New Beginning
by Peekapika     More by this Writer
Gohan decides at a young age that he wants to return the favor Future Trunks did in helping them, so he spends 9 years building and perfecting his own time machine. But when he finally gets to the future, will his life with Trunks there be the fantasy he’s been hoping for?

Author's Notes : The plot for this story was provided by Lord Truhan who also did an invaluable betareading. ;-)

Chapter 01
Smiling as they shook hands, it was easy for Trunks to see how the boy in front of him would grow into the man he had once known. Well, with a few key differences now. This Gohan would have a chance at life that the one he’d known had not. It was the only kind of redemption he felt he’d ever get for having let his sensei down. Revenge however, that was a different matter and would be had shortly. He would come to find out later though, that neither could truly ease the ache in his heart. The Gohan in front of him broke their handshake and pulled him into a hug, nearly squeezing him in two with his enthusiasm as Trunks chuckled and returned the gesture.

Gohan felt odd. Not just the normal feeling that accompanied a fight for the planet’s survival. It seemed strangely overwhelming to him that Trunks was leaving. It was almost like the finality of death had become a moot thing in his life, because of the dragon balls. Traveling back to your own “time”, never to be seen or heard from again, somehow seemed much more upsetting. He still wasn’t entirely sure what to think of his dad’s choice not to come back from the dead, but Trunks didn’t have a choice. His world was besieged and dying, and he was the only one who could free it, just as he’d saved the world here by risking time travel in the first place.

It took everything in him not to cry as they finally pulled apart, though Gohan wasn’t exactly sure why he didn’t want Trunks to see him crying. He found himself smiling and thanking the teen instead.

“You know we couldn’t have done it without you, thanks for everything, Trunks” Gohan beamed, “Go take good care of your world now, I know it needs you.”

“Thank you, I will-, Gohan” Trunks caught himself before accidentally calling the chibi “sensei”. He didn’t think he’d ever seen his own Gohan in a suit, but the tone in this one’s voice, the firm resolve, made him see double for a moment. Blinking, he took a step back, covering it up by turning towards the time machine and climbing in it. He’d already said all his goodbye’s, but Gohan had run up to him one last time before he could go…

Gohan watched the lid close over Trunks’ waving figure. Unfortunately he’d already run up to him once, and he couldn’t very well climb into the machine itself for one more hug to delay his leaving. Putting on his best face, Gohan smiled and waved back, calling out goodbye along with the rest of the gathered Z fighters. He’d wondered briefly, when the issue of Trunks having to leave had come up, if he couldn’t just hang around a little while… After all, he had a time machine, couldn’t he just go back at any time he wished? But he realized Trunks’ honor would never let him delay the help his own time so desperately needed, even if no one there would know. It was a sacrifice on Trunks’ part, to be sure, leaving friends and family here just when he was getting to know them, but it was an issue of protecting his family and the planet, something Gohan could understand perfectly. So with a heavy heart, he waved goodbye to the lavender haired teen.

As he stared at the spot where Trunks and his time machine used to be, Gohan had no doubt that he’d be successful in his mission to free his own time. But what of the world after that? From what he’d said, it would take decades, if not a generation, to rebuild and heal from the androids’ wrath. Trunks would be all alone too… All the other fighters were gone, and he’d be left as Earth’s sole protector. That somehow seemed so sad to Gohan. Trunks deserved better than to have the weight of the world on his shoulders his entire life… Like a sudden ray of sun breaking over the horizon, the beginnings of an idea burst into Gohan’s mind. If Trunks could travel through time to save them, then maybe if he worked hard enough, someday, he’d be able to travel to Trunks and help him in return…

