Life Sentence
by The Dragonball Zone     More by this Writer
In this multi part episode, based on "the Lonely" by Rod Serling, Gohan is a prisoner on a penal asteroid, where a rocket stops only once in a while to drop off supplies. When his latest delivery comes, he finds it a surprising new item for a need he had not anticipated.

Author’s Notes: This is a series of one-shots, operating in the “Dragonball Zone” – conspired upon with Lord Truhan. This episode was provided by Starbearer TM.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 03 : The Item and its Function
Gohan felt his jaw drop open at the large twin pieces of the shell opening. Tiny droplets of fluid and a cloud of steam collided with his face.

He saw wet purple and tan soaked from the egg’s interior. More pieces of shell fell away to the ground before Gohan shoved himself upward. His eyes riveted to the muscular shape now revealed. Gloriously shimmering in the light with droplets stuck to it, the egg’s inhabitant was revealed.

Humanoid. Not small but man sized he was curled up with closed eyes. Viscous clear fluid dribbled from the nude form gleaming in the starlight and the lights of the greenhouse. Unable to move for a moment Gohan inhaled the breath he had denied himself in his shock.

“They didn’t! Dende! They… they gave me a man?” He cried out in disbelief.

Now his heart raced for another reason.

Once he forced past his paralysis he grabbed a blanket and some towels. The being’s eyes were still tightly closed, either asleep or unconscious. Gohan rubbed the fluid off the newcomer’s muscular body, trying hard not to look. Yet he did, and the results were extremely promising.

He then felt a bit envious of the other's package, which forced the blood to his face rapidly. Throwing Icarus, a glare he grumbled, “I am not a pervert! I can look! I'm not dead and blind!”

A low moan interrupted his scolding, so Gohan turned his head to look at the newcomer. Lavender lashed eyelids flickered, which prompted Gohan to wonder what color they would be. Would the being even be sentient or would the lavender haired wonder simply remain a large animated doll?

“Good morning,” said a slightly raspy but pleasant voice. Gohan stammered and stuttered at the honest innocent look in those eyes. Such a clear blue were they that it reminded Gohan of a summer sky on Earth years ago.

“You can speak? That's just… unexpected…” was all the verbiage he could muster at that point. He reprimanded himself for such a poor first introduction. After all, first impressions mattered volumes, didn't they?

That was quashed with the retort of, “Well, you are speaking too, Master…”

Gohan’s stomach churned. Of its own volition, he raised one hand with the flattened palm facing the individual. As if to push the reality away that this was a cruel lie. Immediately he cut the being off, saying, “No. Don't call me that…”

Hand over his face he dared not look at the being. He heard a query of, “What would you prefer me to address you as?”

“Gohan. Just call me Gohan,” grumbled the prisoner. He kept his face turned away from the other’s naked but flawless body. Grabbing a pair of his boxers and an undershirt he handed them over.

After all the silence, the words of the handsome android were too loud. Yes, it was handsome, and it can speak. But it only reached out to him because it was a sex machine. For pleasure.

Said sex machine addressed him with a note of concern, saying, “Sir Gohan? Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Get dressed. I’ll talk to you later,” Gohan said in a monotone. He turned and left the other in the small hut. Closing the door, he then walked to the greenhouse to absorb what had just happened.

He didn't notice the clouding in the pair of crystalline blue eyes that followed him to the door, or the way in which the newcomer quietly donned the clothes presented to him. All Gohan saw now was the seedlings clinging to life in his greenhouse.

The first sun peeked above the horizon then, casting an orange glow in concentric ovals on the horizon. It cast its beam into the lowest of the window's, sufficient to cause Gohan to blink. He blocked it out with one hand pressed to his eyes before he turned.

Right now, he scuttled to the shade of Bulma, whose shadow cast long and narrow. Plant leaves and stems from other present vegetation interwove a cage with their shadows. One more shadow cast over Gohan in the shape of shoulders and a rounded head. He spun to see the backlit figure stepping inside.

