Sweets For The Sweet
by Peekapika     More by this Writer
It’s Gohan’s birthday, but Trunks’s surprise doesn’t exactly go as planned.

Trunks stared at the recipe he’d printed out online, looking back and forth between the small square of a picture that had been included with it and at the 'creation' before him. He pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh, using his arm to slide the horror off the edge of the counter and into the waiting trash can. He crumpled up the page of instructions angrily, tossing them in as well. He considered blasting the entire bin and its contents into Other world, but the scorch marks would probably leave behind more evidence than the extra bag of trash…

“Man, I should have just stuck with ‘Plan A’ to begin with…how does he make this look so easy?” Trunks muttered and grumbled under his breath while he wiped up the last of the spills and smudges that had been left behind after his attempt at 'baking.' He’d used up a lot of time on this and now he’d be hard pressed to make it to the store and back before Gohan arrived home. He grabbed his keys, not really giving any thought to his appearance or anything else in his haste. While he was driving, he called ahead to the shop to make sure they had a cake available. The last thing he needed was to arrive there and find out they didn’t have any birthday cakes left for some crazy reason or another.

“What’s the largest size you have on the shelf, right now?” he asked when presented with a barrage of cake related questions from the lady who answered the phone.

“Ok, that’ll have to work, thanks, I’ll be there in 20 minutes” he put down his phone and hit the gas. At the store, the lines weren’t too bad but when Trunks pulled back into the driveway and saw Gohan’s car already there, he let out a string of cuss words. Taking a deep breath on the front porch, he straightened himself a bit and then opened the door.

“And where have you been?” Gohan joked with him, sticking his head around the corner as Trunks came down the hall.

“You’re home early” Trunks frowned, looking at the clock on the microwave as he came into the kitchen. He realized he’d been right in thinking before that he’d make it in time.

“What? I’m not allowed to let my last class go early on my birthday? Especially when I can’t wait to get home and jump all over my luscious husband?” Gohan said, running a hand through and tugging at the tie in Trunks’s hair. He’d let it grow out because he knew Gohan liked it that way but today the subtle sexual attention seemed to be annoying him.

“Can I at least set this down first?” he commented. Gohan pulled his hands back from how he’d been about to molest him and crossed his arms over his chest as if to keep them out of trouble. He leaned against the counter, not sullen, but looking at Trunks calculatingly.

“You’re in a bad mood” he said, as if stating a fact, “What happened today?” Trunks set down the huge pink box that screamed 'bakery' to anyone who could see it, and turned to face Gohan.

“It was supposed to be a surprise” he said rather flatly, gesturing to the box as if Gohan should already know what they were talking about.

“Cutting it a bit close, don’t you think?” Gohan pointed out, taking a tentative step forward without uncrossing his arms. Trunks closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

“I wasn’t supposed to be” he half heartedly explained. He didn’t really feel like elaborating about his little adventure in baking. Gohan continued moving forward a little bit at a time, until Trunks opened his eyes and noticed him inching towards the cake box. He couldn’t suppress a small smile at the look of curiosity and hopefulness on Gohan’s face.

“Soooo… What did you get me?” he asked, sounding almost like a little kid. Gohan had been with Trunks for enough years now to know he wasn’t truly upset, just sulking a bit … and his mood would perk back up if given the right encouragement.

“It’s one of those specialty cakes that’s shaped like a giant dick” Trunks said with a sarcastic grin.

“Really?” Gohan paused for a moment, but then resumed his openly sly advances on the cake box.

“No. Are you kidding? You can’t get something like that same-day” Trunks walked over and ended the charade by cutting the little pieces of tape that held the flaps closed and then lifting the lid. Gohan made a small hopping motion to step to Trunks’s side, viewing the cake as it was opened. The words “Happy Birthday” were written on it, but aside from that it was rather plain. It did have a colorful piping around the edges and base though… Trunks sighed again. It may have not been what he was going for at all, but at least it was edible. And with there being a half-sheet of it, there was plenty for the both of them.

“What flavor is it?” Gohan asked, looking at Trunks but sneakily/not so sneakily moving his finger toward the cake in plain sight.

“Something called Golden Vanilla” Trunks informed him, glancing at the digit but then looking back to Gohan. He figured something sexual was about to happen between that finger, some frosting, and Gohan’s mouth, and it wouldn’t do to miss the show… He wasn’t really that distraught over the messed up timing and if Gohan wanted to distract him with innuendo, that was fine with him. He would totally be willing to re-work his schedule and move up the birthday sex that was planned for later anyway.

“Hm, seems appropriate” Gohan winked at him as his finger delved into the cake.

