Hotel Romance
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Two part long fic inspired by "Ikoku Irokoi Romantan" OVA with the exception that instead of meeting in a luxury cruiseship, Gohan and Trunks were going to meet in a five star hotel.
Hope you like it! "Dragon Ball" does not belong to me but to Toriyama-san. Its anime adaptations are owned by Toei Animation as well as his films, the OVA that inspired me to write this story belongs to the mangaka Ayano Yamane but this fanfic is from MY property.

Dedicated to Lord Truhan and my mom ^^

Part II
The sun shone brightly in Tokyo, filtering through the windows of the modern buildings of that city. In a matrimonial suite two men were sleeping in the enormous and luxurious bed that belonged to that room, Gohan was the first to open his eyes before Trunks when feeling the sun filtered through the window illuminating the bed where they rested. He put his hands to his eyes, trying to protect them from the incandescent light, but as soon as he got up from the bed, he felt a strong twinge in his head.
“Agh... gods... my head hurts” Gohan thought bringing a hand to his head to relieve his pain “I’ll never drink so much again, wait a second” he reacted when he realized that he was not at home, in his bedroom, but he was in one of the hotel rooms where he worked “how did I end up here? and what am I doing here?”
He turned his gaze to his right, finding a bulge under the bedsheets, with his trembling hand; Gohan moved the bedsheets and found a lavender haired young man resting deeply with his back turned to him. Instantly the images of what happened the last night came to his mind and he was shocked, he remembered having been drinking and talking with Trunks in the hotel bar and between one drink after another, both ended up kissing and having sex in the just-married-suit where, supposedly, Trunks was going to have his special night with Mai. He came out of his thoughts when he heard a loud knock on the door, the sound of the wood penetrated deep into his head and the pain worsened more and more.
“Trunks! Trunks! are you there? are you still sleeping?" A female voice asked on the other side of the door, Gohan guess that it was the wife of the lavender haired young man. Apparently, she had not come to the suite the night before while the wedding dinner was held and she had decided to spend the night in her room. He heard grunts on the right side of the bed and he knew that Trunks was waking up “Trunks, answer me! are you sleeping or not?”
“Nnngh...” Trunks grumped rubbing his eyes tiredly, he felt his head throbbing for all the alcohol he had drunk last night, he turned his eyes to the door a little annoyed “what do you want now, Mai?”
“Get up right now from the bed and get dressed up, today we're going out for a walk and when we finish we'll come back here to check out” answered the young woman on the other side of the door “I give you fifteen minutes, I'll wait for you in the lobby”
He heard the young woman footsteps walking away from the door of the matrimonial suite, Trunks hid his face in the pillow and let out a frustrated sigh, he was beginning to hate his married life and he could not see the time when he asked Mai divorce her. He felt a hand on his shoulder and when looking away he found Gohan who looked at him with concern.
"Gohan!" Trunks jumped and accidentally fell off the bed when he saw the dark haired young man there with him “you... what are you doing here? what the hell happened last night? and..." he blushed when he noticed that both he and Gohan were completely naked and were only covered with the bedsheet of the luxurious bed “why am I naked? explain it to me!" Gohan was going to tell him what happened but Trunks interrupted him "you know what? better forget it” as he could he got up from the bed and started looking for Gohan's uniform, once he found all the clothes he threw them to Gohan, he jerked him off the bed and literally dragged him to the bathroom “went there and get dressed up, I also have to get dressed and I don’t want you to see me”
Gohan only accepted the lavender haired young man order, he shrugged his shoulders and began to put on the waiter's uniform, in a few minutes he would have to go to work and Trunks would go for a walk with his wife around the city and they would not go back who knows how long.
Ten minutes later, Gohan came out of the bathroom already dressed in his uniform and his hair slightly wet from having washed his face in the sink that was there to clear it a bit and see if he was going to get over from his hangover. He saw Trunks, who was barely trying to properly button his coat buttons, Gohan laughed at seeing how funny and adorable he looked trying to do that simple action so he came to help but Trunks just pulled away.
“Let me help you, after all, I have to compensate you for what happened last night” Gohan replied wanting to help the lavender haired young man but again he moved away.
“I don’t need you to help me, I can do this alone. It's just... I haven’t slept well last night” Trunks said a little embarrassed.
“Yeah sure. I don’t believe you that excuse" Gohan said, he took the lavender haired young man hands and pulled him to him to help him fasten the buttons of his coat. Trunks felt a blush appear on his cheeks, he felt so foolish to let a man help him put his coat on properly as if he were a small kid “it's over, now it's perfect... listen to me...” he paused for a moment thinking what he should say “I... I have to go to work, I'm late but before..." he placed an arm around the lavender haired young man waist of the young man with his free hand took his chin making him look at him to the eyes. Trunks felt his heart beating very hard at the thought that the man would steal a kiss before leaving but that moment never came, instead Gohan gave him a kiss on the head making the lavender haired young man blush grow more “my cute Trunks, you were amazing last night, you didn’t stop moaning asking me for more, do you think if we repeat it another time?" slowly the dark haired young man pull away from him, he walked to the room door and opened it “well, you have to leave now. You don’t want to make your wife wait any longer, do you?”