“Sir Gohan?” The lavender haired being asked, as he stepped forwards. Gohan turned his head to the side, toward the rising second sun. Already the orange turned slightly pink from its added radiance. Words couldn't come to his choked off throat.

He wanted to tell it to go away. But it wasn't its fault. The thing was a being that spoke, made for the pleasure of its owner. At this point, anything that spoke back filled the silence, as much as the sun did. He could only block it if he chose. No. It was he and him. Unless he said otherwise.

“Gohan is fine,” he said quietly, not facing the sex android.

“Master Gohan, do you require my company? I am to see to your needs…” said the lavender haired being.

“I… I don't want that. I…. just…” the prisoner protested, stumbling over the words to a conversation he didn't have to imagine the other side of.

“Gohan, your happiness is a priority,” said the raspy voice. “I shall do what you command, but I would prefer to stay close to you. That's what I do.”

If he knew the brand, it would follow him after a time or shut off. Banishing that glorious doll to its pod seemed sad. He didn’t want sex with a machine, but it did talk. The least he could do was get used to it and see how capable it was of regular tasks. How could he remain angry at the egg’s hatched being, when it had patiently incubated ready to meet him?

Sighing, Gohan relented. He said, “You can watch the sunrise with me.”

“I'd like that. I am here for you, Gohan. My mission is your pleasure,” he rasped.

“Do you want anything?” Gohan asked, dusting off the small niceties he could muster.

“Please give me a name. That is all I require now, accept your commands, Gohan,” said the being.

“Your name is Trunks,” Gohan informed him. Guilt filled him. It wasn't Trunks’ fault he was made to be what he was. Trunks’ job was to be commanded and enjoyed. Heaving in a deep breath Gohan rested his chin on his knees.

Two arms wrapped around him as they brought warmth. On either side of his hips a muscular leg stretched. Against his back pressed Trunks’ hard muscled chest. For a second, he lost the ability to breathe and think.


“You appeared to need a hug, Gohan,” Trunks answered simply as he increased the pressure from his muscular arms. Gohan felt his throat lump up again at the warmth from another body after so long.

He realized sexual or not, it didn't matter. Just to be held again was a slice of paradise he could claim no matter who gave it. Was it wrong to take what was given to him like he did with the machines and spare parts? Perhaps he could form something useful from this opportunity.

“Thank you, Trunks,” Gohan whispered through the lump in his throat. He couldn't yet smile, but at least he could tolerate the emptiness better now.

Once he inhaled a bit, Gohan allowed his breathing to match that of Trunks. In and out he breathed with the rise and fall of Trunks’ chest against his back. Into his ear Trunks breathed ever so gently,

“Why are you denying your needs, Gohan? Sex is natural, and necessary. There is no shame in your feelings…” Trunks said softly.

“But…” Gohan croaked.

“Your shoulders are tense and tight, and your whole body is shaking. Please, let me at least…” the lavender haired android began.

“It’s too much too soon…” Gohan rasped.

He wished he knew everything behind the motivation of the being. How could this lavender haired siren seem sentient, when everything was telling him it was just responding to his input? It didn't truly want this or didn't know better.

Hadn't he earned the right to let go? Who was the judge of decency on this world that was his prison? All senses of right and wrong were internalized. The desire to simply use him like any other piece of equipment reached Gohan for a second. He guided the other's hand lower down on his abdomen till he stopped short of his aching member. It had grown hard and demanding against the fabric of his pants.

"I need... I need..." Gohan panted.

"I can assist you with that," Trunks whispered back.

Throat tight Gohan protested, "But I don't know you... you're just programmed to want what I want... you're just a thing..."

Trunks tossed his head back, "I exist for your pleasure. Yours alone. You command me, but your needs are not meant if you are pushing them aside..."

"What do you know about anything?" Gohan hissed out through clenched teeth. He didn't know why he held back, because it was a thing to use, but why couldn't he shake the elusive thought that Trunks had the right to a will of his own.

