Prince’s Stables
by StarbearerTM     More by this Writer
The playful naughty romp continues as Mirai Trunks presents Gohan with a choice of dream vacations. Which one will the Prince choose? The lap of luxury or the equally enticing world of bondage? Delve into the forbidden world of riding, slaves, and farmhood desires unfolding before the reader.

Author's Notes :This story is a sequel for "The Prince in the Garden of Eden". It's a tale of discipline, love and surrender based on an idea proposed by Lord Truhan and developed with help from him!
Incest Group Sex

Chapter 01
Within the large Capsule Mansion Trunks wandered. He moved from room to room furnished with the latest and most plush carpets and chairs that would comfortably mold to anyone’s tired figure. Yet the only thing he sought was vacation ideas for his husband and love. Up the grand stairs he trotted towards their master suite, sliding open the doors to continue his search for a certain tome.

Most of the objects in the room had Gohan’s enticing lingering smell, and among them he soon spotted that familiar book lazily tossed onto Gohan’s side of the vast king-sized bed. Rounding the massive piece of furniture Trunks reached out to see the book and picked it up. Smirking a bit, he took the book and went to sit down in the large comfortable recliner by one of the huge windows that afforded natural light.

He licked a finger and turned the pages for inspiration. Vacation time approached and he required ideas for where they would travel. The rich narrative of the book described lush farms and luxurious settings. However, tucked into the pages he spotted a piece of paper with Gohan’s familiar markings and notation on it.

“The sight of the stables filled me with dread, though I didn't know why. We were whipped into a long hay-strewn room, the hay feeling good under my feet, and then the other slaves were gathered up one by one and made to squat beneath a long thick beam some four feet above the ground and at least that many feet from the wall behind it. Each slave had his arms lashed around the beam, elbows pointing sharply forward. And his legs were positioned wide and back at a low squat so that his cock and balls jutted painfully. Each head was bowed beneath the beam, hair fallen in reddened faces. I waited, trembling, for the same, realizing that this had been done very fast, all five slaves tethered at once, and that I had been spared. The fear in me blazed a little hotter.”

Anne Roquelaure

Beauty’s Punishment

With every word he read his body grew warm and his clothes felt far too tight. A grin formed over his face as he rubbed his chin and murmured, “Yes… this might just do the trick…”

Book in hand he rose off the sofa and went over to his desk to where his laptop lay. Sitting down, he placed the open book on the desk next to the machine and swung up the lid. The desk chair creaked a bit as he sat down, then his fingers clacked across the keys. Trunks called up various websites on the search engine in the Capsule browser, seeing the various search results.

Sand and surf and the images of bikinis and palm trees were washed clear out of his mind by the thought of farms. Of bridles and bits, the crack of riding crops, and the smell of leather and straw. Grey stone that was cool to the touch and hot flesh that was contrastingly hot flashed in his thoughts, prompting him to search beautiful farmlands and verdant pastures.

Another line of thinking prompted him to teleconference a familiar face. Goten’s face appeared on the screen in some surprise, but his requests for destinations was shared. The look of surprise on the other’s face changed to intrigue when Trunks said, “I’d like you to help me look for some locations… some pastural ones…”

“Not beaches or cities,” Goten asked, raising a brow. He fell quiet when Trunks brandished the book, title, and all for him to see.

Understanding dawned in the other demi Saiyan’s dark eyes. “Oh, I see, something where you can take care of livestock…”

“Yes, that’s the main idea. Somewhere lush and full of multiple possibilities,” Trunks said, waggling his eyebrows.

Both demi Saiyans tag teamed in their internet search. Various ideas pinged back and forth as URLs were shared, and internet sites were swapped. Real estate and virtual reality websites were pinged many times by the two in their quest.

“Far away from any towns or cities, pastoral…”

“European or Asian style farm?” Goten asked.

“European. The sort where English style riding would be commonplace, with many fields and trees.”

“Complete or fixer upper?” asked Goten further, showing him a listing on Verdant Reality Farms.

“Definitely a fixer upper,” Trunks replied, his heart pounding faster.

