When It Comes To You, I Can Never Say No
by Saiyajin Peach     More by this Writer
A song fic about Goku, who finds himself a bit unsure of the relationship he finds himself in. Will Vegita be able to make things right?

Authors Notes: Here we go… Another song fic. I really like doing these! ^_^ This fic is done in first person format, switching from Goku to Vejita’s point of view. I hope you can keep it straight. If not, review and let me know, and I’ll make some changes to it.

Disclaimer: I don’t own DragonBall Z or its characters of the song "December" by Collective Soul, and, unfortunately, I’m not getting any money out of this. So, please don’t sue me, because, honestly, you wouldn’t get much anyway! ^_^

Okay, if there’s anyone left… On with the fic…


Why drink the water from my hand

Contagious as you think I am

Just tilt my sun to a trip domain

Your cup runneth over again

I don’t understand how all this happened… It started a little more than a year ago. You came to my house, my house, and asked me if I wanted to spar. Of course, I complied.

At first it was once a month, then, once a week, and before long, we were sparring every single day. We hardly ever spoke; we didn’t need to. Then, one day…

"Kakarotto…" was all you said. I can still remember the way my heart pounded as we tasted one another for the first time.

I still don’t understand why you wanted me, why you want me. I’m just a third class baka, right? Why do you want me so bad when I’m nothing to you? Why do you keep asking me to go with you, to have another liaison in the privacy of the forest or Capsule Corp.? Of course, when it comes to you, I never can say no.

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

Hn. Questions. You’re so full of questions. Why can’t I just want you? You know I do, don’t you? Of course you do, it’s so obvious. What troubles you is that you want to know why. Does there really have to be a why.

Not so long ago I realized what I needed, what I yearned for. You Kakarotto, you. Ever since the first moment I laid eyes on you I’ve been obsessed. Kami, even that damn blue-haired woman noticed that before either of us! Why can’t you just stop? Stop thinking and worrying… Who care what the others think? What your wife will think? What your sons will think? It doesn’t matter.

I know you want me. That first day I came to you… You were so surprised to see me at your house. I let you get comfortable to the idea of being around me so often, slowly spending more and more time with you.

Finally, I knew the day had come, and I approached you, pressing my lips to yours… Oh, your sweet, sweet lips… Even now, I can never get enough.

Why follow me to a higher ground

Lost as you swear I am

Don't throw away your basic needs

Ambiance and vanity

Vejita! This just doesn’t make any sense! Why? Why? I just don’t understand… All of a sudden you realize you want me? Just like a prince. And how long will you want me? I’m more Ningen than you realize… My heart can be broken easily… I’m already addicted to you. At this point the others, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, they will just have to accept this.

You need your pride though… I know you can’t live without it. I know you, I know you all too well. How will it cope with the fact that you like being in the company of a third class? A Saiyajin raised as a Ningen? A baka? I just don’t understand how this will work…

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

Enough! Your confusion, your moping… I’m sick of it! We’ve shared a bed more times than I can count, we know one another’s past, and still, still you won’t accept the fact that it’s possible, we’re doing it, aren’t we?!

Is it that hard to think that I want you? You are the only other pureblooded Saiyajin… No, that’s not the only reason… I not only want you, I… Shit, why is this so hard? I… I need you, Kakarotto…

"I need you…" barely a whisper in your ear as we sleep…

December promise you gave unto me

December whispers of treachery

December clouds are now covering me

December songs no longer I sing

December promise you gave unto me

December whispers of treachery

December clouds are now covering me

December songs no longer I sing

My eyes snap open… Could it be true? You need me? I turn ever so slowly, looking deep into your inky eyes…

"Jita?" I question, waiting for something, anything. All this time I just knew that this was your way of defeating me. If you couldn’t beat me in battle as a warrior, you’d rule me as a prince.

"Hn, what?" you snap, trying your best to look away. I’m nearly in tears… All this time I’ve been so frustrated and confused. It was just so beyond me to think that you would want, need me! It’s true though, looking into your eyes I can see the promise of companionship and loyalty. Your breath whispers of your hesitancy and the future problems of our relationship.

Suddenly, I feel warmth cover me and my heart flutters in my chest like a butterfly on heroin.

"So…" I say simply in the softest tone, "This is what love feels like…"

Your gaze finally locks onto mine and your visage shifts into something I’ve never seen grace your beautiful, yes beautiful, features.

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

(December promise you gave unto me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December whispers of treachery)

Something happened. It’s been nearly six months since that first kiss, and in all this time I really hadn’t realized how soft and gentle you really are. Those three tiny words turned everything around.