“What?” Trunks furrowed his brow, trying to think of how golden vanilla' fit into any kind of sexual reference, that was, until he felt a smear of cake and frosting over his right cheek. He blinked in surprise, his mouth hanging open at the fact that it was Gohan that had just done that to him. But it was true; the guilty limb was now retracting as Gohan grinned like an idiot. It was like Trunks was seeing everything in slow motion as he watched Gohan’s hand moving toward and dig into the confection with all five fingers now. Him scooping up a handful of cake broke the spell though and Trunks grabbed for his own as Gohan tried to smear him across the chest, missing and getting his arm instead. As Gohan turned his torso from him, Trunks got in a good shot at his back. Neither of them could get very far from the other though, because both of their ammunition was in the same spot on the counter. Without realizing it they were laughing and even giggling quite loudly as they tried to dodge and counter each other’s ‘attacks’. At one point Gohan tried throwing the cake at Trunks but it broke apart in the air, losing some of it’s velocity and spattering across his legs instead of his chest as he’d intended. Trunks got an idea and lunged forward when Gohan reached in to 'reload', grabbing his wrist and pinning it to the counter while he sneaked underneath his arm to leave a long streak of gooey sweetness down Gohan’s pecs and abdomen. Gohan’s free hand caught him in an iron grip before he could get any farther though.

“Ok, maybe we should call a time out” the dark haired man suggested, his eyes were sparkling and he was slightly out of breath from laughing so hard, not from any real physical exertion.

“Why?” Trunks said skeptically, though he was in the same breathless state himself. The grin on his face belied a healthy disbelief in Gohan’s supposed truce.

“Because we should save some to actually eat” he said, nodding toward the box. Apparently they’d used up almost three quarters of it in their fight. Trunks leaned in closer to him, not releasing his wrist though, and licked a spot of frosting off Gohan’s shoulder. A large grin spread over Gohan’s face, and he was the first to release his hold.

“Who says we can’t still eat it like this?” Trunks purred, letting go of Gohan and taking a quick step away from him at the same time. He took a few more teasing steps towards the exit, as if he might run, before he suddenly found himself captured by Gohan and trapped against the nearest counter. He chuckled happily and let the man kiss him thoroughly while a rumbling purr built up in both their chests. Gohan began working diligently to clean Trunks’ face of frosting, using only his tongue and lips. Trunks sighed contently while Gohan nibbled at his perfectly clean earlobe afterward.

“You do realize what this means, don’t you?” Gohan whispered.

“No, what?” Trunks played along, not really wanting to break the pleasant haze Gohan’s attention was building in his mind and body.

“We can’t get this kind of mess on the bedsheets, so I’m going to have to take you right here in the kitchen” his voice had quite a bit of possessiveness in it now. Trunks’s breathing hitched as Gohan bit into the flesh of his neck, softly sucking at it and making him moan. Before Trunks could respond with anything more than that moan, he was turned around so his ass was to Gohan, and then shoved back to the counter. Gohan removed Trunks’ shirt for him, rubbing his erection against his cheeks none too discretely through their clothing. He stopped to lick at a smear of frosting off the back of Trunks’ arm while expertly removing his pants. Before Trunks could say 'sugar rush' he was naked with Gohan soon to follow. After getting home from work, Gohan had obviously changed into something less ‘restrictive’ right away, anticipating a little birthday friskiness. He wasn’t even wearing underwear.

“If you intend on going this fast the whole time, I’m going to need some lube, babe” Trunks joked with him, just to make sure. He didn’t mind a good 'in the moment' fucking, but a guy did need a little help for those sometimes… Gohan paused with his hands on Trunks’s hips as if thinking for a second.

“Up on the counter then” he said, patting the bottom curve of Trunks’s ass with an upward motion. He tried to turn around to obey him, but Gohan stopped him with a hand on his hip.

“No, stay like this. Get up and brace yourself, lock your arms like you were getting out of a pool … Good, now spread your legs” Gohan kindly directed him into the position he wanted. Trunks turned his head at the sound of something ceramic sliding over the counter toward him.

“Um, what is th-aahhaha, Gohan, what are you doing?” Trunks’s arms wavered as a pair of slick fingers plunged into him.

“Oh, that’ll work nicely” Gohan crooned, slipping in and out of Trunks quite easily.

“Is that, did you just put butter on my ass?” Trunks asked in shock.

“If it makes you feel any better, it’s all over my dick too” Gohan chuckled, beginning to push the tip of his manhood against the ring of muscle that marked Trunks’s entrance.

“Are you seriously going to fu-aaaahhk; fuck!” Trunks was squirming against the tile of the counter top as Gohan entered him. Once he was buried to the hilt in that creamy heat, Gohan groaned and leaned over Trunks’s back.

“It’s my birthday, you’d probably let me shove the whole stick up there if I said I really wanted to, wouldn’t you?” he teased him while Trunks adjusted to his length inside him. Was it getting hot in here, or was it just Trunks? He couldn’t decide if Gohan was only being slightly kinky with this idea or completely perverted. As movement below began to produce pleasurable results, Trunks’s focus was brought back between his legs, noticing the melting of the butter was making the junction between them practically dripping with the slick substance.

“God, this was an amazing idea” Trunks moaned, now thoroughly on board as he remained propped up on the edge of the counter with his elbows locked. Gohan thrust forward, easily sliding home and grinning at the little 'splat' that accompanied it. He put his hands on the inside of Trunks’s thighs and lifted his legs apart a little farther, driving in harder and going as deeply as he could. Trunks gave a startled groan but let some of his weight rest back on Gohan, sealing them together as firmly as possible without losing his balance.

