Chapter 05
It didn’t take long for Gohan to realise – and be thankful for – Kaioshin’s wisdom in halting their training sessions. The pregnancy was definitely encumbering him, and he could not wait for the birth of his child. At the very least, teleportation did not take much, and if Gohan did happen to be unable to teleport to Bulma’s, his father could do so as well.
The checkups were fairly regular, and Gohan had to limit his activities as well, as to not prompt a premature labour. While in theory it would be fine, it was better to be overly cautious. With his half-breed status, they couldn’t take anything for granted. The days stretched on as they awaited the fateful day, and Gohan found himself listless. He both eagerly wanted this over with, but was also paranoid for the day when it came.
And when that day came, it was a flurry of motions. It blurred together as a mess of pain and anticipation and fear. Fortunately, it seemed that his body was capable of delivering the baby on its own, and Bulma remained in the medical chambers with him, assisting with the birth. Gohan did not know how long he laid on that bed, pushing and pushing—
But the next thing he knew, Bulma was shouting in joy, there was a small cry, and then a bundle was placed into his arms—
“It’s a little girl, Gohan.”
Gohan stared. He stared at his little one with awe. With fascination. With pride.
His little girl. Dark purple – almost silver – straight hair covered her head with a tail to match. Said tail which currently was wrapped around his wrist.
“What are you going to name her?”
Gohan smiled. He had a name picked out. Two, actually, one for each gender. Ones to honour two of her lineages.
“…Corset, huh?” Bulma’s voice was filled with amusement. “You… didn’t have to do that, you know.”
Gohan held Gosette close and shook his head. “Without your counterpart, Trunks would have never been able to come here.” While exhausted, Gohan couldn’t help but bask in the birth of his child. She was beautiful, an unexpected, but cherished, gift.
When he moved to look down at her once more, he was met with big dark eyes that mirrored his own.
“Hello Gosette.”
She blinked at him and Gohan laughed. His wonderful, gorgeous little one was here at last.
Fatherhood was different than he had anticipated it to be. Sure, he had some understanding with Goten, but it quickly became apparent that brotherhood was just scratching the surface of what it meant to be a parent. Gohan couldn’t imagine what it would have been like if his family wasn’t around to help him. And, speaking of family, Bulma offered to help out as well as showering them with gifts. For now, Gohan settled with help from his parents and even Goten— For there were a lot of new faces for Gosette. However, he passed on the message to his mother if she needed a break while he was going back to school. And, speaking of school… by the time the third semester of school was due to start, Gohan hardly felt ready. His mind constantly going back to Gosette’s wellbeing. He fretted over everything to the last moment, despite knowing that his mother was fully capable… She ushered him out the door and Gohan arrives at school just in the nick of time.
He was welcomed back and given warm regards. Thankfully, most people did not pry too much. With those that
weren’t dissuaded by Videl’s glares, Gohan offered vague replies. It seemed that those, combined with the exhaustion of being a new parent, satisfied their curiosities and he didn’t have to reveal too much.
However, that wasn’t the case for Erasa and Sharpener. They had been told about his half-breed status, but Gohan kept them out of the loop regarding his pregnancy, leaving it as a cryptic link as to his absence.
They all met up at Videl’s house for privacy and Gohan decided to reveal the news.
“So… I know my life is… a lot, which is why I’ve been telling you guys things in stages. When I said me being half alien has something to do with my absence, I wasn’t lying… per se—”
“Com’on, what is it Gohan?” Erasa insisted.
“Well…” Gohan exhaled. “It meant that I could get pregnant and—”
Erasa squealed. “A baby?!”
Meanwhile, Sharpener blinked, dumbfounded.
Gohan half winced, half grinned. “I — yeah… I have a daughter.”
“So… you
weren’t binging, or had a growth—” Sharpener finally added.
“To be fair, I
did have something – or some
one – growing inside of me, Sharpener—” Gohan teased.
Sharpener playfully punched his shoulder.
“Do you have pictures?” Erasa continued to squeal out in excitement.
Gohan laughed and pulled out the picture he carried on him. “Her name is Gosette.”
“Isn’t she just a little princess?”
paused at the description as he realised how
accurate it was… “Well… I mean…
technically—” After all, Vegeta was a prince of a destroyed planet, and wasn’t his grandfather the Ox-
king— Thus, Gohan began to explain all of that to his friends, surprising them with even
more information.
