Chapter 02
Gohan arrived at the Lookout Tower, much to Dende and Piccolo’s surprise.
“Gohan? What brings you here?”
Gohan gave the two Namek-seijins a sheepish grin, complete with laughter and rubbing his head. “I’d like to brush up on my training.”
“…Training?” Piccolo asked. “Does this have anything to do with your spar with Vegeta earlier this week?”
“Ah—” Gohan paused. He supposed he couldn’t blame Piccolo for thinking that it was Vegeta, considering that he and Trunks had gone Super. “That wasn’t… Trunks came for a visit.” Gohan explained. “He wanted to reassure us that he’s dealt with the androids and Cell.”
“…After so long?” Piccolo blinked curiously.
“Ah… the battle with Cell apparently bumped the time machine. And, well, it changed the year that Trunks had set on the machine and… well, he ended up here, instead of earlier on like he intended.” Gohan grinned a little. He wasn’t
too upset about that, considering… “He wanted to spar, and well… it showed me how rusty my skills have become and…”
“Well,” Piccolo began, “aside from resharpening your skills and instincts, I am uncertain how much more I can assist you, Gohan. You Saiyajins have long surpassed me in terms of power levels.” He paused for a moment. “Why don’t you ask Vegeta…”
“Err…” Gohan glanced away, feeling his tail shift nervously. “…Ever since I’ve regained my tail, he’s been… avoiding me for some reason. Apparently, he’s gone off to space for a few months, now… So, even though he’s due back any time now… I should probably keep my distance.”
Piccolo’s attention shifted to his tail. “Your… tail is back—”
Gohan laughed at the apprehension in Piccolo’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, Piccolo. I’ve been avoiding looking at the moon when it’s full, and also keeping an eye on the cycles. It’s been… nice to have it back.” Granted, it did take him a little while to adjust his balance, but now that it was back, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“…Very well, I’m more than willing to help you hone your skills, Gohan. When were you thinking to start?”
“I… right now, actually?” Gohan suggested. “With school and all… I don’t have a lot of spare time on my hands. And, considering that I have a lot to make up for… I was thinking that we could make use of the time chamber?”
“You want to spend an entire year…?”
“I – no.” Gohan laughed. “We could spend a few weeks, or even a month at a time?” He grinned. “Start slow and get me used to it again. I also don’t want my mom to get too suspicious. You know how she is with me and training.”
“…Yes, I recall…” Piccolo’s face turned a little pale— “Very well, as long as Dende is okay with us using the chamber.”
Dende beamed. “Of course! That is the intended purpose, after all. Let me go make the necessary preparations!”
Thus, once Dende had finished, Gohan and Piccolo entered the time chamber. They decided on one month at a time to better gauge their remaining time in the chamber. And the month was hard and gruelling, reminiscent of the time that Piccolo had taken him to train prior to the arrival of Vegeta and Nappa. However, it was a much needed refresher course of the basics and Gohan could feel his power returning to him. ~If Trunks sparred with him now, Gohan would certainly win…~ And, by the end of it, Gohan could tell that he was out of shape. He felt lethargic and exhausted, despite the progress made.
“You’re still out of shape.” Piccolo reprimanded, also noting Gohan’s lacking energy levels. “But, it’s been a month. Take some time to rest up and catch your breath. We’ll continue when you’re ready, Gohan.”
Gohan nodded, thanking Piccolo before he returned home. Now… to remember what his homework had been…
Perhaps it had been the training, perhaps it had been when Gohan had sneakily helped Videl fight the robbers, but he had an audience awaiting him when he had arrived at school Monday morning.
knew something fishy was up with you—”
Gohan turned to see Videl standing on the roof with her hands on her hips. “Ah—” He tried. “It isn’t what it looks like—”
“It isn’t?” Videl challenged. “But I
just saw you!” She pointed at the sky. “You were
Gohan exhaled. Well, at the very least, she didn’t see his tail— (He purposely kept it wrapped around his waist and underneath his shirt, as to avoid even further scrutiny. A tail wasn’t exactly
common in humans, after all.)
“You’re gunna teach me!” Videl announced. “Or, I’m gunna blab your secret to everybody—”
“V-Videl— It isn’t—” Gohan started, hoping to dissuade her.
what, Country-boy?”
