The Lover’s Ectoplasmic Encounter
by Puar     More by this Writer
Gohan accidentally lets Baba’s poltergeist escape and now he has to catch it.

Chapter 02
“What’s wrong?” asked the young man.

Ejuth glared at him through her tears. “You mean you didn’t see Baba’s pet escape when you entered?” She asked. “You just let the poultrygeist escape. Baba’s going to kill me…” she wailed.


Where was Gohan? Trunks looked at his watch for the eighty-seventh time. He was late, again! His Mom might call it “fashionably” late but it annoyed Trunks almost as much as it did his father. The two of them had made plans to train together. Of course, Trunks was hoping for a bit more, once he convinced Gohan that he was serious. But where could he be?

He heard a commotion around the corner. Could that be him? He just had to check! He sped around the corner and came face to face with —

Trunks watched the ghost’s hideous wings spread, revealing its black and red, shrunken breast. It had a mouth instead of a beak, with three inch long, sharp, black teeth. Spurts of angry red flame erupted from cracks in its scaly, lime green hide. Six inch long, black talons, writhing as it kicked its backwards bending, jointed legs. It backed away from Trunks as he approached; it vanished, in a grayish cloud of smoke and fumes that smelled like rotted chicken.

Trunks coughed and covered his nose with the crook of his arm, trying to wave away the fowl-smelling smoke with his other hand. If he powered up, getting rid of the stench would be simple; but he didn’t want the humans around him to know that a Super Saiyajin was here.


Gohan checked his watch. He was going to be late for his date with Trunks.

He had to think of it that way. Sure, they were going to train together, but… Well, that’s why he came here. He needed to ask Baba about a love potion. That would have to wait, though…. “There has to be a way to find it. Come on!” He pulled the girl out with him.

“Wait — Mistress Baba wanted me to clean the shop!” she protested. “I can’t just leave the store! She would have my head on a platter and feed the rest to the sharks!”

“Look. Do you want to try catching it or not? Oh, never mind.” He started to move away.

“Wait a sec, here,” she handed him the bottle, “try to catch it in there. It has a spell of holding. If you’re fast enough to catch him in there, you can bring him back here.”

Gohan starred at her, then at the bottle she gave him. “How am I going to get a fowl fiend in here?”

“A cackle demon is just a bunch of fowl-smelling smoke whose physical manifestation can’t harm anyone. It’s mainly a nuisance, nothing more. You might be able to do it.” She looked him over. “Do you want to borrow Baba’s quicksilver bracelets? They could enhance your speed and give you a better chance of catching up with it.”

He didn’t want to, but maybe he should. Just because he was a super Saiyajin didn’t mean he could outrun a ghost. Of course, he didn’t want to move too fast with Trunks… The thought of his young protégé brought a smile on Gohan’s lips. He nodded.

Ejuth brought over the bracelets. They were in the shape of serpents, and they seemed to coil up his arms as he put them on. He thought something like them would look incredible on Trunks. Enough of that, he thought, forcing himself back to reality with a snap. Before he could think about Trunks or love potions, he had to try and catch that poultrygeist. Maybe if he did, Baba would make it a point to help him. Things were always uncertain, with her…


A breeze wafted past Trunks just as he managed to get the fowl odor from his nostrils. Something far more pleasant came to his nose. Gohan’s cologne. But, where was he?

Someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned, then grinned. “Gohan! But, what took you so long?” He used his Pout on Gohan for good effect. He knew the effect it had on Mom. He hoped it had a similar one on his love. He hadn’t tried it before…

Gohan looked so serious… “Did you see a poultrygeist come this way?” he asked. “Red-breasted, maybe fowl-mouthed…

“A … poultrygeist?” asked Trunks.


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