Six months later…

It had been six months since Trunks had slept with Gohan in the matrimonial suite of the hotel where he had married Mai and six months had gone by when the lavender haired young man had not heard from him again, nor had he gone through with him. To make the matters worse, his marriage with Mai was not paying off, in fact, the young couple argued constantly to the point of not wanting to be sleeping in the same bed and this caused Trunks to go to sleep on the sofa in the living room while his wife will spend the night alone in the bedroom they shared.
From time to time he thought about Gohan while he was working in his office. Would he be okay? Had something bad happened to him? Maybe he had been fired for sleeping with one of the hotel guests? then he moved his head from one side to another to clear those thoughts. What the hell was wrong with him? Why did he suddenly worry about someone he had barely known on his wedding night? It was not normal for him, he did not know what was wrong with him, maybe... maybe he was beginning to fall in love and love someone truly? impossible! he could not fall in love now, much less for a man, he was married, damn it!
Apparently at the whim of the universe, it decided that these two men should meet again and what better way to do it than on a trip that Mai and Trunks would make to Athens, the capital of Greece, one of the oldest, historical and famous cities for its archaeological art. The couple was in their bedroom packing their things for that trip, Mai was so excited that she did not know what kind of dresses she was going wear, what kind of shoes she should pack or if she should wear a swimming bath in case they were to visit an island and they decided to spend the day at the beach.
"Oh gods, Trunks! I'm so happy, I've always wanted to go to Greece" Mai exclaimed enthusiastically as she placed some summer dresses in her suitcase “these are going to be the best holidays of all, I needed to have a break from the routine, you know?”
“Mai, for the last time, this isn’t a trip for fun. We were invited to Athens by a company that wants to make a deal with Capsule Corporation, we will go there for business and nothing else" Trunks replied, destroying his young wife illusions.
“Hey, that's not fair! I also need to relax from time to time" Mai said annoyed because her husband had ruined the illusion of having a perfect holiday “I know that our marriage hasn’t given good signals for a long time and I thought that going to Greece we could perhaps... help us to know each other better and try to make the relationship work”
Trunks considered what his wife said as they finished packing their bags; the idea was not so bad. Maybe they could treat each other a little better now that they would travel to Greece and that would help him stay distracted and temporarily forget Gohan.


The flight from Japan to Greece lasted approximately fifteen hours, without counting the stopovers and constant plane changes. But all that was worth it because after a long time traveling, Trunks and Mai arrived at the Athens airport, a pickup truck from the company picked them up and took them directly to the hotel where they would stay for those two weeks. The hotel was not a luxurious one, much less a modest one, it was a simple hotel with a warm, cozy and family atmosphere, Mai was a bit annoyed because they had not gone to a luxurious hotel in the center of Athens but Trunks explained that he had not chosen the hotel, the company had chosen to host them there. To make things worse, the room had no bathroom, it was at the end of the corridor, it was cold, there was not much lighting and also had to respect the schedule that the hotel assigned for the bathroom use in the morning and night.
The first days in Athens, Mai spent them locked in the hotel room while Trunks traveled to the exhibitions and conferences palace to close the deal with the company that wanted to ally with Capsule Corporation to distribute their products at a much higher level than they had now. The dark haired woman was bored in the room waiting for her husband to come back, since there was no television, she could not take a bath, let alone sunbathe in the garden because there was a lot of wind those days and in addition, the owners of the hotel recommended her do not go to the garden until the wind calms down a bit.

On Saturday morning the wind calmed down a bit, that day Trunks and Mai had been invited to an excursion organized by the company that had invited them to travel to Greece. Mai was excited, she had waited all week to get out of the hotel and get to know the city and the tourist sites with her husband. The tour began with a visit to the Acropolis and the museum located next to it, after that, they continued the trip to the Byzantine museum, the theater museum and finally they went shopping and had lunch at a local market, where Mai was enthusiastic about see the variety of artisanal products and national drinks that was sold there so she could not help wanting to try each and every one of the drinks they offered to taste in the stands. Trunks tried to follow her and took care not to get lost her sight but it was impossible to follow his wife with so many people walking through the market, after an hour, Mai was in a drunken state that surprised anyone; Trunks found her buying a bottle of handmade wine in a stall and immediately ran towards it.
"Mai!" Trunks exclaimed worriedly, approached his wife who was circling around herself for no apparent reason and quickly grabbed her by the shoulders “Mai, what's the matter with you? You have to stop you are drunk! you need to rest a little”
“What are you talking about? I don’t need to rest, I-I'm fine-perfectly fine!" Mai replied, laughing uncontrollably at the amount of alcohol she had swallowed.
“Mai, I'm serious. You have to rest or drink some water, you're drunk and you can barely stand up" Trunks told her, he took his wife's wrist and started walking with her to get away from the group “let's go back to the hotel now”
"Of course not!" Mai exclaimed, grabbing the grip that Trunks applied to her wrist, she staggered back a little but could still stand “do you know something?” he walked a few steps and stood a few inches in front of her husband “how should be relax... it's you!" in an effort to keep her balance, the young woman pushed her husband backwards into the ground. She turned around and walked towards the group “guys, guys! What do you think if we leave from here and find a place to have fun and get drunk up?”
Trunks got up from the ground and began to run to catch up with his wife but as he went along, the street began to fill with people and the lavender haired young man lost sight of the group and Mai. He shrugged and having no other alternative, he turned around and left the market, what else he could do? He had lost the group sight and he did not even know where they could be now. After walking for a long time, Trunks arrived at Syntagma Square and sat at the fountain to rest, his feet hurt and boots were not a very comfortable option to walk. He was very hot, hungry, thirsty and completely lost and alone, he did not even remember the way back to the hotel.
“Thinking that Mai said that this trip would make us know each other better and we could strengthen the relationship but until now she has not shown a bit of interest in wanting to strengthen the relationship” Trunks thought annoyed with one hand resting on his cheek and his elbow resting on his right thigh “instead she decided to leave with the group being drunk and left me here, I wish I had brought my phone to be able to track the hotel address”
Suddenly, he looked up when he saw a rusty brown and beige motorcycle with "Capsule Corp." letters engraved on the engine approaching where he was, he squinted his eyes and covered them with his hand to shade them but all he could see was a man wearing a blue shirt over his white t-shirt, gray pants and black ash boots, he could not fully recognize him because he was wearing a helmet that covered half of his face. Trunks saw the motorcycle stop right next to him and heard the engine being stopped, he observed the man with curiosity but at the same time confusion.
“Hey, are you lost? do you need me to give you a hand?" the man asked who had not even removed his helmet.
“Yes! that would help me a lot. Thank you" Trunks answered getting up from the fountain and walking towards that man “thank you so much" the man smiled, he took his hands to the helmet and removed it revealing his face, barely did, Trunks stopped and his smile faded from his face “Gohan?”
“Hey, Trunks, how are you?” Gohan said happy to see his friend after six months without knowing anything about him “are you happy to see me?”
“Gohan, you... I don’t understand what are you doing here?” the lavender haired young man asked confused, he immediately reacted at the thought of thinking that Gohan was following him “wait a second... are you spying on me? did you know I was coming to Athens and you decided to follow me?! how could you do something like that?”
“I swear I have no idea what you're talking about” Gohan answered raising his hands in an attempt to make Trunks calm down “I just... I was riding around with my motorcycle and it caught my attention to see you alone in Syntagma Square where is your wife? You should not be with her?”
“I should, but... she... she has gone and left me with the group we were hiking with” Trunks replied, averting his eyes, annoyed when he remembered the little care that Mai had for him, maybe, if she had married with a different man, she would not treat him that way “we went to visit a local market and she wants to try all the alcoholic beverages that were sold there, she got drunk, I tried to make her calm down but she did not want to listen to me and she left with the group and leave me alone here, now I don’t know how to return to the hotel because I don’t have my phone to find the address”
"I see" Gohan said putting on a thoughtful expression and then he reacted “you know something? I think that woman does not know how to value you are, she doesn’t value the great person she get married and believe me that if you and I were together I would never leave you and I would make sure that no one hurts you, not like her”
"Do you really think that?" Trunks asked, glancing at Gohan while a slight blush covered his cheeks.
“Yes, I really believe that, Trunks. And to prove it, I'll take you to know the places you could not finish seeing with your group” Gohan answered who extended his hand to the lavender haired young man, Trunks looked at him for a few seconds and then took the Gohan’s hand who took him to his motorcycle, he sat down first and then Trunks climbed up behind him placing his hands around his waist but then he pulled them away and brought one of his hands to his head, looking away in embarrassment “don't be ashamed, put your hands on my waist, it's a security issue and so you will not going to fall”
-All right-Trunks put his arms back around the waist of the young man with dark hair, rested his head on his back and closed his eyes feeling his warmth but that moment was interrupted by the roar of his stomach, he was hungry, He remembered that he had not eaten anything at breakfast that morning except for a few slices of bread with butter and honey, Gohan looked away when he heard the roar of his stomach and smiled-sorry, I ... I did not want to ... -
"Do not worry, are you hungry?" Asked Gohan when he heard the sound made by the stomach of the young man with the lilac hair, Trunks only looked away, something that Gohan took as a yes-well, I know the ideal place for let's go to lunch and then we'll start with the tour-
"Okay, where is it?" Trunks asked curiously.
"Oh, I will not going to tell you. You don't want to spoil the surprise, right?" Gohan said, Trunks just kept quiet and settled into the motorcycle seat, the dark-haired young man started the engine and drove away from Syntagma Square.