Gohan pushed the other's hand aside and slipped his hand into his pants to push them down enough to pull out his cock. It stood up erect and sensitive to the light of the burning sun.

Around his hand closed that of Trunks, nipping and licking the back of his neck. Gohan squeezed his eyes shut, not looking down as he dragged his hand up and down. Shame filled him but at the same time he felt someone take his other hand and place it in their mouth.

Trunks sucked on Gohan's fingers of his free hand, wetting them with his own spittle. Into the other’s ear he purred, "It's better moist... let me help..."

On the knife’s edge of saying no, Gohan reasoned it wasn’t a problem if the other was helping jerk him off. But he had only just met Trunks… and he wasn’t the sort that used sex bots before. Only his own hands and other toys. What was one more toy for his pleasure, Gohan rationalized? With nobody to see them on this distant hot rock, Gohan bowed his head and surrendered, thrusting his fingers into Trunk’s waiting mouth.

The warmth combined with the slide of Trunks tongue along his fingers twitched sensations all over his skin. It raised tiny goosebumps that erected his body hair along with his member that twitched even more. Blood engorged the tip that reached the height of his navel. Once he had finished sucking on his fingers Trunks positioned Gohan’s hand back on his cock. He closed Gohan’s fingers around the cock and guided his hand up and down, so the vein textured shaft was coated with a sheen of his own saliva. Gohan felt the slickness that eased the passage of his member through his fingers.

“Not out here… I…” Gohan hissed, tightening his grip.

“You imagine dozens of eyes watching you. Does that excite you, Master?” Trunks whispered, tickling his sensitive ear with his words before nipping at it.

Indeed, Gohan could imagine that they were exposed and naked. An irrational fear--of a sudden return of the pilots who could take away his toy--tugged at his sensibilities. What if someone had put a tracker in for one missing sex bot? Could he lose Trunks after the nights he spent watching over his egg? Androids like Trunks were far from cheap novelties. He was a prime, top of the line model.

Now that lavender haired specimen purred into his ear, “All that exists is you and me right now. Looking at that magnificent cock of yours that aches for someone to suck it. I could do that if you wanted to, but right now I only want to see how hot you look when you jerk it off and spray cum all over the sand…”

Gohan felt frustration overtake desire, and the buildup of need reminded him of that empty pit nothing could fill. He focused on the smooth tones of Trunks urging at him. The smell of sweat, the heat of sand and the other’s body. How expertly Trunks worked his own hand up and down on his straining cock which now leaked a bit of precum. Right now, he dared crack open one eye and see the liquid forming droplets at the hole in the end of his large head. When had he had a good look at his own erection, he wondered?

“It’s amazing Master. Your cock… it’s a work of art. You should admire your manhood, not block it out. I want to see you cum, and I want to hear you scream and splatter us both…” Trunks urged, raspy voice tugging in time with each squeeze and pull. Gohan pumped faster guided by Trunks, whose other hand rubbed over his chest and tweaked a rounded nipple. Gohan turned his head to the side and then licked his lips.

“B… bite me…” he whispered through hisses.

Trunks set his teeth into Gohan’s neck at the same moment Gohan let himself go. He couldn’t stop it because it had been a long time. Waves of rushing hot fury bubbled out before he could stop himself from rushing to the top of the mountain with a loud cry. Among the dark tear stains already present on the sand white droplets spurted. One almost hit Gohan in the eye, yet Trunks clamped his hand over the other’s eyes to protect them.

Bowed over, Gohan felt tears stinging his eyes. Around his waist Trunks hugged him with strong arms. The hazy dizziness pounded red hot rushing blood through his mind. As he opened one eye and heaved in deep breaths he saw that liquid had spurted over both, dousing them in white sticky droplets.

When the waves of his release ebbed, Gohan felt the presence of the other nearby. He murmured, “I need to go inside…”

“Gohan?” asked the other, his voice tinged with concern, or what sounded like it. Why did it remind him of leftover cake, which hurt his teeth and soured his stomach after eating far too much?