“You’re…the best…present…of all…Trunks” Gohan said as he kissed his way across his love’s back, punctuating each kiss with an upward thrust.

“Mmm, more… Faster, come on Gohan, please” Trunks lamented the length of time in between his thrusts. Gohan beamed, quite pleased with the tone of his voice and licked a bit more frosting off of him before really going at it like Trunks wanted. As he picked up a quicker rhythm, Trunks groaned in appreciation, leaning over the counter as much as he could and resting his forehead on the wall. This really was an amazing angle and Trunks could feel his entire lower body tingling in excitement. Every time Gohan pushed into him, it made a little grunting sound escape his throat and the most incredibly dirty, sloppy, squishing noises come from below. Trunks wasn’t sure what was making him hotter, the feel of Gohan’s dick or the sound of it.

Gohan increased the pace of his thrusts, making Trunks gasp and cry out even more fervently. The little jolts of pleasure that passed through him when Gohan rammed into his prostate where coming so close together that he didn’t have time for the first one to completely pass before the next hit. It was pushing him ever closer to being filled completely with that blinding sensation. Out of seemingly nowhere, Gohan’s frosting covered finger was suddenly pushing it’s way into Trunks’s mouth. Knowing instantly what was wanted of him, Trunks sucked and licked greedily at the bit of sweet and skin that was offered him.

“Mhmm, Trunks, nghha, ah, you’re so gh-good to me…” Gohan was having a bit of trouble keeping his composure with such a fantastic specimen of a man offering up his ass to him and at the same time sucking on his finger so wantonly. When he removed the digit from Trunks’s mouth, the first words out of them only made it worse.

“S-so good, god, ahhah, I’m gonna, uhh, cum for you any-” Trunks’s declaration was interrupted by the ringing of their house phone. Normally it wouldn’t have phased them at all, except for that it was 3 feet from them on the counter.

“Don’t you dare fucking stop” Trunks demanded hastily, balancing on only one hand and reaching back to hold Gohan to him with the other. Gohan grinned and with a low chuckle kissed the base of his neck.

“I wouldn’t dream of it, baby” he grunted in a voice thick with passion, then bit him none too gently. A few more powerful thrusts of his hips and Gohan had Trunks screaming his name, leaving spurts of his cum all over the counter and an unfortunate stack of mail they hadn’t thought about… Gohan poured himself into that slick, convulsing heat, unable to take it any longer. Trunks collapsed, his arms giving out in the throes of his pleasure and Gohan pulled him back, catching him against his chest and lowering them both to the floor just as the phone stopped ringing. They lay panting and trying to catch their breath in the afterglow of each other’s arms as they listened to the answering machine click on.

“Hello honey, the boys and I just wanted to call and wish you a happy birthday” Chichi’s voice sounded over the speaker. “Alright, on 3” she sort of whispered to the background. Trunks laughed, turning in Gohan’s arms so he could kiss him when his family started singing.

“But Chichi” a voice questioned instead of singing, “Why can’t we just instant transmission over there to wish him ‘happy birthday’?”

“Goku, he’s obviously not there if we’re arguing on his answering machine” she pointed out with the patience draining from her voice, “Now help us sing the song like I told you.”

“But Chichi, they are home, I can feel their ki.” Both Gohan and Trunks froze, looking at each other with wide eyes. Suddenly there was a scuffling noise over the speaker, and Chichi’s voice could be heard in a muffled tone telling Goten to let go of his father. Gohan grabbed for his pants, throwing Trunks his as well in case Goten was unsuccessful in stopping their dad from popping in on them.

“Oh My GOD, Dad, you cannot go over there right now” Goten was shouting over Goku’s protests.

“Why not? Maybe they couldn’t hear the phone”

“You two cut it out right now, do you hear me?”

“Dad, they’re saiyan too, they can hear the phone. If they’re both home early on Gohan’s birthday and don’t want to answer the phone right now, then Trunks is probably in the middle of getting cake eaten out of his a–” the machine cut off the rest of Goten’s statement with a beep when it ran out of time for its recording. Gohan’s jaw dropped, and Trunks groaned and covered his face with his hands.

“Damn, little brother, I can’t believe he just said that… I wonder if he really thinks we do that kind of stuff on a regular basis” Gohan wondered. Trunks removed his hands from his face to look at him disbelievingly.

“Was what just happened really that far from it? With you and your butter?” he asked sarcastically.

“Hey, I did not eat it out of your ass” Gohan said defensively, a strange light playing in his eyes.

“Uh-uh, stay back” Trunks cautioned him, “I’ve had a long day and I do not need your dad actually seeing us doing that to top it off.”

“He won’t just ‘show up’ after that” Gohan tried to reason with him, advancing forward.

“Yes, he will, your dad’s like an eight year old, he’ll wait for what he thinks is enough time to have passed, and then I.T. over when no one’s looking cause he thinks it’ll be fine” Trunks countered. Gohan stopped in his tracks, evaluating Trunks’ summary of the situation.

“Ok, but I’m saving a piece of cake for after he leaves.”


DBZ Love Garden

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