I could literally feel the heat radiating from your body as you proclaimed your love. Love! I never knew I’d be capable of winning your heart.

I lean forward, pressing my lips to yours. That sweetness… Your taste compares to nothing!

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

(December clouds are now covering me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December songs no longer I sing)

It’s almost as if you’ve been needing something too. The prince of all Saiyajin needing something. It’s almost unbelievable, but what’s even more unbelievable is that what you need is me.

Then, there was my response… That simple sentence, those little words igniting passion in you I never thought I’d experience. Of course, we’ve slept together numerous times, but now… It was more… We were making love.

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

(December promise you gave unto me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December whispers of treachery)

Kami, Kakarotto… Our already gloriously nude bodies are pressed together in a frenzy. If only I’d known that you needed to hear it… To hear that I need you… I never would have thought that you could be so urgent to have me… Kami, I should have told you the first day I met you!

Little grunts and moans escape our throats as we role as one until I’m on top. I’m always on top, something you seem to not mind at all. You break the kiss for air as I continue down your throat, sucking lightly on my mark that permanently labels you as mine, something else that you seem to not mind.

"I need you… I need you…" I whisper, repeating it like a sacred incantation, invoking the most pleasurable movements from your hips.

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

(December clouds are now covering me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December songs no longer I sing)

Swirling lights of ecstasy cloud my vision. I simply moan and try best to control my thoughts when I feel one of your callused hands reach beneath me, grasping my ass as you slide the touch down the back of my thigh, grasping that place behind my knee as you push my leg up and slightly to the side, spreading my legs.

"Ah… Jita…" the moans escape me on their own will, most unintelligible as you slowly press into me.

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

(December promise you gave unto me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December whispers of treachery)

I stop for a moment, letting you adjust while I dip my head down to lick and nip at the smooth flesh that covers your muscular chest and abdomen. Kami, that taste! Surely, it will be the end of me.

You moan louder, if that’s possible, as I begin moving again, slowly thrusting in and out of your luxuriously tight body. The way you say my name… A slightly feminine sound with the "ji" part extended into a delicious moan. I want to make you scream.

"Kakarotto," I whisper, my hot breath tickling your ear, "Scream for me…"

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

(December clouds are now covering me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December songs no longer I sing)

My back arches as it nears… I can feel it so close now. We howl our pleasure simultaneously as we reach our peak, a swirl of sight and sound completely new to us, and I scream. Kami, I scream!

I’m not sure how much time passed. Minutes, hours, decades? It doesn’t matter, as long as we’re together.

My eyelids flutter open and I discover that you’re already awake, staring at me, cradling me in your arms, my head resting against you compact chest.

"I’m sorry." You murmur.

Surprised, I look up, the confused look clear on my face.

"I didn’t realize that you didn’t know." You explain.

I smile, "It doesn’t matter now." Both of us content, we let ourselves slip back into unconsciousness, holding one another tightly.

Don't scream about

Don't think aloud

(December promise you gave unto me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December whispers of treachery)

I hate these things! I’ve always hated these things! I insist to Kakarotto that they are his friends, not mine, but he whines and pouts, "Please…" Hn, when it comes to you, I never can say no.

Surprisingly, most of them took it well. I knew for sure that that hellcat of a wife of yours would surely go ballistic, but I guess she’d known about us for some time now. Most simply nodded, trying there best to be supportive. Our youngest sons seemed completely content with it, I’m guessing there’s something more to those two than just best friends, but that’s another matter.

All in all it went well. Announcing our relationship was something you needed to do. I smirk to myself, just like a Ningen.

Don't worry now

Don't speak of doubt

(December clouds are now covering me)

Turn your head, now baby just spit me out

(December songs no longer I sing)

"Jita…" I hold you close, on the verge of sleep.

"Hn?" your eyes still closed.

"Say it one more time…" I ask, nearly plead, yawning from the exhaustion of our last bout of lovemaking.

"Really, Kakarotto..." you say, my eyes are closed as well, but I know you’re smirking.

"Nn… Please…" I whine, nudging your chest as I reposition, sleep grasping at the edges of my mind.

"I need you… Kami," you whisper, your voice so quiet I can barely pick up on it, "I love you…"

My hurt surges with a swirl of emotions as I slip away from reality, sleep finally taking complete control. Love? Love. Love! I feel your mind, your soul slip into the land of sleep as well.

‘Yes, Kakarotto, I love you…’ your message reaches me through a wordless means and my heart surges again.

‘I love you, too!’


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