by Saiyajin Raven 69     More by this Writer

When on a space station stop, Vegeta and Radditz discover a surviving female Saiyajin, hot sex is sure to follow!
Group Sex

The space station was humming with activity as the three spherical pods made their landing in the docking bay. The first pod to land was also the first to lift its doorway, allowing its occupant to emerge into the busy station. The man stood nearly seven feet tall; his black hair fell in spikes reaching to his knees. His colossal body was a mass of steely muscle, rippling under his bronze skin as he stretched his arms heavenward, stiff and sore from being cramped in the small, round pod for many days. His armor was heavily damaged, giving evidence to the battle he had fought just days prior to his arrival. Bare arms and legs showed the signs of healed cuts that were beginning to fade into fresh scars, and faint purple bruises were testament to the brutality of the fight, but also to the quick healing of his Saiyajin biology. His eyes scanned the bustling docking bay, searching for any signs of danger that might be waiting to befall the one whom he guarded with his own life.

The second pod emitted a hissing sound as it was opened, and out stepped another hulking warrior. Standing just two inches shorter than the first, this snarling warrior was even more muscular. His armor was gone, lost in the fierce battle, and his bulky form was covered only by black briefs, which were surprisingly undamaged, and many blood soaked bandages across his chest, back and arms, and a helmet of gauze wrapped around his bald head. It was obvious to anyone watching that he had taken more injuries than the first, and his condition was not good. He winced in pain as he stood, but remembered his own duty, also scanning the area to determine its safety for their charge.

Both warriors were satisfied that the area was safe, the taller man motioned toward the third sphere, alerting its occupant that all was clear. When the door was fully open, the last of the travelers made his appearance. This man stood nearly a foot shorter than the second warrior, but it was clear that he was as strong as his two companions combined. Power exuded from his every pore, his posture was straight and proud. He had taken the least of the injuries in their recent battle, his only outward signs were that of random charred spots on his otherwise gleaming white and gold armor. His white gloves and boots were barely even scuffed, and his royal blue, form fitting uniform was in impeccable condition. His black eyes glittered as he looked around the familiar station; it was a frequent stop on his travels throughout the universe in the past 17 years that he had been in the planet purging business.

Vegeta turned his attention to his fellow warriors, noting each man's level of injury. "Nappa," he barked, "Go to the sick bay and get yourself in a tank. You will be of no use to me until you are healed."

"Yes, Prince Vegeta." Said the huge warrior, as he walked away, doing his best not to limp.

"Radditz, let's go get something to eat."

"Yes, sir!" Radditz answered, smiling down at his superior. The tall warrior regarded his prince warmly. They were only a year apart in age, and had been together almost constantly throughout their lives, finding comfort in one another's arms in the nearly two decades since their home planet, and almost their entire race, had been destroyed.

The two men walked through the crowded corridors toward the common dining area, when they heard a woman's voice reverberating through the huge room. "Get OFF of me you fucking, overgrown snake!"

Vegeta's eyes scanned the area until they located where the sound had come from. A tall man with aqua skin and a long green braid had his back to them, as he was apparently harassing a woman. "Zarbon!" both men hissed in unison. They couldn't hear what the reptilian fiend was saying, but the protests of the woman were loud and rather vulgar, causing Vegeta and Radditz to grin at each other in amusement.

"That's my kinda woman!" Radditz chuckled.

The woman let out a piercing scream, bringing their attention back to the scene. Zarbon was holding a silky tail, gripping it viciously, bringing the woman to her knees.

"She's SAIYAJIN!" both of the warriors shouted, as they broke into a run to aid her.

She reached the pair first, grasping Zarbon's wrist in a crushing fist, the sudden, painful movement causing him to release the tail. Vegeta twisted him around so that his face was just inches away from his own, and hissed at him. "What's the matter, Zarbon? Can't get a woman's interest without threatening her?"

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the monkey prince, coming to the rescue of the little chimp!" Zarbon replied through teeth clenched in pain.

"Don't EVER call me monkey, you reptilian freak!" Vegeta spat, tightening his grasp, and relishing the sound of bones snapping. He met the eyes of his taller companion, and gave a curt nod of his head. Radditz brought both of his fists together, cuffing Zarbon on either side of his skull, knocking him unconscious. "Somebody better clean that up." He said, as Zarbon's limp body fell to the floor.

Vegeta leaned down, reaching both of his hands to the small, trembling Saiyajin on the floor, grasping her hands gently and pulling her to her feet. "Did he hurt you?" He asked, as his eyes swept her body from head to toe, and back again.

