by Saiyajin Raven 69     More by this Writer
My first song fic, and my first time combining my two loves...DBZ yaoi and vampires.

Set to the perfectly vampiric song Possession, by Sarah McLachlan.

POV changes will be denoted like this ~*~*~*~

Listen as the wind blows from across the great divide
Voices trapped in yearning, memories trapped in time
The night is my companion and solitude my guide
Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied

Sitting on a rooftop overlooking downtown Tokyo, watching the crowded streets filled with lovers enjoying the beautiful, starry night makes me long for my life before…before it was taken away from me. This life I lead now is not the one that I had imagined I'd be living. I always thought that someday, somehow, Trunks and I would be together at last, that we'd be happy. Now, I can't trust myself to be near the one person that I hold closer to my heart than anyone I've ever known.

We spent every moment together as children, at least every moment that my mother would allow. Endless days of mischief, pranks, and fun are all that I can remember of my childhood with him. He was my hero, and I worshipped him. As we grew, our friendship only deepened as we shared our hopes and dreams with one another, watching the wind ripple the still calm of the pond near my home. I could share anything with him…everything but my darkest secret, but I'm sure he knew. He knew me better than I knew myself…he had to know that I was in love with him. I still am, and that love grows more painful each minute, as it becomes more clear that I will never see him again.

I can't bring myself to look at his beautiful face; can't risk being near him for fear that I'll infect him with this terrible disease that was forced onto me. I'm destined to live my life eternally alone, stalking the streets at night with only the rats and cockroaches of the back alleys of Tokyo as witness to my tears.

Tonight, as I sit above the world passing me by on those busy streets, my tears are dried by the wind before they roll down my cheeks. The knowledge that I will never again see the way the sun filters through the leaves of the giant red cedars in the forests that I love, that I will never sit down with my family for a meal again, never be awakened by the birds singing outside my window…all of these things combined can't compare to the emptiness I feel knowing that Trunks is lost to me forever. Right now, I can't fathom how his father could have ever wanted immortality. I am immortal, and it is the greatest curse to bear.

And I would be the one to hold you down, kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away
And after I'd wipe away the tears, just close your eyes dear

My feet dangle over the edge of the building, as I hold my head in my hands, trying to control the shaking of my body as I sob my sorrow to the concrete jungle below. I don't notice the presence behind me, until two strong arms wrap around me, pulling me back to the center of the rooftop. I struggle madly to get away, my senses too confused to realize who it is that is holding me, only that the arms are incredibly strong…strong enough to subdue a crazed, undead demi-Saiyajin.

"Chibi, stop fighting, it's me!" A low, achingly familiar voice insists.

I freeze. It's him. His arms relax, loosening around me, but still holding me against his body. My mind is racing; the stolen blood in my veins is pounding in my ears. He nuzzles his face into my hair, and I can feel his chest vibrating against my back in a deep, rumbling purr. I close my eyes, reveling in the closeness for a long moment, knowing that it can't last. "Trunks." I breathe. Just saying his name out loud feels like salvation to my corrupt soul.

"Where have you been, Goten? I've been searching for you for weeks. I miss you."

I break away from his embrace, keeping my back turned as I bow my head. "Trunks, you have to go away. I can't see you…you can't see me like this. Please, just leave me." My tears start flowing again. All the books I've read over the years, all the stories of vampires losing their emotions, being inhuman, uncaring creatures once they've been turned are obviously wrong. I don't think I've ever cried as much in my life as I have these past few weeks.

I feel him behind me again. I'm helpless in his presence, I can't deny the yearning I have to be near him, but I must fight the boiling need in my blood to turn and sink the fangs that I'm finally accustomed to into his beautiful neck, and make him a monster just like me. I can't do that to him. I can't damn him to this existence.

"I won't leave you, not when I've finally found you, Chibi." He runs his fingers through my hair, and I shudder at his gentle touch. "Why did you leave me? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to make you mad? Whatever I did, I'm so sorry."

