Love Is All Around
by Sazza     More by this Writer
Sequel to It’s In His Kiss. Gohan and Trunks celebrate Valentine’s Day in ‘style’.

Song Used: Reg Presley – Love is all around

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes
Well, love is all around me, and so the feeling grows

“Please! Can’t you give me a hint?” Trunks asked as Gohan lead him blindfolded to a *surprise*.

“Nope,” Gohan said with a small kiss to the back of Trunks neck.

“But you know I hate surprises…” Trunks tried to finish his sentence, but was becoming very distracted with the way Gohan kept dropping feather light kisses on his neck.

“No you don’t, you’re just saying that.”

“I don’t….”

Gohan gave a small, evil grin and then put on his best *hurt* voice. “You mean you didn’t like those roses I left in your room when you still lived at Capsule Corp…?”

“I didn’t mean…”

“Or that time I booked the whole restaurant when I proposed….?”

“Gohan…..” Trunks began, as Gohan’s guilt trip began to make him feel 6 inches tall.

“It’s OK, I’m just playing with you…” Gohan made a small apology by leaning over and kissing Trunks on the mouth.

“So are you going to tell me?” Trunks sighed with a hopeful sound to his voice.

“Nope!” Gohan replied happily and continued to lead Trunk through the forest.

It’s written on the wind, it’s everywhere I go
So if you really love me, come on and let it show

Eventually they reached their destination. Trunks stayed quiet while Gohan sat him down and began to gently untie the black blindfold he had made Trunks wear, he then stepped back, unconsciously picking at his nails, and waited to see what Trunks’ reaction would be. Trunks blinked a few times, and then slowly his surroundings began to come into focus. From the first glance Trunks thought he was going to cry, Gohan had found a small clearing in a large forest, and had decorated it with paper lanterns, a small table with two chairs and a CD player with a few CD’s next to it.

Trunks stood up and almost threw himself at a surprised Gohan, who was luckily stood in front of a tree so he didn’t fall over. After a long tight hug for his much-relieved beloved, Trunks decided to comment on his Valentines Day gift.

“Thank you Gohan, it’s…I don’t know what it is but I love it!”

“Told you, you would, now what do you say we go eat eh?”

“There’s one thing you do have in common with your dad, your stomach!”

“You weren’t complaining about my stomach last night…” Gohan added as they made their way over to the table.

Trunks just blushed lightly in return and sat down ready to see what Gohan had made for them…

You know I love you, I always will
My mind’s made up by the way that I feel

Trunks stifled his laughter as Gohan pulled four large tubs of Kentucky Fried Chicken out of an air car along with a few two-liter bottles of Pepsi. Gohan noticed Trunks face as he walked over to set the food on the table, “I know it’s not much, but I spent so much time fixing this area up that I didn’t have enough time to get a proper meal sorted.”

“Nah, I like it like this! Besides, I know what happened the last time you tried to cook with a normal cooker…”

“Well…at least your mum paid for the kitchen to be rebuilt,” Gohan mumbled sheepishly.

Trunks just smiled as Gohan sat down and poured the Pepsi into two large cups.After this, all romance in the air disappeared as both half-saiyans began eating like it was going out of fashion. Gohan was the first to finish, being as he hadn’t eaten much that day due to trying to make this Valentines Day more romantic than the last, so while he was waiting for Trunks to finish he walked over to the CD player and put the first CD in.

As the music to Love Is All Around began to start, Trunks finished his meal and began gazing at Gohan, who wasn’t too sure what to do for a few moments, then was struck with an idea.

There’s no beginning, there’ll be no end
Cos on my love you can depend

“Care to dance?”

Gohan almost burst into laughter at the look Trunks gave him, he looked just like Vegeta did when Bulma had dragged him out onto the dance floor a few weeks ago when the whole gang had gone to a nightclub.

“I don’t know…” Trunks started.

“Ah c’mon, it’s only a slow dance. If you don’t like it we’ll do something else.”

