Hero Of The Day
by Shella-chan     More by this Writer
Dry humour, cruddy alliteration and teenage hentai-ness abound when Mirai Gohan teaches Trunks how to fly. Yet another YAOI fic by me with the title lifted from a Metallica song! Kinky as hell! Enjoy!

Chapter 01
It all started with just nine little words.

“Trunks, it’s about time you learned how to fly.”

And from there it kind of escalated. Of course Trunks had to learn to fly. He’d been itching to fight the androids for literally years, but it would be somewhat difficult to destroy the destructive duo if his feet were firmly fixed on the floor. Logical conclusion? Gohan could teach him to fly. Simple. Rational. Perfect sense.

“But we’d better not let your mum know.”

Naturally, Bulma would fight it every step of the way.

“She still thinks I’m a kid, but I’m not.”

Like any teenager, Trunks had an inflated perception of his own independence. Being half-Saiyan, and the son of Prince Arrogance himself, only made it worse.

“How can anyone still be a kid in a world like this, anyway?”

He had a few decent arguments, though. Innocence and naivety were hard to come by in Planet Earth nowadays. Trunks, always one to follow the crowd, had shed any pretence of childhood long ago, replacing it with a much-cooler need for revenge. Hell, if he were growing up any faster, he’d be moving into a retirement home before he hit twenty.

“You’ve got a point there, Trunks.”

Gohan – his best friend, surrogate father, older brother he never had, but above all, his secret crush for as long as he could remember. Talk about growing up quickly – surely it wasn’t normal to start actually preferring the colour pink at age eleven? To start having wet dreams about your best friend at age eleven and a quarter? Somehow, Trunks didn’t think so. Ah well, as they say, shit happens.

“So are you up for it?”

That was a no-brainer. Any excuse to be with Gohan was a good one as far as Trunks was concerned.

“Of course I’m up for it, I’m up for anything with you, Gohan, especially if it involves handcuffs and whipped cream.”


“Of course I’m up for it, I can’t wait to fight the androids.”

Geez, that was a close one. Lucky, really, that his brain still held some occasional sway over his mouth, otherwise (shock, horror) he probably would have said what he thought. That was guaranteed to get him into trouble every time. As for being ‘up for it’… for a thirteen-year-old, Trunks had a shockingly hentai mind. That particular phrase, coming from that particular person, he could do plenty of perverted things with.

“Good, I’ll meet you by the waterfall west of your place at dawn tomorrow.”

WTF – DAWN?? RUDE!! What about a healthy sleep-in? What happened to relaxing in the mornings? These could be his last few precious days on earth and he was wasting them by getting up early? Stuff the androids, they weren’t that bad, really…

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

Well, then, dawn it is and don’t forget the toys. Oops – that is, uh…

“Okay, I’ll see you then.”

Gohan wondered briefly (A/N: all puns intended) why Trunks kept spacing out. He’d stare at nothing for a few seconds, then blurt his words out in a rush. Either he was getting hyped over the chance to get revenge on the synthetic spastic Seventeen and his sister, or he’d been in Bulma’s medicine cabinet at the little white buzzy pills again.

“So will it take you long for you to teach me how to fly, Gohan?”

Typical teenager, impatient as hell.

“Oh no, Trunks, I can teach you all kinds of things, you’ll be screaming my name by the time I’m through with you-”

-Let’s try that one again, shall we?-

“Oh no, I shouldn’t think so, I mean you seem like a quick learner to me.”

There it was again – that slight hesitation before he answered. Trunks was seriously out of it today – must have grabbed the glittery blue pills instead. It was an easy mistake, anybody could make it if they were in withdrawal enough.

“A quick learner?”

Some might call it humility, others might call it thickness, Gohan was just relieved Trunks hadn’t noticed how close he’d been to jumping him right then and there.

“You think so?”

Arg, the puppy-dog eyes … down, boy, down … “I think a lot of things about you, Trunks and a surprising amount of them involve sweating, screaming and any number of interesting toys you sure as hell won’t find in a Toy Kingdom catalogue.”

Good thing the kid wasn’t telepathic, or that could have come out sounding highly dodgy. Gohan had to censor his reply a few times before he voiced it.

“Sure, why not?”

Trunks knew that wasn’t what Gohan had started to say. He’s stopped on the verge of expressing his own hentai thoughts too many times not to be able to spot such halting hesitations himself. Trunks wondered how long Gohan would pause if he said what was really on his mind.

“Because between staring at your sexy body and shagging your brains out, I don’t really think I’d have time to learn that much about flying.”

Time enough for that experiment another day.

“No reason, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

There, it is possible to be polite, with a bit of effort. Admittedly, sometimes it is more fun to stuff the rules and let the hentai imagination run wild, but privacy is required for those times and there’s things to be said for using manners when addressing someone ten years older.

“Bright and early, right Trunks?”

Not necessarily good things, however.

“Look, if you’re not there on time and don’t turn up within half an hour, I’ll come and get you out of bed myself, got it?”

Now that’s just offering excuses to sleep in.

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

Holy Hades in Hell, did he just say that out loud? … He did – Panic time! How to save such a slippery situation? Think, Trunks, think …

“I doubt you’ll manage to get up that early anyway, all Sons are known for laziness.”

Uh, that was okay, sort of … the haughty, superior tone of voice was good, but the words themselves left much to be desired. But Gohan was chuckling, evidently amused, so hopefully he’d missed the implications of Trunks’ question, just like all the short jokes went right over Trunks’ head.

“All right, dawn it is, and I’ll see you on time and in place.”

‘In place’ meaning between Gohan’s legs…

“You’d better get a good night’s sleep, cos learning to fly can be pretty tiring – you’ll need plenty of rest if you’re going to keep up!”

Keep up? Ooh, the mental images that *that* phrase produced … drool … Suddenly Gohan was flying away, leaving Trunks by his little hentai self, with his little hentai thoughts in his little hentai mind, looking forward to the fun, flying and flirting the next day promised to bring. He turned to trudge home, wondering what exactly Gohan would be teaching him and whether any of it could be twisted to suit his hentai purposes. Then he laughed at himself.

“Who am I kidding, I could turn Sesame Street hentai!”

The perverting abilities of the teenage mind should never be underestimated.


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