Gohan could tell that his mom was pleasantly surprised to see the gusto with which he applied himself to his studies after that. He’d always been a very diligent student, but he began asking her for harder material on his own, especially in the areas of math and science. After waiting a few months to let things settle down, he cautiously approached her about getting to train with Piccolo again … and was met with pretty much the exact response he’d expected, a resounding “no.” But he kept working on her, asking again every time he could think of a new reason she might let him. Most were brushed aside or refuted right away, especially his “the man of the house needs to be prepared to protect it” argument … Yeah, he hadn’t actually expected that one to work, but he had to try everything. Really, he missed getting to hang out with and be around his friends. Dende was the only other person his age that he knew. Even if he went to just visit them though, there was a good chance some sort of training / sparring would ensue, and he didn’t want to lie to his mom…

Gohan was quite shocked when the day came that she finally let him go, and it was her idea. He’d finished his math worksheets, but was absently staring at the page, thinking about a variety of things, when she asked him what was wrong. The only thing he could describe it as was being “lonely”. Chichi gripped the towel she’d been drying dishes with, looking away and to the side of him for a long moment.

“Perhaps you should go see how they’re doing on the lookout then, Gohan” she said with a wavering voice that held a strange undercurrent of finality to it, like a decision had been made in that pause.

“You mean it, mom?” Gohan replied excitedly, practically leaping out of his chair.

“Sure, son, as long as you’ve finished all your work and you’re back in time for dinner, then go ahead and see your friends” she smiled at him.

“Thanks mom! This is awesome! I promise I’ll be home on time” he flew over to give her a kiss on the cheek before bounding out the door. Chichi watched the spot where he’d been for a moment, clutching the dish towel to her stomach, before squaring her shoulders and going back to the dishes with a sigh.

This became Gohan’s new routine, studying hard, helping his mom out around the house, and going up to the lookout at least a couple of times a week. It wasn’t until after his little brother Goten was born that he thought to re-implement the old regimen of remaining super saiyan all the time. He found it was steep going, to advance in his power level while only training with Piccolo a few times a week. His mom had given him a calculating look, but told him as long as he didn’t break anything, it was ok. At the first busted table he would have to power down like normal though… His choice was given a whole new layer of approval when they discovered baby Goten would fall asleep almost immediately in his big brother’s arms if he rocked him while transformed. Perhaps it was the hum of the power around him, or just some strange saiyan instinct letting him know he was safe in the strength of his older brother’s arms… Gohan didn’t know exactly why, but he was glad it helped out his mom, and that his new brother seemed to be taking a liking to him.

One day on the lookout, when Gohan was about 14, Piccolo stopped him before he was about to head back for the day.

“Are you really going to show up at home looking like that?” he asked the boy. “Your mom knowing theoretically that you’re training up here, and having you shove it in her face with your clothes being in tatters, are two different things” he pointed out. Gohan looked down, not having realized he was in that bad of a state. He always got healed from Dende after these sessions, but his gi didn’t normally fare so badly. He blushed in embarrassment, realizing he was pretty much half naked, he had so many holes and burnt off sections in it. Good thing Trunks wasn’t around to see him like this, the thought flitted through his mind. Wait, what? Why would that make any difference to him? Gohan’s blush deepened as his thoughts did, and he tried to cover it by conversing with Piccolo about his ability to create clothing and such out of his own energy.

“Oh, this? Well it’s not strictly a Namekian technique, you could probably learn it too with some practice.” Once he’d finished creating the boy a new gi (one that was slightly better fitting than the last actually, Gohan had been growing like a weed lately), Piccolo put a hand on his shoulder.

“Listen, kid, I’d be happy to teach it to you… That might be a bit more useful at this point, than your current course of training…” he let his words hang in the air for a moment. Gohan sighed, knowing exactly what he meant.

“I’m all for being the strongest you can be, but Gohan, to go through so much for so little … I just don’t want to see you end up like a certain other saiyan we know, always striving for every single ounce of power, no matter what the cost or sacrifices.”

“I know Piccolo, you’re always watching out for me” Gohan replied, but didn’t answer him right away. Staring off into the vast blue that surrounded the lookout, he tried to re-evaluate things. The truth was, Piccolo, Mr. Popo, certainly Dende, were all too weak to be of much help to him sparing wise. He’d realized that quite a while ago. Vegeta probably would be a better match for him, if he’d been willing to spar with him that is. His latest ‘path’ had basically consisted of getting the crap beat out of him at regular intervals, with Dende healing him directly afterward. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that… But not by much. Gohan sighed. He certainly didn’t enjoy this form of training, in fact, it pretty much sucked. Maybe it was time to ease up on the physical pummellings, and learn a few new techniques.

