Questions & Devils
by NonReviewingReadersWillBeShot     More by this Writer
Vegeta agrees to train with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but Vegeta's been acting strangely around him, jumpy even. Will he be able to overcome whatever is troubling him, or has Vegeta bitten off more than he can chew?

Timeline: Set during the 7 years after Cell's defeat, Goku being wished back to life instead of remaining in Other-world.
Graphic Violence Rape Group Sex Abusive

Questions & Devils- So It Begins...
''...'' Speech

They walked.

They walked silently side by side as they made their way to the hyperbolic time chamber the air between them was far different than what it had been years earlier, what used to be a rivaling hate was now a friendly rivalry. Vegeta was lost in thought as he mindlessly followed Goku, he was so far lost in thought he wouldn’t have even noticed if the taller Saiyan had spoken to him, not that he cared anyway, even if they were friends now he didn’t really have much to say to him. How did that happen? When had he suddenly decided to stop hating the low-class to tolerate him in such a manner, that he would willingly choose to do anything with him? He marveled at himself, he had become so strange as of late, adapting too well to his new life on earth it would seem.

But there was something else…

He found himself ‘enjoying’ Kakarot’s company; it set him on edge, why was he enjoying his time with the man?

He never tried to lie to himself and convince himself of something that wasn’t true so he knew there was a lingering loathing sensation that would fester in him around Kakarot at the mere thought of knowing that the low-class was stronger, more powerful than he. He held onto power like it was his lifeblood as if without it he was nothing, the same could be said for his pride, he put such a large emphasis on it that it seemed he would simply cease to exist without the two. Fear and remembering hit him full force as he was reminded that these two things were all that kept him alive for so long, so many long years had these two things been what sustained him.

Even though they had been torn from him on multiple occasions that made him want to find a dark corner to curl up and die in.


That was what bothered him about his new found friendship with Kakarot, every time he thought about him the fear he had reserved for Frieza crept into his mind and body like a thorny vine slowly choking the life out of vibrant rose. Why was that? Why did he enjoy yet fear the company of Kakarot? He had raked his brain so many times on the subject, Kakarot was a wild card, an unknown, even though his innocent and kind nature posed no visible threat to him and instead extended friendship; building apprehension would always show up to rain on his parade. He didn’t like the thought of anyone having the ability to control him; he wanted to be stronger than everyone so that way he would know he was safe. Granted if he had this power years ago he would have used it to rule the galaxy, but now times were different.

Full circle.

Power, and pride.

He needed both so that he would never be forced into submission again, he would finally be above everyone, free of the shackles that could be placed upon him from being weaker. His hands curled to form tight fists as he referred to himself as being ‘weak’. He let his hands unfold as he admitted that he was weak, weaker than Kakarot in every way. Would he ever surpass the man? But there it was again, fear, Frieza had once again wormed his way into Vegeta’s mind, his whole life had been ruled and directed as this bastard saw fit, molding him, shaping him into something he never wanted to be. And all because he was weak.

~*“Stupid monkey it was always your destiny to lick the boots of your betters.”*~

Frieza’s voice invaded his mind and mocked him; he heard the voice of Frieza and sensed his energy level as if he had been standing right behind him.

He walked directly into something immovable and was instantly broken from his thoughts, his eyes wide as a gasp of fear escaped his lips, and he then jumped back and assumed a fighting stance. Goku turned to look at Vegeta and was surprised to see him poised in such a way, the fact that Vegeta had walked into him added to his confusion, something had been off about him lately even if he couldn’t tell what it was. Vegeta let out a surprised huff of breath as he realized he had only walked into Goku’s shoulder and instantly dropped his stance and folded his arms across his chest with a dismissive grunt, turning his head to look out into the vast blue sky that was Kami’s lookout’s view.

~That felt too real…he’s dead, why did I feel as if I sensed him just then…damn you Frieza.~ Vegeta tried to wipe the shame of his actions from his face before Goku could notice,

“Vegeta.” Goku began; here it comes, the idiots inane prodding,

“What Kakarot?” Vegeta asked, the hitch in his voice irritated him, as he turned back to look at the other Saiyan,

Goku studied his face with a serious expression on his own which Vegeta found was almost as unnerving as thinking Frieza was standing next to him, “Are you alright?”

Annoyed at his question Vegeta grunted and averted his eyes eager to break the stare, “Of course I am.” He replied,

“You didn’t hear a word I said earlier did you?” Goku continued,

Shit he had missed what Kakarot was saying to him, Vegeta sighed suddenly feeling weary as he walked back over to him, “What were you saying?” Goku was still staring at him concernedly as he drew closer but let it go as he knew Vegeta wasn’t the talking kind,

“I was thanking you for a agreeing to train with me in the hyperbolic time chamber.” Goku repeated,

~Was that all? I thought I’d missed something important.~

Noticing Vegeta’s silence and averted gaze he continued, “I know you probably only agreed because I said I was going to tell you the ‘secret’ behind my training but I’m glad nonetheless, you’re the only one I can train with that can match me and give me a real challenge.”

