Needs And Wants
by Tesla Jo     More by this Writer
Trunks comes back from the future to see Gohan.

03: Chapter 03
The first time was my mentor and friend. I don’t know when it happened but I developed a large crush on him. It was something that eventually I couldn’t hide. Hell, I didn’t even want to. He was my first kiss or I should say he is the first person I kissed. I had been subtlety hinting my feelings to him but I think he was being intentionally obtuse. So, after one frustrating day of being with him, I backed him into a corner threw my arms around his neck and kissed him for all I was worth. He didn’t do anything at first but he soon threw his hands around my waist to keep me from sliding down his tall frame right to the floor. He never did kiss me back but just passively let me go at it until I had no breath and pulled away.

He didn’t even put me down at this point but just held me against him and told me so quietly and gently I almost missed it over the breaths I was taking and the pounding of my heart in my ears, “No Trunks, we can’t do that.” That was all he said while he hugged me against him. Well, needless to say, with that type of response his negative didn’t really dampen my feelings for him at all. In fact, I actively pursued him. I stole so many kisses from my mentor that I can’t even guess now how many. He almost always reacted the same way. Occasionally however, he would forget himself and actually join in and those were the sweetest kisses of all.

I never pushed for anything farther than the kisses and that is what finally broke Gohan down I think. We slowly became secret lovers. The physical part only consisted of kisses and caresses. Gohan could not dream of anything more and was eternally guilty for what we did share. I myself basked in it. I always figured I would eventually win Gohan over and then we would win over the androids but that was not how it worked out.

So, I came to the past to stop my future from occurring. I had prepared myself that the Gohan I would meet might be little like the one I knew. I also knew he would still be quite young. Somehow I was still amazed by him. I really didn’t get to interact with him much at first. The prospect of being with my father was just too tempting for me to resist. I did get to spend some stolen moments with young Gohan before the Cell Tournament began however.

The one I particularly remember is after he had come out of the hyperbolic time chamber with his hair all golden. His father had insisted that he and Gohan were done training for Cell and would do other activities until the fight. His mother ever watchful of an opportunity had ordered her son to take his books with him and to study. So, it should have been no surprise when I found him reading a thick textbook that afternoon.

This honestly was a side I had never seen of my own Gohan, the scholar. He had long since given up his studies in my timeline in favor of training. It had always seemed like an absurd joke, the thought of him reading books since he was so active and physical to my mind. Actually, from the little I had seen of young Gohan I thought the same until I watched him.

I could finally see it with how raptly he would absorb a page and neatly turn to the next. Nothing seemed to distract him from it and then suddenly he would stop and just seem to enjoy nature and the fresh air. The internal struggle was amazing to watch as he couldn’t put the book down and away, yet he not only breathed, but also seemed to absorb nature with his whole being. Such an amazing individual so different from the one I had meant to compare him too.

In that moment, I could have fallen in love with this other Gohan, so unlike the Gohan I knew. I knew he had seen much by this time, but he still radiated such an aura of innocence and life that I couldn’t help be drawn to it. He had had a rough childhood but still had maintained a part of the child of himself that I had not. I had to share this quiet time with him.

I walked right up to him but he never even noticed until I greeted him by name. My name leapt off of his lips and he bathed me in one of his radiant smiles. I think he kinda looked up to me the way he did most of the other fighters he knew. I never really thought of it before but he had such a strange lot in life to be so young, yet looked at as an equal by most of the fighters including his own father. I had heard so much of Goku that it had become a strange dichotomy in my own mind that I never solved, of little Gohan being on the same level of strength.

I knew I wanted to see if I could finally understand him, so I sat beside him and asked him about his studies. I can’t even remember now what the book was about, only him. He excitedly explained the book’s contents, which I ignored. It wasn’t even intentional but he ensnared me with his enthusiasm. He scooted over to show me passages and somehow he ended up in my lap contentedly reading to me. The warmth that infused my heart at the moment was great. I wrapped my arms around him and held him against me just enjoying life.

He finally put the book down and completely relaxed in my hold. We just stayed there like that until we received a call for supper. I think we were both reluctant to get up but I knew it was inevitable that our time together was over. I leaned down over him and very gently gave him a soft kiss on his sweet young lips and whispered a thank-you that I felt from the bottom of my heart before helping him up. He gave a shy, rather confused look, but didn’t hesitate to hold my hand on the walk over to the house.

We never shared any other moments like that again, and really that should be enough for me to live my life happily ever after with that one memory. Instead I have come to him in search of another memory to hold close to my heart. As I lay here in bed in the same room as the adult version of that young boy slumbers feet from me, I finally realized it. I can finally relax and sleep contentedly. I know that whatever happens when morning comes, somehow I will be better for it.


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