They arrived at a simple but elegant restaurant with a beautiful view of the Acropolis. Gohan turned off the engine, took off his helmet, put it on the handlebar, under the motorcycle, and helped Trunks down by offering him his hand, something the lilac-haired young man could not refuse. They entered on the restaurant, a waitress approached them.
"Gohan!" The girl exclaimed, approaching to greet the dark-haired young man and standing on her toes, he kissed her on each cheek. "I did not expect to see you here. How's your mother and your little brother?"
“Hello, Airlia. Long time without seeing you” Gohan said taking back the girl’s greeting “my mom is fine and Goten has grown a lot, is no longer a child, in a short time he will finish high school and go to study at a good university as our mother wanted for him”
“Aww, that's very nice. You should be happy for your brother, I mean, he's growing up and he's about to go to college" Airlia said laughing.
“Of course I'm happy for Goten, what kind of brother would I be if I didn’t support him with what he's going to do?”
After laughing together and hugging each other, the waitress led Gohan and Trunks to a table next to the window from which the Parthenon could be seen in the distance, Gohan took care of running the chair of Trunks so that the lavender haired young man could take a seat and he sat down after he repositioned the chair instead.
"Hey, Gohan" Trunks asked a little annoyed by the scene he had just seen between Gohan and that girl "why did you let that waitress hug you like that?"
"Hmm, are you jealous?" Gohan said, looking at Trunks with mockery as he arched an eyebrow.
“What?! Of course not!" Exclaimed the lavender haired young man slightly flushed but he immediately reacted when he heard Gohan laugh “and what are you laughing at?”
“You don’t have to be jealous, Trunks. That girl is just a friend, I met her two years ago, it doesn’t mean anything to me. You know I only have eyes for you" Gohan replied. Trunks wanted to disappear at that very moment, Gohan was right, he had put together a meaningless scene for a girl who was only a friend of his and there was nothing else between them.
A waiter came over and left them the menu with the day's suggestions and other typical dishes that served in that restaurant, Gohan ordered Spanakopiropites and Trunks ordered Keftedes and for dessert, they both shared a plate of Loukoumades with a cup of coffee and tea respectively. At the end of the meal, Gohan and Trunks paid what they consumed in the restaurant bar, they said goodbye to Airlia and thanked her for giving them a table that had offered them a beautiful view of Athens, left the restaurant and got on the motorcycle again.
"So... where are we going now?" Trunks asked, watching Gohan take his helmet and place it back on his head.
"I don’t know, have you thought of some place you've wanted to go to since you came here?" Gohan asked, looking at Trunks through the polarized lenses of his helmet.
"Sincerely, I have never before been asked where I want to go" Trunks said "ever since I was a child, I have always traveled with my parents and I have never been able to say no, they did not ask me if I wanted to accompany them to a specific place or not."
“Well, today is your lucky day. Just close your eyes and imagine what place you want to meet, we are in Athens and there are many places to visit, we have time before the sun goes down.”
Trunks closed his eyes for a moment, imagining the place he wanted so much to go. When he finally had a projection in his mind of the place he wanted to go, he opened his eyes and looked back at Gohan who was watching him intently waiting for an answer from the lavender haired young man.
“I know where I want to go.”


