Special "Visit" (Truhan one-shot)
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
One-shot which is a short sequel of a short fanfic called “# PL2 Lᴇᴄᴄɪᴏɴᴇs Iɴᴛᴇɴsɪᴠᴀs GohanxTrunks +18” written by HotGuyStorys on wattpad. I hope you like the one-shot, I had a really hard time finding the ideas and inspiration to order this properly, but I think I managed to write something more or less "acceptable". "Dragon Ball" anime series and mangas does not belong to me, they belong to Toriyama-san, its anime adaptations, OVAS and films are property of Toei Animation but this one-shot is MY property, and its prequel belongs to HotGuyStorys.

Special Visit
Trunks arched his back as he cum inside his mouth. Gohan just continued sucking while with his hands pinched his nipples, when he finished he gasped heavily and his body relaxed.
Gohan climbed onto the bed and crawled until he was next to Trunks, he placed a leg on his and a hand on his back, brought his lips to his and kissed him, Trunks could taste through the kiss some of his fluids.
"I want you to continue being my lover from now on" he whispered in his ear as he stopped the kiss. Gohan placed a hand on his chest and slid it up to his cheek.
"N-nothing would make me happier than that" Trunks mused then he closes the deal by retaking the kiss.

Almost three weeks had passed since what had happened at Capsule Corporation and since he had agreed to be his lover, Trunks tried to have small "casual meetings" with Gohan whenever he could, during school breaks, after school, when the eldest half-saiyan went to visit Capsule Corporation the times he had a day off or when the teenager needed to go to his home in Satan City to have a private "study session". Of course, they did all this secretly from others, no one could find out about their forbidden relationship as lovers, and why forbidden if you ask me? well, because Gohan was still married to Videl and although he did not love her in the same way that he loved Trunks, she was still his wife and he could not leave her, much less could tell her that he had been secretly cheating on her with a man, with a teenager to be more specific.
However, Videl could be a naive girl but even she could notice when her husband was cheating on her and she was already beginning to suspect the relationship that he and Trunks had, she doubted that the lavender haired teenager would come to visit them just because he needed a study session with Gohan. There was something else between them and yet she still couldn't figure out what it was, many times she tried to get information out of her husband but he simply avoided her every time they talked about what he did with Trunks while she was not at home and left them a couple of hours alone so they could study in peace. She supposed there was no point in continuing to question him so she would take charge of the matter in her own hands.
It was Saturday morning, luckily there were no upcoming tests that day and Trunks was flying high in the sky above Satan City on his way to Gohan's home to pay him a "special visit" with a smile on his face, gods, not two days had passed since their last meeting and he was beginning to miss the strokes and the attention that the other half-saiyan gave to his body. Thanks to the lessons he had given him, the lavender haired teenager was more than convinced that he had the knowledge more than necessary to fulfill all his needs and leave him one hundred percent satisfied, at least until the next time they had one of their ‘meetings´. Because he was distracted, he did not realize that he was moving away from the street where his lover lived, he turned around and flew back in the same direction, landed in an alley, as lefting it, he acted casually to do not raise suspicions, luckily there were not many people walking at that time of the morning, he left the alley and started walking towards Gohan's home, when he arrived, he quickly hid behind the dark haired half-saiyan car as he saw Videl leaving the house while saying goodbye to him with a kiss on the cheek. His hand tightened on the hatch of the luggage carrier in anger; however, his rage did not last long, he heard Gohan saying goodbye to the blue eyed woman and closed the door, she turned around and started to walk towards her vehicle but stopped halfway as she seemed to see Trunks hiding behind her husband's car.
Trunks hid his gaze and turned so that his back was against Gohan's car door, he barely peeked out to make sure that the woman did not approach to the car and discover him, luckily, that did not happen, Videl stopped shrugging her shoulders thinking she was imagining things, she get into her car, turned on the engine and left the house. As soon as he saw Videl drive away in her vehicle, the teenager half-saiyan emerged from his hiding place, waiting for the woman car to drive far enough away from the house to lose sight of her and once he made sure that the car was far enough away, turned on a corner and lost sight of it, Trunks began to walk stealthily to the huge house door, he did not need to knock because Gohan always made sure to have the door unlocked for him in case he came to see him and have one of his many meetings. He walked to the door, reached for the knob, and turned it, but it didn't budge, he tried again, but it didn't budge either.