Gohan grit his teeth. “Okay, fine, but I can’t promise that you’ll learn.” After all,
Mom didn’t know how to fly, and she was a martial artist as well. (He supposed Mom could’ve just been stubborn, refusing to learn just on premise— But, still.)
Videl made a sound of triumph, and Gohan could only sigh.
Training Videl also brought along Goten. During a sparring session with his little brother, not only had Gohan learned that Goten could go Super, but that he could not fly. (It was a baffling prospect, but, alas, it was what it was.)
As expected, Goten picked it up easily. Videl, on the other hand, needed to learn the basics of Ki and was easily frustrated.
“How can a little kid learn so quickly!” Videl complained.
Gohan exhaled. “We’ve been training our entire lives with Ki.” He tried to explain. “You’re still learning how to control it. Goten already knows, so he only has to apply the basic principle.”
This made Videl look at him. “Since you’ve been training your whole life… what do you think about joining the Martial Arts Tournament?” She suggested. “It’s happening in May!”
At the mention of the tournament, Gohan couldn’t help but flinch. His only memories of a tournament weren’t… good, considering Cell— He supposed the time spent with Trunks was… nice and all, but Trunks’ death also very much overshadowed that. ~Thinking about Trunks made his stomach swirl a little, despite the fact that they would never—~ “Ah… maybe that’s not a good idea—” Not only because of Gohan’s apprehensions, but… to his knowledge, they had long surpassed the threshold of the Martial Arts Tournament. It may have been a fun bit of history for his father and his father’s friends, but— Gohan was much stronger than his father had been when he had participated in those tournaments years ago, and the competition had not changed much in terms of challenge. In fact, considering that Videl’s father was apparently the most powerful… well, that
definitely was nothing compared to what Gohan was capable of — even
without transforming.
“Oh, come
on!” Videl pressed. “It’s been awhile since they’ve been exciting! Nobody can beat my father and—” Then, her eyes glinted. “I could always just tell everybody—”
Gohan groaned.
“What’s this about a tournament?!” Goten landed next to them, a brightness in his eyes.
Videl grinned.
And Gohan could only sigh. Oh, the things he did for the semblance of a normal life…
The training with Videl and Goten sidelined Gohan’s training with Piccolo. At the very least it was
some sort of training. And, once Videl left, the two half-breeds could train in earnest. Goten
was weaker than he was, considering the boy couldn’t go beyond, but— Even at Super, he was almost comparable to Piccolo strength-wise. Of course, Goten couldn’t compare to Piccolo’s regimes and his strategies, but it was
something. It did perplex — and frustrate — Gohan, however, that the exhaustion was
still there, even with the lessened intensity. Was he
really that out of shape?
Goten shared the idea of the tournament with Trunks, who then shared the idea with his parents. Vegeta had returned to Earth, but Gohan kept his distance, uncertain how the other would react to his presence. The older Saiyajin was intrigued by the tournament and had decided to participate. Bulma had spread the news, and a few others had decided to join. And, before he knew it, the day of the tournament had come.
Gohan met up with the gang at the gates, but had intentionally donned the disguise that he wore the same day that he saved Videl from the robbers. Krillin had mocked him a little, but after Gohan had defended himself, stating that he was trying to avoid scrutiny from his classmates, his father’s friend had eased up on him. Father, too, had arrived, being granted a full day back on Earth. It was… nice to see his dad again, and he smiled at Goten’s shyness upon meeting their father.
Vegeta was scowling, as he was wont to, and Gohan kept a wide berth from him. He could tell that Vegeta seemed unusually focused on him, but he was quickly distracted by Piccolo’s appearance and he beamed up at his mentor.
Piccolo looked at him and
blinked. He tilted his head and stared at him. “…Go—”
“You!” Videl appeared then, and ran up to him. “I — wait—
Gohan? You're the mysterious golden warrior?!”
Gohan rubbed the back of his head. He
knew this was going to happen, but— he couldn’t think of anything else to disguise his identity. ~He had not returned to Capsule Corp to obtain anything…~ “Look, I’m here, alright? You wanted me to come, so shush—”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! Now my dad’s
really gotta see you fight!”
And, before Gohan could stop her, she began to drag him towards the sign up table.
Well… on with the tournament.
