by Rena Sama     More by this Writer
Mirai Gohan and Mirai Trunks are just beginning to understand their feeling for each other but decide to wait until Trunks is older and the Androids are destroyed. Trunks is then devastated by his would-be lovers death and seeks revenge on the 17 and 18. Finding he is not strong enough Mirai Trunks goes back in time to seek help and to hopefully meet his father.
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 01
I am
a fighter
a wisher
a hoper
a dreamer

I am

I am

Save for my mother and only friend Gohan. Sad and lonely in what is left of my world…of my life after the androids came and destroyed everything. My father, my friends, my happiness, they were all ripped away before I was even old enough to truly enjoy them. Ripped away and replaced with countless heartbreaking days and sleepless nights.

Everyday the androids pick some new town to destroy. Some more people to torment. More lives to ruin. My master Gohan and I go out to try to stop them, but he always tells me to stay back. So I won’t get hurt. I’m still not strong enough yet. It’s infuriating to know that he puts his ass on the line everyday and I can’t help him. Any aid I’ve ever tried to give resulted in my getting a swift kick to the head from Juunana or Juuhachi gou.

Gohan. He is my only solace. My friend and my fighting partner. Mama always says he looks just like his father ‘Son Kun.’ He must have been really handsome then, I think grinning to myself. No..he must have been gorgeous. I’m always envious of his well-developed muscles. His warm, tanned, and slightly scared flesh. Scars that are evidence of his many battles with the androids. Evidence of his bravery and skill for always coming back alive. The body of a man. A body I will not see for another few years. Damn puberty.

//I envy you//

Gohan is our only true defense against the androids. We train hard, day and night. But I’m still of little help to him ; not having reached suupa saiyajin yet.


Shimatta! Today’s training session was especially intense. “Get angry! Even angrier! Anger is the source of a suupa saiyajin’s power!!” Gohan yells. I can barely hear his voice over my own screaming. I clench my fists and tense every muscle in my body. I raise my power as much as possible trying to summon anger from all the androids destruction. My yell dwindles to a shrill whine and I just collapse from exhaustion.

//Sumanen….I couldn’t do it//

Sweat drips down my face and neck. I look down at the ground panting, not wanting to meet his gaze. Not wanting to see the disappointment there. Kuso! I hate letting him down. “That’s enough for today” he says suddenly, breaking my train of thought. “Ha..hai” I say getting up, and putting added strain on my already shaky, tired legs. We take off for home but our training has taken a lot more out of me than I thought. I lag behind. My heat throbbed painfully with every beat of my heart. Everything hurt. Eventually my power fails me completely and I fall to the ground. “Torankusu!” It’s the last thing I hear before warm, strong arms and darkness envelop me.


I slowly open my eyes the next morning, but quickly close them against the bright light. I guess it’s later than I thought. I move to sit up but the small movement in addition to the new pain in my eyes makes my head pound again. I feel like shit. “Daijyoubu ka?” a warm voice says. “Gohan…” I wonder if he heard all the longing packed into that one word. “Yea I’m okay” I lie ; thinking I must already seem so weak; passing out like that. Father probably would have sneered in disgust. Such weakness would not have been tolerated. From mom’s description he was very prideful and very grumpy. But she loved him anyway, and according to Gohan, so did Son kun.

“Really I’m all right” I said again. “No you’re not!” Gohan corrected, seeing through my lies. He sighed. “Here, Boruma made this for you.” He put the bowl of steaming soup in my lap. I pick up the spoon weakly and slurp my noodles.

“I know how you feel…not reaching suupa saiyajin yet” Gohan said looking out of the window. “You’ll get there soon, I can feel you getting closer everyday.” I stop slurping for a moment. “Really?” hope shimmering in my blue eyes. “Hai.” I don’t know if Gohan meant what he said or was just trying to boost my spirits. But even through my doubt, the encouragement was welcome all the same. “Aa..arigato.” he looks from the window and back to me. As if he’d heard my thoughts; “I meant that you know.” He looked me in the eye to make sure I understood. If he’s truly anything like Gokuu then he’s a man of his word. Not that I ever really doubted Gohan’s integrity anyway.

He looked at me for what seemed like hours. Or was it hours before I realized I had just been staring at him and that he was still talking. I just sit there dumbly and stare at his mouth. I just sit and watch his lips form words. I watch until I realize they’re forming my name. For some reason that thought made my skin burn. My train of thought was broken when I felt burning hot hands touch my shoulders, searing the skin under them with their heat. “Torankusu” I finally snapped out of my daze to see Gohan’s beautiful face just inches from mine, his hands touching me. I felt myself lean forward. Some unseen force drawing me in. Pulling me closer. My eyes still on his lips. His eyes widened when he realized what I meant to do…when I realized what I was doing. “To..Torankusu!!” I could barely hear his voice over the roar of my rushing blood. “Huh?” I said finally, blinking rapidly to snap out of my trance. “What did you say?” Gohan just stared at me in shock and disbelief. I thought I saw just the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks.

