Saiyajin Additions
by Ouji-Chan     More by this Writer
Vegeta is carrying Goku's baby.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 03 : At last the birth
Vegeta had grown steadily larger around the middle as the time for the birthing drew closer. Unfortunately for Goku, his love's cranky attitude had also increased over time. The taller SaiyaJin had dealt with his mate as sympathetically as he could and had been patient through most of the prince's rages. He had given up on trying to reprimand him after the last episode. Goku sat on the couch and watched his mate shout curses at the abusive husband in the movie on the LifeTime television station. His mind strayed back to last week when he and the ouji had been in a rather vicious verbal battle.


The SaiyaJin no Ouji was sleeping on the bed when his mate quietly tried to get up to go take a shower. Goku barely shook the mattress as his weight shifted off of it. It was still enough to wake the irritable prince.

"Kakarotto! Why the fuck do you have to be such a damned clumsy baka?! You know I'm having a hard time getting any sleep! But do you care?! No obviously you don't! Or maybe you're just too thickheaded to realize you are disturbing me with all the bouncing you're doing on the bed!" The prince growled at his sighing mate. Goku narrowed his eyes at the prince and crossed his arms over his chest.

"You know what Vegeta? You're being really mean. You know just as well as I do that I did not shake the bed. You have no right to yell at me like that. I know you are hurting and uncomfortable but the baby is almost here! Please try not to be such a grump with me. This is really getting absurd. I mean come on love, you're yelling at me and trying to hurt my feelings and calling me names just because I got out of bed!" He felt a sniffle prick at the back of his nose but refused to give in. Right now he wanted to try and get through to Vegeta, not start crying because his mate had spoken harshly to him first thing in the morning.

He was shocked as Vegeta snorted and glared coldly at him. The prince crossed his arms ontop of his round belly and bared his sharp fangs at his large mate. A soft hiss escaped through his white, clenched teeth.

"You know what Kakarot? I think that if you are going to be such an air head then you can just spend the rest of the time I'm pregnant on the couch!" He reached over to grab the taller SaiyaJin's pillow but his hand was caught firmly by another.

"We've been through this before Vegeta I am not sleeping on the couch! You know what I think?! I think that I've been too soft on you lately! You've turned into a jerk Vegeta! You're acting like a spoiled brat again! A very crabby one at that and to be honest, pregnant or not, I am sick and tired of dealing with this attitude day in and day out! I'm going to do what I should have done weeks ago!" Goku snarled and reached into the night stand drawer to pull out the paddle he had bought his mate a while ago.

Vegeta's eyes widened as his mate glared at him and tightened the hold on his wrist. The prince let out a choked sob and curled up on the bed, rocking slightly while one arm remained outstretched and held. Goku blinked when he heard muffled sobs coming from the smaller male. He set the paddle to the side and rubbed his lover's back gently. Vegeta turned and wrapped his arms around his mate, burying his face into the warm chest while sniffling softly.

"I'm sorry Kaka....I don't know why I'm so angry all the time. I'm just so frustrated and tired of having this chibi inside of me. I want the child so badly but I hate being like this! I feel so twisted up emotionally and it hurts Kaka! Every time I'm kicked or punched or used like one of those bounce house things by this kid it hurts so damn much! I want this to be over and I'm sorry I have been such a pain love. Forgive me?" He took a small tremulous breath as his mate stroked his dark spikes and nuzzled him affectionately.

"Aww Veggie hun..of course I forgive you. I'm sorry I yelled too. I think we'll forget about the paddle this time...just try to work on focusing your frustrations on things other than me please?" He smiled a bit at his mate who nodded back and let out a tiny grin of his own.


Ever since that day Vegeta had still been crabby but he had let out his wrath upon inanimate objects. Currently they needed to replace the dish washer, the dryer, the bathroom mirror, the recliner and two plates. Goku smiled to himself. Despite the ouji's temper the chibi could be coming any day now. He was excited at the prospect of being a father again.

"Damn that fucking bastard! Did you see that Kaka? Did you see the way he just shot her in the leg?! If I knew where that son of a bitch lived I'd go straight over to his house and tear off his hands! I'd like to see him shoot a weak woman then!" Vegeta ranted without really expecting his mate to answer or even caring if he was paying attention. Goku sweatdropped and blinked when the phone rang. He grinned while hurrying into the kitchen to answer it.

"Son Goku speaking."