He drank in her appearance; she stood about two inches shorter than him, with shiny black hair and glittering dark eyes. Her lightly tanned skin complemented her delicate features; she was athletically built, but her body was toned rather than bulky. She wore a short garment, made from the same stretchy material as his uniform, which fit like a second skin. It was a wash of watercolors, all the hues of a Vejiitasei sunset, fiery reds, golds, and violets, swirling together in whirlpools of color. The straps over her shoulders were narrow bands of gold, the neckline dipping low to expose the tops of her breasts, with a small gold zipper between them that ran almost the entire length of the jumpsuit. Knee high black boots and a dozen gold bangles on each wrist completed her outfit. Her silky black tail swished behind her, slightly puffed out after her harrowing experience.

"Just my pride, mostly." She responded in a firm voice, "Although that grip on my tail didn't feel very good." She winced as she ran her fingers over the area of her tail that Zarbon had been crushing. "Thank you both for your help."

Raditz spoke before Vegeta could respond. "You're Saiyajin! We thought we were the only ones left! How did you get here?"

Only then did she notice the tails coiled around the waists of both warriors, and her face broke into a bright smile. "You're Saiyajin! You're BOTH Saiyajin!" She exclaimed.

Vegeta snorted at her exuberance, "Of course we are. But answer the question, how did you come to be here? Vejiitasei was destroyed 18 years ago!"

She nodded, her expression quickly falling. "I was a baby. My father was a pacifist, who didn't agree with the policy of sending infants on purging missions. Right after I was born he sneaked into the infirmary, and took me. He had a ship ready to go, and he left with me. We came here, and I've lived on this station my entire life."

"Where is your father now?" Vegeta demanded. "Take us to him!"

The small Saiyajin lowered her gaze to the floor. "He's gone. He was on the planet when it was destroyed. He went back to get my mother when I was six years old, to bring her to be with us." She sighed sadly. "I've always thought that I was the last surviving Saiyajin."

"There are four of us, including you, that we know of. This is Radditz, and I am Prince Vegeta."

Her eyes widened in amazement, before she came to her senses and dropped to one knee, crossing her fist over her heart. "My Prince! I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" she gushed.

"You may rise." Vegeta spoke, with a slight twinge of amusement in his voice. He rather liked the vision of a female Saiyajin kneeling in front of him. He hadn't seen a female of his race since he was five years old, and he couldn't deny the rush it gave him, or the tingling low in his belly. "What is your name?"


"Well, Subella, pleased to meet you." Vegeta said with a bow and a flourish. "Radditz and I were just about to go find something to eat. Would you care to join us?"

"Of course! I'd love to!" she bubbled happily. "Will you both come to my quarters? I'll have the cook fix us something. His cooking is MUCH better than what you can get in the dining hall. You can both get cleaned up while we wait."

"That will be fine." Vegeta responded haughtily, attempting to hide his pleasure at being in a private setting with a female of his own race. He glanced back at Radditz and quirked his eyebrow, receiving a knowing grin in response from his tall companion. They had often shared pleasure slaves in the years since they'd hit puberty, and both men were thinking the same thought; how they'd love to share this little Saiyajin. She showed them to her lavish quarters, and provided them both with fluffy bathrobes so that their uniforms and armor could be sent to be cleaned and repaired. "I'm afraid my shower isn't working properly. There is no water pressure to speak of. Feel free to bathe here, or there are public showers just down the way."

Both warriors looked at each other, Vegeta cocking an eyebrow at his tall companion, before turning back to face their hostess. "We shall use the showers. Where are they?"

She directed them to the showers, just down the corridor. When the warriors entered the room, the three occupants, who recognized them as Saiyajins, quickly scooped up their belongings and dashed out the door. "Looks like we've got the showers to ourselves." Radditz purred, as he locked the door behind the last fleeing alien. He turned to face a grinning prince, quickly removing his damaged armor, the uniform beneath it, and his boots. Vegeta's clothing soon joined the other discarded garments on floor, and he turned his back toward Radditz, padding across the tiled floor toward the humongous shower room, his tail swishing seductively through the air behind him. Radditz scooped up the toiletries that Subella had provided for them, and followed.