“Leave me alone, please,” Gohan got out, his voice choked and strained on the edge of anger and disgust. He pushed himself to his shaking feet and rushed back to the house. For the first time, he wished the door had a lock.
He didn’t care, he couldn’t care. Why was he feeling so ill at a need that had been filled by a willing machine? Other people used sex robots. It’s not like it wasn’t done, but still… still…

How could he assume it wasn’t just out of obligation? Why did something so good feel so wrong? He was accustomed to denial and loneliness that the sudden touch felt like rich food to a starving man. Far too much too soon.

Gohan glanced at Icarus and snapped, “Don’t look at me like that! You wouldn’t understand?”

Icarus, whose voice he imagined daily seemed silent, and he let out a cry of frustration. It had been easy to imagine, and keep his conversation skills sharp, but with the appearance of something so real that had its own voice had robbed him of that skill.

Too real… far too real.

Gohan sat on his bed, inhaling and exhaling in time to Icarus’s churning thump. At this point he guessed a half hour had passed. Living for years on a planetoid gave him an innate sense of time, but a glance at the old digital clock told him it had been an hour. His emotions stopped swinging like a pendulum and he had regained some semblance of calm.

Shit, where was that Trunks? Had that sex bot gone AWOL to follow his orders. For a second, he dreaded what he had done. Yet, the thing had an operating system, and wasn’t a glorified exploring bot. Even those had self-preservation subroutines, so it was elementary that androids did too.
Instead Gohan mumbled to himself and grounded himself as best he could with a splash of filtered water from the solar still to his face. Rising to his feet he performed cleaning ablutions to rid himself of the evidence of his previous, yet shattering relief. He dared to glance around the small domain through the blinds of the hut.

Footprints were visible, in the ground. Gohan reluctantly exited the hut to survey the area. He couldn’t have the thing wander off. Even if it did, it would likely come back to him like some sort of trained pet. That’s what his experience told him. What limited experience he had with sex bots that is.

“Trunks,” He called out, feeling a pang of guilt. Wait, it had proved itself to just be a sex bot, so why was he thinking of it with the same concern he’d feel for one of his plants or… an actual comrade?

Gohan followed the tracks, his heart pounding with sudden worry. That thing had called him by name, given him warmth. Now he repaid it with telling it to leave him alone. How long would it carry out THAT command? How specific would he have to be? Just how advanced of an operating system did it… no… Trunks... have?

TRUNKS! WHERE ARE YOU?” he shouted to the thin silence that was only filled with the ambient noise of the planetoid. To his ears his voice sounded choked and raw. Naturally it would after screaming to Dende with a voice louder than he could recall in ages.

Mouth cupped by his hands he roared out, “TRUNKS! COME BACK HERE!

Out of the greenhouse emerged the purple haired vision, wearing the T shirt and boxers that Gohan had originally given him. The material stretched over his chest, the taught fabric barely betraying that there was a perfectly muscled torso beneath it. A sin to cover up, but Gohan shook his head at this notion.

Blue eyes fixed on Gohan’s, the head tilted to an angle. Long hair hung over Trunks face as his hands rested motionless at his sides. Hesitant he stated, “Master, I merely followed your orders. You no longer wish solitude?”

“I’m sorry about what I said to you. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I just… it’s just…” Gohan began, feeling his cheeks flush hot with blood with an accompanying tingle moving to his groin and other parts.

Trunks strode over to him, hand raised to touch his cheek. His hand stopped inches before touching, but Gohan mumbled, “You can touch me.”

Trunks gasped in a huge breath, which seemed to Gohan to indicate relief. “I enjoy touching you. I am relieved your feelings are not badly hurt. I was programmed to cuddle and hold onto you because of the overwhelming feeling…”

“I’m not used to anyone else here,” Gohan got out. “I mean hearing your voice… Oh Dende, I can’t articulate properly with something that talks back.”