“It’s true, I have gotten all I can out of remaining in the super saiyan ‘two’ state all the time… Hey, do you think Dende could teach me how to heal?” Gohan perked up at the thought.

“I’m sure he’d be willing to try, not everyone’s a healer though kid, so don’t set your hopes too high” Piccolo both encouraged and cautioned him. Same old Piccolo. Gohan smiled, his mind made up.

“Alright then, I think I’ll take you up on that. Should we start on Thursday then?” Gohan held out his hand to shake on it with his mentor.

“Sure, and I’ll talk to Dende in the meantime. You know, with a toddler running around the house, you might benefit from a few meditation techniques too” Piccolo said as they shook hands. Gohan laughed.

“Too true. That would be great Piccolo, maybe I can even teach them to my mom! I’m sure she could use them too” he winked, “Ok, see you later. Thanks again!” Gohan yelled behind him as he jumped into the air. He had dawdled a bit too long, and would have to put on a little extra speed to make it home in time now. He was quite exhilarated at the thought of the new training though, so it wasn’t a problem. If anything he ended up having to hold back a little once he got in the air, due to his excitement. His mom didn’t like it when he broke the sound barrier; the sonic boom would wake up Goten if he was napping.

Gohan was 16 when he built his first successful prototype of a time travel device. He wasn’t quite to the point of building the full machine yet, but his experiments proved that the theory he’d been using was sound. The calculations and schematics he’d been developing already took up half a dozen notebooks, and he wasn’t done yet. He had worked out a deal with Bulma recently to get one of the newer model computers that Capsule Corp made in exchange for babysitting Trunks (not just anyone could be left in charge of a half-saiyan child). It would make his life so much easier to be able to input everything there and pull it up, edit it, save it again with the press of a button. With all the advanced courses he was taking, it was easy for her to see why he would want one, and thankfully she didn’t ask any in depth questions.

Of course he took Goten along on these outings too, really it was more like playtime for them than an actual chore. The boys were like two peas in a pod, and Gohan was glad to see that his brother had someone his own age to spend time with and call his best friend. It also gave him a sense of peace almost, to see the happy light in little Trunks’ eyes; and yes, even when it turned to mischief. The only time that his adventures in babysitting had ever been an actual pain was when the boys (at Trunks’ behest) decided to play ‘kitchen’. Gohan walked in to find the sink overflowing with a foaming, horrid smelling concoction, and Goten backing away with wide eyes while Trunks gleefully poured more baking powder into it from his position on the counter.

That clean up had been more about airing out the house and giving the boys a bath, but wiping out the sink hadn’t exactly been pretty. While he was washing himself up afterward, trying to get the lingering vinegar smell off of his hands in the spare bathroom, Gohan was hit with an unexpected sensory memory from a different smell. He stopped, water still running and hands half rinsed, afraid to move and lose the whiff of scent. Slowly he turned his head to the side, closing his eyes and inhaling in little exploratory sniffs. As he stood there, it was like he could feel Trunks’ arms wrapped around him in a tight hug again, the recall was so forceful. Following the trail of childhood recollection, he found himself at the shower and realized that whatever it was he had associated with being Trunks’ smell must have been more from his shampoo or soap or something. Pulling back the curtain, he smelled each of the bottles until he found the one that had set his world spinning.

He still dreamed of Trunks regularly, though some of them were strange of late, but none of those made his presence seem so real and close as smelling this shampoo did. Sitting down on the edge of the tub, he took a deep breath of what the marketing company had dubbed “vanilla and brown sugar”, but to him would always be the scent of lavender and denim.