“That damned bitch knew that I was coming and changed all the locks on the doors so that I wouldn't get inside” Thunks thought raising an eyebrow “unless...” he started walking around the house and looked up at Gohan’s studio window, who was on the second floor “unless I could get through Gohan's studio window how could I not have thought about that before? but, I need Gohan to help me to climb up...” he looked around looking for something to call his beloved one attention, he took some pebbles from the ground, walked a couple of meters from the window and threw the first pebble against the glass, nothing happened, he tried the second one and didn't get an answer either “come on, Gohan... what are you waiting for? come in and open the window please”
On the other hand, Gohan was sitting at his desk with his back reclined on the back of his chair reviewing some important papers that he had to deliver at Orange Star high school on Monday, but he stopped concentrating as soon as his ears heard a small tap against his studio glass window. He put the papers he was reading aside and turned his gaze slightly towards the window pane, a few seconds passed and a small pebble hit it, then he got up, went to open the window and looked down to meet...
“T-Trunks?! y-you... w-what... what the hell are you doing out there?" Gohan asked, leaning out of the window looking at the lavender haired half-saiyan.
“Could you help me up to climb up where you are? I have no other way to get inside” Trunks replied from his place. Gohan turned his gaze to his studio and started looking for something to help his lover to climb up with, he found nothing, but he had an idea that might help him.
“Wait me here, I'll be right back” Gohan said waving his hand as signaling his lover to wait, Trunks saw how the elder half-saiyan walked away from the window and crossed his arms a little annoyed, and now what he was planning to do? Did his plan consist to leave him there waiting the whole day? his mother had no idea that he had escaped from Capsule Corporation to visit Gohan that morning and sooner or later she would notice his absence. Anyway, not even five minutes passed when he saw some bedsheets fall from the studio window like a makeshift rope “use this! I made sure it was securely tied so you wouldn't fall off”
"Thank you, thank you, Gohan, really!" Trunks said in a sarcastic tone, he took the end of the bed sheet and started climbing the wall until he reached the eldest half-saiyan studio window. Once he rested his foot on the ledge, Gohan took the teenager's hand and helped him to get inside, awkwardly he shoved the bedsheet back inside before anyone noticed what had just happened and closed the window behind him.
“What the hell happened to you? why did you get in your mind to enter through the window and not through the door as you usually do every time you come to visit me?” the half-saiyan asked as soon as he finished closing the window and placing the lock on it.
“I swear it wasn't my fault this time, Gohan. I wanted to enter through the main door but I could not open it, I suspect that Videl changed the house key locks so that I could not enter” Trunks replied, but that does not matter now, one of his hands wrapped around Gohan's waist and pulled him towards him. Gohan closed his eyes as soon as he felt a pair of lips lightly brush his throat “what matters now is... that we are finally alone” the teenager added and then placed a soft kiss on his lover soft skin “and we can do whatever that we want”
“Uh... well, we cannot do what we want because, Videl left and I have no idea when she will come back” Gohan replied as Trunks placed kisses all over his neck until he reached his jaw where he placed a small but soft kiss, then he bit him making the elder half-saiyan moan.
“You said? you don't have to worry about her. For now, just think of us and enjoy this moment” Trunks said as he brought his lips to Gohan's earlobe, he began to lick and nibble it, lightly torturing the sensitive skin.
“Hn... sometimes you can be really annoying you know?” Gohan asked as he carried Trunks placing his hands under his thighs while the teenager wrapped his legs around his waist and in that way, they began to walk towards the bedroom giving kisses from time to time.
“I know” Trunks replied once he broke apart from Gohan and felt his back touching the soft mattress and his head rested on the fluffy pillows “but you love me that way” they continued kissing passionately but especially with hunger, Trunks placed his arms around Gohan's neck for greater support, he felt Trunks brush his tongue against his lips and his hips against those of the opposite one to urge him to open his mouth, Gohan slowly obeyed, feeling the warm and slick tongue invade his mouth exploring slowly every corner of that warm cavity emitting a loud, throaty, purring moan. When they finally parted for breath, Gohan slipped his hands under Trunks black long sleeved t-shirt and carefully removed it, pausing for a moment to study the defined muscles and slightly tanned pecs. Slowly, he brought his trembling hand closer to the lavender haired teen's chest and placed it there, sliding it over his chest, feeling his soft skin, gently massaging it, torturing it. His fingers ran into his nipples, pinching and rubbing them gently making them harden in a matter of seconds “Gohan... p-please... don't tease me like that... nngh”
“Sorry, Trunks. But I can't help but touch your nipples” the elder half-saiyan said while still pinching his nipples applying a light pressure on them, causing the teenage half-saiyan to let out a sharp moan, Gohan smiled at this reaction “I can't believe it, we have had sex many times and you still get aroused just by touching your nipples. Gods, you can really become a pervert”
“Shut up!” Trunks exclaimed but a new moan drowned his words, Gohan lowered his head and started to lick and suck his nipples playfully, this action only made the small bulge on his pants begin to grow a bit more “ah~! Gohan~!”
