If you had not gone
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Three weeks passed after Gohan's death and Trunks couldn't forget him, he missed him so much but one night he would have the chance to be with his death sensei one last time.

Contains: Yaoi, Shota and an spanish song lyric, I tried to translate it but it sounds horrible so I leave it on the original version... I'm sorry.

If you had not gone
The night was come in Capsule Corporation, a lavender haired teen with no more than thirteen or fourteen years old was in his bedroom lying on his bed trying to fall asleep was not possible, turned his head to see the clock he had on the bedside table, although he almost never used it, it was 23:35 pm and he still could not rest. What was the reason for his insomnia? Too easy, the reason was that his mind lately was wandering in his memories and thoughts related with his dead sensei, Son Gohan, son of the also dead warrior stronger in different universes, Son Goku.

Te extraño más que nunca y no sé qué hacer.
Despierto y te recuerdo al amanecer.
Me espera otro día por vivir sin ti.
El espejo no miente, me veo tan diferente.
Me haces falta tu.

The dark-haired half-saiyan had tried to protect the earth as he could from the androids #17 and #18 until he died... Gods! It had only been three weeks since his death and Trunks was not able to forget him, he missed him like he had never missed someone before, he did not even feel the same with his mother when she sometimes went for a few days to work with her research, he could not stop thinking about it, nor could he forget the moment when he found him dead after having awakened from his unconsciousness.


Trunks landed in the semi-destroyed city, it was raining hard, the drops of cold water drenched his body and clothes, moved slowly through the rubble looking for his sensei's ki but no matter how hard he looked for some reason he could not feel it why? No, no, this was not happening... it was not happening, Gohan could not be...
"Gohan!" The teenager cried when he saw his sensei lying face down in a puddle of water which was slightly stained by his own blood, as he could ran to his sensei praying that he was only unconscious due to the lack of blood and wounds of the battle with the androids “Gohan, Gohan wake up... onegai, wake up don’t scare me like that!”
The half-saiyan with lavender hair began to shake the body of his sensei thinking that it would wake him up but there was no answer, using his strength he turned it until it was face up, the orange gi of Gohan was completely soaked and with some spots of dust was the product of dust and debris from the battle, his eyes did not reflect any shine but they were completely open.
“Gohan no...”Trunks said trying to contain the desire to cry, placed one of his hands on the cheek of his sensei and it was very cold... then, that should mean that... “No, no, no... Gohan, Gohan wake up! Wake up, don’t scare me like that”
Tears began to fall down Trunks cheeks, damn androids, now he hated them more than ever, they had snatched the person he loved most and perhaps forever, closed his eyes tightly with his hands forming a fist, his Sensei, his Gohan, was gone and #17 and #18 were to blame for it, suddenly the words of the dark-haired half-saiyan came to his mind, the same words he used to motivate him to become super saiyan, felt as they had an effect on him, his anger increased more and more, he began to scream under that intense rain while a golden aura appeared around him...

*Flashback End*

Since that fateful day, Trunks had to learn to deal with the three most tragic and painful weeks he had lived in his short life, there were days when he could not concentrate during his training because he was thinking of Gohan so he decided to spend those three weeks locked in his bedroom remembering Gohan and crying for his death, at the same time crying with rage thanks to the androids, he did not leave his bedroom at any time, not even to eat something, there were nights when he wandered through his bedroom without being able to fall asleep to the point of having horrible dark circles; if it were not for the help of his mother, Bulma, it was most probably that if he continued like this in a few more days he would have committed suicide but little by little he learned to get ahead even though he could not help only with thinking of his dead sensei every night.

La gente pasa y pasa siempre tan igual.
El ritmo de la vida me parece mal.
Era tan diferente cuando estabas tú,
sí que era diferente cuando estabas tú.

