Secret & Forbbiden Love
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
After breaking his friendship bonding with Goten, Trunks decide to spend more time with Gohan but with every second they spend together, they begin to develop feelings with each other, beggining a new forbidden and secret romance.

"Dragon Ball" characters do not belong to me, they are owned by Toriyama-san. It's anime adaptations and movies belong to Toei Animation but the fanfic is from my property.

Fanfic dedicated to Lord Truhan for being there to cheer me up when I need it most and for introducing me back to the world of "Dragon Ball"

“Son Gohan, you’re sentenced to six years in prison for the charge of child sexual abuse... that’s all” the judge said hitting his table with his hammer ending the session.
At that moment there was a lot of movement but the dark-haired half-saiyan didn’t hear anything... he was in complete shock, he didn’t know what to do, in his mind was the idea of escape, but it was not possible, the guards took him away, he saw people claiming, he could see his mother, Chi-chi, looking at him with disappointment, his father Gokū in complete silence like his little brother, Goten. In the distance he heard Trunks screaming, crying and trying to run towards him, but he couldn’t go after him because he was being imprisoned by the strong arms of his father, Vegeta.

How did this happen?

If the beginning of everything had been so perfect, so promising. Being happy should have been enough warning for Gohan, so that he knew that everything would fall apart in his life like a castle of cards once again, he was a great baka for believing that something in his life would turn out well, for believing that he deserved Trunks and the life full of love and happiness that both carried. How did you think something like that was perfect for him? What would he have left now that they took from him that which gave meaning to his life?... Nothing.

A few months ago...

It was a quiet afternoon in Capsule Corporation, as always, Gohan and Goten had gone with the firm intention of visiting Bulma and Trunks, they did not bother going to see Vegeta because he would probably be training in the gravity room. As soon as they arrived, Trunks ran to meet them, hugged his friend and greeted Gohan with a smile on his face; you could see that he had been waiting for them for a long time. Trunks took advantage of the fact that Goten had come to play together in his bedroom and perhaps give him a toy that the eight-year-old boy no longer used, until that point, the afternoon passed normally until both half-saiyan kids began to fight for a foolishness that for many people was common in kids of their age: Goten wanted to take one of his friend's toys to his home but to his bad luck he had chosen one that appeared to be new and was unused. Trunks noticed it and tried to convince his friend to not take the toy. Goten did not intend to give it back to him, he wanted to take it home, whether Trunks liked it or not and it was from that point that they started arguing.
“No, Goten! You can’t take that toy; I hadn’t even used it" Trunks said, trying to take the toy from his friend.
“And what exactly do you want it for? You have many, you said I could take the one that I wanted, and I want this one!" Goten said, moving away from the lavender haired younger boy, preventing him from taking the toy away.
“I told you I'm not going to give you that toy, Goten.”
“But I want it!”
Both kids began to chase each other and wrestle each other to see who would keep the toy, until by accident; Goten stumbled and fell on the floor making the toy slip from his hands, falling to the floor. Some pieces of the toy broke and this only bothered Trunks, who when picking up the broken toy glared at his friend, Goten on the other hand just lowered his head distressed by what had happened with the toy while holding his hands on his nape as Gokū did and sometimes Gohan when they were nervous or ashamed, he slowly approached to see Trunks who only held in his hands the broken toy without talking or even looking at his friend.
“Trunks, g-gomen... I didn’t want to break it...” Goten tried to apologize, he wanted to put a hand on his friend's shoulder but Trunks just brusquely pushed him away “why did you do that?”
“I told you that this toy had not used it! It was new, I had just bought it and you broke it" Trunks said angry.
“I'm sorry; I didn’t want to do it. It was an accident. If you want, I'll buy you another toy or we can fix it" said the little wild haired half-saiyan.
“You cannot, what you did it couldn’t fix it... do I tell you something, Goten? You're not my friend anymore, not after what you just did" Trunks said angrily.
Goten just kept quiet analyzing the words of the other lavender haired half-saiyan, it was not true, what Trunks was saying was not true, was it? He supposed he only said it because he was angry at him but he knew him and he knew that it would soon pass and he would accept his apologies for having broken his new toy.
"Trunks, you're not saying that seriously, are you?" Goten asked with tears coming out of his eyes, not willing to lose the only friend he had and the connection they both shared.
“Yes, I mean it, Goten. You and I we are not friends anymore” Trunks answered “now go away” the wild haired little half-saiyan did not move from his place, he just stood there looking at who was his friend “Did you not hear me? Go away!" he pushes him sharply "get out of here before I decide to throw you out of my bedroom."
Goten nodded, swallowed his pain as he ran out of the bedroom fast as he could just as Gohan was arriving to warn his little brother that they should go home, but as soon as he saw him come out crying from Trunks' bedroom he knew something was not right so he came to see what had happened and when looking at the door he found the little boy putting together the broken pieces of the toy that Goten had accidentally broken, he entered the room and knelt behind him frightening him.
“Gohan! Don’t frighten me like that again, idiot" Trunks said annoyed, still gathering the pieces of his broken toy, Gohan decided to help him carry the pieces he had gathered before to throw them away.
"Can you tell what happened here and why Goten came out crying from your bedroom?" Gohan asked, worried to see his little brother so sad.
"Nothing important happened, besides, why would you want to know? Goten and I are no friends anymore" Trunks replied indifferently, taking the last broken pieces to the trash.
"Even if Goten is not your friend, he's still my brother and I need to know what happened" Gohan said, taking Trunks by the shoulders and turning him sharply to look at him.
“Okay, if you want to know what happened, I'll tell you the truth. Goten and I fight over something foolish, are you happy? Do you want to release me please?”
Gohan released him although he did not quite believe his word, then he would ask Goten what happened in reality when he got home, maybe what Trunks said was true, Goten and he would have fought over something meaningless, something that is supposedly normal in many children and more if they are great friends as were two half-saiyans.
"Hey, Gohan, do you want to go train?" Trunks asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"I'd like to, Trunks, but I have to go home, and I have to look for Goten" Gohan answered. He got up from the floor and left the bedroom, followed by the lavender haired little boy.
Once Gohan found Goten, they said goodbye to Bulma and flew out of Capsule Corporation, as they fly away, Gohan thought he heard Trunks's voice yelling at him to come back tomorrow to train together or maybe next week, the dark haired half-saiyan laughed as he flew along with his little brother back home but his laughter disappeared when he saw the little boy next to him with a sad expression on his face, so he was simply all the way in silence worried about what had happened between Goten and Trunks, and the fight they already had.


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