Twenty minutes of motorcycle trip later, Gohan stopped in front of an almost desert beach, why desert? Because there were two houses in the distance but Gohan doubted that they were inhabited, he heard Trunks take off the helmet from his head, threw it on the ground, jumped down from the motorcycle and started running towards the beach but halfway there he stopped to see Gohan who was still sitting on the motorcycle, walked back to him, he took him by the hand to get him down from the motorcycle and started walking together towards the beach.
"It wasn’t necessary for you to drag me here, I could have gone alone" Gohan said.
"You did not react, so I decided to bring you" Trunks told him as he let go of his hand “well, this is the place I've always wanted to be since I got here but... I wasn’t sure if I should tell Mai, so I decided to bring you because... after all, we're friends, isn’t it?”
“Hehehe yes! of course, that's what we are” Gohan said putting on his best fake smile, Trunks returned his smile, took off his boots, rolled up his pants to his knees and started walking towards the water “‘friends’ yes, we will always be ‘friends’ and nothing else”
At sunset, Gohan and Trunks got back on the motorcycle and the dark haired young man began to drive farther and farther from Athens. Trunks began to wonder where Gohan would take him now, it was almost nightfall and he had to return to the hotel soon before Mai suspected his sudden absence but, knowing her, it is likely that she did not care where he was, so he decided to do the same: he decided to downplay the issue of where his wife could be now and he just focused on enjoying the trip and spending an amazing day with his friend. He rested his helmetless head against Gohan's back and closed his eyes as he let the wind ruffle his hair. After driving for a long time, Gohan slowed the motorcycle and turned off the engine for the last time, he took off his helmet and turned his gaze to Trunks who rested comfortably on his back, that image seemed adorable; nevertheless, he had to wake him up, because they had just arrived at their destination. He reached out his hand, placed it on the lavender haired young man shoulder and began to shake it gently to wake him up.
"Hnn..." Trunks murmured as he slowly opened his eyes "what's the matter, Gohan?"
“Wake up, Trunksie. We have reached our destination" Gohan said smiling, the lavender haired young man blushed slightly at the pet name that his friend had just given him.
They got off the motorcycle and walked along a path of white stones until they came to a yellow and white house with decorations made of mountain stones embedded in the walls and in the window that overlooked the garden, which had a huge swimming pool that offered a beautiful view of the mountain where the house was located. He reacted when listening Gohan enter to the house, Trunks followed him and entered after him. The interior of the house was not luxurious but not simple, it was a warm and welcoming as the hotel in which he was staying with his wife, he began to walk looking at the house, the decorations, the pillows and fabrics placed on the sofa that had reliefs and embroidery typical of the place.
“Gohan” Trunks said curiously approaching to the kitchen where Gohan was opening the refrigerator to get some ingredients with which he would prepare dinner that night “how did you do to pay for a house like that? I doubt that you have managed to pay for it with your work, or are you renting this house?”
"I have to tell you that this house is not mine, it's a summer house, it was lent to me by an old friend," replied Gohan "do you remember Arilia? the girl from the restaurant?" Trunks just nodded “a few years ago, I came to Greece to find a summer job while I’m on vacation with my parents and my little brother. A friend of my father suggested we spend the summer in his house to avoid having to pay for a hotel and he also got me a summer job in a local restaurant, since then I come here whenever I can. Now..." he opened one of the kitchen furniture, taking out two white ceramic plates with drawings of dark blue flowers and gave them to Trunks “there is a table outside in the garden, take care to set the table while I prepare the dinner”
Trunks nodded, held the plates carefully so they would not fall, and walked into the garden. While walking, Gohan could not help but turn his gaze to his backside and almost drop the board to cut the vegetables to the ground but then reacted and held the board in time. The young man with the lilac hair went out into the garden, looked both ways looking for the table that Gohan spoke of and found it near the pool, went to the table and placed the dishes, went to look for some cloth napkins and water glass and also placed them on the table. He walked to the window where there was a switch nearby, pressed the button, lighting the lights around the pool, illuminating the table where he and Gohan were going to dine that night. The window was opened again and Gohan left the house carrying two trays resting on the arms that had Gyros, Spanakopitas and a bottle of wine in his right hand, placed everything on the table with care and precision and invited Trunks to take a seat. At the end of the dinner, both young people were responsible for bringing the dishes and trays to the kitchen sink, and then wash them or maybe in the morning. Gohan walked to the room, opened a wooden cabinet that was there and took a bottle of Tsipouro, went to the garden where Trunks was waiting for him reclining on one of the chairs near the pool with his eyes closed. He could see that his breathing rose and fell slowly, a sign that he was relaxed, he smiled to see how tender the young man with the lilac hair looked when he was in that state of peace, tranquility and complete relaxation, shook his head to clear those thoughts and He approached the deck chair where Trunks was resting.
"Trunks, wake up" Gohan called softly, making Trunks open his eyes "I found something in the living room cabinet that I want us to share together."
“Hnn... what is it, Gohan? I was sleeping, I'm very tired" Trunks replied rubbing his eyes, today he had had an exhausting day touring Athens and was not in the mood to stay awake all night.
“It is a typical drink of this place, I thought maybe you would like to try it” Gohan said with a suggestive tone, Trunks was not sure of wanting to share that drink with his friend, not after what he had done that night in the bar of the hotel. He remembered kissing him and after that they had gone to sleep but more than that, he did not remember anything else. He reacted by listening Gohan filling his glass with that strange drink, placing two ice cubes and bringing the glass to the young man “and what do you say? don’t you want to try at least?”
"Umm... it's okay, I guess a glass will not hurt me" Trunks said shrugging his shoulders and accepting Gohan's glass with that strange drink. Twenty minutes later, both young men had already drunk half of Tsipouro's bottle, but being a strong drink made up of mixtures of different wines, they were too drunk to be aware of where they were and what was happening around them. Gohan got up from his lounge chair, a little shaken by the alcohol he had just consumed, took off his blue shirt and threw it on the floor, took off his white shirt and proceeded to remove his shoes, his pants and his underwear and socks being completely naked in front of Trunks, who could not prevent the blush on his face grows more forcing him to avert his gaze “G-Gohan, what are you doing?”
“I'll go swimming a little, I'm hot" Gohan replied, started to walk towards the pool moving his body and hips provocatively, Trunks looked at him covertly and then turned his gaze away again did not he have a shred of embarrassment? "you are not coming?"
“Y-Yes, of course!” Trunks exclaimed, coming out of his trance, Gohan smiled and returned to resume his way to the pool. The lavender haired young man watched in slow motion as Gohan descended the stairs of the pool to plunge into the water while his skin was bathed in the soft light of the moon, shook his head and began to undress quickly but with some clumsiness. Once he was completely naked, Trunks slowly approached the pool until his feet were a few inches off the edge, lowered his head to see his reflection in the dark water lit dimly by the moonlight, he looked up at Gohan who was swimming face up in the water, turned his gaze back to his reflection in the water, took a deep breath, opened his eyes and sat on the edge of the pool, placing nothing but his feet in the water. Gohan rolled his eyes, dived into the water, disappearing from Trunks's sight. The lavender haired young man looked around and began to worry that Gohan had drowned but immediately felt something grab him by the ankles and dragged him into the pool with him. Trunks emerged from the surface and began to swim swiftly to the edge of the pool and clung to it tightly.
"Hahaha, I can not believe you've fallen for that! hahaha, "Gohan exclaimed, laughing loudly as he hit the water with his hands creating light splashes.
"Shut up! that's not funny!" Trunks exclaimed annoyed as he arranged his wet hair with his free hand but only made him more disheveled and sighed frustrated "ah! I'll go find a spare bedroom to go to rest"
Trunks started swimming to get out of the pool but Gohan swam up to him and stopped him hugging him from behind as he placed his arms around his waist.
“No wait. Don’t leave" Gohan begged, hugging him but Trunks just kicked in the water and moved his arm with the intention of breaking free “please don’t leave. Stay! don’t get mad at me, I was just playing”
Trunks kept fighting and kicking to get away from Gohan and go swimming from there but after much trying, he had to admit that he would not be able to break free even if he tried so he gave way. Gohan smiled and quickly let go so the lavender haired young man could swim more comfortably, Trunks swam away until he was leaning again against the edge of the pool, Gohan just stood in his place watching him for a few minutes in complete silence, when they pulled out he held his hand out of the water and opened his mouth to say something but did not know what to say so he closed it again and dipped his hand again into the water. Decided, he began to swim toward the lavender haired young man until he was floating behind him, Trunks realized his presence but decided to ignore it; instead, he stared fixedly at an invisible point on the horizon. Gohan walked slowly in the water until he was behind Trunks and placed his hand on his shoulder causing the young man with lilac hair to turn his gaze towards him, Gohan slid his hand gently until it reached the left cheek of Trunks, they looked into each other's eyes for a moment before slowly approaching and rejoining his lips in a kiss. Trunks could not help but moan at that contact, he missed that; he missed that feeling and feel the sweet lips of Gohan on his, his kisses were unique, there was no point of comparison.
They broke apart after five minutes; Trunks stared at Gohan, he smiled at him as he placed his arms around his neck. In fact, Gohan circled the lavender haired young man waist with his strong arms closer to him, causing their cocks to rub against each other, this forced Trunks to look away to the water and raised his gaze to Gohan slightly blushed.
"G-Gohan..." Trunks murmured feeling his blush increase as their cocks brushed against each other.
“Trunks, I've been thinking a lot about this and... I know we can’t be together the way we want because you're married but...” Gohan said a little doubtful what he was going to say “I was wondering if you... well... you want... do you want us to be lovers?”
“Yes, I do. I want to be your lover, Gohan" Trunks replied and then he joined his lips in a new kiss, Gohan take back the kiss while he was smiling.