"Hi Son Kun! It's been a while since we saw you guys. How are things?"

"Hi Bulma!" Goku was about to answer his friend when he heard a loud bang and a shatter from the living room followed by several curses. He sweatdropped.

"Ahmn things are.....ok here. Eheheh...Vegeta is having bad mood swings but I'm hoping the chibi will be born soon and then he can get back to normal. This is all really hard on him." Goku tilted his head as he heard Vegeta shout again, but for some reason it didn't sound like the shouting he'd been doing all day.

"Goku are you listening to me? Is everything all right? Hello?!" Bulma sounded annoyed and worried at the same time but Goku was staring into the living room trying to see where his mate was. He gasped when he spotted the ouji kneeling on the floor and clutching his stomach in pain.

"Bulma I think Vegeta's going to have the baby I have to go now!" Goku panicked a bit as he started to pull the phone away to hang up.

"Goku wait! Bring him here quickly! I'll get things set up!" Bulma shouted over the phone before hanging up her end of the line.

The taller SaiyaJin ran over to his mate and picked him up in his arms. Vegeta groaned and panted as sweat ran down his face in small rivulets. He stared at his lover with a mixture of fear, eagerness, and pain on his face.

"Kaka...I..I think it's..time!"


Goku paced back and forth outside the main lab in Capsule Corporations lower floor. The whole gang had shown up during the first hour since he had gotten Vegeta over there but no one other than Bulma, the nurses and doctors were allowed inside the delivery room at the moment.

"This isn't fair! Veggie needs me right now! I can't take this!" Goku wailed as he banged a fist on the wall by the door, unintentionally cracking a small hole in the plaster. Krillin sweatdropped and laughed nervously at the anxious SaiyaJin.

"Don't worry man I'm sure that Bulma will let you in as soon as possible." He smiled and put a hand on his wife's. Thinking back to the day when their little Marron had been born.

"Yeah Krillin is right Goku just sit down and try to relax." Yamcha gave his friend a reassuring grin that wasn't as successful as he had hoped it would be. Everyone's head shot up as Vegeta's voice screamed from within the room.


Without a second though Goku barrled through the doors and dashed to his mate's bedside. He smiled comfortingly on his love. Vegeta looked like he was ready to either cry or kill someone or maybe do both. He was pale and clammy, sweating profusely and shaking with the painful contractions his body was going through. He reached out and clasped his mate's hand as a powerful convulsion racked his frame.

"Yeow!! Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow Vegeta that hurts let go please!!!" Goku wailed as his mate crushed his hand in his death-grip. He crouched and tugged futilely to try and get his palm free but it was to no avail.

"AAUUUGHHHHHH!!" Vegeta cried out as his muscles clenched and heaved from the baby moving around. The doctors scurried to and fro, monitoring and preparing and yelling orders to the frantic nurses while Bulma tried to explain to them about the SaiyaJin birthing method she had learned from Vegeta a few months earlier.

"All right Vegeta take deep even breaths and when we tell you to push, push ok?" Bulma smiled at the prince while standing beside two doctors who were stationed between the ouji's spread legs. Nurses waited at the ready with towels, water and senzu beans. The small SaiyaJin groaned as the slit below his belly button opened fully and another contraction began. This one was so painful and seemed to last longer than the others. Vegeta threw his head back and screamed again.

"Ok Vegeta now! Push!" Bulma bounced nervously from foot to foot as Vegeta began panting and gasping as he tried to force his muscles to shove the chibi down the birth canal in his abdomen. He yanked and squeezed Goku's hand again, drawing a muted whimper from the taller male.

"Ah..huh..d-damn you Kaka..KakAAHrottOOH! I'm never having another kid for you again!!!!! AUGH!!!" Vegeta howled as the chibi wormed and squeezed to the farthest point the birth canals muscles reached. He could push the child no more. As he lay there screaming a doctor eased a gloved hand inside the leaking passage and grasped the chibi. A few painful tugs had removed the wailing child from the oozing canal and Vegeta was swarmed by nurses who began cleaning his body, pressing towels against the bleeding opening and administering senzu to help him heal.

Bulma went with the doctors to clean the chibi and get the child wrapped in a blanket while Goku finally pried his hand free of his mate's grasp. He stared in shock at the crunched and mangled looking digits. Bruises and blood blisters were forming beneath the skin due to the damage his lover's grip had caused. He quietly sneaked a senzu from the bag one of the nurses was holding and popped it into his mouth.