Once Gohan was able to get into a routine with school, they began to let others visit. Piccolo and Videl were the first non-family members to visit. Although, one
could argue that Piccolo
was family, considering the bonds between them. Gohan also allowed Dende to come visit alongside Piccolo, and Gohan was glad to see his two friends from the Lookout Tower. Thankfully Gosette was a well-tempered baby, calm and easy to deal with. Despite that, Gohan still watched carefully as Piccolo, Dende, and Videl each held her. Saiyajins often ran on their instincts, and if Gosette couldn’t smell that they were related, he worried how she would react. Saiyajin babies could topple planets, after all. Gosette also
did pack quite a punch when she was upset, so one couldn’t blame Gohan for being wary. The next visitors were Krillin’s family. After that, well, the remainder of their group could visit when time allowed. Gohan’s friends, too, did visit, but Gohan ensured to hold Gosette, or have Videl hold her, because he was worried for
their well-being, humans with no martial arts training. Once he showed them a recent bruise Gosette gave him, they agreed.
All in all, with school and caring for his daughter, Gohan had his hands full. His training with Kaioshin took a backburner, training occasionally in small sessions whenever he could. It was difficult, he wouldn’t lie, but it was amazing to watch her progress and grow. Before he knew it, graduation was upon him. Thankfully, nobody spared a second glance at Gosette’s presence, merely assuming that she was his sister. After all, what
else would be the alternative? And, while post-secondary was all anybody could talk about, Gohan had put that side for now. He wanted to concentrate on raising his daughter. Maybe in a year or two when she was older would Gohan set his sights back on school…
Gosette took her first steps relatively early, in terms of human development, but it did not come to much of a shock to any of them. His mother had raised two half-breeds, and Gohan remembered when baby Trunks took his first steps as well. In terms of physical development, Saiyajins treated them like a speed-run. It took awhile for them to figure out what names they would use for family members, given the sheer number of them, but they had based the Briefs family’s on the terms that Trunks was using: Grandpapa for Vegeta, Grandmama for Bulma, Gi-Gi for Panchy, and Poppops for Dr. Briefs. Gohan’s family titles were a bit more rural, using Granda for Goku and Granma for Chi-Chi, while the Ox-King became ‘Grampy’. For Bulma’s sister, they supposed ‘great aunt’, or even ‘aunt’ would work, and they didn’t see much of her either. (Hell, Gohan didn’t even know if she was aware of the time travel aspect either—) Nonetheless, Gohan was glad to not have to come up with any
more names. Naturally, Piccolo became ‘uncle’, just as Krillin was
his uncle. Videl, too, was quite smitten with being Gosette’s aunt, so Gohan didn’t take that away from her.
Gosette’s babbling soon became more coherent, and Gohan was very proud to be called ‘Dada.’ He didn’t pity his child for having to learn all these names, but, then again, Gohan didn’t remember his own difficulties, so he supposed it wouldn’t be too difficult. And it was just shy of her first birthday as well.
They held her birthday at the Son household. While Gosette was starting to become familiar with Capsule Corp, with the number of people present, it was deemed best to hold it at a more familiar place, as to not overwhelm her. Bulma’s family came over for the celebrations, and Gosette basked in the attention.
She really was his little princess.
When Mr. Satan had invited everybody to his hotel to celebrate a two year anniversary since their victory against Majin Buu, Gohan thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Gosette to the remainder of their friend group. Even though he was no longer juggling school alongside his parenting duties, Gohan
did still see Kaioshin regularly to keep up with his training, and it kept him busy. Plus, Tenshinhan and Yamucha weren’t people they regularly kept in contact with. And, with Gosette older, she was more interactive and sociable, allowing for a better meeting. She was about a year and a half, now, slowly adding more and more words to her vocabulary. She also had a vastly curious nature, and Gohan could only wonder if she took after Trunks in that regard. He remembered being shy when his father introduced him to Bulma and Krillin, but Gosette was much more friendly. Then again, she was quite familiar with everybody she’s met, seeing them on a regular basis, so it was difficult to tell.
Gosette did swimmingly well with meeting all these strange new people. Perhaps it was because of how friendly and calm the atmosphere was. She toddled about the group, smiles and giggles, and Gohan could not help but be reminded of when Trunks was a baby and how well he did when Bulma had brought him to when they confronted the androids. Ah, the yearning for Trunks
still stung a little, even if it resembled an old ache. It came up from time to time as he observed the similarities Gosette shared with Trunks. And while Gohan had come to terms with their parting, it still did not mean he did not mourn their necessary separation. He still wondered
what could have been, wondered what kind of parent Trunks would have been. (He had no doubts that Trunks would want to be there for his – their – daughter, which was also why he was a little grateful that Trunks didn’t know because the sense of duty would tear him apart—) Of course, that was not to be and Gohan had begrudgingly acquitted to his fate, knowing the sting may never, truly, fade. It did not mean he regretted it, however. Not with the bundle of joy their tryst had brought. He just wished that Gosette could meet her other father. That Trunks could meet their daughter. But, alas…
Gohan continued to watch Gosette enjoying herself, smiling at her happiness. Oh
what he would do for her. She was his pride and joy, his everything. She basked in the attention she was receiving, their group absolutely besotted by her.