The lavender-haired half-saiyan again settled into his bed looking at the clock for the fourth time that night, it was 23:42 p.m. almost nothing to come midnight, he left the clock on his little table and turned his head to the window, the night sky was clear and the stars shone that night illuminating the room a little, he contemplated it for a few seconds, closed his eyes remembering the nights he and Gohan watched the stars when they went camping on the beach, he remembered how Gohan hugged him, kissed and touched him making him feel protected, again the tears fell from his eyes just thinking about those moments that he lived next to him, unconsciously he bring his hand to the mark that he had on his neck which was very well hidden, that mark Gohan left it the last night before dying, his fingers touched the mark making him shudder, as he missed going back to having those kind of encounters with Gohan where he left marks on his body remembering that only belonged to him and to anyone else but unfortunately those moments would never happen again.
“Gohan... I miss you, you have no idea how much I miss you” Trunks thought aloud seeing the stars “I don’t know what to do if you are not by my side, I can’t continue without you, I just... I just want to see you again, I want to have you by my side, Gohan, even if it's one last time and I can tell you how much I love you”
As soon as he said that, Trunks closed his eyes, falling asleep.

*2:36 a.m*

Trunks slept soundly for the first time in three weeks, was plunged into the world of dreams when suddenly the window of his room opened and a light breeze came causing a small tingle to the teen with lilac hair who stirred a little in his bed With a smile on his face, a hand came to his shoulder in the darkness and touched him with the intention of waking him up, the semi-saiyan did not react to the touch, then that hand touched him again and this time Trunks woke up, heard a familiar voice calling him, he rubbed his eyes already used to seeing in the dark seeing that in front of him, under the dim light of the stars was...
“Gohan?!” Trunks could not believe what he was seeing, his sensei, his Gohan, his beloved Gohan was in front of him had he returned to earth after training with his friends and his father on the Other world? Unfortunately, no, Gohan still had the characteristic golden aura around his head, so that meant that the dark-haired half-saiyan was still dead “what are you doing here?”
“Hello, Trunks” Gohan greeted him with a smile on his face, the half-saiyan felt a great happiness invade his body at knowing that Gohan was there, then he pushed himself to hug him tightly and the other half-saiyan corresponded to the hug with tenderness “hey, what happens? How happy were you to see me again?”
“Y-Yes” Trunks replied smiling and nodding “wait, there's something I don’t understand, how did you come here? Did you hear what I said?”
“Well, I was able to come here knowing that you missed me” Gohan answered “I want to know what you've been doing all this time”

El frío de mi cuerpo pregunta por ti,
y no sé dónde estás.
Si no te hubieras ido sería tan feliz.

Wasting no more time, Trunks began to tell Gohan everything he had been doing after the dark-haired half-saiyan death, he told him about his training, how he tried to become strong every day to defeat the androids, he spoke to him of how much he missed him, Gohan did not interrupt him at any time, he just listened to him but suddenly his smile disappeared when Trunks told him how much he had been suffering for not having him at his side on that difficult time.
“I couldn’t rest, I didn’t want to eat, it didn’t make sense for me to continue training and defeating the androids if I didn’t have you with me” Trunks told him, trying to contain the tears that threatened to come out of his eyes again “Gohan, I swear I couldn’t resist more, if I kept this up for even two more days I would have taken my life but I didn’t, if it was not for my mom's help I wouldn’t have been able to move forward”
“Relax, Trunks. You don’t have to be sad anymore, I'm here with you" Gohan replied placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.
The half-saiyan with lilac hair dried his tears staring at his sensei, still could not believe that he was there, maybe it was a dream but if it was a dream he did not want to wake up anymore, he hugged him again feeling his warmth, a warmth that he had not felt for three weeks, Gohan take back the hug bringing him closer to his body, after ten minutes of that hug they parted and stared into each other's eyes.
“I need this, Gohan. I wanted to see you again, even for one last time” Trunks said slightly blushing and wanting to look away but Gohan placed one of his hands on the teen's cheek, it was cold so Trunks shuddered at the touch, felt like the thumb The dark-haired half-saiyan touched his cheek tenderly as if it were made of crystal and was afraid of breaking it.
Trunks brought his hand to his sensei's wrist without stopping to see it, only a few inches break them apart; then the youngest half-saiyan decided to cut the distance that break them apart once and for all with a tender kiss that Gohan did not reject, that kiss transmitted millions of feelings and sensations that could never be explained with words, little by little they intensified it, Gohan took the opportunity to lick Trunks lower lip with his warm tongue asking to enter to his mouth, of course, the half-saiyan did not reject the invitation and opened his mouth a little leaving the wet tongue of his sensei to explore every corner from it, he let out a muffled moan in the kiss as he never had before.