Since that night, Gohan and Trunks keep their relationship secretly. They saw each other whenever they could, sometimes Trunks told Mai that she would not go home because she would have a job until late or because she had a meeting when what she really did was to get away so she could be with Gohan and have a nice night together. Gohan occasionally managed to escape from work during his break, met with Trunks in a nearby park and when no one saw what they were doing, they took the opportunity to hide, kiss and love without restrictions either in a public bathroom or in a couple’s hotel.
They continued sneaking in for almost a year until one night, after having wild sex in a modest but comfortable couples hotel, Gohan and Trunks were lying on the bed staring at each other. Gohan was entertained stroking the hair of his lover, he only let himself be done but then remembered the reason why he had quoted Gohan in that hotel, not only was it only to have sex with him, but because he wanted to talk about something very important . For a long time, Trunks felt the need not to hide his relationship with Gohan from the view of everyone, he did not want to pretend that they were only good friends when they really loved each other and wanted to be together until the end of their days.
"Trunks?" Gohan called him out of his thoughts "you've been quiet since we finished having sex, are you okay? does something hurt you?”
"Uh... what?" Trunks blinked a couple of times when he saw the dark haired young man worried face, he shook his head and spoke again “no, is not that... you know? I've been thinking a lot about this and... I think... I think it's about time we made official what we have”
“What?! are you crazy?! we can’t risk, Trunks, what would your family say? think about your wife, how would she take it?" Gohan said, unable to believe what the lavender haired young man was telling him.
“What my wife says doesn’t matter to me and I don’t care what my family says” Trunks said “the only thing that matters to me is that I want to be with you and I want to spend these days and those that I have left to live with you”
"Okay, if that's what you want" Gohan said resignedly, lowered his head, sighed for a few seconds and returned to see his lover “but... if you really want to be with me, you must promise me something”
“Yeah, whatever. Tell me what you want me to do and I will fulfill it.”
“Promise me that you will divorce Mai, once you do that we can be together.”
“Don't worry, I'll keep that promise. It will be simple.”