“If you wish to talk about it, I am a good listener,” Trunks offered. “If you don’t wish sexual contact I am also
capable of being a companion in a platonic sense?”

Gohan suddenly broke into laughter, feeling the nervous anxiety bubbling up. “Are you for real?”

“As real and corporeal as you, Master Gohan,” said Trunks, still caressing the other’s cheek. “I exist to please and meet your needs. I am a companion that interacts and gets to know you.”

“But you’re programmed for sex, right?” Gohan asked.

“Just because you asked for my services once does not mean I expect you to do so. Unless you want me to beg for them being tied up?” Trunks said with a tilt of his head, and a small smile on his lips.

Immediately Gohan’s mind filled with an image of Trunks bound head to toe in leather with an apple stuck in his mouth. Inhaling deeply Gohan struggled to steady his voice, and cut through the mishmash of guilt, pleasure, and revulsion.

“Uh… well… I’ll let you know about that, in future,” he said more curtly than he wanted. “I just… have to get used to this…”

“Many people aren’t used to owning my model. But I learn quickly…” Trunks replied.

That wasn’t something Gohan wanted to return to right away. All the awkwardness in his body made his tongue tie in knots. The intensity was still there but he had to regain control, or he’d drown again. He didn’t want to be in that place once more. It felt like he was drowning. Binge eating candy all at once like he had when Yamcha had brought him a half kilo of chocolate and he threw up after a week of eating it.

Best to change the subject, he thought, so he asked instead, “All right, you learn quickly. But I wanted to know why when I asked you to leave me alone you went to the greenhouse?”

“You spoke to me there, and I figured that you needed time to yourself, though I recommend the post coital cuddle in the future,” Trunks explained simply.

Hearing these words Gohan pressed a hand to his head. Breathing was difficult from the sound of that voice to the vision of that body. It was insane. He must be going insane. Quickly he squeezed his eyes shut and held out one hand with the palm flattened towards Trunks. “Stop, just stop there… please… I need a minute…”

At first, he heard silence, and feared that Trunks might short circuit. There was no getting rid of the handsome sex bot, nor was there a desire to. Rather a need to back up and consider things from a different angle. Comfort and companionship seemed much easier to deal with instead of gobbling down his chocolate. Once he drank tea didn’t mean he had to keep drinking tea or demanding it. Such a metaphor seemed appropriate, yet he wondered how Trunks could take it.

“Master Gohan, what do you most want to do right now?” came the answer, which relieved the second knot of guilt in his chest.

“Can we slow down? I want to… right now I just want a cup of tea and a quiet game of checkers,” Gohan admitted. Through his fingers over his eyes he peered at Trunks for any sign of disappointment or confusion. Instead he saw a small smile cross over the tanned face.

Crystalline blue eyes shining, Trunks then said, “Of course Master Gohan. Shall I make the tea?”

“If you like,” Gohan sighed, rubbing his neck with a silly grin. A simple answer to a conundrum that pushed at his limits of sanity. Was it that easy? Companionship for now was simply this.

He then strode around Trunks, gathering a handful of hair. Pulling the lavender locks into a hair tie, he secured it at the nape of the sex bot’s neck. He let the bangs hang free because they looked best slightly obscuring Trunks’ face. “There, that’s better.”

“You enjoy your hair pulled back don’t you?” Trunks teased, flipping his bangs from his face.

“Well yes… but I did mean to cut it after a while,” Gohan admitted, unsure of small talk. So, he motioned Trunks to follow him back to the hut.


Trunks carried a small wooden tray with a pot and two cups over towards the table where Gohan had set up his chess board. Light from a small thermal-lamp cast greenish yellow hues on the tanned skin of Trunks who walked gracefully balancing the tray the minute before he set it down. Both cups were placed by tanned long fingered hands. Evenly Trunks poured steaming brown liquid into Gohan’s cup so none of it splattered at all. He kept one finger on the lid of the pot, so it wouldn’t fall off. After this he poured himself the other.

