Don't Let Go
by Sazza     More by this Writer
Several years later, Tapion returns for a visit, only to find out that Gohan and Trunks have a little ‘surprise’ for him…
Group Sex

Gohan and Trunks sat on the lawn outside Capsule Corp, both men stretched out on the grass, trying to relax while their muscles clenched in anticipation of the arrival of an old friend of theirs. Only a year before, Tapion had returned from the past for a visit, only spending an hour with his old friends before informing them that he had to leave, but would be back one year to the day.

Now that day had arrived, and both demi-saiyans were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Konack-jin, a surprise having been planned out between the two of them that the quiet natured alien wasn’t likely to forget. Bulma had left earlier, stating that she would be back by the evening to see Tapion, while Vegeta had merely mumbled something about making sure no more monsters arrived to destroy his house before stalking off into the gravity room for the rest of the day.

“Ok, finalising the plans. When he arrives we’ll just get sat down and talk, and give him a few drinks to loosen him up, not enough to have him puking!” Trunks said, Gohan silently nodding in agreement, eyes focusing on a dark speck that had appeared in the sky.

“Here he is.”

Trunks jumped up from his place in the grass, shading his eyes from the sun, waiting impatiently for the speck to land.

Seconds later, the time machine landed on the ground, Tapion immediately opening the top up and leaping out, only to promptly be pulled into a hug by the purple haired demi-Saiyan. Hugging back for a few moments, he managed to pull the younger man away from him, nodding to Gohan in greeting.

“I’ve got a week this time, is that OK with Bulma? I don’t want to impose…”

“That’s great! Mum wanted you to stay a while anyway! She’s away on meetings a lot so this gives her more time to see you!”

“And I’m sure Vegeta won’t mind as long as you don’t stop him from training,” Gohan added, eyeing the clothing Tapion was currently wearing, his usual training suit, similar to Vegeta’s old spandex uniform, covered by his brown jacket complete with shoulder guards, and his scarf wrapped around his neck, the loose material at the back blowing in the breeze. His sword had habitually been brought along on the trip, the blade easily as long as the Konack-jin’s upper body.

“Anyway! Lets go inside, mum left some food and drink out for us, and if papa and Goku haven’t eaten it all, we’ve got a meal ready!”

Gohan followed along with a talkative Trunks and an only barely quieter Tapion, only adding his opinion in when he was asked, letting the younger demi-Saiyan take the attention of the Red haired alien for now.


Two hours later, all three men were sat at the table, giggling at silly things that had happened while they had been separated, Gohan and Trunks working on convincing Tapion to shed some of the layers of clothing, the sword being the first he pasted with, storing it in a closet out of harms way, the scarf and overcoat eventually being removed as well. After much complaining about feeling naked, Tapion finally sat down in his training suit, the material clinging to his muscles, showing the slim but muscular figure usually hidden beneath layers of clothing.

“And before I forget, me and Gohan got a surprise for you Tapion!” Trunks said, still slightly giggly from the alcohol.

“What? What for?” a confused expression made it’s way across Tapion’s face, not having expected this, feeling slightly guilty that he had nothing to give in return.

“Something we just really wanted to give you,” Gohan continued, standing up.

“Yup, it’s upstairs, so you close your eyes, and no peeking and we’ll guide you to it!” Trunks said, pushing himself to his feet also and jokingly covering Tapion’s eyes with his hands.

“Ok, I won’t peek!” the green-eyed alien replied, closing his eyes but peeling the younger mans hands away from his eyes, letting Gohan’s hands on his shoulder guide him through the house, Trunks letting him know when there was a step in front of him.

Eventually they made it up the stairs and into Trunks’ room, leading Tapion across the clean floor and over to the bed, where he was sat down and told he could open his eyes. After a few moments of glancing around uncertainly, the red haired man turned his questioning gaze to his young friend and then to his darker haired companion, who placed a hand on the back of his head and leant forward, not giving him time to react.

Tapion’s eyes widened as the dark haired mans lips met his in a bruising kiss, the gasp from the Konack-jin giving Gohan’s questing tongue access to every inch of his mouth. Closing his eyes, he relaxed into the demi-saiyans kiss, almost not noticing as another pair of lips began dancing over his shoulder and neck, working their way up to begin gently nipping on his ear.

