Sometimes One Needs To Force Destiny
by Round Robin     More by this Writer
After Bojack’s fight, Gohan and Mirai Trunks spent time together. But now it’s time for Mirai Trunks to leave and Gohan doesn’t want that. What will he do in an attempt to delay Mirai Trunks departure so he can confess his feelings before it’s too late?

Author’s Notes: This is a Round Robin

Chapter 01
Part One by Lord Truhan and Tigress Pern

Once upon a time there were some saiyans…

Vegeta : That is NOT the way to start out a story about a saiyan.

Pern : So how do you want me to start it ? A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away ?

Vegeta : Something more…

Goku : “manly” right?

Vegeta : Exactly. Something worthy of a saiyan prince.

Pern : Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me….*glare from Vegeta* Fine. Anything to get you to cooperate. *cough* On a planet in the far reaches of the galaxy lived the strongest, bravest, most powerful and masculine *snicker…cough* fighters that ever lived. They were the last of the saiyans, a proud, noble mascu… *giggle*


Herve : Her problem is Trunks and Gohan necking in the hallway goes against conventional ideas of masculinity that you seem to put forward in the show.

Gohan : Hey ! We’re masculine, just not in the stereotypical sense.

*Pern is on the floor laughing her head off at Vegeta turning red over the whole masculinity issue*

Goku : I don’t get it. Vegeta, why are you getting so mad ?

Gohan : Um..Dad, I..oh never mind. *shakes his head*



Capsule Corp 2:00 am

Gohan sighed as he slowly dismantled the control panel of Mirai Trunks’ s time machine. “Damn Bojack, without his damned interference who cost me a two week sojourn at the hospital I wouldn’t have to do that” Gohan said as he severed two green cables. “Ok that should do the trick, now let’s take care of the generator… I guess it’s safer to sabotage it too” then he started to methodically invert all power supply cable. “If my mother was seeing me right now she would be ashamed… but as Piccolo sensei taught me desperate situation requires desperate measures” Gohan whispered as the tried to convince himself while pouring 600 pounds of sugar in the time machine’s tank.

As Gohan discreetly left Capsule Corp’s hangar he suddenly got the urge to spy the object of his affection. He made sure that his ki-level was to low to be detected and climbed on the Capsule Corp main dome to access the windows of Trunks bedroom.


“Are you sure you can’t stay a bit longer Trunks” Bulma asked while helping her alternate son to pack his travel bag.

“I’d love to stay Kaasan but it’ll only make my departure even more painful. Besides I have a world to protect, there’s people who are counting on me I can’t disappoint them.” Trunks sadly replied

“I understand Trunks, I don’t know if I already told you that but I… no we are very proud of you and when I say we I mean me and your father. Even if he’s too stubborn to recognize it” said Bulma before hugging her alternate son. “We’ll all miss you, now you should go to bed we’ll finish packing tomorrow.”

“Ok, good night kaasan” Trunks yawned as he slowly undress himself.

“Goodnight Trunks” Bulma replied as she switched off the lights to Gohan’s raging hormones great despair.

Gohan watched one last time Trunks now sleeping’s silhouette before flying away. “I’m sorry Trunks but I can’t let you go. Not before I have the opportunity to tell you how I feel. Because of Tousan’s funeral and my griefs I didn’t manage to find the strength nor the right words last time… but this is probably my last chance to declare my love for you and I won’t waste it” he firmly vowed as he disappeared into the night.


“And you will you miss me Gohan ?” Trunks wondered at the same time alone in his bed. “Because I will, that’s why I’m leaving so soon. The faster I leave the faster I’ll put one end to my misery… Gohan…” he whispered one last time before dropping off, one single tear marring his sleeping face.


But he couldn’t sleep. Throughout the night Trunks woke up sporadically. Feelings he hadn’t been able to express kept his mind busy. He needed sleep, but no matter how he tried it kept eluding him.