He moves his hands to my shoulders, turning me around to face him. I don't know where my strength has gone. I should fight him…make him leave. I can't look at him. He raises my face to his, but I can't open my eyes. If I look at him, I know I'm lost. I feel his fingers on my face, brushing away the tears as they fall. So many emotions are flowing through me that I'm mute. I couldn't speak if I tried. His fingers are replaced by his lips, kissing away the tears as they fall. I finally find my voice, although I barely recognize it as my own. "Trunks, what are you doing?"

"I'm so sorry, Chibi. I've known how you felt for a long time, but didn't realize that I did, too, until you disappeared. I can only assume that's why you left."

I turn away from him then, if he is saying what I think he is…Gods, I've wanted to hear him say that he loves me for so long, but now that it might be true, it's too late. I need to get away from him. I try to walk away, but I can't without knowing for sure. Maybe it will make this lonely existence somewhat more bearable if I know how he feels. Knowing that he loves me, even though we can't be together, might just make the burden on my heart a little lighter. I put my hand on the cold bricks that make up the small structure that leads to the stairway back into the building. The way my emotions are swirling right now, I might need the support of the wall when he answers my question. "What are you saying, Trunks? I need to know."

I can feel his approach. I just wish he could let me be…stay away so I can think, so that I can breathe without inhaling his scent. His hand is on my shoulder, and once again he's turning me toward him. "This is what I mean, Chibi." His mouth is on mine before I can react to his closeness. Oh Gods, he tastes so good! I can't control myself, now. I wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to him as if my life depended on it, which is ironic, since I'm technically dead.

I turn us so that his back is against the wall, our kiss has become a maddening assault, but I can't decide which of us is more frenzied. My body is forcing his into the bricks. If I could, I'd crawl right inside of him, and still wouldn't feel close enough. His hands are clawing at my back, and I can feel his arousal as he pushes against me. Finally, I realize that I taste blood…his blood. I tear myself away from him, my hand covering my mouth as I see the smear of red on his chin, and his torn bottom lip.


Through this world I've stumbled so many times betrayed
Trying to find an honest word to find the truth enslaved
Oh you speak to me in riddles and you speak to me in rhyme
My body aches to breathe your breath
Your words keep me alive

I touch my fingertips to my lip, and draw them away bloody. When I look up, he's gone. Damn it! Just when I finally find him…when I finally get to kiss him, he leaves me again! Did I scare him? It didn't seem like it, I know he wanted me as much as I wanted him, I could feel it. I've got to go after him.

His ki is almost non-existent, so he must be masking it really well. I can hardly feel him, but there is just enough for me to follow him. He flies in and out of the obstacle course formed by sky scrapers, ducking behind one, and coming out from behind the next. I have no choice but to follow, I won't lose him again. I can't. I can't live without him one more day. We're moving out of the city, into a residential area made up of apartment buildings several stories tall. I finally catch sight of him darting into a window, and I'm there in an instant, following him in before he can slam the glass pane.

"Why did you leave? Damn it, Goten, what's up with you?" I shout as I land in the small room.

His eyes are wild, he looks like a trapped animal. He hesitates just a moment before he turns and makes a break for the door. I'm not giving up. I leap on him, pinning him down on the hardwood floor. He struggles against me, and his strength is amazing. He's growling, reminding me of an animal again, trying to escape its captor.

"Trunks, let me go!" He screams. "You don't understand! You have to get out of here!"

"No! I'm not leaving, and I would understand if you'd just tell me! What the fuck is going on with you, Goten? Why are you acting like this? Why are you running from me?" I'm trying to keep the desperation I feel out of my voice, but I can't. "Tell me, damn it! What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you, Trunks!" He shrieks, as he gives one last futile attempt at getting free. Then, he lies still under me, and I see the tears escaping from his closed eyes once again. "I can't, Trunks. Please, just go away. I don't want to hurt you." His voice sounds so small, like he's just a little kid again. It breaks my heart. I know there is something terribly wrong, but I have no idea how to fix it.

"Please, Chibi, tell me. I can help you…whatever it is, I can help! You won't hurt me, I promise!" I gather him up in my arms, and he doesn't fight me. "Please, just let me help."

"There's nothing you can do, Trunks. I have to face this alone, and if you don't leave soon, I will hurt you. I won't be able to control myself."

"What are you, a werewolf?" I laugh as I hug him tightly. "The Incredible Hulk? You gonna go all green and mean on me?"