“How MUCH of a fixer upper? Collapsing and dilapidated, or just in need of some elbow grease?” Goten queried as he saw Trunks show him a few images.

“Something like this. Almost decrepit, but able to be reconstructed with a good amount of manual labor,” Trunks murmured. “Look in the book, deep in the book even if you have to dig.”

“Okay, I think has a few listings that might work,” Goten chuckled.

Keys clacked in unison on either side of the electronic connection. Their conference call evolved into a furious set of mouse clicks per minute or second. The search narrowed to “medieval” and “thatched roofs,” to their mutual satisfaction.

“How about this?” Goten asked, providing a link in blue that Trunks clicked on. On the screen he saw an overhead map that showed green trees lining oddly shaped fields for miles. On the flags marking the geographic coordinates he saw the ruins of a house that he clicked on for the blow up. Vines and growth covered the mess of what had been a house. Across from it was a stone stable, its roof thatched, and its walls etched with moss and time worn. Tall thick grass and wildflowers stood knee height amidst ramshackle fences which had seen better days or better centuries. Not a visible house for miles except for the silos or distant trees blocking any view for 360 degrees.

“Is that medieval enough for you, Trunks?” Goten asked.

“That’s perfect, that sort of thing,” Trunks replied, awe filling him as the building seemed to speak to him. Images of hot, sweaty harnesses and cracking whips filled his mind and he felt his pulse pounding. He could imagine boots stomping on the gravel dirt paths, and the gritty dirt and smell of sweat dripping on freshly ploughed earth. A tang of cold metal and sleek leather in his nostrils that suddenly widened.


Hours had passed by when Goten showed him yet another farm, and Trunks sensed a familiar Ki approaching. He whispered, “Keep digging. I want to see all possibilities…”

“Got it,” Goten replied, mock saluting.

He bade Goten goodbye and clicked end on the teleconferencing software. Gohan had already landed and his Ki quickly moved closer to the parameters of the mansion. Soon he was on his way up the stairs to their master suite. Quickly he snapped shut the laptop and stretched his arms upward. They tingled as he fanned them out and brought them back to relieve the knot in his trapezius muscle.

Behind him, the dark haired demi Saiyan that was Trunks’ husband entered slowly. His dark eyes fell on the nape of his husband’s neck as he strode further inside. Two hands rested warmly on Trunks’ tight tired shoulders. Gohan brought down one cheek to inhale the fragrance in soft lavender hair with a sigh of pleasure.

He gently chided the lavender haired Saiyan, “Trunks, you’re working too hard. What point is there in you getting home a few hours early if I see you still working at home, mmm?”

Tilting his head up, Trunks smiled at the raven haired demi Saiyan and said, “All the better for you to find me, Gohan. It’s so you can remind me to stop occasionally…”

Savoring the sight of Trunks wink and smile, Gohan then slid his arms around his husband’s shoulders to fold his hands around the lavender haired demi Saiyan’s neck. Trunks asked, “So, are we eating tonight, or should we go to a restaurant, babe?”

“Well I did some grocery shopping whilst coming back to your side, handsome, because I figured eating here would be nice.”

“Oh, do tell,” Trunks asked, missing his husband’s hands suddenly being removed as Gohan backed away playfully.

“A bit of wine, some pasta, a nice salad, chicken Bolognese,” Gohan described, ticking off on his fingers as he retreated towards the door.

Trunks leapt out of his seat, following his husband as he said, “Need some help, babe?”

A laughed pursuit down the stairs later, Trunks had watched Gohan put on an apron that stretched nicely across his muscled chest and tied right at his waist with the bow above his muscular ass. That same backside he loved to watch from behind while his husband chopped vegetables. Trunks tucked a towel into the front of his pants rather than bother with an apron and grabbed a knife and cutting board of his own. He washed some more of the vegetables, then set about cutting the onions after having ran the knife under cold water.

“So, what kind of work were you doing when I arrived home, love?” Gohan asked, reaching for another piece of celery to dice.

“Well,” Trunks replied, keeping his eyes averted for dicing the onion. “I was reading resumes for that job position… you know the one that I thought of opening in… sales?”