“This is ridiculous.” Trunks muttered rolling over for the seventh time in the last fifteen minutes. “I should have told him. But what good would it do either of us? I’m not part of this time line.”

And for a brief moment he wished he was. Then he could be with Gohan. But did Gohan even realize he was in love with him? Probably not. He could be dense sometimes, not dense like Goku, but still. With a sigh he tried once more to sleep.

Morning came all too soon and Trunks was ready to go. Checking and double checking he knew he had everything.

“Are you positive?” Bulma asked peering over his shoulder.


“How about snacks for the trip?” she inquired edging towards the kitchen.

“It’s not a long trip…” he began, but then he realized that she had already snatched a small neatly wrapped plate. Trunks eyed it wearily. //She didn’t cook did she?// he thought worriedly remembering all the disasters his mother had created in the kitchen. Handy with tools and inventions she may be, but she could be a total disaster in the kitchen.

“I had my mom send over some of her famous cookies. I can’t cook, but I’m sure you know that.” Bulma said handing the package to him. //Thank God// he thought accepting the gift with a nod.

With that he and Bulma headed for the time capsule. Vegeta wasn’t anywhere around, but Trunks expected it. His father hadn’t been there for him before, why should he be there now? Bulma looked put out by the fact and kept grumbling about wanting to smack him upside his spiky haired head.

“Baka, baka..” She repeated over and over. “Stupid, Stupid saiyan. I don’t know why I bothered marrying that…”

Trunks only shrugged and for a moment he wished Vegeta would see him off, but he knew he wouldn’t. His only audience would be his mother. Thank goodness Gohan wasn’t there or Trunks would have found it harder to leave.


Gohan started awake. Blinking he realized he’d fallen asleep on the roof. //SHIT// he swore silently. He needed to get off the roof before someone…like Vegeta…spotted him. He could just see the Saiyan Prince glaring at him with that “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” look in his eyes. And Gohan didn’t feel like explaining himself to the older fighter. No way.

Scrambling down he noticed Trunks and Bulma heading towards the Time capsule.

“He’s leaving already?” Gohan thought sadly. Then with a smile, Gohan knew that Trunks wouldn’t be. He’d seen to that last night. But who said he couldn’t sneak over and watch his plan unfold?


As Gohan observed Trunks saying his farewells to Bulma, he couldn’t help but notice how the purple haired half-saiyan prince was so incredibly sexy even while doing the most insignificant things. The way his sexy lips moved when he talked, the melodious sound of his voice specially when he said Gohan, even the simple move of his hands as he waved goodbye was sufficient to turn Gohan on. As Trunks climbed inside the time machine, Gohan moved near the edge of Capsule Corp’s dome to get a better view, his mind lusting now on Trunks hips and firm buttock.

“Soon you’ll be mine Trunks and that nice piece of ass too” Gohan whispered while smirking. Then frowning “I’ll have to move quickly though. It won’t take long before Bulma figure what caused the breakdown and manage to fix it. If I’m too slow you might pack again before I had the time to tell you…. although I wouldn’t mind lending you a hand to pack your trunks, yep might be a very good training after all” Gohan gave himself a mental slap.

//Don’t go there Gohan, you need all your brain cells to come with a believable pretext to explain your visit this afternoon both for Kaasan and for Trunks. I don’t want him to suspect anything… I know I tell Kaasan I need to use Capsule Corp’s computer to do some school assignment. Yes, that might work, then I’ll fake surprise to see that Trunks is still there… and I’ll ask Trunks to help me with my research. But what kind of research ? I know submarine fauna and flora. I’ll size this opportunity to invite him to go scuba diving with me, pretending I need some kind of sample and that Kaasan’s mind would be more at ease if I didn’t do that alone. And when we’ll bask in the sun to dry our clothes, I’ll tell him how I feel… Yep, that’ll do the trick perfectly… Without modesty my dear Gohan, I must say that sometimes you’re really brilliant…//

As he was caught in his thoughts Gohan didn’t hear Vegeta landing behind him. Yet his blood froze instantly when the familiar nasal voice asked “What are you doing on my roof ?”, brutally interrupting his daydreaming.