Trunks was in his bedroom that he shared with his "wife", removing all his things from his closet and placing them in a disorderly manner in a huge luggage. The day had finally come when he would divorce from Mai and he could start his life again with Gohan, he heard footsteps approach to the bedroom and knew that it was his “wife”, who was walking there; he saw her shadow by the open door but dismissed it and kept packing Mai's things. The dark haired young woman stopped near the bedroom she shared with her "husband" holding a cordless phone with her shoulder while writing down some things on a piece of paper but then she put the call aside when she saw Trunks putting all his stuff in a suitcase, cut the call and went to the room.
“Trunks, what are you doing? why are you taking the trouble to pack my things "Mai asked curiously and a little suspicious as she did not understand what the lavender haired young man was planning “are you planning a private holiday? you didn’t have to…”
"No, these are not holidays" Trunks replied, placing the last dress that belonged to his wife, closing the suitcase and giving it to Mai "finish packing your things, take them and get out of here. I don’t want to see you again”
“What? Trunks, you...” Mai said without being able to believe what she was listening to “you can’t just get me out of here, this is my house now, it's our house”
“This is over, Mai. We tried to save what we had and it didn’t work" Trunks said, annoyed "I always knew we were not made to be together since we got married, now take your things and get out of my house"
Trunks passed by the young woman and left the bedroom, Mai stood a few seconds on the bedroom floor with the suitcase in her arms. She reacted, she dropped the suitcase and dropped it on the floor, left the bedroom, ran to her "husband" and clutched his arm tightly so as she not to let him go.
“Trunks, wait. Don’t go please, you can’t leave me! If you leave me, you will endanger your company and your family" Mai begged without releasing the lavender haired young man arm.
"You can’t convince me with that, Mai. I don’t even care what happens to the company" Trunks replied, he broke free of the grip that his “wife” applied on his arm and kept walking.
“No! wait! you can’t leave me because... because..." Mai said a little doubtful, she did not know what to tell Trunks to convince him not to leave and left her alone, she bit her lower lip thinking about a good strategy until she finally got it “because I... I'm... I'm pregnant!”
"What?" Trunks stopped his walk and turned his gaze slowly to see Mai “I don’t understand how this happened? I ... I don’t remember touching you”
"But somehow it could happened, don’t you think about it?" the young woman asked, she was desperate; she did not want Trunks to get away from her and end up on the street again.
“Alright, Mai. You win, I will not leave you and I will not make you leave from here, I don’t want to be a bad father for that baby that it comes soon” Trunks answered sighing defeated, he had no escape, now that there was a baby on the way all his plans to be with Gohan they had gone downhill.


Gohan come back to his home yawning in an exaggerated way but he could not help it, he was very exhausted and very sleepy. Well, he had not slept at all the other night because he had wild sex with Trunks, all he wanted to do was to take a bath and sleep in bed all day, he do not want to go to work today.
"Gohan!" her mother said, Chi-chi running to hug him tightly “I was so worried, I thought something bad had happened to you” she quickly pulled away from the hug and looked at her son squarely in the eyes seriously “don't go out again at night without calling at home first”
“Mom” Gohan said interrupting her and repressing a loud yawn due to the fatigue he have “I don’t feel in the mood to talk now, I'm very tired and I was working late, that's why I did not call. If you'll excuse me, I want to go to take a bath and a rest" the dark haired young man climbed upstairs that led to his bedroom and the bathroom. Goten's bedroom was on the ground floor of the house near the laundry room. He entered on the bathroom, left his phone in the sink, took off his clothes with his underwear, opened the hot water tap in the shower and when he felt that the water was at the exact temperature he entered on the shower, he took a bottle of liquid soap and began to pass it through his body. He needed this, he needed a moment of relaxation and loneliness from time to time without having to put up with his mother asking him questions about where he was and why he had not called at home, etcetera, etcetera. When he finished bathing, he left the shower wrapping a towel around his waist, he went to the mirror to accommodate his slightly wet hair but at that precise moment his cell phone began to ring, he looked away seeing that he had a call from Trunks? what had happened? why would he call him at that time of the morning? without further questioning, he picked up his phone and answered the call “hello, Trunks, what happened? why did you call me?”
“Gohan, listen, I... there's something we should talk about but I can’t do it over the phone” Trunks replied on the other side of the line, Gohan could see that the lavender haired young man was a little nervous? but why? “what do you think if we see each other in the park in ten minutes? I think it would be more comfortable for me to tell you personally”
Gohan did not know what to say, the truth is that he had not planned to go to the park that day but apparently fate was against him today. He sighed tiredly, had no choice but to go to the park to see Trunks, luckily, it was Monday morning and he supposed there would not be many people in the park, at that time of the morning everyone was working.
“Okay, Trunks. See you in the park in ten minutes” Gohan said, he cut the call, took the set of clothes he used last night to go to the hotel with Trunks and dressed up with that, he did not have time to change clothes, took his keys which left at the kitchen table, he said goodbye to his mother telling her that he would go to see a friend at the park and left his home. Ten minutes later, Gohan arrived at the park and upon entering found Trunks sitting on a bench, looking sad and crestfallen, the dark haired young man get worried about him thinking that maybe he had had another fight with his wife so, like the good friend and lover he is, he approached to him and sat next to him to try to comfort him “Trunks what's up? did you argue with your wife again?”
“No, it's not that, Gohan. It's... it's a lot worse" Trunks replied with his head down without seeing his friend and lover at the same time.
“What is it? whatever is happening with your wife, I promise that I will not get mad, I will support you in it if you want" Gohan replied wanting to give a positive look to the situation.
“I don’t think you want to help me with this... Mai... Mai is pregnant.”
“What?! How is your wife pregnant?" Gohan exclaimed, unable to believe what the lavender haired young man was saying "I can’t understand... when... when did that happen?"
"I don’t know, even do I know when it happened, I don’t remember touching her but... these things happen, don’t you think about it?" Trunks answered shruggering his shoulders "but I didn’t call you to talk about it. I call you to tell you that now that Mai is pregnant I will not be able to be with you”
“I can’t believe it, you promised it, Trunks! You said that if you left your wife you would be with me we were going to start a new life together!” Gohan said completely annoyed.
“I know I promised it, but I can’t leave Mai alone. I'm really sorry, Gohan" Trunks said with a lump in his throat, he got up from the bench and started to walk ready to leave the park but before leaving he turned his gaze to Gohan “but we can still continue seeing and meet whenever we want”
Gohan saw Trunks walk towards the exit of the park for a few seconds, he turned his gaze to his hands resting on his lap, closed them tightly in a fist, he closed his eyes feeling the tears come from them and quickly he threw himself to the ground hitting the dry earth with strength while he start to scream uncontrollably. Trunks had broken his promise, he had promised that they would be together after he left Mai and they could love each other without restrictions but that would not come true, now Trunks had to be there for Mai and support her with her pregnancy, there was no place for him in his life, all that mattered for him was his wife's sake.


