Sleeping Beauty Version 1.2
by Sniffles     More by this Writer
A DBZ yaoi version of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale.

Author’s Notes: I mixed a few fairytales in this one. *Snickering* But you know what? I couldn’t remember the proper version of Sleeping Beauty. That’s what it’s Sleeping Beauty Vs. 1.2. Also there will be three parts. Part one is – The Kingdom is Cursed. Part two will be – The Kingdom is Blessed. And Part three wil be – The Kingdom gets Lucky..

Hope Contest: Special Mention of 2002-2003’s Jury

Chapter 02: The Kingdom is Blessed
Unaware of the plight of those within the sleeping kingdom, time continued on its merry way, days passed, then months, and soon years. The kingdom became overgrown with weeds, weeds so thick that soon the kingdom was completely covered and many forgot that the kingdom had even existed. It became the place that none would travel. Mostly because no one was adventurous enough to chop through the thick foliage. No wait, it was more like everyone was too lazy to chop through the foliage.

And now that your eyes are fixed firmly on King Vegeta’s kingdom, let’s move your head to the southwest where another kingdom stands. This other kingdom, the property of a great queen named ChiChi, consisted of only females. So you can just imagine Queen ChiChi’s horror when she gave birth to a son, just how she managed to get pregnant when there were no men around is beyond me. She screamed, ranted, and promptly beheaded her ‘female’ Nameken handmaiden.

When she calmed her fury, she noticed how pretty her new son was. So, to make a long story short, she named him Gohan and dressed him in dresses, brief pause from the narrator, then a little snicker. Erm, that is, she dressed him in female attire. Gohan grew up thinking he was a girl, but this little misconception was cleared up one day when one of the girls dropped her skirt. It was then that he realized he was built much differently from females.

One day, on Gohan’s sixteenth birthday, he decided that he wanted to travel. His mother was horrified but in the end she agreed to let him go. She quickly had proper clothes made for him and off he went.

He headed in the direction of King Vegeta’s sleeping kingdom. After three days travel they came upon the overrun kingdom. “What is this?” Gohan asked, pointing to the thick line of bushes.

“Just foliage.” The guard, Yamcha, shrugged.

“Foliage shaped like a castle?” Gohan raised his eyebrows, “Come on, let’s go in there.”

“No!” Puar, Yamcha’s magical pet cat, cried. “You mustn't go in there! I heard everyone who goes in there is cursed!”

“Cursed? How cursed?… I mean, how are they cursed?” Gohan asked.

“Well, their hair turns blond and their skin becomes green and scaley.” Puar shuddered.

“Hm.” Gohan thought for a moment, then with an evil smirk he grabbed Puar by the tail. “Well, then, let’s see if the curse is true!” He cried before chucking Puar into the bushes.

He chuckled as Puar’s high pitched squeals filled the air. “Sir!” Yamcha cried, “How could you do that to Puar!?”

“Well..I took his tail, exerted a little forc-”

“NO! I mean, how could you throw him in there like that?! That was horribly mean!”

“Mean? You want to see mean, you wake my mother up before noon!” Gohan responded.

Suddenly Puar burst out of the bushes, “I’m FINE!” He squealed, “I’m fine! I’m all right!”

“Good, then we shall go in also. Come along guard.” Gohan slid off his horse and approached the bushes. He drew a sword out of his pants, yes, you heard right, out of his pants, and proceeded to slash at the thick bushes.

“Sir,” Yamcha picked Puar up and placed the little catlike creature on his shoulder, “Where did you get that big ass sword from?”

Gohan just smiled and continued to slice and dice. “I think you answered your own question Yamcha.” Puar whispered.

“Sh. He might chuck you in again.” Yamcha whispered before he drew his own sword, from a properly placed sheath.

Three days later…

“huff.. huff… wheeze… pant..” Yamcha dropped his sword and dropped to his knees as they reached the castle’s great hall. “Finally! Those blasted weeds are *huff* gone!” He dropped, face first, to the floor and lay there panting.

Gohan sheathed his sword and looked around with awe, “Looks like they were having a party.” He said softly. Then, he noticed Goku and King Vegeta lying just beside where Yamcha had dropped. “Quite a party at that.” He added with a smirk.

He stepped further into the room, looking with interest at the dog.. er, fairy pile on Cell and smiling widely. “They’re all asleep.”

“It’s the curse!” Puar piped up, “And if we don’t leave soon we’ll be cursed too!”