But, then, a loud crash outside disrupted the joyous occasion. Gohan quickly picked Gosette up and they all ran outside to see two spaceships crashed into the yard of Hercule’s hotel.
What— Who—
Dad and Vegeta stepped out in front, pushing the humans and children behind them. Gohan clutched tightly onto Gosette. He glanced over to his mother, prepared, but not quite yet willing, to hand her over if necessary.
The spaceships opened and out came a small green woman and—
A Saiyajin?!
A surge of protectiveness washed over him, because none of their initial interactions with Saiyajins were good—
All attention went to Vegeta who looked shocked.
“Vegeta!” The Saiyajin said, his face beaming.
“What are you…” Vegeta jumped down to greet the Saiyajin.
“I heard you arrived on Earth. Am I glad to see you!”
“Vegeta.” Bulma spoke up. “Care to do some explaining?”
Was that a look of
dread on Vegeta’s face, or did Gohan imagine it? “I… this is my younger brother, Tarble.”
“You have a brother?!”
Vegeta exhaled. “I — yes. He was sent away from the planet as a child to a peaceful, uneventful planet. He was not deemed a warrior.”
Everybody seemed to relax at those words.
“Vegeta! I’d like you to meet my wife, Gure!” Tarble smiled, gesturing to the small green woman at his side.
“Your wife?” Bulma walked over. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Vegeta’s wife.”
“Oh?” Tarble smiled. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“What brings you to Earth, Tarble?” Vegeta interjected.
“I — oh!” Tarble suddenly looked nervous and apprehensive. “Some of Frieza’s henchmen found me, and I was unable to defeat them—”
Vegeta grunted and then looked up to the sky. Gohan, too, could feel energy signatures approaching Earth. “Very well.”
Two more spaceships crashed into the ground, and out came warriors wearing Frieza’s armour. Gohan clung tightly onto Gosette. Their power levels were high, yes, but hardly anything that they hadn’t fought before, thankfully.
Yet, their arrival was quickly overwritten as two
more people arrived at the hotel, with energy signatures that Gohan
couldn’t detect.
“How many enemies did you say there were, Tarble—?”
Yet, as Gohan turned from the newest newcomers, he could see Tarble looking white as a sheet. But he wasn’t the
only person who looked uneasy. Beside him, Vegeta was just as tense and pale—
“Whis,” the feline-like being spoke, “I thought Frieza was defeated. What are his henchmen doing here?”
“Indeed… it is peculiar.”
“We have you now, Tarble! And you even brought us to your brother…” One of Frieza’s henchmen announced as they exited their spaceship.
“Hm, it seems that they are after the Saiyajins, Lord Beerus.”
“Tch,” And, without hesitating, ‘Lord Beerus’ hand lifted and a ball of purple energy formed before he shot it over to the two henchmen and they were immediately evaporated—
“B-Beerus!” Kaioshin stepped out from the crowd, his tone incredulous and offended.
Hold on,
Kaioshin knew these two…?
“Kaioshin?” Beerus turned at the call of his name. “Why… what are you doing on this planet?”
“I should be asking the same of you!” Kaioshin retorted. “This planet has not been marked for destruction!”
“Hmmm…” Beerus’ tail flicked almost impatiently. “I’m looking for the Saiyajins.” He then scanned through the crowd. “I see Vegeta and his brother, and… I do believe there are at least two more in the crowd behind you, judging by their tails.”
“The… Saiyajins?” Kaioshin’s tone was cautious yet firm. “They
are not to befall any harm.”
“Oh? Why are you so concerned of their fate?” Meanwhile, Beerus’ tone was nonchalant, almost careless.
Kaioshin’s eyes narrowed, but before he could reply, Elder Kai came out of the crowd as well, speaking up.
“Because they are the ones who had to do
your job for you when Majin Buu attacked.”
You! I thought I sealed you away—” Beerus shrieked.
Suddenly, things began to make sense to Gohan. He recalled Kaioshin and Elder Kai explaining the history behind the sword and the connection with another deity. One that was the polar opposite to the God of Creation. This Beerus had to have been the God of Destruction—
“Now, now, Lord Beerus,” Beerus’ attendant – presumably Whis – spoke up, “we came here to find this Super Saiyajin God, remember?”