Three days have passed since Trunks told Gohan what happened with Mai and from that day he never heard from him again, he did not even call him or send him text messages and this started to worry him, did he really hurt him? he was afraid that the news had affected him a lot. During that period of time, Trunks devoted much of his routine on work, sleep shortly and take care of Mai in her pregnancy stages, there were times when the young woman got up very early in the morning to go to puke or for a slight attack of nausea but then everything went well, at least until that day.
It was Friday morning, Trunks accompanied Mai to the hospital since that day she had an appointment with the doctor to check her pregnancy and see if the baby was okay, he agreed to go with her because he did not want to leave her alone waiting for her turn in the hospital waiting room. When the doctor called Mai, he asked her to go inside alone to do the control and that her husband would wait for her until the analysis was finished, Mai got up from her chair, said goodbye to Trunks with a hug, promising to leave soon and entered inside the doctor's office. Upon entering on the office, the doctor asked her to take off her coat to raise her sweater a bit to expose her abdomen, Mai obeyed the doctor's instructions while lying on a stretcher and with the sweater leaving her flat abdomen, the doctor placed a little gel on the woman’s abdomen and with a machine he began to perform an ultrasound to find the embryo but as the minutes passed and nothing was seen on the screen, the man changed his expression of concentration to a serious one making Mai get worry.
"So, Doctor, how is everything?" Mai asked concerned adjusting herself so that her elbows were resting on the soft stretcher of the office "is there something wrong with the baby?"
"Ummm..." the doctor said in a reflective tone and then turned in his chair to see Mai skeptically "so ... do you think you're pregnant?"
“Ah, of course yes, is there a problem with that?” the young woman asked a little nervous without understanding what was happening.
“Well, because according to the analysis I just did... you're not pregnant.”
“What? but how? If, if I've been having symptoms for a couple of days, it's not possible I'm not pregnant, you're lying to me, doctor!" Mai said, angry at the doctor's words and lying about her pregnancy.
"Miss, please I have to ask you to calm down" the doctor asked in a calm voice, Mai took a deep breath, let out a breath and just saw the doctor with her arms crossed “what you has is a psychological pregnancy, you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. You experienced these symptoms yourself, these symptoms are very strange but the symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting, are very common. By the way, I repeat, it's a psychological pregnancy, you’re not pregnant... I'm sorry”
Mai stood in the office in complete shock without knowing what to say, she could not believe it, she was not pregnant. The very thought of telling her "husband" that she was not pregnant terrified her, although, on the other hand, she could lie about what the doctor had told her and tell Trunks that everything was fine and that the baby was growing up very well inside her belly, yes! she had to hide the truth from Trunks, at least until it was time to tell him the truth.
“It's fine I understand it. So... everything was a product of my mind, thank you for explaining it, doctor” Mai said, she got up from the stretcher, wiped the gel from her belly, put on her coat and left the office but not before saying goodbye to the doctor shaking his hand and appreciating his attention. She closed the office door slowly just as Trunks looked up to see if his "wife" had left her check-up with the doctor, he got up from his seat in the waiting room and walked towards her.
“So... how was everything? How is the baby?" Trunks asked placing his hands on Mai's shoulders but she did not answer him, her eyes were lost somewhere else “Mai, are you there? answer to me”
“Eh?” Mai reacted, stared at Trunks and blinked a couple of times to get out of his trance “y-yes, everything went well, the baby is fine... I'm a little tired can we go home? I need some rest”
“Yes, whatever you say, Mai.”
After the doctor's visit, Mai continued to fake her pregnancy to convince Trunks that it was true that she was expecting his son. On several occasions she became self-indulgent, pretending nausea and even had been secretly taking drugs to stimulate the hormones. So the farce she continued for what would be a whole week, until one night, after dinner Trunks found Mai opening a new bottle of drugs, at first he was surprised but then his expression of surprise changed to an annoyed one.
“Mai? You...” Trunks said approaching to his "wife", she looked at him and began to tremble and breathe quickly by the nerves “what do you think you're doing? and what are those pills for?”
“Um... uh... the pills yes! uh, the pills are... they're calcium, I need it to strengthen my bones and the baby ones” Mai lied but Trunks did not believe his "wife's" lie and held out her hand to her.
"Oh yeah?" Trunks asked sarcastically "so if they're calcium pills you will not mind taking another before you go to sleep" he put on a serious look and extended his hand "give me that bottle, I want to see what kind of pills are…"
“No! I already told you, they are calcium pills for me and to strengthen the baby bones, why don’t you trust me?" Mai said moving away while hugging the pills bottle to hide the label that revealed what they really were.
“I trust you but I want to know what kind of pills are, if you run out of these ones you have in the bottle we will have to buy more. Now give me the bottle.”
“I don’t want to do it, you can’t force me to do it.”
“Mai, enough, give me that bottle right now” Trunks said annoyingly bringing his hand roughly to the wrist of his "wife" with the intention of taking the bottle of pills and see the label but Mai resisted and did her best to get rid of the grip that her "husband" applied on her wrist.
“No! and let go, Trunks!”
“Stop being so childish, Mai and give me that bottle now.”
With difficulty Trunks managed to take the bottle from his "wife", she stood there with a look of panic and her hand extended as if wanting to reach the bottle without success. The lavender haired young man looked at her for a few seconds before turning his gaze to the bottle and seeing the name on the label, he read the name in a low voice and when he finished he turned his gaze to the young woman completely annoyed.
“Mai, these are drugs for hormones?” Trunks asked looking at his "wife" with anger and annoyance at the same time, Mai just lowered her head and looked away distressed, had no idea what to say at that moment “why? did you hide that you were ingesting these drugs? what the hell is wrong with you? you know very well that we can’t made out, you would harm the baby’s health”
“It was enough!” Mai exclaimed exasperated, she was tired of continuing with the farce of pregnancy and now she had reached her limit “I can’t keep hiding this any longer, I have to confess something... I... I'm not pregnant” Trunks stayed in shock he could not believe what he was listening, Mai get worried and approached towards him placing her hand on his right cheek “Trunks, I'm so sorry I lied to you like this but...”
“How could you do something like that? All that time I thought you were pregnant and it turned out to be a lie!”
“Trunks, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, I never wanted to lie to you with something like that, could you forgive me?" Mai asked taking the shoulders of her "husband" and looking at him with pleading eyes, Trunks observed his "wife" for a few seconds, then pushed her away from him, opened his closet with rage and frustration running through his body and began packing his backpack. And just think that he could have started a new life with Gohan but he had to stay with Mai and all because of a trick that she had invented “Trunks? Trunks wait!” the lavender haired young man was not listening, he finished packing his things, closed his backpack and left the bedroom “where are you going now?”
“I'm leaving here, this time is final and you can’t do anything to prevent it” Trunks said annoyed “I'll leave you half of the money I earn in the divorce papers so you and your family can live in peace for a few years”
He left the bedroom and slammed the door behind him leaving Mai alone, the young woman felt her eyes fill with tears, she knelt on the floor and began to cry uncontrollably. Even though her marriage had been arranged and she could be a little carefree, Mai had started to care for Trunks but apparently, he had never felt the same for her and it was obvious that this would happen for all the arguments and disagreements they had throughout their marriage, right now she was beginning to feel guilty, she should have taken better care of their relationship and thought more about what Trunks wanted and not what she or his family wanted.