“Vegeta !” Gohan spun around. //Shit when did he come here ?// Gohan vainly tried to think of an explanation but when he saw Vegeta’s face the fear immediately got the best of him. As he instinctively took a step backward he slipped and had to scramble to maintain his balance. “Whoahahahah”

For some unknown reasons Vegeta slightly paled as Gohan’s cry grew louder. He muttered “Baka”, then unexpectedly reached out and grabbed Gohan by his shirt. Gohan’s feet dangled over the eaves on the roof for a while before Vegeta finally decided to put him back on his feet on the roof.

“Do not dare utter another sound or scream. Not a single one ! I don’t want that anyone else discover I’m here. Is that clear enough ?” Vegeta snarled while helding Gohan’s shirt for a moment more and looking like he would ki blast him.

Gohan gulped then quickly nodded his approval. As Vegeta released his iron grip on him, Gohan tried to found a believable story to explain his presence on the roof of the Saiyan’s prince. He was about to opt for a paper on bird migration when he suddenly got the feeling he had missed something important in Vegeta’s threat. //What did he say exactly ?// Gohan wondered as he mentally replayed the scene. Then realization hit him, it wasn’t what Vegeta had say but rather what was implied. //It seems that his *highness* wants to hide his presence// Gohan smirked as he knew he now held a weapon against Vegeta.

As Vegeta reiterated his question about Gohan’s presence here, Gohan simply answered :

“Why do you want to hide yours ?”

“I… I asked first” Vegeta stuttered, while he summoned every ounce of his willpower to suppress the slight blush that threatened to appear on his face

“Seems you’re touchy about that” added Gohan, visibly enjoying tormenting the haughty prince.

“I’m not touchy ! I’ve nothing to hide”

“I think you should speak less louder, unless you want everyone know that you’re here ?” said Gohan searching to press home.

Gohan’s reply got the intended effect since it instantaneously roused on Vegeta’s latent and quasi permanent wrath : “How dare you giving me order or advice I’m your king and you’re only the son of a second class low warrior !! You’re not even fully saiyan…”

Gohan smiled as he viciously answered “Can’t you shout any louder? I’m pretty sure some deaf people didn’t clearly hear you in Ginja Town. Do you really want to explain everyone why you’re on the roof…”

Unfortunately for him, Gohan didn’t know that years of daily Homeric’s quarrel with Bulma had tremendously developed Vegeta’s ability of always being ready with an answer : “You little bastard…I wonder what your mother would say if I told her you’re on my roof instead of doing your homework”

“You wouldn’t dare” Gohan said as he turned ashen-faced with pure fear.

“Yes, I would” Coldly stated Vegeta as he fully enjoyed pressing his advantage on Kakkarot’s spawn.

“All right I’m willing to tell you if you tell me first why you’re here” Gohan offered.

“No you’re telling me first”

“This might last very long, since I can be as stubborn as you if I want you know. Why don’t we solve this problem as mature people would do”

“And what do you suggest ?” Vegeta asked while raising an eyebrow, clearly showing his curiosity

“Rock, Paper, Scissors. The loser must answer first. It’s rather fair unless you’re afraid to lose” Gohan added with a smirk, since he knew this will hit Vegeta’s weakest point his fighter’s pride.

“I won’t let you insinuate that I’m a coward. Are you ready for an humiliating defeat ?”.

As they hid their hand in their back, Gohan quickly determined his strategy //Let’s see, considering Vegeta’s fighting habits, as well as his present emotional state in all likelihood he’ll pick scissors at 97,4 % with an error margin of 2,6//

“Rock, Paper, Scissors” Vegeta and Gohan said in perfect unison.

“Masaka ! No it can’t be ! I can’t be defeated !!” Vegeta complained when he saw that’s Gohan’s rock outclassed his scissors.