He breaks out of my embrace with a sob, and moves toward the window, trying again to escape. I catch his ankle at the last second, and drag him back into the room, into my arms. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me. You can't run away from me, Goten. Whatever it is, I'm here for you, and I won't let you face it alone. Please trust me, Chibi. I love you." I kiss his temple, and feel how badly he is shivering. I can't tell if he's cold, or scared, or maybe both. I drag him over to sit on the bed, and I hold him on my lap so that he can't get away from me again.

"I'm not a werewolf, Trunks, I'm a vampire." He says in a low voice, his head turned away from me, and his eyes closed. He takes a shuddering breath, and continues. "Do you remember the last night we saw each other? When we went clubbing in the city? You passed out, and I flew you home. I went back to the last bar we were at, because I'd lost my wallet, and I had a couple more drinks after I'd found it. When I left, I knew I was too drunk to fly, so I walked back toward Capsule Corp…I knew I couldn't make it back home. Some guy jumped me in an alley. I was too drunk to fight him, he was too strong for me."

I'm stunned. "You can't be serious, Chibi. There's no such thing as vampires, they're just in the movies!"

"I'm dead serious, Trunks. I am a vampire. He bit me, I passed out, and when I woke up I was starving. Somehow I just knew what I needed, like it was instinct or something. That was the first time I killed someone. I killed him, and I drank his blood, and then I blasted him so that he wouldn't become like me."

His voice is so calm. I'm waiting for him to laugh, and tell me it's all a joke, but he's not laughing. He finally looks into my eyes, and I can see that he is telling me the truth. I've always been able to read his eyes, they are so expressive. I can't believe what he's telling me…it's impossible for my mind to grasp, but my heart tells me that he wouldn't lie about something like this, not to me.

"Do you understand why I want you to leave? If you stay any longer, I don't know if I can keep myself from taking you right here. I'm so alone, Trunks. All these weeks, all I've wanted was to see you, to be with you, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk losing control, and just attacking you, and bringing you with me. I can't do that to you. I can't make you a monster." His voice is barely a whisper. "I've loved you for so long, Trunks. I can't do this to you, no matter how much I want you to be with me."

I swallow hard. The lump in my throat makes it painful to speak, but the pain in my heart is worse. "It's my fault, isn't it? If I hadn't passed out, if you hadn't needed to take me home, and then gone back for your wallet alone, it never would have happened. If I'd have been with you, instead of passed out drunk, he wouldn't have attacked you. It is…it is my fault." I can't hold back the sobs that escape my throat, as tears start coursing down my cheeks. "Oh Gods, Goten, I'm so sorry…I'm so sorry! If I'd have been there…"

"No, Trunks, it isn't your fault." He says softly. "I don't blame you, it was my own stupid mistake. I shouldn't have had those drinks, or I would have been fine to fly back to Capsule Corp. It's because I was too drunk that it happened, not because you passed out. I swear, it's not your fault, it's mine."

So many questions are running though my brain, I can't even process them. All the things I've seen and read about vampires, I need to know if they all are true. The most difficult thing for me to comprehend is that the most loving, generous person that I've ever known could possibly take lives. "Do you really kill people?"

He closes his eyes again, and nods. "I don't have to every night, surprisingly enough, I lost the Saiyajin appetite. Most weeks I can go with only feeding three or four times, but yes, I do have to kill to feed. I go into the city, fly over the seediest areas, looking for criminals. Rapists, gangsters, robbers…that's who I target; only men that I catch in the act of doing something bad, or hurting someone else. I've never killed an innocent, Trunks, I swear. I've never taken a woman, either, although I've saved a few from being hurt. That's who I go after first, the guys that are hurting women."

I look around the room. It's sparsely decorated, and only has the large bed we are sitting on, a night stand, and a dresser. Stuck all the way around the frame of the mirror are snapshots of us together. Most from when we were kids, but there are a few from high school, and a couple of them that are more recent. "You have a mirror?"