By the time Vegeta reached the faucets, and had turned them on full blast, Radditz was right behind him, pressing his tall frame against his shorter lover's back, his massive erection insistently nudging against the small of Vegeta's back. The royal warrior grasped the bar of soap, and began lathering up his hands before turning around to face his long-time companion. He briskly cleansed the dirt and soot from the taller man's form, careful not to reopen any of the healing wounds from the recent battle. Radditz reached around him, grabbing the shampoo, and began the long process of washing his knee length hair, as he savored the feeling of his prince's slick hands working over his body. Vegeta's hands worked deftly at the sore, tight muscles, cruelly teasing Radditz by purposefully avoiding any contact with his throbbing manhood or writhing tail.

When Vegeta was done cleansing Radditz, he set about lathering up his own body, quickly soaping and rinsing his body and hair. When he was done, Radditz had just finished rinsing his long mane free of shampoo. The smaller Saiyajin tangled his fingers into the long, wet strands, and drew the larger Saiyajin's head down to his own, capturing his mouth in a hungry kiss. Their tongues battled against one another, twisting and twining as they clashed together, each thrusting into the other's mouth. After long moments, Radditz broke away, panting heavily. "Fuck the foreplay, Vegeta," he rasped, "I need you, now."

With a grunt, Vegeta spun the large warrior around, and swept his long hair over his shoulder, baring his muscular back. He once again reached for the soap, lathering up his hands. His right hand briskly stroked his own painfully hard erection, as the fingers of his left hand pressed into Radditz' puckered opening, causing the large warrior to growl deep in his throat as his body reacted to the invasion. Vegeta forcibly pushed the taller Saiyajin to his hands and knees on the hard, wet tile, immediately dropping to his own knees behind him, impaling him with his soap-slicked arousal. He embedded himself into the large body with one fierce thrust, and paused just briefly before beginning an intense rhythm of pounding in and out of his lover's tight passage. Radditz howled as Vegeta's hand reached around him, firmly grasping his huge length, pumping with the same tempo that he was slamming into his body.

The two warriors roared as their climaxes came flooding over them simultaneously, the sound reverberating off the tiled walls as they collapsed, the smaller body draped across the back of the massive Saiyajin below him. He pressed open mouthed kisses to the nape of Radditz' neck, as both struggled to slow their breathing back to normal.

"I needed that," panted Radditz. A grunt was returned in answer from the smaller form resting on his back, just before it retreated. They stood on shaky legs, letting the hot water wash over them for a few final moments, before turning it off, and stepping out of the shower to don the bathrobes that Subella had given them. They wadded up their dirty, damaged uniforms, and unlocked the door. Upon exiting, they found themselves faced with several stunned aliens who had obviously heard their passionate screams. Vegeta growled, a fierce scowl on his face, and the observers scattered, leaving them to make their way back to Subella's quarters in peace.

After their return, Subella took their soiled clothing, and gave them to an attendant to repair them. She ushered the warriors into her large dining room, and introduced them both to her obsession of a hot, black beverage that was brewed with ground beans, which had been brought to the space station years before. She had made a small fortune growing these beans in her private greenhouse, then processing them for making the addictive drink.

The cook prepared a great feast of saucy meats, vegetables and rice dishes, and many confectionary delights to follow. All three Saiyajins ate their fill wordlessly, Radditz and Vegeta savoring the food as if they hadn't eaten in years. Truth be told, it had been a week since they had eaten a proper meal, and the food that had been laid out before them seemed like a gift from the gods in their eyes.

Leaving the stacks of empty dishes on the dining table, Subella motioned her guests into her large sitting room, following closely behind them, enjoying the brief flashes of Saiyajin ass as Radditz walked, due to his much too short robe.

She led the men to the long couch, motioning for them to sit, as she sat between them. "So" she purred. "I've never had sex with a Saiyajin before, let alone two"

Her sentence was cut off by Vegeta's mouth crashing down onto hers in the most forceful, passionate kiss she'd ever experienced. Her breath was taken away as he forced her mouth open with his demanding tongue; he explored her mouth relentlessly, twisting his tongue against hers. His fingers found the small gold pull on her short jumpsuit, and he grasped it, ripping the slider from the teeth of the zipper. Frustrated that the zipper had broken, he moved both hands to the open sides of the garment, and ripped it down the middle, his mouth never ending its assault on hers.

He lifted her off the couch, and removed the ruined jumpsuit, tossing the material over his shoulder onto the floor. Vegeta gave her satin panties the same treatment that her jumpsuit had fallen victim to, and ripped them in half, fully exposing her body, leaving her in nothing but her knee high boots and gold bracelets. Her hands gripped the fabric of the cushion below her, fingers flexing, her strong nails tearing at the material.