“Why did you?….forget it……I said hurry finish your soup and wash up, we need to start training again. We don’t know when the androids might strike next.”


I hope he can become greater than me and defeat the androids, I thought to myself. “Aa” he finally said and put the huge bowl to his lips, gulping it down like he’d never seen food. The broth ran down his chin and neck. I watch the drops collect in the little dip in base of his throat. Then I licked the lips Torankusu seemed so fascinated by a moment ago.

What’s with him today anyway? What’s with ME is a better question. I watched the salty liquid spill from his greedy lips. I felt my skin heat and tingle ever so slightly at that. “Dekimashita!” he said brightly and bounced off the bed and walked towards the kitchen to put the bowl in the sink. When he left the room I released a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.


“You’re getting sloppy Torankusu!! You could have blocked that easily!!” Gohan yelled annoyed with my total lack of concentration. I don’t answer but instead rush at him with blinding speed. I rain punches down on him. All of which were blocked. I finish with one swift kick to the ribs, taking him by surprise. But not for long. In a flash I was sent careening back to the ground. “Itai….”

Hn weakling I could have sworn I heard my father’s voice. Why can’t I focus!! I stay there panting and stewing in my own anger and confusion when a shadow casts over me. I look up to see Gohan standing over me. The sun setting behind him, and he offered me a hand.

Then I understood.

I think I’ve fallen for him. But when….why did I realize just now?

However my new found revelation would have to wait. Gohan’s head shot up at the sound of an explosion nearby. “Get up.” His tone left no room for debate. We head for the town, clouds of dust rising already. Shit! Gohan took off towards the ruckus. We knew all too well who was responsible. We arrive just in time to see people running and screaming from the amusement park. Juunana and Juuhachi were on the merry-go-round. “Oh, you again” Juunana said calmly. “We were just starting to have fun, Juunana hurry up and kill them” Juuhachi said annoyed as if we’d interrupted her play time.

Gohan crouched into a fighting position. “Torankusu, get out of the way.” “Hai” I said automatically. It still hurt to know I couldn’t help him.

Juunana started first, rushing him and releasing a small ki blast. Gohan powered up, his hair gold, eyes green. His whole body surrounded by warm, pale, yellow Light. He and Juunana exchanged a flurry of kicks and punches. But all of Juunana’s attacks were repelled. He’s beating them back! Give them one for me! It seemed Gohan had the upper hand. That is until Juuhachi abandoned the merry-go-round and cuffed Gohan in the temple. The force sent him sailing into a nearby window. I heard Juunana mutter something angrily as Gohan got up from the pile of broken glass. He got up just in time to be tripped by Juuhachi then kicked in the stomach by her brother.

No!…Gohan! I have to help him.

“Gohan!!!” I rush over distracting Juuhachi so she would fight with me instead. I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance, but I had to help him. Help my friend…my love. I throw several punches and a kick. All were easily blocked. Before I knew it Juuhachi held me up by my shirt, a ball of ki forming in her free hand. But Gohan came to my rescue, kicking her out of the way.

Gohan, always my saviour.

He caught me as I fell and turned to take the blast Juuhachi quickly launched at us. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. Could feel his heart beating hard and fast against my back. Could smell his musk and new sweat. I sank a little deeper into his “embrace.” Damn it! Snap out of it!! I yell in my mind, berating myself for forgetting where I am and the near dire situation we’re in. Juuhachi’s blast created a thick but brief cover of dust and smoke. He hid us behind a large rock before the smoke cleared. I heard footsteps around the area where we hid and Juuhachi grumble in annoyance when she couldn’t find us. Instead of looking for us she decided to decimate the entire area with a huge surge of ki. We didn’t have enough time or energy to escape the blast.


When I finally awoke my head ached terribly and my body screamed for me not to move. But I pushed pain and fatigue aside to go find him. Find Gohan. I lift my head first and look around. I no longer feel the androids ki but instead I spot Gohan not more than a few feet from me. I gasp at the state he’s in. Several new cuts were present on his already scarred skin and he was missing his left arm. I look in the pouch next to him. He usually keeps his senzu beans in there. Empty.

Did he give me the last one?!

His breathing was shallow and his pulse weak.

He did that for me?

I hefted his larger frame on my shoulders and flew home.

Shikarishite Gohan!


“He’s recovering quite quickly! Bikkuri shimashita” the doctor said smiling. “His health and strength will return to normal in about a week.” My mother and I both sighed in relief. “Thank you doctor” kaasan said as he walked out of the door.

I sat on a small chair next to Gohan and watched him as he slept. He’s still beautiful to me even with the scars. He got them protecting me and what’s left of the planet. That alone makes him wonderful. I just watch his well developed chest rise and fall with each breath. Then his dark eyes flutter open. “Ohayo Gohan” I say jokingly. It’s already mid afternoon. “How do you feel?” “A little dizzy, and hungry.” His stomach picked that moment to growl loudly. We laughed a little at that. I’m glad he can still laugh and smile after all that’s happened. I go into the kitchen and fetch him something to eat.