Trunks sighed in defeat, then stood up and walked over to Gohan. The second he was within arms reach, Gohan pulled Trunks up against him and wrapped his arms around Trunks’ lower back. Trunks immediately responded by wrapping his arms round Gohan’s broader shoulders and leaning his head on his shoulder facing his neck.

Gohan gently started off the dance, swaying slightly until Trunks started getting the hang of it, then he began moving his feet too. Despite his earlier protests, Trunks quickly slipped into the rhythm and relaxed against Gohan.The taller half-Saiyan responded to this by laying his cheek on Trunks’s head and thinking back to that morning.

I see your face before me as I lay on my bed
I kinda get to thinking of all the things you said

That morning

Gohan stretched out on his bed, feeling bones crack in various places of his body. He stared at the ceiling for a while, then gave a small grin and looked over to his left where small snoring noises were coming from. A certain lavender haired, half-Saiyan was sleeping peacefully, with his face pressed into his pillow so that only one half of his face was visible, and one of his arms thrown across Gohan’s stomach.

He laid there for a while just looking at Trunks, then decided that he had to get up to prepare his Valentines Day surprise for him. After gently removing Trunks’ arm from his stomach and sneaking out of bed, he took a quick shower and sneaked out of the house, making sure to keep his ki suppressed. Then he set to work gathering the things he needed from Bulma who had helped him come up with this, and was at least willing to lend him a few things…

You gave your promise to me and I gave mine to you
I need someone beside me in everything I do

6 Months Previous

“May they speak now or forever hold their peace…”

Gohan and Trunks turned around to look at the small gathering of friends and family, then turned around to look at each other.

“You may kiss the…groom.”

Gohan smiled and leaned down slightly to kiss Trunks lovingly on the lips. It didn’t last long since they were in church, and amidst a lot of yelling a cheering (mainly from an overly happy Goku and slightly drunk Vegeta). The couple headed outside to the awaiting air car and drive themselves back home to get ready for that nights reception.



“Guess what?”


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The two half-saiyans stayed as close together as the air car would allow for the rest of the journey home.

You know I love you, I always will
My mind’s made up by the way that I feel

Gohan pulled himself out of his memories and looked at Trunks whose head still rested on his shoulder.

“See? Wasn’t that bad was it?” he said quietly.

Trunks opened his eyes and looked up at Gohan, “It was OK,” he whispered back, smiling slightly.

“So you want to stop?” Gohan asked, going along with the game.

“Only if you do, since you did all this for me, I suppose I can go along with it for a bit longer…”

“Well I do, so I’m sure you can last a bit more.”

Trunks gave a mock sigh, “I’ll try,” he said, finally grinning. As the CD continued to play, Gohan and Trunks carried on dancing, until eventually Trunks remembered that he had a present for Gohan as well. He pushed himself away from Gohan, who looked slightly confused.

“I’ve got a present for you but it’s back at the house!”

“That’s OK, we just need to pack some of this stuff up and we can take the car back.”


Both of the men began to clear the things up, making sure not to leave their rubbish behind, the CD that had been playing was transferred into the cars CD player, and then they both set off for home.

There’s no beginning, there’ll be no end
Cos on my love you can depend

When they reached their house, which like Goku’s house, was also situated in the forest, away from the city. They left the things in the car and went straight inside.

“Wait here, I’ll go get it,” Trunks wandered off down the hall leaving a curious Gohan behind.

Eventually Trunks called for him, and Gohan followed his voice down the hall into the bedroom, and was struck silent at what he saw. While he had been gone, Trunks had changed the bed sheets from their usual blue cotton covers to black satin, there were candles lit around the room, as well as a bag next to the bed which Gohan was very interested in.

He looked over at Trunks who seemed to have gone a bit red from embarrassment, instead of giving a teasing comment, which he was longing to do, he grabbed Trunks into a massive hug and whispered into his ear, “so this perfect evening is going to be come a perfect night eh?”

Trunks looked up at him, gave a small smirk which made him look too much like Vegeta for Gohan’s nerves and led Gohan over to the bed.

It’s written on the wind, it’s everywhere I go
So if you really love me, come on and let it show.


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