The warm hands circled around from behind her, grasping her breasts roughly, pinching her hardened nipples between thumbs and forefingers, as a smaller hand found it's way between her legs, it's first two fingers dipping deep into her hot, wet core, the thumb pressing on her clitoris with harsh pressure.

She used all her strength to break away from the greedy kiss, panting for air, her breasts heaving against the strong hands ruthlessly caressing them. She looked at Vegeta with lust filled eyes, and panted, "More!"

He slipped a third finger into her dripping center, pumping his hand into her with a maddening pace, his thumb swirling and rolling the highly sensitive nub. Her head fell back against the couch, her back arched, as she moaned her excitement to the ceiling. Vegeta watched as she writhed and bucked against his hand, and against the hands of his life-long friend. Once again, Radditz picked her body up off of the couch, and seated her in his lap, her head thrown back against his shoulder, thrashing from side to side. His head descended into the curve of her neck, his mouth all but swallowing the sweet flesh of her throat, as he drew the skin in with powerful suction.

He withdrew his hand from between her legs, earning a sharp cry as she mourned the punishing contact he'd been giving her. Radditz' mouth relinquished her sweet throat, as he raised his head, and Vegeta pressed his fingers slicked with Subella's wetness to his lips. Radditz hungrily drew each finger into his mouth, sucking heartily at the sweet juices, his tongue rolling around each digit masterfully, causing Vegeta to groan. He reluctantly withdrew his fingers from the warm mouth, and dropped to his knees on the floor, between Subella's black booted feet, and spread her knees apart forcefully.

He grasped her hips, and raised them off of Radditz' powerful thighs, holding her lower half up and away from his companion's body, and swiftly lowered his face into her feminine center. He mercilessly licked and sucked at the juices pouring forth from her opening, nipping at the delicate folds with his teeth as she gyrated against his mouth. He drew her hyper-sensitive nub between his teeth, and gently bit, as a scream of pleasure escaped her throat. Her body convulsed with waves of pleasure crashing over her, as her orgasm exploded, sending more of her hot, sweet juices cascading into Vegeta's waiting mouth. She tightened her grip on Radditz' biceps, which she had been supporting herself on, and her fingernails dug into the warrior's skin.

When the throes of her orgasm finally calmed, she relaxed against Radditz' heated body, as Vegeta released her hips. She felt a huge hardness underneath her rump, and she began rocking her body against it, causing a low growl to come from the chest of the Saiyajin behind her.

Vegeta forcibly removed her from her position atop Radditz, and carried her swiftly to the buffet table across the room, laying her out across the width of it. Radditz jumped up from his place on the couch and positioned himself where her head was dangling over the edge of the table. He dropped his robe, and put his hands underneath Subella's head, supporting it, and adjusting the angle as his massive erection stood eagerly just centimeters from her face. Anticipating what was to come, she opened her mouth greedily, and he thrust his shaft into her mouth. Her hands grasped at his pistoning hips, her fingernails once again digging into his flesh. He withdrew his member from her hot mouth, and released her head to pull her hands away from his ass. He grabbed her hands, raising them up over her body with her arms straight, and wrapped his tail around her wrists, holding them firmly in place, before once again thrusting his huge erection into her eager mouth.

Vegeta had gathered up Radditz' robe, and extricated the long belt from it, as he had already removed the belt from his own robe. He tied the end of each belt to a leg of the table, and proceeded to tie the opposite ends to each of Subella's knees, forcing them to remain apart. With her knees tied to the table legs, and her wrists being firmly held in place by Radditz' tail, Subella was reduced to only being able to gyrate her hips; she could move no other part of her body. And she DID gyrate her hips, tantalizing Vegeta to take her.

He stood back for a moment, gazing with lust-filled eyes at the vision before him. The only female Saiyajin left in existence, bound to a table with his long-time lover's cock in her mouth, and her hips pumping invitingly toward him. He positioned his erection at her opening, and thrust his entire length into her in one determined push, grunting as her inner walls closed around him, accepting his size. He began driving himself in and out of her body at a furious pace, ecstatic with the knowledge that this was one female who would not break if he lost control. She was Saiyajin. Just that thought alone, that he was ramming himself into a Saiyajin female was enough to send him over the edge of ecstasy, molten fluid expelling into her in great founts. He screamed his release, just as Radditz expressed his, and the body between them was wracked with an orgasm of her own.

He pumped himself against her with a few more hard thrusts, drawing out both of their orgasms as long as possible, as her body quivered against his. He leaned over her prone form, and began attacking her breasts with his mouth, nipping with his teeth, then laving the marks with his tongue.