Slowly, Gohan began to nibble on Trunks neck, occasionally licking the sensitive skin. Trunks raised his hands to his lover's hair and wrapped his fingers around his thick and dark locks, the half-saiyan smiled slightly at the sensations he was causing in the teenager who decided to go further and began to trace a path of kisses from his neck to the curve of his shoulder, from his shoulder to his chest, from his chest to his abs and when he was almost reaching the bulge that grew considerably inside his pants, he stopped to look up at Trunks.
“What do you prefer this time? would you rather be top or bottom?” the elder half-saiyan asked the adult half-saiyan as he slipped his tongue mockingly over the fabric of the pants making both Trunks back and waist shudder at the contact.
“I... I think I prefer to be bottom this time” Trunks replied with a strong blush staining his face “but...” he got up as he could and pushed Gohan laying him on the bed and positioned himself on top of him with his legs to each side of his hips “it's not fair that I'm the only one who feels pleasure. I... I want to please you too”
He leaned forward keeping his hips pressed against Gohan's and began to kiss him slowly and gently as he slid his hands down the arms of the eldest half-saiyan until he reached both hands and took them, entwining his fingers with his. Gohan groaned low but barely had a chance to catch his breath after those burning kisses, he started to move his hips with a slow grinding motion that was guaranteed to drive Gohan insane from the way his hips answered. Once Trunks broke away from the kiss for air, he moved towards the adult half-saiyan neck and began to bite and lick it while releasing his hands from his directing them towards his shirt which he unbuttoned first before removing it and throw it into a corner of the room.
"It looks like you have everything you need to please your teacher" Gohan said as he looked at Trunks with a mischievous smile, the lavender haired teen crotch was starting to wake up, forming a small but notorious bulge in his white shorts “but... let me see how much knowledge you have acquired”
Temptingly, he brushed his hips against Trunks ones and held a gasp at the contact of their erections pressing together, he could hear the teenager moan as their erections brushed and that aroused him more but he was going to hold back and wait, he was planning to provoke him, torture him, to see him begging for more, pray to penetrate him uncontrollably so he could leave him unable to walk for a while. Without wasting any more time, Gohan brought his lips back to Trunks neck, stuck out his tongue and began to lick, kiss and suck that already sensitive area, making the half-saiyan moan louder.
“G-Gohan! ooh... Gohan...” Trunks moaned as he felt his lover's warm breath near his neck but suddenly he jumped a little as he felt teeth biting the skin of his neck sending electric shocks of pleasure from that sensitive area of his neck to his lower regions, causing his cock to throb with impatience for the much-desired release and much-damned-needed attention “damn it, Gohan... s-stop teasing me! alright?”
“Is this way that you talk to your elders?” Gohan asked pretending that he was angry with Trunks for the way he spoke to him, he turned away from the teenager and brought his hands to the edge of his white shorts “I have no choice but to punish you for talking to your teacher like that”
“W-what? no, Gohan, wait!” Trunks said trying to stop him, but it was too late, the dark haired half-saiyan had already taken the edge of his white shorts and pull them down along with his underwear exposing his erection. The teenager tried to find something to cover his lower area with no success, it is true that he had sex with Gohan many times, but he felt embarrassed of having to be naked from the waist down in front of his lover. Gohan noticed that his lavender haired lover was trying to find something to cover himself but he knew how to avoid it by grabbing his wrists and pressing them gently against the mattress “G-Gohan...?”
"It is not worth covering" the adult half-saiyan told him, immediately, he took a pair of handcuffs from the drawer of the night table and placed them around Trunks wrists immobilizing him “now, keep your hands still and wait for me here, the punishment is not over yet”
After saying this, Gohan got out of bed and left the bedroom leaving the lavender haired teenager completely alone, lying on that huge bed with handcuffed wrists and his chest rising and falling due to his ragged breathing. No more than ten minutes passed when the dark haired half-saiyan entered back on the bedroom carrying a small bottle of lube gel in his hand and in the other carrying a kind of strange machine, before Trunks could ask him what that machine was for, Gohan sat next to him on the mattress and plugged that machine into one of the outlets near the nightstand.