“Oh, the Marketing Consultant job? Any good candidates in the pool?” Gohan asked, side eying his husband dicing the onion without cutting his fingers through slatted eyes.

Trunks finished with the onion and tipped it into the nearby bowl. He rinsed his fingers and the board in the sink as he said, “A few good resumes, but one resume really caught my attention, babe. Goten did apply, and I think he’d be a good fit for that position.”

At those words, he heard the single stroke of a knife bite hard into a cutting board, followed by the loud thunk of carrot dropped and rolling across the floor. Next to it clattered the knife, Gohan giving a sour look as he said, firmly, “No.”

Trunks dried his hands on the towel, concerned with the frown creasing his husband’s face. “No? Why’s that?”

“It’s nepotism, that’s why,” Gohan replied firmly, bending down to pick up the knife. This afforded Trunks a prime view of his ass cheeks because of the pants tugging taught against them.

Trunks shook his head, and said, “We do take care of our own, love. Besides, you’re just mad because he took some embarrassing pictures of you… while he borrowed you for his birthday.”

Gohan rinsed off the knife, wiping it clean before returning to his task. He drove his knife violently into a few more carrots saying, “Embarrassing pictures, humph… that’s why I’m chopping up these poor carrots… because they…”

“That last carrot never stood a chance,” Trunks joked. “Besides, I saw a few of those pictures. They weren’t that bad. You were quite cute.”

Sexy Bunny Souvenir Sexy Bunny Souvenir

Gohan winced, shuddering as he recalled the nature of such pictures. Crouched on all fours with a chastity belt and a powder puff attached at the back. Matching rabbit ears attached to a headband were secured so he could not just flick his head.

Goten had grinned with one thumb up as he held up a camera. He had cooed, “Let’s get a smile. Wiggle your powder puff, Bunny Boy.”

Gohan had opened his mouth to protest, but Goten had shoved a peculiar muzzle, shaped like a carrot, into his mouth to muffle any protest. He bared his ass to the camera, lowering his bend arms and pressing his cheek to the blanket that Goten had spread out on the floor.

In the present Gohan glared at the lavender haired Saiyan who laughed. With a face that resembled a person who had sucked on ten lemons, Gohan grumbled, “You weren’t the one posing and wearing that particular outfit.”

“Oh, come now love, it was just pictures… and he did borrow you,” said Trunks softly caressing his husband’s cheek. “But why should that…”

“Affect his chances at that job? If we hire him, he’ll tease me with those snapshots every chance he’ll get,” Gohan huffed, leaning into his husband’s touch.

“That may be the case, but a little teasing is par for the course isn’t it?” Trunks asked, removing his hand. “You know it builds character, right?”

Again, Gohan pulled a face, this time akin to the butt of Dr. Brief’s old cat. He rolled his eyes, saying, “I’ve had plenty of character building already. Besides babe, if I want more teasing, I’ve got a handsome husband who can do it just as well.”

Moving quickly, he pinned Trunks between himself and the counter. Trunks inhaled his musk and sighed deeply, pushing his pelvis into Gohan’s which sported a huge stiff bulge. He grabbed his husband’s wrists and spun him around, pushing him down on the kitchen island. He swept his arm across before this, pushing all the items to the floor with a clatter.

Trunks ground his hard on into his husband’s stiffening prick through the cloth of their pants, saying, “I can definitely dish it out in the training department love.”

“Mm,” Gohan gasped, his dark pupils dilating wide like Trunks’ at the dominant position his lavender haired spouse took. Both of their breathing heightened, and their pulses pounded in their ears. Bending down Trunks nibbled at the pale column of flesh that was Gohan’s strong neck and nipped along it.

Gohan breathed deeply, inhaling the musk of his husband’s sweat soaking into his lavender hair that brushed his nose. He scooted further back on the counter as Trunks shoved him further up so his ass and torso rested on the island. Overhead he saw the gleaming pots and pans hanging in the rack, and saw their intertwined bodies reflected on the highly polished surface of them. It was an enticing multiple set of images he could watch.

