Mending A Broken Heart
by Syrus     More by this Writer
Gohan breaks up with Mirai, giving Trunks the chance to finally confess his feelings to Gohan. But then Mirai decides he wants Gohan back and Gohan doesn’t know who to choose.

//…………//means a thought so nobody gets confused and also chibi Trunks is referred to as Trunks and Mirai Trunks and Mirai.

Chapter 01: Prologue
“There’s a stranger in my house, it took a while to figure out There’s no way you could be who you say you are, you gotta be someone else Cuz he wouldn’t touch me like that, and he wouldn’t treat me like you do He would adore me, he wouldn’t ignore me, so I’m convinced there’s a stranger in my house”-Tamia

You’ve changed your not the same person I fell in love with. Something about you is different. Your aura, the way you look at me, the way you say my name, the way we make love…it’s all different. What’s caused you to change so much is it me? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me I’m going crazy not knowing why your acting this way. The main question is can we fix it……

Gohan soared through the air blinded by tears. His hair making his vision even more indistinct, but he didn’t care. He had just fought with the man that he captured his heart the moment they met, but now that was all just a memory. “Why can’t you understand!” the images played over and over in his mind like a broken record. “Why are you acting like this? Why have you changed so? Just answer me that Mirai!” Gohan yelled

“What are you talking about I’m still the same me, nothing has changed!” Mirai responded.

“A lot has changed..” Gohan said beginning to shed tears. “We don’t do things that we use to do. Like we don’t cuddle anymore, or talk about things. The sex hasn’t been to exciting lately either!” Gohan yelled tears streaming down his face unable to control them now.

“So what your saying that you don’t wanna be with me anymore all because of little changes?” Mirai asked hopping for the right answer.

“L-little changes!?!” Gohan shrieked angered by the remark Mirai had just made. “When was the last time you said that you loved me?” Gohan said waiting for Mirai’s response.

“Gohan just think for a min-.”

“Answer the damn question.” Gohan interrupted.

Silence filled the room as Gohan’s last words echoed through the halls. Mirai just stood there staring at Gohan. Gohan stared into those azure eyes that he no longer recognized. Eyes that used to be filled with love and tenderness. The man standing before him wasn’t the man he fell in love with, he was different.

“You can’t remember can you.” Gohan said in a more calmed voice while avoiding eye contact with Mirai .”You can’t remember because you……..because you don’t love me any more.”

“Gohan I-” Mirai started

“No Mirai there’s no point in continuing this relationship if your not committed to it.” Gohan said fighting off the tears that were burning in his eyes.

“What are saying Gohan?” Mirai asked stunned by Gohan’s words.

“I’m saying……that its over.” Gohan finally finished.

“Gohan please you don’t mean this.” Mirai pleaded with Gohan knowing it was futile.

“Mirai I made up my mind. It’s over.” Gohan said feeling the warm sensation of tears streaming down his face. Gohan without a second thought ran out the door and blasted into the air leaving Mirai behind in the doorway screaming his name.

Gohan shook his head. He realized that he had been flying for more than an hour. “Where am I going?” Gohan asked himself that question over and over again. Then a thought came to him immediately. He changed his direction and headed to the one person that he felt he could talk to…..


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