"What did you bring now?" Trunks asked but he was interrupted by Gohan before he could say anything else.
“Keep the questions for later, this is something that will help prolong your punishment” Gohan replied, he placed the small bottle on the nightstand, took the Trunks erect cock with one hand and positioned it so that it could fit inside that machine, he pressed a button to turn it on and the teenager could feel an electric current go through his entire spine as he threw his head back.
“A-ah! Aaah! G-Gohan... ooh Gohan!" the dark haired half-saiyan smiled as he looked at the expressions Trunks put on as the machine began to lightly press around his erect cock as if sucking it in tortuous way “ah... ah!... stop... stop ngh! I’m sorry okay? I'm sorry, I will never speak to you like that again”
“Are you sure?” the adult half-saiyan asked without removing his hands from the machine “I hope you're not lying because if that's the case…” the speed in the suctions that that strange sex toy provided began to increase a little more “I could turn your punishment into a torture”
“Y-yes, I'm sure of that.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, I promise. Please, Gohan! turn off that thing, I want to feel you sucking my cock, not this!” the lavender haired teenager begged as he made a great effort to suppress his moans.
“All right, okay, I think you've had enough punishment” Gohan said, turning off the sex toy and carefully removed Trunks cock inside of it, he lowered his head until it was only inches from his navel, stuck out his tongue and started licking and playing with it, tracing wet circles around his belly, Trunks's waist began to move slowly at the warm but wet touches, he trembled when he felt Gohan put his erect cock in his mouth and began to lick it gently.
"Ahhhh... Gohaaan!" Trunks yelled, if he didn't have his wrists handcuffed maybe he could put his hands on Gohan's head so he could set his own rhythm, but Gohan was the one who was on top this time so the teenager let him move his head around his cock the way he wanted “m-more... please, Gohan... nngh”
Gohan removed his lover's erect cock off his mouth to remove his pants and expose his own erection, Trunks got up from the bed as he could and moved his hips brushing their erections even more as he leaned down to kiss Gohan while he placed his handcuffed arms around the elder half-saiyan's neck in an attempt to deepen the kiss.
"You're getting good at kissing, you know?" Gohan commented growling between kisses.
"Thank you, I have a good teacher, you know?" Trunks replied, smiling softly, bringing his handcuffed hands towards Gohan's nipples to start pinching them, gaining a moan from the dark haired man, he brought his mouth to his nipples and started to kiss, lick, suck and rub them between his fingers getting more moans from the half-saiyan in front of him “your nipples are so sensitive, Gohan. Besides, you always make such cute noises when I touch them...”
The eldest half-saiyan blushed furiously, Trunks loved to see Gohan like that, to know each of his weak points and everything that made him get hot and aroused. He ran his fingers through Gohan's dark pubic hair until he reached his crotch, but before the teenager could even touch him, Gohan took a small metal key from his night table drawer and with it removed the handcuffs releasing his wrists, after setting the handcuffs aside, the half-saiyan took both cocks with his hand and began rubbing them together creating a joint masturbation, causing Trunks to shiver with pleasure, some pre-cum began to flow from the tips of both members.
“If you thought that was all I had to show you, you're wrong” Gohan told him, he released his penis and Trunks one while he swirl his index finger “turn around” Trunks blushed violently but obeyed and accommodated himself so that they were in the well-known sixty-nine position. Gohan’s hard cock was in front of the teenager's face, the intoxicating and manly musk that emanated from his body made him begin to act lustfully, hungrily, and desperate, begging for more, suck him and made him not stop. The lavender haired half-saiyan nodded and wrapped the tip of his lover's cock with his warm lips, slipped his tongue around the sensitive skin and started sucking on it, Gohan groaned and waited for Trunks to suck more before he could begin to suck his cock. Thrusting his mouth, the teenager licked and sucked every inch of that huge piece of meat and then inserted the length completely into his mouth. Gohan had more than enough waiting for Trunks and decided to insert his lover's weeping cock into his mouth to start licking and sucking it, the teenager moaned around his cock, he took it off while looking at the older half-saiyan in shock, this one she frowned and slapped him on the left buttock as punishment “don’t stop sucking” Trunks obeyed again and thrust Gohan's erection into his mouth, sucking, sucking, shaking his head as he slid his tongue through the throbbing veins protruding from the skin. The older half-saiyan moaned in pleasure, looked down at the nightstand, took the small bottle of lube with a trembling hand and poured a little on his fingers, moistening them as he continued to suck on Trunks cock, making sure to drain every drop of pre-cum. He brought his lubricated fingers to the teenager ass hole and slid one through the tight muscled passage, suddenly, Trunks put aside his work and removed his lover's member from his mouth to let out a loud moan “what was it? what did I said? don’t stop sucking, Trunks or do you want to receive another slap in your beautiful ass?” the teenager shook his head in denial and continued sucking the half-saiyan cock “aah... there, that's better...”
