The planet of Mystery
by N3k00-Ch4N     More by this Writer
Science Fiction AU partly inspired not only by this main idea but also by “Ai no Kusabi” two part OVA and also is inspired on a French film called “Planete Sauvage” from 1976.

In this story, Vejitaseii was never destroyed by Freeza although some saiyans continue join in missions which were involved on conquering and depopulating planets for begin used by other alien species, the earthlings are aware of the saiyans existence and their powers, as well as other entities that inhabit the universe because some saiyans have settled on earth like Gokū’s case and formed offspring there, who have never known Vejitaseii, their parents homeplanet.

However, not everything is at it seems, spaceships are sent from Earth to capture different alien species that inhabit the universe and later put them up for adoption as pets to earthlings.

I hope you enjoy this fanfic, it may take some time for the updates to arrive, but I am sure it will be worth it because I promise you that I will do everything possible to make the story interesting.

"Dragon Ball" does not belong to me it belongs to Toriyama-san, adaptations, OVAS and films are property of Toei Animation, "Ai no Kusabi" novel from which I was inspired does not belong to me either, it belongs to Rieko Yoshihara. But this fanfic and the idea behind it are from MY property.
Male Pregnancy

Prologue: Saiyan’s life and conditions.

Saiyans are a naturally aggressive race of aliens that supposedly strives to want to be the strongest, most dominant, and most powerful race in the universe. They are sent to different planets by their king to execute a particular mission, such missions would be: destroy planets, conquer them, or depopulate them so that they can be used by another alien race that inhabits the vast universe.
For this type of mission, Saiyans have a powerful military army, the Saiyan elite army, but also in another universe there is a different kind of Saiyajin that instead of destroying or conquering planets, they work hard to protect them, protect the universe. and get rid of evildoers. This type of Saiyans are known as "Heroes of the Justice" who also have their own elite unit in charge of protecting their home planet, called the Sadala army.

But we are not going to talk about planet Sadala Saiyans, in this informative writing we are going to talk more about the already known universe seven Saiyans, those who live on planet Vejitaseii (formerly called Planet Plant): Vejitaseii Saiyans. We will talk about both their physiology and sociology, their behavior with each other or with the environment that surrounds them and the technology they use.


A Saiyan could be considered a cross between man and ape or the so-called "missing link." They have the intelligence and most of the features of an ordinary human but on their lower back they have a furry tail similar to a monkey one, as well as wild and primitive behavior very characteristic of apes. In general, their bodies are well formed as well as their race in general due to their hostile environment, their bone structure is much more complex and dense than that of any normal human due to the increase in gravity in their home world, which is ten times higher than that of the earth.
Due to increased gravity and brutal living conditions, Saiyans have a much higher metabolism that forces them to consume large amounts of food or energy in order to survive, their high metabolism fuels their physiology and endows them with an unique healing power which also gives them the ability to control ki at higher levels compared to other species and acquire various transformations, this explains why the Saiyans have such a voracious appetite.

Saiyan physiology could be summed up as "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" this seems to act as a form of reactive evolution. If a Saiyan survives a near-fatal injury or goes through intense battle or training, he will gain an increase in his power level, greater than he had before the experience and after recovery. As a Saiyan's body heals, it adapts, evolving in a way, in an attempt to neutralize previous threats, such as the physical weaknesses of enemies that remain on equal footing or are even stronger than they. However, healing by any type of means such as the natural rhythm of a Saiyan or through technological or mystical assistance, does not affect any of their abilities, the healing process does NOT seem to affect these abilities, in fact, the more they can recover either by any means necessary, their bodies will gain substantial improvement and a great increase in strength, both physical and metaphysically. Also, the more fatal the wound, the more substantial the power increase after healing, in short, Saiyans have a considerable healing factor, allowing them to heal from almost any injury, including near fatal wounds, at a rate much faster and more efficient pace than that of a human without artificial means (Senzu beans, rejuvenation tanks, or allies with healing powers).

The original Saiyans lived in caves and on semi-arid wastelands, so they needed a physical body to adapt to the land. Saiyan males are generally stronger than females, due to their naturally dense muscles, they also have the ability to greatly increase their own power from their anger, frustration, rage, and even pain. Some Saiyans simply gain power levels, while others gain a constantly increased power level, contrary to popular belief, Saiyans don’t have a low female population, women rarely achieve the fighting skills necessary to be in the military force which are seen more frequently by other races.
Saiyans are similar to humans in appearance, except for their monkey tails, in addition, they have most of the genetic traits, except for hair and eye color, Saiyans have the dominant gene and are commonly seen with black hair, usually spiky. The hair of a pureblood Saiyan never changes in length or style once it is fully grown, making it much more similar to animal fur than just hair. This is not the case with semi-Saiyans, pure-blooded Saiyan children get their hair and eye color from their mothers, despite of the humanoid race. The hairstyle, on the other hand, is complemented by that of the father and the younger brother, for example, this case can be seen in Bardock, Gokū and Goten. Apparently Saiyan DNA have almost unalterable hairstyles is a recessive trait; however, all pureblood Saiyans have it.