“Fuck,” Gohan gasped, as Trunks ground deeply into the bulge of his stiff cock with his own pelvis.

“Soon,” purred Trunks, increasing his pace. He slid both hands down to the waist of Gohan’s pants and undid the button. He unzipped the fly and tugged the legs down to peel them off so he could reveal Gohan’s underwear. Then with his teeth he sized the waistband of the underpants and tugged them as well. Just sufficient to reveal the angry red head of his husband’s erect prick. It leaked slightly at the tip; its slit aimed right toward Trunk’s face that bobbed up in front of it.

Trunks smirked and sized ahold of Gohan’s cock, sliding his hand up and down it. He thumbed the tip, moistening it with the precum leaking out. His other hand fondled Gohan’s balls. He pulled back, then pulled the underwear and pants back up over the other’s prick.

Gohan was about to squawk in protest but bit it back when Trunks stepped back and stood with folded arms over his chest. He barked, “Strip…”

Ignoring his screaming need, Gohan bent up and then slowly slid his hands up and down his ribs. He wriggled them, grinding them in the air so his precum leaked into a small soaked patch into his pants. Slowly he undid the button and shimmied out of the pants. His cock bobbed free once he peeled of his underwear and kicked them aside into a lump with his garments. Peeling off his shirt he added it to the pile.

“On your knees, suck me off,” Trunks continued in a stern voice, his eyes glued to his husband’s pale perfect skin, and the red straining veiny cock standing at attention.

Gohan dropped down to his knees and waited as Trunks undid his pants and freed his own erection. His own cock glistened with sweat, its tip right in front of Gohan’s mouth. Slowly Gohan leaned forwards, his hands at his sides obediently as he licked the slit. Then he enveloped Trunks’ huge prick in his mouth, feeling the other grab ahold of his hair and tangle their fingers in his black locks.

Trunks let out a groan, his eyes fluttering closed as he began to thrust in and out. He stopped, letting Gohan hum along his cock so the vibrations stimulated the skin and sent tingles up and along his body. “That’s it. Suck it… suck my dick…”

Gohan deep throated, only to pull back and moved forward again. Faster and faster he sucked along the dick, sliding his tongue down the veined underside with care. Just to the edge of cumming Trunks allowed him before he yanked Gohan off.

“Stand up. Bend over the counter,” Trunks ordered, pointing to the island that was now cleared. Gohan did so, spreading out his arms so he gripped the edge of the counter. His ass faced his husband now, his legs parted to allow the other to see his hole. It had already started to pout a bit in anticipation, causing Trunks to inhale deeply. He grabbed some lubricant from his pocket and slicked it up and down his own cock in preparation.

“Are you ready for my cock to pierce you?”

Gohan’s sweaty face was plastered with his hair. “Yes, yes please…”

“What do you want me to do?” Trunks asked, grabbing Gohan’s hips and pressing the tip against the asshole but pulling back.

“Fuck me, please,” whispered Gohan, eyes hooded with pleasure.

“I can’t hear you,” Trunks scolded.

“Fuck me!!! With your mighty cock,” Gohan shouted, his voice echoing in the kitchen.

Trunks nodded in approval, then moved back. Digging his fingers into Gohan’s pale hips he thrust the tip of his cock inside the hot ring of muscle. Slowly, deliberately he backed out, easing in slowly each time so Gohan cried out and begged him to fill him.

In and out Trunks began to pump, his balls bumping against the cheeks of Gohan’s pert ass. He ploughed into his husband, his sweat dripping down onto Gohan’s back and glistening as it mingled with Gohan’s sweat. Faster and faster he ground down, savoring the tight heat and his white-hot pleasure boiling inside.

Till he reached that pinnacle where his eyes saw double and he thrust deep in, shooting his load into the dark haired demi Saiyan’s body. Hot ropes of his cum painted the inside of Gohan, the other screaming his name.

Prequel for this Story

The Prince in the Garden of Eden The Prince in the Garden of Eden

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Sexy Bunny Souvenir Sexy Bunny Souvenir Bridle Path Bridle Path

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