To Love Another
by Ssjgoddesschico     More by this Writer
Everyone knows that Chichi wants grandchildren from Gohan and Videl right? Well what if Gohan was in love with a Mirai Trunks? How would ChiChi react?

I got this idea while watching dbz. Everyone knows that ChiChi wants grandchildren from Gohan right? Now, I’m sure that many of you read stories about Mirai Trunks and Gohan falling in love, Mirai leaves, and than comes back 7 years later, and they’re still in love? Well did you ever wonder how ChiChi would react? Since now, her son wouldn’t give her grandkids? Well that is what my story is about! It MIGHT end in V/G but I’m not to sure yet. I’ll see how it turns out, and it also depends on reviews. This takes place after Majin Buu.

Chapter 01
‘I can’t believe that it’s been 7 years since I’ve seen him. I know I was only 10(A/N – Let’s just pretend he is. He has to be a minor in this fic) back than, but, I know that I loved him.’ Gohan thought.

“Gohan?” Came a voice which Gohan didn’t hear.

‘I wasn’t even sure if he loved me or not.’

“Gohan?” The voice said again.

‘I doubt that he did love me, we were far a part in age.’

“GOHAN!!!” The voice yelled.

Gohan picked up his head and opened his eyes. He realized he was in class, and his teacher was yelling at him.

“I’m sorry..” Gohan slowly said.

“Next time don’t fall asleep in class!” The teacher yelled while slapping a detention slip on his desk.

Gohan sighed.

“Oh wow, Mr. Perfect got a detention.” Sharpner said.

“Oh shut up!” Videl said, as she looked at Gohan.

She honestly loved him, but Gohan never showed any signs whatsoever of liking her anymore than a friend.

‘Maybe I should tell him.’ Videl thought.

“What are you starring at Videl?” Gohan asked.

“N….nothing.” She replied.

The bell rang.

“Finally we can get home, and start on this project.” Gohan said.

“You want to work at my house or yours?” Videl asked.

“Mine is fine, and I don’t really think that your father likes me very much.” Gohan said.

“Heh, guess that’s true.” Videl said.

They both walked outside and took to the skies, landed at the 439 mountain are a little while later.

“GOOOOOOOOOOHAN!!!!” Goten came outside yelling.

“Hey kid, what’s up?” Gohan smiled.

“Guess what! Trunks is at Trunks house.” Goten said cheerfully.

“Ummm…..I think that’s obvious.” Gohan said.

“No another Trunks!” He said.

‘Could it be him?’ Gohan thought.

“Another Trunks?” Videl asked.

“Yes! One from the future!” Goten yelled.

Gohan’s eyes went wide from shock.


“T…trunks, please don’t leave…I…….I love you.” Gohan said with tears in his eyes.

Trunks looked at him, and sighed.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t belong in this timeline. I have to go home. Goodbye Gohan.” Trunks said as he walked off to his time machine, leaving Gohan behind in tears.

Trunks came home to find the planet destroyed and his mother………dead.

Why?! Why did all this have to happen? He really did love Gohan…..Maybe he should go back in time….Except, not to the same time, seven years later. Yes, that’s exactly what he’d do, I’ll be 19 and he’ll be 17.

End of flashback

“Gohan, are you ok?!” Videl asked. Gohan seemed to have been lost in his own little world.

“Huh….wha? Yeah, I’m fine.” He said carelessly.

“Ok? Ummm, maybe we better start working on our project?” Videl suggested.

“Awww, but Gohan! I wanted you to take me to Trunks’ house so I could meet the other Trunks.” Goten whined.

‘I wish I could bring him! Than I would get to see him again! But nooooo Videl just HAD to come today didn’t she?’ Gohan asked himself.(A/N – NO I do not hate Videl, but remember this is a MT/G fic)

“I’ll bring you later kid, but now I have to work on a project with Videl.” Gohan said angrily, but Videl didn’t pick up the anger.

“Ok, how ‘bout in an hour?” Goten asked innocently.

Gohan looked at Videl.

“Ok, we’ll only work on the project for an hour than, how about I come over tomorrow and we’ll finish it, since tomorrow is Friday.” Videl suggested.

“Sure.” Gohan responded simply.

Videl and Gohan walked into Gohan’s room to get started on their Egyptian project, they had to make a pyramid.

After about an hour Goten came barging into the room happily.

“C’mon Gohan let’s go!!!” He said.

“Heh, I’ll get going then, I’ll see you tomorrow Gohan!” Videl said as she walked out of Gohan’s room, and left out the front door.

‘Good! She’s finally gone!’ Gohan thought.

“Ok kid, let’s go!” Gohan said as the two demi’s walked to the front door, only to be stopped by their EVIL…..*cough* mother.

“Where are you two going?” ChiChi asked.

“We’re going over to Trunks’ house, to see Mirai Trunks, apparently he came back, for….some….reason.” Gohan stated.

“Ok, but I want you back early! You do have school tomorrow. You also have to finish your project with Videl. Oh, by the way do you think that you two will be having any grandkids for me soon?” ChiChi asked happily.

“MOM! I don’t even like her!” Gohan said as he ran out the door, Goten quickly followed him, and they took off into the sky towards Capsule Corp.

“Are you ok big brother?” Goten innocently asked.

‘She doesn’t understand…..’ Gohan thought.

“Gohan?” Goten asked again.

“WHAT!” Gohan yelled causing Goten to yelp.

“I’m sorry!” Goten said.

“No, I’m sorry I yelled, yes Goten I’m fine.” Gohan said as they landed in front of Capsule Corp.

“Yeah! I’m so happy I get to meet another Trunks!” Goten yelled out in excitement.

“Me too Goten.” Gohan said as he rang the bell.

“Hello?” Came a female voice.

“Hey Bulma, it’s Gohan and Goten.”

“Oh! I’ll tell Mirai Trunks to let you in!” Bulma said.

Gohan took a deep breath, right before it slowly opened reviling Mirai Trunks.

“Hello Gohan.” Mirai said happily as his eyes met Gohan’s


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