“Indeed.” Beerus said, his shoulders relaxing a little bit, even if his features were still contorted. “I see four Saiyajins, how many, exactly, did you say there were, Whis?”
“There should be six residing on Earth, but Tarble was not in those calculations. So, there should be three more.”
Gohan shifted Gosette so that she was on the side opposite of Beerus, freeing one of his hands in case he needed to act.
swear, Vegeta, one of these days I’m going to have to interrogate you to avoid any
more surprises—” Bulma groaned out. “Could
somebody do some explaining here?!”
Whis turned to Bulma at her outburst. “Oh, my apologies! My name is Whis,” he began, “and the one beside me is Lord Beerus. We are… companions of Kaioshin here.”
“He’s the God of Destruction.” Kaioshin added. “But his presence here is unexplained.”
told you why we were here! We’re looking for this Super Saiyajin God!” Beerus snapped. “Now, do any of you Saiyajins know where we can find this Super Saiyajin God. Or, perhaps, would you know Kaioshin?”
“Super Saiyajin God…?” Gohan’s father mumbled before he turned over to Vegeta. “Ne, Vegeta, do you know anything about this?”
“Tch,” Vegeta turned his face with crossed arms. “Super Saiyajin was only a myth until
you unlocked it! What makes you think I know what a ‘God’ version of that is?!”
“Gee… no need to get so snippy. Kaioshin, do
you know anything about it?”
“…I am afraid I am not, Goku.” Kaioshin replied.
“Hmm, well, why don’t we ask Shenron?” Dad then turned to Dende. “Think Shenron can find this Super Saiyajin God, Dende?”
“It’s a good idea, Goku!” Dende nodded. “Bulma, do you happen to have the dragon radar on you?”
Bulma sighed and shook her head. “It’s in my lab right now—”
“Kibito can take you.” Kaioshin suggested.
Bulma sighed and nodded. “Alright, I’ll go get the radar…”
Beerus watched the interaction silently, but spoke up when Bulma and Kibito left. “Who, exactly, is this Shenron, Kaioshin?”
Kaioshin explained the premise surrounding the dragon balls and wishes, and how Shenron might be able to answer their question as a wish.
When Bulma got back she sighed. “Goku, you know this is going to take awhile to locate all seven…”
“This radar…” Whis plucked it out of Bulma’s hands. “What exactly does it do?”
Bulma tried to snatch it back with no avail. “It helps me locate the dragon balls. Once I find all seven we can summon Shenron. However, the balls are scattered all over Earth.”
“And I presume Kibito would be unable to teleport you to each individual dragon balls?”
Kibito nodded. “I do not know the exact location.”
“Hm, very well. Bulma, is it? Show me how this radar works.”
The two of them talked for a bit before Whis looked up. “Kaioshin, I presume that you have interacted with these dragon balls? Could you show me what they look like?”
Kaioshin nodded before a transparent image of the one-star dragon ball appeared. “They have various stars numbered from one through seven.” And, as he spoke the dragon ball changed to each number, and once Whis had a good look at them, the image faxed.
Then, Whis looked over in one direction. “Very well.” Then, he vanished. Moments later, he reappeared, holding the three star dragon ball. “Is this it?”
“How did you—” Bulma stared incredulously at the dragon ball.
“Ohoho, my warp ability travels at high speeds in the direction of my choosing. So, if I know approximately how far to go, I can be there in moments. Of course, the greater the distance, the longer it takes me, but going around a planet of this size is practically nothing.”
And, after a few minutes, all seven dragon balls had been gathered.
“…Even when we gathered them when Babidi attacked, it took us a few hours—” Bulma mumbled.
Dende laughed nervously, and Gohan couldn’t blame him. Dende then did the honours of summoning Shenron before handing it off to Beerus, who asked the dragon about a Super Saiyajin God.
“A Super Saiyajin God…?” Shenron paused. “One has not yet come into existence. However… with the help of five other pure-hearted Saiyajins, one can become one. Is… Is there anything else you require of me, Lord Beerus?”
“That is all.” Beerus waved dismissively.
“I … very well. Farewell.” And a moment later, Shenron dispersed alongside the dragon balls.
“Five other Saiyajins…” Dad mused. “Well, it’s a good thing we have seven here!” He laughed.
“Dad…” Gohan mumbled. “I doubt Gosette could even
do anything— She doesn’t know how to channel her ki!”
Dad laughed. “I — yeah, I guess.”
Gohan exhaled before handing Gosette over to his mother. “I… well, I suppose we should get on with this…”