La gente pasa y pasa siempre tan igual.
El ritmo de la vida me parece mal.

When they parted a little to take a breath, they kissed more intensely, Gohan's hands slid smoothly down the back and waist of the younger half-saiyan reaching the edges of his shirt, he put his hands under it touching every inch of his lover's skin making him shudder and let out more muffled moans as they kissed, Trunks brought his hands to Gohan's head entangling his fingers in their dark threads to deepen the kiss more, from time to time they separated to breathe, in one of those moments, Gohan took the opportunity to be able to recline the lavender half-saiyan in the bed while he carefully removed his shirt and threw it somewhere in the room, approached Trunks, kissed his forehead, his nose and then He began to trace a path of kisses down his right cheek until he reached his neck, to the place where he specifically had the mark he had made for himself. He kissed the mark, he licked it and then he bit it slightly, he younger half-saiyan sigh and moan, Gohan smiled at those adorable sounds but he was not going to stop, he wanted to hear more.
The dark-haired half-saiyan moved away from the boy's neck and began to leave a new path of kisses down his shoulder to reach his chest where he met with small pink "buttons" that caught his attention, without looking at least even with the tip of his tongue brushed the right nipple while his free hand played a bit with the left causing Trunks to shudder slightly and let out some moans at the attention he was receiving from Gohan, the older half-saiyan left the right nipple to be able to give the same attention to the left one.
"G-Gohan... aaah... Gohan..." Trunks moaned, biting his hand to silence the moans, but Gohan took his hand, withdrawing it from his mouth.
“Don’t drown your moans, I want to hear you” Gohan said, he looked down noticing that under the teenager's pants there was a little arousal “besides this is just the beginning”
He descended through his chest kissing every inch of skin, he stopped for a moment in his belly button introducing his tongue in the beginning to play a little and cause slight tickling Trunks who only laughed at it, never before Gohan had done something like that with him , the half-saiyan smiled at him as with his hands he took the helm of his pants and lowered them with his underwear throwing them to the floor, exposing his not so developed dick, Gohan stepped aside for a second to remove the upper part of the orange and blue gi he was wearing, he approached Trunks again and they kissed again intensely while their tongues played with each other; after a few minutes they broke apart, Gohan lowered his head towards Trunks excited penis, first he slowly licked the tip down to the base, running his tongue through the testicles, retraced the same path on the tip leaving a small kiss on it making the rhythm of the moans increase, then he put everything in his mouth, beginning to suck and lick.

Era tan diferente cuando estabas tú,
sí que era diferente cuando estabas tú.

"Gohan!" Trunks moaned, placing a hand on his lover's head, Gohan separated for a second to see the lilac-haired semi-saiyan with concern.
“What's going on? Do you want me to stop?" Gohan asked, Trunks could not respond due to the pleasure he was feeling, so he shook his head, the dark-haired half-saiyan took this as a good sign and pushed his cock back into his mouth moving up and down making Trunks moans increase more and more.
The teenager rested his hands on Gohan's head again, marking his own rhythm and sometimes releasing it leaving him to consent in his own way, until he felt he was about to reach the limit, he gave a last moan and cum inside Gohan’s mouth releasing all his white, thick and warm essence, the older half-saiyan swallowed everything and raised his head to give him a naughty and funny smile, he put two fingers in front of Trunks mouth who responded with a bad boy smile after inserting the fingers into his mouth and beginning to lick them, for a second, looking down at the bulge in the pants belonging to Gohan's gi, he did not care if that will hurt or not, he was already impatient to feel it inside him.
"Lie on your stomach" Gohan ordered, removing his fingers from the younger teen's mouth once they were completely wet.
"For what?" Trunks asked, not understanding why he should lie on his stomach.
“Just do it!”
Trunks obeyed and did what Gohan told him, laid down on his stomach and carefully the dark-haired semi-saiyan introduced the first finger into the narrow entrance of the child, giving him a small moan of pain at the intrusion, the saliva that had remained there before the fellation had stimulated a little more the entrance so Gohan introduced the second finger and began the swing while he delighted with the expressions that the half-saiyan with lavender hair put. Once the entrance was wide enough, Gohan withdrew his fingers carelessly, took off his pants and his underwear throwing them to the floor revealing his more than aroused dick, he took it and introduced it on the younger teen’s entrance.
“G-Gohan... i-it feels good... aaaah” Trunks moaned for feeling the dick of the person he loved inside of him.
“I know it, my Ouji and this is about to get better” Gohan said, began to penetrate him slowly so Trunks could get used to it.