“We’re Saiyan’s Kakarot no one can ever match our strength and power, it’s only natural that I would be your only challenge.” Vegeta finally spoke even though his gaze was still focused on something seemingly more important than Goku,

Nonetheless there was the Saiyan Prince he was used too, “Yeah I guess you’re right.” Goku had his trademark look of innocence once again as he smiled widely,

~What’s going on with you, Vegeta, I wish you would talk to me.~

“I have to know though Vegeta, since you said you want to know and follow my training technique, can I count on you to listen to me and follow my instruction?”

Goku asked a reasonable and serious question with no hidden intent but nonetheless Vegeta took it as an attack against his pride which caused him to emit a small growl as his eyes once again focused on Goku. The words Frieza had said to him only moments ago played back through his head increasing his level of rage as he barred his teeth.


“You think you can order me the Prince of all Sayain’s around as if I was your servant?” He heard his own voice and realized how stupid it sounded coming from him, what had Kakarot down to incur his wrath,

“Vegeta…” Goku’s demeanor changed to suit the reassurance in his tone, “That’s not what I was trying to say at all, I just wanted to know if you could accept my instruction, I wasn’t trying to order you around, given your past training régime in the gravity room I know you’re used to pushing yourself, sometimes too far.” He continued,

Vegeta sighed again after a pause that was too long for his own liking, “Fine Kakarot, I’ll follow your instructions.”

“Great, you wait here while I let Mr. Popo know we’re here.” Goku said as he then IT’d to Popo’s location,

~What’s wrong with me, I shouldn’t be acting like this, especially not in front of Kakarot.~ But he was still on edge from the strange occurrence.

He wasn’t yet sure what he was getting himself into, going into the hyperbolic time chamber for a year with Kakarot, it was going to be uncomfortable to say the least, but he could at least take solace in finding out the Sayain’s secrets. He could also look forward to a good long sparring session with the only other person who could take his full force blows and come out of the battle in once piece, worse for wear but still in one piece. It dawned on him that being alone with Kakarot for a year might cause him to do something he never imagined he would, open up, he didn’t want to but he realized with everything Kakarot knew about his life, the other Saiyan may just try and ‘talk’ to him.

Why didn’t that bother him? Why was he willing to have a conversation with his once most hated enemy? Was it because they were both Saiyan’s? He wasn’t even sure himself, but the one thing he wasn’t looking forward too was the amount of pity that would ooze from him, if they did end up talking. He didn’t want anyone’s pity; he was alive wasn’t he, wasn’t that enough? He forced a laugh at his own words, his life was hell, but death was no better, it seemed fitting that he be made to pay for his crimes in such a way that there was no escape.

He was dragged away from his thoughts once again as Goku reappeared in front of him with two fingers to his forehead, “We’re all set Vegeta, let’s go in.”

Vegeta nodded and they walked towards the entrance, but as Goku placed his hand on the door knob he turned to Vegeta and smiled, “It’s going to be an interesting year.” He said, as if he expected a great deal of resistance on Vegeta’s part, Vegeta huffed, as Goku then chuckled and held the door open for the other Saiyan leading the way into the chamber,

When they entered Vegeta walked to the very edge of the room and looked out into the white void, the empty nothingness was strangely calming to him, like there was nothing in here that could touch him, it was just him and his training, his ears pricked up however when he heard Goku speak.

“You know Vegeta even if you follow my training you’ll never be stronger than me, I’ll make you bend your knee to my strength sooner or later.”

Vegeta’s eyes grew wide and he gasped in shock with what he heard coming from Goku’s mouth, he hadn’t turned to face him but after hearing that his arms unfolded and hung by his sides balled into fists. The anger that he had discarded that allowed him to become friends with Kakarot was swiftly growing inside of him until he ground his teeth together so hard he thought he would chip them. He heard Goku walking towards him; he could just imagine that smug look on his face, if he turned around now to see it there would be nothing stopping him from fighting until there was nothing left to give.

The shock at what he heard had kept him from replying but as the footsteps got closer he turned so fast it caused Goku to stop walking, confusion washed over the taller Saiyan as he saw the sheer anger on Vegeta’s face.

“What.The.Hell. Did you just say Kakarot!” He applied extra emphasis to the beginning of his sentence,

Goku was confused, “Huh?”

