Another Place, Another Time
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Gohan is the tutor of the shy heir to Saiyan Industries: Trunks. Can the two find love with each other? Especially if Vegeta tries to tear them apart?

Chapter 03
Trunks glanced at his boyfriend, blushing deeply at the word. It amazed him to no end that Gohan had actually welcomed the kiss the night before. Trunks was petrified that Gohan would just smack him aside, call him a dirty faggot, and then quit his job. Trunks burrowed deeper into the cushiony chair in the library of Capsule Corporation, barely able to concentrate on his work. He wanted to just leap over the table and make out with Gohan but, unfortunately, this was the day that Bulma chose to monitor his academics. Trunks tapped the eraser of the pencil against the maple table, once again peering up at Gohan. This time, Gohan met the gaze, giving Trunks a secretive smile.

Trunks turned attention to the grandfather clock. “Lunchtime!” Trunks announced loudly, scaring Bulma. Trunks closed his books, sliding them in one heap on the centre of the table. Bulma nodded her agreement before leaving. There was something going on with Trunks and she was going to find out.

Gohan grinned brightly when Trunks launched himself into Gohan’s lap, wrapping his arms around Gohan’s neck. The lavender haired heir pressed his lips against Gohan’s forcefully, showing Gohan how much passion and want had built up since starting the lessons. Gohan was awestruck by the amount of change in Trunks. He wasn’t shy about his affections now. Gohan ran his hands underneath the hem of Trunks’ shirt, gliding over the smooth expanse of back muscles. Trunks arched into the touch, inadvertently causing their arousals to meet in one delightfully erogenous friction. Trunks moaned into the electrifying kiss, tongue darting inside Gohan’s mouth without a second’s thought.

Gohan’s mind started to become over-ridden with desire, going against his better judgement of not getting intimately involved with Trunks until he was older. Gohan’s hands travelled down again, cupping Trunks’ buttocks in his hands, pulling him closer. Trunks, eyes hazed, removed his mouth from Gohan’s. “I want you,” Trunks said huskily, cerulean orbs filled with need.

Gohan’s consciousness was trying to resurface, to tell him that he would be taking a child. Trunks’ long and delicate fingers undid the buttons on his suit, being met with a sculpted chest. Trunks’ head dipped down, tongue skimming the ruddy nipples. Gohan rested his head against the seat, closing his eyes. It had been so long since any sexual intimacy; male or female. Gohan lifted Trunks up some, unzipping the fly of his jeans and sliding his hand inside to grasp the hard organ. Trunks’ moan was infectious, causing Gohan to groan along with him as Trunks followed his example.

“Gohan,” Trunks sobbed in half moan, half plead, “Take me…” Trunks shimmied out of his jeans, lowering himself onto Gohan’s erection. With a hiss of pain, tears sparkled in his eyes.

Gohan sent little kisses on Trunks neck. “Koi, you should have waited for me to prepare you,” Gohan all but said through gritted teeth, trying to wait for Trunks to get used to the feel of being filled. He was so tight and the heat was downright unbearable. Finally, Trunks moved some, giving indication he was ready. Gohan couldn’t wait any longer. Thrusting inside deeper, Gohan started a rough and fast rocking motion.

Trunks’ mind was floating on Cloud 9 the second Gohan hit the nerve clusters. Gohan’s hand came around his slender waist, pumping Trunks erection. The double stimulus, added to the moans behind him, sent Trunks over the edge. Coming in Gohan’s hand, he clamped his inner muscles around Gohan, giving Gohan just the edge he needed to fall from the heights of bliss, releasing inside of his younger lover.

Both young men regained their normal breathing, and looked at each other awkwardly. Gohan’s entire being was feeling guilty. As for Trunks, he felt responsible, sensing the guilt in Gohan’s ki. Trunks took the initiative, softly kissing Gohan. “It wasn’t…your fault Gohan. I shouldn’t have pressed you into doing it. I’m sorry.

“I’m not mad at you Trunks. I’m mad at myself.”


“Because you’re younger than me and I feel I’ve taken advantage of it.”

“But you haven’t!”

“Trunks! You are sixteen. I’m much older than you, koi. You can’t possibly know what I’ve done to you.”

“Done to me?!” Trunks shouted, surprising Gohan by the amount of ferocity in his voice. He pulled his pants back on, glaring at Gohan. “You think I’m a child, don’t you? That I don’t know what I’m getting myself into?! Is that it Gohan?!”

Gohan fixed his suit, regarding Trunks with a miserable visage. “…I’m not going to lie to you Trunks…You ~are~ a child Trunks. You’re too young to be…doing what we did.”

Trunks was hurt by that last remark. “So it was a mistake? The entire thing…has been one huge mistake to you?” Gohan didn’t answer, searching for the correct words to use. Trunks shook his head, tears streaking his cheeks. “Don’t bother with it Gohan. I understand. Nobody wants me, not even you…” Trunks fled from the library.

Gohan held his head in his hands. ‘Damn it, what have I done?’ he thought to himself. ‘I’ve just hurt the one I love all because of my doubts?’ Gohan grabbed his suitcase and exited the room. ‘I’m sorry Trunks…’ Gohan peered up at the Capsule Corporation, tears forming in his own eyes as he headed for his car.

Trunks stared at Gohan from the window of his room, sobbing. ‘I knew he was like all the others. I knew he was just like Juunana. I should have known he would use me for sex, just like Juunana. I thought you would be different Gohan…not like Juunana…not like him…’


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