He waited beside his mate, watching with a smile as Vegeta was calmed and healed by the senzu beans powers. He leaned down and shared a sweet kiss with his beloved.

"You did it Veggie. You gave birth to our first chibi." He grinned and nuzzled his mate's soft, damp spikes. Vegeta purred softly, the senzu had healed the birth canal which was nearly gone from his body now but he was still tired from the whole ordeal. He did want to see his child though.

Bulma turned around from the other side of the room and slowly walked over to the bed with a small bundle in her arms. Goku and Vegeta smiled as a softly colored green blanket was lowered into the ouji's arms. Two bright black eyes blinked up at the SaiyaJin parents from beneath a wild set of puffy bangs that grew into a candle flame tuft identical to Vegeta's own hair. Tiny hands clasped Goku's finger as he gently stroked the chibi's smooth cheek. Vegeta smirked proudly at the little twitching tail that slipped from the fold of the blanket.

"Congratulations guys it's a boy!" Bulma smiled excitedly as the two mate's played with their new son and shared another kiss. She couldn't help asking them what they were going to name him. Goku rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He hadn't given much consideration to a name yet.

"Tensai. His name is Tensai." Vegeta murmured softly while rubbing the chibi's dark hair with his fingertips. He purred gently to the little being and cuddled him to his chest lovingly. Goku smiled at the name his mate was so certain of and put his arm around the ouji's shoulders while sitting on the edge of the bed and cooing at their child.

Bulma grinned at them and secretly snapped a picture before hurrying off to tell everyone that the delivery had gone well. She poked her head back into the room after a few minutes.

"Say guys do you mind if the gang comes in? They all want to see the baby." She waited while the two SaiyaJin debated quietly before giving her a nod of approval. Within seconds Vegeta, Goku and the chibi were surrounded by smiling faces. Tensai blinked his wide eyes at the large number of people gazing at him and talking softly to him and became nervous. He cuddled against Vegeta's chest and hid his small face. Vegeta smirked while hugging the little SaiyaJin and rocking him gently while purring in his ear to calm him.

Goku grinned wide at the image his mate and son made together. He stroked one hand through Vegeta's hair and used the other to rub his son's back through the blanket. Goten and Trunks peered excitedly at their new half brother, all ready making plans on what adventures they could take him on and what mischief the three of them could get into. Gohan and Videl were making comments about how nice it would be to have a family to a very uncomfortable looking Piccolo and Bulma was hanging on Yamcha and whispering similar things into his ear about wanting another child.

Krillin held Marron up so she could see the baby who was now gaining some courage and staring around at them all from the safety of his parent's arms. Goten suddenly blinked up at Goku and tugged his pant leg.

"Dad if you're Tensai's daddy does that make Vegeta his mommy?" He asked innocently. Trunks stared at him like he was a moron but then suddenly stared at his father in wonder. It would only make sense right?

Gohan, Piccolo and Videl muffled their laughter in their hands while Bulma and Yamcha tried to shush them and Krillin attempted to ignore his daughter's questioning of where Tensai had come from and concurrently where she had come from. Juuhachi snickered at her husbands nervous sweatdrops and stammering attempts to answer her.

Goku blinked a moment while thinking about his son's question. He put a hand behind his head and rubbed at the back of his neck while laughing. Vegeta glared at him.

"Kakarotto I am not the 'mommy'!" He snarled. Tensai picked that moment to coo and cuddle against the ouji's neck and Vegeta kissed the top of his head.

"Well I can't be his mommy Veggie. You were the one who was pregnant." Goku blinked at his smiling mate.

"Ah but you see Kakarotto I won't be having the next chibi. So unless you want to be mommy to one child and daddy to another I suggest we make a compromise. I will be the father and you can be daddy. All right?" He grinned wickedly at his pale mate.

" chibi? Eheheheh...oh boy." Goku grinned nervously at the smirking prince.

A.N : Well minna that is it. Seemed a bit short but then maybe not. I almost didn't even write it. Heh. By the way Tensai is a word that translates to sugar beet. So it is a SaiyaJin name of sorts since all SaiyaJin names are derived from vegetables. I really do not know if I will make any more chapters to this fic or if I will just put snippets of Tensai into any later fics I do in this alternate universe of mine. Until the next time minna, Ja ne!


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