As the six of them knelt before Babidi’s spaceship, Gohan was still reeling about how much had happened in the last few hours: The Supreme Kai, a calamity on their doorsteps, almost
dying—“I appreciate your assistance.” Kaioshin said. “Especially you, Gohan.”
Gohan blinked at being singled out. But, then again, he supposed that it was probably because he was the strongest warrior here. (Well, depending on his father’s progress and all—) Again, Gohan could feel eyes on him — notably Piccolo’s and
Vegeta’s — but, before Gohan could comment, Dabura had charged at them and Kaioshin yelled at them to dodge—
Chaos. That was the only word to describe the events that continued to unfold. Gohan was on the World of the Kais, an old, wrinkled ancestor of Kaioshin’s performing a ritual on him while Majin Buu was loose in the Universe—
At the very least, he could rest a little while he meditated. That exhaustion was hitting him again —
hard— He supposed it was impossible to train for the marathon of events that had unfolded after all…
Ah, Gohan could only hope that there would even be a universe
left to save once the Elder Kai had finished with him…
Between Gohan, Dad, and the fusion of his brother and Trunks, the three of them were able to defeat Majin Buu, Using the dragon balls from New Namek, they were able to restore the damage done. They did need to wait a bit, however, to erase the memories from the people of Earth using Earth’s dragon balls, but—
Peace had finally returned to the Universe.
“Again, I thank all of you for your assistance.” Kaioshin announced. “And… especially you, Gohan, considering your… condition.”
Gohan blinked. “My… condition?” What — what was Kaioshin even
talking about—
knew it—” Suddenly, Vegeta was in his face, pulling him down with a fistful of his shirt. “I
knew you were—
What did you do to my son—!”
“I — what—” Of course at the mention of
Vegeta’s son the mental image of when Trunks came to visit
rushed to the forefront of Gohan’s mind, and he forced back the fluster that threatened to show on his face—
“He’s a
“Vegeta…” Gohan reached down and tore Vegeta’s hand off of his shirt. “What the
hell are you even
talking about?!” He narrowed his eyes, glaring at the other.
“I — oh dear…” The voice belonged to Kaioshin. “I take it that you… didn’t know?”
Gohan looked over at Kaioshin, flicking away Vegeta’s hand. “Know…
what?” Whatever it was… apparently both Kaioshin and Vegeta knew—
“Especially you, Gohan.”Ah… hadn’t
Piccolo also looked at him strangely when Kaioshin had said that—?
pregnant, that’s what, Gohan.” Vegeta spat out beside him. “And seeing that
I’m not the sire that only leaves—”
“Wh-What?!” Nervous laughter left Gohan, thinking that he misheard the other. “I — you’re—” His voice cracked. “I’m— I’m a
guy— I can’t be—”
However, as he stared at Vegeta, the prince’s face was as serious and angry as ever—
Saiyajin.” He stated, as if
that explained everything—
“I – uhh, maybe it’s a Saiyajin thing?”…Oh. Oh
FUCK—— As Gohan recalled the moment between him and Trunks— He felt the blood drain from his face. Was… was
that why he had— “I — no — this—” He— He
couldn’t be— There was
no way that he was— More nervous, hysterical laughter left him. “I – I
can’t be—”
Everybody —
everybody was staring at him—
This — this
wasn’t happening— He couldn’t—
“Vegeta…” Bulma’s voice sounded out. “Care to
explain yourself?”
“…Saiyajins have the ability to get pregnant — if they’re a carrier.” Vegeta
finally explained. “And, Gohan’s a carrier. To my knowledge, only another Saiyajin can get them pregnant, one that is a breeder, so myself or… presumably, Trunks—” Vegeta’s eyes were boring into
Gohan again—
The silence was palpable.
“Oh…” Bulma said matter-of-factly, “the two of you didn’t
just spar, did you?”
Gohan’s face — once void of colour — now lit up like a tomato—
“Woman—” Vegeta’s voice rumbled dangerously.
“Vegeta.” A new voice interjected. Piccolo — it was Piccolo. “The
Trunks in question here isn’t a child.”
“While you were off planet, the other Trunks came to visit—”
~Could Gohan get
any more mortified at this point?!~
Vegeta’s shoulders relaxed at that bit of information. “…Oh.”
The knowledge, however, began to settle in now. Pregnant.