Trunks began to run with his backpack loaded on his shoulder faster and faster, he needed to do it, he needed to see Gohan, meet him, tell him how much he loved him and that he wanted to spend the days of his life with him. He knew that what he was doing was wrong, that he was making a big mistake in leaving a young woman from a working and decent family for a simple waiter he had barely met in a hotel the night of his wedding but none of that mattered now, finally he would be with someone who really loved him, he picked up his phone, looked for Gohan's number in his contact list, dialed the number and waited for the call to answer him. At the first call he did not answer, then Trunks dialed the number again, I wait and they immediately answered his call.
"Hello?" Gohan's voice sounded from the other side of the line in a tired tone, apparently the dark haired young man was sleeping after having a long day's work.
“Gohan! Good thing you finally answer me, I'm Trunks" the lavender haired young man said trying to hide his emotion through the phone, but it was not possible because he was so happy to hear Gohan again “it's been three weeks since the last time I saw you and talking about that... could we meet again at the park from that time? I have a surprise for you”
“Okay, just... give me twenty minutes and I'll be on my way.”
Trunks cut the call and put his phone in his coat. He took a deep breath, inhaling the cool night air and smiled, he adjusted his backpack and started walking towards the park.


On the other hand, Gohan cut Trunks's call on his phone, rubbed his eyes tiredly and stretched out, suppressing a yawn. Carefully he got out of bed avoiding noise, went to the closet pulled out a set of clothes at random and dressed in record time, slowly opened the door of his room and looked into the dark hallway that led the stairs, luckily there was nobody else awake at that time except for him, he left his room, closed the door taking care not to make noise and slowly went down the stairs but was barely halfway, stopped when he saw that the light was on and steps almost crawled towards the kitchen. She knelt on the staircase, sticking her face through the grilles on the metal railing, clutching her hands in them, saw Goten enter the kitchen with a sleepy expression, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk and some chocolate cakes.
"Didn’t Mom tell you to stop eating candy at this time of night?" Gohan asked startling Goten who unwittingly released the bottle of milk and cupcakes creating a mess all over the kitchen floor.
"Gohan!" Goten exclaimed, calming his little start when he saw his older brother on the stairs "I didn’t know you were there... wait a second, what are you doing up there on the stairs?" he leaned closer when he saw that Gohan was not wearing his pijamas “and why are you wearing those clothes?”
“I'm going out, I’m going to meet someone in the park” Gohan answered, he got up, finished downstairs and took his keys to enter on the house “please, if mom wakes up, tell her I'll be back soon... invent something, like I went out to do some things from work or something like that but don’t tell her I went to the park to see someone”
“Um, okay. I'll try to think on something" Goten said, looked away at the kitchen floor seeing the disaster he had made “I'll... I'll stay here and clean everything before Mom comes to see what's going on”
Gohan nodded, opened the door of the house and left, leaving Goten to deal with the mess he had made in the kitchen. As soon as he left his house he started running towards the park where he had seen Trunks three weeks ago, the streets of the city were dimly lit by night lights but that did not matter now, what mattered most was seeing Trunks again . After running for a few minutes, Gohan arrived at the park, came in and could not find Trunks, started to walk to see if he could get a little warm, he had brought little coat and it was cold that morning, he looked around looking to Trunks and finally found him with his back against a tree while his hand was strongly holding a backpack.
“Trunks Trunks!” Gohan said drawing the attention of the lavender haired young man, Trunks looked away with indifference but his eyes widened enormously when he saw Gohan standing there a few meters from him, as soon as he saw him, the lavender haired young man felt his eyes fill with tears of emotion, he quickly dried his tears and approached towards Gohan.
"Gohan!" Trunks exclaimed, hugging Gohan as tears fell from his eyes, moistening his cheeks. He broke apart a few seconds later while he was drying the tears with the back of his hand “Gohan you don’t have no idea how much I missed you, I haven’t heard from you in a long time”
“Because you don’t believe it, I missed you too” Gohan answered as he took one of his hands to the lavender haired young man cheek and gently stroked his hair “I missed you so much, I missed being with you, feeling your warmth and your body” he kissed the young man's forehead in front of him softly “and what was that surprise you had to give me?”
“Well, it's not a surprise, but rather a news” Trunks said looking at Gohan while he was smiling, he was so excited that he did not know how to start “I left Mai and now we can be together, I can be with you no matter what others say, Gohan”
“I can’t believe it, are you serious? this is the best news you've given me, Trunks!" Gohan exclaimed enthusiastically. He hugged his love tightly, he take back his hug and in turn felt how he was lifted a few centimeters from the ground just so that Gohan would take a couple of turns around him without stopping to hugging him, when he finished he returned to deposit him on the ground, they stared at each other eyes, while they’re smiling foolishly, they would finally be together and could love each other without restrictions and without having to hide from other people. It was still pending to discuss with Mai the issues of divorce but Trunks could take care of that later, now all he had in mind was to be with Gohan and live new moments with him.


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