“Why are you waiting?” Gohan asked, seeing Trunks standing by the other chair. “Sit down.”

“Thank you Master Gohan,” Trunks replied, pulling out the chair before he lowered himself into it. He made no sound, not even a groaning scrape of the leg against the floor.

“It’s all right to make that noise,” Gohan told him, pulling his chair forward so they both heard the groan of wood against the floor.

“I’ll recall that,” Trunks said, nodding his head as he pushed forwards a small bowl of crushed stevia leaves. The android asked, “How much?”

“Two,” Gohan said, letting him stir the stevia plant grains into the green tea. Thankful he had planted those various tea plants in his greenhouse he reached for the cup with steam curling up from it. Another plume of steam from Trunks’ cup mingled with his condensing beverage cloud so they were one.

“So, how much do you remember from the egg?” Gohan asked, picking the most logical question.

Here Trunks gave him a fond smile on his full lips as he said, “I remember your voice speaking to me, Master. You showed gentle kindness amidst disbelief. I’m fortunate to have such a considerate owner…”

Hesitating, Gohan dared to ask, “Do you… remember even before that?”

“The sound of the rocket engines and two other voices. One had kindness, and the other showed the usual attention to my status. I wasn’t as aware as I am now, but I could hear every sound, every word as I developed, Master Gohan,” Trunks said, looking up at some invisible screen only he could probably see. Most sex bots did that, but others just gave a blank dull stare.

A strange vulnerability set in with Gohan. He had been wanked off by this sex bot, but now it felt just as odd to speak to him as if it were a first date. Sometimes his encounters had just been for sex, other times for companionship. Yet Trunks genuinely seemed programmed for him. How adaptive was his subroutine, and WHO had paid for the sexbot? This must be one of the most expensive and top of the line models he had seen.
Almost with reverence he asked, “You’re a model Gero?”

Trunks nodded, with a look of pride in his cobalt eyes as he recited, “Two other models before me were the 17 and female 18. They’re quite popular. I’m a model 20 standard with a customizable hair and skin…”

The price tag alone must be astronomical. Still Gohan continued by querying, “Who sent you?”

“I was sent by a Miss Bulma Briefs, of Capsule Corporation interplanetary,” Trunks explained. “She had programmed me with a message for you if you wish to hear it…”

Eyes widened as Gohan gasped, “Bulma sent you? But you must have cost a fortune!”

“It is distressing to speak of money. Please let me change the topic of conversation, Master Gohan,” Trunks interrupted, raising his hand. “Wouldn’t you rather talk about how you like my appearance, or how nice the weather is? Or would you like me to speak dirty to you?”

A stream of tea shot across and landed on the table after Gohan coughed. He rubbed his mouth despite Trunks raising the sleeve of his shirt to wipe it off. “Trunks, you need to learn that sex isn’t something you talk about at the table! I prefer you talk about it in bed…”

“As you wish, Master Gohan,” said Trunks.

“Why do you keep calling me master Gohan,” the engineer grumbled, yet he stopped at the look of pain in the sex bot’s eyes. Trunks actually seemed hurt as he pressed a hand to his chest.

“It sounds more acceptable for my station. I am programmed to your needs… please do not deny me the pleasure of calling you Master… or sir…” Trunks informed him, head bowed with his eyes hidden by his hair.

“All right, Master Gohan is fine,” Gohan relented after heaving a long sigh. He didn’t want to break something that Bulma Briefs herself had sent him. Besides, he would start paying her back the money for Trunks as soon as he was released from this penal asteroid and could start work again.

His mind drifted to the question of how Trunks was constructed. One type of sexbot had realistic skin that conducted just like human skin but was composed of very sophisticated polymers. Another model used cloned human skin with layers of blood vessels to mimic a real human. The main issue with that was damage. A third used a type of material unlike plastic that was a synthetic flesh made from actual proteins grown in the lab. Microscopic nanobots constructed the circuitry and mechanisms that made the sex bot.