Trunks's cock began to throb with anxiety and Gohan could see that he was close to cum, he inserted a second finger and moved it in and out of the narrow passage of Trunks while his free hand began to masturbate the teenager throbbing cock. Trunks moans intensified as soon as the dark haired man felt his release approach but decided to play a bit more. He leaned his head forward and ran his tongue over his lover's balls, feeling the contact of Gohan's tongue with his balls, the lavender haired teenager could not contain himself anymore and as soon as Gohan started playing with his balls, he came forcefully spraying his sperm all over Gohan's chest, dirtying his shirt in the process, his moans sent intense vibrations through his erection “ohhh... Trunks gods!” Gohan groaned and pulled his own cock out of Trunks mouth, the latter was about to complain but the man cut him off “I think you're more than ready to get fucked” he took his off fingers from Trunks ass hole and lifted him so that they were face to face with Trunks sitting on his lap “come on, you know what to do... after all we've done it many times” the teenager introduced his lover's erection inside him with a smooth movement, he arched his back when Gohan brushed his P point as soon as he invaded his insides. Soon, Gohan was completely inside the teenager, making them both scream with pleasure “Kamisama, Trunks... your interior is so warm and tight”
“Gohan...” Trunks said making an enormous effort not to cum at that precise moment as he looked at his lover with his glassy blue eyes, product of the tears that appeared through these “fuck me, please... fuck me harder and faster” Gohan obeyed and started to ram him in a way that made them both scream with pleasure, the dark haired man thrusted Trunks as he gasped and moaned, throwing his head back at the sensation, as much as he tried to deny it, he was sure that he would never get tired of these meetings with Gohan and even less if these encounters ended with both of them having sex “Gohan, more... faster, please... more!" Gohan nodded and increased the speed of his lunges brushing the P point inside Trunks that made him delirious with pleasure and shortly after they reached climax, both moaning with pleasure and releasing their essences, Gohan ran inside Trunks and the latter between their abs. Both collapsed onto the huge bed, panting and sweating, Gohan paused for a few moments trying to calm his breathing before removing his cock off his lover's inside and placed Trunks next to him, gently removing his lavender hair from his eyes “I love you, Gohan...”
"I... I love you too..." Gohan replied smiling softly, but his smile faded when he saw the time on the alarm clock “Trunks, you have to leave as soon as possible”
“What? why?”
“Videl will be back soon and... and he can't see us like this, hurry!” Gohan said, he got up from the bed and started to pick up his clothes and Trunks clothes “get dressed and get out of here now!” the half-saiyan did not comply with the Gohan's order and just started dressing next to him, as soon as they finished they left the bedroom and went to the studio, Gohan opened the window and took out the makeshift rope that he made out of bedsheets again “well, see you at school on Monday, Trunks”
“Sure, Gohan. We will see each other again at school or maybe the next time when we have a meeting” Trunks said winking at him, Gohan laughed softly shaking his head, the teenager was about to leave but Gohan stopped him in time holding him by the wrist “what happens...?”
He could not continue speaking as Gohan drew him to him joining his lips in a soft but burning kiss, a kiss that Trunks would not waste the opportunity to reciprocate by placing his hands around the neck of his lover, wrapping his fingers in his black hair at the time their tongues played in and out of their mouths. They separated minutes later, breathing hard and with a fine thread of saliva joining their mouths.
"So you don't have want to wait until our next meeting, my love" the elder half-saiyan whispered as soon as they pull away from that kiss, Trunks licked his lips, he swallowed, turned his gaze back to the window and prepared to leave.
"S-sure, we... we’ll see you on Monday" Trunks told him, waved goodbye to his lover and went down from the window using the sheets that Gohan had given him earlier to climb the wall and enter the house. Just when Trunks was gone, the dark haired half-saiyan saw his wife's car enter on the property, quickly he entered the bedsheets, untied them from the leg of his desk, stored them as best he could inside his bedroom closet, he closed the window and pretended to be busy with his work before his wife entered inside the house and went upstairs to see how he was, but, for some reason, his mind began to wander and led him to think of Trunks gods! he was eager for their next meeting to come as soon as possible.


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