Somewhere My Love
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Mirai Trunks and Mirai Gohan had it perfect until Mirai Gohan died. Then, Mirai Trunks leaves for the past and starts to develop feelings for Chibi Gohan. He wonders if it is wrong….

Chapter 01
Gohan rested his arms behind his head, body sprawled comfortably on the grass outside of Capsule Corporation; one of the rare times he took a break from his constant training was when it was becoming dusk. The sun sinking below the horizon. The sunset of splashed oranges, yellows, and pinks. The peeking of the moon above the distant mountains, the golden rays meeting the fading sun in a small duel before the sun finally succumbs to the moon’s will. The wafting of the night time breezes through the trees in the backyard of Capsule Corporation. The bubbling of the river that sluggishly ran its course. It was hard to believe that the world was on the brink of genocide; the entire human population.

Gohan sighed, breath playfully blowing the ebony strands hanging in his murky, chocolate eyes. Most of his life he had been involved with the fighting and for his young protégé, Trunks, the lavender haired prince, had lived his entire life under the constraints of battle. Thinking of his much younger friend, the twenty one year old frowned. Trunks seemed more withdrawn then usual. Were thirteen year old pre-teens always like that? Gohan couldn’t remember, it was so long ago. The sound of a door slamming jarred the Son from his thoughts.

Trunks emerged, popsicle blue eyes shining in the dimming light, walking slowly to Gohan. His hands were clasped in front of his waist, his steps hesitant. Gohan raised his eyes to meet Trunks’ and was shocked by the amount of fear. What was he so afraid of? Gohan propped himself up on his elbows, gazing at the boy approaching. Gohan offered a warm smile, the best he could manage, and patted the grass beside him in an open invitation. Trunks paused, unsure of his own intentions, before giving in. Trunks sank beside his sensei, eyes sliding shut. Gohan took the moment to study his pupil. The youthful face had lost some of its joyful vigour, lines of anxiety not befitting his age etched across his features; the lightly tanned skin had turned paler.

Gohan immediately shifted to a sitting position, legs crossed in his lap. Gohan placed a comforting hand on the other’s shoulder, startled when Trunks flinched. Trunks’ eyes betrayed such fear and longing that Gohan was sure his mind was imagining the brief flicker of emotion. Gohan reached for the younger, as tears started to course down Trunks’ cheeks. Trunks shoved him away, rising to his feet angrily.

“Don’t touch me Gohan-san,” was all Trunks said as he ran from sight. Gohan let out an audible sigh, getting more than a little annoyed with Trunks’ attitude. Gohan leapt from the ground and chased after Trunks.

“Trunks! Wait!!!!” Gohan yelled, sure that the rest of the world could hear him. Gohan was thankful he was more experienced than his friend for he soon caught sight of the bleak, grey shirt. Gohan added an extra burst of speed when Trunks collapsed, hands fisting in the grass. Gohan sank beside him, arms going around his slender waist. “Trunks…what is it?”

Trunks sobbed brokenly. “I hate it Gohan-san!” he yelled, pounding the ground. “I hate this life Gohan-san! I hate the fighting! I hate the death! I hate the Androids! I hate it all!!” Trunks rasped the last word, heaving. Trunks turned and buried his head in Gohan’s chest. “I hate what I feel Gohan-san.”

“What do you mean Trunks?” Gohan caressed the violet locks, fingers twirling in the strands. The action merely caused Trunks to cry louder and heavier. Trunks clutched at the fabric of Gohan’s gi, hands kneading like a cat. “Trunks, please, tell me. You’re starting to worry me.” Gohan knew he was past worry, hell that had started months ago.

Trunks stopped weeping, shimmering blue orbs meeting his sensei’s sable ones. “Gohan-san…have you ever been in love?”

The odd question took Gohan by surprise. “N…No I haven’t.”

“…I see.” A glimmer of hope shined. “…Would you ever?”

“…There isn’t time to fall in love. It is a burden to our goal to defeat the Androids.” Hope was gone and it was evident in the dim shadow hovering over Trunks’ eyes. Gohan chuckled, hand holding Trunks’ cheek. Trunks gazed at his sensei, brows knitting in confusion. “But…if it were to be presented to me and I knew the person really well, I’d welcome it.”

“…When you say, know this person really well…how well?”

“Only someone I’ve known more than five years.”

Trunks’ brain quickly processed the information. ‘Five years? He’s only known me for longer than five years? huh?! Does this mean…me?’ Trunks smiled, leaning into the soft touch. He’d only known true compassion from Gohan and his mother; the rest…he never knew, even his own father. Trunks kissed the callused palm. “Gohan-san…what if this person is another male?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Gohan moved closer to Trunks.

“What, what if he’s younger than you?” Trunks whispered, breathing becoming laboured.

Gohan pressed his lips to Trunks in a butterfly light kiss, savouring the taste of the young teenager. “Does that answer your question?” Trunks nodded happily, throwing his arms around Gohan’s neck. “Trunks…you love me?”

“I love you very much Gohan-san. I was scared that you…you wouldn’t love me back.”

“Aaah, why?”

“Because I’m a boy and I’m eight years younger than you.” Trunks wrinkled his nose, kissing Gohan again.

“Well…I do love you Trunks.”

“I’m glad. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t love me.” Trunks yawned, having worn himself out over crying. “Gohan-san…will you sleep with me?” At Gohan’s wide eyed stare, Trunks laughed. “Not that way! I mean…will you hold me tonight?”

“Course I will. Come on. Do you want me to carry you?” Trunks nodded. Gohan scooped his young boyfriend in his arms and made his way back to Capsule Corporation. The warmth that came from having Trunks his arms was splendid. It made Gohan feel so…content. A feeling he hadn’t felt for years. Gohan shifted the weight in his arms, opening the back door. Gohan nodded in greeting to Bulma.

Bulma smiled, going back to her calculations. The blue haired genius glanced at the hold Gohan had on her son and her smile broadened. “Took them long enough,” she remarked, watching Gohan disappear upstairs.

Gohan laid Trunks onto his bed, undressing him and clothing him in his pyjamas. Trunks murmured, sleepy eyes locked patiently on Gohan. Gohan chuckled, removing all of his gi save his pants. Crawling into the bed, Gohan held his love closer. Trunks curled beside Gohan, kissing his cheek.

“Night Gohan-san.”

“Goodnight, love.”


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