One more model was a classic metal frame with more conventional robotic parts covered in rubberized flesh. A retro model that resembled ones built at the end of the 21st century that were not as realistic looking for those who had a robot fix. The fourth type had an all metal skin for those who loved the warm feel of metal on their naked skin with other parts. Trunks was a fleshy model he was sure.

Gohan recalled trying the metal version which was rather pleasant in some ways. Granted he was the one penetrated by one, and the piece that did the penetrating was a sex toy. Multiple arms existed to give stimulation all over the body. The metal non-humanoid sex bot was more popular for those who preferred sex with robots and not androids. The techno file model. A human shaped techno file was also something he had tried and at one point helped Bulma build and manufacture.

But a fleshy was something he had never tried. There were the basic sex bot fleshies that were combined to the bedroom. Or the holographic projectors. This deluxe fleshie was something he was unsure of, and was half tempted to take apart. Somehow as he looked at Trunks he just lost the desire to do such a thing. He was so lifelike it was the “uncanny valley” effect. That was why some sex bot users purposely made their synthetic partners look unrealistic.

“Why do you dislike me, Master? Do I look too real?” Trunks asked.

“Yes. If you were covered in metal or looked more like a retro model I could handle it,” Gohan admitted, failing to look Trunks in the eyes.

“You’re a robophile then? Used to sex with metals, or non uncannies?” Trunks guessed, glancing at Gohan’s machines.

“Let’s just say I’ve more experience with them than fleshies,” Gohan clarified, clearing his throat. “No offense, Trunks.”

“None taken. But it looks hard to have sex with anything here unless you’re into just ejaculating on them… or…”

“It’s hard to clean semen off equipment,” Gohan interrupted.

“Then if you wanted to cum all over me I’m much easier to clean,” Trunks chuckled. He licked his lips which prompted Gohan to rub the back of his neck and glance to the side.

“Let’s just save that for another time. Right now, I just want to play checkers,” Gohan sheepishly confessed, still glancing away from Trunks who had started to untie the robe he wore.

Trunks stopped midway through the knot in his robe belt, asking, “Strip checkers or conventional checkers?”

“Clothes on, and checkers,” Gohan blurted out. “I just prefer saving our next time for bed…”

A sparkle in those azure eyes elicited another tight feeling in Gohan’s pants. Trunks strode over to him and smiled as he whispered, “Then you do wish my other services?”

“Ahem, yes, but not right now…” Gohan insisted, touching the other’s cheek lightly. The first sensual gesture he had made to the other since their first encounter. Under his hand the flesh felt warm. He slid his hand down and touched the small of the other’s back before running his hand over the perfect ass.

“You can spank it all you want. I can handle any kink or fantasy you desire. Even wax, and large toys…” trunks whispered in his ear. Gohan’s throat tightened along with his pants.

“How… large… specifically?” Gohan queried, eyes widening.

“Want to find out?” Trunks asked, keeping Gohan’s hand on his ass with his other hand. Unable to resist, Gohan slid his hand under to touch firm hot flesh. He used his index finger to trace the buttocks crease to find the others hole. When Trunks nodded he slipped one finger in, his eyes widening.

“Tight, and hot, and warm,” Gohan gasped, glancing up at Trunks, who nodded.

“Mmm hmm, and you can add as many fingers as you like…” Trunks whispered in his ear. Gohan added a second, closing his eyes as he felt the tight hole the other presented him with.

“Sit down, on my lap,” Gohan whispered, eyes still closed. The weight of no more than a human settled in his lap and Gohan wrapped his free hand around the other’s body. Keeping his fingers in the sex bot’s ass he sought the other’s lips.

With a sensual purr, Trunks obliged. Under his hands Gohan felt the lavender haired being relax. All this time Trunks sought to complete his programming and Gohan had denied him. Denied a gift freely given. Would this model shut down without fulfilling its purpose of regular sex? He recalled that some versions had. If he was correct, a more perfect model would… yes… To his delight the other’s ass had loosened a bit.