Pregnant— Gohan was
Pregnant— ~Pregnant with Trunks’ baby—~ And… somehow…
somehow Vegeta
knew that he could— Without realising it, Gohan turned back towards Vegeta, his fist flying towards the other, connecting with Vegeta’s cheek. “You—” He growled out. “You
knew—” Anger and fury was flowing through him— “You
knew that I could get pregnant and you didn’t
tell me?!”
Vegeta caught the next fist that flew his way, eyes narrowing. “
I was the only one capable of— Trunks was
too young for you to even—”
Another growl left Gohan. “
And?!” No — no, what was
worse was— “And you thought that I
had—” Trunks wasn’t even
ten— And Vegeta had just accused him of— He could feel his energy swirling around him—
“Gohan!” Piccolo called out to him, and Gohan’s focused snapped over to his mentor. “Calm
down! Think of the child!”
h— The— the
child— And, just as quickly as it came, that fury evaporated, and Gohan’s shoulders slumped as he sighed, stepping back and away from Vegeta. However, he spared a single, last glare at the other Saiyajin. “
Explain yourself.” He repeated Bulma’s words. “From. The. Beginning.”
“Tch.” Vegeta grunted. “Your tail and your pheromones. That’s how I knew. I thought that if I distanced myself long enough, your puberty onset would settle to more controllable and manageable levels.” He crossed his arms. “As long as I didn’t answer to your subconscious calling, I figured it wouldn’t matter in the long term. After all… once you found a suitable mate, you wouldn’t continue to seek one out. Considering the age difference, we still had another ten years or so until Trunks would even be deemed 'suitable.’ How the hell was I supposed to know that the other Trunks would visit, or that the two of you would—”
still should have said something, Vegeta!” Gohan yelled out.
“Gohan—” Gohan felt hands on his arms and he turned back to see his father holding his shoulders.
“I — Dad—”
Ah… why? Why did he suddenly want to cry now?
“I…” Vegeta’s voice was softer, now. “I should have, I’m sorry, Gohan.”
Gohan turned at the unexpected apology from the prince before he turned back to his father who held out his arms, and without even hesitating, Gohan pressed his face into his father’s chest, letting those familiar arms comfort him. He could vaguely hear the others talking now, but he didn’t pay much attention to it as he took in the reality of the situation. Pregnant. He was
pregnant— And, as he came back to reality, he could hear the others discussing said pregnancy…
“…gotta be a month now?”
“Two,” Piccolo’s voice replied, “Gohan spent a month with me in the time chamber after Trunks’ visit, so he’d be two months along.”
Distantly, Gohan realised that
that explained his constant tiredness…
“If Gohan’s pregnant with big-me’s baby, does that mean that it’s
my baby?”
They all turned to Trunks who looked worried.
Gohan had to force a smile as he went to kneel in front of Trunks and he shook his head. “No, no, Trunks. If anything, you’re the baby’s uncle, okay?” He’d
never hold Trunks accountable or responsible— Even if the other Trunks wasn’t around to… Gohan then brought one hand to his stomach, feeling almost delirious. He was… he was
having a baby—“Gohan, sweetie, why don’t we go to my medical bay and get you checked out?” Bulma suggested.
Gohan nodded and he numbly followed, still trying to overcome the disbelief.
“I certainly wasn’t expecting on becoming a grandparent anytime soon, but you’re always welcome here, Gohan. You’ve always been practically family, this just makes it official.” Bulma laughed with a grin. “Well, kinda, I suppose.”
Gohan laughed weakly.
“Trunks… he did not make any mention of coming back. Did… did he tell you any different, considering…”
Gohan smiled sadly and shook his head. “It — we never planned for it to happen. It just…
did. One thing led to another and—” Gohan touched his stomach again. “Afterwards, we both agreed it would be a one time thing. It takes too long to charge the machine, and it doesn’t make sense to— Plus our timelines need us, and—”
“Do…” Bulma paused, her voice soft, “do you regret it? Especially now with…”
Gohan blinked up at her and shook his head. “No — I — it was… nice. It’s … it’s hard to say if I would have done anything differently knowing… but I don’t regret it. If anything… it’s almost… soothing to know that he left me with a piece of him.” As he spoke those words, Gohan realised how true they were—
Bulma smiled at him. “Well, we’re here.” She opened the door to her medical room.
Gohan exhaled. Well, might as well get on with it.