“Bahh, what is that god awful smell?” Vegeta’s voice echoed down the hall as he and Bulma arrived home. Thankfully for them, Gohan had already put the boys to sleep, so hopefully Vegeta’s initial temper would have cooled a bit by the morning. Gohan hurriedly stuck the shampoo in his bag, then pulled a clean shirt on and turned off the sink. When dealing with young demi-saiyans, one always kept a spare change of clothes with them. If not mud pies then ki blasts… Gohan tried not to think too hard about the bottle in his bag while he said goodnight and entrusted Goten to their care. Bulma offered to let him stay, but he made up some excuse about not being able to sleep well if not in his own bed.

His stomach was in knots the entire flight home. It had gotten dark hours ago, so there was no need for secrecy, but it was almost like having “stolen” something from Bulma made him afraid he was being watched now. He shook his head as he landed, trying to clear his mind. Ok, it was Bulma he was talking about here, if he’d asked for the bottle she’d have given it to him, no sweat … but … she would have asked questions. Which come to think of it was the very same reason he was keeping the truth of his experiments in time travel from her as well.

Going inside and heading straight for his room, Gohan was glad to see his mother hadn’t waited up for him tonight. She had the first couple times he watched the boys, but when she knew Goten was spending the night she took the opportunity to catch up on her sleep since she knew she wouldn’t be needed. Sitting on the edge of his bed now, Gohan stared at his bag from behind his fingers. Well, what was done was done, he finally decided and got up – he couldn’t just leave the bottle in there. His stupid saiyan senses were still picking up on traces of that brew the boys had made, so he really needed a shower anyway. The thought of showering and using this essence that screamed of Trunks all over himself froze him in the doorway of his bathroom. He could fall asleep in a cocoon of that scent tonight, he thought even farther ahead. Somehow he ended up in the spray of the shower, wondering what kind of dreams he’d have if so, though he didn’t remember undressing or setting the temperature of the water.

Along with Trunks being in his dreams often these days, he was even in his few wet dreams, when he’d started having them, to Gohan’s sort of embarrassment. He wasn’t entirely sure what to think of the awakening of his emotions over the man. He certainly never dreamed of any one else like that, male or female. Did it make him gay, to be half erect over just the smell of another man? Uncapping the bottle, Gohan squirted a small amount into his hand and began washing his hair with it. The smell virtually exploded into the air around him. Even once his hair was clean, he was reluctant to rinse off. He smoothed his hands through it, feeling the suds run down his skin, imagining they were hands instead. Damn, now he was much more than only half erect. The suds continued down his back, making him shiver as they caressed the scar of his tail and flowed in a stream down the crevice of his ass.

His mind made up, Gohan grabbed the bottle again and let out a drizzle of the shampoo into his palm. The feeling of that warm scent buffeting him all around, while his slickened hand tentatively moved up and down his manhood… Well, it was enough to make his knees feel weak just from that. Trunks’ arms were wrapped around him again in his mind, only Gohan was the taller of the two now. He could turn that beautiful face up toward him with a hand on Trunks’ cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes, and Trunks would smile and close them just before Gohan pressed their lips together; a sweet, pink tongue rising up to meet him as their mouths melted together.

Pumping over his length with more determination now, Gohan leaned with his free arm against the shower wall and imagined what it would be like to make out with the lavender haired prince. A small groan escaped his lips as he delved head first into the fantasy. Trunks ran a hand through Gohan’s hair as their tongues explored each other, and Gohan decided since it was his fantasy, to just go for it and slide his hand down to cup Trunks’ ass, squeezing it firmly. Now breathing heavily, Gohan stifled a louder moan by biting his lip and burying his head in the crook of his arm. His manhood apparently really liked the idea of it being Trunks that was biting his lip instead. His balls tensed as spray after spray of cum splattered against the tile in front of him, each hitting a little lower than the last as Gohan gave up an let himself sink to his knees. After resting for a moment on the floor of the shower, the Gohan that arose from it was slightly different than the one that had knelt there before. He was at last beginning to admit that it was more than just childish resolve which kept him working toward a goal he’d laid out half a decade ago. He was in love with their savior from the future.


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