Abruptly, the two half-saiyans pulled away from the red haired alien, Trunks moving away to let Gohan push Tapion back into the mattress, straddling his legs and looking down at him, a lavender framed face appearing above the elder mans shoulder a minute later, identical grins on their faces.

“Wha-?” Tapion began to ask but was cut off by Gohan.

“Shh, don’t ask now, we’ll tell you later…”

Trunks stretched himself out next to Tapion; cutting off any further protest with his mouth, tongue instantly taking advantage of the elder mans already open mouth, stroking a hand over the muscled stomach, finding the edge of the training suit top and sliding his hand under it, fingers dancing across warm skin, tracing the ridges tense muscle under soft skin. Gohan watched the show for a few minutes, grinning as Tapion’s hand clutched onto the younger demi-saiyans shoulder, responding to the kiss and totally ignoring the dark haired man.

Moving towards the foot of the bed, he pulled the Konack-jin’s boots off, before moving his hands up his legs, stroking along the insides of his thighs and then moving further up, hooking his fingers over the waistband of Tapion’s pants, slowly sliding them down, kissing each inch of pale skin that was revealed. Sliding his hands round to cup the smaller mans butt, he raised his hips of the bed slightly, pulling the dark training pants down, eyes widening slightly at the lack of underwear.

Predatory grin taking over his face, Gohan pulled the pants away from the red haired man, throwing them on the floor and then setting about removing his own clothing, quickly discarding it to the same place as Tapion’s pants. Stalking over to Trunks, he crept up behind him, and wrapped his hands around his waist, hands finding their way to the button on the smaller mans jeans, flicking it open and pulling the zipper down, waiting until the lavender haired man shifted his hips to pull his jeans and boxers down, throwing them behind him to land with a thud in the middle of the floor.

Trunks reluctantly pulled away from Tapion when he felt Gohan’s hands on his hips, sitting up and smiling at the dazed expression on the aliens face, pupils dilated to their maximum as he blinked in an attempt to focus on what was going on. Straddling his hips, Gohan ran his hands over the older mans hips, running them up the pale mans abdomen, pushing the top away with it, pulling Tapion into a sitting position for a short kiss and then pulling away, dragging the top over the Konack-jin’s head, leaving the two men naked together.

Removing his shirt, Trunks joined them seconds later, settling himself behind Tapion once again, kissing the pale skin of his neck and shoulders gently, hands sliding round to caress the taller mans chest, thumbs brushing over taut nipples, trying not to smile as he watched Gohan’s hand sink lower.

Grasping Tapion’s erection, the darker demi-Saiyan slowly began moving his hand up and down the length, capturing the other man’s mouth in a kiss as small moans escaped his mouth. Meeting Trunks’ eyes, a silent agreement passed between the two men, the lavender haired demi-Saiyan instantly pulling away and reaching over into one of the small bedside sets of draws, pulling out a small tube.

Pulling the cap off, Trunks coated his fingers in the clear lubricant, placing the tube back on the set of draws before moving back to Tapion, dropping a lingering kiss on his shoulder as his hand slid downwards, fingers eventually finding what he was looking for. Pressing one finger past the ring of muscle, he froze when the slight rocking motion of the emerald eyed alien’s hips stopped, the muscles round his finger tightening, breaking the kiss with Gohan as he looked over his shoulder, confusion apparent in his face.

Leaning over, Trunks dropped a small kiss on the older mans face, nuzzling him gently before whispering into his ear to just go with it, a glance at Gohan who nodded in agreement settled him down again as he pulled the darker haired man into a kiss, rocking his hips once again as the taller man stoked him. Taking as deep a breath as possible when the younger demi-Saiyan added another finger to try and calm himself, Tapion wasn’t prepared for the jolt of pleasure that shot through him as Trunks’ fingertips hit something inside of him.

Moaning quietly into the kiss with Gohan, Tapion began rocking his hips more violently, fingers digging into the flesh of the taller mans back as the younger man began making scissoring motions with his fingers, stretching the muscles in preparation for what was about to happen.

Moving away once again, Trunks grabbed the tube of lubricant and coated his own ignored erection, before pulling Tapion away from the other demi-Saiyan, resting himself against the taller mans entrance, reaching round with one hand to start stroking his erection again while the other one rested on the alien’s hip, keeping him still while he slowly pushed himself in.