All Saiyans are born with a monkey tail on their lower back and some have it removed as long as they are young. The tail houses glands that, once the brain sends it a chemical message, telling it that there is full moonlight, the tail will begin to collect the energy from the moonlight and use that energy to produce hormones that the Saiyan increases in size to about 50-75 feet tall, and is completely covered in fur, except for its face, becoming a gigantic mix between a gorilla and a monkey. This transformation is known as Oozaru, the natural power of a Saiyan is increased ten times more than usual, in this way, the only energy attacks that can be carried out are ki blasts shooted from his mouth. There have been reports of Saiyans being able to control their actions in their Oozaru form, but since no one has seen or lived to tell it, this will remain nothing more than a rumor, if the Saiyan has no experience with the Oozaru transformation, he will rage uncontrollably, destroying everything in its path but with practice this last one can learn to regain consciousness in that form and fight. If his tail is removed, the Saiyan go back to normal, because the glands are lost.
Saiyans can easily control their tails in the same way that one could control an arm or a leg. Most tend to wrap their tails around their waists, possibly to avoid being grabbed by an enemy but also to avoid any loss of balance if their tail is removed. There are rumors that a Saiyan without a tail gains more power than a one with a tail.

Some Saiyans have the ability to become what is known as a "super Saiyan" who is actually a Saiyan who becomes fully energized by a golden life force and since hair is made of dead cells, the golden energy shines easily, turning it to gold. The hair itself has a greater electromagnetic pull on each strand, it builds up more easily and more often it stands on end.
If the Saiyan has a tail, the fur on the tail will also turn golden. But to become a super saiyan, he must not have a tail. The eyes, for reasons as yet unknown, turn into a solid emerald green, probably because the dark orbs look like darker green and the light from the energy makes their eyes seemed to be emerald green. This is just a theory, if a female Saiyan get turned into a Super Saiyan, her hair would turn silver and her eyes would turn into a sapphire blue tone. Since females rarely manage to acquire the combat skills necessary to be in the military force, it is pure speculation.


Saiyans share planet Plant with a very advanced high-tech possessing race called Tuffles, both species are very similar genetically but the Tuffles lack a monkey tail on their lower back. The Saiyans were a force to be reckoned with, but the technologically advanced Tuffles managed to keep the Saiyans isolated in their caves and similar structures. As a result of this isolation, the Saiyans were unable to advance from the tribal state for a good period of time, the Tuffles used the Saiyans whom they considered relatively intelligent animals as labor, from that point on, the Saiyans divided into two groups: warriors and workers. The warriors were used as "cannon fodder" and in experiments carried out by Tuffles, testing side effects of certain chemicals, just like those used by earth scientists on animals to test new medicine, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc.

On the other hand, the workers built structures, provided any necessary manual labor, and even served under the chief orders and did whatever task they were assigned. Eventually, Saiyans decided to use all their strength at once and used the power of the full moon to attack adopting their Oozaru transformations managing to destroy most of the Tuffles and their cities, with the loot acquired by the war, Saiyans developed quickly into high-tech and, furthermore, they had few scientists, they eventually advanced out of the world and arranged contracts, offering themselves as a paid military force.

The Saiyans leadership system suddenly became a monarchy, the king and each descendant of his line would be called Vegeta. The original King Vegeta was the stronger of the Saiyans and he set out not to marry for wealth, love or power, but to marry the strongest woman he could find so his son would surely be the stronger of the two, therefore the most powerful and could inherit the throne.
Also, Saiyans were divided into clans and each one had different colors, insignia, symbols, etc.

They also considered certain women sacred, being these priestesses who then translated the gods willpower to the people. Since priesthood was only suitable for women, that could explain why they were never seen in the military force as often as men.

Social interaction.

Saiyans are very territorial creatures but also they want their territory to be used exclusively by other Saiyans to have power over it, this is how clans appeared, Saiyans are very similar to wolves in that aspect because their clans are held together like packs, they also have a particular style to interact with the opposite sex, women are not appreciated for their appearance or ability to carry children as with the first earthlings, they are judged by their character, their strength and their power level.

When a Saiyan decides to mate, he does it for life, although there are extenuating circumstances in which some Saiyans go through various physical or mental changes. They are genetically bisexual, so some Saiyans have a "team" of mates or partners, there are never more than six members in a team.
Also, a male Saiyan will leave his scent on a female he courts by rubbing his tail, which has special glands in it that affect the female. If she rejects the male, the hormone will simply disappear in a day or less, but if she does not reject him, her hormones will activate and duplicate the essence that male hormones create, this is a kind of business card, any male Saiyan can perceive the scent if a female has already been taken or pregnant; however, most species cannot perceive subtle hormones, a similar but exclusively feminine scent is created when the female is pregnant.
Saiyans tend to be tough on their mates, sometimes they fight each other almost killing each other to test their strength, this being a sign that the male is ready to mate for life and will sometimes be instigated by the female, who will mark her mate chosen with an intricate design of bite scars on the neck, although some males are more used to marking their mates that way.

Most of the half-saiyans lose part of these mating techniques because their human genes dominate the Saiyan genes with more arrogance, it is also rumored that in very remote times, Saiyan race (the one that had fur) changed color of the fur each time they courted, this color varied depending on the saiyan power type that they were courting.


Saiyans hardly have their own technology, except for inventions related to ki. Most of the Saiyan tech, including the infamous ki trackers, are pieces stolen from the Tuffles, their armor (on the other side) where made by themselves, with stretch spandex for obvious reasons. The space capsules that the Saiyans use to transport themselves actually belong to the race of a neighboring planet, which landed on Vejitaseii and quickly created a technology exchange for Saiyans services, it is unknown what type of fuel these space capsules use and there is not a visible expelling area where the fuel debris were expelled (however, when they fly, an aura of energy can be perceived around them), the computers that operate them appear to be very sophisticated and can even change course in space despite the fact that there are no visible means to carry out such action. The passenger is also induced into a sleep state during the trip, but upon arrival at destination, an air bomb is activated inside the capsule, waking up or reviving its occupant.

It is believed that Saiyans destroyed the species that had these capsules once they fully integrated their technology.


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