not aware that the saiyan had already died twenty years ago and that only Gohan and Trunks still alive to face him but the first mentioned was training in the Chamber of Time and Spirit so Cell only had Trunks to fight against him of course he had not known about its existence until that day.
"The wait is over!" Cell thought as he watched the quiet landscape in front of him "I've been absorbing human energy for a long time, but in spite of that I still can’t reach my perfect form... so I have to absorb Androids #17 and #18, then I can defeat Son Gokū” suddenly he could feel someone approaching to the town where he was waiting “someone comes... but I can’t recognize his ki, who the hell is that guy? I don’t care, as long as I can absorb its energy it's enough for me”
Wasting no more time, Cell opened its large wings similar of an insect ones and flew to the town to see who was approaching there and why his ki was so powerful. On the other hand, Trunks was flying over the village checking that everything was fine and yes, everything seemed quiet, people walked through the streets busy with their own business and some of them did not even notice that their earth defender was flying over them. Trunks raised his eyes and smiled at the thought that people were living their lives in peace after long years of hiding from the Androids.
“All right! today everything is at peace! that's good...” Trunks thought as he flew, but suddenly he stopped his flight path when he felt a ki approaching towards him. The lavender haired teenager turned his gaze and when he did it, he found Cell in front of him “what...? who the hell are you?”
“That’s something that I had to ask you” Cell answered watching Trunks fixedly from head to toes “who the hell are you? where are the androids and where is Gokū?”
“If you're looking for them, I should inform you that you were late for the party” Trunks said “Gokū died a long time ago and the androids were defeated three years ago by my sensei, Gohan”
“Gohan...” Cell muttered, so Gokū was not alive but Gohan was still there and could fight him “he was also looking for him, where is he?”
“That's something you don’t have to worry about” Trunks said as he clenched his fists tightly “I will not let anyone disturb the peace of the earth!!”
Suddenly, a golden aura covered the lavender haired teenager body turning him into a super saiyan in front of the bioandroid who observed him a little surprised and with his eyes slightly open.
“It seems that he has been training your body very well...” Cell commented “you are going to be a very good source of nutrition for me”
"Gohan and I are the only warriors who protect the earth no matter what happens!" Trunks exclaimed, putting himself in the attack position.
“Wait! would you mind if we changed places before starting the fight? I don’t want to reduce my energy sources”
“How surprising. Anyway, I don’t care after all! without wasting any more time, Trunks and Cell flew to another area to fight without having to end up wounding or killing people or, as Cell said "reduce his energy sources”. As they flew, Trunks could feel different ki in the body of the bioandroide “that energy... I can feel Gokū's ki inside him, also that of Gohan's dead sensei, Piccolo and... I can also feel my father's ki and another Ki that I had never felt before! what the hell is this creature supposed to be?!”
After flying for at least ten minutes, the bioandroid and the half-saiyan landed in a mountainous area facing each other, there was a silent atmosphere around them, the only thing that could be heard in kilometers was the wind that was blowing around disheveling Trunks hair lightly.
“What are you waiting for?! show me your power now!" Cell exclaimed looking at the warrior as he raised a hand.
“I don’t know your name or who the hell you are, but I will not forgive those who want to disturb the peace on Earth...” Trunks said angrily “here I come!!” he increased his ki and launched quickly to attack Cell, but the bioandroid stopped his attack blocking with his arm, even so, the warrior did not give up and launched a kick that Cell dodged without much effort and he counteracted his attack with a fist in the abdomen but Trunks knew how to avoid him in time. Both began to fight each other using their best attacks and techniques with great agility and skill, in a small oversight, Trunks sent a punch in the face to Cell along with another one and a kick in the abdomen that made the bioandroid go back, when he recovered from the blows he could see that Trunks was no longer there, he looked around but he could not find the lavender haired teenager. Then, he turned his gaze to the sky seeing that the half-saiyan was positioned a few meters above him with his arms raised and from them emerged a huge energy blast that made the bioandroid to open his eyes wide was he going to throw that thing against him? “take this!”
He threw the energy blast against Cell but Cell predicted that Trunks was going to attack him that way and then disappeared and teleported behind him causing the lavender haired teenager to paralyze at his mere presence behind him.


Gohan was at King Kai’s planet waiting for him to train with him; today was his first day in the Chamber of Time and Spirit he decided to use it going to increase his strength and power with King Kai. As soon as he reached the small planet, King Kai left his house and when he saw Gohan waiting for him on the brick road that surrounded the planet, he came to meet him.
“Welcome, Son Gohan! I still remember the day when Son Gokū came here” King Kai said as he approached to Gohan “and look how much you've grown up! you have become an adult”
“Thanks for the warm welcome, Kaiosama” Gohan said smiling at him “I came here to ask you if you can train me, please”
“Yes, of course I can train you, but why do you need to become stronger? I mean, you've become so powerful on your own, is not that enough?" King Kai asked not understanding what Gohan wanted to say.
“Uh... well...” Gohan said a little nervous, suddenly he could hear a giggle in his head and immediately Mirai images came to his mind, he remembered when he played with her for the first time, when she gave him a flower crown, when they made their promise and... the moment she died by #17’s attack “never again... I don’t want to feel weak when I lose someone anymore, even if I had to lose Trunks someday. Back then, when I lost my father, my friends, Piccolo and Mirai, I felt powerless against the androids, so I want to get a power that can’t be defeated, no matter what kind of enemies we have to face Trunks and I in the future”
“Hmm... I see that you have a great determination that I can’t say no!” King Kai said convinced by the half-saiyan words “I hope you can endure my severe training!”
“Thank you! I will not disappoint you!" Gohan exclaimed enthusiastically.
“But first, you have to make me laugh!”
“What you heard, you have to tell me a joke that makes me laugh. If you make me laugh, I'll train you.”


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