He chuckles. "Yeah. Turns out a lot of the stuff the movies say about vampires isn't true. I have a reflection, I don't sleep in a coffin…this is my bed, and I do sleep in it. I just have really heavy curtains to keep out the sun. That's one thing that's true, I can't go out in sunlight. I do just live at night, and sleep during the day. I don't really know about the garlic thing, and the whole stake through the heart…well, I'd think that would kill anyone, vampire or not."

"So, you have fangs?" I ask, looking at his mouth. He draws his lips back, revealing pointed canines, but they don't look much longer than normal teeth.

"Yeah, that's what ripped your lip open. They're really sharp. Sorry about your lip, by the way."

I touch my lip again, and find that it's pretty much healed. I look at him, and I guess he sees the question in my eyes. "That's `cause of me. I guess vampire spit has healing properties or something. When I bite someone, the wounds heal pretty quickly after I'm done. When I was bitten, mine did. When I woke up, I could just barely feel where he'd bitten me, and about an hour or so later, I couldn't feel it at all."

"Wow. It's all so hard to comprehend, Goten. I always thought vampires were just fiction. It's hard to believe that my best friend…the guy I'm in love with…actually is one."

He stands up quickly, taking me by surprise so that I can't catch him and bring him back to my lap. "Trunks, please, I'm begging you, just leave. Never come back." He turns his back to me, his head bowed.

I stand behind him, and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Goten, I told you I'd help you, and that I'd be here for you. I'm not leaving."

"YOU HAVE TO!" He spins out of my arms, his eyes taking on that wild look that they had when I entered the room. "Trunks, if you stay…" He can't finish his sentence. "You just have to leave! If you don't, I will! I won't do this to you, and if you stay here, I won't be able to stop myself! Don't you understand?"

I take his face between my hands, and he tries to shake them off, but I'm not going to let go. "Goten, would it be so bad if you did?"

He stops struggling, his jaw dropping open as he stares at me with those beautiful eyes that I've missed so much over the past few weeks. "What?"

"You heard me, Chibi. All I want is to be with you, I don't think I can face another day alone. It sounds to me that the worst thing about your life is the loneliness, too. Neither one of us has to be lonely anymore."

And I would be the one to hold you down, kiss you so hard
I'll take your breath away
And after I'd wipe away the tears, just close your eyes dear

"You don't know what you're saying, Trunks. You don't want this life, you have too much going for you! What about your family? Your job? You'd have to give it all up!" A tear escapes, rolling slowly down his cheek. I swear I've never seen him cry so much in his life as I have tonight. I can see how tortured his soul has been over these past weeks alone, his eyes show his pain and despair, but I also see hope in those black depths. I know right here and now that it is there because of me.

I slip my hands from his cheeks into his hair, and draw his head toward mine. His eyes close, and he whimpers as our lips meet. This time, it's a gentle kiss, none of the wild passion that was between us before on top of the sky scraper. I want to be his hope, his salvation, his love. I want him to feel all of those things as I kiss him. I want him to understand. Our mouths move together lazily for several minutes before I finally pull back, reluctantly. "Chibi, you're worth it. I would gladly give up all of those things for you."

He gasps, his eyes are as wide as saucers. "Trunks? Do you really mean that?" His voice squeaks, he's so adorable right now, and I want nothing more than to protect him from the cruel world, to be with him every minute of the rest of our lives. I guess that means eternity, huh? Right now, that doesn't even seem long enough.

"Yes, I mean that. I want to be with you forever, Chibi. If this is what it takes, if it means that I'll have to be a vampire, well…so be it." I smile at him, hoping that he can see how sincere I am. "I always did like those Anne Rice books you made me read, anyway."

He kisses me again, and the passion takes my breath away. How could I ever walk out that door, or fly out that window, and never see him again? It's just unthinkable. He is more precious to me than my own life, and I will do anything to be with him, whatever it takes.

He pulls away, and we lean our foreheads together. "Do something for me, Trunks." He says, his breath coming heavy.


"Please, just go home tonight. Think about this before you make your final decision. Once this happens, there's no turning back."

"I don't need to think about it! I love you, Chibi, I want to spend every minute with you!" I insist, trying to convince him that I have no qualms about what he is about to do.

"I won't take `no' for an answer, Trunks. I'm not going to turn you tonight, and you can't stay here with me. It's almost dawn, and I need to go to sleep. I promise I'll be here tomorrow night. If you come back, we'll go through with it. If you don't, I'll understand. Can you find your way back here?"