No hay nada más difícil que vivir sin ti.
Sufriendo en la espera de verte llegar.
El frío de mi cuerpo pregunta por ti,
y no sé dónde estás.
Si no te hubieras ido sería tan feliz.

After a few minutes he moved his hips indicating that it was faster and he did, the dark-haired half-saiyan began to penetrate him with more strength and speed, both did not stop emitting moans that flooded the bedroom and their bodies began to shine by the sweat, Gohan took the Trunks dick with his free hand as the other was busy holding his hips and began to masturbate him at the rhythm of his thrusts as he concentrated on kissing his shoulders and his back to distract him a little, time passed and Trunks felt that nothing could be better, he felt Gohan inside him again and he liked that, but as always everything that starts must have an end and both half-saiyans were not far away from reaching the climax.
“Aaaah! Gohan, Gohan, I-I'm going to..." Just before he could finish his sentence, the half-saiyan withdrew his dick from inside, he laid Trunks face up and penetrated him again, Trunks moaned loudly releasing his essence again in his torso and the hand of the dark-haired half-saiyan.
Gohan after a couple of more attacks ran inside the teenager impregnated with his warm essence, neither of them moved from the position they were in, both exchanged tender glances that were at the same time accomplices until Gohan left the interior of Trunks, he leaned to his side and the minor imitated the action resting his head on his chest, the two remained looking at the ceiling trying to recover their breaths, when they calmed down, Trunks turned his head to see Gohan, who was smiling , approached the face of his lover and kissed him tenderly while hugging him by the waist.
“I love you, Gohan...”
“I love you too, Trunks...”
With those last words, Gohan got up from the bed and started looking for his clothes, Trunks just sat there watching the dark-haired half-saiyan dress up without understanding what was going on.
“Gohan? What's wrong?" Trunks asked, seeing Gohan getting dressed.
“I must go, Trunks” once he was fully dressed up, Gohan opened the window to leave but Trunks clung the top of his gi preventing him from leaving.
“I don’t want you to leave, Gohan.”
“I'm sorry but I have to do it” Gohan said, he turned around and knelt down to the height of the half-saiyan with lavender hair “listen to me Trunks, sooner or later we will meet again. Don’t drive yourself crazy waiting for that moment but I know we'll be together again, I promise”

No hay nada más difícil que vivir sin ti.
Sufriendo en la espera de verte llegar.
El frío de mi cuerpo pregunta por ti,
y no sé dónde estás.
Si no te hubieras ido sería tan feliz.

Trunks smiled feeling the tears fall again through his eyes but this time, unlike the previous ones, they were of happiness, they kissed for one last time before Gohan disappeared through the window turned into a bunch of white feathers, the half-saiyan with lavender hair contemplated the feathers flying outside the bedroom, he lay back on his bed and slowly closed his eyes falling asleep for second time in that morning.



The morning was present in Capsule Corporation, Trunks woke up by a knock on the door along with the voice of his mother telling him that breakfast was ready. The younger teen got up from his bed, before looking for his clothes he was seen himself in a mirror that was in the bedroom and he could see that the mark on his neck was a little red but not too much, he quickly looked for his clothes and dressed up trying to hide the mark, he left his bedroom a little more happy because what happened the night before. He knew it was not easy to say goodbye to someone you loved, but Trunks was already clear that he would soon be with Gohan again and they would have a new opportunity to be together.

…Si no te hubieras ido sería tan feliz…


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