“So what are you doing here Vegeta-sama ? ” Gohan asked while for once being grateful that his mother had forced him to study both Probabilities and Psychology.

Vegeta sighed as he finally admitted his defeat to himself : “All right I’m going to tell you, but if you ever repeat that to anyone I swear that I’ll kill you painfully and very slowly. I’m here because I wanted to attend Trunks’ departure”

“But wouldn’t it have been more easier to simply attend it with Bulma ?” Gohan wondered out loud.

“That’s what I had originally planned, but the Shrew made a whole fuss about how I had to do that, that it was my duty etc… So I said I needed to train, and that was far more important than her stupid goodbye ceremony. If I had accepted her ultimatum, the harridan might have believed she controlled me someway. Besides, I thought I had found the perfect solution… I’ve noticed that before leaving the time machine needed to rise at a specific high, so my plan was to wait on the roof this specific moment to show up. This way I would have killed two birds with one stone : Trunks would have known I attended his departure and the harridan would have never discover that. But obviously I failed to take your presence into account. So what are you doing here ?”

//So Vegeta really cares for Trunks. Who would have guess that the saiyan prince might have feelings// Gohan thought as he looked at Vegeta in a whole new light. As he was going to pretend he was here to study bird’s migration, Gohan noticed that Trunks’ time machine has started its ascent. “I’ll answer your question later Vegeta since Trunks is leaving now…”.

Vegeta reluctantly nodded his agreement and they both positioned themselves more comfortably to attend Trunks impending departure.


They waited for several minutes before they heard the tell tail sound of the time machine’s engines being started. Gohan smiled to himself perfectly knowing that the engines wouldn’t be on for very long because of his prior activities. Sitting beside him, Vegeta looked towards the garage as Trunk’s time machine began to ascend.

Oblivious to the two saiyans on the roof, Trunks waved goodbye to Bulma. She was trying to hide her tears, but Trunks could tell. He would miss her and his father. Despite Vegeta was a saiyan prince and took great pride in his fighting capabilities, Trunks knew that he actually cared for his son. //Hell of a way to show it though,// a little voice in his head grumbled. //Didn’t even come to say goodbye. His pride and Bulma got in the way. Still, for once why couldn’t he just do what she said?// The voice continued in an agitated tone.

“But Father must have things his own way…” Trunks reminded the voice. Sighing he waited for the time machine to rise to a safe distance before flipping the switch back to his own timeline.

Closing his eyes, Trunks waited patiently. But something told him he should open them after a minute. Upon doing so, Trunks noticed two figures on the roof staring up at him.

“Father? Gohan? What on earth are they….” Suddenly Trunks smiled. His father had come to see him off and so had Gohan! His smile quickly faded leaving a saddened look on his face. “Gohan, you’re the reason I’m leaving so early, so I wouldn’t…” Trunks trailed off wishing his heart didn’t suddenly ache. “I don’t belong here…I don’t want to leave, but I have to. It’s the right thing to do no matter what the cost to me is.”

Vegeta stood and Gohan scrambled to do the same as they saw Trunks raise his hand to wave farewell. //No, don’t go yet!// Gohan screamed mentally, but quickly he suppressed the cry with the knowledge that Trunks wasn’t going anywhere.

Trunks reached for the switch, flipped it and jerked back as a bolt of electricity arced at him.

“What the?” The time machine began to glow, but it was wrong, all wrong. Trunks could hear the engine begin to shut down and a slight panic seized him. This shouldn’t be happening, what was wrong?

“Something’s wrong.” Vegeta growled recognizing the strange glow to the machine. Disregarding Bulma and the reason he’d been hiding on the roof, Vegeta flew towards Trunks. Not to be out done Gohan quickly followed. If there was any rescuing to be done, it was going to be done by him!

They reached the time machine just as Trunks flipped the switch off. Suddenly the entire world was enveloped in a blue light…


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