“Don’t mess around with me Kakarot, you may very well be stronger than me but make no mistake I will fight you until I collapse.” He warned,

“Vegeta, I have no idea what you’re talking about I never said anything.” Goku defended, his puzzling look spoke volumes to Vegeta, that face was a serious look of innocence,

The anger disappeared and was replaced with his own confusion and perhaps fear, ~Am I going crazy? Did Kakarot really say this or did I…imagine it?~

Vegeta placed a hand to his head as if to help himself focus, Goku was genuinely concerned about him and walked up to the smaller Saiyan and placed his open palm on his forehead. Vegeta jumped in surprise as he didn’t notice Goku had gotten so close so suddenly, he then slapped Goku’s hand away and turned slightly away from him folding his arms across his chest.

“Vegeta are you sure you’re alright, you don’t have a fever that I can tell, but you’re not acting like yourself today?” Goku questioned, in reality Vegeta had stopped acting like himself weeks ago,

Vegeta faced Goku giving him a look that said he didn’t need to be asked if he was okay, “Shall we start training?”

Goku looked intently at Vegeta and found it hard to ignore what was going on with his friend but nodded in agreement, “Today we will train until I say we stop, then we’re going to rest, and start training again, how does that sound?” He asked,

“Sounds fine to me Kakarot.” Vegeta wasn’t happy about the fact that rest was going to be factored into the training but he would have to bear with it to learn,

Goku powered up to Super Saiyan, “The whole time we’re in here we’re going to be in our Super Saiyan form, so that by the time we leave you won’t even notice you’re transformed, it will feel as natural to you as if you were still in your base form.”

“So that’s what you and Gohan did.” Vegeta said that as more of a realization than a question as he too powered up,

“Yeah, I know you can transform fairly easily now Vegeta but this way you won’t sacrifice any power that you would have to ascend to Super Saiyan.”

Vegeta then smirked and Goku knew he was ready to fight, “Does anything go or are we just using punches and kicks?”

Goku smirked as well, “Anything goes but don’t push yourself too far, I know you’re used to it in the gravity room, but here it’s going to be different.” He began; his smirk then faded as it was replaced with seriousness, “I just want you to know Vegeta, because I’m training with you, you will get considerably stronger but the chances of you surpassing me are very slim, I know that means a lot to you so I apologize in advance.” He continued, there was sincerity to his words that Vegeta had never seen directed towards him before,

Vegeta shrugged it off, “Even so as long as I am close to your power that will be enough, you’re kindheartedness would get us all killed, so one of us needs to be able kill our enemies when there’s no other way.” There was a smile of cockiness that Goku sometimes saw when they bested an enemy,

Goku nodded in reluctant agreement, he knew some of their enemies had to be killed, but if Vegeta was willing to step up and take the responsibility he wouldn’t argue with it, they both lifted off the ground and readied for their battle, both of them taking their stances.

“Also just so you know Vegeta.” Goku began,

“Yes Kakarot?”

“I won’t be going easy on you, but I’ll also know when you’ve had enough, so when I say we stop fighting, we stop.” Vegeta nodded in agreement,

They then disappeared, moving so fast that the untrained eye wouldn’t be able to follow them, Vegeta felt a rush surge through him as the spar began, he was about to enjoy a real fight for a change, and he was going to relish every minute of it. Goku got in his fair share of hits and so did Vegeta, they were both wiping blood from their faces by the time Goku called the battle to an end, they had both been struck to the ground, and fired blasts powerful enough to destroy the planet where it not for the chamber.

Hours had passed as they trained before touching down and walking back into the living area of the time chamber; they both entered the wash room to clean themselves. Goku dried his face off with a towel before looking over to Vegeta who was leaning against the sink staring down, Goku stood there silently simply watching the Saiyan before he looked up into the mirror to stare at him as if noticing he was being watched. Pulling the towel from around his neck Vegeta dried his face and used it to dry his golden hair rubbing vigorously although when he was done his hair was still pointing upward if only slightly messy now.

Turning to face Goku who still stared at him he spoke, “What?” was the simple question,

Goku thought of what to say after another moment of silent observation passed, “I hit you pretty hard with my Kamehameha, I didn’t mean to put that much energy into it, is your arm okay?” He asked, noticing the large bruises he had on his arms from blocking the energy wave,

Vegeta huffed, “I’m fine Kakarot, but next time don’t hesitate, I’m not Gohan you can hit me and feel no remorse.” He said, as he returned the towel around his neck,

Goku didn’t know what to make of what Vegeta had said, did he think he was going too easy on him?

~You’re wrong Vegeta, I can’t willingly hurt you and feel no remorse didn’t our fights teach you anything? Surely you don’t dismiss yourself with such little concern…~

“Sure I’ll remember that next time, but I’ll make sure I can divert its course just in case.” Goku smiled as he observed Vegeta’s face, he wasn’t sure if he was annoyed or surprised that Goku was handling him so gently, perhaps it was both, “Oh and another thing.” Goku said just as Vegeta was leaving,


“Can you cook?” Goku could hear the sigh as Vegeta continued walking.


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