A few days have passed. Gohan’s starting to look more like himself again. Even more days have passed since his last bath. Not that it bothered me, but he’s rather particular about that sort of thing. I see him stumble a bit when trying to get out of bed. “Gohan!” I rush over to catch him and help him to the bathroom. One arm holding him around the waist. I held him a little tighter and closer than necessary. I turn the knob and water rushes into the small tub. It takes a few minutes before the water actually gets warm. I turn to see him pulling off his shirt. Trying to at least. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks. I try to will it away. But even through my discomfort I find myself walking towards him. My legs with a will of their own. “You want some help with that?” My voice too. He looks at me for a moment considering. “A..aa” he says smiling oddly. I finish pulling his shirt over his head. My hands coming to brush over his sides in the process. His skin close to burning hot. Why does he always seem so warm? My face felt warm too.

I helped him out of the rest of his clothes. My hands shaking slightly when untying the knot in his cloth belt. I found myself looking a way for a moment when his gi pants hit the floor. My heart was pounding so loudly. I could swear he heard it. Heard that and my erratic breathing. The tub was filled by then. I kept my eyes on it and the steam that rose from the hot water. Anything to distract me from that body. From him. He walks past me towards the tub. I get a good look at his beautiful back and delectable rear. Oh god. I have to keep my arms stiff and at my sides. Afraid my hands would betray me as my legs and voice had before.

He settles down in the tub. I was already at his side with the sponge in my hand. When did I walk over here? I move around to wash his back. Not wanting him to see my blush and swelling between my legs. He looked at me oddly again before I moved behind him, but made no sign of discomfort or refusal. Just let me ; I think to myself as I wash the sweat from his tanned flesh. Using this as a blatant excuse to touch him. I’m sure he must know that, but he still makes no move to stop me. I soap up the sponge and work the lather into his soft skin. I rub small circles around his shoulder blades. He let out a small, almost inaudible sigh and relaxed a little into the tub. I watched the soapy water trail down the long cleft in his back, along his spine and rejoin their bubbly brethren in the water below. My hands and the sponge followed the path the bubbles had forged. When I got to the small of his back there was a rather rough patch of skin there. Such a contrast to his surprisingly smooth skin. He sucked in a sharp breath and arched his back towards my hand. something that sounded very much like a moan push its way past his lips. Bolder now I come to face him and start on his right arm. Since he cannot wash it himself. I say this to myself; justifying my very guilty little pleasure. He watches me with an odd sort of aloof, nonchalant detachment. He’s a little too calm. Like he was hiding something. I’m sure he can see my blush now, along with something else. My hands have betrayed me now as well. They move from his arm to his chest. Then to his stomach where the warm water swirled around his navel. Then lower still.

“I can take it from here.” His voice breaking my trance once again. “Huh?…A..aa..wakatta” I must have sounded almost disappointed. I’m surprised he let me do that for so long as he did. I bring a towel closer to him, pick up his clothes and walk out of the bathroom. I felt his eyes on me the entire time.

I close the door behind me and take in a huge gulp of air. I had hardly breathed the whole time. I hear something from behind the door I just closed. I look at the door. It’s an old decrepit, wooden door. It’s starting to rot and it had a number of small holes and splits. I sat down quietly, peering into a small opening. Gohan continued washing himself. The soap and his fingers following the path mine had ; and where they wanted to go. His hand finally slipped below the water. I could tell where they were headed as his head lolled back and lips parted slightly. My eyes widen at the sight he makes. I thought he was beautiful before! It almost hurts to look at him now. His face one of bliss, and flushed arousal. His eyes just barely open.

Before I could scarcely breath. Now my breath came in huge gasps as my hand went between my own legs. Every moan, every pant, or sigh, every time his head lolled to the side or his hand sped up bringing him closer to completion, sent a jolt through my whole body and pooled between my legs. I forced myself to be silent. But my traitorous voice whispered Gohan’s name. It was just below a whisper and sounded more like a soft rumbling in the back of my throat. It was still just loud enough to draw Gohan’s attention. He looked towards the door. His hand slowing lightly. I could swear he could see me. I just stared back at him and squeezed myself a little harder when my fingers grazed over a particularly sensitive patch of skin. I continued to watch him through the small opening. His hand going faster between his legs again. As did mine. My thighs shuddered around my stroking hand as my seed spilled over it. It was over too quickly. For me. For both of us. I heard Gohan’s sharp intake of breath suddenly. His face looked almost as if he were in pain. He bit his lip hard and shuddered violently. Then he leaned back in the tub. A sated look on his beautiful face. He still looked over at the door. At me. I got up wiped my hand, gathered his clothes and left. I still don’t know if he really saw or heard me.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Loving Care Loving Care

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