"Yes, I can find it, but I don't want to leave you, I might never see you again!"

"Go, Trunks. I will be here, I give you my word, I won't run away again. I'll be waiting for you, I promise. I just want you to have a day to make sure it's what you want. I want you to see the sun one last time. To get to say goodbye to your family, even if you don't tell them you're leaving. I didn't have that opportunity. Do it for me, Trunks…please."

I sigh heavily, as I look into those beautiful eyes. I could never deny him anything he asked of me. "Alright, Chibi, I'll go. I will be back, I promise you that. Leave the window unlocked for me, and I'll let myself in." I kiss him one last time, then turn and fly out the way I came.


Into this night I wander, it's morning that I dread
Another day of knowing of the path I fear to tread

He's gone. Back out into the night, and I'm alone again. At least I know that even if he doesn't come back, he does love me. Even if it isn't enough to return, to join me in this life, I'll always know that he did care enough to come find me. That will just have to be enough.

I'm so exhausted, mentally and physically, that I barely make it back to the bed after my shower. I hope I dream of him tonight, as dreams will be all I have left of my love if he realizes that I'm really not worth leaving all that he has, and all that he loves for. I'll just have to face that tomorrow. Right now, I need to rest. Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and then I'll know if my fears are to come true. Will I have to spend eternity without him, or will he be with me forever? I close my eyes, and pray that I'll see him tomorrow when I wake.


Oh into the sea of waking dreams I follow without pride
Nothing stands between us here and I won't be denied

He left the window unlocked for me, I'm glad he remembered. I know I'm early; the sun hasn't gone down yet. Oh, Gods. He's so beautiful in his sleep! He's lying on his stomach, and all the covers have been kicked off the bed, onto the floor. He always did sleep like a tornado. This is something new, though; he never used to sleep in the nude. Damn, he's gorgeous for a dead guy!

Heh, may as well join him! I strip off my own clothes, careful to be as quiet as possible. I don't want him to wake up yet, and I don't know if he still sleeps as heavily as he used to. I climb into bed next to him, bringing the covers up with me. I don't know when I got shy all of a sudden, but with the fact that this will be the first time we've been naked together in this respect, I guess a little modesty wouldn't hurt.

I lay down beside him quietly, I just want to watch him while he sleeps. It still blows my mind that someone so pure, and so angelic could really be the monster that he says he is. It isn't that I don't believe him, because I do. He could tell me that Piccolo is really the tooth fairy, and I'd believe him. Even having had these past hours to think about everything, I still am just as confused as I was last night. Not about being with him, there is nothing I want more in the world! Just about this whole vampire thing.

I know that if he has been able to survive these past few weeks in this lifestyle, and survived it alone, I'll do fine because I'll have him to guide me. It sounds like he didn't have anyone to help him through the transition, he woke up alone and had to figure it all out himself. It isn't fair that it happened that way, and it isn't fair that when I make the cross over, I will have guidance when he didn't. I just hope that I can make up for at least a little of the pain he's been through recently. I think he's waking up!


I roll onto my side so that I can look toward the window. I want to see him when he comes in…if he comes in. Gods, I hope he comes back. I shouldn't get my hopes up, I know that there is a good possibility that he will have changed his mind. Maybe I should have just done it when he was here. I could have bitten him last night; I could have made him a vampire, too. He was willing then. I should have done it, but I couldn't do to him what was done to me. Gods, I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't come back.

The bed creaks, and it startles the hell out of me! I gasp in shock as I sit up and look behind me to see the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Trunks is lying on his side, his head propped up on his hand, grinning at me.

"Hey, Chibi."

"Oh Gods, you came back!" I throw my arms around him, pulling him up with me, and hug him till I'm sure he can't breathe. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again!"

"I told you I'd be back, Chibi." He laughs, as he hugs me back just as tightly as I'm squeezing him. "You're stuck with me for a really long time, now."

I can't help but laugh with him, even though I once again have tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'd convinced myself that you'd realize that I'm not worth it, and you'd just go on with your life and forget about me!"