Leaving Tapion and Trunks for the moment, Gohan reached over and grabbed the lubricant, rubbing some over his fingers before spreading a larger amount over his throbbing erection. Sitting himself back behind the younger demi Saiyan who had started rocking his hips, drawing small moans and gasps of pleasure from both men, Gohan took a hold of one of Trunk’ thighs, instantly slipping two fingers into the younger man, preparing him as fast as possible, stretching the ring of muscle before raising himself up to his knees and plunging into the tight heat of the smaller man, a loud moan escaping from his mouth as he paused for a few seconds, giving the other demi-Saiyan chance to adjust and then setting a faster pace for the two men as the pleasure finally began to get the better of him.

Tapion buried his face into the pillow, muffling the loud moans that were making their way out of his mouth as the younger demi-Saiyan thrust in and out of him, one hand resting over his while the other stroked his erection, hips rocking in time with the powerful thrusts of Gohan behind him. Leaning down, the lavender haired Saiyan pressed his lips to the pale skin on the back of his childhood hero’s neck, smiling slightly when the body beneath him jerked as his cock brushed against the taller man’s prostate.

Emerald and blue eyes met for a moment, lust forming the penetrating gaze between the two men as the speed of Trunks’ thrusts increased, until Tapion closed his eyes and hid his face in the pillow once again, voice raising in pitch slightly as pleasure coursed through his body. Moaning quietly, the younger demi-Saiyan tilted his head to the side as Gohan nipped his way along his shoulder and neck, biting just hard enough to break the skin, lapping at the beads of blood that welled up.

Tightening his grasp on the Prince’s hips, the darker demi-Saiyan growled slightly, changing the angle of his hips to allow him to bury himself deeper in the smaller man, hips thrusting almost violently as his orgasm approached. Closing his eyes, he clamped his teeth down on Trunk’s shoulder, every muscle in his body tightening as he spilled his seed into the other man, his grip on the pale skin of his lover bringing all movement to a halt for a few seconds.

Pulling away from the other two men, the dark eyed man collapsed on the other side of the bed, watching with a grin as Trunks withdrew himself from Tapion, flipping the older man onto his back before burying himself in him again, drawing a loud moan from both men.

Reaching up, Tapion ran his hand over the broken skin on the saiyans shoulder, and then tangling it in the silky purple hair on the smaller mans head, pulled him down into a kiss, tongues roaming each other’s mouths as the rocking of their bodies sped up. Running a pale hand down Trunks’ back, he let his fingers knead the tense muscle, digging his nails into the skin when he felt the half saiyans erection brush against his prostate gland again, sending a spike of pleasure through his abdomen.

Speeding up the movements of his hips, Trunks made sure to hit the same spot every time, burying himself in the body below him, small moans escaping from him between kisses. A sudden shout from Tapion was the only warning the demi-Saiyan had as the muscles in the Konack-jin’s body clamped down on him, pushing his body over as he climaxed into the other man, body tensing up for a few seconds before both men collapsed in a heap on the bed.

Silence took over the room as Trunks and Tapion regained their breath and thought processes, the sensation of Gohan’s tongue on his stomach the only link for the younger man to conscious thought.

“Is this…how you two always greet time travelling visitors?” Tapion asked eventually, staring at the ceiling.

“Only the ones we like,” Trunks stated with a smile.

A laugh was their only response as the Konack-jin turned himself onto his side, looking at the two demi-Saiyans in front of him with a grin.

“Ready to go again Tapion?” Gohan asked with a grin, pushing himself up onto his hands and knee’s.

“Yeah, but this time I’m not on bottom!” Tapion replied, lunging at the dark haired demi-Saiyan, the two men wrestling on the bed while a laughing Trunks looked on, none of the men noticing as the door opened, only a loud, pointed cough gaining their attention.

Three sets of eyes widened as they looked towards the door where Vegeta stood, studying the three naked men with a raised eyebrow.

Gohan, Tapion and Trunks all froze to the spot, unable to take their eyes away form the ebony haired figure in the door.

“I don’t think I even want to know.”

Turning around and walking back out, Vegeta paused in the hallway and then stalked back into the room.

“Oh, and Gohan, that woman of yours is downstairs looking for you,” he stated before walking back out again, a smirk attaching itself as chaos ensued in the room behind him as the three men struggled to get their clothes back on.

Chuckling to himself, Vegeta stalked through the empty house and into his gravity chamber.


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