Gohan walked over the fairy pile and then he saw her. The most beautiful girl he’d seen in all his life. She was more beautiful than the most stunning maiden from his kingdom. He gasped and rushed over to the girl, who was really Prince Beauty but only we know that. ~_^*. “Fair maiden, who are you?” He whispered, taking the girl by the shoulders and rolling her onto her back. She was even more beautiful when he could see her face, rather then the back of her head.

“Please, wake so that I might gaze into your eyes.” Gohan begged softly, touching the girl’s face.

There was no response. The girl was so pale that Gohan thought, for one horrible moment, that she might be dead but then he noticed the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest. Her chest? He frowned at her chest. “Well, so what if she’s got no jugs. I can get my milk from a cow.” He shook the girl lightly, “Come on, luv, open your eyes.”

“Wow. She’s some chick.” Puar hopped over and then looked down at the girl. “Give her a kiss, sir. That’ll wake her up.”

“You think?” Gohan shrugged, “All right.” He wanted to kiss her anyway.

He leaned down and hesitantly pressed his lips against her own. Music began to play. The girl’s eyes fluttered, then opened. “I know you. I saw you once upon a dream. I know you-” Gohan shot a quick glare at Puar who just shrugged.

“I don’t know where it’s coming from.” Puar said, referring to the strange music.

“Is that damned orchestra STILL playing?” Prince Beauty moaned, blinking blearily. He felt as if he had been sleeping for years, which he had.

“Ah, fair maiden, you awaken and show me your pretty eyes!” Gohan cried happily.

“Maiden?” Beauty snorted, “I’m a man you idiot.” He pushed Gohan away and sat up. “What is going on?”

“A man?” Gohan repeated with wide eyes.

Beauty got to his feet, a bit unsteadily. The rest of the kingdom was beginning to awaken also. The foliage, strangely enough, just withered away the moment Beauty opened his eyes. A traveler passing the thick bushes was scared so badly by this odd occurrence that he locked himself in his home and didn’t leave again.

“Wait, I don’t remember seeing you before. Why are you here?” Beauty asked as Gohan got to his feet.

“I was just curious. I saw this overgrown castle and had to investigate.”

“Overgrown!? Well, it is a bit large but hardly overgrown.” Beauty put his hands on his hips, “Listen lady, I don’t kno-”

“LADY!” Gohan bellowed, reaching for his sword, “I am a man and you will address me as such!”

“The men I know don’t usually wear such frilly dresses.” Beauty snorted, putting his nose in the air.

“Why you little-!”

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Yamcha wailed, getting to his feet and running desperately to Gohan’s side. He pointed at King Vegeta and Goku.

Gohan and Beauty looked over and promptly looked away, both boys turning pink. “Gads, Father!” Beauty cried, “Get a room!”

“You have a beautiful mouth, servant.” King Vegeta purred, licking at Goku’s lips.

“Hm, No, I told you. My name is Goku.” Goku repeated with a little frown.

King Vegeta just rolled his eyes and proceeded to kiss the guard senseless, which didn’t take much effort since the guard was pretty much senseless in the first place.

Gohan looked at Beauty and Beauty looked at Gohan. “So… what’s your name?” Beauty asked.

“Gohan and yours?”

“Er, depends who you talk to. My father calls me Beauty but my mother called me Trunks.” Beauty admitted reluctantly.

“Trunks? Why Trunks?”

“Well, she says she couldn't keep fathers trunks on and that’s why I was born.” Beauty shrugged.

“Ah, I see.” Gohan nodded, glancing over his shoulder only to have the king’s shorts hit him in the face. “It would seem your father still can’t keep his shorts on.” He said, blushing furiously.

“Maybe we should leave.” Beauty suggested.

“OO. You wanna’ spar?!” Gohan asked eagerly.

“Sure!” Beauty agreed quickly, “But I’ll kick your ass. I’m the best fighter in this kingdom!”

“Yeah, well I’m the best fighter in MY kingdom!” Gohan was quick to boast.

“Of course, his kingdom consists only of females.” Puar added under his breath.

“C’mon! This way!” Beauty rushed out of the great hall, Gohan following close behind him.

Meanwhile the sleeping fairies woke and not missing a beat continued their attack on Cell. Yamcha and Puar quietly snuck out of the room. Not only were the cries from Goku and Vegeta getting uncomfortably loud but the fairies were not very careful about how they flung their magic around.


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