He releases his hold on me, and pulls away. His brilliant smile makes me melt. Gods, he's so beautiful! I just can't believe that he's here with me! I must still be dreaming!

"No, you aren't dreaming, Chibi. You're awake, and I'm here. I'll always be here, I'm never leaving you." He has always known what I was thinking, so this is no surprise that he does this time, too.

"I just can't believe it. I've been alone for so long, missing you so desperately, Trunks. It just can't be real." Gods, I wish I'd quit crying, I must look like an idiot. He kisses my tears away, just like he did last night.

"Goten, don't cry. I love you, and I want this. I want to be with you, and I told you last night that I'd do whatever it takes for us to be together."

"Really? Do you mean that?"

He chuckles again, and his blue eyes glow as if they were lit with a flame from within. Even as dark as it is in the room, his eyes just take my breath away with their beauty. I swear, he doesn't belong on this planet, let alone in my room. He's a god, or an angel, or some other ethereal being that fell to Earth.

"I swear that I do, Goten. What do I need to do to prove it to you?"

I don't even know how to respond to him. This is all my dreams coming true, having Trunks here with me, pledging his love, telling me that he will do anything for me. What did I ever do in my life to deserve this much happiness? I'm a demon! I take the lives of others so that I can survive! I should be damned to hell, not be in the presence of this angel…this naked angel!

"Uh…Trunks? You do realize that you don't have any clothes on?" Oh Gods, talk about a dream coming true!

He shakes his head and smiles at me sheepishly. "You don't have any clothes on, either, Chibi. You were lying there naked when I came in, so I thought I must be over dressed."

"Oh, ok, as long as you have a reason." I laugh, pulling him closer. The blush spreading across his cheekbones is so adorable!

"Yeah, well…at least you're smiling now. If I'd known this was all it would take to cheer you up, I'd have gotten naked last night!"

"I'd have never let you leave this room if you had." I say, as I lay him back on the bed. His hair fans out over the white pillow like a lavender halo, once again confirming in my mind that he's an angel. An angel in bed with a devil. For some reason, that image makes my blood burn, and I'm over come with the desire to corrupt his innocence.


Oh, Gods! The way he's looking at me, I swear he's going to eat me alive! I guess that's kind of an appropriate thought, isn't it? I've never seen him look this way before…he looks like a panther that's caught a gazelle. Damn! When did he get so fucking sexy? I can feel myself shudder under his gaze. I never would have imagined myself as being anything but seme, but right now I'm completely at his mercy, body and soul. I couldn't deny him anything, Saiyajin pride be damned.

He doesn't even look like my Chibi anymore. His eyes are narrowed and angular, rather than the round innocent look that they usually have. He looks more like my father than his, right now. The gleam in his eyes is downright wicked, and I can't suppress the chill that runs down my spine. I'm almost scared of him, and I can't even express how turned on that makes me! I feel about as strong as a newborn kitten, I couldn't defend myself from him if I tried. I don't want to defend myself, though. Being underneath this virile, feral creature is making me crazy with lust.

He finally closes the distance between us and kisses me. His mouth is so amazing! Gods, he's the best kisser I've ever known! Granted, he's the first guy I've ever been this close to, but none of the girls I've known could compare to this. His lips are so soft, even as they crush against mine. He tastes so good, like wine and cloves, rich and spicy. His tongue is thrusting in and out of my mouth with a rhythm that's driving me insane! Gods, I'd give my soul to have him inside me right now, pumping his cock into my body with the same brutal rhythm of his tongue.

His hand is sliding down my chest, his nails leaving grooves in my skin as he scratches his way downward. He's so primal, so animalistic, and it's sending electric thrills through my body. I wonder if this is all a side effect of the vampirism, or if it's Goten's Saiyajin nature coming out? If I'd have known months ago, when I first realized his feelings for me, what it would be like to be with him, I would never have waited this long!

Unnngh! Oh fuck! Oh Gods, that feels sooo good! He's grabbed my cock, and is pumping it in time with the motions of his mouth…it's so intensely erotic what he's doing to me! I have no control over my body as it convulses with his movements, twisting and turning on the mattress. Finally, he breaks the kiss, and I gasp for air, his fiery mouth moves down over my neck, and I feel myself tense as I wait for the pain. I feel his teeth against my skin; sharp, cruel points that could tear me apart.