Reluctantly Gohan released the other from the kiss, delighting in the way Trunks’ pupils were blown wide as well as his face flushed. He whispered, “I need…”

“Lubricant?” whispered Trunks. “Not to worry. I can take it… whatever you give me, Master Gohan…”

“Yes, it feels so,” Gohan realized, his fingers slipping more liberally now. Fingers that were used to twisting wires and tightening bolts sought a special place and found it there.
Upon his lap, Trunks arched his back then let out a loud gasp mingled with a moan. How warm the skin was with his weight through the cloth of Gohan’s tight pants.

Adding a third finger, Gohan nipped at Trunks’ soft earlobe, biting down. The taste of salt met his tongue, and the smell of something rich and dark instead of metal or rubber greeted his nose. So real… so soft.

Pants slid down through the help of both, and Gohan bared his entire body to Trunks for the first time. He swung the other to straddle him, and whispered, “May I?”

“Master,” whispered Trunks, eyes filled with soft love and devotion as Gohan took the other’s hips and raised him up. He lined his tip to the edge of Trunks’ opening.

“Ready?” whispered Gohan.

“Let me,” whispered Trunks back, letting the other thrust up and sheathe themselves inside his tanned body.
Gohan’s eyes fluttered shut at the heat and tightness. It was exactly like real flesh. He buried his nose in the tanned chest and heard the heartbeat of Trunks. Once balls deep, he seized the other’s hips and thrust upwards. Trunks rested both hands on his master’s shoulders.

Their eyes opened and met. Gohan thrust up and down, increasing his pace. Trunks massaged his stiff cock, both grunting with pleasure as their passion reached higher and higher. Sweat mingled and dripped to the floor.

White hot pleasure seized Gohan before he arched his back and cried out, shooting his cum into Trunks for the first time. Trunks cried out, before collapsing and wrapping himself around Gohan in a hug. He kissed his master and welcoming the tongue that danced with his. Gohan managed a small smile as he looked up into the cobalt pools of Trunks.

They regarded each other with a blissed out look while they enjoyed the tingling residual of their orgasm. Gohan fondly ran a hand up and down Trunks’ back, feeing satisfied and full for the first time in ages.

Waking up with someone’s arms wrapped around you was a welcome sensation as Gohan realized that the other’s warmth was moving into him. He could open his eyes and see the lavender hair spilled around the other’s head like a halo. This was his lavender haired space angel, gently tanned and fully aware. He didn’t need to burden his imagination to fabricate the other halves of conversations with Trunks there.

Through the greyish light filtering through the window panes he drank in the view of tanned flesh lightly intertwined with his alabaster limbs. He wasn’t sure if the other was awake, until Trunks smiled at him with eyelashes fluttering. He purred, “Good morning Master Gohan. Shall I make us breakfast?”

“If that makes you happy, Trunks,” Gohan replied with a small smile that crept from the corners of his mouth to the rest of his lips. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of Trunks’ nose. In return he admired the glorious naked ass of his lover as Trunks slid out of the bed and the sheets dropped off him.

“Indeed, it makes me very happy to please you, Master,” Trunks replied, turning his head sufficiently so his nose and chin just peeked beside his curtain of lavender hair that spilled down his back.

Gohan watched his lover wander to the kitchen and lay there with closed eyes till the smell of eggs penetrated to his small room. That fond smile crept over his face before his lover returned with a metal tray and plates assembled.
Winking, Trunks sat down on the bed as Gohan sat up and rubbed at his eyes. He cut off a bit of food, holding it out to Gohan with a pair of chopsticks. From the look of the rolled slice, Gohan could tell it had come from the omelet spread out on the single plate.

He leaned his head forward to snatch the bite of food off the sticks. Flavor slid over his tongue at the combination of dill, bamboo, and tiny bits of red pepper that tingled. His eyes widened, and he whispered, “Good job, Trunks…”

Both leaned into the eventual kiss that proceeded the feast to come.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Life Sentence Life Sentence

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