He drew himself out of her mouth, and Subella gasped for the air that her lungs had been denied. For the first time in her life, she understood and embraced what it was to be Saiyajin; the stamina, the strength, and most importantly for her at this moment, the lung capacity.

The taller warrior leaned over her, keeping her head supported with his hands, and mimicked Vegeta's actions, attacking her other breast, nipping and sucking at the taut flesh, driving Subella insane with the dual stimulation.

Vegeta's manhood was growing erect quickly inside of her, as he continued his erotic torture of her breast. He began thrusting into her again, her entrance made very slick with the combination of their liquid desire. His speed increased, the sounds of his body slapping against hers was the loudest sound in the room, drowning out the purrs and growls coming from all three chests. As his desire mounted, so did his oral attention grow fiercer, and Subella felt his sharp teeth break the skin just below her breast. She cried out at the exquisite combination of pleasure and pain, as Vegeta drew his head back to gaze lustfully at the red fluid trickling from her breast.

Vegeta's keen sense of smell caught the scent of blood, as he raised his head to find its source. Taking advantage of Vegeta's momentary bloodlust induced haze, he swooped in to lick the blood from the quickly closing wound. Vegeta regained his senses, and again increased his slamming into her body, as he watched Radditz pink tongue lap up the rich red blood. When the blood had stopped flowing, Radditz lifted his head, and pressed his mouth to Vegeta's allowing him to taste her blood on his tongue. They parted as Radditz released his tail's grip on Subella's wrists, and he firmly pushed her up into a sitting position.

He once again ravished her mouth, as Radditz came around to the front of the table, and knelt down to release Subella's bonds. When she was free, she wrapped her legs around Vegeta's waist and her arms around his shoulders, as he lifted her off of the table. With his erection deeply embedded in her body, he carried her down the hallway to the first bedroom he found, Radditz in tow, who was fondling her soft black tail as he walked. Subella cried out against Vegeta's shoulder, as the erotic sensations the tail stroking were giving her brought her to yet another mind blowing orgasm, her body convulsing around Vegeta's manhood.

He brought her to the bed, and lay down with her, careful to remain inside of her. He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him, and made eye contact with his male lover, who nodded in understanding and crawled on top of the bed, looming over both of them. Subella struggled to sit astride Vegeta, not realizing the intentions of the two warriors, only to be pushed back down onto his chest by a large hand on the middle of her back. The hand held her upper body down, as Vegeta's hands gripped her hips, raising them up off of his body, until only the head of his arousal remained inside of her. Radditz took his cue, and positioned the head of his erection at Subella's tight, puckered entrance, which was slick with the combination of Vegeta's and her own juices.

Raditz plunged his erection into her tight tunnel, causing her to scream in both ecstasy and agony. He placed his large hands over Vegeta's smaller ones, helping to hold her writhing hips in place, as her body adjusted to his invasion. Her breathing finally slowed, and he felt her relax around him, signaling him to move. He slowly drew himself out of her body, as Vegeta simultaneously pressed himself back in. They continued the rhythmic movements as if they had done this hundreds of times, each in perfect synchronicity with the other. Vegeta drawing out as Radditz impaled her from behind. Steadily, their pace grew in intensity; they could each feel the other through her thin inner wall, a sensation that only heightened the erotic tension.

Subella clawed at Vegeta's biceps and bit at his shoulder, drawing blood in both places. Her own Saiyajin instinct kicked in, as she greedily sucked at the wounds she was inflicting, drawing on as much of the rich, sweet blood as she could. Her mind knew nothing but intense pleasure; coherent thought had left her what felt like hours ago. She fought to keep from passing out due to the magnitude of the sensations that were flowing through her body. Her voice was hoarse, her throat sore from her screams. Finally, she went over the edge of euphoria once more, as she collapsed limply on Vegeta's chest. The spasms of her orgasm clenching her muscles around their erections caused both Vegeta and Radditz to follow her soon after, both of them pressing inside of her at the same time, stretching her flesh, releasing their seed deep inside her body. Vegeta steadied himself on his hands, leaning over the two below him, careful not to crush them with his massive weight. When he finally caught his breath, he withdrew his softening erection with a hiss, and flopped over onto his back on the mattress. Subella remained where she was, lying over Vegeta's chest, a deep purr emanating from her chest, being answered by a deeper purr from his. He sensed her fall asleep with a deep sigh, as his hands stroked her damp, sweaty back soothingly. Raditz turned his head to Vegeta, kissed him gently, and said in a near whisper, "Too bad Nappa had to miss that."



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