"Lower your ki." He growls against my neck, and I obey without question. I'm wholly vulnerable to him, I have no defenses, and my skin is as soft and penetrable as a human's, without the protection of my ki to toughen it. I feel him pull my flesh into his mouth, as his hand continues harshly pumping my erection, and my hips buck into his hand against my will. He sucks hard on the flesh at my neck, and I can feel my fingernails clawing his back, unable to scratch his ki toughened skin.

Finally, he releases my neck, without having broken through the barrier of my skin. His mouth moves lower, leaving a hot trail in its wake, until it reaches one nipple. I scream as he bites down on the mound of dark flesh. He pulls his head back and looks at me with that malevolent expression on his face, my blood smeared on his grinning lips. I flick my eyes downward, and see the blood flowing from my wounded chest, and his eyes follow my gaze. He glances back up at me, lewdly licking his reddened lips, before he descends, lapping at the flow with his hot tongue, like a lazy cat with a bowl of sweet cream.

It's all I can take. With a scream of his name my orgasm hits me; sticky fluid erupts from my cock that he still strokes with a frenzied pace, drawing out and intensifying the power of my climax. I know I've never come so hard in my life as I am now, I don't think I'm ever going to stop, as his tongue and hand continue stimulating me beyond sanity.

Finally, my body relaxes, although after shocks jolt me every few seconds, as his hand continues stroking me, and his mouth languidly finishes cleaning the blood from my wounded nipple. He crawls over me, supporting himself on his hands and knees as he kisses me again, lowering his groin so that his erection rubs back and forth over my abdomen, which is covered in my semen. He releases my cock, and lightly runs his fingers through the fluid pooled in the crevices formed by the muscles of my torso, coating them with the slick substance, before trailing downward.

When his first two fingers enter me, I gasp against his mouth, my eyes flying wide open. It isn't so much pain as it is just a foreign feeling of discovery. I crave more. I want him to fill me up, I want to be one body and one soul with him, and I feel like I'm going to die if he doesn't take me right now. I violently turn my head, breaking the kiss, so that I can rasp at him. "Don't tease me, Goten, just do it. I'm ready for you."

He grins at me, and once again I shudder, aching to feel him inside of me. He positions his cock, slicked with my semen, and with a growl and a ferocious thrust, he is fully embedded within me. Ah, Gods! My throat is raw from my screams, and my ears ring with both of our voices shouting out into the room. It's such a delicious ache, this feeling that he's giving me. He's holding himself still, letting me get used to him, and it feels so wonderful, like he is a part of me. Oh, Gods, I never knew it could feel this good!

He slowly begins thrusting, in and out of my body, grunting with each push. It isn't long before his pace increases, as his desire takes flame. His body is so hot against mine, his sweat is dripping from his face as he leans over me, his eyes closed in concentrated ecstasy. Faster and faster he pounds into me, hitting a spot deep inside me that makes me blind with pleasure. I barely register when he grasps my wrists, and brings them next to my shoulders, my elbows bent. He threads his fingers with mine, firmly holding both of my hands as he nuzzles his face against my neck. His grunts have become growls and snarls, as he comes closer to release. With a final howl, I feel his seed shoot deep inside me, and the pain that I've been waiting for washes over me when those sharp teeth finally break my skin.

I struggle against him, my survival instinct is kicking in, even though I know I want this. He is stronger than I am, and pins me easily, the weight of his body holding me down as I writhe and buck, trying to throw him off of me. As I weaken, he loosens his grip on me, and I can feel him purring against my chest as he drinks my blood. He pulls away from my neck just before I lose consciousness, and kisses me gently. "I'll see you again soon, my love."


He's finally stirring, my gorgeous lavender prince. I'm in awe of his body; of what we just did together. I'll need every day of this eternal life that we'll share to worship him as he deserves. His beautiful blue eyes open, and I wince as I wait to see whether they will still hold love for me, or if they will betray hatred for what I've done to him.

He smiles at me, his beautiful, radiant smile, and I know that everything will be alright now that we have each other. We will never be alone again.



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